Kaspersky Free does not install. Free Antivirus Kaspersky Free: review

Problem Why doesn't Kaspersky install? occurs among many users trying to protect their computer using this popular antivirus program. There are several reasons why installing this antivirus program becomes impossible: the presence of another antivirus on the computer, program remnants that interfere with installation, lack of space, incompatibility with the system or other applications, etc. Let's look at the main reasons why Kaspersky antivirus refuses to install.

1. The system is already working with another antivirus

Most often, this is the reason why Kaspersky is not installed. Some people believe that the more antivirus programs you install, the more reliable your protection will be. But this is impossible. Under no circumstances should you install and run two or more anti-virus programs on one computer. This procedure will not only interfere with the operation of the system, but can also lead to its failure.

Antiviruses use mechanisms similar to viruses themselves to detect malware. As a result, one antivirus considers the other a virus, preventing it from working or preventing it from loading. Sometimes a pair of antiviruses can work together, but this is just an exception to the general rule.

In the latest versions of Kaspersky, the presence of such programs is automatically detected. To solve the problem, it is enough to remove the old protection, restart the computer and start the Kaspersky installation. The official website of the Kaspersky company will help you with the issue of removing specific antivirus programs that interfere with the download of Kaspersky.

2. Remnants of previous antiviruses

You can be sure that previously installed programs have been removed, but some of them penetrate so deeply into the system that it is completely impossible to remove them using a standard uninstaller. When you uninstall a program, there may well be some tails left behind, which is the reason why Kaspersky won’t install. Complete removal of an old program can be achieved using a proprietary utility designed specifically for it.

3. Old Kaspersky

Another common error that leads to the inability to download the antivirus is incorrect removal of the previous version of Kaspersky antivirus from the computer. Moreover, some users do not remove the old program at all when installing a new one, but try to load it “on top”. As a result, the program will definitely crash with an error. But in such cases, an error message appears stating that the previous antivirus was not removed.

To begin with, you should open the control panel, open the uninstall programs tab and alphabetically find installed antiviruses (this will also help in the case of other protection programs), in particular Kaspersky. It is necessary to check not only by Russian, but also by English name. We remove the found Kaspersky antivirus.

If such programs are not found among those installed, it is quite possible that the registry is showing erroneous data. Then it becomes necessary to download a special utility for complete removal. You can download it from this link.

After launching, the utility will automatically detect the previous version, after which all you have to do is click the delete button. If the utility refuses to work, you should run it in safe mode.

4. Virus infection

It is viruses that can interfere with the loading of protection. The solution to the problem is obvious - you need to disinfect the computer. However, how to do this if the virus does not allow you to install a program that can neutralize it? You will have to turn to online services providing such assistance. Sometimes they can be buggy, in which case it is better to run the check in the Internet Explorer browser.

These are the most common reasons that prevent Kaspersky from loading and require a specific solution. But there are others that are not related to software. Quite simple, but also very common.

5. Delayed reboot

If you uninstalled your previous antivirus using the control panel or utility, but did not restart your computer afterward, the new program will not install. The obvious solution is to restart your computer. And when finished, reinstall the program.

6. Incompatibility with the system

A similar situation arises when you try to install a new antivirus on an old system or, conversely, an old program on a new system. To avoid a conflict, carefully study the requirements that the installer file places on the system and choose the program that is suitable for your computer.

7. Installer error

Occurs when downloading an antivirus from unfamiliar sources. To avoid this option, download the program from the official website.

8. Lack of space

The only thing that will help here is to remove other, unnecessary programs from the disk and free up space for the antivirus.

If the above does not suit you or you have done everything you can, but still cannot understand why Kaspersky is not installed, there is another option. Create a new account in Windows, and after restarting the computer, log in under it and install an antivirus. This can sometimes help, not only with Kaspersky, but also with other programs.

This article will discuss why Kaspersky is not installed. The first and main reason is that there is already an antivirus installed on the computer. Many people believe that if you install several antivirus programs, the protection will be more reliable, but this is impossible, in the sense that if you install several antivirus programs, they will not work. Antivirus programs use similar mechanisms to detect viruses, similar to those that viruses themselves use to inject themselves into the system, so one antivirus considers the other a virus and does not allow it to load.

I also dare to answer that you can install 2 or more antiviruses on your computer. I had experience installing 2 antiviruses on one computer. For those interested, it was Chinese antivirus and Doctor Web. I can note that these antiviruses did not conflict with each other and the system did not crash. I didn’t intentionally make sure that there were several antiviruses on the system at once; it happened by accident.

The second reason is the presence of remnants of previous antiviruses. Some programs are so deeply embedded in the system that a standard uninstaller simply cannot remove them completely. It happens that the programmers themselves may forget or miss something, but that’s not the point, the point is that when you remove an antivirus, there are tails left that interfere with the installation of another antivirus.

The third and most likely last reason will be infection. If there are viruses in the computer, they naturally will not allow the doctor to appear and kill them. The fight for survival, so to speak.

The fourth reason could be a software conflict. In this case, you need to try downloading another antivirus, meaning a different version, and try installing it on your computer.

So now you know the reasons. Let's see how you can fix the problem when you don't know why Kaspersky won't install. The solution to the first problem is obvious - do not try to install two or more antivirus programs on the system. Not a single antivirus, and Kaspersky antivirus in the list of antivirus software is an exception, will work with another, but there are rare exceptions.

Previously, it was possible to install several software products on one computer, but developers are trying to make working on a computer intuitive. Ask how? Now and before, there have been incidents when a person complains that the computer is slow or the Internet is not working well. But some developers now understand that such trouble has a place in the user’s daily work, and therefore, it was probably decided that it was necessary to notify the user when installing an antivirus that this system already has an antivirus. To continue the installation, you must remove the existing software product.

Before installing a new antivirus, remove the old one.

To completely remove third-party programs, look for a “proprietary” removal utility in search engines. On the blog I already talked about different ways to remove antiviruses:

There is a special page for Kaspersky antivirus where you can find out about the programs with which it conflicts. Look .

Let's now move on to the next problem - virus infection. The solution is obvious - cure your computer or laptop from viruses, but implementation is not always as easy as the user thinks. How to cure if a virus does not allow you to install a virus neutralization doctor? To do this, there are free programs and online services that will scan your computer for viruses.

If you look at online services, I recommend using them to scan a specific file or, for example, a flash drive. Since online verification will take more time, there is, of course, the advantage that you will be checking with up-to-date databases.

There is also one caveat. If the online service is buggy, then use the Internet Explorer browser to check for viruses.

Here are some of the services:

  • - online scanner from ESET.
  • - on the DrWeb company page you will find useful utilities.

In any case, there will be no problems with online verification. There is no point in listing all verification services in the article. Use the most popular online services to be sure that the check is not just for show.

In addition, there are specialized sites that provide assistance in the treatment of viruses, such as. On this site you can ask a question or try virus treatment yourself.

In the event of a driver conflict, you can only hope for help from technical support. If you have a problem, for example, with Kaspersky anti-virus, then write them a detailed letter indicating what you did. Thus, you exclude a response from those. support with instructions that you have already followed on your computer.

And of course you always have the Internet. In it you can find the answer to a question, for example, “why is Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013 not installed?” The Internet will help you find information on your question on the official developer forum, where forum moderators help users of their software products.

Kaspersky Free is a free antivirus from the Kaspersky company. Equipped with basic functions for protecting your computer, which can be found in paid analogues of Kaspersky Lab. What is the difference between the free version of Kaspersky Lab and how to download it.

The best free Kaspersky antivirus

The company's products are very popular and today the name "Kaspersky" is synonymous with the word "antivirus" for many. Unfortunately, this company's antivirus programs were paid. But this time the company has released a new product, free antivirus Kaspersky Free. This program is a stripped-down version of the Kaspersky Internet Security package.

The interface is exactly the same, the only difference is that in the case of the free version there are several unavailable options. But what is most important, namely the protection of files, email, and safe surfing on the Internet are available completely free of charge.

Downloading and installing Kaspersky Free

How to install? Kaspersky Free can be downloaded from the official website. Installing the application is very simple - just run the installation file and follow the instructions, which amounts to simply clicking on the “Next” button.

When you launch Kaspersky Free antivirus for the first time, you will be asked to register an account. This is not a requirement. Just click on the arrow in the upper left corner to go to the antivirus without registering an account.

The program itself, as mentioned above, is a stripped-down version of the Kaspersky Internet Security package. The interface looks exactly the same; we see six main buttons in it, responsible for different functions of the program.

But in the free version only the first two are available, that is:

  • Scan– antivirus function to scan your computer;
  • Database Update– function of updating the virus signature database to the latest version.

Other features, i.e. secure payments, identity theft protection, parental controls, protection of other devices are disabled and are only available in the paid version. Overall, Kaspersky Free offers the most important component, that is, the antivirus feature.

The antivirus consists of several modules:

  • File Anti-Virus– checking files saved and opened on the hard drive;
  • Web Anti-Virus— monitoring sites when visiting them;
  • IM Anti-Virus— checking incoming messages for the presence, for example, of phishing attacks;
  • Mail Anti-Virus– checking email for malware, dangerous attachments or fake messages.

Therefore, it is not a typical antivirus module that only scans files on demand. Kaspersky Free antivirus allows you not only to constantly monitor and scan all files on your computer’s local drives, but also in real time protects against malicious sites (and dangerous programs that run on them), as well as our communications, in order to block infected attachments.

The application also offers the Kaspersky Secure Connection feature, that is, a secure connection to the World Wide Web. It consists of organizing access to the network through Kaspersky VPN. This means that all traffic is transmitted through an intermediary, which is Kaspersky (VPN).

VPN filters all incoming and transmitted data and automatically removes elements that may be considered malicious. Unfortunately, the Free version has a 200MB limit on this network.

While using the antivirus, we did not notice any pop-ups or other “offers” to switch to paid Kaspersky products.

In general, if you are looking for a fairly “lightweight” antivirus program, then according to user reviews, Kaspersky Free is an excellent choice.

In the name of the free antivirus from Kaspersky Lab -Kaspersky Free– lies the main rule of the game: you can always take advantage of the generosity of the developers. Free activation of the program lasts 365 days, then you can simply reinstall the antivirus and use it for another year, and so on ad infinitum. Download free antivirusKaspersky Free available on the Kaspersky Lab website.

Below we will look at the operation of the Kaspersky Free antivirus in detail: what functionality is offered for free use for a whole year, how to install the program, what can be configured in it, etc.

What does Kaspersky offer for free?

Free – in this case does not mean defective. Kaspersky Free is based on the same antivirus engine as Kaspersky Lab's paid products. The difference between the Kaspersky Free edition is its functionality: this product is designed to provide basic computer protection. However, this is what is needed for the majority of users who use the computer for non-commercial purposes and have not crossed the path of vindictive programmers.

The following are available for free use in Kaspersky Free:

  • Full-fledged anti-virus module;
  • Real-time computer protection;
  • Web protection (checking incoming Internet traffic and blocking malicious scripts);
  • Checking software messengers to block malicious and phishing links in incoming messages;
  • Checking mail;
  • Auto-update of anti-virus databases;
  • Cloud protection Kaspersky Security Network.

As you can see, Kaspersky Free offers more than many other free antivirus products. Few of them will offer something more than the classics of the genre - an anti-virus module and real-time protection. And certainly rare security software will tinker with spam on ICQ or Skype for free.

Installing Kaspersky Free

The installation process is simple. Let's start the installation.

We agree to the developer's license.

Next comes the choice whether or not to participate in the Kaspersky Security Network cloud protection. By working with a product like Kaspersky for free, it would be more fair to take part in cloud protection and allow Kaspersky Lab developers to use their experience in dealing with threats. Perhaps this will help someone someday and prevent problems. Whether or not to help software developers is a personal matter.

After installing the program, click "Complete" and check the launch box.

First launch of Kaspersky Free

When you first launch the program, you will be prompted to register for free via email. For a bonus in the form of antivirus technical support, we will from time to time receive email marketing masterpieces from Kaspersky Lab. But let's hold off on this matter for now.

Once in the main window of Kaspersky Free, the first thing we will do is pay attention to the license term countdown in the lower right corner.

By clicking on this countdown, we will move to the licensing window, which will contain detailed activation data, as well as the ability to later switch to extended protection - functional edition Kaspersky Internet Security.

Updating anti-virus databases

Returning to the main window, the next step is to update the anti-virus databases. Already in the main window of the program we will see the status of the update module - “The databases have not been updated for a long time”. Let's fix this - press "Update".

And we update the anti-virus databases.

Anti-virus scan

In addition to the update module, in the main window we will see another one available in the free edition of Kaspersky Free - anti-virus scan.

In the anti-virus scanning section we will find traditional scanning modes:

  • Full scan, including all areas of the computer;

  • Quick scan, which checks startup programs and services, objects in system memory;

  • Custom scan – scanning mode for individual files;

  • Scanning external devices – anti-virus scanning mode for storage devices connected to the computer (flash drives, external hard drives, SD cards).

Real-time protection

If threats are detected, Kaspersky Free will notify you about this in the information window in the lower right corner of the screen and place the files in quarantine.

A red color of the program interface will also indicate a security threat.

The preset settings of Kaspersky Free provide for starting a search for rootkits in the system after detecting and neutralizing viruses.

Quarantine and other additional tools

Among the additional tools of the free Kaspersky Free

we'll see a little. This is a monthly report on the operation of the antivirus, a section on switching to paid versions of Kaspersky products, a section on enabling and disabling Kaspersky Security Network cloud protection, as well as quarantine.

It is in the additional tools that the quarantine is hidden, where you will need to go to restore controlled files that the antivirus may mistakenly regard as dangerous. You can also visit quarantine to remove detected threats if they are unnecessary files.

Kaspersky Free settings

Access to the settings is provided by a button in the lower left corner of the main window.

The antivirus is preinstalled already optimally configured. As we see in the first tab "Are common", Kaspersky Free is configured to launch automatically along with Windows and provides for quarantining detected files before deleting them.

In the second tab "Protection" If necessary, we can temporarily refuse some Kaspersky Free security modules.

Next tab "Performance"- a rare occurrence, even in an antivirus, or in any other program. However, if we are talking about products from Kaspersky Lab, which are famous for their gluttony of computer system resources, this configuration tab is very useful. It provides pre-installed options:

  • Refusal of scheduled anti-virus scans for laptops in energy saving mode;
  • Performing scheduled checks while the computer is idle;
  • Low priority use of system resources during Windows boot;
  • Automatically launch a search for rootkits after detecting malware.

The option to give priority to the use of system resources to other computer programs when the load on the processor or hard drive is high is not preinstalled, but it is possible to install manually. This option can be enabled on older or low-power devices.

In the tab "Examination" Instead of the preset automatic selection of Kaspersky Free actions when threats are detected, we can set one specific one for all cases in a row - only informing about the threat, only treatment, treatment and, as a last resort, removal or deletion in each case. The preset automatic selection is the best option, and users with little computer experience are unlikely to change these specific settings. But you can refuse to check external connected devices. If flash drives, SD cards or other storage media are connected only to trusted other devices, why be distracted by refusing to scan every time. If you plan to work in a dangerous environment - visiting sites with a dubious reputation, installing and testing third-party software, you can move the security level slider from recommended to high.

In the last tab "Additionally" We will find sections with other software settings.

We will consider some of them separately.

Adding files to Kaspersky Free exceptions

In order for the antivirus to leave alone and not terrorize a controlled file that is mistakenly considered malicious, this file must be added to the exceptions. In the settings tab "Additionally" select a section "Threats and Exceptions".

By clicking the option "Configure exceptions", in the exceptions window that appears at the bottom, click the button "Add".

In the first field, use the browse button to indicate the path to the file. This file will not participate in anti-virus scanning in the future, nor will it be accessed by other Kaspersky Free modules whose checkboxes are preset in the "Protection components". Press the button "Add" at the bottom of the window.

Using the same principle, you can add executable program files to the exclusion list by clicking in the “ Threats and exceptions" option "Specify trusted programs".

Storage of quarantine objects

By default, Kaspersky Free provides a month-long storage period for files in quarantine. You can change this period in the settings tab "Additionally" by selecting a section “Reports and Quarantine”.

In addition to choosing a more or less long period for storing objects in quarantine, we can configure its cleaning not according to time, but as it is filled with data. To do this, you need to uncheck the option to store objects over time and select the option to limit the quarantine size, indicating the allowed volume in MB in the field.

Refusal to animate the interface

Where animation of the software interface is certainly useless is in the case of antiviruses, and especially with Kaspersky Lab antiviruses. On weak devices it is better to abandon effects for the sake of performance. In the settings tab "Additionally" select a section "View" and uncheck the preset animation checkboxes.

Pausing Kaspersky Free protection

In case the vigilance of protective modules needs to be temporarily lulled, for example, in order to install dubious software without obstacles, Kaspersky Free provides a convenient tool for pausing protection. In the context menu on the Kaspersky Free icon in the system tray, click "Pause protection" and select one of the proposed options - suspension for a certain time, for an indefinite time, or until the first reboot.

It's no secret that one of the most popular antiviruses today is Kaspersky antivirus. By the way, I already noted this when I put it on the list of the best.

Very often people ask why Kaspersky won’t install; errors occur, which force them to choose another antivirus. In this article I would like to go through the main reasons and their solutions...

1) The previous Kaspersky antivirus was removed incorrectly

This is the most common mistake. Some people do not uninstall the previous antivirus at all, trying to install a new one. As a result, the program crashes with an error. But, by the way, in this case, the error usually says that you did not uninstall the previous antivirus. I recommend that you first go to the control panel, and then open the tab for uninstalling programs. Sort alphabetically and see if there are any installed antiviruses, and Kaspersky among them in particular. By the way, you need to check not only the Russian name, but also the English one.

If there are no installed programs among the installed programs, but Kaspersky still does not install, there may be erroneous data in your registry. To completely remove them, you need to download a special utility to completely remove the antivirus from your PC. To do this, follow this link.

Next, run the utility, by default, it will automatically determine which version of the antivirus you had installed previously - all you have to do is click the delete button (I won’t count entering several characters*).

By the way, the utility may need to be launched in if it refuses to work normally or cannot clean the system.

2) The system already has an antivirus

This is the second possible reason. The creators of antiviruses intentionally prohibit users from installing two antiviruses - because... in this case, errors and lags cannot be avoided. If you do this, the computer will begin to slow down greatly, and it is possible that a problem may even appear.

To fix this error, simply uninstall all other antivirus + security programs that can also be classified in this category of programs.

3) Forgot to reboot...

If you forgot to restart your computer after cleaning and running the antivirus removal utility, then it’s not surprising that it won’t install.

The solution here is simple - press the Reset button on the system unit.

4) Error in the installer (installer file).

Sometimes it happens. It is possible that you downloaded the file from an unknown source, which means it is unknown whether it is working. Perhaps it is corrupted by viruses.

5) Incompatibility with the system.

This error occurs if you install too new an antivirus on a too old system, or vice versa - too old an antivirus on a new system. Look carefully at the system requirements of the installer file to avoid conflicts.


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