Download the robot performer 2.5 program. Download the robot performer program

Performer Robot

KuMir programming environment

Often in lessons and in task 20.1 the “Robot” performer is required to go down or up the stairs. You must understand that going up or down the stairs is carried out one cycle. As a rule, to check the performance of the algorithm, it is necessary to add steps on the ladder. The algorithm must be executed regardless of the number of stages, for example, both for two stages and for twenty.


In an infinite field, there is a horizontal wall that continues indefinitely to the left and ends with a staircase that goes down from left to right. The height of each step is two squares, the width is two squares. The robot is on a horizontal wall to go down the stairs. The figure shows one of the ways to position the ladder and the Robot (the Robot is indicated by the symbol ).

Write an algorithm for the Robot that paints all the cells located on the steps of the stairs. It is required to paint only the cells that satisfy this condition.

For example, for the above drawing, the Robot must color the cells:

The final location of the Robot can be arbitrary. The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps. When executing the algorithm, the Robot should not be destroyed.


We will solve this problem in the KuMir programming environment. Open the program and go to the Robot menu -> Edit environment

We are building a staircase. With the left mouse button we click on the walls of the cage. Move the diamond (robot) to the desired location by holding down the left mouse button

Exit the editing mode of the Robot menu -> Edit environment. Next, write the command “use Robot” on the first line.

First, let's remember some commands for the Robot performer.

The assignment says that

The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps

This means that the Robot must move using the While loop. We reason like this: there is a wall below the robot, which means it is not free from below. On the 4th line of the editor we write the command

nts is not free from below yet.

Inside the loop, you need to execute the commands sequentially:

To the right, down, paint to the right, to paint, to the left, to bottom, to paint, to the right, to paint

The completed program looks like this:

Use Robot alg start nts until the bottom is free right down paint right paint left down paint right paint kts end

To test the algorithm, let’s add a few more steps and check the result

So, the algorithm paints cells for any number of steps on the ladder.

The system can be used to solve problems on the topics “Executor and his commands”, “Procedures”, “Functions”, “Cycles”, “Conditional statements”, “Variables”, “Arithmetic expressions”, “Logical operations and logical variables”, “Global Variables”, “Input and Output Operators”, “Character Strings”, “Arrays”, “Matrixes”, etc.

Programming language in the environment Performers fully Russified, programs are typed and edited using a built-in editor with syntax highlighting.

Basic designs supported C language.

Error messages when broadcast and executed, they are displayed in Russian.

There is a built-in debugger with the ability to execute programs in a step-by-step mode with tracing of procedures and functions. The values ​​of variables can be controlled during program execution in step-by-step mode.

The actions of the performers are displayed on the screen, used animation.

A check is performed for the Robot performer correctness of the decision tasks after the program ends.

System requirements

The program runs on 32-bit operating systems of the line Windows: Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and compatible with them. Works on all modern computers, takes about 1 MB on your hard drive.

In the operating system Linux you can run the program in the environment Wine. Additionally, you need to copy the font files from the Windows\Fonts folder (from the computer on which you installed Windows) to the /home/user/.wine/drive_c/windows/Fonts/ folder on the computer with Linux.

After unpacking the archive, the program is immediately in a working state and does not require any additional settings.

It is always difficult for beginners in the field of programming to leave their choice on one or another editing complex, because a priori there are a great many of them. Well, in order not to delve too far into the jungle of this fascinating and entertaining topic, I would like, within the framework of this article, to give a brief and short excursion into the best software package, which offers a whole range of opportunities for young people who want to become real programmers. Let us immediately note that by deciding to download the robot performer program, which is what this conversation is about, you are guaranteed to gain initial skills in programming and other editing activities.

So, having chosen to download the robot performer program and strictly follow the recommendations I gave above, you have at your disposal a fully functioning complex of several programming tools, which experts equate to professional software of this class. According to real masters of the field of active development and programming, the program in the form of a robot performer, announced in the title above, after downloading and installation, opens up limitless opportunities for beginners who want to understand all the basics of this unusually interesting industry.

Download the robot performer program for free and without registration

The standard installation file of the program called Robot Studio robot performer, as usual, includes several developer tools that support many different tasks and do not require additional downloading of a third-party distribution. In other words, the advertised product seems to be an ideal solution for beginners and already experienced professionals who wish to return to the basics of programming in order to find answers to questions that remained unsettled in their youth, and suspended “in the air,” let us put it this way.

The large number of user settings integrated into the application makes it very attractive and beneficial specifically for members of the younger generation who do not yet consider themselves too experienced. In their opinion, obtained through several questionnaire surveys, it became clear that there simply is not and cannot be a better application with this functionality.

To verify all my unspoken statements regarding the use of this convenient and multifunctional application for your purposes and tasks, as a novice programmer, you will be helped by the decision to download the distribution kit from our website using the links below, which, in addition to maximum speed, also provide the absence of advertising. You can also download other software from our website absolutely free of charge by going to the appropriate section of the catalog.

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What is this?

From this page you can download the full version of the system Performers, methodological materials (see Methods page), as well as a localization file for in English, which ensures the replacement of all language keywords, interface elements and system messages with English ones. Please note that when updating the program version, you must also update and a localization file.


October 8, 2014
A new work program and tests for the Algorithmics course (34 hours) have been posted.

Author - L.A. Kayushkina, MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan.
October 7, 2013

A new work program “Algorithmics” has been posted for studying the performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle (FSES, 34 hours).
Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin.

December 3, 2012
New lesson developments for the performer Robot have been posted.

Author - S.V. Chaichenkov, MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school, Aksai district, Rostov region.
September 4, 2012

Added curriculum for learning Robot, Draftsman and Turtle performers (34 hours).

Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin. Performers February 16, 2012 Added methodological development of tasks for the Robot performer. Author - N. Handramai, director - E.A. Maslova, Lyceum No. 23, Kemerovo.

  1. License
  2. Learning environment
  3. and methodological developments are distributed according to the principle
  4. obtaining commercial benefit from the sale or other use of materials.

Downloading materials means you accept the terms of this license agreement.

Download materials from other authors

Algorithmics course (7th grade): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - L.A. Kayushkina, MBOU Secondary School No. 11, Ishimbaya, Republic of Bashkortostan (472 Kb)
Work program “Algorithmics” (5th grade, Federal State Educational Standard): performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (220 Kb)
Development of lessons for the performer Robot. Author - S.V. Chaichenkov, MBOU Grushevskaya secondary school, Aksai district, Rostov region. (2 454 Kb)
Curriculum: performers Robot, Draftsman and Turtle. Author - N.E. Leko, secondary school No. 9, Tikhvin (200 Kb)
Author - G.A. Gavryukova, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 68, Ryazan (ZIP archive, 3,380 Kb)Robot
PROGRAM/TURTLE subdirectory with example programs for the performer Turtle
PROGRAM/KURS subdirectory with example programs for an artist-independent programming course
PROGRAM/FRACTALS subdirectory with examples of programs for constructing fractals

After unpacking the archive, the program is in working order and does not require any additional installations.

Idol program

Performer Robot

Who is the Robot performer?

  • Imagine a checkered field (like a sheet from a notebook with a checkered pattern) on which there is a certain object, which we will call a Robot. Using special commands, we can control this Robot - move it around the cells, paint over the cells. And in most cases, our task will be to write a program for the Robot, in which it will paint certain cells.

Setting up the environment Idol for the performer Robot

  • The launched Idol program looks like this.

Robot starting environment

  • Before starting the program execution, it is necessary to set the starting environment for the Robot executor. This means placing the Robot in the desired position, placing walls, painting the required cells, etc. This step is very important. If you ignore it, the program may not work correctly or even crash.

Press Edit environment

Performer Robot. Simple commands.

  • up
  • down
  • left
  • right
  • paint over

The result of executing these commands is clear from their names:

  • up - move the Robot up one cell
  • down - move the Robot one cell down
  • left - move the Robot one cell to the left
  • right - move the Robot one cell to the right
  • paint over - paint over the current cell (the cell in which the Robot is located).

Algorithm example

  • First you need to write the phrase:
  • use Robot

If you know how many cells need to be painted, then the solution algorithm will be as follows!

Task No. 1

  • Write a program to solve the following problem if you know how many cells need to be shaded


  • 1. Loop with counter used when it is known in advance how many repetitions need to be done.

nc time


Here we must specify the number of repetitions (number) and the commands that will be repeated. Commands that are repeated in a loop are called body of the cycle.

Task No. 2

  • Write a program to solve the following problem using a loop with a counter

  • 2. Loop with condition - while the condition is true, the loop is satisfied, if false, it is not satisfied
  • The Robot performer has several conditions

free on top

free from below

left free

free on the right

wall above

wall below

left wall

wall on the right

  • Particles you can use: NOT, AND, OR

Conditional loop structure

nts for now free on the right


paint over


Task No. 3

  • Write a program to solve the following problem using a conditional loop:

Task No. 4

  • Write a program to solve the following problem using conditional loops:

Problem solving:

  • 2. The robot must be moved from the starting position to the final position, painting the walls

Task No. 5

  • There is a horizontal wall on an endless field. The length of the wall is unknown. The robot is located on top of the wall at its left end. The figure shows the location of the robot relative to the wall (the robot is designated by the letter “P”):

Answer to task No. 5

  • nc not yet (bottom free)

paint over

The beginning of the cycle (nc) and the condition (not yet (free from below)) are written on one line.

Design If

  • top free bottom free left free right free
  • These commands can be used in conjunction with a condition "If", having the following form:
  • If condition That
  • sequence of commands
  • For example, to move one cell to the right, if there is no wall on the right, and paint the cell, you can use the following algorithm:
  • if the right is free then
  • right
  • paint over

Task No. 7

The lengths of the walls are unknown.

Answer to task No. 7

until the top is free

paint over


while the top is free


while the right is free

paint over


not yet free on the right

paint over


while the right is free


not yet free on the right

paint over


Task No. 8

The lengths of the walls are unknown.

Each wall has exactly one passage, the exact location of the passage and its width are unknown.

Answer to task No. 8

while the top is free

until the top is free

paint over

while the top is free

until the top is free

paint over

until the bottom is free

paint over

while the bottom is free

until the bottom is free

paint over

Task No. 9

The lengths of the walls are unknown.

Each wall has exactly one passage, the exact location of the passage and its width are unknown.

Answer to task No. 9

while the bottom is free

until the bottom is free

paint over

while the bottom is free

until the bottom is free

paint over

until the top is free

paint over

while the top is free

until the top is free

paint over

Task No. 10

The lengths of the walls are unknown.

Each wall has exactly one passage, the exact location of the passage and its width are unknown.

Answer to task No. 10

while the left is free

until the left is free

paint over

while the left is free

while the left is free

paint over

not yet free on the right

paint over

while the right is free

not yet free on the right

paint over

Task No. 11

The lengths of the walls are unknown.

Each wall has exactly one passage, the exact location of the passage and its width are unknown.

Answer to task No. 11

until the top is free

until the top is free

paint over

while the bottom is free

until the top is free

paint over

Task No. 12

There is a staircase on the endless field. The staircase first goes down from right to left, then down from left to right. The height of each step is one square, the width is two squares. The robot is to the right of the top step of the stairs. The number of steps leading to the left and the number of steps leading to the right are unknown. The figure shows one of the possible ways to position the ladder and the Robot (the Robot is designated by the letter “P”).

Answer to task No. 12

We move down under the stairs from right to left until we reach the junction of the stairs:

nts the bottom is free for now




We move down to the end of the descending staircase, painting the necessary cells along the way:

nts not free on the left yet

paint over


paint over



Answer to task No. 13

nts the left is free for now

paint over



nts not free on the left yet

paint over


Task No. 14

On an infinite field there is a rectangle bounded by walls. The lengths of the sides of the rectangle are unknown. The robot is inside a rectangle. The figure shows one of the possible ways to position the walls and the Robot (the Robot is designated by the letter “P”).

Answer to task No. 14

while the right is free


while the top is free


paint over

nts the left is free for now


paint over

Answer to task No. 15

while the right is free

paint over


while the bottom is free

paint over


paint over

not yet (bottom free)



not yet (free on the right)

paint over


paint over


not yet (free on top)

paint over


Answer to task No. 16

not yet free on the right

paint over


paint over


until the top is free

paint over


while the top is free


while the right is free

paint over


not yet free on the right

paint over



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