What is a web page, how is it created and loaded? What to do if the page is unavailable? What is a web page? What is a web page?

What are Web sites and Web pages? To understand this, let's ask another question: what information can a Web site contain? Answer: almost any. On the site you can post, for example, works of great classics of literature, painting, architecture, etc.

Note 1

We can say that the site is a kind of book, but not a simple one, but an electronic one. And, like a regular book, a Web site is made up of pages called Web pages.

If you can turn the pages in an ordinary book and similarly search for the necessary information, then how can you get to the necessary information on a Web site? To do this, use the mouse. Moreover, you can move between pages of the site much faster than between pages in a regular book. This is facilitated by the use of moving elements of a Web page, which, when clicked with the mouse, move to another page of the site. Such elements are called hyperlinks; they are available on all pages of the site.

Classic hyperlink options include pieces of text and graphic images. In the first case, the hyperlink is called a text link and looks like underlined blue text. When creating such a hyperlink, it is important to note that the page to which the user is navigated using a text hyperlink must necessarily contain at least one hyperlink to return to the content.

All pages of the site are united by one root address (which is typed in the address bar of the browser), theme, system and design. All pages of the site are text documents written in a programming language (HTML, XHTML, JAVA, etc.), with which you can edit page texts, add links, insert images, sound and video files. A website page can be presented as a simple set of information, or complex with a huge number of functions.

Note 2

Thus, a site is a place on the Internet that has its own address, its own owner and consists of individual Web pages that are perceived by the user as a single whole.

Historical reference

The very first website (info.cern.ch) appeared on December 20, 1990. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee, who published on this site a description of the new World Wide Web technology, which is based on the HTTP data transfer protocol, the URI addressing system and the hypertext markup language HTML. In addition, the site contained a description of the principles of installation and operation of servers and browsers. This site was the world's first online directory because Tim Berners-Lee posted a list of links to other sites on it.

All the tools for the first site were prepared by Berners-Lee even earlier - at the end of 1990, the first hypertext browser WorldWideWeb with web editor functionality, the first server based on NeXTcube and the first web pages appeared.

Berners-Lee believed that hypertext would serve as the basis for creating data exchange networks, and he managed to bring his idea to life. In 1980, he created Enquire hypertext software, which used random associations to store data. The possibility of hypertext access to internal search engines and documents, as well as Internet news resources, was demonstrated. And as a result, the WWW standard was approved in May 1991.

In the 1940s, Vannevar Bush put forward the idea of ​​expanding human memory with the help of technical devices and indexing the information accumulated by humanity for quick retrieval. Theodore Nelson and Doug Engelbart proposed the technology of hypertext, the so-called "branching" text, which would provide the reader with different reading options. Xanadu, Nelson's never-completed hypertext system, was designed to store and search text with relationships and windows built into it. Nelson's dream was to cross-reference all the texts created by people.

Today, Tim Berners-Lee is the head of the World Wide Web Consortium, which he founded, which develops and implements Internet standards.

Website development

A large number of people are involved in website development: programmers, web designers, etc. It all starts with the web designer creating the design of the future website, taking into account the wishes of the customer, the purpose of the site and its intended audience. The selection of suitable fonts, pictures, and object locations is carried out. Then the layout designer begins his work, working with the finished design and optimizing it for different browsers. Next comes the programming turn. The programmer creates the site structure from scratch using a specific programming language. When the site is ready, it needs to be filled with information. In addition, there are various people who promote and optimize the site, place it in online directories, and distribute site advertising.

Web pages are created using the hypertext document markup language HTML.

There are two types of website development methods: visual and manual (software).

Using visual methods, web pages are developed with a high degree of automation, which does not require knowledge of the HTML markup language. The creation process is very visual, since it is carried out in this mode - from the English What You See Is What You Get, which means “What you see is what you get.”

There are many web editors in which HTML code is created automatically when developing a web page. All work on creating a website in these editors is carried out without connecting to the Internet. Such editors include the most famous Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver.

When creating web pages using manual methods, simple text editors are used. One such editor is the standard Notepad application. Viewing the results of your work is done using a browser.

Here are the stages of creating a website:

  • First, the theme of the site, its goals and objectives are determined;
  • The site design is developed, the structure is designed, sections and connections between pages are determined;
  • materials (text and graphics) are prepared for placement on web pages;
  • site pages are designed, i.e. HTML code is generated;
  • testing is carried out, i.e. checking for correct operation;
  • placement of a website on the Internet.

Note 4

Before publishing a website, you need to find a suitable location on some Internet server. Some providers provide their clients with the opportunity to host websites on their servers for free (free hosting).

Web page structure

A web page consists of commands and text.

Commands that are written for the browser are called tags.

Tags form the basis of the hypertext markup language HTML.

The tag is always enclosed in angle brackets "" . Its name is typed in Latin letters, and capital and lowercase letters do not differ.

There are 2 types of tags: paired and unpaired.

Paired tags consist of an opening tag and a closing tag. The opener describes the command and begins its action. The closing one repeats the opening one, but contains a “/” symbol in front of the designation, this action stops. A pair of tags is called a container.

Let's look at the structure of a simple HTML document.

An HTML document begins with an opening html tag and ends with a closing /html tag. Using these tags, the browser determines the document format and interprets it correctly.

There are 2 containers inside the tags.

The head container contains service information that is not displayed on the page, as well as the title of the page, which is displayed in the title of the browser window. The page title is placed in a container

All information displayed by the browser (texts, pictures, links, sounds, video clips) is placed in the body container.

The created web page is saved as a file with the extension .htm or .html.


Nowadays, a website is the calling card of any enterprise or company. In addition, there are various online stores, file hosting services, social networks, and online services that are widely used. Websites allow information to be disseminated and quickly corrected, ensuring that site visitors always have the most up-to-date information. With the help of websites, a huge amount of information is conveyed to people. No other mass media medium can produce such a stunning effect. In a newspaper, information is limited by the number of characters and print space; radio advertisements may not be heard or the information may be remembered incorrectly. Only with the help of websites can you post any desired amount of information. Moreover, it is available 24/7 and anyone can access it. The most important task of any website is the ability to convey information to users and potential clients. Recently, an increasing number of people use the Internet to communicate and work. In this regard, telephone communications, newspapers, and television fade into the background.

So, what is a Web site and a Web page? To understand this issue, let's think about what information can actually be contained on a Web site? The answer is obvious - almost any. The site may contain information about computer games, cars, aquarium fish, mythical creatures, cities and countries of the world, etc. and so on. The list goes on and on. You can even post, for example, works of great Russian classics on the site. How do you like the site "War and Peace"? It turns out that the site is a book, but not a simple one, but an electronic one? Yes, a Web site, in its essence, is really an e-book, magazine or textbook, which can contain both information that is useful to you, and that which does not interest you at all at the moment.

Like a regular book, a Web site is made up of pages called Web pages.

How do we, in fact, find the information that interests us in the same computer science textbook? We open the content, which is located at the beginning or end of the textbook, look for the paragraph that contains the necessary information, look at the page number opposite the paragraph, open it and study the material. Everything is quite simple and ordinary.

After we get to the main page of a well-designed website, we should also see something similar to the contents of a textbook in order to be able to quickly find the information we need.

But how to get to the necessary information located on a Web site, since we cannot flip through electronic pages like regular paper ones? Indeed, we usually use a mouse.

In fact, moving between pages of the site is even more efficient than moving between pages when working with a regular textbook. To move between pages of a site, elements of the Web page are used; when you click on them, you can move to another page of the site. These page elements are called hyperlinks and are present on all pages that make up the site.

In the “classic” case, part of the text (a word or several words) and graphic images (drawings and photographs) are used as hyperlinks.

Since in the first case text is used to create hyperlinks, such a hyperlink is called a text link. Quite often, a text hyperlink is underlined text in blue. Seeing, for example, on the main page of the site the inscription “Web sites and Web pages” designed in a similar way and clicking on it with the left mouse button, you should end up on a Web page dedicated to this topic. The "Websites and Web Pages" page must, in turn, have at least one hyperlink through which you can return to the content.

If a graphic image, such as a photograph, is used as a hyperlink, then it will be difficult to guess that this is a hyperlink. How, then, can you determine whether an image is a hyperlink or not? In this case, remember the following rule: “If, when you move the mouse cursor over an element of a Web page, it takes the shape of a hand, then this element is a hyperlink.”

Note: There is an exception to this rule, for example in the case of rollovers, which may not be hyperlinks, but when you hover the mouse over them, the cursor also takes the shape of a hand. In addition to changing the appearance of the cursor, when you hover over a hyperlink, the URL (unique address of the resource) should also be displayed, but we will talk about this in the lesson on creating hyperlinks using FrontPage.

Control questions:

  • What is a Web site?
  • What is a Web page?
  • What is a hyperlink?
  • What elements of a Web page can be used as hyperlinks?
  • How can I determine if a page element is a hyperlink?
  • Can individual Web pages of a site not contain a single hyperlink?

The bulk of content presented on the Internet is web pages. This is historically the very first type of document intended for placement in a virtual network space, but it still remains relevant and has virtually no competing formats. What is the structure of web pages? What web development tools are they used to create?

What is a Web page?

“List the main elements of a Web page,” the examiner tells us in a computer science lesson. What can we say to him in response? First of all, we’ll talk about what a web page is in principle.

According to the generally accepted definition among IT specialists, this is a document that is intended to be opened in a specialized program - a browser, and which contains data for display on the computer screen using the appropriate type of software of various useful content - texts, links, graphics, videos, music and etc. A web page is a text document. The corresponding data for the browser consists of letters, numbers and special characters used as elements of the markup language - HTML. It is with the help of it that the creator of the web page “explains” to the browser how to display this or that content on the screen.

The place and role of web pages in the structure of sites

Can we say that a Web page is the main component of a website? This is partly true. However, as we noted above, a web page is just a text document. The site, as a rule, also contains pictures, videos and other multimedia elements. A web page cannot contain them, but it can contain links to them in its structure. Thus, the web page can be called the main component of the site in terms of its dominant role in displaying virtual content in front of users.

In rare cases, of course, the document in question will be the only component of the site - if for some reason it does not provide for the display of graphics, video and other multimedia elements. In particular, the very first websites - when Web page markup languages ​​first appeared - did not include relevant content. Before the user's eyes there was only text and links.

The principle of using hypertext

So, a Web page is a document written in HTML, which is used to mark up hypertext. But what is this phenomenon? What is hypertext? Without delving too deeply into the theory, we note that this is a text that in one way or another allows you to quickly access another - through links. In a regular book this is impossible - there is “simple text”. To access the desired page, the reader must make several turns, first reading the table of contents or footnotes. In hypertext mode, most of the work is done by the computer, using information reflected in the HTML elements of the page.

If a computer science teacher tells us: “List the main elements of a Web page,” then we can quite correctly begin to talk about the components of the corresponding document that are created using the HTML markup language. Therefore, first, let's look at some theoretical points regarding HTML.

HTML language structure: tags

How does a browser read the necessary data about a web page from an HTML document? Very simple.

The main elements of this language are tags. In most cases, they are paired - there is an opening one, and there is a closing one. The former are indicated using only angle brackets. The second ones are similar, but before the second bracket there is a slash - the symbol /. The browser is able to recognize them, and therefore displays the contents of web pages without any problems in accordance with the algorithms created by the document developer.

The opening tag is usually written in capital letters, the closing tag in small letters. This is a standard that has become established among IT specialists. The browser will, of course, recognize the HTML command in any letters, but web developers are still advised to adhere to the marked tag writing scheme. This will make it easier, for example, for other specialists to improve the web page.


Other important elements of the HTML language are attributes. With their help, the creator of a web page can set the properties of the content - for example, font height, its color, position relative to the page. The same goes for pictures, videos and other multimedia components. Attributes are written within the opening tag.


Between the opening and closing tags lies the next key component of a web page—the content. This is, in fact, the very content that should be displayed in front of the user on the screen. This could be text, a link, a picture, a video or another multimedia element.

Web Page Elements

“So list the main elements of a Web page, finally!” - the teacher repeats. “With pleasure,” we answer him. What is included in the structure of the type of document under consideration? Let's agree that we will consider this aspect in the context of the HTML elements of the web page. That is, their display in the browser - what the user sees on the screen - will interest us to a lesser extent. The fact is that the corresponding HTML algorithms, on the basis of which the program displays content in the same way, may be different. And this is a feature of the HTML language: the desired image on a Web page can be displayed in different ways. At the same time, they can be either equivalent in terms of the labor costs of the web page creator, or require a different amount of effort and time for their implementation.

Web Page Elements: Header

Standard elements of a Web page, as surprising as it may sound, are presented in very small quantities. In fact, there are only two of them - the title and the main body of the document. At the same time, each of them can have a rather complex structure.

What are the specifics of the title? It is located at the very top of the web page. The HTML code that forms the header is usually intended to “encrypt” only the text, but if necessary, small graphic inserts can also be placed in the corresponding element. And that, in fact, is all that can be said about the title. It would seem that its role in the structure of the corresponding document is insignificant. But that's not true. Web page titles are very significant from the point of view of site indexing in search engines - Yandex, Google. This element must be completely relevant to the content of the web page, as well as the thematic specifics of the site.

How is the title of a web page captured using HTML? Very simple. First, the opening tag is written, which always looks like HEAD with angle brackets, then the header content, then the closing tag. They are written, of course, at the very top of the web document.

The title of a web document can include a number of additional elements. Sometimes the format of a Web page may require text to be displayed in a specific encoding. How can you ensure that your web document meets this criterion? Very simple. HTML algorithms must be placed in the document header structure, instructing the browser to use a specific language encoding - for example, Cyrillic. The corresponding commands are placed within the META tag, which, like others, can be opening and closing.

Main part of the web page

The main part of the web document opens with the BODY tag and closes with the corresponding element, including a slash. Moreover, between the opening and closing tags there can be a huge number of additional hypertext markup language commands. This is due to the fact that the main part of the web page contains its useful content - texts, links, graphics, videos, various forms to fill out.

Each of the corresponding types of content has its own tags. The structure of the main part of a web document may contain HTML commands, which are also used to format the text - for example, giving the font a certain color, size and other properties.

Let's look at the specifics of some commonly used HTML tags. In fact, they form the main elements of a web page.

Basic HTML Tags

So, in order to study in detail what the elements of a Web page are, let’s study in more detail the essence of basic HTML tags. We have already given some of them above - in particular those with the help of which the browser reads the headers of web pages and determines where the main part of the document is located.

The P tag is quite common. It, like other similar elements of the hypertext markup language, can be opening and closing. This tag allows you to format a single paragraph of a document. You can, for example, set a specific font type or color for it. However, this is done using an additional tag - FONT. In this case, it will be placed inside the one that marks the boundaries of the paragraph - this will prevent the HTML command reflecting the type of preferred font from being distributed to other elements of the web page.

Tables are created using the TABLE tag. Using the corresponding attributes, you can determine the required number of columns and rows, set their width, specific borders, size and font color of the text in the table.

Responsible for processing images by the browser. You can also place various attributes in it that regulate the size of the image and its position on the page.

Links to other web documents or files are indicated using the A tag. As a rule, there are attributes inside it that indicate the fact that there is a hyperlink in the structure of the web page. In this case, the document, file or site to which it leads is indicated.

A common tag is FRAMESET. With its help, you can divide the space of a web page into several areas - frames. In each of them you can use separate web documents. That is, frames allow you to correctly position two or more pages on one screen at the same time.

A story about the key elements of web pages and a subsequent story about the means of formatting them using the HTML language - approximately this will be the algorithm for our answer to the question that the examiner asked us. If he came to us saying “list the main elements of a Web page,” then we, using the appropriate methodology, will have every chance of uncovering the topic. That is, by the term “elements” we can understand the key components of the structure of a web document, or the types of content - text, pictures, tables, frames, links that the webmaster generates using a tool such as the HTML language.

Specifics of web development tools

In addition to what has been said, we can explain that there are a huge number of tags and attributes provided by HTML standards. In addition to HTML, web developers can use additional formatting tools for hypertext documents. For example, using JavaScript, you can create dynamic Web pages - that is, those in which the content is constantly updated (both due to the actions of the user himself, and in accordance with algorithms pre-written in scripts).

It would be useful to add that a web developer can use full-fledged programming languages ​​in his work, such as, for example, Perl, PHP, Java, Python, with the help of which the possibilities of working with hypertext documents become even wider. The need for this may be due to the fact that the areas of application of web technologies today are very different. The challenges facing modern developers can be quite complex. For example, sometimes it is necessary to translate Web pages written in Russian into English. In this case, the developer's tools will be very diverse.

What is HTML

Today, 3.5 billion people use the Internet – that’s half the world’s population. When visiting websites, many people do not even realize that HTML was used to create them. Without it, all web pages would look like a continuous, unreadable canvas of lines. Let's try to figure out what this language is and why it is needed.

HTML and other concepts

Any activity invented by man, be it teaching children the alphabet or producing ballistic missiles, is sooner or later brought to uniform standards. The same thing happened with the creation of web pages. In 1991, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the first specification of the HTML language, which made it possible to create documents for display on various devices by people without coding skills. HTML is now the standard in web page creation.

HTML language

The abbreviation HTML stands for HyperTextMarkupLanguage. That is, HTML is a hypertext markup language for documents posted on the Internet. Through its use, browsers receive information about how to display various elements of web pages. Some users confuse HTML with programming languages, but it cannot be used to perform any actions - for example, open a pop-up window. This is just markup - similar to what every Microsoft Word user has encountered. You can use it to create tables, format text, add links to photos, etc.

HTML code consists of tags– commands with which the marking is specified. Each tag is enclosed in angle brackets and is responsible for a specific task. For example, using the tag you can highlight the text in bold and the commands

, And
allow you to draw a table.

You can write a website in html in the simplest text editor, placing the tags correctly and replacing the .txt extension with .html. For users who have no idea what HTML is, many editors have been created that make working with code simple and clear. The most popular programs are FrontPage, Dreamweaver and HomeSite. All of them make the process of creating websites easier, but they clog up page codes with unnecessary tags, increasing their volume. Therefore, many even novice website builders prefer to learn hypertext markup language and write HTML code manually.

What is a web page

Typical a web page is a document in html format, which opens using a browser and has a unique address on the Internet. In addition to text, it may contain:

  • Pictures;
  • photos;
  • audio and video files;
  • tables;
  • lists;
  • links to other pages.

The collection of texts and other information blocks of a page is called content. Its obligatory elements are also hyperlinks, by clicking on which you can quickly go to another page, download a multimedia file or program.

Typically, a web page consists of:

  • “headers”, which contains basic information: site name, logo, motto, phone numbers, search form;
  • the main block where the page content is located;
  • side columns with long lists: menu items, headings;
  • “footer” with contacts, copyright, visit counters, individual menu items.

A web page can be static or dynamic. The first ones are written in HTML and remain unchanged on the servers. Dynamic pages do not exist until a user submits a request to generate them. They are created by scripts that are written by coders in different programming languages. Using dynamic web pages, it is very convenient to work with news portals, online stores and other resources that are filled with frequently changing information.

What is a site

Having understood what a web page is, we can move on to the concept of a website. A website is a collection of web pages, united by a common theme and design. The main page of the site contains many links to internal information resources, each of which is a separate web page. The site may consist of one page, but it will certainly contain links to other resources: video files, pop-up windows, documents for downloading.

Each site has its own domain name, which is entered into the address bar of the browser. It is much shorter and more concise than the addresses of internal web pages, so remembering it will not be difficult. Some sites have 2 or more addresses that lead to the same resource. This is often done by companies that want customers to be able to find their website by entering the company name in both Latin and Cyrillic. Depending on the volume and nature of the content, sites are divided into 3 types.

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Website pages are documents or parts of web resources that have a unique URL. They are files that contain images, audio files, text, video materials or animation. Working with and viewing it is carried out using browsers.

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What is a web page for?

The main purpose is to view information. The web page contains text, graphic, audio and video content. It is read from the page by the browser and displayed to users.

Also, with the help of pages, a person can perform certain actions on the site: open tabs, menus, fill out feedback forms, place an order in the online store.

How to save a web page

  • Click on the menu and select “Save As”, then a dialog box with the same name will open.
  • In the window that appears, we need to select the file type, page name and save location. Today there are 4 formats, we will analyze them below.
  • Click “Save”, now you can view a copy of the page at any time.

4 page saving formats:

  • Fully. In this format, the selected element is saved in full, with all images and stylistic decisions, design. The browser also creates a separate folder where all materials posted on the resource are placed: pictures, photos, widgets, etc.
  • HTML. There is no longer an opportunity to save images and stylistic decisions; the original is preserved with the same structure and text. This way saves memory space.
  • Text. The saved text can be viewed using any editor; the text is saved in its entirety, not in fragments.
  • Files. All files placed on the page are saved. If necessary, you can change the extension of a particular file.

What does the “web page is out of date” message mean?

This is a fairly common mistake. It means that the local copy of the page is out of date while the user is being asked to download it. To solve the problem you need to reload the page.

What does the “web page is slowing down your browser” message mean?

Often when browsing websites, the text “A web page is slowing down your browser” appears. Typically, the slowdown occurs because the browser automatically loads a lot of unnecessary scripts on a given page. To solve the problem, you need to change your web browser settings to quickly load scripts. To do this, go to the browser menu, look for “Tools”, then click “Add”. We are looking for a specialized plugin “Shockwave Flash” and installing it. Then in the plugin settings, select the “Ask before activation” item and put a checkmark next to it. Please note that the names of the items may change depending on the browser used, the main thing is to understand the meaning.

After this, the scripts will not be downloaded automatically; the system will ask permission before each download.

The web page is not responding: what to do and how to solve the problem

Here everything is not as simple as in the cases described above. The problem could be anything. Let's figure out how to solve this problem.

The first thing to pay attention to is the URL. Check that the page address is correct in the address bar. Next, check whether the resource opens on another computer. If the page does not load on all PCs, check your Internet connection. If everything is fine here, there may be a problem with the site.

The second way is to delete files. These are special files that are created to save information about the created profile. Sometimes cookies become corrupted. This results in pages not being displayed. To delete them, open the browser settings, select “Advanced” and then “Personal data”. Open the content settings and select the files that interest us. Delete “All cookies and site data”.

The next method is to change the proxy server. Sometimes connecting through a proxy server can cause web pages to load slowly or display errors. To solve the problem, go to settings, then open the “Network” item and specify the name of the network. Next, open the proxy server settings and enter the required parameters. If you do not know these settings, contact your network administrator. Then the Internet connection will be interrupted. Reconnect to the Internet and continue working.

Web page has been moved: what to do

You may often encounter this message. Most likely, a new address will be located nearby, and the browser will offer to follow this link. Go to the new version of the page and get access to the necessary information.

We have discussed what a web page is and how to use it for certain purposes. As you can see, problems may arise from time to time in the operation of web pages, but all of them can be solved.


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