Windows 7 computer is very slow, what should I do? What to do if your computer lags a lot

After using a Windows-based desktop computer or laptop for a long time, users may encounter a situation where the PC becomes very slow and runs slowly. There can be many reasons for a PC to slow down.

To understand in detail the problem of PC slowdown, we have prepared material in which we will consider in detail the methods and techniques that increase PC performance. By following our recommendations, you can return to its former performance desktop computer or laptop with Windows OS. By restoring the speed of your computer, you can enjoy various multimedia entertainment, computer games and work, while forgetting about the slowdown and various PC glitches.

Cleaning the system in Windows operating systems

The operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 have their own built-in system cleaning tools. The main disadvantage of such cleaning products is that they they only clean the trash, which the system itself creates, and even then, not all of it.

To execute complete system cleaning from garbage, where the OS and many programs will be cleaned, you need to use third-party software. One of the best cleaning programs is CCleaner. This utility is produced by Piriform LTD.

The utility is free and downloadable CCleaner on a PC from the official website The utility has been in use for several years first in the ranking from such well-known online publications as The Guardian, PC World, CHIP Online and many others. The utility works on the operating systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10. After installation, we will launch the utility on Windows 7.

To clean the system of debris, use the Analysis button located at the bottom of the window.

The image shows how much garbage the system found. This is the Explorer history when the user opens folders or copies folders. This is also the browser history and various garbage created by utilities.

After analysis remove garbage, which the utility found by clicking the Cleanup button.

In this simple way you can increase the performance of the system and its programs. The utility's capabilities don't end there. The program can also delete unnecessary registry branches, which were created by various software. To take advantage of this opportunity we need to open the “ Registry"and, by analogy with the previous example, click the Search for problems button.

After the search, click the Fix button and thereby delete unnecessary registry entries.

The functionality of the utility is not limited to this, but its coverage does not fit into the topic of the article, so we will move on. Having finished cleaning the system and registry, it’s time to take on defragmentation, which we will discuss in the following examples.

Defragmentation in Windows operating systems

The operating systems Windows XP, Vista, as well as the newer Windows 7, 8, 10, have their own built-in tools that allow defragmentation. The only disadvantage of the built-in defragmenter in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 is its operating speed and weak functionality.

Therefore, it is better to use a defragmenter from third-party developers. The best defragmenter today is a free utility Defraggler. utility Defraggler developed by the same company as CCleaner Piriform LTD. Download Defraggler to the PC folder you can also from its official website, like CCleaner.

Installing Defraggler is quite simple and comes down to a couple of clicks, so any PC user can handle it. Except Defraggler, there are many more high-quality defragmenters, but our choice fell on this one, as it will help us solve another problem due to which your PC can become very slow and run slowly.

Defraggler works with all current Windows operating systems from XP to Windows 10. Therefore, feel free to install and run it on any Windows. In our case, we ran Defraggler on Windows 7.

To start defragmentation, click the Defragmentation button at the bottom of the window. Next to this button there is a button that can start analyzing the disk for the need for defragmentation. After defragmentation starts, you can monitor it on the disk map.

This process can take a long time and depends on the disk size and the degree of disk fragmentation.

Utility Defraggler can defragment both the entire disk and individual folders and files. Its functionality does not end there. The utility can also:

  • Do a quick defragmentation;
  • Make the program work according to schedule;
  • Defragment free disk space;
  • Turn off the PC after defragmentation;
  • Defragment the registry.

Of all the functions described, the last one is the most significant. Using registry defragmentation, you can also increase the performance of your desktop computer or laptop. To use this function, go to the menu " Settings» and activate defragmentation of the registry when starting the PC, as shown in the image.

By enabling this option, in your PC at system startup Defraggler will defragment the registry:

Now let's talk about the program's capabilities that we mentioned earlier. Defraggler can view the status of your hard drive, namely S.M.A.R.T..

S.M.A.R.T. is a built-in routine that can determine the status of the hard drive. Let's go to the " State».

The image above shows the parameters of a good hard drive. The following image shows a hard drive with bad sectors:

If this is exactly the situation you have, then the culprit in braking the system is Winchester. Based on this, The hard drive should be replaced with a new one. In addition, the hard drive will not last long in this condition, and you may unexpectedly lose a lot of important information. Probably all of it.

From the example it is clear that using Defraggler you can do:

  • Disk defragmentation is long or fast;
  • Registry defragmentation;
  • Check the condition of the hard drive.

It is also worth noting that if you have an SDD disk type installed in your PC, then do not defragment it as this may shorten its lifespan.

Solving RAM problems

Very often the culprit behind the PC slowing down and freezing is RAM. Operating systems from Windows 7 to Windows 10 have built-in memory checkers. For example, let’s run a tool to check the RAM for errors in Windows 10. To do this, use the search in the top ten and enter the phrase “ Memory Checker».

Now let's run the found utility.

In the window that opens, select the first item, after which the computer will reboot and RAM diagnostics will begin.

After a long check, the computer will boot and the user will be given the result of the check. If the test result is negative, this means that the RAM needs to be replaced with a new one.

Older operating systems such as Windows XP do not have a built-in memory check. It follows from this that on Windows XP, to check memory, you should use third party software. One of the most popular utilities can check your RAM Memtest86.

Speeding up with ReadyBoost

Sometimes even all the steps taken to eliminate slowdowns and glitches in the PC do not help properly. This happens because your PC weak hardware. To solve this problem in OS, starting with Windows 7 and ending with Windows 10, the user has the opportunity to use technology ReadyBoost.

The essence of the technology ReadyBoost is to use fast USB drives for data caching. That is, using ReadyBoost, you can replace the default swap file on a screw, on a fast USB flash drive.

For example, we will use a PC with Windows 10 OS and a flash drive with the interface USB 3.0. You ask why exactly USB 3.0. The answer is simple, this interface very fast and is most suitable for our task. Let's insert the flash drive into the PC and go to it properties to the tab " ReadyBoost».

Now select the item in the window to speed up our system as shown in the image above and click the Apply button. The setup is done in the same way in Windows 7 and 8.

After these actions, the system should noticeably speed up, long startup times and slowdowns should disappear.

If you want to use the described technology on Windows XP, then use a third party program eBoostr.

Other ways to speed up a desktop computer or laptop and remove the brakes

If the examples discussed above did not help, then the following methods will help solve the problem with brakes and glitches:

  • Changing the antivirus program;
  • Disable visual effects;
  • Stopping unnecessary services;
  • Reinstalling the operating system;
  • Updating seven to ten.

If you have a good anti-virus program installed on your desktop computer or laptop, then on a modern PC you are reliably protected and this does not affect the performance of the system. But if you have a weak laptop or desktop computer, then it will be noticeable how the antivirus began to slow down the system greatly.

To correct this situation, Panda Security SL has developed an antivirus Panda Cloud Antivirus, which practically does not waste system resources on a weak PC. The secret of this antivirus is that everything complex operations in it are performed in the cloud.

In addition to antivirus, the performance of a weak laptop or desktop computer can be affected by OS visual effects. Since Vista, Windows has used various visual effects that slow down the PC. To disable visual effects, for example, in Windows 10, you need to go to system properties. To do this in the program Execute Let’s type the command “sysdm.cpl”.

Going to system properties, open the tab “ Additionally" In the performance text block, click on the Options button.

A window should open before us where we can disable and enable visual effects in Windows 10.

Visual effects are configured in the same way in Windows 7 and 8. If we talk about Windows XP, then it makes no sense to disable its visual effects, since they already consume few resources.

You need to be careful when disabling services, as this may lead to incorrect operation of the operating system. To stop unnecessary services, for example, in Windows 7, you need to go to the snap-in responsible for services. To do this in the program Execute Let's type the command “services.msc”. After execution, the snap-in “ Services».

In this snap-in you can disable any service. Before disabling an unnecessary service, make sure that disabling this service is absolutely safe for the system. For example, you can stop the service " Print Manager"if your PC is not using a printer.

Another way is complete system reinstallation. After reinstalling Windows, you will immediately notice how fast your laptop or all-in-one PC works. This happens because the OS is new and has a clean registry and no garbage. In many cases, reinstalling the OS helps revive a laptop or desktop PC and get rid of the brakes.

In addition to reinstallation, there are times when a 7 user upgrades the system to Windows 7 and after that it works slowly. The slow operation of the system is due to the way updates are distributed and to the hardware. In the first case, the slow performance is due to a new type of update delivery in the P2P network. That is, updates come from user to user. In the second case, slow operation is associated with old hardware. In this case, only updating components or buying a new laptop will help.

Let's sum it up

We hope that all the material presented in the article will help our readers and you will not have any questions about why the PC began to slow down or why the laptop or all-in-one computer began to freeze. I would also like to give a couple of tips to our readers.

If you continue to experience slowdowns and freezes in your system, then malware may be the culprit of your problem. In this case, you should perform a full system scan for viruses and remove them from the found folder.

In addition, if you own a PC with Windows XP, then it’s time for you to think about changing the OS to a more secure one. XP support has ended a long time ago and new antiviruses have not supported it for a long time. This means that the system is very unsafe and if you give such a system access to the Internet, you may encounter real problems due to viruses. Due to viruses, you may encounter system slowdowns, as well as theft and damage of personal information.

Video on the topic

Perhaps your computer simply has little memory. A modern computer should have at least 2 gigabytes of RAM. Despite the fact that the price of memory now is simply ridiculous. In the Windows task manager, you can see how much RAM is currently occupied. If your computer is running Windows 7 and is running too slowly, the cause is most likely a lack of memory. The only solution in this case is to increase the memory capacity by installing an additional module.

In general, Windows 7 can be run on a computer with 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM, but it is better to use 2 GB. Optimal performance is provided by 3 GB of RAM or more.

Another option is to increase the amount of memory using Windows ReadyBoost technology. This feature allows you to use storage space on some removable media, such as USB flash drives, to improve the performance of your computer. It is much easier to insert a flash memory device into a USB port than to open the computer case and connect memory modules to the system board. For more information, see Use storage memory to make your computer perform faster.

And the last and most important advice is to monitor your computer, do regular maintenance, and then it will definitely not slow down!

If you don't take care of your computer, sooner or later you'll have to answer a nasty question?

Answering this question, we will give 6 steps, following which regularly, you will forget what a slow computer is or a computer is slow.

To prevent overheating of components, it is necessary to regularly clean the computer from dust and other contaminants. As a result of overheating, a protection mechanism is activated in the processor and graphics adapter - throttling. As a result, performance decreases and the computer begins to think for a long time - slow down.

This is noticeable under load. Let's say you work in Word, then turn on a high-definition movie or game and the slowdowns begin. At the same time, you can hear a lot of noise from the cooling systems, which are trying to blow air through the radiator fins clogged with dust.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is look into your system unit or laptop cooling system at least once a year and clean it.

Before cleaning, be sure to unplug the power cord from the computer and remove the battery from the laptop.

It is also necessary to blow out dust from the power supply. It is best to blow with an old vacuum cleaner, and do not suck, but rather blow. The effect is much better. You can watch and read how to clean your computer from dust.

Another great option is to connect the drive to another computer with an updated antivirus and scan the entire hard drive. This is especially true if you cannot even enter safe mode. In this option, it is possible to treat and remove those viruses and Trojans that cannot be removed when the operating system is loaded, since at the time of treatment the infected files are in use and occupied by the operating system.

I highly recommend looking at the Virus Removal section. There is a series of articles about how to cure a computer in different ways, including how to remove a banner from the desktop.

Step number two is to remove viruses, install an antivirus and update it daily.

Recovering system files

In short:

  1. Launch the command line as administrator.
  2. and select Command Prompt (Administrator). We write sfc /scannow
  3. and press Enter.

We are waiting for completion.

If damaged system files were found and they were not restored, read carefully.

Cleaning your computer with Glary Utilites

The fourth step is to optimize your computer using Glary Utilities and similar programs. The program is an analogue of CCLeaner, with which you can also do almost all of the steps below.

You can download the latest version of Glary Utilities from the official website If you want to quickly clean the system, then go to the tab 1-Click . Click

Find problems. We wait until the program detects problems and click

To correct …

We are waiting for Glary Utilities to fix the problems. In the window that opens, look through the entire list of programs, find unused ones, highlight and press them

Remove this program.

To make it easier to find unused programs, you can select Rarely used on the left side of the window. Unnecessary programs have now been removed let's clean up startup

. Open the startup manager.

In the top table (Programs that run with Windows), we look through all the elements and uncheck those that should not load. For example µTorrent. You can also turn off those that you don’t always use. These programs can be launched from a shortcut on the desktop or from the Start menu And the most interesting thing. Table. We have already discussed how you can speed up the loading of the operating system using delayed startup. There we used the Task Scheduler. It is probably used here in the same way, but the interface is much more convenient.

For that, so that the program does not start immediately highlight it in the top table. Click Insert (the button between the tables). Double-click on the delay time (the default is 30 seconds) and set the desired one. In the picture above you can see how my loading is spread out over time. I'll probably return Skype. We need it right away. In order to remove the delayed launch of a program, select it in the table and click Cancel.

We have optimized autoloading (you can read more about autoloading).

Now, if you did the 1-Click cleaning, then you don’t have to clean the registry and disk. If not, then run it and then Disk Cleanup. I’ll show you with an example of cleaning the registry.

In the window that opens, click on the left Search for errors. We are waiting for the errors to be found. Click Fix the registry

Now it would be nice update remaining programs to the latest versions. Let's hope these latest versions will be faster and more stable. Click on the icon Software update.

Below on the same page there is an opportunity to download beta versions of the programs. I don't usually do this. I download and install only normal versions.

For an even more thorough cleaning of your hard drive, you can remove Duplicate Files, Empty Folders, and Broken Shortcuts. These items are located on the Modules tab.

The fourth step turned out to be voluminous. Here we removed programs, optimized startup, updated outdated programs and fought with duplicates. The main part is done.

RAM and paging file

The fifth step is to have enough RAM in your computer. If there is not enough memory, then the system has to work with the paging file. The paging file, or pagefile.sys, is a place on your drive where data from RAM that is not in use at that moment is placed.

It's no secret that HDDs are the slowest device in our computers. And when using the swap file, the entire computer slows down. Therefore, there is only one recommendation: increase the RAM, but leave the swap file. On the system disk, it is desirable that the paging file size be 200 MB. This will be enough to record memory minidumps. The latter are necessary for diagnosing blue screens of death.

I'll tell you how I achieve a balance between visual effects and performance.


In this article, we have provided 7 steps to improve the speed of your computer. The main points, it seems to me, are cleaning the computer from dust and preventing the computer from viruses and checking system files. Try to regularly follow at least part of these recommendations and your computer will not cease to please you.

I also recommend an article on a similar topic - System optimization using Windows. I recently wrote an article about Internet Safety. I hope you find it interesting.

Best regards, Anton Dyachenko

We are absolutely sure that every user has encountered such a problem as a slow PC. And it seems like just “yesterday” your favorite computer was simply “flying”, but today it is completely unclear why the computer is slowing down and what to do next.

It is clear that such a situation will not make anyone happy, but rather, on the contrary, it will make them nervous and angry about it. And it seems quite logical if the computer began to lag and slow down already at an “advanced age,” but what to do if this happens to a new PC? And most importantly, why? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

The answer is quite simple. Not all users realize that any new device must be configured and optimized before you start using it.

Similar setup and cleaning of various kinds of “garbage” (adware or unnecessary programs, temporary files, lost registry keys, etc.) should be carried out regularly with an already working computer. Otherwise, you cannot avoid a situation when your computer with Windows 7, XP or 8.1 starts to slow down, and most likely quite badly.

Those who do not want to delve into the reasons, or are simply not confident in their abilities, can contact our urgent computer repair in Moscow. Professional technicians will quickly fix all problems with your PC.

All the many reasons why a computer can lag and slow down can be divided into two types:

  • hardware problems
  • problems with the software.

These two types are very closely related and very often simultaneously affect the speed of the PC. Let's look at them in order and figure out what to do in each case and how to fix the problem.

  • Problems with hardware
  • Problems with the software

The computer slows down due to hardware problems

We hope that everyone knows what hardware is. If you don’t know, this is what they call the spare parts or components of the system unit - what it consists of.

Overheating of the processor or other components

Many users often forget, and some do not even know, that they need to monitor the processor temperature. Otherwise, in our practice, situations regularly occur when a client brings the processor temperature almost to the limit, then wonders why the computer slows down when running Windows 7.

In order to maintain normal temperature conditions, you need to regularly look inside your system unit. You can learn more about how to clean the system unit from dust and change thermal paste from our article.

If your computer lags in games or graphics programs, then it would be a good idea to find out if the video card is overheating. It may also need cleaning.

Monitoring the temperature of any components is quite simple: there are many programs and utilities for this purpose. Install any of them on your computer and regularly check the sensor readings. In addition, the processor temperature can be found in the BIOS.

The need for modernization

Even if you don’t play computer games or work with resource-intensive programs, but only use email and social networks, then sooner or later you will still have to think about upgrading your computer or buying a new one. Why? Let's explain.

Every day components become obsolete. New versions of programs (even simple ones like browsers, Skype, ICQ, etc.) are becoming more and more demanding on PC power. Those. yours simply doesn’t have enough resources to complete seemingly simple tasks. As a result, the computer starts to slow down and become terribly dull, and you get nervous and angry.

Increasing the amount of RAM or replacing the processor with a more powerful one will help solve this problem. An alternative option could be to “overclock” the processor, but whether this is possible or not depends on the hardware features of the particular PC.

If games on your computer are slow

Do you like to play modern games? Drive a tank or fire a burst of machine gun fire at the enemy?

We hope you remember to make sure your graphics card is up to par with today's gaming requirements. Otherwise, you will puzzle for a long time why the computer slows down in games at the most crucial moment and you are killed over and over again.

Slow hard drive

Few people realize, but today the most “bottleneck” point in the operation of computer hardware is the hard drive. It's all about the limited spindle speed of the hard drive. In desktop computers it is 7,200 revolutions per minute - and this is one of the reasons why the computer slows down and slows down. There are also faster HDDs, but their cost is significantly higher.

In addition to the familiar hard drives with magnetic platters, over the past few years a new type has been gaining popularity and becoming increasingly accessible - the SSD drive. The principle of its operation is not based on magnetic plates, but on recording information using fast flash memory.

Such hard drives are several times faster than conventional HDDs and operate absolutely silently. However, the obvious disadvantages are the high cost with a fairly small volume and a limited number of read/write cycles. To learn how a hard drive works and how it works, read our special article.

Comparison of HDD and SSD speeds

Problems with the software

Of course, in addition to the hardware, the operating system also has a great influence on the speed of operation. In this section, we tried to collect all possible software problems and tell you how to fix them.

Computer viruses

This is probably the most common reason why Windows 7 on a computer very often slows down. And in particularly difficult cases, the PC may completely freeze.

There are quite a few types of viruses that can significantly affect the speed of a PC. In addition to the “unauthorized” use of computer resources, viruses damage system files, which in turn leads to slow operation of the entire PC. In order to avoid this problem, you must install a powerful antivirus on your computer and regularly scan all disks, folders and flash drives for viruses.

If for some reason you still do not have an antivirus installed, then download official trial versions (for a month) on the Kaspersky or Doctor Web website. Or you can download a simpler, but longer-term antivirus: for example, the free version of Avast or AVG.

After downloading, install and run a full scan of your computer. This process is quite lengthy, so plan ahead. It is recommended to remove or quarantine all detected viruses.

A large number of programs in Startup

Almost all software developers and manufacturers want their software to be used as often as possible. And, even if they didn’t use it, they somehow remembered it. Therefore, when installed, most programs are automatically registered in the “Startup” of the operating system. As a result, along with the PC startup, several dozen programs, their modules or agents are turned on. As a rule, we don’t need them or use them extremely rarely.

Such programs consume computer resources (especially RAM), as a result of which your computer becomes very slow and slow. You can avoid this problem by disabling autoloading of unnecessary programs at the time of installation, or in the operating system settings.

If you have Windows 7, then write “msconfig” in the search and run the utility. The “System Configuration” window will open, go to the “Startup” tab and disable everything that is unnecessary. After that, click “Apply” and reboot.

If you have Windows 8 or 10 installed on your computer, then right-click on the “Taskbar” and select “Task Manager” from the menu that appears. A window will open in which we go to the “Startup” tab and similarly disable everything unnecessary.

If you don’t need a program or game at all, you can completely remove it. We also told you how to properly remove programs and games.

Operating system registry clogged

The more time has passed since installing the operating system or purchasing a computer, the more different programs are installed and the more the computer will slow down. Some programs are installed, some are removed, however, deleting a program does not mean that there is no mention of it left on the computer.

As practice shows, some files and registry entries almost always remain. The more such lost registry keys, the slower the PC runs. There are many programs that work automatically to clean the registry.

The most popular and, in our opinion, high-quality program is CCleaner. You can download the latest version for free on the developers' official website.

After installation, launch the program and go to the “Registry” tab. Click "Search for problems and wait for a while." When the program finishes finding errors, click “Fix.” You can save backups or not - as you wish. After a few seconds, the program will finish correcting errors. We recommend repeating the procedure several times.

Despite the fact that the program copes with its task perfectly, in any case, everything must be done carefully, monitoring all changes in the operating system. Even a small error in the registry can lead to the inoperability of the entire OS. And the computer will slow down and lag even more.

If you have already had such a problem, then from our company you can order the reinstallation of Windows of any version on your computer or laptop.

Outdated device drivers

Another reason why your computer can be very slow is outdated drivers. It is recommended to regularly update drivers for each device on your computer. You can find the new driver version on the device manufacturer's website. Often, updating the driver can not only increase the speed of operation, but also make it more stable, eliminate freezes, random reboots and other failures in the PC.

If you have difficulty finding the necessary drivers on the manufacturer’s website, you can use the free DriverPack Solution program. It is an archive of all kinds of drivers with automatic installation. Run the program and it will automatically find drivers that can be updated.

The computer slows down due to file system fragmentation

Not everyone knows that when working with a hard drive, the operating system does not write files to it in order. Typically, large files are split into many small individual pieces. As a result, the next time the file is accessed, the hard disk head is forced to search for each such fragment. This significantly slows down the entire system and ultimately slows down or slows down the computer. What to do in this case?

The defragmentation operation allows you to “collect” all fragments of files and redistribute their location on the hard drive, which increases the speed of your PC. Defragmentation can be done using both the operating system itself and specialized programs.

We tell you how to run defragmentation using Windows 7 or any other version.

Open “My Computer” and right-click on any logical drive and select “Properties”. Go to the “Service” tab and click “Optimize”. In the window that opens, select the desired logical drive and click “Optimize”. This process will be lengthy, so be patient. Once defragmentation is complete, your computer will lag much less.

But we draw your attention to the fact that if you use an SSD disk, then under no circumstances should you defragment it.

This will only reduce its lifespan and will not give you any benefit. So look for other reasons why your computer is slow and slow.

In this article, we looked at the main reasons why a computer most often slows down. If you still have not been able to figure out why your computer is not working fast enough, then you can always turn to our computer service Compolife for help. Our company’s specialists will diagnose your equipment and system, quickly and accurately determine the true causes and eliminate all malfunctions.

If you know any other reasons why your PC may slow down and what to do in this situation, write about them in the comments to this article. Thank you!

Call a specialist

  • Quite often, computers with Windows 7 begin to slow down. Such a problem may not consist of any internal components at all; it can be solved by resorting to the use of certain methods for restoring the full functionality of the system and increasing its performance. Let's consider a number of basic actions:
  • You should clean and defragment your hard drive.
  • Remove unnecessary utilities, as well as other system junk.
  • Make some visualization settings.
  • Optimize the startup list.
  • It is necessary to defragment the registry and sort its components.
  • Do memory diagnostics.

Disable Windows services.

1. The computer works slowly, the laptop slows down, what should I do? Windows 7 noticeably loses in its performance.

  • Any computer contains many outdated system and user files that can affect the speed of a PC or laptop. Defragmentation may also be required to optimize fragments scattered across the disk, which are necessary when reading a file with one or another software package. To achieve maximum efficiency when defragmenting, it is recommended to first clean your computer of all kinds of system debris, among which the following files are common:
  • Remains of previously deleted applications.
  • Temporary files.

A variety of outdated labels.

  • To avoid any problems when manually cleaning your PC, you can use free utilities:
  • Defraggler. It is a fully functional tool for performing high-quality and correct defragmentation.

First of all, you need to open CCleaner and select a tool called cleanup. If the user wants to leave authorization on social networks and other sites intact, it is necessary to go to the cleaning parameters, uncheck the box next to Cookies and click “Analysis”. After the preliminary analysis, you need to press the “Cleaning” button and the application will remove the found garbage automatically.

It is worth noting that by opening the “Service” tab, you can go to the disk analysis item and select not only the system disk, but also all others. It is possible to include any type of file in the analysis, including multimedia.

After completing the above steps, you can launch Defraggler, and the launch should be done with administrator rights. In the complex window, you should select the hard drive required for defragmentation, then by right-clicking, select the “Disk Defragmentation” option in the context menu. To select multiple drives, just hold down the Ctrl button and select them. After automatically analyzing the marked disks, the utility will begin defragmentation. The program allows you to defragment individual files; to do this, you need to open the item with a list of files.

Some users prefer the standard defragmentation tool; to activate it, you need to do the following:

  • Enter the Start menu.
  • In the search bar parameters, enter the word “Defragmentation”.
  • Launch the standard tool from the list of search results.

2. How to properly configure visual effects when Windows 7 is running slowly?

As you know, visual effects can seriously load the video card of a computer or laptop, thereby slowing down the Windows 7 interface. Any parameters related to the visualization and graphical interface of Windows 7 are located in the visual effects manager, you can get to it as follows:

  • From the Start menu, select the search bar.
  • Search for "Visual Effects".
  • In the search results, select “Adjust system presentation and performance” and go to visual effects settings.

There is a more reliable way to open visual effects parameters:

  • Go to Start, then Control Panel.
  • Open the “System” item and launch the “Advanced Settings” section.
  • In the settings window, find “Performance”.
  • It is recommended to check the “Ensure maximum performance” option.
  • Check the boxes for “Enable desktop composition,” “Use window and button display styles,” “Display thumbnails instead of icons,” and “Smooth out jagged screen fonts.”

3. Features of startup when restoring Windows 7 performance.

Circumstances may develop in such a way that, along with the startup of the Windows system, various software packages will automatically launch, most of which the user simply does not use. Startup settings affect the computer's RAM, so let's look at the basic steps required to remove certain programs from startup:

  • Open CCleaner.
  • Go to the "Tools" section and select the "Startup" option.
  • The window located on the right side of the screen will contain a list of all utilities and applications that start simultaneously with the OS.
  • You should select unnecessary programs and disable them, and then remove them from the startup list.

4. Method for defragmenting and cleaning the registry in Windows 7.

Being a large database responsible for storing all kinds of information about computer settings and parameters of software systems, a clogged system registry can lead to a significant decrease in operating speed. Let's look at how to optimize this registry:

  • Launch CCleaner with administrator rights.
  • Go to the “Registry” tab and press the “Search for Problems” button.
  • After finishing the search, click “Fix”. If necessary, the utility offers to save backup copies.
  • You should click on fix the noted problems and wait for this process to complete automatically.

Defragmentation of the registry should be done as follows:

  • Launch the Defraggler software package.
  • Activate the “Defragment system files at startup” feature by checking the box next to the “Always” option.
  • After the system restarts, the message “Defragmentation of the Windows 7 registry” will be displayed on the screen.

The duration of the first defragmentation procedure may take some time. All subsequent times, the action will take no more than a few seconds. To disable registry defragmentation, you need to open Defraggler and disable this feature.

5. RAM diagnostics and disabling services in Windows 7.

Checking installed memory modules for the presence of certain failures and problems is performed using a built-in system utility called “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems”, it is launched as follows:

  • Open the Start menu.
  • In the search for files and programs field, enter “Memory diagnostics”.
  • In the search results, select “Diagnostics computer RAM problems.”
  • In the utility window, click on the recommended check option after reboot.
  • After the system restarts, the RAM diagnostic screen will appear. You should wait until the diagnostics are completed, which will be followed by Windows rebooting and displaying an interface with the results of the work done.

To speed up the operation of a PC or laptop, you can disable rarely used OS services; to do this, you should follow the steps below:

  • Open Start and go to Control Panel.
  • You can change the view mode to Small Icons for greater convenience and find an icon called Administration.
  • Select the item with services.
  • To disable an unnecessary service, select it and double-click the left mouse button on its name.
  • After opening the special control panel for the marked service, go to the “Startup Type” menu and select “Manual”, and then click “Stop”.
  • The changes are confirmed by pressing the “Ok” key.


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