How to make the keyboard work. What to do if the keyboard on your computer does not work

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Help with one problem. All of a sudden the keyboard on my Lenovo B70-80 laptop stopped working. The laptop did not hit, did not flood, did not hit - just after turning it on, it did not respond to pressing some keys. What can be done?

Good day!

What is good about a regular computer in this regard is the quick change from one keyboard to another. Unfortunately, this procedure cannot be accomplished so quickly on a laptop.

In general, for the keyboard to stop working for no reason is an extremely rare case. Most often, the user guesses what the reason is (and sometimes remains silent). For example, quite often the keyboard is flooded with tea, water, juice; mechanical damage, etc.

In this article, I will look at the main reasons why the keyboard fails to work, and what can be done to restore the device’s functionality. So...

The keyboard on the laptop failed: reasons

What can be done to temporarily correct the situation?

I would like to start the article with what temporary measures can be taken in order to at least somehow type some characters and press the necessary keys (which may be needed in the process of restoring functionality).

  1. Method No. 1- connect a USB keyboard. So that any modern laptop has several USB ports. By the way, if the USB ports also do not work, then this is a rather bad sign and may indicate a faulty motherboard. fee;
  2. Method No. 2- call the on-screen keyboard. It is located in the section: Control Panel/Accessibility/Ease of Access Center (see screenshot below).

1) User inattention/ignorance

No matter how funny it may sound, very often the keyboard “does not work” due to the user’s ignorance. For example, how many times have people complained to me that the numbers on the keyboard are broken, that dates cannot be entered, etc. - but the fact is that the numeric keypad works when the key is pressed Num Luck(by the way, there is often an LED on it or above it).

So, if this key is not pressed, when you try to enter numbers from the numeric keypad, your cursor will jump, move, and not respond at all.

If numbers don't work for you, be sure to pay attention to this key!

Note: Some laptop models enable the numeric keypad only by pressing a key combination: Fn+ Num Lock.

By the way, one more point: regarding the function keys (F1, F2, F,3... F12). On modern laptops, in order for any of these keys to work, you also need to press the FN key. Usually, this moment is configured in the BIOS.

The screenshot below shows the "Advanced" section of a Dell laptop - in the "Function Key Behavior" item - you can choose how the function keys will work: in the mode of multimedia buttons (turn down/increase volume, brightness, etc.), or in regular mode functions (refresh the page, call help, etc.).

I won’t go into detail here on how to enter the BIOS and how to configure it, but I will provide a couple of links to articles from which you can glean this information:

  1. how to enter BIOS -
  2. buttons to enter the BIOS for different laptop manufacturers -
  3. how to reset BIOS settings -

2) Debris under/between the keys

Dust, dirt, crumbs love to accumulate under the keys of the keyboard, and in general, the keyboard gets greasy over time from greasy hands and fingers, even for fairly neat users. Over time, some of the keys (usually starting with 1-2) stop responding normally, and you have to press and press hard on them.

An article about how to clean your laptop/PC from dust. Link to the section of the article about how to clean the keyboard from crumbs, greasy marks and dust -

There are three ways to clean the keyboard (in my opinion):

  1. use special A USB vacuum cleaner that can accurately and carefully collect most of the crumbs from the surface of the keyboard;
  2. use special Velcro, which when you press them fill the plane of the keyboard, and when you unhook them, all the dust and dirt remains on them;
  3. You can blow off the keyboard using a regular vacuum cleaner (especially if it has a reverse mode), and then gently wipe it with a damp cloth soaked in soapy water.

3) Software failure, error loading OS

If not a single key on your keyboard works at all (and you didn’t flood it, didn’t knock, etc.), then I hasten to assure you that in more than half of the cases the software is to blame. For example, a driver conflict might occur during the loading stage of your OS, or you might have picked up some kind of virus, etc.

The easiest and surest way is to try rebooting your laptop first. It would be a good idea to try entering the BIOS (how to do this, see this article:).

Note: if your keyboard works in the BIOS (and the fact that you entered it already indicates this) - then the problem is probably in the software. In case of hardware problems, the keyboard will not work anywhere: neither in the BIOS, nor in Windows, nor in any other OS!

If after rebooting the laptop the keyboard does not work again (and the keyboard worked in the BIOS), try rolling back the system to the state when it worked. Below is a link to an article on restoring Windows.

How to restore Windows 10 -

If restoring doesn't help (or you don't have recovery checkpoints), you can try. I also recommend paying attention to the drivers, more about them below...

4) Problem with drivers

In general, keyboard drivers are usually installed automatically when installing Windows. But sometimes the following problems occur with them:

  • Some laptops have a slightly non-standard keyboard with additional options. functions - and for its full operation, special ones are required. drivers. If they are absent, the keyboard may not work in full mode;
  • There could be a driver failure/conflict in the system. This often happens with USB drivers, TV tuner drivers, audio drivers, etc.;
  • The keyboard drivers themselves may have been damaged.

- how to remove any old or unnecessary driver in the system:

- programs for working with drivers: search, update, removal:

5) Acidification of the keyboard cable contacts // damage to the cable

If the previous steps did not help, and the laptop keyboard also does not respond to any of your presses, I recommend checking the cable. The following usually happens to him:

  1. if you disassembled the laptop and disconnected/connected the keyboard, it is quite possible that the cable could simply not be inserted tightly into the socket. If this is the case, try reconnecting the keyboard;
  2. it is also often damaged when the laptop is not carefully disassembled (the wires in the cable are quite thin and can be broken with one careless movement);
  3. the contacts of the cable, or the socket in which it “sits” could oxidize over time and not make good contact. Try to gently wipe them with an eraser (as a rule, the contacts begin to become lighter even by eye, which means you have removed the oxidized coating).

IMPORTANT! On some laptop models, it is far from easy to remove the keyboard: to do this, you may sometimes need to disassemble the entire device to the ground! In general, it is usually enough to unfasten several latches with a screwdriver (see photo above) and lift the keyboard plane.

By the way, if your laptop is under warranty, use the service center. Your independent disassembly (including disconnecting only the keyboard) will almost certainly cause a refusal of warranty service!

6) Keyboard flooded with liquid

Some experts brought up interesting statistics: every 50th mug over a laptop tips over on it. In this case, it is the keyboard that suffers first of all. By the way, from my own experience I will say that in case of any spill, the keyboard suffers 100%, but the rest of the devices (underneath it) still have a chance to remain dry: it all depends on the speed of the user’s reaction after the incident, and the amount of liquid spilled.

In general, liquid is different. Liquids containing salt or sugar are especially dangerous for iron: tea, juice, lemonade, etc. When such a liquid gets on the contacts and metal parts of the boards, the process of oxidation and corrosion begins, which destroys (in some cases not immediately, but surely) iron.

What to do if your laptop is flooded:

  1. turn off the laptop: you can immediately disconnect the power supply and remove the battery as soon as possible (the sooner the better);
  2. then turn the device over so that liquid begins to flow out of it;
  3. dry the device for several days (before this, the device simply will not dry). Do not use hair dryers, heaters, or other similar devices for drying;
  4. It is highly advisable to disassemble the device and see how far the liquid has penetrated. In general, of course, if you have never done this yourself, I recommend showing the device to a service center: because even if your device works after drying, the remaining liquid (especially if it was aggressive: juice, beer, tea, etc.) will slowly and surely destroy your iron from the inside, causing corrosion and oxidation.

7) Mechanical damage

In general, by and large, there is nothing to break in the keyboard, and as a rule, the breakdown is associated with damage to a specific key (i.e., 1-2 keys will no longer be pressed). Typically, this happens if something fell on the laptop keyboard, or you accidentally touched the device (this, for example, could happen on the road, when moving the device).

In some cases, when the contacts on the keyboard board are damaged (or the button is “clamped”), the keyboard may not respond to pressing other keys and may not behave stable. By the way, you can find out if you have any key pressed if you open some text editor: Word, Notepad, etc.

Button "a" is frozen

By the way, if 1-2 keys do not work for you, then you can reassign to others and use the keyboard for a while (or maybe this time will be long?!).

To help! How to reassign one key to another (for those who cannot press a button on the keyboard) -

8) What about the laptop battery?

And the last thing I would like to dwell on in this article. In general, this is quite rare, but I still encountered it on one “no name” Chinese laptop: the keyboard on it stopped working if the battery was discharged and below a certain minimum of 7%, apparently some kind of software was working (I hope such software will not become popular?) .

This concludes my opus, for additions on the topic - thank you in advance. Good luck!

It often happens that you are preparing to do some important work, and then bam - the keyboard on your computer does not work. What to do in this case? How to cope with this disaster? It will not be difficult to understand this and find solutions. This article will discuss a question that often arises among novice home PC users or experienced professionals. Yes, it's all about the keyboard - it sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't, but the work needs to be done. There can be many reasons for such problems, and most of them can be solved by the user himself, without leaving his workplace. The issue of purchasing a new device can be postponed until the resource of your existing “capricious” friend is completely exhausted. Apart from attention and the ability to perform actions correctly, no special skills are required from the user in the process of solving the problem. For any model of any computer keyboard manufacturer, the reasons for failure to operate and ways to efficiently eliminate them in a short time will be given.

Possible reasons for device failure

Using the method of the legendary Sherlock Holmes - the method of “deduction” - you can determine what is broken or what is preventing the keyboard from doing its job. Factors of such problems can be called:

  • human, that is, the breakdown is caused by the actions of the user himself;
  • iron, or in other words, equipment failure;
  • software - violation of settings and necessary programs and their complexes.

You can understand why the keyboard on your computer does not work and what to do in this case by studying and going through the possible reasons. Based on the identified factors, the reasons for malfunctions in the operation of the device may be the following situations:

1. If the user himself, through his actions or inaction, has caused problems with the keyboard:

  • The integrity of the device’s connection ports has been compromised, or its cable has been broken (squashed);
  • moisture getting inside the input device due to an overfilled cup of tea, coffee or direct rain from the street;
  • excessive contamination of the internal parts of the keyboard with dust, animal hair, food crumbs and other debris.

2. If the problem is in the equipment itself:

  • the keyboard was not initially working;
  • the electronic component of the keyboard or its individual elements have failed and require the intervention of specialists from service centers;
  • a short circuit or power surge caused by both problems with other elements of the hardware part of the computer (power supply, motherboard) and failures in the centralized electrical network.

3. The main reasons for software malfunctions in the keyboard can be called:

  • failure of device drivers;
  • the main settings of the motherboard (BIOS) have been lost;
  • disabled for some reason in the operating system itself.

All of the above reasons and options for their solutions are discussed in more detail below.

The cable or port is damaged

How can I find out if this is the reason why the keyboard on my computer does not work, what should I do if confirmation of this particular problem is found? This question can be answered after certain simple diagnostics have been carried out. To do this, the user needs to do the following.

1. To check cable integrity:

  • Look at the indication on the keyboard itself and try to turn on/off the “Caps Lock” and “Nam Lock” buttons. If the LEDs light up, then most likely the problem is not in the cable.
  • If the LEDs do not light up, connect the keyboard to another free port (USB or PS/2, depending on the type of device). The LEDs lit up - the cause has been found. The problem is a damaged port.

2. How to check the functionality of the keyboard connection port:

  • Take any other device with the same type of connection and try to connect it to this port - if it works, then the problem is not in the port, but in the keyboard cable or its electronic component.
  • If the other device does not work, then you need to double-check the motherboard (BIOS) settings to make sure the power is turned off for the specified port.

After such a check, there should be a result that gives an understanding of what is broken, or allows you to understand that the problem is not in the cable and the keyboard port. Eliminating the problem of a broken cable or port is only possible with the help of professionals at computer and office equipment repair centers.

Faulty device

Although this is quite funny, there are times when a user tries to connect a “dead” keyboard and is very nervous that it does not work. This happens due to forgetfulness and ignorance. All the same, after going through all the points of analysis, you can easily understand everything.

It spilled just a little bit

How to understand why the keyboard on the computer does not work, what to do? But does it beep and blink the lights (or just beep)? In this case, a common cause of the problem is liquid getting inside the device: tea, coffee, drinks or just water. All this liquid is conductive, and therefore leads to a short circuit, which can cause the sensitive electronic elements of the keyboard itself or port controllers on the motherboard to burn out.

In order not to buy a new device, the user can carefully disassemble the keyboard and dry all the elements. With a 50 percent chance he can expect success, that his girlfriend will “come to life.”

The garbage woke up, or Oh, those kitties

Eating in the workplace, as well as the presence of pets with fur, have a very bad effect on the PC input device. And then the question arises: “The keyboard on the computer does not work, what should I do in this case?” The answer is simple - just like with a device filled with liquid, it is necessary to completely clean its interior. If you're lucky, the lumps and tufts of dirt did not have time to short-circuit the elements, and then everything will work again.

Factory defect, or Time takes its toll

The keyboard, as an electronic device, can be assembled with defects, leading to its rapid failure. In this case, it is necessary to send it for repair to the manufacturer’s service center. If the warranty period has already expired, then you need to compare the prices for repairs in paid workshops and for a new keyboard, choosing the best solution for yourself. You can identify such problems in a way similar to diagnosing the device cable and connection port.

Power surge or computer electrical failure

If in this case the keyboard on the computer does not work, what should I do? When loading, you need to pay attention to how the computer itself behaves: everything goes as usual, or the startup occurs (does not occur) with a failure. The result of a PC failure to start may be a voltage surge in the electrical network or a failure of the power supply, which, in turn, can affect both the operation of the keyboard and the performance of the entire computer device as a whole. To determine if the keyboard is faulty, in this case you need to connect it to another computer and test it.

Drivers have crashed

None of the above worked. The keyboard on the computer does not work, what should I do? Windows 7 Genius sees keyboards well and, if possible, picks up drivers for them. But it happens that the device is from another company or has special multimedia capabilities, then their separate installation is required. If suddenly such a keyboard stops working, perhaps the drivers for it have simply disappeared. It's easy to check in the "Device Manager" - if the keyboard has a yellow question mark icon, then it's the drivers.

BIOS lost settings

If the keyboard on your computer does not work, what should you do? Windows 8, like other earlier versions of the OS, stubbornly refuses to connect the device. In this case, you need to restart the computer and look into the motherboard settings (BIOS) by clicking “Divide” or “F2” (for some computer devices) at startup. Among the tabular settings, you should first compare the date and time with the real one (if it shows a very old one, then you may need to replace the battery on the motherboard), and then find the line indicating the power supply to the ports (USB or PS/2). If disabled, enable. You can also simply reset the settings to factory defaults by selecting them in the proposed menu.

Antivirus, or OS protection programs

It happens that the keyboard on the computer does not work, what should I do? But the virus beeps and at the same time displays a message about a Trojan or malicious program found. In this case, most likely, the drivers or the keyboard key control program were mistaken for a virus, which led to the device being blocked from accessing the operating system and, accordingly, to its inoperability. Here you will need to create an exclusion rule for the antivirus in its settings, indicating to it the path to find installed drivers or programs.

It also happens that the keyboard on the computer does not work, what should I do? The virus can infect the drivers and device management programs themselves, and therefore you cannot create an exception rule. First, you need to reinstall the corrupted files, and then conduct a full scan of your computer for malware.

If you turn on the computer and the keyboard does not work, does not respond to key presses and the indicators do not light up, then there can be only two errors: a hardware malfunction or a software failure.

What to do if the keyboard does not work due to a hardware failure

There are very few hardware problems that can lead to a keyboard failure. Usually this is a lack of contact in the connector (the plug is not fully inserted into the connector), a malfunction of the input device itself, and a malfunction of the motherboard port.

First of all, you need to make sure that the keyboard is connected correctly, especially for keyboards with a PS/2 connector. The keyboard has a purple plug and it must be connected to a connector of the same color in the system unit. The plug may not be fully inserted into the connector, resulting in loss of contact. You should check this point, or better yet, disconnect and reconnect the keyboard. After all the manipulations, try restarting your computer. It often happens that some kind of software glitch occurs during device initialization. A reboot usually solves such problems.

To ensure that the keyboard is working properly, as well as the port to connect it to, you will need to find another working keyboard. If a known-good keyboard on your computer works fine, then the problem is with the input device itself. In this case, you will have to go to the store for a new keyboard. If an initially working keyboard does not work on your computer, but yours, on the contrary, functions normally on another computer, then there is probably a defect in the motherboard. Correcting this malfunction without computer diagnostics is problematic, so it is better to contact specialists. Also, do not forget that you may still have a software error, which we will discuss below.

What to do if the keyboard does not work due to software

A software malfunction, as a rule, consists of incorrect operation of the driver. It is possible to eliminate this problem provided that the mouse is “in service”.

Go to the Start menu and then Control Panel. Here, open the “System” section and launch “Device Manager”. If there is a problem with the drivers, then next to the keyboard in the list there will be a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.

Right-click on this line and open “Properties”. Now go to the Driver tab and click the Uninstall button. Confirm your actions and the keyboard driver will be removed from the system.

Now you should update the hardware configuration and search for connected devices. To do this, go to the “Action” menu of Device Manager and click “Update hardware configuration”.

The system will detect a new device (keyboard) and reinstall drivers for it. If you are using a multimedia keyboard, you may need to install drivers from the disk for it to work properly. This disc is usually included in the kit. You must first install it in the optical drive and, when prompted by the Add New Hardware Wizard, specify the path to the disk for installing drivers. If the installation is successful, the LED indicators on the keyboard will light up. When the Found New Hardware Wizard finishes, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

We cannot imagine the full operation of a computer without a keyboard, because it is one of the main components of a PC. If the keyboard is broken, you need to find the source of the damage.

Why does the keyboard not work on an HP, Lenovo and other laptop?

Software glitch
You shouldn't go to a repair shop if your laptop keyboard doesn't work. Perhaps the keyboard is simply not activated in the laptop settings, so the laptop does not recognize it. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • You need to go to “Device Manager”, then click on the “Keyboard” tab. You will need to see if it is activated or not. If not, then correct this nuance.
  • Rebooting may also help solve the problem.

One of the reasons may be the presence of viruses in the laptop. If you installed an application, and then your keyboard stopped working, then you should conduct a deep scan with your antivirus to find all malicious files. Then move the viruses to quarantine or completely remove them and restart the computer. The keyboard should work.

We often encounter the problem that the keyboard on a laptop does not work, and the reason is outdated drivers. This is the simplest case that every user can handle. You need to update the driver and restart the computer and the keyboard will work again.
Physical problems.

This problem is very serious as it can cover a wide range of causes. The problem may be that the contacts are dirty, which prevents the plug from contacting the computer, or buttons and microcircuits may be damaged, which will only need to be changed at diagnostic centers. Broken contacts may also be the cause. If the user was not careful and pulled the cord, then the contact and socket may well be damaged.

How to determine why the keyboard stopped working?

There are three easiest ways to check this! Let's look at each in detail.

Check contacts
Perhaps they just walked away from the computer. Especially if you have a pet, it could get caught in the cord. This is the most common case of the problem. Just plug the plug in harder and everything should work. If it doesn’t help, then try to pull the cord out and put it back in, as the computer may malfunction. If this does not help, then move on to the second reason, which will help resolve this issue.

Scan your computer for viruses
Try checking your PC for malware. Use only licensed versions of antiviruses, such as Kaspersky, Avast, Doctor Web. They can definitely help in getting rid of viruses. Carry out a deep clean of the entire computer, after which all viruses should be quarantined and removed. After restarting the computer, the keyboard should work. But viruses are not always to blame.

Every driver sooner or later becomes outdated, which means it requires updating. You can update the driver in two ways: download a new one from the Internet, which will be convenient for users who have an Internet connection.

The second method is to install the driver from the disk that came with the computer when purchased. The driver installs like a normal game and then requires a restart of the computer. The keyboard should work. Follow the following advice, it is useful for every PC user: download DriverPack Solution or DriverDoc from the Internet. These programs will be able to automatically install drivers for you when you connect to the Internet. To check for drivers on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the start menu.
  2. Right-click on the “Computer” tab.
  3. Go to the “Management” tab, which is protected by administrative rights of the computer.
  4. Go to Device Manager.
  5. Click on the "Keyboard" tab, then right-click on the keyboard.
  6. Click LMB on “Update Driver”. Using these programs, it will automatically update to the latest version.

After this, the keyboard should work. Repeat this action once every one to two months.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on a computer with Windows 10?

In this case, there are two main problems that may cause the keyboard to not work.

  1. This is a problem in the Windows 10 operating system itself.
  2. Problem associated with defects in your computer or laptop.

Without a keyboard, you are unlikely to be able to do anything, so use the on-screen option temporarily. Go to Settings, go to Accessibility and select the Keyboard tab. Move the circle in the “On-Screen Keyboard” so that the “ON” light turns on.

Check the plugs and connectors carefully, they may have been damaged. Try connecting the USB plug to another port, which is located at the back of the computer, this may be the problem.

The cable in the laptop may be damaged, so do not try to fix the damage yourself. It is better to take the laptop to a service center where specialists can look at it.

OS configuration
In order for you to finally find out the problem is in the computer or keyboard, you need to go into the BIOS, since it does not interact with the operating system in any way, but is involved with the motherboard. If everything works in your BIOS, then the problem is already in the operating system itself. If during the installation of Windows the keyboard and mouse do not work, then the problem is in Windows 10, not the devices. And if the keyboard does not respond in the program, then there is a problem either in it or in the computer itself. To be sure, you can ask your friends for a keyboard so you can try it for yourself. To resolve this issue try:

  1. Restart the BIOS several times.
  2. Go to the “Control Panel”, then to “Troubleshoot Windows” (in particular the “Keyboard” or “Device Hardware” item). In Device Manager, remove the keyboard). In the “action” menu, click on the “Update computer configuration” icon. Everything should work.
  3. Make sure you have the Num Lock key turned on when entering your password. This can be determined by the indicator on the keyboard (If it lights up, then the key is turned on).

Clean from dirt/dust
Perhaps the sockets into which the plugs are plugged are simply clogged with dust, therefore preventing the contacts from interacting. To do this, simply disassemble the computer, preferably using soft brushes. You can use a vacuum cleaner that has a blowing function. In most cases this method is very effective. Don’t try to pick the dirt out with something; take a special wet wipe, which is sold in any computer store. Use it to remove dirt.
What to do if the keyboard does not work in assassins creed origins?

Many people have encountered the problem that the keyboard has stopped working. There are two options. The first is to try to launch the game not through a shortcut on the desktop, but through the main folder with the game. Restarting the game won't hurt either, because there are times when it helps. The second option is to close the Discord program as it is interfering with the keyboard's functionality. Computer power has nothing to do with it. Of course, it is possible that the problem is with the game files, and if you have recently deleted something, be sure to double-check.

Wireless keyboard and mouse not working

If your wireless keyboard does not work, first check the battery and replace it if necessary. Do the same operation with the mouse. But if after this the keyboard and mouse do not work and you are sure that the battery has a full charge, then find the working devices and go to the control panel, go to “Devices and Printers”. Next, right-click and click “Connect device”, or confirm the action. Don't forget to restart your computer.

First of all, check the plug in the socket to see if the keyboard is connected correctly. If the computer is outdated, then the BIOS version will be old, which is why the device may not recognize USB devices. Go to the “USB Keyboard Support” section and look at the inscription. If it says “Disabled”, then the device is disabled, change it to “Enabled” and everything will be connected.

If you have several PCs in the house, then try the keyboard on another computer in the BIOS program. If it works, then the problem is in your computer. Some programmers remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes, then the BIOS is reset to factory settings, but this is not recommended for an inexperienced PC user.

What to do if the buttons on the keyboard do not work?

Try to carefully remove the buttons and clean them of debris, as they may not work for this very reason. The keyboard buttons are connected by thin microcircuits that can be easily damaged. Viruses are unlikely to do any harm here, so if after cleaning nothing helps, it is better to replace the keyboard. There is an option to try a different keyboard on your computer. If it works, then the problem is in your previous device. The same can be said about the number buttons. Try to be more careful when disassembling the keyboard.
If all else fails, but you need to print the text urgently.

If this happens, use the on-screen keyboard. Go to the “Computer” menu, then go to “Local Disk C”, then go to the “Windows” folder, select “System 32/64”, depending on your computer and open the “osk” file. This will be the on-screen keyboard. You can type with the mouse.

Keyboard testing programs

We bring to your attention a number of programs that test your keyboard for functionality.

  • Key-Test;
  • Keyboard-Test.

These programs will easily help you determine whether your keyboard is working or not. Applications are publicly available, you can download them from the Internet. Installation will take you no more than three minutes.

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Every PC user sooner or later faces certain problems. Most often they concern connected devices. For example, when the keyboard refuses to work. This phenomenon does not occur too often, but it does occur. Today we will figure out why the computer does not see the keyboard and mouse. What actions need to be taken to restore the functionality of these devices? How dangerous is the problem being studied for PCs? Having answered all these questions, we can say with confidence that the keyboard failure will no longer cause trouble!

Device types

First, you need to understand that today you can find several types of studied devices. Depending on the type of keyboard, the algorithm for solving the problem will change.

Today the following devices are distinguished:

  • USB keyboard (wired);
  • wireless models;
  • with PS/2 socket.

The first two keyboards are universal. They can be connected to any PC and laptop. The latest device is considered outdated. It is usually connected to desktop computers.

Causes of problems

Computer doesn't see keyboard? Why is this happening? There are quite a few reasons for this phenomenon. It is very difficult to predict them.

Nevertheless, among the main reasons for the failure being studied are:

  • missing/damaged drivers;
  • the need to update the keyboard/mouse driver;
  • incompatibility with the OS and other connected devices;
  • mechanical damage to connection connectors;
  • keyboard malfunction;
  • damage to nests;
  • PC virus infection.

Driver problems

Let's start with the most common problem - missing, crashed or outdated drivers. It is this software that causes a lot of trouble for users.

You can check the availability of the driver through the device manager. To do this, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then select “Properties” - “Device Manager”. Now you need to go to the “Keyboards” item and look at the connected devices that appear.

If there are no keyboards in this window, then the PC really does not see them. There are no drivers on the computer. Otherwise, you need to double-click on the line with the connected device and go to the “Drivers” section. To update them, the user will have to click on the appropriate button. To bring your idea to life, you must first connect to the Internet.

Computer doesn't see keyboard? In this case (if the device is not displayed in the manager), you will need to go to the device manufacturer’s website, select the keyboard/mouse model there and download the drivers. You should then install them by running the downloaded software package. The problem should go away.


In some cases, the keyboard due to their incompatibility. Situations like this are rare, but they do occur. It's no secret that all PC devices have their own system requirements. Failure to comply with them leads to malfunctions of the devices. There is a software conflict with the peripheral device and it is not recognized.

The incompatibility cannot be eliminated. The maximum is to change the operating system you are using or replace an incompatible device. This is the only way to get your mouse and keyboard working properly.


But that is not all! Computer doesn't see keyboard? If the user is sure that the device is compatible with the operating system being used, and there are drivers on the PC, he will have to look for the problem elsewhere. For example, in the device itself.

To prevent damage, the user must:

  • check the integrity of the nests;
  • make sure that the cable (if any) is intact;
  • double-check that the devices are connected correctly.

If any damage is detected, you will either have to take the PC and keyboard for repair, or use new connectors, or buy new peripheral devices. Damage occurs quite often in practice, but fixing it is not difficult.


Computer doesn't see keyboard? It is possible that there are some viruses in the operating system. No user is safe from them.

What to do? Need to:

  1. Scan your PC for viruses. This requires an antivirus program. You can pay attention to Dr. Web or NOD32.
  2. Scan your computer for spies. SpyHuter will handle this task.
  3. Try to cure everything This operation is performed by clicking on the “Cure” button in antiviruses.
  4. Anything that cannot be treated must be removed. For this purpose, antiviruses and spyware detection programs will have separate controls.

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can restart the PC and observe what is happening. Most likely, the PC will recognize the mouse and keyboard. If this does not happen, it is recommended to reinstall/update the drivers.

About connection

Many people are interested in, In most cases, doing this is easier than it seems. Especially when it comes to wired models.

All actions must be performed with the PC turned off. Next, the user must simply take the wire from the keyboard and connect it to the appropriate connector. For example, a USB keyboard requires connection to a USB socket. It is very comfortable! The same should be done with PS/2 devices.

You will have to act somewhat differently when it comes to wireless devices. In this case, many people think about how to configure the keyboard. Typically, these devices do not require additional configuration; they start working immediately after installing the drivers.

The connection goes like this:

  1. Insert the battery(s) into the device.
  2. Connect special receivers to the PC. They need to be connected to a USB connector.
  3. Move the switch on the keyboard to the "On" position.
  4. Turn on the computer. Activate Bluetooth on it.
  5. Wait for the devices to synchronize.

That's all. Now it’s clear how it works on a computer with a wireless connection. Everything is much simpler than it seems.


We figured out why the computer does not see the keyboard. It is worth noting that there are many options for the development of events. Most of them come down to either buying a new device or reinstalling drivers. Only in some cases, the failure of the keyboard to work is a sign of serious problems.

Any device has its own service life. And it must be taken into account when connecting to a PC. Typically, keyboards wear out during active use 5 years after their purchase.

Mostly users of old operating systems and new devices encounter software incompatibility with the device. Also, a similar problem is now occurring on computers with Windows 10.


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