How to receive a parcel notification. How to correctly receive a parcel at the post office

When sending a parcel, no one checks whether the addressee can receive it, that is, whether he exists and whether he has the necessary documents. Even a child can go to the website of an online store, including an international one, and arrange delivery in his name. There are also simply annoying cases, for example, a passport got into the wash, but the package has already been sent. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you have been thinking about how to receive a parcel without a passport. There are several ways to solve this problem.

What can be an ID card

The postal worker's instructions say that when delivering a parcel, he is obliged to verify the identity of the recipient and this can only be done in one way - checking his documents. This is usually a passport, but other documents can also be used, such as a military ID issued by the migration service, etc.

How to receive a shipment by proxy for a relative

Receiving by proxy is the most convenient way to solve the problem if you do not have any of the documents with which you can pick up the parcel in person.

According to current legislation, a power of attorney to receive mail does not require official certification.

This means that it can be compiled in any form, without contacting anyone: you can find a sample within a minute of searching on the Internet.

To avoid any questions, it is best to write out a power of attorney for one of your close relatives so that the last name matches. The document is written by hand, in it you indicate who issued the power of attorney and to whom, and necessarily the purpose of the order and the date of preparation. Only a personal signature is required as certification. And then your authorized representative will come to the post office and, using a power of attorney and his passport, will receive the parcel without any problems.

If the recipient is a minor and does not have a passport

When you are faced with the problem of how to pick up a parcel from the post office if you don’t have a passport, it’s enough to ask your parents for help. The father or mother can come to the department, show their passport, where the recipient is registered as a child, and receive the shipment.

But in such a scheme there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account:

  1. If the child is an orphan, then official guardians have the right to receive the shipment instead.
  2. At the post office they will only accept a passport from parents, because that is where the children are listed. If you present another document and birth certificate, the desired result will not be achieved.
  3. A minor cannot come to the post office with the passport of one of his parents and pick up the parcel.

Please note that postal workers are not alien to human touch and simply an individual approach to a situation when they personally know the recipient very well. We have provided the job description provisions above, but exceptions are possible. For example, the postal operator is your neighbor, and she knows that you are giving your parents a surprise and therefore does not want to ask them to receive the package. This is not entirely legal, but it often works: no one is punished for such a violation of instructions, provided that no official complaint is received.

Is it possible to pick up a parcel upon presentation of a notice?

A postal notice is not a document and nothing can be obtained from it. An example would be an election: you are notified by notice of the date and location of the election, but you will only be issued a ballot if you provide proof of identification. In addition, there is nothing easier than forging a notice or simply stealing it from someone else's mailbox.

Therefore, no one will release the parcel only upon notification, since there is no guarantee that you are the recipient. In small towns, an exception is often made to this rule when the postal workers and the recipient know each other personally, but in fact this is a violation of the law. If this approach works with your friend, then when you go to another branch, you are guaranteed to be refused.

Is registration checked when issuing mail?

When you show the postal worker your passport, he can look at your registration, but if another district, city or region is indicated there, this plays absolutely no role. The fact is that mail is sorted by address, so when a postal item is issued, the visitor is asked to which address it arrived. If a different registration address is indicated in the passport, the parcel will still be issued - subject to confirmation of the recipient’s identity or availability of a power of attorney.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can receive a parcel at any branch of Russian Post, regardless of current registration.

How can you receive a parcel without a passport: Video

April 2016 – ... Lawyer migration portal website.

April 2014 – January 2015. Specialist in labor migration issues. Department for Labor Migration of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow Region.

Over the past few months, in 18 regions of the country, Russian Post has been testing one innovation in pilot mode regarding the receipt of prepaid parcels. We are talking about a postal passport, and more specifically, about an electronic signature. The bottom line is this - now you can create your own electronic signature directly on the official website of the Russian Post and receive already paid parcels without a passport and filling out various forms. The management of FSUE PR is very proud of its innovation, because this supposedly does not exist in any country in the world. But what do clients say? How did they rate the simplified package receipt scheme?

As it was before? The oldest and most proven method is as follows:

  • we come to the post office;
  • waiting for our turn;
  • approach the employee;
  • We inform you about your desire to receive the parcel and provide your passport;
  • the employee looks for your package and gives you a form to fill out;
  • write down your passport details, initials, residential address;
  • put a signature and the current number;
  • we receive the shipment

At first glance, everything sounds complicated, but it has always been this way, but in fact it is a simple process, which, moreover, will not take much time, provided there are no queues. All you need is your passport and nothing else. This option is perfect for people who do not often receive parcels and, accordingly, do not often visit the post office, and are not aware of various innovations. Plus, this method is most suitable for older people.

For advanced Internet users, Russian Post offers to download the receipt notice on the official website. It looks like this:

  • We enter the necessary data.

  • Click on the Download form button
  • We put the file on a flash drive and go print it, or if you have a printer, we do it at home

This option is no better than the classic one, it simply saves the time spent filling out the form at the post office, since you still have to stand in line and wait until the employee finds the package, as well as show your passport. This is not a bad topic for those who have a printer at home or at work, otherwise it is easier to come to the branch and fill out the form provided by the employee than to look for where you can print the file in order to receive the package at the Russian Post.

There are real regulars at post offices; such people are almost pros in receiving mail. Here's their method:

  • Download the official PR application on your mobile phone
  • We arrive at the branch and wait our turn.
  • Showing the shipment barcode
  • The employee scans the barcode and goes in search of the parcel.
  • At this time, an SMS with a control dialing of numbers is sent to your phone number.

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According to eyewitnesses, employees do not require a passport, and no forms need to be filled out. But the information has not been confirmed, since the Russian Post still has regulations, and the document may be required.

A new way to receive parcels

To receive a parcel at Russian Post without a passport, according to the new rules, you need to create an electronic signature or a postal passport:

  • We go to the official PR website and fill out a signature. You may also be offered this service directly at the post office.
  • Now, when you receive a package, go “to the post office,” stand in line, tell the employee your initials and the tracking number of the shipment.
  • The employee goes to the warehouse to look for the package, then asks you for your phone number and sends you an SMS message.
  • We inform the employee of the received code and you’re done.

It seems that the method is not so bad, but where is the claimed time saving of as much as 5 times? Instead of showing a regular paper passport, you now have to take out your phone, find the tracking number, still give your last name, first name and patronymic, plus your phone number, and then wait for the SMS to arrive. Yes, you can save on filling out the form, but this saving is very doubtful.


Let's start with the fact that from time immemorial postmen have delivered notices to mailboxes. A person could easily fill it out at home and only then go to the department to pick up the parcel. But in all regions they simply stopped delivering notifications en masse - the entire Internet is teeming with similar complaints. By the way, in this way, Russian Post saves a very good penny. But how much inconvenience this method of saving brings to people! What about older clients who do not use the Internet and may not have a computer. How should they know that the package has arrived? Constantly going to the post office? We always forget about socially vulnerable layers.

Now they are simply trying to accustom clients to the fact that they need to print out the application themselves, i.e. the costs are borne by the recipient of the parcel. It is quite possible that soon paper notices and forms will simply cease to exist - everyone will be transferred to modern methods of receiving parcels at Russian Post using a mobile phone or an electronic signature.

Regarding innovations with electronic signature. This method requires the Internet to obtain a postal passport and a telephone to receive SMS. Again, what about the elderly, because this option is unlikely to suit them. It’s one thing if the Russian Post leaves the classic method on par with the new one, but it’s another thing if the good old filling out the form by hand simply no longer exists. It smacks a little of the infringement of socially vulnerable groups.

Buyers of the Joom online store who pick up parcels from China at the post office are familiar firsthand with the queues and delays associated with completing the necessary documents. Taking into account the growing flow of customers, Russian Post proposes to use an innovation that allows you to receive orders without filling out notification papers. You also don’t need a passport, which will allow you to drop by to pick up a parcel after work or during your lunch break. For those who are interested in how to receive a package by mail without notification, experts give several useful recommendations.

How to pick up a parcel from Jum without a passport and presentation of a notice?

If you are tracking your order and are sure that the goods have arrived at the destination (post office), you can pick up the package without waiting for official notification. To do this, you need to issue an electronic signature, which is done directly at the post office or independently - on the official website of the Russian Post. In the second case, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Follow the link
  2. To connect to the service, select the right button on the “Connect via” screen.
  3. In the window that opens, enter your mobile phone number and captcha.
  4. Fill out the electronic form, carefully checking the data. When explaining how to receive a parcel by mail without notification, you should clarify that you need to enter your mobile number in the contacts column.
  5. Complete registration.

Next, you need to copy the track number of your parcel, take your passport with you and visit the post office at your place of residence. There is no need to present documents every time; passport data is verified once during registration.

At the post office, contact a specialist with a request to register. On the website, the employee will check the tracking number of the parcel, check the data in the electronic form with the passport and specify the mobile number. After registering in the system, a personal code is sent to the recipient’s phone. You need to dictate it to the employee, and you will be given the package without filling out any paperwork.

You should have your phone with you, but in the future you can give it to relatives who will be able to pick up orders from Joom without your presence. This is important for those who do not know how to receive a parcel from Russian Post without notification.

Where can I find out the track number for receiving a parcel without notification?

If you cannot track the location of your Joom order on the Russian Post website, then use the proven services, Postal.Ninja or SF-Express ePacket. Subject to delivery by international transport companies, the track code will allow you to find the parcel and receive it without notification. Another option that has become available to customers of the Chinese hypermarket is receiving parcels at parcel lockers. It is more suitable for residents of the capital and large cities, where without notice or documents you can pick up your order at a pick-up point at any convenient time. If suddenly your parcel was sent via the SDEK postal service, then you should definitely check

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not received a parcel at least once at the state post office. Young people, for the most part, may not have encountered such a phenomenon as Russian Post before, and, perhaps, never planned to do so. But, as they say, it’s better not to guess. Indeed, recently cross-border online trade has been developing rapidly, when buyers order goods on foreign Internet sites and receive them at the local post office.

This article will talk about how to receive parcels correctly, which arrived in your name at the post office, both from abroad and within the country. The procedure will be described using the example of Russian Post. But for some postal operators in neighboring countries, this reminder will also be more than relevant.

So, you have received a notification from the Russian Post that your parcel has arrived at the post office. Of course, if this shipment is expected, and you have a tracking number to track it, you can detect the fact that the parcel has arrived at the post office yourself before receiving such a notification. By the way, the latter may not be brought at all or it may simply be pulled out of your box by “well-wishers”.

What do the majority of people do who have no bitter experience of receiving parcels?

With frantic hope, you fly to the post office, abandoning all important matters, for such a long-awaited package. Stand in a long line, in which from time to time someone argues with a neighbor or a postal worker. But this doesn’t bother you, you are looking forward to your happiness.

Finally, you receive some paper from the postal worker, on which you are asked to leave an autograph. After a short bureaucratic delay, the department staff hands you the package with a sweet and friendly face (at best). You rush home to open the package and become the owner of... what? That's right, what we ordered!

But a favorable ending does not always happen. Some lucky customers have found, instead of a long-awaited product, something not quite right - for example, a pack of paper or a small brick. After this, the mood drops sharply, all sorts of thoughts pop into my head: how is this possible, why to me, why?

And the answer is simple, you were negligent in the receipt procedure, and this is your punishment.

The correct algorithm for receiving a parcel at Russian Post

There are several ways to proceed correctly in this matter.

The first method is conflict-free and the most problem-free. It is best to “appease” the most accommodating employee of the post office where you plan to receive your parcels most often. It is enough to “thank” a couple of times for a good attitude with the same chocolate, a small “contribution” (some people call it a dachshund). In this case, to resolve the unpleasant situation with the received parcel, you will have a lot of opportunities, up to the execution of acts retroactively, and we think you will also be allowed to open parcels before signing the receipt for receipt.

Moreover, you can arrange for the operator to call you immediately as the parcel arrives at the department, and the problem with the queue is resolved very quickly.

Note: at Russian Post, in branches where there are no windows for issuing parcels, people in need of postal services should be served with priority over those who pay utility bills or other types of payments. It is precisely because of payments that kilometer-long queues are most often created.

But if you are so principled and believe that a little gratitude for a service provided is a bribe, then the second method is suitable for you. Its essence boils down to the following steps:

  • Remember the last names and initials of the postal employees with whom you communicate. This will be useful in case of conflict situations.
  • Do not sign the postal notice until you can verify the integrity of your package. Under the signature box it is indicated that you received the parcel and have no complaints. If a postal employee asks you to sign first, do not agree, but suggest that you follow the regulations.
  • According to the regulations, the postal employee issuing parcels MUST (understand how must) weigh the issued shipment so that you can ensure that the actual weight of the parcel matches the data specified in the notification (as well as the tracking status by tracking number when passing through customs).
  • In addition to checking the mass, you must provide the parcel for visual inspection so that you can verify the integrity of the packaging and the absence of signs of tampering. This opportunity is also provided before signing the receipt notice.
  • If a weight deviation of 20 grams or more is detected, and/or traces of damage to the integrity of the outer shell of the parcel are detected, or signs of tampering, for example, breaks in the tape, absence of a customs declaration (for parcels from abroad), damage or absence of an address sticker , the department employee serving you must invite the shift supervisor and jointly open the parcel with you.

Note: film the process.

If you notice substitution or damage to the contents of the parcel, the responsible postal employee (shift senior) is obliged to draw up an “External Inspection Report” and an “Enclosure Report”, according to Form 51. Each report must be drawn up in two copies (one for you and for mail). It happens that the parcel arrives at the post office already with a certificate. Most often, this happens when customs reveals a significant deviation from the declared weight and draws up a “Weight Discrepancy Report”, and sometimes the parcel is opened (in this case there should be an “Opening Report”).

In any of these cases, the recipient has the right to demand that the parcel be opened together with a competent postal employee and, if a problem is identified, to draw up the above acts. By the way, even if you have no concerns about damage to the contents of the parcel, but there are signs of damage to the packaging, you have the right to demand an opening procedure.

If the integrity of the parcel was not compromised or an opening was performed, as a result of which you were convinced that everything was in order with the contents, then you can safely pick up the parcel and sign the notice. Otherwise (contents damaged or stolen), follow further instructions.

  • Sign only completed acts. Do not sign the notice.
  • If the parcel is from Russia (within the country), then pick up the parcel. Write a claim to the Russian Post (or its EMS division, if the parcel was sent through it). If you do not receive a response to your claim within a month, you can safely go to court with the signed documents.
  • If the parcel arrived from abroad (product from AliExpress), then it is better to refuse to receive it and indicate that you refused to receive the parcel due to its damage or substitution. Again, do not sign the notice. After this, the problematic parcel will be sent back to the sender, and the tracking number (if the parcel was properly registered) will indicate a new status: “Sent for export.” You can inform the seller that you did not receive the parcel, and it will be returned to him. It is not necessary to report the reasons for such a turn of events, and the seller will not be able to find out about this right away. Open a Dispute and receive money if you have not received it within the allotted time. If there was no tracking number, then there will be no problems with the seller at all - you will immediately open a Dispute.

Forewarned is forearmed"

Postal employees are ordinary people who, like everyone else, want to simplify their work as much as possible and avoid unnecessary problems as much as possible. Therefore, they can persuade the recipient to take some actions that may subsequently complicate his situation.

Here is an example of such tricks and how to react to them:

Situation: You are required to sign the receipt before the parcel is inspected and weighed.

Solution: To be persistent and to disagree by referring to the established order.

Situation: you are refused to open the parcel with the drawing up of the relevant acts in form No. 51.

Solution: it is illegal. You can safely complain to higher authorities (the main post office of the city), call the call center and make an entry in the complaint book.

Situation: you are informed about the absence of forms in Form No. 51.

Solution: The forms are publicly available on the Internet, and you can bring them with you ahead of time (or when the need arises).

Situation: you are required to sign a notice of receipt of the parcel after drawing up and signing the acts.

Solution: do not agree with this illegal requirement, because if you sign it, then the chances of getting a refund from the seller in a Dispute on AliExpress as a result of non-receipt will be significantly reduced, and it will be difficult to prove damage or theft of the contents of the parcel (you will sign about receipt and absence claims).

Situation: you are informed that the parcel has traces of opening, as this was done during customs control. Therefore, you must sign the receipt document.

Solution: disagree and explain to the employee that when opened at customs, the parcel is sealed with special customs tape and a “Customs Inspection Report” is drawn up, which is signed by the responsible person (from customs) and two postal employees present at the opening. And even in this case, the recipient has the right to open it and draw up a report to make sure that what is described in the customs report corresponds to the real state of affairs. Re-taped tape, which differs from the branded/factory one, or an insurance postal flap with declarations, re-taped on the side of the parcel to hide traces of tampering, are good reasons for drawing up a report.

Situation: a branch employee informs you that Russian Post is not responsible for international shipments.

Solution: They want to deceive you. Do not agree, and explain to the postal worker that such responsibility is enshrined in both domestic and international laws. Naturally, responsibility begins from the moment the MPO enters the territory of the Russian Federation.

Situation: You are advised that you are not entitled to claim insurance compensation for a damaged/stolen package. This, supposedly, can only be done by the sender.

Solution: This is not true. According to the law, after receiving the shipment, the recipient becomes the owner of the parcel and has the right to demand compensation in the country where he received such a shipment from the company that delivered it.

Influence measures in resolving controversial issues

As noted above, the best way to avoid most conflicts and complications with receiving parcels at Russian Post is to establish “friendly” relations with the post office employee.

It is worth noting that most often conflict situations arise not because postal employees want to deceive you, steal your package, or out of malice. During the day of work, their mood is spoiled a hundred times by various capricious clients. Look no further than some pensioners who blame and curse postal workers for delaying their pensions. So sometimes even completely normal operators begin to behave inappropriately towards polite recipients of parcels.

And the salaries of their postal workers are far from the best. Of course, this cannot justify unprofessional service, because you (or the seller who sent the parcel, essentially at your expense) paid a lot of money for the delivery of the parcel. Whether or not to work at the post office is their own decision. But you can still understand them, so it’s worth finding a more delicate approach, thanking them in advance for their good attitude (and not always financially - often a simple “thank you” is enough). It's much easier and more enjoyable than getting into a tough confrontation.

If for some reason it is impossible to reach a consensus, you will probably have to use unpleasant, but necessary to resolve the situation, measures of influence:

  1. The first step is to demand that the head of the department come to you. Ask him to explain to his subordinates the rules for issuing postal items.
  2. If the first point did not help (there is no boss, he himself does not understand this issue or does not want to help, taking the side of his subordinate), then you should call the toll-free hotline number of the Russian Post - 8 800 20 05 888 or 8 800 20 05 055 (for EMS Russian Post). It is better to do this directly in the presence of department employees - most often this measure allows you to speed up the resolution of the issue.

The call center operator will need to provide your post office code and address. Next, it is worth explaining the essence of the problem: the requirement to sign a notice of receipt (waiver of claims) before inspecting the parcel, refusal to draw up reports, threats of non-delivery or sending the parcel back to the sender, etc. You can also turn on the speakerphone and invite the responsible employee (or shift supervisor) to comment on your situation.

  1. Depending on how the issue is resolved after the first two steps, you can make an entry in the book of complaints and suggestions, where you also describe the situation in detail, demand that the issue be dealt with and give a written response within the time limit established by law (30 days). Don't forget to include your full name and residential address.

If the recipient is confident that he is right, then the first 2 measures of influence are usually enough, but in especially severe cases it is necessary to draw up written complaints (3rd point), and also contact higher divisions of the Russian Post.

We wish you not to find yourself in difficult situations when receiving parcels.

How can you keep track of your parcel?

There are several ways to track a postal item using its registration number. The most common one is to go to the Russian Post website or mobile application and enter the so-called tracking number. By the way, this service is free. The system will provide up-to-date information about the status of the shipment. But immediately after paying for the order in the online store, you should not look for it or check whether it has gone to you. Sometimes it takes from several hours to several days (especially for placing orders from abroad) from the moment the parcel is sent for the information to be reflected in the system.

There have been cases of mail page clone sites appearing, the creators of which offered information about moving for a fee. If you are required to pay for a search service, then you need to close such a site. As Russian Post emphasized, no one has the right to charge an additional fee for searching for parcels.

The parcel can be received without notification

If, upon request, the tracking system displays the following information: “Arrived at the place of delivery,” it means that the parcel is already at the post office and you don’t have to wait for a paper notification. The operator at the post office is obliged to give you the parcel simply using the postal item number and passport. A passport is needed to confirm that you are the recipient of the parcel. A parcel will be given to a relative or friend only if he has a power of attorney from you in his name certified by a lawyer.

If the parcel is left in the mail, you will have to pay extra for its storage

If a branch employee requires a paper notification and refuses to hand over the parcel, you can contact the hotline, provide the branch number and the employee’s name. It must be indicated on his badge.

If there is a suspicion that the parcel has been opened, if the packaging is underweight or damaged, be sure to ask the postal worker to open the parcel in your presence. If the fears are confirmed, a report is drawn up that will serve as the basis for filing an application for compensation. If an employee refuses to draw up a report, this is another reason to contact the hotline.

There may be an additional charge for storing parcels.

But do not delay receiving the parcel, this may entail additional costs. The addressee or sender may be charged a fee for storing a registered mail item for a period of more than one business day after the secondary notification of the parcel (not counting the day of delivery). The amount of storage fees is set by postal operators. Therefore, many stores prefer to return their goods rather than pay for their storage at the post office.

We will issue a refund

Before the New Year, postal workers traditionally expect a twofold increase in the number of parcels. Photo: Sergey Mikheev

How to get your money back if your package is sent back? You need to contact the store. Interestingly, you can issue a return if the item you ordered does not suit you. But it’s worth doing this “without leaving the cash register.” That is, even at the post office, you should open the parcel and make sure that inside is exactly the product you expected to receive, then it will be easier to prove that you did not replace the contents.

How to get compensation

If the information in the tracking system does not change for two weeks or more, we advise you to go to the post office and write a search application. To do this, you will need proof of shipment (receipt or check). They can be requested from the sender. The application form for searching domestic and international parcels can be easily found on the Internet and printed out yourself. The application is accepted within six months from the date of sending. Within 30 days from the date of application, you will receive a registered letter with the results of the verification.

If you have any questions, you can also ask them by calling the 24-hour contact center 8-800-2005-888 or on the postal service website. There you can submit an official application online.


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