Creating Web pages using FrontPage. Using an Image as a Background Creating a Page Template in FrontPage

What can you add to your site to improve the visual experience? Can set page background

. White pages on a gray background are perceived much better.

The purpose of the page background is to emphasize and concentrate attention on the content of the site, and not to distract. Therefore, it would be correct to use neutral backgrounds. Usually these are gray shades.

Let's add a background to our page. Let me remind you that our website now looks like this (click the link). 1. In order to add a background, open the Frontpage program and in the menu"Format" press

" Background"

3. Click "Other..."

4. Set the following values:

Hue: 160, Contrast: 0, Brightness: 216,

Red: 230, Green: 230, Blue: 230 and click everywhere

" OK"

5. After all our manipulations, everything was painted gray, i.e.

the background of the page and the page itself became light gray.

How to repaint a cell white To make the page white, you need to repaint the cell white.

6. To do this, right-click on the page and select "Cell Properties"

7. Next:

"Background" - "Color" - "White Color" - "Apply" - "Ok"

9. Thus, we created a background on the site page. Now the page itself is white, and the background is light gray: This page looks much more readable and does not blend into the background.

Click the link to view the site page in its original size.

Using the Frontpage program, embed a video on the site

It’s not the slightest bit difficult.

Firstly, if your site, in addition to pictures, texts, and graphics, also contains video, this will make the site even more interesting and attractive. Video helps people understand the essence of your proposal better and more clearly.

Secondly, when a visitor watches a video, he remains on the site for some time and does not leave it. And this has a very good effect on website promotion by search engines.

And sometimes it’s impossible without video.

For example, a housewife created a website for knitting and sewing lessons.

I am sure that pictures and text alone will not do here. But if you record a video about which loop to insert a knitting needle into, and which knot to tighten, and then add the video to the website, then everything will immediately become clear.

Or some other thematic site. For example, how to properly prepare gear for fishing or how to properly pump up your abs. How can we do without video here?

How to embed a YouTube video on a website

I repeat that this is done very simply. The HTML code of the video is copied from YouTube and pasted onto the website page. All this takes no more than 3 minutes.

I propose to learn this using our website, which we created in previous lessons. Let's post a video review of the "Assorted" tea gift set.

I’ll say right away that I didn’t record the special video myself. The tea was really very tasty and I drank it very quickly. But I didn’t have time to record the video)) That's why I found a short video on YouTube about this gift set. It will be quite suitable for us as an example and will give us an understanding of the principle of how video is inserted onto the pages of a website created in html.

So, here we go: 1. Go to the website and in the search bar type the phrase "

Greenfield tea gift set

". Below will appear a list of videos that meet our request. I chose the fourth one from the top (thanks to the author for creating it). Here is a direct link to it, just in case: 3. Then click " "HTML code""

4. Copy the code 5. Open our website about tea in Frontpage. Let me remind you that now it looks like this (click the link) and put the letter " O" over the word Delivery 6. Next, select the letter " with the left mouse button

", go to mode Delivery"With division"

8. As a result of all our manipulations, a gray rectangle was inserted onto the site page. It says: " Can't open page" and then there is a link to a video from YouTube.

10. That's all. We have embedded the video on our website.

Now on the site, in addition to text and pictures, there is also visualization.

Now click on the picture to open the site in a new window and in real scale. There you can make sure that the video works.

In my opinion, such a video review, in addition to text and pictures, gives an even clearer idea of ​​the size, content and quality of the product that we offer to buy from us.

Therefore, video is not only possible, but also necessary to use on your website. The main thing is not to overdo it. How NOT to make mistakes when creating a website and other tricks is described in great detail in video course No. 3, which is called “How to create a website that people like.”

Highly recommend.

And for relaxation, I suggest watching a beautiful video.

Questions and answers
Dear friends! If you have questions, suggestions, or suddenly something becomes unclear, you can always write to me about it.
Let me remind you that a special form has been created on the site for this. I make sure to answer everyone's letters.
Not long ago I started studying the "Microsoft FrontPage 2003" program from the book "Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003" (384 pages), Russian version (+1 CD), Moscow, 2005. The description in the book is quite detailed and the plus is that , that there are a lot of illustrations and screenshots so that you can compare what the user gets and how it looks in the book. And the CD provides additional materials on the Front Page lessons from the book. I read 190 pages and everything was fine, all the exercises turned out exactly as in the book. I got to the topic “Adding borders and shading” (pages 190-194). I will focus only on the essence of the problem that arose in my order:
1) in the exercise you need to create a one-page website;
2) open the main (home) page of the site index.htm;
3) on the page you need to press Enter several times so that the cursor drops to the very bottom of the page (or a little lower is possible);
4) when the cursor is at the bottom, select the entire page by pressing Ctrl + A, the selected page will turn black;
c) at the bottom in the field where it says Pattern, click on the Browse button... and select on the computer a suitable image for the background (not large, about 1/16-1/32 of the page size), after which the path to the image should be displayed in the Background pattern line on the computer;
d) now we set the settings for the location of this background image on the site page index.htm:

Repeat: X axis
Attachment: scroll
e) click further OK and look at the View tab of the Front Page program (it’s at the bottom) - the background image will appear horizontally on the page (from left to right);
f) go back to the Designer tab of the Front Page program and repeat the steps from point 4) - select the page to point d) here we set new settings:
Vertical position: center
Horizontal position: center
Repeat: Y axis
Attachment: scroll
g) click OK and look at the View tab of the Front Page program - the background image will appear vertically on the page (from top to bottom);
h) go back to the Designer tab of the Front Page program and repeat the steps from point 4) - select the page to point d) here we set new settings:
Vertical position: center
Horizontal position: center
Repeat: X and Y axes
Attachment: scroll
i) click OK and look at the View tab of the Front Page program - the background image will cover the entire page (multiply across the entire page);
Everything that happened before matches the exercise in the book. Now we come to the problem.
j) go back to the Designer tab of the Front Page program and repeat the steps from point 4) - select the page to point d) here we set new settings:
Vertical position: center
Horizontal position: center
Repeat: no
Attachment: scroll
l) click OK and look on the View tab of the Front Page program - the background image SHOULD (according to the settings) be displayed in a single copy in the center of the page, but for some reason this does not happen. It multiplies all over the page. I can't figure out what the problem is. Thanks for the help!

With development Internet an information exchange protocol appeared, the protocol is called HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol- hypertext transfer protocol). Along with this protocol, a service appeared World Wide Web(often called WWW or simply Web), which provides an extensive network of servers HTTP transferring files via Internet.

The main part of these files are Web pages– special files written in the language HTML (HyperText Markup Language– hypertext markup language). Web pages published in Internet by placing such files on servers HTTP (Web sites). Content Web pages may be different and dedicated to completely arbitrary topics, but they all use the same basis - language HTML.
Most people who want to create their own website or page are familiar with the language HTML only by hearsay. Therefore, the program can come to their aid Microsoft FrontPage, one of the most famous website builders.

FrontPage, included in the application package Microsoft Office, became the first product widely used for Internet, which combines client and server parts and provides the ability to develop the site as a whole and install it on most popular servers. FrontPage is able to take on all the necessary programming work. However FrontPage It will also become a serious assistant for professional developers who prefer to have full control over the creative process.

Program window FrontPage 2003.

Program FrontPage released by the company Microsoft and is made in the same style as the products included in the package Microsoft Office, so the appearance of the program is practically no different from a word processor Word .

At the top of the window there is a menu bar and two toolbars: Standard and Formatting. You can enable or disable the display of toolbars View menu.
On the left side is View Panel, with which you can switch document modes.
The main part of the window is occupied by the work area, in which one or more windows containing individual documents can be opened.
At the bottom of the window there is status bar, containing background information. Also at the bottom of the window there are three document viewing buttons.
Displaying toolbars.
To manage toolbars in FrontPage you can use the same methods as in Microsoft Word. Namely:
on the menu View need to choose Toolbar item, and in the new submenu that opens - install checkboxes opposite the toolbars you need; or click right click for any reason control panels(or in the area next to it) and use the context menu in the same way.

FrontPage, like other applications Microsoft Office, allows you to add, delete, and rearrange menu items and buttons on toolbars. It is also possible to create completely your own panels.
To do this you need:

IN Service menu choose item Settings
V View menu choose Toolbar item, and in the cascade menu that appears - item Settings
As a result of your actions, a dialog box will open Settings, where you can install the necessary panels.

Create a new Web pages.

If you started FrontPage, that means new Web page you have already created (at startup FrontPage a new empty one immediately opens Web page, ready to place text and any other elements).
Create new Web page You can do it in other ways:

Using a button New page on Standard panel tools.
File menu select submenu Create, and then - Page or Web site;
using combinations Ctrl+N;
by using context menu(works in all modes except Tasks and Reports) - for this inside Folder list given Web) you need to right-click and select the item in the context menu that appears Create  Page.

Creating pages using a wizard and templates.

As mentioned above, if you used the menu to create a new page File  New  Page or Web Site, That FrontPage will prompt you to use a template to create a new page.
To do this, it will open a dialog box, the appearance of which is shown below:

On the tab Are common This dialog box displays a list of templates FrontPage, currently available. By selecting any of the templates, you can see its description in Sample field.
Creation FrontPage Web.
Microsoft FrontPage Web- this is a set Web pages, image files and other components that can be viewed as a whole.
If you make a website in FrontPage, then the most convenient way to store it is to use FrontPage Web.
the most important plus is the ability to rename files included in FrontPage Web.
Imagine that before publishing your site in Internet You suddenly noticed that a couple of your files are named with Russian names. - “Now you’ll have to go through all the files and change the links manually!” duamete you. This is where it will help FrontPage Web- you can safely rename files, and FrontPage will independently go through all other files included in FrontPage Web and will rename all links to the file you corrected.
I won’t describe all the other advantages, but I would like to say that to use all the possibilities FrontPage, then it is better to use FrontPage Web.
So to create a new one FrontPage Web Click on the arrow located to the left of the New page button on the toolbar and select the item in the drop-down menu that appears Website…

Opening Web pages.

Very often, when creating a website, you have to edit already created Web pages. You can return to the same page as many times as you like to edit it or use parts of it to create new ones. Web pages.

Open an existing one Web page possible in any of the existing modes.

From mode Page Views There are four ways to open an existing page:

1 way

If you are working with FrontPage Web, then simply select the desired file in Folder list and double click on it with your mouse.

2 way

From the File menu, select Latest files. From the cascading menu that appears, select the desired file.

3 way

Using the Open File dialog box: File  Open.


To see how your page looks directly in the browser, you can use the Preview tab in editing mode Web pages. But in this case it may turn out that the browser FrontPage will not display some elements of your pages, so it's best to:
use the button on the toolbar
or in File menu select item Preview r in the browser.

If you used the first method, the contents of your page will be displayed in the built-in browser FrontPage.
If you used the second method, then FrontPage will display a dialog box View in browser...

Here you can:
Select the browser in which you want to view your Web page. Typically displayed here initially browser, which is installed by default on your machine.
Add any other browser, for which you need to use the button Add.
Edit or remove installed browsers.
Set the screen size on which your Web page

Preservation Web pages.

Default FrontPage instead of a title pages takes the first line of text from yours pages. This is not always what is needed. You can change the page title using Edit buttons- clicking this button opens the Title dialog box pages, in which you can change the name pages.

Removal Web pages.

When working with Website sooner or later it will happen that you no longer need some pages and you will want to delete them.

There are three ways to remove Web pages.

1 way

In the panel Folder list select the file you want to delete and click the button Delete on keyboard.

2 way

In the panel Folder list right click on file(or icon file), which needs to be deleted and in the context menu that appears, select the item Delete.

3 way

IN List panel folders select the file that you want to delete and then select Delete from the Edit menu.

Work with text.

At first glance, entering text into FrontPage is no different from entering text in any text editor (for example, in Microsoft Word).
To type text, simply click the mouse anywhere on the page, and the cursor will be placed at the nearest point where the text can be entered.
Typing capital letters, editing text (deleting characters, inserting text, etc.) is done exactly the same as in Microsoft Word.
There is only one small BUT: when you press Enter keys in FrontPage The cursor is forced to move to a new line, while fixed paragraph indents are placed before and after the paragraph.
If you don't need to create paragraphs, then it's best to use a keyboard shortcut to go to a new line Shift +Enter.

Working with images.

Graphically formats in Web.

All computer images, all formats for storing them (and, consequently, all programs for processing them) are divided into two large classes - vector and raster. Vector image consists of objects - geometric shapes made up of straight lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves. Advantages vector graphics a lot. From a designer’s point of view, its most important advantage is that vector graphics can be “twirled” as you like, without fear of “rubbing a hole” in the image or losing some information. Another advantage is the small size of files (compared to raster images) and independence from the resolution of output devices (be it a printer or a monitor screen). These factors made vector graphics likely candidate for use in Internet. However, it is worth mentioning that at the moment vector graphics are not as common as we would like.
However, among the actually used vector formats, I would like to note the format Shockwave Flash from Macromedia. To view this format in browser need a plugin ( plug-in), distributed free of charge by the company Macromedia. Today, there are both sites created entirely using this technology, and sites used Flash format only partially.
The raster representation of graphics is based on the concept of a raster. Raster is a collection of objects (in this case, pixels) placed in identical rows and columns. Those. raster computer file can be thought of as a collection of small colored or gray squares that form a mosaic of an image. Because Since the size of these squares is obviously small, when viewing raster graphics these squares merge with each other, forming a continuous change of colors.

The raster image storage format has both its advantages and disadvantages. One of the big advantages of raster graphics is the ability to work with halftones, i.e. the ability to convey an image exactly as it looks in real life. But among the disadvantages, the main problem is the file size. Naturally, the more pixels allocated for forming Images, the higher the quality of the transmitted Images, but the file size will thereby be larger.
If we now return to browsers, then we can say the following: most browsers can display graphics files of four formats without problems (* .gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.bmp), of which at the moment it is best to use two - * .gif and *.jpg. And even then after preliminary optimization.
Inserting images on Web page.
Insert an image into your Web page can be done in several ways:
1. Drag an image from Windows Explorer(that is, directly from the explorer).
2. Drag an image from Internet Explorer.
3. Drag the image file from the panel Folder list, straight to the page.
4. With clipboard- copy the image to the clipboard from any other program, and then paste it from the clipboard on the page.
5. With Add buttons drawing from the file on the toolbar Standard.
6. Using the menu Insert  Figure.
Let's look at these methods in more detail:
Method 1
Windows Explorer(that is, directly from Explorer) you need to:
in FrontPage
open an explorer window;
in the Explorer window, select the file with the image that you want to insert into your page;
left mouse button and drag the image file onto your Web page The image is inserted in the place where the insertion cursor was on the page.
Method 2
To drag an image from Internet Explorer necessary:
in FrontPage open the page where you want to add an image;
V browser open the image you want to put on your Web page browser The file name must end with jpg, jpeg, gif);
Use the left mouse button to drag the selected image onto your Web page;
Method 3
In order to drag and drop file with image from panel List folders, directly to the page you need:
in FrontPage open the page you want to add to image;
select the required image file on the panel Folder list;
left mouse button drag the selected image to yours Web page;
the selected picture will be inserted in the place where the insertion cursor was located on the page.
Method 4
To insert an image into your Web page using the clipboard, you need to:
in the application from which you want to copy the picture, select the image and use the keys Ctrl+C copy the picture to the clipboard;
on your Web page paste this image from the clipboard using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+V
Method 5
Web page you decide to use the button Add an image from file in toolbar Standard, That FrontPage will open a dialog box Drawing.
In this dialog box, specify the image file that you would like to add to your Web page and press the button Insert.

Method 6
If you want to insert an image into your Web page you decide to use the menu Insert  Drawing, That FrontPage will prompt you to make further choices:

Images... – selecting that menu item gives you the opportunity to use a ready-made library of pictures.
From file... – selecting this menu item gives you the opportunity to independently indicate the location of the image file that you want to add to your Web page(using this item will open a dialog box Drawing, the work with which was described above).
Create a photo collection... - using this menu item you can create a collection of images in a specific style. For this in the window that opens Properties photo collections using a button Add on the tab Drawings select images, and on the tab Layout select a design format.
Adding media files.

In addition to simple graphics, such as images in * .gif, *.jpg, *.png etc. FrontPage allows you to post on your Web pages media files. These include: video clips, sounds...

To insert a video clip, you need to Insert menu select item Drawing, and then Video recording...

A dialog box will open. Video window, it will display video clips in * .avi, *.asf, *.ram, *.ra.

Add sound to Web page can be found on the General tab of the dialog box. Page Properties.

Working with tables.

Table- one of the most powerful tools used in website creation.
Initially tables were used only for representing structured data. However, they have gradually evolved into a powerful, all-purpose layout tool. Web pages.

Creating tables

The easiest way creating a table– use the button Add table located on the toolbar Standard.
Another way is using the item menu Table  Insert  Table.
And table can be drawn and pasted using the clipboard.

Data entry and table navigation.

One of the great things about tables is that the text you enter is formatted within the cell in the same way that we're used to formatting it throughout the document. Text placed in a cell automatically wraps to a new line if its length exceeds the width of the column. When you press a key Enter, as usual, a new paragraph is inserted. Text or numbers are entered into the table from the keyboard.

Before entering data into table, you need to place the text cursor in the desired cell tables. This can be done by clicking on it with the mouse.

However, it is more convenient to use key combinations to move between cells:
Keyboard shortcuts: Action:

Tab anywhere in the table, except the end of the last row, go to the adjacent cell and select its contents
Tab at the end of the last line add a new line to the bottom of the table
Shift+Tab go to the previous cell and highlight its contents
Enter start new paragraph
Enter at the beginning of the first cell add text before the table at the beginning of the document

Creating and applying forms.

Forms represent text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, buttons and many other controls. A site visitor just needs to enter some information in one or another text field, select some data from the proposed list, click on the Send button so that the data is sent to Web server for processing (or processed right there on the page).

Let's get to know you - please fill out the following fields:
Your name:

Your last name:

Your date of birth: year month day

Thank you! And now - let's go!
1. Small, but agile.
Wherever he happens, he commands.
He will enter the tent -
The hero will turn over.
Who is this?
Fly Flea Capricious child
2. Sits with his eyes bulging,
He speaks French
Jumps like a flea
Swims like a human.
Who are we talking about?
Cat Frog Parrot

3. What does a seal breathe when it dives under the ice?

4. Why do big turtles cry?

5. What kind of clothes can a herring wear?
Fur Coat Vest
6. Who is called the “river horse”?
Otter Hippo Crocodile

7. What birds do not hatch their chicks?

8. What birds cannot fly?

If you need to select several answers, press and do not release the key Ctrl and left-click on the desired answer

But creating forms on the most page that's only half the job. Since there must be a program that can process the data entered by the user using forms.
Such a program can be located on a server; it may be in yours Website in the form of a separate file, or can simply be written in code html on your Web page.
It is she who determines what will happen to the information entered by the user:

information can be added to the database and various graphs, ratings... can be built on its basis;
information can be sent by email (this is often used to obtain information about the user in various types of questionnaires);
information can be processed right on the spot and the visitor to your site will immediately receive feedback (for example, they will receive points for a test, see the information they entered in the guest book...).

In a relationship forms There are several basic rules:

1. Each form occupies a certain area Web pages. On one Web page one or more forms may be located.
2. Each form must contain at least one of the form elements (although, as a rule, there are several of them).
3.Each element forms has a name and meaning. The name identifies the field for entering information, and the value is equal to the value selected by the user.
4. One of the form elements (it can be a regular button or any picture) must perform the function of a button Send.

Creating forms in FrontPage.
To add a form to Web page, necessary:

Place the cursor where you want to paste form.
IN Insert menu choose item Form, in the menu that opens, select again item Form. Form will be placed on your Web page- an area marked with a dotted frame will appear with two buttons: Send and Reset.
Using the same point menu Insert  Form insert the elements you need sequentially forms by selecting them from the drop-down cascading menu (remember that all form elements are inserted inside the form area marked with a dotted frame).
After form created, all that remains is to fill it with content - elements forms, text, images, tables... (with dimensions forms will change automatically).
Add content forms can be done in the usual way. For example, text can be typed or pasted from the clipboard... All actions with added objects are similar.
However creating a form- this is just the beginning of the work. After creating it, you need to configure the properties as forms, and its elements.

Setting form properties.

To process or store data entered by visitors Web pages, you must either take advantage of the opportunities provided FrontPage Server Extensions, or some other program running on Web server.
But no matter what program you choose, you will still have to configure the properties of the form and the elements in it.
To open the form properties window, you need to:
V Insert menu choose item Form, and then -
Call the context menu for the form and select the item in the context menu that opens Form properties.
As a result, a dialog box will open Form properties.

1. B Save field results must indicate what will need to be done with the data entered into form. You can choose the following options:
o Sending File name- the data will be placed in the specified file on Web server. This file may be Web page, which will become longer and longer over time, or a data file that can then be processed in Excel, Access or any other program;
o Sending Mail Address- in this case, every time the visitor clicks Web pages Send to buttons form an email will be generated and sent to the address you provided. This message will contain all the data that was entered by the user on Web page.
o In the database- in this case the data forms will be sent to the database. The base must be on Web server(or be available to him).
2. B Properties field form, you must specify the form name
Viewing modes FrontPage.
FrontPage Offers six different modes for viewing content Website:

To select the desired mode, you can use Views panel located on the left side of the screen, or in the menu View on the toolbar Standard select the appropriate menu item.

In this mode, you can create and edit Web pages. Here you can create empty Web pages and template-based pages assign themes (a set of styles for presenting the page on the screen) to pages. In this mode, you can add and format text, design pages using graphic and video images (supports conversion of a number of graphic formats to * .gif, *.jpg and *.png), add audio to the page, present information in tables, frames and forms, and finally create hyperlinks. This is not a complete list of possibilities. FrontPage on content editing Web pages.
In this mode you can view the structure Web site(files and folders) and manage it in the same way as you do in Windows, this mode makes it possible to obtain more detailed information about files and folders than is provided in viewing mode Page.
Provides you with more than a dozen reports containing a variety of information about Web site, opened in FrontPage.
Designed to view the site hierarchy. In this mode, you can manipulate the hierarchy by dragging rectangles (each representing a specific Web page).
Demonstrates the system of hyperlinks that link pages together Web site(as well as a system of hyperlinks to other nodes), ensures their integrity is checked and the possibility of modification.
This mode is designed for task management Web site(adding, deleting, executing, setting execution priority, and monitoring the status of tasks).

Download for free FrontPage you can use the following link:

You can use a graphic image as a page background to make your page more attractive. But when choosing a picture for the background, you must remember that this increases the file size, and accordingly, the page loading time increases. In addition, the background image should not be bright so that the text information posted on the Web page is visible on it.

When creating Web pages, you can use graphics from the Clip Art library included in Microsoft Office, files developed using graphics editors (for example, CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop), and also use images obtained from a scanner. FrontPage allows you to import files in the following formats:

  • JPEG (JPG)
  • BMP (Windows or OS/2)
  • WMF (Windows Metafiles)
  • SUN Raster (RAS)
  • EPS (Encapsulated Postscript)
  • PCX (Paintbrush)
  • TGA(Targa)
  • PCD (Kodak PhotoCD)

By default, imported formats other than GIF and JPEG are converted to GIF by FrontPage.

If you decide to use a graphic image as the background of a Web page and it has already been prepared, then to make placement easier, place it in the images folder of your Web site, since FrontPage will start looking for it there. After that, you can start creating the page background by following these steps:

1. Open the created site.

2. Open the home page by double-clicking on the panel Folder list(Folder List) on the index.htm file.

3. In the menu File(File) select command Properties(Properties) or select the page context menu command Page Properties.

Page Properties(Page Properties) go to the tab Background(Background).

5. Select the checkbox located at the top of the dialog box Background image(Background picture).

6. Also check the box Substrate(Watermark). If it is installed, then when you move around a Web page using the scroll bar, the background image does not shift relative to objects located on the page.

7. To specify the name and location of the graphic file whose contents will be used as the background, click the button Review(Browse). A dialog box opens on the screen Select wallpaper(Select Background Picture) (Fig. 15.5), in the list Folder(Look in) which indicates the name of the open Web site.

Rice. 15.5. Dialog box for selecting a graphic image of the page background.

8. If you placed the graphic file in the images folder, open it, select the file prepared for the page background and click the button OK.

9. If you did not take care of placing the file in the folders of the Web site in advance, use the buttons located on the left in the dialog box to search for it Select a background image. Buttons Magazine(History), My Documents(My Document) Desktop(Desktop) Favorites(Favorites), My network environment(My Network Places) allow you to search for a file in folders Recent, My Documents, Desktop, Favorites And My network environment, respectively. Button Find on the Internet(Search the Web) launches a browser to search the Internet for a file that can be used as the background of a Web page.

After selecting the required file, click OK Select wallpaper.

10. Returning to the dialog box Page Properties, press the button OK to close it. The selected graphic file will be used as the background of the current page.

In Fig. Figure 15.6 shows a Web page for which a file from the Windows library is used as the background image.

Rice. 15.6. Graphic image used as background

You can use a single graphic image on multiple pages of a Web site as a background by setting in the dialog box Page Properties checkbox Get background information from another page(Get background information from another page). In this case, if you decide to change the background, there is no need to change it on all pages that use the same image - just do it on one single page. Let's look at the sequence of actions when using this flag:

1. Open the website.

2. Open your home page by double clicking on the panel Folder list(Folder List) on the file name index.htm.

3. In the menu Format(Format) select command Background(Background).

4. In the dialog box that opens Page Properties on the tab Background(Background) check the boxes Background image(Background picture) and Substrate(Watermark).

5. Click the button Review located next to the field in which the name of the graphic file will be placed.

6. In the dialog box that opens Select wallpaper(Select Background Picture) select the graphic file you want to use as the page background and click the button OK.

7. Click the button OK to close the dialog box Page Properties.

8. Save the web page with the placed background image and the original graphic file in a folder images.

9. Open the second page of the Web site in editing mode.

10. Open the dialog box for this page Page Properties.

11. On the tab Background(Background) checkbox Get background information from another page(Get background information from another page).

12. Click the button next to the checkbox Review.

13. In the dialog box that opens Current website(Current Web) (Fig. 15.7) select from the folder images saved Web page with a background graphic and click the button OK.

14. Press the button OK to close the dialog box Page Properties.

Rice. 15.7. Current Web Site Dialog Box

Now, if you want to change the background image on all pages of the Web site, you just need to follow these steps:

1. Place the new graphic in the folder images Web site.

2. Open the properties window of the page located in the folder images, for which you have set a graphical background image.

3. Change the background image using the new graphic file located in this folder.

4. Close the page properties window.


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