How to fix a computer that won't start. Computer repair tips How to repair a system unit

Sometimes, your computer may freeze due to software or hardware problems, in which case, you need to understand what is causing the problem. Notice at what point your computer freezes. You may have connected a new device, such as a printer or scanner; In such a situation, a driver conflict is possible. If the problem appears after adding new hardware, it may be due to lack of power or overheating. If you experience this type of problem, then follow the instructions below to fix your computer.

    Give your computer a rest. If you leave your computer on all the time, then very often, you can solve the problem by unplugging it for 30 seconds. By turning off the voltage on the motherboard, you reconnect the hardware devices and clear the computer's memory.

    Make sure your computer is not overheating. You will have to look inside the computer. Remember that before you open your computer case, you need to unplug it. If you have long hair, then use an elastic band. Remove any jewelry that might be in your way. Also, try not to wear clothes that can generate static electricity, as a small spark can ruin the internal parts of the computer and cause irreparable, difficult-to-solve problems.

    Open your computer case and check the temperature of the metal parts. If they are hot, then most likely your computer is overheating. Carefully inspect the fans and blow any dust out of them. You can use a clean rag to clean the covered areas. Remember: Before you do anything, you must disconnect your computer from the network.

    • If you are using more than one hard drive, try not to install them close to each other to avoid overheating. To install a hard drive in a wide slot that accepts devices such as CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, purchase one from any computer store.
    • Cleaning the fans is a good preventative measure, even if your computer does not develop problems.
    • Before you close the case, check the wires and make sure they are connected. If you need to reconnect the video card or RAM, then “do not press too hard on the motherboard,” as this may damage it.
  1. Check the drivers for your devices. Very often, while downloading and installing updates, Windows may install incorrect drivers for your devices, which as a result can lead to computer freezes. You can check the status of your drivers in Device Manager. Disconnect USB devices, if any are connected. Turn on your computer to check its functionality. If it works, great; if not, you can restore your computer to an earlier configuration. System Restore will roll back your computer to the previous driver build.

Hi all. The last couple of weeks have been a lot of work, so the blog posts suddenly stopped appearing.

Now that I have free time, it’s time to do a pleasant and useful thing - blogging. Today we will talk about repairing your computer yourself. Which can be done not only for free, but also better than some masters. It is difficult to imagine the modern world without a personal personal computer or PC. We are used to the fact that computers surround us everywhere - at home and at work, in stores and other various institutions.

Wherever we are, everyone is working on computers. We use them for work, write diplomas and term papers, read interesting books and find out the latest news, play various computer games and watch interesting programs. And most importantly, we have the opportunity to communicate with our favorite friends scattered around the world.

However, it happens that such an irreplaceable thing as a personal computer fails. Do not rush to contact the service center specialists. In addition, the price of future repairs may slightly discourage you.

Let's try to understand the computer, find out and diagnose its breakdown, and try to repair the computer ourselves. Well, if it doesn’t work out, then we will always have time to contact a service workshop.

In addition, each user is able to carry out simple repairs on their PC themselves, without resorting to the help of specialists from a service center.

A network adapter or UPS - an uninterruptible power supply - will help you get rid of surges in electrical voltage in the network.

It won’t be difficult to purchase one; read more about how to choose a UPS in one of the following articles so you don’t miss it. Voltage surges in the electrical current of the network can most often occur when electrical appliances are incorrectly connected to the network, when you receive a large unevenly distributed load on one power line - for example: plugged into one outlet through an adapter: a microwave oven, a heater and a kettle, which each take separately a lot of tension, but together - a lot.

And if you also connect a PC, you will probably get that very sharp surge in electrical voltage that will damage your computer. It is very rare, but quite possible, that the transformer box may have a general breakdown, or a very strong wind will “sway” the wires and antenna, and so on.

Static stress in the human body may seem insignificant and almost invisible to the eye, but it can also affect the operation of your computer.

To remove it, simply place your hands against the battery or something iron, shake vigorously a couple of times, and after that you can safely begin repairing your PC with “clean”, non-electrified hands.

If the power supply is working properly, it is quite possible that the power button does not work when you turn on the computer. To check its functionality, you need to remove the power button connector and close it with a screwdriver. If the computer's power does not turn on, then the power button is not the cause of the malfunction of your PC, but most likely it is the power supply.

By shorting the power button, you may have the cooling fan turn on for a second. There may be several of them in a PC, and only thanks to them does case dust accumulate inside the PC.

Since complex electronics do not like dust, do not forget to clean and periodically blow out your PC. A vacuum cleaner, a can of compressed air or a soft watercolor brush are suitable for this. Read more about how to properly clean your computer in the article -.

1.1 The computer turns on and then turns off

In this case, the fault may lie either in the PC's motherboard or in its processor.

Capacitors located on the motherboard serve to rectify the overall voltage. When they overheat, they fail, losing capacity. To prevent this from happening, it is important to ensure that the PC does not overheat.

Don't throw away the motherboard right away. Due to overheating, it gradually fails. The computer freezes, the “blue screen of death” appears, and only after a few months the computer’s motherboard may finally fail. Then you will change it. For more information about critical Windows errors, read the article - BSoD errors.

The fact that the PC often turns off may be due to insufficient cooling of the processor. And it is likely that the computer's processor is fine.

In this case, having removed the static voltage from the hands in a way known to us, we disconnect the PC from the power supply, remove the cover, and carefully get to the processor located under the large radiator and large fan-cooler on the motherboard of your computer.

Disconnect the three intertwined wires of the cooler fan. Carefully remove the cooler from the radiator. Try not to use a screwdriver when doing this. Most likely, the cooler-fan is attached to the radiator with a clamp and can be easily removed.

Carefully removing the radiator with cooler, we will see a metal box, the lid of which we also carefully open by pressing the metal tab. And very carefully remove the computer processor.

If the processor is burned out, you will see it immediately. Take a careful look at where the processor is installed; perhaps one of the legs is bent.

One option is to try to straighten it with a thin needle, but only as a last resort and last resort. Purchase thermal paste from a computer store that transfers heat from the PC processor to its heatsink. Using thermal paste, you can eliminate all the tiny gaps between the heatsink and the processor.

First clean the computer processor of old thermal paste and only then apply new one. Carefully return the processor to its old place, then install the radiator in its place and connect the cooler.

Try turning on your PC. If the computer does not turn on, the processor needs to be replaced. When replacing an old processor with a new one, be sure to lubricate the new computer processor with thermal paste.

1.2 The computer turns on and beeps

The PC turned on, but beeped. And this indicates a malfunction of some part of it. We all know that when turned on, the computer makes one short beep. This shows us that all the components and parts of our PC are working properly and the initial test has been successfully passed.

The set of PC fault melodies is different. Their purpose depends on the computer manufacturer and its BIOS model. It's easy to find out. To do this, find the BIOS chip on the motherboard.

If the chip is marked AMI, see the table given in this. If Award, look at the following table given in the same article. If the inscription on the chip is different, you will need to check it on the Internet.

To do this, enter the name of your BIOS chip on the motherboard of your computer in a search engine.

1.3 Overheating of computer components

One of the most common reasons why a computer constantly reboots is overheating of the computer's processor or video card. Always monitor the working condition of the fan-cooler located on the PC video adapter.

You can view the values ​​of temperature sensors using the program that I talked about in the article -.

During the summer heat, it is better to refrain from playing energy-intensive games on your computer. Initially, the appearance of a blue screen of death or artifacts on the screen is associated with the inability to fix an error in the kernel of the operating system itself.

If any executable program or computer driver wants to execute an impossible command. You can try to eliminate the blue screen by simply restarting your computer. But if you do nothing, the error will return again.

The sound of a computer being turned on if one of the cooling coolers is humming is reminiscent of a running tractor. The computer cooling system with fan-coolers wears out, the seal in the bearing becomes thinner, dust and dirt get there, which leads to inevitable vibration and humming.

In this case, find out which fan is making this sound and replace it with a new one. This turns out to be quite simple. The cooler of the computer power supply practically does not hum, which means that the cooler remains on the video card, processor and case.

You have identified a humming cooler-fan and decided to eliminate it, which means that you no longer feel sorry for such a worn-out cooler and you can make an attempt to revive it. Then carefully remove it from the radiator with a small Phillips screwdriver and place it in front of you on the table.

1.4 Remove the cooler and try to clean it

The place where the wires exit is usually covered with adhesive tape. After removing this film, see if it is possible to disassemble the cooler fan into its component parts. If this is possible, then we carefully do it. The cooler plug can be removed using a small flathead screwdriver.

We release the axis with the fan blades. The dirty white piece of plastic that appears is the worn-out remnant of our fan gasket. This is what causes the loud and harsh sound of the computer.

Moisten a cotton swab with cleaning agent or cologne, and clean the fan axis and the place where it will subsequently be inserted. Now it’s time to make a new gasket.

To do this, use a stationery knife to cut a small piece from the core of the gel pen. The resulting thin ring will be your new gasket for the cooler fan axle.

Use a small drop of machine oil or similar as a lubricant. Now put the axle in place with a new gasket, secure everything with a plug.

If you correctly install the old fan-cooler in your computer, you will no longer hear an unpleasant sound when you turn it on.

1.5 Slow startup and computer performance

The computer is turned on, but the system boots too slowly. The folders required for work “load” for more than a minute, as does the launch of other programs on the computer.

Most likely the hard drive is to blame - such a malfunction in the PC is typical only for it. Perhaps your hard drive is dusty, just try to carefully blow it out. Keep it sealed - no need to disassemble.

If this does not help, then you will need to fully optimize your computer. I described in detail how to do this in the articles:

To protect your computer's hard drive, it is better to always have a backup copy of all your data on a removable external hard drive connected to the computer via a USB connector or on a separate drive in the form of an image created using a special Acronis program. The capabilities of which I described in the article - .

It is best to store photos and other personal files and the operating system reinstallation program on an external optical drive, in the original box in a convenient place in plain sight.

General computer operating tips

1. When finishing work on your computer, try to turn it off from the power supply. This will protect your PC from sudden power surges, which happen quite often. The fact that the computer's power button is turned off will not save it from sudden changes in voltage in the electrical network.

Because of power surges, my computer's power supply, printer and active speaker have already failed once. Now I don’t step on the same rake.

2. It is better to leave the computer running all day than to constantly turn it on and off. This adversely affects his working resource.

This is primarily due to increased wear and tear on computer components, the elements of which expand at high temperatures and contract at low temperatures (when the computer is turned off). Therefore, computers in the gaming room, where they work day and night, last much longer than in your home, for example.

3. The computer does not tolerate sharp impacts on the case. At best, this will shake up the internal system dust.

At worst, a heavy heatsink for the central processor may fall off from a rough blow, which will lead to a temperature jump inside the case and failure of the PC processor itself, as well as damage to the video card and its connector.

The hard drive also cannot withstand sudden shaking and can easily break. And in total, computer repair will cost you a lot. By the way, the hard drive must be firmly fixed in the computer case. This will protect it from vibrations during operation.

4. Try not to drink any drinks while on the computer. Accidentally spilling liquid on a computer case can damage your computer.

5. When working with a computer, use an anti-virus program. Virus programs - Trojans, as a rule, zombify your computer to hack some of your files.

This means your PC will be hacked without your permission and knowledge. It won't actually harm your computer. If your PC gets a virus that can disrupt the computer’s control algorithm, then most likely something in the computer’s operation will fail.

If you often have problems with viruses on your computer, I advise you to read the section -. It contains articles with which you can easily remove the most evil versions of viruses.
7. When going to the store to buy a new computer part, be sure to take with you a broken old part to compare the part you need to replace your computer. This will make it easier for you to determine what exactly you need. It is quite possible that you are offered to buy something that is completely unsuitable for your computer model.

2 Conclusion - DIY computer repair

This article covers the main points for repairing your computer with your own hands. If other faults are detected, it is better to contact computer repair specialists or a service center that has all the equipment necessary to repair your computer.

Each PC element and part has its own resource reserve. It is not at all necessary that after the allotted period for operation of a PC part has expired, it will fail. This durability is typical for older computers.

As a rule, with proper operation, only the fans need to be replaced. However, their performance is several times less than that of some modern mobile phones.

In the future, we will consider more complex repairs of computer components, such as repairing the power supply, for example.

so you don't miss it. That's all, may your computer serve you much longer than you expect :)

Computers are constantly working, the system and programs are updated. Due to our actions, or due to errors in programs, or maybe from the consequences of viruses, the system may begin to fail. Of course, almost any problem can be solved with someone’s help or.

Many people want to do their own computer repair, but there are 5 things that you should not do if you do not have experience, or at least 100% accurate instructions on how to do it correctly. Instead of solving the problem, it may get even worse. There is a lot of different information on the Internet, both in the form of articles and step-by-step video instructions. But a computer is a complex device, so some things should be done only if you are completely confident that you are doing the right thing.

  1. 5 things you shouldn't do without experience Editing the system registry
  2. . The Windows Registry is a complex database with a hierarchical representation of information. It stores all the settings and parameters of the operating system, installed programs and equipment. Stable and correct operation of the system directly depends on the registry. Corrupt or incorrect data in the registry can lead to system crash. If Windows stops loading or starts to work worse after manipulating the registry, use. Removing files from system folders
  3. . In general, Windows warns you when you enter system folders, and by default their contents are not displayed (if you use standard Explorer). But sometimes you need to delete or change files to solve a specific problem. But without special knowledge or correct and detailed instructions, it is better not to go there. There is a high risk of getting a broken system, and restore points may not help.. I'm not saying that under no circumstances should you open the system unit. You just need to clean it from dust, add a memory stick or replace the video card. But some people try to replace the motherboard or cooling system on the central processor or video card, and then cry that nothing works. Computer components are very fragile and capricious things that are afraid of static tension and awkward movements. A step to the left, a step to the right, and at the exit we have a non-working computer, or even smoke. If you can try what you are confident in, and leave the rest to the specialists.
  4. Don't play with the BIOS. In addition to the operating system, the computer has another “mini-OS” that controls the computer before Windows boots. The BIOS controls the central processor, fans, hard drives and other devices, and also stores the parameters of their operating modes. Changing BIOS settings incorrectly can result in a complete system inoperability, or minor problems such as slow operation or some devices being unavailable. Do you need it?
  5. Command line manipulation. As many people know, the command line is a powerful tool for controlling the behavior of the operating system and other programs, but only if used skillfully. If you start executing commands, especially those related to changing the file system or other data, you must be absolutely sure that you are doing everything correctly. Otherwise, you may find yourself face to face with a more serious problem than you had before. And this is really bad.

Do not attempt to repair your computer yourself unless you are knowledgeable or have specific instructions. It’s better to ask a friend or a computer technician to help you for little money, or at least use it. For novice users, I advise you to watch a video on the program to optimize computer operation and solve problems.

Hello dear readers of the blog site

While working on a personal computer, few people think about its technical condition. The user is far from thinking about whether the power supply is sufficient for the connected devices, whether the expansion cards are securely screwed in, and about basic prevention.

It all starts from the moment a personal computer fails. This happens suddenly and at the most necessary moment, when you urgently need to print the most important document, your PC refuses to turn on. In order to be prepared for emergency situations and help solve difficulties as soon as possible, it is necessary to learn the basic techniques associated with troubleshooting. In order to localize the cause of the failure, it is necessary to perform a number of actions.

1. Check the connections of the power cord to the network and to the system unit.

2. Check the connections of the monitor to the system unit and to the electrical network. When connected to the network and the computer is turned off, the indicator on the monitor should glow.

3. If the PC does not turn on successfully, then you need to turn off all devices as much as possible, leaving only the monitor, keyboard and mouse. If no image appears on the display and the computer appears to be turned on, i.e. If the indicators on the system unit case flicker and the characteristic familiar sounds of fans and other devices are heard, then a number of actions need to be taken. Turn off power. Remove the left side cover of the system unit case. Remove the video adapter. Use an eraser to clean the contacts and install the video card back into the PCI-Ex slot. If there is no positive image output to the monitor, you need to remove the video adapter from the motherboard and connect the monitor interface cable to the integrated video card. If a familiar boot picture appears on the monitor after turning it on, then it’s time to change (or upgrade) the video card.

4. If, after turning on the power, the system fans begin to rotate, and the small speaker on the motherboard makes a characteristic squeak, then the problem is most likely in the RAM. If more than one bracket is installed in the slots on the motherboard, then you need to remove it as much as possible, leaving one. The procedure of cleaning contacts with an eraser can lead to a positive result. Using a brute force method, it will not be difficult to identify a non-functioning RAM strip.

5. It is quite common for a personal computer to not react at all when pressing the Power button. There are several possible scenarios. There is no contact with the electrical network (the plug is not inserted tightly), or the power cord is broken, or there is a malfunction in the power supply. Failure of the power supply is a common reaction of the system unit to power surges, as well as the connection of devices that consume more power, specified in the characteristics of the existing power supply. Modern practice shows that replacing the described element is a more economical and reliable option than repair.

6. If the personal computer turns on, but the operating shell is unstable, running applications are slow, then the solution most likely does not lie in the hardware. The data on the hard drive, like any device, needs to be prevented. Periodic defragmentation of data, cleaning the registry, and even reinstalling the operating system will not be superfluous. By devoting a little time to preventive measures, you will save yourself from periodic system freezes and PC workload. Having an understanding of the features of the basic elements of a personal computer, you can easily solve the difficulties that arise, or avoid them altogether.

When our trusty iron “assistant” suddenly stops turning on or begins to “stupid and freeze,” reboot spontaneously, or blue screens constantly pop up. Then we will have to take our system unit to a service center or we will have to independently repair the personal computer. Do-it-yourself computer repair should begin with diagnosing the malfunction using special utilities and programs; a little intuition and special diagnostic devices will also not hurt.

Dust and dirt inside the computer often cause problems in its operation, and sometimes a complete failure of the entire system. It is difficult to give recommendations on the frequency of cleaning, since it greatly depends on environmental conditions and the design of the PC system unit. I recommend removing the cover at least once a year and looking inside the system unit. To remove dust, it is advisable to open both covers.

To remove the covers, they need to be moved back a little. Cleaning the inside of the computer can only be done using the dry method using a small brush and a vacuum cleaner. The size of the brush is no more than 20 mm and it is better to use it with a flat working part and a hair length of 30-40 mm, so that it can freely penetrate the fan blades.

The system unit is placed on a table or flat on the floor, after first removing the power cord from the power supply connector. The remaining wires can be disconnected, but not necessarily, if their length allows. When cleaning from dust, first of all you need to pay attention to the cooling system and processor fan, since the radiator very often becomes clogged with dust, dirt, and hair, this can cause the processor to overheat. You also need to clean the motherboard and all the fans and heatsinks on it.

Another critical area is the video card, many of which have their own axial fan. Sometimes so much dirt gets packed under it that it stops and burns out because of this, and most likely the video card will go the same way. It is better to remove it and clean it thoroughly.

Sometimes the cause of operating system glitches is also contamination of memory modules, especially those that are closer to the processor.

Do not forget that during operation the power supply fan accumulates a huge amount of dust. It is even advisable to unscrew the power supply, unscrew the cover and clean it with a brush and a vacuum cleaner, and then assemble and install it in place. But if you are afraid to make connections, then you can simply fold the power supply on the wires and remove the cover.

If you are too lazy to bother, then you can at least suck out the dust through the ventilation holes using a vacuum cleaner at maximum power.

Never wipe the dust inside the system unit with a cloth, especially a damp one. Do not use sharp objects and do not lose anything, especially various metal objects inside the system unit.

Many people have a large black box on their computer desk, called the system unit of a personal computer. Let's open it and figure out its structure and filling.

The central processing unit, or CPU, is the heart of any computer or laptop. It is he who executes all commands sent by the user or the operating system, processes all information and controls all computer devices.

The principles of the design and operation of the motherboard are described. From the article you will learn what connectors are on the motherboard, how to check it and find out what exactly the problem is, as well as some secrets of repairing the motherboard yourself.

CPU-Z– a program that reveals detailed information about the processor, memory, cache and motherboard available in the computer.
Easy Recovery- for data recovery and diagnostics of hard drives and others

Some users have difficulty connecting a regular computer system unit. Sometimes, due to connection errors or a poorly inserted connector, the computer may refuse to work at all. In general, the operation of connecting a system unit is not at all difficult, but there are some specific points in which it is easy to make a mistake.

The easiest way to make sure that the power supply is working is by replacing it with a similar one; we’ll find out how to do this and then how to repair the old one by reading this article

Personal computer power supply - designed for uninterrupted power supply to the entire system unit and all its components. Therefore, the failure of this unit completely de-energizes the computer and it usually stops turning on. A malfunctioning computer power supply is the main cause of various freezes, blue screens, and errors in the operating system and other programs, so you need to check this unit first. The algorithm is somewhat different, but you can do it yourself.

How to install a video card

The video card in the system unit is designed to work with graphics, that is, it performs the functions of processing and displaying images on the monitor display. A modern video card has its own RAM, graphics processor and interface bus through which data is exchanged with the central processor and RAM of the computer.

In order for a laptop or computer to work optimally and quickly, periodic maintenance of the laptop using software is required. In this case, maintenance means the use of specialized utilities and programs.

Deciphering codes for Bios from the following manufacturers: AMI BIOS (AMIBIOS8), Award BIOS, Phoenix BIOS and others

A very important point in the maintenance and software repair of a laptop or computer is the knowledge and skills in cleaning the Windows registry, which is a hierarchical database of settings and various parameters of the operating system. The registry is a storage place for information about settings and configurations of hardware and software, user profiles and presets, data about installed utilities and their changes. The registry can be represented as a directory that briefly describes what is stored, where and how, what parameters it all has and how it all interacts with each other.

When repairing computers and laptops, they often do preventive cleaning of dust and replacement of old thermal paste. Sometimes dried thermal paste can stick to the heatsink. It turns out that you planned to remove the radiator to replace thermal paste, but it is removed along with the processor.

If your computer or laptop, which has been in use for 2 years or more, suddenly begins to glitch or freeze, then it is worth inspecting its motherboard for swollen capacitors. In this article, we will try to answer the question about the correct replacement of capacitors on the motherboard and in what cases should this be done?

The causes of malfunctions and problems of an inkjet printer very often are not a breakdown requiring the intervention of a service engineer and disassembling the printer and can easily be eliminated by an ordinary user. Symptoms of inkjet printer failure can be divided into two groups.

To create a local network or connect to the Internet, you will need to connect computer network cards and switching devices using a network cable. And the cable is connected to the network adapter using special RJ45 connectors, which are installed on the network cable using twisted pair crimp.


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