How do quartz watches work? Quartz wristwatch

Do you want to buy a watch, but don't know which one? Let's figure it out and answer the questions that most often arise when purchasing: what are quartz and mechanical wristwatches. What are their pros and cons?

How do mechanical watches work?

The main difference between quartz watches and mechanical watches is the energy source that powers the movement. In mechanical watches, this is done by a spring in the form of a spiral. It is located in a drum and has a serrated edge. When winding the watch, the spring is wound, and when it unwinds, the drum is activated, which starts the entire watch mechanism.

What are quartz watches?

A quartz watch is operated by a battery that powers the entire electronic unit, as well as a stepper motor. The engine receives an impulse from the electronic unit once per second, as a result of which the arrows turn. High stability of the frequency of the generated pulses is ensured by a quartz crystal - hence the name of this accessory. Such a watch is wound once (the next winding will be carried out only when the battery has to be changed). Quartz watches are highly accurate and comfortable to use. Most often we call such watches electronic, although in fact they are quartz with a digital display.

Modern manufacturers offer quartz wristwatches, which are a mini-computer. Thanks to the programming of the microcircuit, they can easily be equipped with a stopwatch, chronograph, alarm clock or calendar. There can be many additional functions.

Mechanical watches appeared more than four hundred years ago, but quartz watches entered the market only in the second half of the twentieth century. Today there is a constant debate about which watch is better - quartz or mechanical. But they all have their pros and cons, which we will discuss.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical watches

One of the main advantages of “mechanics” is the absence of the need to constantly change the battery. This means that such wristwatches do not require additional service, there is no need to buy batteries, which means there are no additional financial costs.

Mechanical watches are highly repairable. Today, any watchmaker can make a broken part. And even despite the fact that such watches could have been made a very long time ago, they can be repaired with the possibility of preserving the original mechanism. They have a long service life. All parts of such accessories are made of metal, which, of course, prolongs the life of the mechanism itself. That is why mechanical wristwatches, both women's and men's, are considered more prestigious.

The disadvantages of watches of this type include: sensitivity to shocks, inaccuracy of the watch, as well as high cost - exclusively manual labor is used in their assembly.

Although it is still worth paying money for such jewelry work by a watchmaker. In addition, today you can find a decent model in a more budget price segment. Moreover, you don’t need to go far. Here, look at excellent mechanical watches for reasonable money.

Pros and cons of quartz movement

The main advantage of a watch with a quartz movement is its accuracy. The time difference in a month can be up to twenty seconds, and for the best watches such a deviation can be up to five seconds in one year.

Such wristwatches are much more reliable than mechanical ones, since they have fewer parts (just an electronic unit and a stepper motor).

A watch with a quartz movement does not need to be wound daily. Today there are models in which the battery is changed once every three years. There are also quartz watches with a battery that lasts up to ten years.

The assembly of watches with this type of mechanism occurs with full automation, which is certainly cheaper than manual labor. Therefore, the cost of models with a quartz movement is several times less than that of mechanical ones. You can afford such a watch on any budget. And perhaps even several. For different styles and occasions.

But the disadvantages include:

Small but regular cash costs for purchasing a battery.

Low maintainability. If the manufacturer has stopped producing spare parts, such wristwatches can only be repaired if the mechanism is completely replaced.

Fragility - quartz watches that were released at the end of the twentieth century will not work today for the simple reason that modern batteries will not work with them.

All these disadvantages are, of course, relative. Few people would be scared by the prospect of changing the battery when a stylish and fashionable watch accessory is at stake. Moreover, when it has the best possible price-quality ratio, and thanks to modern technologies, the quality is often even higher than the set price. Here are three super models for example.

Based on the above, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which wristwatch is better - quartz or mechanical. When choosing one type of mechanism or another, you should proceed from your individual preferences. Which of the benefits we have listed are valuable to you? Think and make your purchase with confidence.

The history of quartz watches began relatively recently. Over more than forty years of evolution, they have become the ideal instrument for measuring time - accurate, reliable and easy to manufacture. They show time with an error of a minute even after two years of operation, and are therefore used in aviation and navigation as standard chronometers.

Casio G-shock MR-G MRG-G1000HG-9A released in limited edition in 2016

Quartz watches and their mechanism, what does it mean?

The quartz mechanism of a watch is a reliable mechanism, but it is better not to go to the bathhouse with it, just dive into the water or play table hockey. Quartz can withstand a lot, but a lot does not mean everything!

It is still unclear how long it takes for quartz elements to wear out completely. Presumably the quartz crystal in the transistor is destroyed after a couple of decades, but in practice the clock works longer, although its accuracy decreases every year. From this it is logical to conclude that the quartz resonator is replaced as it wears out - once every twenty years. Unfortunately, finding a technician who will replace a transistor on an obsolete board is not an easy task.


In general, quartz watches can be repaired. This is compensated by their durability and relatively low price, but still, in the vast majority of malfunctions, service centers simply replace the old board with a new one, which is equivalent to buying the watch itself.

It is important to remember that the battery must be changed at least once a year, otherwise it may leak and oxidize along with the microcircuit, which in such cases is replaced entirely. It is better to replace the battery in a workshop if the quartz watch is waterproof or the case cannot be opened without a special tool.

High (+60°) and low (-10°-20°) temperatures affect the vibration frequency of quartz. Many companies make boards with thermal compensators to get rid of this inherent defect, but not all of them and not always. Therefore, it is not advisable to leave the watch on cold marble or forget it in the sun - it is better to wear it on your hand, especially in severe frosts. By the way, you cannot go to the sauna or take a hot shower with a wristwatch - special devices are produced to measure time in extreme environments.

Water is harmful to chips, but most watch companies make quartz watches waterproof. First of all, check the specification and find out the water resistance standard to which the watch is made. This could be ISO 2281, or 22810:2010, or 6425. In Germany, the DIN 8310 standard is also used, which is identical to ISO 2281. The vast majority of watches are created according to ISO 2281 and 22810:2010 standards. Manufacturers often indicate under what conditions standardized tests were carried out, that is, the dial may have marks like 50m, 100m, 200m. You can learn more about waterproofness from the article. Our recommendations:

Quartz watch manufacturers such as Seiko and Casio have similar recommendation tables. Remember a couple of simple tips that are relevant for any model. Always tighten the watch crown before swimming and do not press the buttons underwater. Do not press the back cover all the way because there is a risk of tearing the rubber gasket.

According to the instructions, watches made according to the ISO 6425 standard are inspected by a watchmaker every few years, provided, of course, that they are regularly immersed in water and do not play the role of a stylish accessory. In addition, do not forget that water is also a gas, which means that in a humid climate, watches with low water resistance could theoretically break.

Be careful. The chip itself will not break from light impacts and will survive a fall from a height, but the gear system that drives the hands and the LCD display are less durable. Accuracy is even more important if the dial is not protected by sapphire crystal. Also, owners of watches with a calendar should never change the date if the hands are between 9 and 3 o’clock - move them to the bottom of the dial, and only then set the desired value.

The simple mechanism of a quartz watch guarantees accuracy for decades if you handle it with care - change the battery once a year, do not forget it in the cold, keep it away from water and do not drop it.

The quartz watch mechanism is a combination of high-precision electronic and mechanical elements that provide accurate timekeeping.

The power source for such watches is an electric miniature battery located inside the case under the protective plate.

This was a brief and rather simplified definition of the essence of a quartz watch mechanism, so below we propose to understand this in more detail, as well as answer the question of why such a mechanism is better or worse than classical watch mechanics.

To begin with, I would like to say that quartz watches are a natural stage in the evolution of mechanical watches. Precise mechanical watches are difficult to manufacture and therefore have a high cost.

Attempts to reduce the cost of their production did not lead to anything good. I think you remember the mechanical fakes of watches of large brands; literally after 2-3 hours of their operation the owner discovered that the watch was either significantly in a hurry or was also lagging behind.

And only the use of a quartz movement made it possible to massively provide people with a source of accurate time always “at hand.”

Advantages and disadvantages of quartz movements in watches

Preference for quartz movements is often given to lovers of outdoor activities: tourists, athletes, representatives of extreme sports. And they choose them due to the expanded range of functionality of such watches, for example, the main ones:

  1. High precision. There are models in which the deviation is +/- 5 seconds per year;
  2. Advanced functionality. The watch may include functions such as: stopwatch, calculator, barometer, altimeter, compass, heart rate monitor, etc.;
  3. Quartz watches are less sensitive to shock than mechanical watches;
  4. The case of quartz watches is often made of high-tech plastics, this makes it possible to significantly reduce their weight, so such watches are also suitable for children;
  5. There is no need to monitor the regularity of mechanical winding, so the risk of the watch stopping due to slight forgetfulness of its owner is minimized;
  6. Relatively low price due to the fact that the production of watch elements and their assembly are automated.

The only thing that can be noted among the shortcomings of quartz watches is that their mechanism is practically beyond repair. If the manufacturer has stopped producing electronic chips, then you can’t count on repairing such a model.

Basic elements of a quartz watch

In the mechanism of a quartz watch, the main elements are a stepper motor and an electronic unit, which sends a control pulse to the motor at a given time, which in turn sets the clock hands in motion. A simplified diagram of the operation of a quartz movement in a watch is shown in the figure below:

The high accuracy of the frequency of control pulses, and therefore the high accuracy of the clock, is ensured by a special element - a quartz crystal, thanks to which this type of mechanism got its name.

Unlike mechanical watches, where the source of their movement is a spring winding, in quartz watches the electronic unit and the motor are powered by a miniature battery. Typically, its capacity is enough for several years of continuous operation, while the owner of the watch does not need to wind it daily, like mechanical models.

Design Features

Quartz watches are available in two main types: with a pointer dial and with a digital display.

Since their appearance on the Russian market, the second version of watches has been called electronic, but throughout the world they are called quartz watches with digital display.

Such watches are often given a sporty style and provide more advanced functionality: chronograph, calculator, stopwatch, etc.

Thanks to this, many modern models are essentially mini-computers. At the same time, which is important for ordinary buyers, the price of quartz watches remains quite acceptable.

The crystal is the “heart” of the watch mechanism

It is the crystal that ensures the accuracy of the watch and sets it to the correct counting clock. This element can rightfully be called the “heart” of the watch mechanism.

It's all about its unique properties, because when compressed, the crystal emits an electrical impulse. And it, in turn, is forced to compress and unclench by an electronic generator, which is powered by battery current.

Thus, providing constant power to the watch mechanism, they cause quartz vibrations, which are tuned to a resonance frequency of 32768 Hertz.

How long can quartz last?

Many buyers of quartz watches are concerned about this issue, especially those who are not used to pampering themselves with frequent new items. I hasten to reassure you right away: I myself The quartz movement of the watch lasts a very long time, for example, even now you can find radios from the 20s in working condition, which means that the service life of electronic elements is quite long.

Although, I am sure, you are unlikely to be bothered by the desire to be able to pass on watches by inheritance, as was previously the case with mechanical watches. This is because new watches are now being bought to replace old ones, not because the old ones are broken or deteriorated, but because their model is outdated.

You yourself would be quite surprised if you saw someone wearing a model of an electronic watch that was popular in the early 90s, wouldn’t you?

Although, despite their “moral wear and tear”, these models retained excellent performance.

Therefore, when buying a modern model of quartz watch, you don’t have to worry about the reliability of its mechanism; it will be able to reach obsolescence with a margin, without bothering you with any hassle.

Bottom line

Thus, we can supplement the definition with which we began this article by saying that a modern quartz movement is an almost ideal ratio of accurate movement, convenient design and affordable price.

We talk about the basic principles of operation of the quartz movement in wristwatches


It seems that everyone more or less understands the basic structure of mechanical watches. Of course, rather less than more, but the basis is clear: the source of energy - the spring - acts on the wheel, the frequency of the latter’s oscillations is determined by the spiral, the vibrations are transmitted to the unit, and it is followed by the transmission, which is also the gears (gears) that drive arrows.

In fact, everything is incredibly complicated, but that’s the principle. The main thing is that all this can be seen with your eyes. And even touch it with your hands. Well, at least virtually.

But quartz watches - how are they built? After all, not everything can be seen there, much less touched. However, if you look into them, everything is simpler. So, in order.

Diagram of the operation of a simple quartz movement (with a second hand at 6 o'clock). Image: Encyclopedia Britannica


Battery (using the example of the ETA Flatline 210.001 mechanism). Image:

The energy source is a battery. The energy is not mechanical, as in the case of a spring, but electrical. Nevertheless, there is still energy. The battery can be a “tablet”, or maybe, for example, solar. These are just details.


Generator with a quartz resonator (using the example of the ETA Flatline 210.001 mechanism). Image:

An oscillatory system is a generator with a quartz resonator, or quartz for short.

The current produced by the battery causes the quartz crystal to vibrate (piezoelectric effect). This crystal - an analogue of a spiral - is tuned to a certain vibration frequency, most often 32,768 hertz This is approximately ten thousand times more than the number of oscillations of the balance in an ordinary mechanical watch.. At this frequency, a generator produces pulses - an analogue of a balance.

Microprocessor / binary counter (using the example of the ETA Flatline 210.001 mechanism). Image:

32,768 is 2 to the 15th power, which is important, since the circuit also contains a simple binary counter, also known as a divider, at the output of which the frequency is reduced to 1 hertz - to a second clock cycle.

Electric motor

Stepper motor (using the example of the ETA Flatline 210.001 mechanism). Image:

At this frequency of 32,768 hertz - once per second - pulses are sent to a stepper motor, which is analogous to a trigger.

Liana Raimanova September 28, 2018, 00:39

Quartz watches are becoming increasingly common these days. Thanks enough low price, accuracy, they are often purchased for both adults and children. Despite their popularity, many people cannot accurately answer the most basic questions about the design of quartz watches and do not know whether quartz watches operate on batteries or not. Below are the main points related to frequently asked questions.

What are quartz watches?

A quartz watch means that the mechanism operates not from mechanical force, but from electrical impulses (batteries). Battery-powered watches are often called electronic watches. The operating principle of a quartz watch movement is based on the interaction of a battery with an electronic unit. The block itself contains quartz crystals, which is why chronometers get their name.

Timely replacement of the battery in a quartz watch is a prerequisite for its operation.

Quartz watch show time more accurately than mechanical ones. They are often equipped with additional functions. They have an affordable price. These advantages make them more popular than mechanical ones. Manufacturers supply them with both pointer and electronic time displays. It is sometimes impossible to understand from their appearance that they are not actually mechanical.

Sports men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price on the link)

How to change the battery in a watch?

Quartz wristwatches operate on batteries, so the owner will have to change the battery from time to time to ensure accurate chronometer operation. This is required approximately once a year. You can give the mechanism to a watchmaker, who will handle the task in an instant, or change the element yourself.

How to do it:

  1. First of all, you will have to open the quartz watch to change the battery. This action should be performed on a flat, clean surface to avoid scratching the glass of the device during operation.
  2. If the watch cover is attached to the case with screws, they should be unscrewed. Often a snap-on lid is made. Then the watch is carefully inspected, and the tip of a knife is inserted into the visible gap. Use it to open the lid. To prevent the watch from moving during operation, it can be secured in a vice by the lugs from the bracelet.
  3. Next, remove the special gasket. Remember how it stood so that you can then return it to its place without any problems.
  4. The battery is secured using two straps. One of them is movable, it is also secured with a screw so that the battery does not fall out. The screw needs to be unscrewed a little. You cannot completely unscrew the screw; it is enough to make one movement clockwise with a screwdriver.
  5. Once it is loosened, the battery can be carefully removed using tweezers (they are small).
  6. Then, also using tweezers, insert the battery, attach the bar with the screw, install the gasket and return the cover to its place.

Important! If the tweezers are metal, their legs should be wrapped with insulating tape before use.

It happens that the clock lags with a new battery or does not work after replacement. In this case, it is necessary to clean the place in the watch where the battery touches the special element. Dirt often accumulates on it, contact weakens, and work becomes impossible. It is better to do this immediately when replacing the battery, so that you do not have to disassemble the watch again.

How to replace the battery on a quartz watch yourself?

Work to improve quartz watches

Many people are interested in the claim that there are quartz watches without a battery. They mean watch models that combine the operation of mechanical and electronic watches. It is generally accepted that quartz watches must have a display that indicates the time. In hybrid types, time is arrow. In addition, models are now being produced that show time both by dial and electronically, depending on the owner’s wishes. However They still work using a battery.

A model of a quartz watch with a battery has been created. It is charged by the movement of the owner's hand. But such a watch will not work if it is not worn on the hand.

At the end of the last century, Seiko released a new watch model. They know how to "sleep". When the watch is not on the wrist, its hands do not move; only the internal circuit works. This saves energy. As soon as the watch is on the owner's hand, the hands will come to life and indicate the current time. There are watch models that capable of “sleeping” for more than 100 days. In hybrid types, time is arrow, as in the children's model in the photo.

Children's watch, SL (price on the link)

Watchmakers are constantly improving the mechanism of quartz watches. Today, some models can replace a personal computer. The last time a model of a watch powered by human heat was presented. They do not need to be charged or the battery changed. But without the warmth coming from the hand, they will stand up. So everyone Quartz watches require a power source. The only question is how he stores and spends his energy and where he gets it from.


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