How to create a file in Microsoft Office Word. Create documents online


1. Open in Windows Explorer (or using the folder “My Computer”) folder “My Documents”, and then folder, in which you want to place the created document.

1.1. Call Context Menu (right mouse button) on desktop, and select “Create/Microsoft Word Document.”

An icon will appear on the desktop Document (New Document) Microsoft Word.

1.2. Give a new name, after creating a new document, instead of a faceless one "Microsoft Word Document" using contextual menu (right mouse button) , paragraph Rename, removing the inscription Microsoft Word Document key Backspace.

1.3. ABOUT open P stand document for editing , by double clicking the icon left mouse button.

The program will open Microsoft Word, i.e. a blank page on which you can create your own document (file), which already has a name.

Move file after creation, with Desktop to a folder My Documents . The easiest way is to place the mouse cursor on the icon file, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag it to the folder My Documents .

2. Create a new document using Start buttons: at the top Start menu the command appears « ».

2.1. IN Windows 7: Start - All programs - Create document Microsoft Office

2.2. General tab. Select program Microsoft Word to create a new document by left-clicking on the desired icon.

3. The easiest way is to launch the Word editor, type the required text in it and only then, when preservation, specify the desired location as the location for saving the document folder.


1. Click the button "START" and looking at the menu "Documentation ", you can quickly open a document Word, which we worked on the day before.

2. Launch Word,

    press the button " Open" on Panels tools

    or go to the menu " File", team " Open».

This method is used in cases where it is necessary to open in Word text file from formats other than *.doc.

For example, files with the extension *.txt, hypertext documents *.htm files created in other editors Word For DOS.

If you need to open in Word file of any of these formats, do not forget to set the “File type” column (Open menu) to “All files”.

P about default opening menu Word“sees” only files with the extension *.doc.

Working with Templates

TO "START" button All programs , team « Create a Microsoft Office document» will allow you to use one of the most convenient Word services – TEMPLATES.

Sample - This is the ready-made skeleton of a standard document, on which all that remains is to add information suitable for the given case.

Tab Are common : left click on the icon New document , confirm OK - the selected program will open Microsoft Word , in which you can create any document.

Other tabs provide ready-made templates documents. If you want to compose summary or write official letter, it is better to use ready-made templates.

Clicking on the selected tab , you need to make a choice of template, for example , Summary will open collection of resume templates.

If you click on the presented templates, then in the right window "View" the selected template will be displayed.

Choosing a suitable template , double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Word will open with the template you selected. , in which the template text "Summary " you need to replace it with your text and save it in the desired folder, which should be in the folder My Documents .

Before you start working in Microsoft Word, you need to learn how to create new documents. The process is quite simple. With our instructions you will figure it out very quickly.

Using Hot Keys

As you know, hotkeys can significantly speed up your computer work. Likewise in Microsoft Word, basic operations can be performed by pressing the appropriate key combination.

If we want to create a blank document, without formatting, completely ready for use, we should click:

This must be done with the editor running.

It will be useful for you: here are all the main Word keyboard shortcuts

Using the editor menu

Launch Microsoft Word. In the upper left corner, click the "File" button. Select "Create". A menu will open with all available templates. You need the "New Document" item. Select it and click the "Create" button.

The document will be created, you will see a blank sheet without formatting. Now you can work with it.

Windows context menu

If the Microsoft Office software package is installed on your computer, then the functions for creating new documents are built into the Windows context menu.

Go to the folder in which you want to place the future document. Call the context menu by right-clicking on any free space in the folder. From the menu that appears, select New, then Microsoft Word Document. It will be created.

Let's now give it its name. Select and call the context menu again. Now click on the “Rename” item. Type the desired value and click "Enter".

Now launch it and you're good to go.

Create a Document Template

If you often work with documents that have a similar structure, then it makes sense to create a template for them.

A Word template is the basic structure of a document, which includes the arrangement of individual elements and text formatting settings. An example of a template is an official letter. The company logo is in the top center, information about the director is on the side, etc.

Every time you need to write a letter to your clients, all you need to do is create a new document based on a ready-made template and add the required text.

So, how can you create a new template in Word. Launch the editor and create a new document. Please format it accordingly. Add all the necessary elements and graphics. Once this is finished, go to the "File" menu, and click the "Save As" button. In the window that opens, select the file type "Word Templates" and the location of the template. Click the "Save" button.

Now when you need to open it, just select the template from the list.

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Use our instructions to create a new Word document. The templates feature will be useful to you if you often use the same type of documents in your work.

Want to learn how to make footnotes? Then read our guides.

In the previous article we talked about how to make a landscape sheet in Word.

Why look for information on other sites if everything is collected here?

MS Word - creating a new document

You must have one of the versions of the Windows Microsoft Office Word editor installed on your computer. If you don't have the program yet, you can download Microsoft Office 2007 for free here. Then you need to install it, and you can get to work. There are several ways to create a Word document. Open the folder in Windows Explorer where the new document will be located. The next step is to call up the context menu for this folder, select New, then Microsoft Word document. You will have a new text document with the name microsoft word document and the extension .doc. To complete the operation, enter the desired name and press enter.

The second method is to launch the Word editor by double-clicking on its icon on the desktop or in the taskbar. An editor window will open in front of you. Then there are two ways: save the empty document in the desired location with a name, or first enter text information and only then save. This is done as follows: click file, then save as. In the window that opens, enter the document name, extension and location. Finally, click the save button.

In both of these options, we looked at how to create a Microsoft Word document, so to speak, from scratch. That is, we received a blank sheet into which, if necessary, we could enter the necessary text information. In addition to this, I want to look at an interesting feature - document templates in word.

A template is a ready-made design of a standard document. You just need to supplement it with the necessary text information. For example, a letter template will have a standard structure: from whom, recipient, title, etc. A convenient feature if you often need to create documents that are similar in structure. You can manually create a document with the desired structure and then save it as a template. Or use ready-made options from the collection of Microsoft Word templates. To do this, click sequentially file->create->template samples. Then select the option you need.

Creating and saving MS-Word documents

There are several ways to create an MS-Word document:

7) You can open the desired folder in Explorer and, by right-clicking, select the command “New ⇒ Microsoft Word Document” in the context menu. Then enter the file name.

8) You can create a document by clicking on the button (“Create”) on the “Standard” toolbar.

9) You can use the MS-Word menu command “File ⇒ New. . ." If the first two methods only directly create the document, then the latter is the most flexible tool, since it allows you to use various additional parameters.

After selecting the menu command “File ⇒ New. . ." The dialog box shown in Figure 1.6 appears on the screen. In MS-Word 2003, when you select this command, an additional panel opens on the right (Figure 1.7), with which you can open the window shown in Figure 1.6 by selecting the command “On my computer. . ." from the "Templates" section. In the lower right corner of the Document Creation window, the type of document being created is indicated: document or template.

As mentioned earlier, a template is a special MS-Word file type that has a "dot" extension. This type of file is designed to store both various kinds of user settings and, if necessary, some formatted text. Any MS-Word document is created on the basis of one or another template (by default, the “” template is used, which corresponds to the “New Document” element in the window shown in Figure 1.6), and all the settings and text of the template are transferred to the document with with exactly the same parameters and formatting as it was entered in the template.

Rice. 1.6 – Dialog box for creating MS-Word documents

The tabs of the dialog box (Figure 1.6) contain template names, grouped by the type of document created with it. Yes, on the tab

“Memos” contains various options for designing a memo; on the “Reports” tab there are options for designing reports, etc.

When you select a template, its design is loaded into the viewing area1. To create a new document based on the selected template, just click the “OK” button. You can then make any necessary changes to the document.

To save a document or template to disk in MS-Word, there are two menu commands:

“File ⇒ Save” (can be called with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S): saves the document with the name that was previously assigned to the document. If the document has not been saved before, then this command works similarly to the “File ⇒ Save As” command. . .";

When using the command “File ⇒ Save As. . ." You can specify not only a new file name, but also its new disk location and format. It was previously stated that MS-Word documents have a "doc" extension, corresponding to MS-Word files. However, in some cases (for example, when you need to transfer a file to another PC, but you are not sure that MS-Word is installed on it), it is convenient to use a different document format. For example, the RTF format, which is supported by many word processors, including those running operating systems other than Windows.

To save a document in a different format, you should specify the desired format in the “File Type” area (Figure 1.8), select the folder to save, enter the file name and click the “Save” button.

1The “View” area is located on the right side of the window shown in Figure 1.6.

Rice. 1.8 – Saving a document in MS-Word

If you need to create a new folder to save a document, this can be easily done using the “Create Folder” command in the dialog box in question.

In order to open an MS-Word document, just double-click on the document file name in Windows. However, if MS-Word is already running, a new document can be opened by calling the menu command “File ⇒ Open” (or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O). A dialog box will appear on the screen

“Opening a Document”, which is functionally and externally very similar to the “Saving Document” window presented in Figure 1.8. Next, you should find the desired directory, select the file of interest and click the “Open” button, after which the specified file will be loaded into MS-Word.

Microsoft Word files are called documents. When you start working in Word, you can create a new document or use a template. You also need to know how to open an existing file. In this lesson we will learn how to create and open documents in Word.

Creating a new document

When starting to work in Word, most often you start with a new document.

Opening an existing document

In addition to creating a new document, there is a need to open previously saved documents. For detailed information, refer to the lesson Saving and AutoRecovering Documents in Word.

If you have opened this document recently, it will be more convenient to find it in the list Latest documents than searching on a computer.

Word 2013 lets you open and edit PDF files. This is very convenient when the need arises to change a PDF file. For more information, see our PDF editing guide.

How to pin a document

If you often work with the same document, it will be more convenient to pin it in Backstage view.

Similarly, you can also pin folders in Backstage view for quick access. To do this, while in Backstage view, go to the Open and select Computer. Find the folder you want to pin and click the pushpin icon.

Using Templates

A template is a pre-created document used to speed up work. Templates come with pre-made settings, such as formatting and design, to save time and effort when creating a new project.

How to create a new document based on a template

If you want to find a rarer pattern, you can select it by category or use the search bar.

Important: Not all templates are created by Microsoft. Many are created by third parties and even by private users, so some templates may work better and some may not work as well as others.

In this article, we decided to tell you how you can create a new document in Word without starting the program. After all, users usually do it by launching Word. When launched, a “blank white sheet” appears - a new document that you can use for your needs and then save. But closing and then opening Word to create a new document is completely wrong. And we will tell you about several ways that will simplify the task.

The first and easiest way is to press ctrl+N while Microsoft Word is running. These are the default hotkeys. The newly created document will open in a new window and you can start working with it. Naturally, you can create as many such documents as you like.

Another way to create a new document

Click on the arrow in the Quick Launch panel settings. In the drop-down list, select the top line Create and put a checkmark next to it.

Now it will appear in the settings panel. This icon indicates the creation of a new word document. Accordingly, when you click on it, a new window will open with a blank sheet - this will be a new document.

There is another option for creating documents in Word. In the upper left corner is the Office button. It is somewhat reminiscent of the Start button in Windows. Click on it and a list will open below. The first one in this list will be the button to create a new word document.

We, perhaps, missed the most important lesson, from which we needed to start adding materials to our site. Recently, my little sister asked how to create a new Word document. And I thought, but those who sat down at computers for the first time may not know this, although to us it seems like a matter of seconds.

There are several ways to create a new document. Firstly, the first and easiest way is to simply launch Microsoft Word and a new document should be created when the program starts. You can open the program from the Start menu or from shortcuts located on your desktop.

If you already have one document open and you need to open another one, then you need to proceed as follows. There is a round button in the upper left part of the program. Click on it and there will be a “Create” button. After clicking on it, you will see an additional window where you need to select a document template.

If you need a simple blank sheet, then simply click on the “New Document” button. After this, a new clean empty sheet will appear on your screen. If you want a pre-created template, which may be useful, for example, for a resume, then you need to select “Installed templates” on the left side of the window.

There you will find many different templates for every taste and color. Also, if you have a licensed version of Microsoft Office, which I have no doubt about, you have the Microsoft Office Online item. There you can find templates that were updated by software developers when this version of the office was relevant.

You can select different document options by color. If you have an old version and do not have the ability to select templates, the program will offer you to update it and tell you step by step how to do it.

And finally, I want to say that the fastest way to create a new document is to use a keyboard shortcut. To create a new document, you need to press “CTRL + N” and a new document will immediately open. Sometimes it’s very convenient to read an article to the end, isn’t it? The best part is always at the end.


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