ADB commands for Android. Apply update from ADB - what is it? What does apple update from adb mean?

What is ADB? Adb commands for Android. In this article you will learn what ADB is, why users need it, and how to manage it using commands in the Android terminal. Well, let's start learning adb commands for android...

Getting to know ADB

ADB (android debug bridge) is a debugging tool, identifying errors in applications, unlocking devices on Android OS and much more. You can read the official documentation in English on this website.

Download ADB

You can download ADB with the official supplied Android SDK development environment or download small ADB installer, Installation occurs in the root of the disk WITH:\

Make sure that drivers are installed on your PC and USB debugging is enabled on Android.

Adb commands android and linux

Adb commands can be divided into 3 types, directly for Adb command, FastBoot() and Android command.

Adb commands

1. Check if Android is connected, checks whether the PC “sees” your smartphone or tablet.

To make sure that everything works fine and the computer recognizes Android, you need to enter the adb command:

adb devices

This screenshot shows that Android is connected

If you have didn't show up If there is a similar message, then you may need to check the availability of drivers on the PC, the integrity of the cable, and the functionality of the USB port.

2. Android connection via WI-FI

In order to connect Android via WI-FI network, you need to get the IP address and port of the device, the ADB Wireless application will help you with this (Root required)

after that enter the command:

adb connect ip:port

For example like this:

adb connect

Learn more about how to connect Android via WI-FI - USB Debugging.

3. Installing applications on Android

In order to install any application from a computer to Android, you need to enter the command:

adb install

How to use and example:

In order to use the Adb command, you need to install the application. Write:

adb intsall C:papka_gde_y_vas_hranitsya_prilogenieimja_priloginija.apk

That is, write the command adb install path to the application and the name of this application.

4. Send any file to Android

adb push

How to use and example

In order to send a file from PC to Android using the Adb command. Write:

adb push C:papka_gde_hranitsya_fileimja_file /sdcard

That is, write the adb command path to the file, the name of the file and the location where to save the file.

5. Receive a file from Android to PC

In order to receive absolutely any file from an Android device to a computer, there is a command:

adb pull

How to use and example:

In order to receive a file from Android to PC using the Adb command, you need to. Write:

adb pull /sdcard/xxx/Sex_s_Pameloy_Anderson C:papka_gde_budet_hranitsya_file

That is, write the adb command: the path to the file located on Android, the name of the file and the place where to save this file on the PC.

In order to reboot Android after any operations performed, or reboot into a special mode, there is a command:

adb reboot

Usage example:

The commands will reboot Android

adb reboot adb reboot normal


adb reboot bootloader

The command will reboot Android into Recovery mode

adb reboot recovery

7. Go to Android management, after which you can use Android OS commands

The full potential of Android is revealed when you go to Android management where many Linux commands are available. There is a command for this:

adb shell

Commands in the Android terminal

Superuser or Root. Allows you to perform absolutely all actions, from creating, modifying, changing, to deleting specific system files: To do this, enter the command:


Before entering the command


the user is a Guest in the system (many actions are blocked) and is indicated at the beginning of the terminal with a dollar sign


after entering the command


becomes an Administrator and is designated in the terminal as an American number


and a live example:

2. Command to go to a folder (in the future it will be more correct to call a directory instead of a folder)

In order to move between partitions and directories in Android, there is a special command:


Example to move from the /sdcard section to the /sdcard/xxx/porno/hot_girl section

cd /sdcard xxx/porno/hot_girl

In order to return from a partition to the directory above or back to /sdcard
if we are in the directory /sdcard/xxx/porno/hot_girl - hot_girl


we'll be in the catalog


if you need to go to /sdcard then

cd ../ ../ (as many times as necessary) Attention: in Android and other Unix systems, the Primer and primer or PrimER files are completely different files

3. Move/Rename file or directory.

Moving and renaming a file or directory is carried out with only one command:


Example Rename file

mv /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/kruto.avi

Example Rename a folder:

mv -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/xxx/super

Example how to Move a file:

mv /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/Alenka.avi

Example of how to Move a folder:

mv -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/hot_porno

4. View what is inside the catalog

In order to find out what directories and files are contained from the location where you are, use the following Linux command:


Usage example:

ls /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/

will display a message

Alenka.avi Pamela.avi Anderson.avi ls -a ls -a /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/

will display the following message:

Alenka.avi Pamela Anderson.avi .Skrutiy_File.avi

5. Copy a file or folder (directory).

In order to copy a file or folder and move it somewhere:


Example Copy file:

cp /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi /sdcard/xxx/Alenka.avi

Example Copy folder:

cp -r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno /sdcard/hot_porno

6. Connect the section (prime) and disconnect.

In order to find out what partitions exist in Android, connect or disconnect:

mount(connect section) and umont(detach partition)

To find out which partitions are currently primed, enter


To attach a section:

mount /dev/block/mmcc121 mount /systcode

To detach a partition:

umount /dev/block/mmcc121 umount /systcode

7. Create a directory (folder)

To create a folder somewhere, use the command:


Usage example:

mkdir /sdcrad/android_file

8. Delete a directory (folder) or file

If you need to delete any file or folder linux command:


Example of how to delete a file:

rm /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno/Alenka.avi

Example of how to delete a folder:

rm - r /sdcard/xxx/hot_porno

9. Display the contents of the file on the screen (read)

If you are faced with the task of displaying the contents of a text file:

cat cat /sdcard/books/Tolstoy_book_war_and_peace.txt

and we get

- Eh bien, mon prince. Genes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des estates, de la famille Buonaparte. Non, je vous previens, que si vous ne me dites pas, que nous avons la guerre, si vous vous permettez encore de pallier toutes les infamies, toutes les atrocodes de cet Antichrist (ma parole, j`y crois) - je ne vous connais plus, vous n`etes plus mon ami, vous n`etes plus my faithful slave, comme vous dites.

10. Display the contents of the file on the screen (read in reverse order)

If you are faced with the task of displaying the contents of a text file, but from the end to the beginning:


11. Show full path

In order to understand which section and directory you are in:


Example: if we are in any directory and need to find out the full path (for example, we are in the system partition, app directory)


will display a message


12. Create an empty file

To create a text file:


For example, create a file 666.txt in the /sdcrad directory

touch /sdcard/666.txt

13. Creating a backup copy from a partition and restoring

dd if

Example of creating a Backup on an SD card

dd if=dev/block/mmcblk0p1 of=sdcard/efs.img

Example of Restoring a partition from a backup from an SD card

dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1

14. View the space occupied by a file

To understand how long something takes:

du du systcode

Setting permissions for files and directories

To find out what rights files and directories have, you need to write the following command

ls -n

Access rights (permission)

They are written down in this form - RWX (letter) or 777 (digital)

Access rights are shared

1.Access to files
2.Directory access

Literal permissions attributes

r- reading data files and directories (read)
w- changing the contents of files and directories or writing to them, but not deleting (write)
x- execution of a file or permission to enter a directory

There are three groups of users

« user" - the owner of the file or directory
« group» -member of the group to which the owner belongs
« world» - the rest, not related to 2 groups

The order of recording access rights looks like this
First, access rights are set for the owner - “ u»
after the group - " g»
and at the end for the rest - “ o»

For example

The owner of the file has the right to read (r), write (w) to it and execute (x), others only have the right to read.

Digital permissions attributes

r - read 4
w - entry 2
x - execution 1
"-" no rights 0

The sum of their values ​​means the final rights for the user and groups

7 (rwx) = 4 + 2 +1 full rights
5 (r-x)= 4 + 0 + 1 read and execute
6 (rw-) = 4 + 2 + 0 read and write
4 (r-) =4 + 0 + 0 read only

For beginners, an online calculator may be useful - link.

You need to set permissions with the command


For example

chmod 777* - will set read, write and execute permissions to all files and folders

chmod 755 file.avi

Hard and symbolic links

In Linux, including Android, there is such a thing as links - which in normal, familiar language sounds like a “shortcut”. There are two types of links:

  • Hard links
  • Symbolic links or symlinks

What are the differences between hard and symbolic links?

Symbolic links - create a shortcut that indicates the exact location of the file or folder where the shortcut links. If you move a file or folder, the symbolic link will be broken. To clearly understand what a symbolic link is, in Windows XP or Windows 7 there are program shortcuts on the desktop that link to the folder with the program, or more precisely, the exe file.

How to create hard and symbolic links

ln ln -s

Many of you have more than once encountered a situation where, in order to obtain root rights on an Android tablet or smartphone, install new firmware, restore the system and other things, you had to connect it to the computer and execute a series of adb or fastboot commands through the command line window (terminal ).

Most people enter these commands without understanding what they mean, simply following instructions found on the Internet. And if you want to get a better understanding of what happens when you execute them, today we'll take a look at the top ten commands that every advanced Android user should know.

But before you start getting acquainted with these commands, let me remind you that before your tablet or smartphone can execute them, you must make sure that your computer has Android SDK, and on the tablet or smartphone itself, the option “ USB Debugging».

How to install the Android SDK, which contains the adb and fastboot programs, read this material.

Let me also remind you that in Android 4.2 and higher, the “USB Debugging” item is hidden, and you can read how to access it.

For those who have forgotten how to launch a command line window in Windows, let me remind you that the easiest way to do this is by clicking on “Start”, after which you will need to type cmd in the search window and press the “Enter” key.

After all the preparatory work is completed, you can connect the device to the computer using a USB cable and start learning the commands.

1. adb devices command

This is probably the most important of all ten teams that will be discussed. Using it, we can find out whether the computer sees your Android device, and if it does, then whether it can communicate with it through terminal commands.

If everything is fine, then after entering the adb devices command in a Windows command line window or Linux terminal, you should see a line with the text List of devices attached, after which there will be a line consisting of the serial number of your device and its status - offline or online:

The offline state means that the device is in sleep mode. The online state signals that the tablet or smartphone is ready to carry out your commands.

2. adb push command

Using the adb push command, you can copy files to your tablet or smartphone. In this case, you must specify the path to the folder where you want to place the file on the device and the folder on the computer from where the file will be copied. The second path is not necessary if the file is located in the same folder where the adb program is located.

Here is an example of copying the superfreak.mp4 video file from the computer to the device, to the /sdcard/Movies folder using the adb push superfreak.mp4 /sdcard/Movies/ command

For Windows users, I would like to remind you that in Android, when specifying the path to files and folders, a forward slash - / is used, and not a backslash, as you are used to.

3. adb pull command

If the adb push command is used to transfer files to an Android device, then adb pull is used to copy files from the device to the computer. Just as in the previous case, you must indicate the path where you want to get the file on the device and the path where you want to place this file on the computer. The second path is not necessary if you want the file to go to the folder from which you ran the adb program.

Here is an example of copying the superfreak.mp4 file from the /sdcard/Movies/ folder of your tablet or smartphone to the Windows 8 desktop of user Jerry, C:\Users\Jerry\Desktop

If you want the file to go to the folder you ran adb from, just enter the command adb pull /sdcard/Movies/superfreak.mp4

4. adb reboot command

This command is often used in the process of rooting or installing new software, when we need to accept the changes that we have made on our device. After you enter the adb reboot command, your tablet or phone will reboot.

This command is also important because it can be placed inside scripts, which allows you to reboot the device automatically after completing all the necessary operations.

5. adb reboot-bootloader and adb reboot recovery commands

Using adb, you can not only reboot your Android device, but also reboot it into the bootloader. This mode is needed so that we can unlock the bootloader, which is necessary to obtain root rights and further install alternative firmware.

Some devices can be bootloaded using a specific key combination when they are turned on, but often the adb reboot-bootloader command is the only way to access the bootloader.

Similarly, the adb program can be used to access the recovery menu of a tablet or smartphone or recovery. This can be done using the adb reboot recovery command

6. Fastboot devices command

If you rebooted your tablet into bootloader mode, it will stop accepting adb commands. In this mode, we can communicate with the device using the fastboot program.

Using the fastboot devices command, you can find out if your device can accept commands from this program in bootloader mode. Since fastboot is a very powerful tool, some Android device manufacturers do not provide access to this program in bootloader mode.

Just like with adb, after entering the fastboot devices command you should see the serial number of your device.

Often the reason fastboot does not work is the lack of the necessary Windows drivers for your device.

7. Fastboot oem unlock command

Some manufacturers (for example, HTC or Asus) release special utilities that allow you to unlock the bootloader of their tablets and smartphones, after which you can install alternative recoveries, such as ClockworkMod. or TWRP and firmware from independent developers (custom firmware).

However, in many cases, you can unlock the bootloader of an Android device using the fastboot program. This is very easy to do - when your tablet or phone is in bootloader mode (step 5), just enter the following command in the command line window: fastboot oem unlock.

After this, you will need to follow the instructions that will be displayed on the screen of your tablet or smartphone.

Attention! After executing the fastboot oem unlock command, your device will be completely cleared of any programs you have installed and your personal data will also be deleted.

8. adb shell command

The adb shell command often confuses some novice users.

There are two ways to use this command. If you simply type adb shell in the command line window and press the Enter key, you will be taken to terminal mode, or the command shell of your Android device, where you can execute any Android shell commands.

Below you can see the result of running ls command in Android shell

This mode is well known to Linux and Mac computer users. If you are familiar with bash shell commands, you will have no problems working in this mode. Otherwise, I do not recommend using the adb shell mode until you understand the purpose of all its commands, since in this mode you have full access to the files on your device and can accidentally cause irreparable changes to the operating system.

The second way to use adb shell is to execute a single Android shell command using this construct: adb shell<команда>. For example, you can change file permissions using a command like “adb shell chmod 666 /data/filename”

9. adb install command

With the adb program, you can do more than just copy files to and from your device. This program also allows you to install applications on Android devices in the form of apk files. There is an adb install command for this. It's a bit like the push command: you have to specify the path where the file with the application you want to install is located. Therefore, the easiest way is to first copy the apk file to the folder with the adb program, after which you can install the program using the command adb install ApplicationFileName.apk

If you need to update the application, then in this case you need to use the -r switch and the command will look like this: adb install -r ApplicationFileName.apk.

Using the -s switch you can install applications on the memory card (if your firmware allows this). The -l switch allows you to lock the application during installation (by installing it in the /data/app-private folder). There are other keys for more advanced functions, but their description is the topic of a separate article.

10. adb uninstall command

Lastly, you can remove apps from your tablet or phone. To do this, use the command adb uninstall ApplicationFileName.apk

This command has the -k switch, which allows you, when deleting an application, not to delete its data and cache, but to leave them on the device.

Bonus: adb sideload command

This command will be very useful to owners of Nexus tablets and smartphones - with its help they will be able to update the official firmware on their devices. In other words, if your smartphone or tablet has not received an update over the air, you can download new firmware from the official website and update the device manually.

After you download the firmware file to your computer and connect your tablet or phone to it, you will need to reboot your device into recovery mode, select "Apply update from ADB", and then enter the following command in the command line window on your computer: adb sideload, where is the name of the zip file with the firmware.

You will find more detailed instructions on how to manually update the firmware of Nexus devices in this material.

Related materials:

The adb sideload command is great and can be used to easily update the firmware or restore your Android if it won't boot!

Once again about why the ADB SIDELOAD command is needed - this command is necessary to flash ZIP archives from the recovery menu or if there is no bootloader. This command has an analogue to fastboot -w update, but for many Android devices the fastboot utility does not work, so adb sideload is a universal tool.

How ADB Sideload works

The ZIP archive update is located in the folder with the adb utility, the smartphone or tablet is switched to recovery or bootloader mode. The adb utility is launched and the adb sideload command is entered<название_файла>.zip, after which the archive is copied to Android and then flashed.

Necessary for ADB Sideload

  1. Computer or laptop
  2. Download and after it
  3. Download the program - ADB RUN or ADB
  4. Android device charge is at least 40% or more
  5. Original, undamaged MicroUSB cable
  6. Enable on Android
  7. ZIP archive update

Instructions for using ADB Sideload

This article will offer two options on how to use adb sideload, the first method is a demonstration of how everything works from start to finish, the second method is automated, without unnecessary actions and writing by hand.

Method No. 1

1. Connect your Android device to your computer
2. Move the ZIP archive-update file to the path C:/adb/progbin
3. Launch the ADB RUN program or go to the menu Manual Command -> A.D.B.

adb devices

And you should receive the following response:

C:/ADB/adb/progbin>adb devices List of devices attached NA36XWxxxххххх

If we get the answer (error):

C:/ADB/adb/progbin>adb devices List of devices attached NA36XWxxxххххх offline

If we get the answer (error):

C:/ADB/adb/progbin>adb devices List of devices attached

That is, there is nothing, after attached, the device is not visible (reinstall the drivers, change the USB port, change the USB cable)

5. Put the device into Recovery mode or mode Bootloader

6. Depending on Recovery, in some cases it is necessary to force enable Sideload transfer and installation mode on the device:

If you have standard or CWM Recovery it may be called

  • install zip from sileload
  • apply update from ADB
  • ADB Sideload

and this menu can be located in the main Recovery section, the Advanced or Install ZIP section.

If you have TWRP Recovery

To activate sideload, go to Advanced -> ADB Sideload and drag the bottom slider to the right:

7. B ADB RUN write the following command:

adb sideload

Where XXXXXXXX- the exact name of the ZIP update being flashed (taking into account the CAPITAL or LOWERcase names, as written, otherwise you will get an error)

After which the update (firmware) will be transferred to Android and updated.

  • If you receive an error error: closed - did not activate sideload on Android
  • If you receive an error error: device not found - does not see Android, change the kernel, recovery, restart Android and put it back into mode.

Method No. 2

1. Connect your Android device to your computer
2. Launch the ADB RUN program and go to the menu Reboot Device -> select Reboot Recovery or Reboot Bootloader (if not on the Recovery device)
3. Istall ZIP and then select the file to be flashed, after which the firmware will begin.

  • If you receive an error error: closed- did not activate sideload on Android;
  • If you receive an error error: device not found- does not see Android, change the kernel, recovery, restart Android and put it back into mode.

Detailed instructions on how to manually install an OTA update via ADB Sideload on LG Nexus 5 (Hammerhead) without the need to unlock the bootloader, obtain superuser rights or install a custom recovery.


Installation instructions

    Create a folder in the root of the C:\ drive named " Android».

    Open the command line and go to the created Android folder with the command “ cd c:\Android\"(commands are written without quotes).

    Connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable.

    Make sure that the computer finds the device via ADB.
    To do this you need to enter " adb devices" to the command line. When a request appears on your phone for permission to debug via ADB on this computer, you must click “ Ok", while selecting the item " Always allow from this computer" If the device is visible, the text “ List of devices attachedxxxxxxx device). If instead of “device” it says “offline” or the list is empty, then you need to update ADB, check the drivers/cord, change the USB port/computer.

    Reboot your phone into bootloader mode.
    To do this, you need to turn off the device, turn it on while simultaneously holding down the Volume Down key and the Power button, or enter “ adb reboot bootloader" If everything is done correctly, the following message will appear on the smartphone screen: Start and an Android “lying” on its back with the lid open.

    The first time you connect to a computer in Fastboot mode, the system may ask for drivers. To install them, you must specify the path to the folder with the downloaded drivers. If this does not happen and the device is not detected, you need to go to “ device Manager", expand drop-down menu " Other devices" and double-click on the item " Unknown device"(or " Android 1.0") with an exclamation point in a yellow triangle. In the " Are common» click on the button « Update driver", refuse to search the network and specify the path to the folder with drivers, while activating the item " Including subfolders" A warning may appear stating that the publisher could not be verified, but you should still ignore this message and continue with the installation. After some time, the drivers will be installed.

    Check the availability of the device in bootloader mode by entering the command " fastboot devices" If the device is connected correctly, the device identifier with the word “fastboot” will be displayed (for example, “ xxxxxxx fastboot"). If nothing is displayed or “waiting for devices...”, then you need to update the drivers, change the USB port, or try to do these steps on another computer.

    Put your phone into recovery mode.
    To do this, use the volume buttons to select the item Recovery Mode and press the power key to confirm your choice. When a small recumbent robot appears with a triangle and the text " No command", hold down the power button and press the volume up key once, then immediately release them simultaneously. The phone will be booted into stock recovery.

    Select the item " apply update from ADB».

    Check the connection with your smartphone via ADB Sideload.
    To do this you need to enter " adb devices" to the command line. If the device is connected correctly, the text “ List of devices attached" and a list of all devices (for example, xxxxxxx sideload). If instead of “sideload” it says “host” or the list is empty, then you need to reboot the device and try again.

    Enter the command " adb sideload" The file will begin copying to the phone and its further installation.

    Wait until the operation is completed and select “ reboot system now».

If you decide to reflash your smartphone, then you will definitely come across such a concept as Apply update from ADB. Not everyone knows what this is, but it’s not difficult to understand this issue. Some will have to get acquainted with the topic, starting with the concept of “firmware”; for others, it will be enough to simply decipher the abbreviation ADB.


If you are the owner of an Android device, this does not guarantee that you will need to deal with Apply update from ADB. Our parents don’t know what it is; if the device breaks down, they take it to their children or to the service center.

But if you are an experienced smartphone user and have an idea about such a process as firmware, then it would be better to figure out this program yourself. Firstly, this way you can revive any phone without extra financial expenses. Secondly, you will learn how to get root rights or change the system interface yourself.


Before we find out what the translation is for the phrase Apply update from ADB, let’s look at the software. ADB is an integral part of the system, which means Android Debug Bridge. It is translated into Russian as “debugging bridge “Android”” and, of course, it can say little to the average user.

It so happened that the Android operating system evolved from the previously existing Linux. In the old fashioned way, both require using the command line to make some changes. Naturally, emulators have already been developed. But working with them is uncomfortable due to the small screen and some limitations.

In addition, you often need the computer itself, so special software is required. This is the ADB application, which works to connect both devices, thus implementing various operations with the Android system.


As mentioned earlier, it is often during the flashing process that the message Apply update from ADB is encountered. The Russian translation indicates applying updates using the Android debug bridge. But to put it simply, this option allows you to control the phone while updating, restoring or installing firmware.

What is firmware? This is what people began to call embedded software. Depending on the purpose, it can be different and perform a specific task. But in a smartphone, it is a set of software that is included in the operating system.

The firmware conditionally controls the operation of the phone's hardware. Most likely, without it the device will not be able to work at all.


The question that this is Apply update from ADB arises in people when they get to the Recovery menu. Every Android smartphone has a recovery mode. Here you can run a factory reset, install updates, etc.

Interestingly, few people have seen the classic menu since Koushik Dutta decided to create an alternative to it. Now this is the familiar recovery menu, which is called Clockworkmod Recovery. It is on almost all modern gadgets.

This version of the menu has already acquired an auxiliary one. One works by using the volume and power keys, and the second is controlled by the touch screen.

In general, there are a lot of similar third-party recoveries at the moment. It is better, of course, to use what is already in the device, without installing additional software. This option is safer and proven.

To get to this menu, use key combinations. There may be different buttons for different people. But most often you need to hold down the volume up and power buttons. Then the phone will turn off and enter this menu.


When you see a whole list of incomprehensible words in front of you, among them will be the phrase Apply update from ADB. We have already figured out what this is, all that remains is to understand why this option is needed and why it is used.

Most often, it is through this line that it is easy to download updates with new firmware. In this case, your phone must be connected to the PC. There should be a command line for the ADB program on the monitor screen. So, by managing the phone and its system through a computer, you can easily make all the necessary changes.

All actions with the operating system occur through the debug bridge. On the computer, you enter commands that modify the smartphone. It is important to understand that only in this way will you have access to options that are hidden from the user by the manufacturer.


If you decide to use this update method, you need to prepare in advance so that there are no problems during the process. Charge your smartphone to the maximum. Of course, they advise that there should be at least half a charge, but it’s not worth the risk. Read reviews about the Apply update from ADB option and possible errors on the forums.

Next, you need to install the Android SDK on your PC. This is the main program, which has a lot of tools, including ADB. Don't forget to set up USB Debugging on your phone. Many people forget about this step, and then ask questions about why the program or computer does not see their gadget.

By the way, “USB Debugging” has recently become hidden from some users. It all depends on the phone model. For example, there is an option where you need to find the “About phone” option. It is usually located in the system settings. Next, you need to click on the “Build number” line up to 10 times. You'll notice notifications appear at the bottom letting you know you're on the right track.

If everything is correct, you will receive a message from the system that you have become a developer. Now, you can return to the “developer options” section and this option will appear there.

There are models that simply hid the “storage” in an unusual place. For example, try searching in the “Memory” section. Sometimes this item is hidden there.

During preparation, you should not forget to launch the command line. To do this, just enter Windows cmd into the search. Then press Enter. And finally, check the functionality of the cable. It is important that it does not disconnect, and that there are no constant disconnections between the smartphone and the computer.


As you already understood, to make changes, you need to use commands. There are a large number of them, but it is unlikely that the average user will need them all at once. It often happens that inexperienced “users” find commands on the Internet and thoughtlessly enter them into the program, not understanding what Android Apply update ADB is.

You don’t need super knowledge to understand them. It is enough just to carefully read their descriptions and tasks. Next, we will look at important and useful commands.


So, the very first and main command is adb devices. When you enter it into the command line, you get information about whether your device is connected correctly. In addition to the fact that the program will identify such problems, it will also indicate the ability of the smartphone to communicate with the computer through terminal commands.

Usually, if the gadget is connected correctly, the line List of devices attached appears in the table. The following shows the serial number of the phone and its readiness for work: “online” or “offline”.


The following command is adb push. It may or may not be useful. But you better know about her. This option allows you to transfer files from your computer to your device. To do this, on the command line you will need to specify the path where the file will be placed, as well as the place where it begins its path.

If the document you need is in the folder with the program, then this address can be omitted.

But the adb pull command does the opposite. Thanks to it, you can easily transfer files from your smartphone to your PC. In exactly the same way as with the previous option, you need to specify two paths. But if you want the document to end up in the program folder on your computer, then you don’t have to specify the address for it.


The Apply update from ADB option introduces us to The command in the program is slightly modified and is used as adb reboot. It is necessary if all the adjustments that were needed have been completed. And in the end, as usual, you need to restart your smartphone. It is this method that makes it easy to reboot.


To activate root rights, use the bootloader option. To do this, you need to activate the adb reboot-bootloader and adb reboot recovery commands. Apply update ADB makes it possible to switch to a new bootloader, which is needed to obtain extended rights and alternative firmware.

There are phone models that get into this bootloader using certain key combinations. Although this is rare, it is much easier to use the adb reboot-bootloader command.

If you need access to the recovery menu, use the adb reboot recovery command.


If you entered bootloader mode, all ADB program commands will stop working. To do this, you will have to use one more option. You need to enter fastboot devices to establish communication between devices.

This command is considered to be an excellent tool for advanced users. Therefore, some manufacturers do not support it, so as not to lead to disruptions in the system.

When you entered fastboot devices, the smartphone number will appear in the command line. This means that everything is active and you can use the following combinations.


There are models that already have a built-in bootloader unlocker. This makes it possible to install third-party recovery menus on the device. But in most cases, to unlock the bootloader, you have to use the fastboot menu. For everything to go correctly, you need to enter fastboot oem unlock into the command line when the smartphone is in bootloader mode.


Those who understand what Apply update from ADB means can use the commands to download. These include adb install and adb uninstall. These options not only help you move files to your smartphone, but also allow you to install applications with the apk extension.

To remove a program from your device, you need to enter the appropriate command, and then specify the name of the software with the extension.


The ADB program became very popular at one time. But not all users were comfortable entering commands every time. This took extra time, and sometimes errors and failures occurred. To make it easier to work with the software, an add-on for it, ADB Run, was created.

This application has the same commands, but does not require you to enter them. You just need to press the numbers that correspond to one or another option. At the moment there are 14 points in the program. Here are all the basic commands that both ordinary and advanced users need. For example, under the number “1” there is the already familiar adb devices line. Only now you don’t need to enter it specifically, you just need to click on one.

Teams that have several varieties have acquired subcategories. If you went to the main section, there may be subsections that are also numbered and do not require entering commands.


It is important to understand that all operations that you carry out with your smartphone are done at your own peril and risk. This is especially true for more complex processes, including installing custom firmware or obtaining root rights.

Such interventions in the system can lead to failures. If something was done incorrectly. In addition, the phone is out of warranty and no one will restore it for you for free. Therefore, read and study everything related to such actions, and also first find out about all the possible errors that users have encountered before you.


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