Ping - what is it, how can you check it and, if necessary, reduce it (lower ping). How to check Internet ping? How to find out your ping

For comfortable browsing on the Internet, the speed and stability of the network connection are important.

Sometimes problems arise with your network connection, resulting in files taking a long time to download or web pages not loading. To find out why the problem occurred, check your network connection.

Run built-in diagnostics

Check your network access using the Windows troubleshooter and the macOS wireless diagnostic tool. Select operating system:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • macOS

    Click Start → Control Panel→ Network and Internet → Network and Sharing CenterTroubleshootingInternet connections.

    Follow the instructions on the screen.

Run the Network Troubleshooter:

Use the program "Wireless diagnostics".

For more information, see Analyze your wireless environment on the Apple Support site.

Use network utilities

Obtain network diagnostic information using Ping, PathPing/Traceroute, and Telnet utilities. Select operating system:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10
  • macOS



To get information about intermediate network nodes:


First, enable the Telnet client. For this:

Other utilities

Run the utility:

    In the window that opens, enter:

    • ipconfig/all - for Ipconfig;

      getmac/v - for Getmac;

      tracert<адрес сайта>- for Tracert.

    Press Enter.

    To copy information, right-click anywhere in the open window and select Select All. Then press Enter.

    Copied text can be pasted (Ctrl + V) into a text file or letter.


Using the Ping utility, you can check the quality of your network connection. The utility determines the delay time between a request to the server and the response, as well as the loss of data packets. The shorter the round-trip time and the number of lost packets, the faster the web page will open or the movie will load.

To check your network connection:


Using the PathPing utility, you can determine at which intermediate network node data packets are delayed or lost.

To check intermediate network nodes:


You can use the Telnet program to check whether your computer has permission to connect to the server.

First install the Telnet client. For this:

Now you can check server access:

Other utilities

Select a utility depending on the purpose:

    Ipconfig - find out the IP address, subnet mask and other network settings;

    Getmac - view network connections, network adapters and their physical addresses;

    Tracert - get a chain of nodes through which an IP packet passes.

Run the utility:

    Go to the Start menu and type command line or cmd.exe in the search bar. Launch the application.

12/28/14 83.6K

Our lives are so short that we want to spend as little time as possible on some activities. Standing in line, waiting for the bus, washing dishes - all these are routine activities that cannot be avoided. The same can be said about loading sites, since any person wants to quickly access information and not wait a moment:

If the speed does not suit us, then we want to be able to take some measures, and in order to do this, we need to have sufficient information about the problem that has arisen. One of the diagnostic methods is to check the ping. What ping is and what factors influence it will be discussed in this article.

What is it and why should you check it?

When the term “ping” is used, it primarily refers to a parameter for assessing the quality of an Internet connection. Pinging means checking the speed of sending and returning data packets to the server. The number of sent and received packets is also checked.

Ping testing can be done out of curiosity or for the purpose of collecting statistical information. However, most often, users think about the speed of access to the server in cases where some problems arise. Let's list some unpleasant situations in which it is useful to check your ping.

  • Low page loading speed;
  • Periodic loss of connection to the Internet;
  • If you are watching your favorite TV series online, and the video is constantly slowing down, then it’s time to think about how to check your Internet ping.

Diagnostics can be carried out not only in cases where there are problems, but also to collect important information.

  • When choosing a game server. For many people, online entertainment is a great way to relax, and for some, games even bring in real income, so ping is very important. How to check the server's performance before real problems arise? – Ping again and again;
  • Choosing a hosting. When it becomes necessary to place your own project somewhere, the World Wide Web presents a huge number of possibilities, and the average user really wants to make the right choice, but does not know how. Finding out your ping to a site that provides hosting services is one of the options, because if the chosen hosting provider has problems with access to its own information resource, then what can we say about yours;
  • If you are the owner of a website that is visited by people from all over the world, then it will be useful for you to have information on how to find out the ping to your information resource from residents of, for example, Brazil or Australia.

Thus, to a common question: “ Why is high ping bad?"You can give a short answer - " Because it's slow».

How to check the ping of the Internet (server)?

Before checking the ping to the server, you need to decide on the main question: “ Are we going to test ourselves or others?" The answer to this question also determines the method by which the diagnosis will be carried out. If we are interested in our own computer, then we need to perform the following sequence of actions.

  • Press “Win ​​+ R" and enter cmd in the field that appears:
  • Click "OK". Now we see the command line, enter the command ping in it, press the space bar and enter the site address:
  • Press “Enter" and get all the information:
As you can see, not a single packet was lost, and the waiting time was quite acceptable. It is worth noting that for fiber optic, a value of up to 100 milliseconds is a good indicator, and you will not notice any delays in loading the page. Values ​​up to 150 milliseconds are also not critical, but if the ping is higher, then this problem should be addressed.

Another way is to use ping services on the Internet. Using such sites, you can check the availability of an information resource and the waiting time of users around the world. Below are several similar services.

  • This site uses a program to ping users from different parts of the globe. That is, you receive data about access to the server from different computers around the world:
All you need to do is enter the site address, check the boxes and press “Enter”. The results are as follows:
  • allows you to get information about the site, as well as check the connection to it by finding out the ping. The service provides services free of charge.
  • This service allows you to find out the status of the host and domain. After checking, it displays the following information:

What does ping depend on?

If you think about what affects ping, you can highlight the following factors:

  • Physical distance from the computer to the server. If you, being in Russia, are trying to reach the Caribbean islands, then you will have to knock loudly and for a long time;
  • Congestion of the Internet connection channel. Everything is simple here: many simultaneously running online applications contribute to an increase in ping;
  • Equipment used. In this case, the ping value depends on the quality of the hardware, both your computer and remote servers. The type of Internet connection is also important: direct connection ( cable from provider to consumer), wireless ( WiFi) and using a modem will provide different data transfer rates ( the modem in this case compares unfavorably).

How to reduce ping on the Internet?

If you enter the query “how to make ping less” in any search engine, the results will be full of advice from gamers, because for them this is an urgent problem that requires effective solutions. Let us highlight recommendations that are generally suitable for reducing ping.

To check the connection on the network, a special system command ping is used, which sends an ICMP protocol request to a resource with a specific address on the network and displays the result received in response from this device.

That is, the ping command helps to identify the period of time required to transfer certain data from one device to another.

The lower the latency, the faster the connection between two nodes.

What is ping

Ping is the length of time during which a packet sent from one network device will be delivered to another device on the network and returned back.

The higher the ping, the longer, for example, the waiting time required to open an Internet page.

There is one more concept in relation to Ping, bordering on the first one. Ping is also the most popular command for determining the access speed of certain network devices. It can be used as the main means of determining the return period of packets along the route of interest.

Ping should be used with any Internet node, including to monitor the quality of the connection to terminal equipment. At the same time, ping allows you to quickly determine the presence or absence of problems with the connection at the physical (break, cable damage, network card failure, etc.) and software (for example, blocking of all network traffic) levels.

Pinging involves sending a number of data packets from one device to another device, both on a local network and on the Internet.

Thanks to this exchange of packets, it is possible to obtain information on the quality of the connection.

If there are no responses received from the device being tested, it means there are connection problems. Packets that do not come back are called “losses”. The greater the number of lost packets, the worse it is. If all sent packets are lost, this means either there is no network connection or the pinged device is unavailable.

The ping speed is very important: the lower it is, the faster and more reliable the connection between nodes.

Video: checking ping

Verification methods

To check the connection using ping, you can either run the ping command from the operating system console, or use specialized online services.

Via command line

  • To check ping via cmd you need to do the following sequence of actions:

Open the command line in one of three ways:


An alternative option for checking ping to an online server is to use online services. These Internet services allow you to check the availability of an information resource and user waiting time.

Let's look at the most common of them:

How to check ping to a router The fastest and easiest way on Windows to check ping to your router is to use the Ping command. To do this, you first need to find out its IP address. It is usually applied to the back of the router body. Most often the router has the following

IP address

In the command line, type the command: ping -t.

If the router has an IP address of (as is the case with D-Link routers), then the command should be: ping –t.

The -t parameter means that pings will be sent until the user interrupts the process by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “C”, or closes the console window. A successful ping result is shown in the figure:

This result indicates that the IP address is accessible and responses to ICMP requests are being received. If the router pings, therefore, we can talk about its accessibility from the workstation. In such a situation, you can connect to the router settings through its web interface.

In such a situation, you need to check what IP address is set in the network card settings, try changing the port in the router and, as a last resort, reset the router settings to factory settings.

Usually we talk about ping when the time between operations on a local network or the Internet increases, or when there is no response from the recipient.

For example, quite often you need to check your ping in relation to search engines. Comfort during online games often depends on ping.


It is wise to check the ping to the game server before playing. Of course, the lower the ping, the more comfortable the network experience.

The concept of “ping” is well known to players who spend a lot of time in multiplayer, in other words, playing online. The lower the ping, the less time the computer spends transmitting information (data packets) to the remote server and receiving a response. High ping leads to lags, that is, the user sees the picture in the game not in real time, but with some delay. It is difficult to use a network with a high ping, especially when it comes to online games, so it is recommended to check the quality of the connection to the server and, if necessary, lower it.

Why check ping If you feel like your internet connection is slow, it's a good idea to check your ping.

  • For example, this may be necessary in the following situations:
  • The connection to the Internet is interrupted, for example, when loading a page in the browser;
  • When watching a video on the Internet, it loads slowly;

Pages in the browser and the content on them load slowly; for example, on social networks, photos take several seconds to open.

Please note: It is important not to confuse high ping with a slow Internet connection. If you use a slow Internet, even with the lowest ping possible, you may experience the symptoms listed above.

How to check ping via command line The Windows operating system provides the ability for the user to check ping.

To check ping via the command line, you need to do the following:

After executing one of the commands discussed above, the user will see in the command line information about the number of transmitted, received and lost packets, as well as the average, maximum and minimum time for transmitting one packet.

There are dozens of different apps and websites that allow you to check your ping. The most popular is the speedtest service, which can be launched both from computers and from any other devices simply through a browser.

On the main page of the service you will see a virtual map and the ability to choose which server you will connect to to check your ping and Internet connection speed. Select a server of the required distance and click on it, after which the scan will begin.

Based on the test results, the Internet connection speed will be displayed, as well as ping information.

How to reduce ping

We recommend reading:

Ping and Internet connection speeds are two indicators that are inextricably linked. Based on this, we can conclude that to reduce ping it is recommended to do one of the following:

  1. Update the drivers for the network card or Wi-Fi receiver through which the connection is made;
  2. Make sure that there are no viruses on the computer, for example, “bitcoin miners” that consume computer resources, including network resources;
  3. Check if any files are downloading in the background. Most often, users forget to disable the torrent tracker by minimizing it in the control panel;
  4. Check through the “Task Manager” which specific applications are currently loading the system and network. It is possible that the next Windows update is being downloaded to the computer, which is why the ping is increasing.

Before you take decisive action on your computer (or other device) to reduce ping, it is recommended to make sure that it is lower on other devices. To do this, you need to turn off your computer (or other device where the ping was previously checked) and check the ping, for example, on a mobile phone or tablet. If the results are the same, then the problem is related to the quality of the Internet connection.

Ping is no less important for the quality of your Internet connection than traffic speed. Even instant downloads and a high-speed network will not provide the user with a normal connection and a decent download level without a suitable ping indicator. That is why, if difficulties arise, you need to check Ping. In this case, the minimum indicators will be preferable.

But, before moving on to measuring and considering the main features of the test, it is necessary to determine what the previously mentioned Ping is. Without going into details and technical details, this concept refers to the time required to send a signal from the user’s PC to the server and receive a response from it. This time is measured in milliseconds and, quite logically, the shorter it is, the better for the quality of data transmission. With a long waiting time, the traffic speed is correspondingly lower.

How to check the ping of an Internet connection

There are 2 main methods to measure ping:

  • using the command line;
  • using third-party services and portals.

The first option is preferable, since it does not require searching and visiting third-party resources and allows you to conduct the test exclusively on your own. The disadvantage of this approach is the fact that not all users are comfortable using the command line, but using a browser and finding the desired site will not cause difficulties. But to make it easier to choose the optimal service, you should take a closer look at the following options:

  • our website;
  • internet meter from Yandex;

There are other measurement services, but the portals listed above are the most well-known and in demand among users. However, this list is not a rating, and the systems mentioned can be called equivalent. Moreover, the principle of using these programs is extremely similar, and the quality of the obtained indicators should not differ, regardless of the selected portal.

Via the command line on your computer

We have already mentioned the advantages of checking Internet availability (ping check) via the command line. Those people who decide to use this approach will have to:

  1. call the line by simultaneously pressing the Win and R keys on your computer;
  2. Enter the short combination cmd into the field that opens and press the Ok button;
  3. wait for a new window to open, where you need to enter 2 words: ping site address (site address is copied from the address bar or entered as ip);
  4. click Enter on the keyboard;
  5. wait for measurement;
  6. study the information received.

The result of this operation will be obtaining the most complete information about the response time. Users will immediately become aware of 4 indicators:

  • number of lost packets;
  • minimum transfer time;
  • maximum transfer speed;
  • averages.

The last indicated parameter is especially important for a quality connection, since it allows you to find out the average value that you should focus on.

Check ping online

The main advantage of online verification is the simplicity of the process. To measure the connection quality and find out the exact response waiting time, you will need:

  1. choose the optimal program;
  2. visit the portal with the measurement service;
  3. start the testing procedure by clicking the appropriate button;
  4. wait for the results.

It is important to emphasize that most of the services that exist today do not allow you to get the same detailed and granular values ​​that the command line produces. Usually, inspectors have access to average indicators that reflect the general state of affairs, but do not allow them to go into details.

Sometimes it is additionally suggested to familiarize yourself with the difference between the maximum and minimum levels obtained during the test. Below are some details of the most popular systems.

Via is the most popular and well-known portal created for a complete test of communication quality. It allows you not only to find out check ping, but also to find out the speed of receiving and sending traffic.

Its main feature, useful for those who want to know the response waiting time, will be a map that allows you to independently select the city or server with which you plan to communicate. Naturally, the closer the location indicated on the map is, the faster the interaction and the more reliable the connection. There are no other nuances or details that service visitors need to know.

On the website is a more focused and specialized version of the portal described above. It is aimed specifically at measuring ping and does not affect other indicators and results.

Of the most important features that users should know, the most important and most useful are:

  • presence of the previously described card;
  • automatic selection by the system of the server that best suits the visitor;
  • assessment of network quality (let's say the user has quality C - a decent connection level, only A and B are better, other indicators indicate problems).

It is worth noting that the system provides clients with 3 indicators: percentage of losses, Ping, and jitter (the difference between the maximum and minimum time indicators).

Using the 2ip service

The portal differs from those described above in its own nationality. It conducts a ping test and measures the Internet in Russia, without affecting other countries and servers located outside the country. Otherwise, it has no shortcomings and stands out for its maximum convenience. To use the system, enter a suitable address or indicate it on the map, the rest will happen automatically.

What should the Internet ping be?

There is no optimal ping value, since much depends on the user's needs. If network access is required only for visiting websites, watching videos and social networks, you can be content with not the lowest performance. Ping has the greatest impact on virtual games, for which the minimum values ​​of this indicator are important. Therefore, when you come across a game marked new, the first thing you need to do is study its minimum requirements and evaluate the capabilities of your own provider and the network used.


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