Find a description from the photo. How to find a similar picture, photograph, image on the Internet

Although there are many different sites on the Internet to perform various functions, searching for photos from your phone can only be done using three services.

Yes, there are a lot of resources that supposedly offer to find pictures on the Internet, but in practice it turns out that this is just a dummy.

They don't find any images, but it seems as if their list was somehow compiled at random. And others simply do not have many of the features that quality services have.

Therefore, we will analyze the process of using three services on your phone that actually find information or other images on the Internet from downloaded images.

1. Google Images

Using the standard Google search engine is ideal in all respects.

In general, you can search for images online in two ways:

  • upload the image itself via your phone
  • provide a link to it on the Internet.

So, Google Images is the only service for searching images on the Internet that works normally with links.

Everyone else does not accept most of the links or displays some random images in the search results.

If the picture we need is one of the results from a regular text query, then the drop-down menu will look like shown in Figure 2.

No. 2. Drop-down menu when long pressing on a photo in search results

And if the desired picture is on some regular page or in an article, you need to do the same thing - long press. In this case, there will be more options in the drop-down menu.

But we need the same thing - “Find this image on Google”.

No. 3. Drop-down menu when you long press on a picture in an article

As for links, in the same drop-down menu there is an option “Copy link address”. You need to click on this inscription, and then paste the copied link directly into the input field. The result is shown in Figure 4. As you can see, the result is correct - all the photos are on the topic, as is the news.

No. 4. Google image search result

Unfortunately, you cannot upload photos from your device on your mobile phone. All you have to do is upload the picture to some kind of file storage or photo storage (for example, Radical Photo or, and then paste the link into the search field.

2. Yandex.Images

Yandex also has its own service for searching images online (here is the link). But, as mentioned above, searching by links there is incorrect. The results appear to be completely random. Although, they have some general criterion.

For example, if you copy a picture from Wikipedia, then Yandex will show all the results from Wikipedia that it can find.

Obviously, this method is stupid and will not suit the average user.

But searching by uploaded image works fine.

To search by image in Yandex, you need to do the following:

  • Perform a “tap” on the input field (just touch it with your finger).
  • After that, the “Ask with a picture” button will appear below it. Click on it.

No. 5. “Ask with a picture” button when searching in Yandex.Images

  • Upload photos from your folders on your phone.

The search result is shown in Figure 6. As you can see, in this case everything is also correct - there are other images on the topic and similar queries.

No. 6. Search result by image in Yandex.Images on the phone

3. Tin Eye

Another popular service for searching by images, which also has a mobile version and is distinguished by the adequacy of the results.

So in this case, it makes sense to only use the search for an image loaded from the internal memory.

The above programs allow you to take a photo of an object and then find information about it on the Internet.

And Search By Image allows you to download a photo from the gallery and upload it to the search engine in the same way. To do this, after launch, you need to click on the “+” in the lower right corner and select the “Image Gallery” option. And to take a photo, you need to select “Take Photo”. You can also download the program on Google Play.

Note: If you have iOS rather than Android, look for the same applications on

Finally, a short video on how to use the Google Images service

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Until recently, search engines could only search by words. No, of course, there were such, but until a certain period they operated only with the words that the user entered in the search bar.

How does searching by uploaded images differ from regular search?

The search engine did not understand what exactly was shown in the photos that it returned in the results, but was only guided by the words that appeared in the text next to this image (on the pages of the sites where it found them) or that were written in its attributes. In fact, for the search engine, the picture was a “black box”, which he could judge only by indirect signs (its description).

As a result, the query “blue chicken” could show “pink elephants”. Of course, such errors in photo searches were corrected manually (so-called), but this was done only for the most frequently entered queries. And that's not the main thing.

The important thing is that it was impossible show the search engine an image of poor quality, so that he would find you the original in high resolution or show him a photo of a person (read), and he would tell you that this is such and such an artist, poet, musician or just a person described on at least one page on the Internet .

Sometimes a photo may be one of many in a series (photo report, photo instruction, different angles) and you may want to find all the other images from the same series to understand the essence. How to do it? What words should you type into the search bar? Here's another example. You saw a sofa in a photo and wanted to know where exactly the same one was sold and at what price.

A difficult task, or even unsolvable (to a first approximation), if the query is entered in words. Here you need to somehow upload the picture to the search engine and the latter must understand what exactly is depicted on it and try to give you answers to all the questions posed just above.

Until recently, image search could not do this, but now it can. Search by sample image(photos or any other image) are now supported by both Google and Yandex. Moreover, the latter learned to do this only quite recently, but nevertheless learned.

If you try to dive into the full depth of the principles of this action, then most of us are unlikely to find it interesting. In this regard, I really liked the explanation of the Yandex representative.

The picture is divided into small fragments, which can be called virtual words. Well, then the process follows the same logic as a regular search. The same set of visual words is searched, and the closer it is to the user's uploaded image, the higher it will appear in the search results.

How does Google photo search work?

Let's look at all this using the examples of Yandex and Google. Let's start with the largest search engine in the world. In order to get into the holy of holies, you can click on the “Pictures” button on the regular search page, or you can immediately:

Click on the camera icon located in the right area of ​​the Google search bar. You are given two options to upload the desired picture or photo to the search- indicate its address (it can be copied by right-clicking on the photo and selecting the “copy image URL” option, or something similar in meaning) on ​​the Internet or upload it from your computer.

In the example shown, I simply indicated the URL of the image that I found on the official Wikipedia website ().

In the search results I got this picture:

Google told me that the photo shows Albert Einstein in his youth, and also suggested that I look at the same image, but in a larger or smaller size. You can also look at similar pictures, and under them you can see the web pages where this graphic file takes place.

In the search bar, you can enter clarifying words, for example, if you want to find out about all the vicissitudes of this person’s fate, then enter the word “biography”. As a result, pages will be found on which the search found the picture you uploaded and on which there is a biography of the person depicted in it.

I mentioned two main ways to upload an image to Google search - provide a link to the graphic file or upload it from your computer. But there is also a third way to activate this action.

If you are in Google Chrome, then simply move your mouse to the picture or photograph on the page that interests you for one reason or another (for example, you want to find out whether your virtual friend posted a true photo on VKontakte or whether it was captured by some famous person).

As a result, a context menu will appear and you will need to select “Find this image in Google” from it. After this, you will find yourself in the already familiar Google image search window with all the collected information about your friend’s photo.

Search by image files in Yandex

Quite recently, the leader of the RuNet search market acquired a similar tool. They called the new technology “Computer Vision” and gave it the code name “Siberia”. In this case, the picture is divided into visual words (areas of contrast change, borders, etc.) and the entire database available in Yandex is searched for the presence of this set of visual words in other images.

And only then those in which these visual words are in the same order as in the original uploaded picture are selected. In practice, this action looks very similar to Google - in the right search area for photos from Yandex the camera icon is located, which you will need to click to download the graphic file.

Although, if you have the URL of the desired image, you can paste it directly into the graphical search bar and click on the “Find” button, as shown in the previous screenshot.

You can find out the URL of an image on a web page by right-clicking on it and selecting the context menu item “Copy image address” or similar (different names are used in different browsers).

If you need to upload a picture to the search from your computer, then click on the camera icon.

The search results will look something like this:

As you can see, from them you can also quite easily understand that the photo shows the great Einstein, but on Google I somehow liked the design of the results more. It is possible that Yandex will still need to work on this. Those found can also be sorted by size and type.

In general, in most cases the services described should be enough for you, but it is possible that Tinay you will need it someday. Here, again, you are offered a choice of two ways to download a sample image - by entering the URL address or directly from your computer.

This service is well suited for searching for similar photos or individual components from which it was assembled. As you can see from the screenshot below, Tinay found the sources of the original images that made up the sample.

Chinese search engine Taobao has the ability to search for products based on the photo you uploaded. As a result, you will not only receive the addresses of those online stores where you can buy it, but you will also be able to choose the most profitable offer for you.

True, to work with it you need to know Chinese. However, there are several sites that allow you to search for products by photo through the Taobao database, but at the same time they have a Russian-language interface and the search results are also translated into Russian.

The results of searching for a product by photo look like this:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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A service was developed that, using artificial intelligence, instantly found a person on VKontakte based on almost any photo, taking into account facial features. With its help, you can easily find out who is shown in the photo by finding their page.

He also found similar people. For example, there was an opportunity to find a girl who looked like a famous actress or singer that you liked.

It was possible to find a stranger on VKontakte. To search, it was enough to have his photo in your possession - even if this photo was just taken. The search service was free, there were also paid services (unlimited number of queries per month, additional search settings). You could search for people by photo from a computer or tablet, or from your phone if you installed the application.

This service (FindFace) has been closed since July 2018, as it operated with personal data without the consent of their owners. Hardly anyone wants someone to find their page on the Internet based on their photo and find out the details of their personal life.

There are other ways, which are discussed below:

How to find a person by photo on a social network or the Internet. How to find out who is in the photo

Searching for a person by photo in Yandex

Yandex has a good photo search. He can find on the Internet both exact copies of photos and those with slight differences - for example, different photos of the same person.

Photo search in Yandex

You will see all the sites and pages on social networks where the same or similar photos are found. You can open any page to find out what kind of person he is, what his name is and where he is from. And if it is written "No similar pictures found" This means Yandex didn’t find anything.

Search for a person by photo in Google

If you have a Chrome browser, the easiest way to search for a photo in Google is to right-click on the photo and select “Find this image on Google.”

There is a Google Images service where you can search for a person by photo. He will find all the sites where it is, and - if he's lucky - determine what kind of person is in the photo. This can be used to expose fakes - people who use other people's photos on their pages (profiles) on social networks.

How to search by photo on Google? Very simple:

If that doesn't work, do this:

  1. Just open Google on a computer, laptop or tablet (you need the full version, not the mobile version).
  2. At the top right click on "Images"— a camera icon should appear in the search bar.
  3. Next - from the 2nd point, as described above in our instructions.

Why can’t I find a person by photo?

Because this is not always possible. It all depends on where you got this photo from. Perhaps the person did not post it on his page on a social network, and in this case the search engine will not find it. Maybe he posts photos only for friends - and then they are also inaccessible to Google and Yandex. Or maybe the person is simply not on social networks (or he was, but disappeared).

I took a photo of a person, how to find him?

You liked the person, you were embarrassed to come up and meet him, but you took a photo of him on the sly. How can you now find a person from a photo you took yourself? For example, in VK?

No way, because only you have this photo. He is not on the Internet on this person’s page, and you cannot find him by searching for a photo. You can only publish it in a VK group in your city like “Looking for you” or in a group at your educational institution and hope that someone recognizes this person (or he recognizes himself if he is subscribed to such a group). However, not everyone will like this: a person may demand that the photo be deleted.

How to find out the link to a photo, picture, image on the Internet (address)?

Usually you can right-click on a photo and select "Copy image address"(may be called slightly differently in different programs).

If you need a link to a VKontakte photo, you can first click on this photo, select "More" and than "Open original"— the photo will open in full size. Now right click on it and select “Copy image address.”

After this, you can paste the copied address wherever you need: or right-click there and select "Insert", or first left-click and then press the key combination on the keyboard Ctrl-V or Shift-Insert.

How do you know if a photo is real or from the Internet (fake)? Where did the person get the photo?

To find the original source of the photo, you can search for the photo in Google or Yandex using an image search, as we just described. If a photo is found, you will see all the sites where it is available. This way you can determine where it came from. For fakes, the photo can usually be found on many sites - they don’t worry about where to get it from. If there is a result “No similar photos were found,” then, most likely, the photo is original, that is, the person posted it himself, and did not copy it from somewhere. But of course, in this case, it may not be him at all in the photo.

In addition, there is a service TinEye (“Tin Eye”), which searches by pictures and shows the source of this picture. You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it, and TinEye will search where the photo came from. Just like Google Images, it shows all the sites where this photo was found.

Please note that sometimes TinEye does not find all photos, especially those that have been posted recently.

What other search methods are there?

Instructions for searching for a person on the Internet by first name, last name, city, date of birth and other data are here:

Each person is inimitable and special, but still, in 95% of cases, doubles are found in everyone.

The factor lies in an identical set of genes, and this happens even if people are not related and live in different countries of the world.

A doppelgänger is a person who is very similar in appearance to another person, but is not related to him.

There are a large number of options for searching for doubles, but, alas, high-quality results are not obtained everywhere.

Therefore, it is better to use proven services with good reviews.

Fake sites that promise to find a double require you to send an SMS (usually the site doesn’t even notify you that it will charge a fee, but simply under the guise of checking) - and as a result, instead of a found double, you see a message that the search was completed, the double was not found, and from your phone money was debited from the account.

Table: brief description of services

Read also:


no registration required
shows the percentage of similarity

searches for twins only among stars


no registration required

looks for doubles only among the stars
weak identification system

Shows similarity as a percentage


the search is ongoing both among the stars and among ordinary people

registration is required
finds only 5 similar photos

capacious base


you can specify the specifics of the person for a more accurate search

registration required with payment for search
the search is carried out only among users registered on the resource

there is a special application and communities for searching for doubles

search only among registered users

Search engines

huge base
no registration required

the double is selected manually

What you need to search

Read also: How to reduce photo size without losing quality: 4 programs online and for PC

  • Computer with internet connection
  • A photo of the person for whom you want to find doubles. It is desirable that this be a standard photo without any processing by graphic editors. It is important that the person in the photograph is looking straight ahead and that his head is not turned to the sides. These factors influence the reliability of the search.
  • You also need the background color of the image to be something neutral (white, gray, etc.). A full-length photo is not required, one face is enough.

On certain Internet resources, which will be discussed in this article, a search is carried out for people who are similar to each other using an uploaded photo.

You can see if you are similar in appearance to some public or ordinary person.

Internet services that will help you find your double using photography.

Method No. 1: Celebslike me

Read also:

Finding twins among stars is quite an interesting and popular process.

People like to be similar to famous people.

Before the advent of the Internet, this was very problematic, but after the advent of sites like, it became quite easy to do.

This service searches which famous people you are similar to.

For a test search, you can use a photo you like from those publicly available on the portal: scroll the feed to the right and left, slow down on the desired photo and click “Use this photo” under it.

In order to upload your own photo, click “Use your own photo” below and specify a photo from your computer.

It is not necessary to register here.

The program shows a list of celebrities similar to you with a photograph, at the bottom of each is written the similarity coefficient, first and last name, a link in the Bing search engine, where you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with information about the star personality.

For example, we took a photo of Putin and the program accurately identified him.

Other celebrities found, with a lower similarity coefficient, are also similar in appearance to the original.

  • The service is free
  • Own engine for searching photos on the Internet
  • Doppelgangers are not always alike

Method No. 2: Pictriev

Read also: Reducing the size of an image in JPG format: TOP 5 Simple ways

The site uses facial recognition to figure out which celebrity you are most like.

You can upload a photo from your computer or provide a link to it.

Start your search.

For the original image, there will be people similar to you.

The site also determines a person’s gender and how old he is.

In comparison with the previous С, Pictriev performed a worse task - he did not identify who is in the photo, and the photographs he offered do not exactly look like doubles.

Here is another resource for finding similar people from photographs -

Here a search is carried out simultaneously among celebrities and ordinary people who have added their photographs to the site.

To start the search, click on the “Find your match” layout that opens.

It is suggested to upload a photo from your computer or from your page in .

The resource will select from its extensive database the five users most similar in appearance to you and indicate the percentage of similarity.

Our check showed that someone had already used Putin’s photo. Among the “non-stars” there was one person.

Judge the similarity for yourself.

A “double” was found

  • The service is absolutely free
  • Searches only from registered users

Method #4: FindFace

Official page

Yandex is one of the largest Internet search services in the world and the largest in the CIS. It is constantly being improved, adding new functions and features for users. Now users have access to a more convenient image search via Yandex, plus support for smartphones on Android and iOS has appeared.

How to search by image via Yandex on a smartphone

In this case, you will need little - any mobile browser (even a standard one will do) and an Internet connection. However, instructions may vary slightly between browsers.

Method 1: Using products from Yandex

The easiest way is to use Yandex applications for your phone, for example, Yandex Browser or the Yandex application, which combines several services at the same time (browser, voice assistant, weather, etc.). In this case, let's look at how to use the latest application:

  1. If you don't have it installed, download it to your phone. Open Play Market or AppStore and enter in the search bar "Yandex". Among the applications, select an option "Yandex with Alice" or "Yandex Beta". It doesn't really matter which option you choose, since the differences between them are minor.
  2. Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Now click "Open".
  4. Pay attention to the search bar located at the top. There should be an icon combined with a camera magnifying glass. Click on it.
  5. A search bar will open. At the bottom, click again on the icon with a camera and a magnifying glass.
  6. Yandex may request access to your Gallery and Camera. Allow it.
  7. You can take a photo of an object immediately by tapping the yellow circle at the bottom of the screen.
  8. If you need to download from the Gallery, click on the icon in the form of four squares in the lower left part of the screen.
  9. You will be offered several options from where you can upload the photo. For example, from Gallery, Google Drive, etc. Choose the one that suits you.
  10. Enter a photo to search.
  11. Wait until the search is completed. The application will select similar images, tags and sites if it detects where the same or similar image appears.

Method 2: Standard Browsers

If you don’t have the Yandex application installed on your phone or you don’t want to install it for some reason, you can use browsers from other developers or a standard solution for owners of both Android and iOS devices.

Let's look at how to search in Yandex using images using a standard browser on Android:

  1. Initially, the standard browser will have a Google search engine, but that’s okay. Enter your query into the search bar "Yandex Pictures" and follow the first link.
  2. In Pictures there will already be a search from Yandex. Click on the search bar.
  3. After clicking on it, an option will appear below “Ask with a picture”. Click on it.
  4. A window will appear asking you what to do with the picture. Choose the option that suits your purpose. In this case, click on “Find similar pictures”.
  5. A window will appear again where you need to indicate the source from which the image will be taken. For example, from the Gallery, Google Drive, etc.
  6. Mark the image you want to find.
  7. Wait for the download to the service. Depending on the Internet speed and the size of the picture, it can last up to a minute.
  8. Here, as in the previous method, basic information on the image, tags, similar pictures, etc. will be displayed.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in searching by image through the Yandex service on a phone running both Android and iOS. There are also no search restrictions.


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