Replacing the start button, manual work. Installing a new theme on Windows Change the Windows 7 startup view

Create a system restore point. While changing the Start button icon usually doesn't cause problems, it's always smarter to create a restore point before changing any system files. You can quickly access the System Restore program by clicking on "Start" and searching for the word "recovery." Select "Create a restore point" from the list of results.

  • Click on the "Create..." button
  • Give the restore point a name and then click Create.
  • Read this guide to learn more about how to use System Restore.

Download a program to change the Start button icon. While you can use a portable executable editor to find the icon files for the Start button, it's much easier to use a program called Windows 7 Start Button Changer. This is a free program created by a team of enthusiastic Windows 7 users.

  • You can easily find the program on the Internet using any search engine. Enter "windows 7 start button changer" into the search field. Try downloading the program from The Windows Club developer site to be sure that you are installing a secure version.
  • Unzip the program. It doesn't install like traditional programs; instead, you can run it from whatever folder you saved it to. Read this guide for details on extracting files from a zip archive, but generally you'll just need to right-click on the file and select Extract Files.

    Get administrator rights. It often happens that the program for changing the Start button icon does not start or starts with an error if you do not have administrator rights. To prevent this, gain full control of File Explorer and you won't encounter this problem in the future.

    • Open the Windows folder on your hard drive. You will see the file "explorer.exe" in the main Windows folder.
    • Hover over explorer.exe and right-click. You must act on behalf of the Administrator.
    • Open Properties.
    • Select the "Security" tab.
    • Click on the "Edit" button.
    • Select "Allow" next to "Full Control". Click "Apply".
  • Rename the icon changer. Open the folder where you extracted the program. Find the file called "Windows 7 Start Button Changer v 2.6.exe1", rename it by removing the "1" at the end of the file name to convert it to a standard EXE file.


    Every computer user (especially the female half :)) tries to give their Windows originality and customize it for themselves. It's no secret that not everyone likes the basic settings, and besides, they can even slow down your PC if it is not particularly powerful (by the way, such effects include the same Aero).

    Other users want to disable various graphical bells and whistles, because... we’re simply not used to them (after all, all this didn’t exist in Windows 2000 and XP before. I, for example, am generally quite ascetic about this, but I have to help other users...).

    So, let's try to change the appearance of the seven a little...

    How to change the theme?

    Where can you find a lot of new topics? At the office Microsoft website has a sea of ​​them:

    Theme - in Windows 7, a theme refers to everything you see. For example, the picture on the desktop, window color, font size, mouse cursor, sounds, etc. In general, all display and audio are related to the selected topic. A lot depends on it, which is why we’ll start setting up our OS with it.

    In order to change the theme in Windows 7 you need to go to personalization settings. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the control panel; you can simply right-click anywhere on the desktop and select “personalization” from the menu (see Fig. 1).

    There are quite a lot of other topics on the Internet, just above under the title of this subsection of the article I provided a link to the office. Microsoft website.

    By the way, an important point! Some themes may even cause your computer to slow down. For example, themes without the Aero effect (which I talked about here:) run faster (usually) and require lower computer performance.

    How to change the background, wallpaper on your desktop?

    Large selection of ready-made wallpapers:

    The background (or wallpaper) is what you see on your desktop, i.e. background picture. This picture has a very big influence on the design. For example, even the taskbar bar changes its color depending on what picture was selected for the wallpaper.

    To change the standard background, go to personalization (note: right click on the desktop, see above), then at the very bottom there will be a link “” - click it (see Fig. 3)!

    By the way, the background on the desktop may be displayed differently, for example, there may be black stripes along the edges. This happens because your screen has a resolution (more about this here -). Those. roughly speaking, a certain size in pixels. When it doesn't match, then these black stripes are formed.

    But Windows 7 may try to stretch the picture to fit your screen (see Fig. 4 - the lowest red arrow: “Fill”). True, in this case, the picture may lose its entertainment value...

    How to change the size of icons on the Desktop?

    Change icon size- very simple! To do this, right-click anywhere on the desktop, then select the “view” menu, then select from the list: large, medium, small (see Fig. 5).

    How to change the sound design?

    To do this you need to open in control panels Personalization tab, and then select Sounds.

    Here you can change the usual soundtrack to various others: landscape, festival, heritage, or turn it off altogether.

    How to change the screensaver?

    We also go to the personalization tab (note: right-click anywhere on the desktop), select the screensaver item below.

    How to change screen resolution?

    Option #1

    Sometimes you need to change screen resolutions, for example, if the game slows down and you need to run it with lower parameters; or check the operation of a program, etc. To do this, right-click on the desktop, and then select screen resolution from the pop-up menu.

    Option No. 2

    Another way to change the screen resolution is to configure it in video drivers (AMD, Nvidia, IntelHD - all manufacturers support this option). Below, I will show how this is done in ItelHD drivers.

    First you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Graphical characteristics” in the pop-up menu (see Fig. 12). You can also find the video driver icon and go to its settings in the tray, next to the clock.

    Rice. 12. Graphic characteristics

    Rice. 13. Resolution, display section

    How to change and customize the START menu?

    To customize the START menu and taskbar, right-click on the "START" button in the lower left corner of the screen, then select the properties tab. You will be taken to the settings: in the first tab you can configure the taskbar, in the second - START.

    It probably doesn’t make much sense to describe every checkbox in the settings. It’s best to set it up experimentally: if you don’t know what the checkbox means, turn it on and see the result (then change again - look, at random you will find what you need :))..

    Setting up showing hidden files and folders

    Here, it is best to enable the display of hidden files and folders in Explorer (many beginners get lost and don’t know how to do this), as well as showing file extensions of any file types (this will help avoid some types of viruses that masquerade as other types of files).

    This will also allow you to know for sure what kind of file you want to open, and also save time when searching for some folders (some of which are hidden).

    To enable display, go to control Panel, then to the tab design and personalization. Next, look for the link “ Show hidden files and folders"(in the Explorer settings section) - open it (Fig. 17).

    1. uncheck the box next to “ hide extensions for registered file types«;
    2. move the slider to “show hidden files, folders and drives” (see Fig. 18).

    Desktop gadgets

    Gadgets are small information windows on the desktop. They can notify you about the weather, about incoming email messages, show time/date, exchange rates, various puzzles, slides, CPU load indicators, etc.

    You can use the gadgets installed in the system: go to control Panel, enter “gadgets” into the search, then you just have to choose the one you like.

    By the way, if the presented gadgets are not enough, then you can additionally download them on the Internet - there is even a special link for this under the list of gadgets (see Fig. 19).

    Important note! A large number of active gadgets in the system can cause a decrease in computer performance, slowdowns and other delights. Remember that everything is good in moderation and do not clutter your desktop with unnecessary and unnecessary gadgets.

    That's all for me. Good luck to everyone and bye!

    Standard tools in the Windows 7 Home Basic, Starter edition are not possible install theme, so you have to resort to special programs. These recommendations differ greatly from the editions above.

    You will need to install two programs:

    1. Personalization Panel - a program that adds a “personalization” item to the menu called up by right-clicking together, where there are no shortcuts, i.e., on empty desktop space.
    2. Universal Theme Patcher – the utility patches Windows files, replacing them with its own.

    Download a third-party theme and place its files in the Themes directory, which is located in C:\Windows\Resources\. Most theme archives contain folders with designs, fonts, icons and a file (theme name.Theme).

    If there is a Fonts folder in the archive, then place its contents in C:\Windows\Fonts. It is responsible for the fonts of the installed theme in Windows 7.

    Now try clicking on a file with an extension at the end (.Theme) and you will see a warning.

    That's why you can't install theme on Windows 7 Home Basic, Starter. Now we will get around this trouble.

    Patching system files using the Universal Theme Patcher utility

    This is a small program that replaces files and does not require installation. Do the following algorithm:

    1. download and unpack the archive.

    2. The files of interest here are: UTPatch-x64.exe (for 64-bit OS) and UTPatch-x86.exe (for 32-bit OS). Run according to bitness of your Windows 7 OS on behalf of the administrator.

    Note: The initial edition always has a 32-bit version.

    3. In the window, select the language “Russian”, click “OK”.

    4. Then you will see information about how many files need to be patched. Check it out and click yes.

    5. Press the 3 buttons called “patch”. In some situations, two are available.

    Note: If all buttons are disabled, it means that your Windows 7 Home Basic already patched.

    You can get the original files back by clicking on the “restore” button.

    6. When you press the last button, you will be prompted to reboot, click “yes”. Then proceed to install the next program.

    Install the Personalization Panel and implement personalization in the Windows 7 Home Basic edition menu

    The application will add personalization options similar to Windows 7 Ultimate, but before using them, follow these steps:

    2. Select the language “Russian”, click “OK”. A welcome window will open, in which click “next”.

    3. In this window, check “normal installation” and click “next” until the installation is complete, since you don’t need to change anything else.

    4. At the last stage, click “install” and after a while “done”.

    Now go to your desktop, your Windows 7 Home Basic and right-click on the empty (free space). You will notice that a “personalization” option has appeared in the menu.

    The window looks like the Maximum edition. Here you can change the Windows 7 Home Basic and Starter desktop background, screensaver, sounds, .

    The list will show the standard, downloaded themes and their location. Select one of them and click the “apply theme” button. Enjoy the results.

    This is how you can install theme on Windows 7 Home Basic and Starter, which were originally deprived of this function. The program is convenient because it collects the necessary personalization settings in one place and adds advanced features. For example, it is possible faster than through the control panel. The developers have done their best, and now you won’t have to update to a higher edition.

    If you want to change the Windows 7 interface that has already become familiar, then why not change the Start button? In this article I will show you a way to change the standard Start icon to a more beautiful one. I will also provide links to the program and the buttons themselves.

    First, you need to download a program to change buttons.

    The archive contains the program itself and more than 220 buttons from which you can choose any one.
    If you need other Start icons, then look under the spoiler.

    Now you need to set it to explorer.exe administrator rights.
    To do this, open the directory with Windows (usually this is C:/Windows) and find the file there explorer.exe.
    Right-click on it, select Properties -> Security -> Edit -> Select “Administrators”

    -> Check all the boxes or select “Full access” -> press the button Apply

    We unpack the archive downloaded from this site at the very beginning of the article. Go to the Win7StartButton folder, select the file Windows 7 Start Button Changer v 2.6.exe and run the program as administrator (right mouse button -> Run as administrator)

    Choose S elect & Change Start Button, indicate the picture you want to change to and click Open

    It should look something like this:

    Tips and " what to do if nothing works»

    Before changing the modified button to a new one, it is better to first restore the original one and only then change it to another one.
    It is best if the program is in its W7SBC program folder as close to the root of the disk as possible.
    If you encounter an error on a 64-bit version of the OS, just click continue or run the program again as an administrator.
    If the button has not changed: go to the C:\Windows folder and check whether the group your user is a member of has full access to the explorer.exe file.
    If the file properties differ from the picture below (you are part of the administrators group)

    then you need to get full access to files and folders in Windows 7 and Vista.

    To quickly gain full access to files and/or folders in Windows 7 and Vista, we can use two methods: using the TakeControl utility and a registry hack. These are the simplest and easiest methods. There is also a completely manual method, but we will consider it in a separate article, because... it will not suit most beginners, and it will take much more time than these two methods.

    Attention! Disable UAC (User Account Control) and work as an administrator. Once you have full access, you can enable UAC and go to your user account.
    Let's start with the simplest method - the TakeControl utility from the developer.

    1. Download the TakeControl utility (no installation required) and extract the contents of the archive.
    2. Launch it, click on Add, add files for which you need to change the owner and gain full access.

    Since we have administrator rights, the program will show that everything is in order ( You are running with the required elevated privileges) and you can change the owner.
    If the rights are not enough, the program will tell you about this too ( You need elevated privileges. Choose "Run as administrator")

    3. Click Take control, thereby making yourself the owner of the above files and gaining full access to them.

    4. If the result in the picture matches yours, then everything worked out. You have full access to the files you need.

    Also a very simple method. Configured for Russian and English versions of Windows. If your Windows was originally supplied in another language (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, etc.), then use TakeControl or write in the comments, we will adapt the registry hack to your OS version.

    1. Download a set of .reg files (there are three of them: one for installing the Russian version, another for installing the English version, and a third for uninstalling).
    2. Extract them to any location (for example, to the Documents folder) and run (double-click) AddRus.reg to install the Russian version or AddEng.reg to install English.

    We agree to the changes (“ Yes" And " OK»).

    Attention! Install the Russian version only if your version of Windows was originally in Russian. If it was English, and you yourself installed the Russian language later (LIP or MUI), then use the English version, otherwise nothing will work.
    3. After this, if you hold down the Shift key and right-click on the desired file or folder, a new option “Become the owner” for the Russian version and “Take ownership” for the English version will appear, by clicking on which you will make yourself the owner of the selected files and get him full access.

    This method is very convenient and can be useful quite often, so don’t rush to delete it. But if you still decide to delete it, just run the Remove.reg file and agree to the changes (“Yes”, then “OK”).

    Attention! To replace explorer.exe (and any other system file) with a new file, be sure to rename it first, otherwise it won't work. It is better to rename it to explorer.exe.backup, so you will always know that this is a copy of the original explorer.exe (or any other system file) and if something happens, you can return it back without any problems.

    After that, feel free to launch Windows 7 Start Button Changer and change the button.

    Users of Windows-based computers are often very picky, and over time they no longer like the “native” graphical interface of the system. The Windows 7 Start button is no exception. And you can change it.

    What you need to change the Start button

    First of all, it is worth noting that it is not possible to do this using the G7’s means. Therefore, the “Start” button for Windows 7, or rather its appearance, is changed exclusively by third-party programs. Next, we will consider one of the most interesting and popular utilities called Windows 7 Start Button Changer.

    But things are not so simple with her. When you try to open it after installation, the system reports that the application should be started as an administrator (this is already clear), but when you select the appropriate launch type from the context menu, nothing works. Why? Yes, only because the user, although he seems to be his own administrator on the local computer terminal, does not have the necessary access rights in the global context (after all, there is also a super administrator). Thus, initially such rights will have to be obtained.

    How to change the Windows 7 Start button: preliminary steps

    The lack of administrative rights is directly related to the explorer.exe file, which is located in the Windows root directory, so you need to start there.

    Right-click on the file and select the properties access line. On the security tab, select the administrator group and click the change settings button located just below on the right. A list of permissions will appear in the window below, where you should mark all available components, and then confirm the changes made.

    At the next stage, use the “Advanced” button on the same tab, again select the administrator group and proceed to change permissions. In the corresponding column, we again set the “birds” opposite all available lines, and then confirm the changes again.

    It is imperative to make sure that the user is the administrator or owner of the computer (the registration name must be written in the appropriate line).

    Practical application of the program

    The Windows 7 Start button can now be redesigned. In practice this is not difficult. First, we launch the installed utility exclusively as administrator. After these steps, everything should work fine.

    There are two items in the main window: the first allows you to change the appearance of the button (Select & Change...), the second is responsible for restoring the original appearance (Restore Original...). We are interested in the first line. Click on it, and then look for the Sample Orbs directory (the Windows 7 Start button icons are stored here). Choose what you like and press the open button.

    It is important to pay attention to the type of folders. If you need to preview images, select the appropriate type in the view menu (special button at the top) (large icons, huge icons - whatever is convenient for you).

    If you need the “Start” button for Windows 7 to take on the classic look provided by the graphical interface of the “7” itself, we use the second line in the program to restore the default view. In general, everything is simple.


    It remains to add that the utility described above was taken solely as a clear, simple example. You can find quite a lot of applications for changing buttons and, in general, the entire interface. For example, a utility called Windows Blind was once very popular. It was precisely she who could customize the system interface very finely, however, when emulating an OS of a higher rank, it consumed too many resources. But with modern processor chips and amounts of RAM, this problem has disappeared.

    As for the initial actions with setting permissions, they will have to be performed in any case, otherwise the system simply will not allow the user to make the appropriate changes in appearance. Yes, before performing all the procedures, it wouldn’t hurt to create a system restore point (just in case), otherwise you never know…


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