How to change your VKontakte last name to English. How can I change my last name in a contact? What to do if they don’t change their first and last name, or the application is rejected

And another simple article - step-by-step instructions from the site, in which we will teach the reader how to change the first and last name in the profile. Using the same procedures, we will be able to supplement the surname, for example, with our nickname, by which it will be easier for friends and acquaintances to recognize us in the vastness of the endless social network.

Before changing your name in VKontakte, it’s better to think again - won’t such a change confuse our existing friends? After all, if previously they knew our profile under the old name, which was easily found by searching through the list of friends, now these parameters will be replaced. However, it is not at all necessary to completely change the last name and first name, and we will limit ourselves to only a small addition to this data.

In particular, in the article “How to change a name in VK” we will look at a simple example of adding a new nickname to an existing name (which we will not change). By doing this, we increase our recognition on the social network, but do not mislead our friends and acquaintances. Don't understand what we're talking about? Read the following step-by-step instructions and everything will fall into place!

How to change your name in VK: step-by-step instructions

1. Log in to your personal VK user profile using your login and password.

2. Go to the main page menu, “Edit” item.

3. We get to the “Basic” section and the first thing we see here is the NAME and LAST NAME items.

4. Place the cursor in the Name field (click on it), after the main user name, add the desired nickname in Russian letters through a hyphen. In our case, we will add the signature “Webmaster” to the name.

IMPORTANT: There are very few options when adding a nickname. Firstly, you need to use ONLY Russian letters, plus wait for confirmation from the moderators. Any name change applications using Latin (English) letters will be rejected immediately!

It is customary in VK that first and last names must be real, therefore, in our example, the application was sent for confirmation by the administration.

5. Scroll down the settings page to the “Save” button, with which we confirm all the operations performed.

6. Check the result obtained. If the application was sent to the administration for approval (as in our case), we wait for a positive or negative decision.

Thus, in just a few seconds we managed to change our name on VK, which made our profile more recognizable. And if any of the many users of the social network search for this page using the phrase “Webmaster”, he will definitely find us in the list of search results!

The situation with a nickname will work similarly. By adding a nickname or nickname to our name, we will make our account more recognizable, displayed in a search by nickname, and it will be easier for friends to find us. The only condition is to use only Russian letters without third-party symbols and signs.

Some people at some point may need to change their first and last name on the VKontakte social network. This may be required due to the fact that the user initially provided incorrect data or made a mistake when filling out the profile, due to a change of surname in reality, getting married, etc.

VKontakte logo

VK provides the opportunity to change your last name, but in some cases social. the network may require some patience from the user. It may be needed in cases where the user has entered an unusual name or is not changing his data for the first time.

In what cases does the system allow you to change your first and last name without checking by a moderator?

How to change your name on VKontakte

The social network understands that some people initially register under fictitious names, and after some time they decide, so to speak, to become legal and start using their real data. If this is your case, then to change your last name you will need:

  1. Go to the VKontakte website;
  2. On your profile page, expand the spoiler with information about yourself;
  3. Click on “Edit”;
  4. Enter the correct data in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields;
  5. Click on “Save”.

After completing the appropriate actions, the information on the page will be updated and all users will see the real name.

In what cases does VKontakte check first and last names?

Moderation of changed names and surnames on VKontakte may be due to several reasons.

  • The first of them assumes that the user used words that are not very common for this as his first and last names.
  • The second option is to change your last name and first name again. Usually, VK users only need to edit the relevant data once and then never return to it again. But if this happens, the system temporarily blocks the changed information and sends a notification to the moderator.

How to bypass last name verification by a moderator

Despite some materials on the Internet reporting the availability of this opportunity, it will not be possible to deceive the system. You will still have to wait until a specialist reviews the application.

Can a moderator refuse to change a surname?

Of course, this is precisely why such employees exist in VK. However, refusals to change the first and last name are possible only in cases where the user is unable to confirm the existence of a real need for the appropriate actions.

That is, if, when changing your last name on Vkontakte, you indicate that there has been a change in your passport data, for example, as a result of getting married, then the corresponding application will easily pass verification and be approved.

What to do if the moderator rejects the application

How to write to VKontakte technical support

If you can confirm that your real name matches those that you indicated on your VKontakte page, then contact the administration. To do this you need:

  1. Hover over the “More” menu and select “Help”;
  2. Enter your requirement in the field located at the top;
  3. Click on “None of the options are suitable”;
  4. State your request and reason;
  5. Send and wait for a response from the moderator.

If you were unable to change your last name in VK without checking with the administrator, then the only option is to create a new profile.

In contact with

In recent years, social networks have begun to be used to promote goods and services. Users registered accounts, but substituted brand names or keywords to search for products instead of their full names. As a result, the administration of social networks, in particular VK, placed a ban on changing the name.

Is it possible to change the first and last name on VKontakte

Changing the VKontakte name will not be difficult if the user wants to use his real name. Even if it is very rare and non-standard. In such cases, an application for the authenticity of the name is sent to the administration. After processing the request, the user is allowed to change the name in VK.

Why is the request being made? So that people do not deceive each other, and the administration has the opportunity to weed out advertising accounts that have the name of an organization instead of a surname. On the search page, such fake pages are found much more often than accounts of real people. After all, the social network was created for the interaction of real people, and not advertising campaigns. So users have the opportunity to change their VKontakte name, but this can only be done with the approval of the administration. According to statistics, attempts to change a surname without a good reason end in failure in 70% of cases.

How to change your VKontakte name to English

In this case, we mean writing the first and last name in transliteration. There are no advantages to this step. Previously, you could write your initials in English, and no one you knew could find you. Today the site administration has improved the search system. Even if the user writes a name in Russian, the results will still show entries written in transliteration.

However, some users may need to change their VKontakte name to English. In this case, there is no need to send a request to the administration. It is enough to indicate the USA or any European country in the settings of the “Place of Birth” page. Then the username will be automatically rewritten into translit.

How to change your VKontakte name without administrator verification and approval

You can change your personal data on a social network through a special application. You need to launch the program and go to the control menu by sliding your finger across the device screen from left to right. Then follow the main link under the username and open the page menu by clicking on the ellipsis button in the far right corner. In the menu, select “Edit”, enter a new first and last name, and save the changes.

Also, without checking the administration, you can change your personal data in the GoogleChrome browser opened through a smartphone. On a social networking site, you need to click on the arrow next to the photo. A page with personal data will open. You must click on “Full information” and then “Edit page”. All that remains is to update your personal data and save the changes.

How long does it take to check a new VKontakte name?

There are no clear deadlines for making a decision on name changes. On average, technical support responds to statements of this kind within 10-15 hours. In any case, you should not write an angry letter to the administration a couple of hours after submitting your application for consideration. This will not help speed up the process.

Particularly impatient individuals may try to hack their page and thus change the VK name. But in this case, you first need to download a program to hack the page. This step threatens the theft of not only registration, but also personal data from the computer.

You can hack your page without third-party applications. To do this, you only need the Opera 12.17 browser. You must log in to your account using the specified browser version. On the “Edit” page, in the “Name” field, right-click on “Index element”.

The browser editing panel will open at the bottom. In the highlighted line you need to find your name and double-click to activate the element. After this, you can change the VKontakte name on your social network page. Next, you need to close the workspace and click on the “Save” button on the browser page.

How to change your last name or add your maiden name

To change the VK name through an Internet browser, you need to log in to your account, go to the “Edit” section and click on the “Change Name” button.

A notification from the administration will be displayed on the screen stating that you can only use your real name, written in Russian letters. The user must indicate the reason for changing the last name.

This is where the main difficulty lies. It is better to indicate the real reason for changing your last name. This will increase the chance of making a positive decision.

Valid reasons may include:

  • Real change of first and last name in the passport. In this case, the administration may request a copy of the document to confirm the information. If you are unable to attach a scan of your passport, it is better to indicate another reason.
  • Marriage. Likewise, you will have to attach a scan of your passport.
  • Frankly admit that the name you previously used was fictitious, and now you want to change your name in VK to your real one.

After submitting the application, all that remains is to wait for the administration’s decision.

There are situations when you need to change your name in a contact, but the service stubbornly refuses to agree to your demands. Let’s find out in more detail how to change your name on VK.

The global social network “VKontakte” allows its users to change their first and last names, but only if the name is not fictitious, but real. If you registered out of habit and indicated, for example, your shortened name, and now want to indicate the name as written in your passport, then this is possible, you just have to wait a little.

How to change your name on VK

Do you have a non-standard name? Let's say your passport name is Nikanor. Only mom and dad and grandparents call you that. Everyone else: friends and neighbors are used to calling you Kolya. It's fast and convenient. But at some point you realize that there are a lot of guys with such a name, and with a name as rare as yours, there are literally only a few. And you decide to change your personal information in the contact.

To do this, you need:

  • Log in to your account (enter your password and login).
  • In the upper right corner next to the photo and your name, click on the triangle.
  • A pop-up window with information will appear, you need to select “Edit” and click on this tab.
  • An editing field will immediately appear in front of you, where you can change your first name, last name, date of birth, gender, marital status, city of residence and indicate the country.
  • We change the data. Click the “Save” button.
  • If the name is rare and non-standard, then verification will take some time. On your part, we recommend that you carefully check the spelling of your name again. Perhaps there was a typo and therefore the VK site does not want to immediately change the name.
  • If the name is very rare, then your application will be transferred to the administrator of the social network “VK” for detailed study.
  • Once the changes are accepted, the name will automatically change to the one you specified.

How to change a name in VK - why does authentication take a long time?

The fact is that the administration of the VK site strongly recommends that people indicate their real names and do not make abbreviations. Another reason is that people can provide false information, create pages on VK to promote their products, do advertising, or indicate the name of the company instead of their personal information.

The social project “In Contact” was created in order to give people the opportunity to communicate more, find their friends, classmates and fellow students. Therefore, it is so important for VK management that the service is accessible and of high quality.

How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

If you need to change your last name, this can be done without verification from the administration and without waiting. That is, without wasting time.

The reasons why you want to change your last name can be different. In most cases this is marriage. Or if things have not yet come to the official registration of the relationship, but you really want to quickly announce to the whole world about your plans for the future.

How to do it:

  • go to your page;
  • select “Edit”;
  • and for now we are in no hurry to change our last name right away, because we need to change our status. Instead of “Single” or “Actively searching”, you need to indicate the status “In love” and DO NOT save this information for now;
  • then we go in search of our soulmate, in a new tab we open the page of our loved one, copy his “id*******” to paste into the appropriate column;
  • Now you can save this data. It turns out that so far we have indicated a new status and confirmed it with weighty arguments;
  • then you can immediately save the entered information and then continue editing;
  • after saving, the status will change to “In love” and you will be able to change your last name (don’t forget to indicate the last name of your lover in the feminine gender);
  • Save again and check the changes on your page.

How to change your first or last name in VK. Method 2

There is another method that also allows you to change your last name without verification. It can be used not only by girls, but also by boys if they want to change their data.

How to change your first or last name:

  • go to “subscribers” (there are usually a lot of subscribers there);
  • choose a subscriber with a beautiful last name (gender does not matter);
  • in this person’s “SP” it is necessary to indicate that he is “married” or “Married”;
  • Now you can change your last name, just indicate it in the required gender (change the ending);
  • if you only needed this person to change your last name, you can remove him from the “SP”.

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today we’ll look at a frequently asked question: “How to change your name in VK?” This question can and does arise among users of the social network VKontakte quite often due to many reasons: a change of surname, a simple desire to change, for example, your first and last name from Cyrillic to English, etc. ...

So how can you quickly change your VK name to English without checking with the administrator? Is it possible?

I answer and show in a video example how to change the name in VK...

How to change your name in VK to English?

The social network Vkontakte is the most popular site for communication on the Internet for the Russian-speaking contingent, and not only Russian-speaking people. It is not surprising that many users sometimes have a desire, and sometimes even a need, to change their first and last name, bypassing the moderator. But not everyone knows how to do this.

This is what we will talk about today: How to change your name on VK without checking with the administrator?

Everything turns out to be very simple and everyone can do this in their VKontakte account independently and without outside help, if, of course, they carefully watch my video, which will tell you all the details about how to change your name in VK to English.

So, let's watch a short video:

How to change your name on VK? By yourself and without outside help!

You can still change your VKontakte data using a special service called “Anonymizer Chameleon”. But here you will have to wait a little while the VKontakte moderator checks and approves the change of your data in your account.

It’s up to you to choose in what way and how to change your name on VK. Forward!!!

Here's another beautiful one anonymizer, which is useful for any webmaster, for example, to quickly change your id, please see here, I already wrote about it or immediately


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