Control with keyboard without mouse. Controlling a computer without a mouse, under Windows XP

Sometimes situations arise when you need to do without a mouse, we suggest you get acquainted with some keyboard shortcuts that can replace a computer mouse.

P.S. The designation Key1 + Key2 means that you need to press these keys at the same time

1 . User selection (if you have multiple users): Ctrl + Down, Up

Login to the selected user: Enter

2 . Entering the main menu (Start button): Win(Start) key or Ctrl + Esc
Move through menu items: Up, Down arrows
Enter and exit submenus: arrows Right, Left, or Enter, Esc

3 . Using the Tab key, you can move inside the window (open any window and you will see how the selection in it will change), moving through the fields of the window with the left and right arrows.

Switching between icons on the desktop and the system tray: pressing the Tab key alternately highlights the Start button, the Quick Launch bar (next to the Start button), active windows, the arrow that hides used programs in the tray (next to the clock), then desktop and the "Start" button again. You will notice the switching by the dotted frame, then you can switch using the left and right arrows.

4 . Move through desktop icons, folders, programs: using arrows or by clicking the first letter of the name of the desired element.

Go back, forward (in a folder, browser): Alt + Left, Right
Run program, folder, file: Enter
Calling the context menu: Context key or Shift + F10
Sequentially navigate through open windows: Alt + Esc
Go to a specific window: Alt + Tab
Close active window: Alt + F4

5 . Go to the folder or program menu: Alt or F10 key (the left menu item is highlighted)
Moving through menu items: arrows
Moving using underlined letters (by pressing the Alt key you can see that in each item there is an underlined letter): Alt + underlined letter (wherever there is an underlined letter on buttons, in various menus - you can use this method)

6 . Moving through sections of a folder or program: Tab
Expand, hide drop-down list (ListBox): Alt + Down, Up
Move through tabs: Ctrl + Right, Left
Check, uncheck a box (CheckBox) or put a dot in a circle (RadioButton): spacebar

7 . Select all: Ctrl + A(Ф)
Select a group of files in a row: Shift + Down, Up
How to select a specific group of files: hold down Ctrl, use the arrow keys to move to the desired file, select the file by pressing Spacebar, then move to the next file without releasing Ctrl and select it by pressing Spacebar, etc.
Properties of the selected element(s): Alt + Enter
Rename: F2

Copy: Ctrl + C(C)
Paste: Ctrl + V(M)
Cut: Ctrl + X(H)
Delete: Delete
Delete without putting it in the trash (permanently): Shift + Delete

8 . Launch Explorer: Win(Start, Windows logo button) + E(U)
Collapse, maximize all windows: Win(Start, Windows logo button) + D(B)
Open the “Run” window: Win (Start, button with the Windows logo) + R (K)
Open computer properties (System Properties window): Win(Start, button with the Windows logo) + Break
Move through windows on the taskbar: Win(Start, Windows logo button) + Tab
Open the task manager: Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + Delete (this key combination should not be pressed several times, it can lead to the computer restarting).

9 . Enable mouse pointer control from the additional numeric part of the keyboard: Alt (left) + Shift (left) + Num Lock
movement: arrows with numbers
clicks: 5
holding down the “mouse button”: 0(Ins),
release the “mouse button”: .(Del)

The computer and its components fail, usually at the most inopportune moment. And if in the event of a hardware failure it will not be possible to continue working, then in the event of a failure of peripheral devices, not all is lost. This article will talk about how to control the cursor if the computer mouse stops working.

You can work on a PC or laptop without a mouse.

It is possible to control the cursor using the keyboard. There is nothing complicated here.

After the above steps, the system will give you the ability to control the cursor without using a mouse. To work, you will use the following Num Lock panel keys:

In fact, this mode is simply emulation (imitation) of a mouse using the Num Lock panel. Using it is not difficult at all - a little practice and you will quickly get the hang of it.


Working with hotkeys is not new, but for inexperienced computer users it will be quite a challenge. We will list a number of the most popular hotkey combinations.

  • Ctrl+C -Copy;
  • Ctrl+V -Paste;
  • Ctrl+X -Cut;
  • Ctrl+A -Select all;
  • Ctrl+F -Search;
  • Ctrl+Z- Undo last actions;
  • Ctrl+Y -Repeat last actions;
  • Alt+F4 -Quit the application;
  • Alt+Tab -Switch between elements;
  • F5 -Update the active element or desktop;
  • Ctrl+S -Save;
  • Ctrl+N -Create document;
  • Ctrl+O -Open;
  • Ctrl+P -Print;
  • Ctrl+W -You can close/open a file or folder;
  • WindowsKey+E - Opens Explorer;
  • F1 - Help;
  • F7 - Spell check;
  • F12 -Save as...;
  • Power -Turn off the computer;
  • Alt+PrtScr - Snapshot of the active window;
  • Win+D - Minimize all windows;
  • Alt+Enter - Disable/enable full screen mode;
  • F2 - Rename object;
  • Shift+Delete - Delete an object, bypassing the trash bin;
  • Ctrl+Esc - Start.

Such a number of combinations is quite difficult to remember - for this reason, the previous method will be more practical for inexperienced Windows users. As practice shows: the more time a person spends at the computer, the more often he uses hot keys. If you remember at least some of them, your work will immediately become more productive. However, the above list is not a complete list of hotkeys. To view all available combinations, you can go to Windows Help.

Assigning hotkey shortcuts

This method requires preliminary preparation and is not suitable for users whose mouse has suddenly failed. Its essence is that for each shortcut you can assign any key combination not occupied by the system. To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut you are interested in.
  2. Go to properties.
  3. Click on the field called “Quick input” and hold down a convenient key combination.
  4. Click OK.

That's all. If you have a lot of free time, you can assign hotkeys to almost all shortcuts on your computer. This will help partially avoid using the mouse.

How to control a laptop without a mouse

Operating a laptop without a mouse is very simple - the developers themselves took care of this by inventing a touchpad (English touchpad: touch - touch, pad - pad). This device is located below the keyboard and is a small rectangle, usually equipped with buttons. Using the touchpad is not difficult, but some skill is required to manipulate the cursor. Otherwise, it is no different from a mouse.

If it happens that both your mouse and touchpad are broken, then the methods for controlling the cursor on a laptop and a simple computer are the same.

A little advice: Buy an inexpensive mouse as a spare. This kind of foresight will help you continue working in the event of an unexpected breakdown.

How to control the mouse cursor using the keyboard(number block) in Windows 7 And Windows XP you will find out by reading this article. This will be very useful for those who the mouse is missing or not working.

How to enable mouse cursor control from the keyboard on Windows 7, XP:

To enable this function, press the keys simultaneously: Shift + Alt + Num lock and press Enter.

How to control the cursor from the keyboard:
- Function activation by button Num Lock;
- All numbers except 5 And 0 this is movement in directions;
- 5 This is the left mouse button by default;
- What to change 5 click on the right mouse button "-" (minus) on the numeric keypad, now when pressing 5 the right mouse button will work;
- To change it back 5 click on the left mouse button "/" on the numeric keypad;
- You can also press the right mouse button with the combination Shift + F10 but this is a less convenient option, I advise you to use the option above;
- To double-click, press "+" or press the key 2 times quickly "5" digital block;
- To pinch and hold the desired object, with the left or right mouse button selected, press and hold "0" on the number pad, this is done to drag objects to the desired location;
- To release the clamped object, press "." on the number pad.

Basically ready press NumLock and controlled using NumPad, but there is one caveat, moving the cursor will be very slow, but this can be fixed.

To speed up the movement of the mouse cursor, in Windows 7 we go:

Start > > Accessibility Center > Making the mouse easier to use > Setting up pointer control
You can enter using the cursor and keyboard, or by moving using the TAB hotkeys and arrow keys.
There should be small icons in the control panel to see the desired section:

And set both sliders to maximum, and check the box next to CTRL - acceleration, SHIFT - deceleration, as shown in the figure above.
And of course we press Apply, or OK.
Now, when you press CTRL, our mouse cursor will fly when controlled from the keyboard as quickly as if we were using a real mouse.

How to speed up the mouse cursor when using the keyboard on Windows XP?

Almost the same, even simpler. Press the keys again (together): Shift + Alt + Num lock;
We see the same window as when the function was enabled:

Select "Options", a window appears:

Click “Settings”, the checkbox should look like in the picture.

We do it the same way as in the picture, the main thing is to set the sliders to maximum, and check CTRL for acceleration, SHIFT for deceleration.

Everything is ready, now click “OK” or “Apply” and start working

PS: for convenience and speed up control, you can use the blind method: It is better to put your fingers in the starting position "4" , "5" , "6" , "0" (index - "4" , average - "5" , nameless - "6" , big - "0" .) and raise your finger up or down as necessary.)

To find out what position the mouse is in, you can look at the third one, you will see one of these images (provided that the last checkbox in the picture above is checked).

Computers have long and firmly entered our lives. And the vast majority of users of this miracle of technology cannot imagine how to control a computer without a mouse.

The mouse is so comfortable to use that we can often forget that it is in our hand. Fans of online games even organize competitions in the speed of controlling this manipulator.

But suddenly the unexpected happened: the computer “rodent” dear to your heart stopped responding to commands and showing signs of life.

The first question: “What to do in this situation?” Naturally, you can do without toys on the computer for a couple or three days.

But what if you need to do urgent work? What if you need to submit a report by the end of the day? Send a business letter to a client?

If suddenly your mouse stops working, check the connections or reinstall the drivers for it. You can read how to install drivers correctly in our article - “How to correctly install drivers on a computer or laptop”

At first glance, the situation seems hopeless... But only for those who do not know how to control a computer without a mouse.

There are two ways to solve this problem: prepare for it in advance or urgently try to save the current situation.

Let's take a closer look at each option.

Procedure for controlling the cursor without using the mouse

So, let's start studying a non-extreme option of how to control a computer without a mouse. After all, as the famous popular saying goes: “forewarned is forearmed!”

To enable the ability to control the cursor on the monitor screen without using the mouse, you need to perform a number of actions:

Emergency settings option that allows you to control your computer without a mouse

What if, after all, the irreplaceable manipulator “ordered to live long” at the most inopportune moment? The main thing is not to panic! It is possible to get to the necessary settings using only the keyboard.

Here is a brief algorithm of the actions performed.

  1. All modern keyboards have a key with the "Windows" logo in the bottom row of keys. Clicking it will open the Start menu.
  2. Now you should use the arrow keys “up” - “down” and “left” - “right”. And also the “Enter” key.
  3. To go to the “Mouse” tab in the “Accessibility” window, use the “Ctrl + Tab” hotkey combination.
  4. From inside the tab, use the “Tab” key to highlight the “Settings” button with a frame. Press "Enter".
  5. You can use the Spacebar key to check or uncheck the box. Use the arrow keys to move between the “On” and “Off” buttons.
  6. When finished setting, press the “Enter” key. Next, move to the “OK” button using the “Tab” key. Press “Enter” again.

Now you need to simultaneously press the key combination specified in the settings window. These are three keys: the left “Shift” and “Alt” and the “Num Lock” key. In the window that opens, click the “OK” button.

If an icon in the form of a crossed out “mouse” appears on the taskbar, then the cursor control mode using the keyboard is enabled. You can disable this mode using the same keyboard shortcut.

To control the pointer using the keyboard, use the arrow keys on the number pad.

The “Num Lock” key must be disabled (the indicator is not lit). Pressing the “Enter” key corresponds to a double click (click) with the left mouse button.

Now you know how to control a computer without a mouse, taking note of these simple tips. And if such a situation arises, calmly cope with temporary difficulties. You just need to practice first.

Many of us have never seen a computer without a mouse. But until recently there were a majority of these, and one keyboard was enough to work with them.

What are the once widespread MS DOS or modern Linux worth? In these operating systems, you can now only use keyboard commands. At the same time, it turns out to work much faster and more conveniently than through the Windows graphical interface.

By the way, even in the ubiquitous Windows it is quite possible do without a mouse. True, for this you will have to remember a lot of commands, but the speed of work will also be much faster. The fingers of an experienced user find the necessary keys themselves, but the mouse still needs to hit the necessary elements.

A visual comparison of Windows, MS-DOS, Linux and Mac. :)

Most often, the keyboard is used when the mouse fails. Therefore, I will start with the most necessary combinations that allow you to perform vital actions:

1. Enable and select the desired user

When enabled, you can select the desired user using the combination Ctrl+Down, Up. You can log in to the selected user using the key Enter.

2. Navigating the Start Menu

You can launch the main Start menu by pressing Win(Start) or a combination Ctrl+Esc. You can navigate through it using arrows. To open something, click Enter. To go back or exit the Start menu, use Esc.

Use arrows and the Esc key to navigate.

3. Move the cursor

Key Tab allows you to move the cursor between the active window, the taskbar, the system tray, the desktop, and the Start menu. The current location of the cursor will be marked with a dotted frame.

The cursor is moved using the Tab key.

4. Opening windows, moving, context menu

You can use arrows to navigate through desktop, folder, or program icons. You can also do without a mouse, simply by typing the first characters of the desired element on the keyboard. To go forward or go back, use the combination Alt+Left, Right. The combination works both in folders and in browsers. To open something, use the key Enter. You can open the context menu of the current object using the combination Shift+F10 or key Context.

Move between folders using arrows.

5. Switching between windows, closing and minimizing windows, Explorer and Task Manager

There are keyboard shortcuts to switch between windows Alt+Tab And Alt+Shift+Tab(the second switches in the reverse order). Newer versions of Windows have added shortcuts And Win+Shift+Tab(Win – key with the Windows icon). These combinations work exactly the same, except that they look more impressive. There is a third option: Alt+Esc And Alt+Shift+Esc. No different from the previous two, just the task list will not obscure the application windows.

Using Alt+Tab in Windows 7

Everyone knows the combination Alt+F4. This combination closes the active window (but does not work in all applications and almost never in games). And if there are no active windows, then exiting Windows will begin. There is a useful combination Win+M– it minimizes all open windows and makes the desktop available. Combination Win+Shift+M does the opposite - maximizes all windows. It's worth remembering Win+E– as a result, Explorer will open, displaying My Computer, as well as Ctrl+Esc+Shift And Ctrl+Alt+Delete these shortcuts launch Task Manager.

This is what Windows 7 looks like.

6. Using underlined letters

To go to the Explorer or program menu, use the key F10 or Alt. You can navigate through menu items using the arrows. In addition, you can navigate through the menu using the underlined letters method. To see them, click Alt, and to move – Alt+required letter. For example, the "File" menu opens with the combination Alt+F. In Windows 7, you just need to press Alt once, and then just type the letters you need.

Using underlined letters in Windows 7. Alt must be pressed once, then you just have to press the desired letters. Attention: the layout must be Russian!

7. Dropdown lists

Drop-down lists (ListBox) are opened and closed with a combination Alt+Down, Up. Thanks to the combinationCtrl+Right, Left Can do without a mouse- this combination allowsnavigate through tabs. You can put a tick in a square (CheckBox) or a dot in a circle (RadioButton) with a space bar.

To move the cursor to the desired item, use Tab. The checkbox must be marked with a space.

8. File operations

To select all objects, use Ctrl+A. To select a group of files, use Shift+Down, Up. If you need to select only certain files, hold down Ctrl, then move to the desired file using the arrows. To highlight it, press space, then move on to the next file. You can see the properties of the selected objects using Enter+Alt. You can rename an object using the key F2. Remove to Trash – Delete, irrevocably - Delete+Shift. To copy an object, use Ctrl+C. Cut - Ctrl+V, and insert - Ctrl+V.

Select multiple individual files using Ctrl, spacebar and arrow keys.

9. Working with text

There are many keyboard shortcuts for working with text. For example, you can select text using the keys Shift+ left, right or Ctrl+Shift+left, right. If you use the keys up And down, then the text will be highlighted in entire lines. This makes selecting text much more convenient, especially on a laptop with a built-in touchpad.

Typically, text is highlighted to be copied or deleted. To do this, use the same keys as when working with files: Ctrl+C– copy the selected fragment, Ctrl+X- cut out, Ctrl+V– paste the already copied text and Delete– just delete the selection. Ctrl+Z or Esc cancel the last action (usually only one of the combinations works). The above combinations work in almost any text or graphics editor. By the way, I put the commands Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V on the side buttons of your X7 mouse - very convenient. And you get used to it quickly. You can find out how to create such macros in the section.

This is how the side keys of my X7 mouse are configured. After some time, the fingers reflexively reach for them.

Perhaps these are all the main “hot” keys. There are few of them, but they will help do without a mouse if it fails. In fact, there are many more key combinations, and good knowledge of them can greatly increase your work efficiency.


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