How to edit VK information. How to fake correspondence on VKontakte and other social networks? In mobile version

The social network VKontakte, being one of the most popular resources of this type on a global scale, is constantly being improved. In this regard, the topic of timely study of new features has become quite important, one of which has recently become the message editing functionality.

It is worth mentioning right away that the possibilities under consideration, taking into account some quite obvious requirements, are available to absolutely any user of this social network. Moreover, at the moment there are no time restrictions on the time for making adjustments after the initial sending of the letter.

Editing messages is a last resort and is not recommended for use on a regular basis, as it still has several unpleasant features.

The feature in question has not been added to legacy messages that are several years old. This is due to the fact that, in principle, changing the contents of such letters is simply pointless.

Please note that today you can edit letters only in two versions of the site - full-fledged and mobile. At the same time, the official VKontakte mobile application does not yet provide this opportunity directly.

The process is not much different depending on the version, but we will touch on both versions of the site.

Having finished with the preface, you can proceed directly to the instructions.

Full version of the site

At its core, editing VKontakte messages in the full version of this resource is quite simple. In addition, actions to change a letter are directly related to the standard form for creating new messages.

  1. Open the page through the main menu "Messages" and go to the dialog in which you need to edit the letter.
  2. Only a message that has already been sent can be modified.
  3. Another important feature of editing that you need to know about in advance is the ability to make adjustments only to your own letters.
  4. It is impossible to edit your interlocutor's messages in any legal way!

  5. To make changes, hover your mouse over the desired letter within the dialog.
  6. You can change the contents of messages both in private correspondence and public conversations.

  7. Click on the pencil icon with a pop-up text tip "Edit" on the right side of the page.
  8. After this, the block for sending a new letter will change to "Editing a message".
  9. Make the required amendments using the standard set of tools for this social network.
  10. There is no limit to the extent of changes you can make, but keep in mind the standard framework of the email exchange system.

  11. It is quite possible to add initially missing media files.
  12. If you accidentally activated the block for changing the letter or the desire to change the content was lost, the process can be canceled at any time using a special button.
  13. Once you've finished editing the email, you can apply the changes by using the button "Send" on the right side of the text block.
  14. Once the adjustments are made, the recipient will not be bothered by any additional notifications.

  15. The main negative feature of the message editing process is the signature "(ed.)" for each changed letter.
  16. In this case, if you hover the mouse cursor over the specified signature, the date of the correction will be highlighted.
  17. The content changes not only for you, but also for the recipient with all the attendant features.

  18. Once corrected, the letter may well be changed again in the future.

If you've been careful enough, you won't have any problems changing your own emails.

Mobile version of the site

As we said earlier, the process of adjusting messages when using the mobile version of the site is not much different from similar actions within VKontakte for computers. However, the actions taken have a slightly different designation and require the use of additional interface elements.

In the mobile version, as well as vice versa, a letter previously sent from a different version of VK can be edited.

  1. Open a lightweight copy of the VKontakte website in the web browser that is most convenient for you.
  2. Using the standard main menu, open the section "Messages", selecting the desired conversation from the active ones.
  3. Find the block with the edited message among the general list of letters.
  4. Left-click on the content to highlight the message.
  5. Now turn your attention to the bottom selection control panel.
  6. Use the button "Edit", which has a pencil icon.
  7. There is no tooltip, unlike the full version of the site.

  8. Having done everything correctly, the block for creating new letters will change.
  9. Make adjustments to the content of the letter, correcting your early shortcomings.
  10. If desired, as on a full-fledged website, it is quite possible to add previously missing media files or emoticons.

And during what time it is allowed to perform this action.

How to edit messages in VK on a computer

Recently I introduced a wonderful option - editing already sent messages. To change a message on your computer, you need to hover your mouse cursor over it, and then a pencil icon () will appear on the right.

An editing window will appear below, in which you can:

  • correct text (add, delete, correct);
  • add or remove attachment;
  • add or remove emoticons;

When the message is corrected, confirm the action performed by clicking on the checkmark ()

After the corrections have been made, an editing mark (ed.) appears, and when you hover over the mark, a tooltip appears indicating the editing time.

Now the text and content will change for both interlocutors.

You can edit already edited messages an unlimited number of times. In this case, the time of the most recent change made is displayed.

How long does it take to edit?

Editing a written message on VK is allowed only within 24 hours after sending. After 24 hours, the editing operation becomes unavailable. But usually the action is relevant in the first minutes.

How to edit a message in VK on your phone

Previously, this convenient operation was not implemented in the mobile version of VK. Just recently, the developers released an update, and now the ability to edit messages on your phone is also available. What do I need to do?

1. Click on the message and select “Edit” in the pop-up window.

Don’t forget that if a VKontakte message was written more than a day ago, you won’t be able to edit it.

2. An editing window will open. Here we can correct errors, supplement the message, attach an attachment or an emoticon. When everything is ready, click on the blue checkmark.

3. Now you can see the result. An “Edit” mark will appear next to the text. By the way, you can’t see the edit time from your phone – the message’s publication time is saved. If you want to see exactly what time the message was edited, you need to go to the full version of VK.

Sometimes VK users need to change a sent text that was written incorrectly as a result of their carelessness or personal circumstances. This is very easy to do, and you can edit your own letters many times. The function is available for the full and mobile versions of the site.

Editing messages in the full version of VK

Easy instructions will help you change your outgoing email. Check it out:

  1. Select the section with dialogues.
  2. Hover your cursor over your letter so that a pencil drawing appears on the right.
  3. An “Edit” prompt will appear next to the pencil. Click on it.
  4. Edit the text, if desired, add a media file, photo or emoticon.
  5. Click on the blue check mark on the right or press Enter to submit. To cancel, click on the cross.
  6. As a result of successful editing, next to the sent letter there will be a note “(ed.)”, indicating the date and time of the change.

In mobile version

It is necessary to note an important detail: the mobile version of the site is not a mobile application from VK, but a simplified version for tablets and phones. Follow the instructions:

  1. Select the section with dialogues.
  2. Click on the desired letter.
  3. Next to the “Forward” button, click on the pencil image.
  4. Change the text if necessary and add media.
  5. Click the checkbox to submit.
  6. Next to the sent text there will be a signature “Edited”, without date and time.

Unlike the full version of the social network, there is no way to cancel editing directly in the input field. That is, if you have already changed the text, but have changed your mind about editing it, then simply change the section of the site so that the changes are not saved. Another feature: to change a VKontakte message, you need to select it by pressing. If you accidentally select two messages, the pencil image will be missing.

Important points

To use the VK function correctly, you need to know several important rules:

  1. You cannot edit old sent messages.
  2. You are given only one day after sending to delete and edit.
  3. Both read and unread messages change.
  4. The first version of the edited text is stored by email if the profile is configured for alerts.
  5. You cannot edit other people's messages.
  6. This function is not yet available in the official VK mobile application.
  7. The change mark is visible to the interlocutor in the dialogue.

In the fall of 2017, the developers of the VKontakte social network added a convenient and practical “Edit Posts” function. This event was received positively by the community, because now you can correct blots instead of writing additional messages in dialogues or the feed. Read on to learn how to use the new tool.

How to edit a message

Editing correspondence is not difficult. The main thing to consider is that after publishing a post in a group or a message in dialogues, the change function is available for 24 hours. To achieve this task, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Hover your mouse over the entry you want to change. Next in the right corner is an icon in the form of three dots.
  2. Click on it, after which a form for changing the message opens. We correct errors or completely rewrite the text and save the updated information.
  3. To make sure it's done correctly, refresh the page. The entry should be transformed, and next to it should appear the inscription: “Edited” with the date.

It doesn’t matter where the tool needs to be implemented, the execution method is the same everywhere. The text is corrected for all users of the social network. The only difference arises when working from mobile devices.

Editing differences in the mobile version

Currently, social network specialists have provided the ability to edit messages in the full and mobile versions of the site. Please note that functional solutions for this function have not yet been developed for smartphone applications on Windows Phone, Android, iOS.

Therefore, if you need to use the latter, we recommend using Google Chrome. The system has a similar sequence of actions. We go to the mobile version of and implement the functionality to the fullest. The innovation is convenient and practical, so we recommend that every owner of a VKontakte profile learn how to use it for the benefit of the Russian language and your business.

Hello, friends! Today I'll show you how to fake VKontakte correspondence and on other social networks. I am sure that the majority do not know how to do this and believe the fake screenshots they receive from bad friends and other ‘good’ guys. In this easy way, you can fake not only correspondence, but also other page data displayed by an Internet browser.

Where can you come across such tricks? The screen falsification method is used by people who are trying to exaggerate their income or some other statistics. For example, screenshots of site income. Therefore, by learning how this is done, you will be better informed and prepared for a possible divorce.

The method described below does not violate any laws. In this way, you do not change the site code, but only what you see in your browser. But lies, blackmail and other gray matters are quite punishable, and you can get really serious punishment for this

To fake correspondence, you don’t need a hacker’s brain or Photoshop skills. Also, you do not need to install additional programs. All you need is any internet browser and an internet connection. We will change messages and other data by viewing and changing the source code of the page.

In my case, the forgery of correspondence will take place on the VKontakte social network, using the Opera browser. You can do the same on Odnoklassniki, Facebook,, Twitter, etc.

Forgery of correspondence

As you can see in the first screen, the first “Hello” message was sent at 15:45

Now mark the text that needs to be changed and right-click to open the context menu. In the context menu, select the option Inspect element.

The developer menu appears at the bottom of the window and the line that needs to be changed is highlighted. Right-click on the word Priv and select the Edit text option. After you have entered new data, press Enter.

Now close the web development window.

Faking correspondence on social networks

That's it, now our VKontakte correspondence looks like this. As you can see the first message has changed. And if you notice, the time of sending the message has also changed. I changed it in the same way as the “Priv” message.

Now you need to take a screenshot (screenshot). You can take a screenshot by pressing the Prt Scr key. And, after copying the image to the clipboard, paste it into any photo editor. You can also use a special program to take screenshots.

Also, using this method you can increase the number of messages and other information on the VKontakte menu.

Here's an example of what happened:

Cheating messages on VKontakte

And here's what happened:

Now you know that faking correspondence is easy, and that screenshots cannot be trusted.

In this article I did not touch on the moral side, so it’s up to you to decide whether to deceive or not.

You may ask why there are flying saucers in the first picture of the article, and I will answer you that even before VKontakte and Odnoklassniki appeared, the media was fooling us with fake photographs and videos like these.


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