How to make a poll in Telegram in chat: how to create it and what to use it for. Creating polls in Telegram How to like in Telegram

People exchange both text and voice messages. But, in addition to this, it is also a tool for business development, with the ability to use various methods of working with the audience.

From this article you will learn how to create a survey in Telegram and why it is needed.

We find in the search a Telegram bot called @PollBot.

It is often used for such tasks. In order for your actions to bring results in the form of a completed survey, you just need to follow the points below:

  1. In the search, type the name of the bot and start a dialogue.
  2. Submit the main question, which will become the basis for voting.
  3. Submit answer options.
  4. At the end you send the command /done.
  5. The bot will provide you with a link that you need to follow and specify a dialogue or group to post.

In this case, the functionality is rather sparse, but ideal for those who use only the telephone version of Telegram. If you expect something more from the survey, then let's move on to the next option.

Advanced Survey

Upon completion of the steps, the survey will turn out simply amazing, you just have to follow the instructions:

  1. Start a dialogue with the bot.
  2. Send the /newpoll command.
  3. Submit a question. Remember, it should not be longer than 128 characters.
  4. Select “adding an option” from the list and fill out the answer.
  5. Repeat step four as many times as needed.
  6. In order to add images or videos, you need to use additional commands and tabs.
  7. At the end of the dialogue, click on the “end” button.

The finished survey can be posted not only in this messenger, but also on third-party resources.

Other bots

In addition to the above-mentioned bots, there are others:

  • @vote;
  • @like.

The essence of @vote's work is similar to other bots. You begin a dialogue with the robot, during which you specify a question with multiple answer options. Then the bot needs to send the /done command.

When the robot sends a message, you need to click on Publish poll and go to the dialogue or group. There is no link to the survey, so you won't be able to invite friends.

Important! When composing a question, make sure that its length does not exceed 223 characters.

@like responds to likes. This is necessary so that your audience has the opportunity to express their attitude towards any recording.

To work you need:

  • add the bot to your contact list;
  • send text, picture, photo or video file;
  • select emoji (from 1 to 6).

This is how you can easily find out about the preferences of the target audience, and, for example, find out which products are most in demand.


In conclusion, we can say that surveys are essential for business. And it won’t take much time to create them, and you won’t need the services of a programmer either.

It doesn’t matter at all what product or service you are selling, the selling principle is always the same.

See you soon!

Social networks have the ability to create surveys. This function is very popular and is intended to perform many tasks: obtaining consumer opinions about a specific product, service or product, identifying current demand among various groups of people, developing a group and obtaining new subscribers. And this list is far from complete. How to make a vote in Telegram will be discussed in the article.

An easy way to create polls

One of the easiest ways to create votes is to use a special bot ( @PollBot). To do this, just follow five simple steps:

It is worth taking into account the fact that the functionality of the robot in terms of creating surveys is somewhat limited. But @PollBot is great for creating simple polls because it’s fast and easy to set up.

Advanced survey design

If a user is looking for a way to make a poll in Telegram with advanced settings, he will be interested in the functionality of the bot @QuAnBot. Using it, you can specify various nuances in more detail.

Advantages of the @QuAnBot robot:

  • The voting user can propose his own answer. If it receives approval from the author, it will be included in the general selection list.
  • It is possible to request a person's phone number before they have the opportunity to select an answer.
  • The user can specify several answers from the list at once.
  • When creating, you can use media content (images, audio and video recordings).

To create a survey, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Find @QuAnBot.
  2. Enter /newpoll in the dialog box.
  3. Send the text of the question (there is a 128 character limit).
  4. A list will open, click on “Add option”, enter the option to choose from in the window.
  5. Repeat step four until all options have been entered for selection.
  6. If you want to add audio, video, or images to questions or answers, select the appropriate tab. You can also change the current settings in the menu.
  7. When everything is specified, click on “Finish”.

If you have already created a group on Telegram, you have noticed that there are fewer opportunities when creating a publication here than in groups on other social networks. Actually this is not true. In other social networks, you can insert a collection of photos, text, audio recording into one post and complete it all with a survey. There is no such thing here yet. At least at the time of writing this post. But everything is leading up to this. Telegram has more prospects, since new functionality can be supplemented through bots, which can be created by anyone at their own discretion. For example, you can insert a survey into a group using special bots. In this post I will talk about some of them and show how they work to answer the question - " How to create a poll in Telegram?".

Create a simple survey. Bots @Vote and @PollBot

Using these bots, you can create simple surveys where you specify one question and give several answer options. In principle, in most cases this is enough, which is why bots have gained the most popularity. Creating a poll using @Vote and @PollBot is the same. The differences between these bots is that polls from @PollBot are inserted only in groups, while @Vote polls allow you to share them with friends, add them to groups and channels, but only within telegrams. @PollBot provides a link that can be used to share the survey on other social networks. But in general, in terms of clarity and convenience, I prefer @Vote, so let’s look at the process of creating a bot using it. Below are the instructions.

Step 1: We find the @Vote or @PollBot bot in the search and start a dialogue;

Step 2: We are writing a question that telegram users will answer;

Step 3: We begin to enter the answer options to the question one by one;

Step 4: Having entered the required number of answers, we send the bot a message - “/done” (without quotes) to complete the creation of the survey;

Step 5: Click the "Publish" button to publish the survey and select the dialogue, group or channel where we will post the survey;

To quickly insert a created poll into a dialogue, group or channel, use the text - "@vote Question of the created poll". In place of the “Created survey question”, obviously, you should insert your question. For example - "@vote Who do you love more?" At this point, your survey will pop up above the input field, clicking on which you can add it.

Create a survey with advanced features. Bot @QuAnBot

The bot - @QuAnBot - provides much more opportunities for creating a survey. This bot is quite multifunctional and with its help you can create not only text polls, but also polls with photos, videos, remove or add user rights to change the voice, to offer your own option, to multiple choice of answers. In addition, there is the ability to upload results by email or in another way. You can save a picture of the results in the form of various charts. This and much more is provided to you by @QuAnBot. In short, the bot is designed for professional surveying.

Likes and dislikes in telegram - @like bot

Using the @like bot, you can organize the function of liking posts. That is, you can attach like and dislike buttons, or various emotions up to 6 emoticons to your post. To implement this feature, follow the instructions provided.

Step 1: Find the @like bot (LikeBot) in the search and start a dialogue;

Step 2: Send your content to the bot. You can send text, photos, several photos, videos, and so on;

Step 3: Send up to 6 emoticons in ONE message, the buttons of which should appear under the post. To create like and dislike buttons, insert the thumbs up and thumbs down emoticons;

Step 4: Click the "Publish" button to publish the post with buttons;

That's all. Happy polling!

Useful post? Take it to your social networks so as not to lose it!

The telegram application provides its users with a lot of opportunities. Therefore, the functionality of the messenger is not limited to just exchanging text messages and media files. It’s easy and simple to develop your own blog (channel) or public page here. You can even conduct business by advertising and promoting your website or online store. At the same time, while doing all this (and more), you often have to organize a vote in order to get an objective review or opinion about some product, event, etc.

So in this article we decided to tell you how to launch a survey in Telegram, and what tools can help with this.

Let's start with the easiest option, which will take you very little time and effort. It involves using a voting bot. Everything that needs to be done will be described below point by point:

That's all. The poll has been created. No complicated steps were required. That's a plus. That is, in this way, you can easily launch a survey from the mobile version. The only caveat is that using @PollBot somewhat limits the user in functional terms. For example, the question itself cannot exceed 128 characters.

Creating a poll with advanced functions

If you need to create a full-fledged survey, then the method described above is unlikely to work. Therefore, we will introduce you to another option that allows you to start voting in a telegram. It is based on the use of the @QuAnBot bot. Does it have any advantages over @PollBot? Certainly. This bot provides the user with much wider functionality:

  • You can send results and statistics by email.
  • It is not prohibited to add and insert various multimedia files (photos, videos, audio, etc.).
  • It is possible to set an almost unlimited number of answer options.
  • Any participant can offer their own answer or select several items from the list at once.
  • If you wish, you can activate the option in which each voter will be asked for a phone number (that is, those who really need it and are interested will participate in the survey).

Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. As a rule, the process of creating surveys on social networks is an integral part of interaction with the audience. And if in VK this is implemented at the proper level, then in telegram they simply do not exist. How then? Do not worry. today I would just like to tell you how to vote in a telegram using a bot. Yes, unfortunately, without it, no survey will be possible. But I think that there will be no special problems with this. Go!

The easiest way

the so-called poolbot. And I hope you already know how to work with bots, otherwise then read and then come back. But remember that this bot only works in groups where you are a member. Unfortunately, he doesn’t post anything to any channels. So, if you want to learn something from the subscribers of your channel, then it’s better to immediately go below.

Find in search @pollbot and start a dialogue with him. It will automatically start its work and prompt you to enter your question. If work has not started, then enter the standard command /start.

And now we enter any question on which we want to vote in the group, for example: Your age. After that, just send a message.

Next, you will be automatically told to write the first answer. We write, for example, until 18, after which we send. Then they will send us a message again asking you to give the second answer. We write 18-25 and send. And we repeat this until we have calculated all the options. And when everything is finished, we enter the command /done.

Now we click on the link that the bot provided us, after which we will be asked to choose which group to place this survey in. After selection, the bot automatically becomes a member of the group and immediately posts a question with answer options. Every party member will receive this.

Now let all participants choose their answer, and to find out the results, click on the link /result, or enter it manually.

Everything is very simple, but for me the method is not the most convenient. Let's look at something more realistic.

Built-in telegram bots

Many users of the messenger didn’t even know, but the telegram messenger itself has its own bots that can help solve this or that issue. A self-written bot must have at least five characters in its name, while official system assistants can easily have 4 characters. Bots are such examples. @like And @vote.


The Like bot performs the function of determining the attitude of participants to a certain post, or the function of voting on a particular issue. Well, in general, nothing new. Likes perform the same function on social networks. So for creating a quick professional poll, this will be just the thing.

That's it now. Let the rest of the participants vote by clicking on one or another emoticon. The number of voters will be written right inside each emoji.


This official bot will help you create a poll in Telegram with full answer options, and unlike the first assistant we reviewed, it can post its votes not only in groups, but also in dialogues with channels, provided that you are an admin.

Create advanced surveys

In fact, there are a lot of settings here. For example, if you want to know the results of a poll, then you will need to use the /showall command, and then select the specific poll whose results you want to know.

Well, that's all for me. I think these four methods will serve you well and help you create a cool poll or poll in Telegram. The capabilities of all these methods are simply excellent and you can always use such functions when communicating with your friends, or for excellent interaction with your subscribers.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.


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