MegaFon “Pay for me” option: detailed description. MegaFon “Pay for me” option: detailed description Request to top up your Megafon account

Many useful services are available to subscribers of the MegaFon network, most of which are paid. Meanwhile, there are many free services available even with a negative balance. One of these is MegaFon’s “Pay for Me” service. Using this service, you can send a free SMS to any subscriber with a request to top up your account.

It is not difficult to get another subscriber, so if you have a loved one who can help you out, you can report your temporary financial difficulties using the “Pay for me” service. In this article, we will tell you and also consider the characteristic features and limitations of the service.

  • Important

Features of the “Pay for me” service

You can send a request to top up your account to a subscriber of any network completely free of charge, even with a negative balance. The subscriber to whom the request to top up your balance is addressed will receive an SMS with the corresponding text and the number from which this request was received. The service is subject to a number of restrictions on the number of requests. Below is information about the features of the service, which you should familiarize yourself with before using it.

The MegaFon “Pay for Me” service is characterized by the following features:

  • You can send no more than 5 requests per day;
  • No more than 30 requests are allowed per calendar month;
  • When ordering a service, the subscriber automatically agrees to receive advertising and information messages from the operator;
  • USSD request storage period is 12 hours;
  • You can send a request to top up your account to a subscriber of any Russian operator;
  • Sending requests to numbers of foreign operators is impossible;
  • The service is provided free of charge in national and international roaming.

Perhaps these are all the main features of the “Pay for me” service. It’s difficult to add anything else, since the service is really extremely simple and has almost no pitfalls. Why almost? The fact is that MegaFon comments on the free provision of the service with the ability to send advertising mailings to your number. Of course, this can hardly be called a significant drawback, but advertising SMS from the operator does not evoke exclusively positive emotions in everyone.

Managing the “Pay for me” service

The service does not require additional connection and does not need to be disabled, respectively. Any subscriber of the MegaFon network can use the service, regardless of their tariff plan and personal account status. To send a request to top up your account, just dial a special command on your phone. By the way, if you have already reached the limit on requests to top up your account, you can use the services or, which are also available with a negative balance.

To send a request to top up your MegaFon account, dial the command on your phone: *143*subscriber number#. You can indicate the number of the subscriber to whom the request to top up your balance is addressed in any format (+7, 8 or without). Your request will be delivered instantly. You will receive a notification that your request has been delivered. Next, you just have to hope that your friend can help you. If he does not have such an opportunity, he can always continue to use mobile communication services for another three days.

Did you unexpectedly run out of money in your account? Don't be upset. Find out what zero-cost opportunities MegaFon provides.


Almost every day, various cellular communication companies create various services for their customers. They are ready to do everything to make it convenient for users to communicate.

In the same way, the MegaFon operator takes care of its own clients. Relatively recently, this company came up with an excellent service “Pay for me” MegaFon.

The point of this innovation is to, if necessary, ask a friend to top up your account. In this case, the option works even when blocked account.

What features does the “Pay for me” service have?

  • Surely, everyone already knows that this option became available to users relatively recently, along with the “Call me back” option. It works almost the same. You send a free request to replenish your account from your phone to a friend. The most remarkable thing is that this can be done not only to numbers within the network, but also to clients of other operators
  • The mechanism of the “Pay for me” service is quite easy. First, you send a message and wait for confirmation of sending from Megafon. After this, you receive a corresponding message on your phone that the request has been delivered to the recipient. And your friend, in turn, will receive a message with approximately the following content: “A subscriber with this number asks you to top up his account.”

How to send a request correctly?

To use the “Pay for me” service, dial the following request on your phone:

  • *143*9123456789# , Where
  • 9123456789 — phone number of the recipient of the request. The number must be dialed in strict accordance with its format: country code, operator code, telephone number

To make it easier for you to understand that the message has been received, all steps of the option are confirmed. First, you will receive a message stating that the request was sent to the subscriber, and then that it was received. In this case, you must have the SMS receiving function active:

  • You can request a balance replenishment no more than 30 times a month and no more than five times a day. Moreover, the incoming request message is active for 12 hours

But there are other ways that allow you to communicate even with a zero balance

  • promised payment
  • credit of confidence
  • call or message at friend's expense

Now let's talk about each in more detail

Promised payment from MegaFon

This service is very useful. Its essence is that, at your request, the operator temporarily transfers a certain amount to your account. After this, you can continue to calmly communicate further. The amount that will be credited to you depends on the time you use the SIM card, region and expenses for the last month. The totality of these factors determines the amount from 50 to 300 rubles

How to connect?

To receive funds on loan from MegaFon:

  • call the number 0006
  • send an SMS to the same number with the replenishment amount
  • dial combination *106#
  • sign up for the service through your personal account

Debt call from MegaFon is a convenient and easy-to-use service for subscribers of this operator. The loan balance is replenished for a period of three to five days, after which the funds are automatically debited. So don’t forget to top up your account during this period of time so as not to be left in the red

How to get credit?

For some of the company's clients, the opportunity to make calls on credit is available. It allows you to communicate even with a minus balance. If you have it activated, then the threshold when the connection is turned off will move. In other words, outgoing calls will be prohibited at a certain minus amount. The limit also depends on factors like “Promised Payment”. In this case, the amount can range from 50 to 1700 rubles

How to activate the service?

You can contact the consultants of the nearest MegaFon communication store. The loan amount will be individually calculated for you, after which the service will be activated.

  • Send a message to the number 5138 with a number 1
  • Use the request *138# or *138*1#
  • Depending on your region of residence, teams and numbers may differ, so check them in advance on the operator’s official portal

Calls and SMS at the expense of friends

The simplest and easiest option of all is to pay for an SMS or call for a friend. Your conversation or message will be fully paid for by the interlocutor, and not a penny will be taken from your account.

To call a friend or write an SMS in this simple way, before the subscriber’s number, type 000 , that is, the number will look like this: 00012345678901 . After the call is accepted by the interlocutor, the answering machine will tell him your number and warn him that the call will be at his expense. He will only need to confirm the communication and press the number 1.

It's the same with messages. The subscriber will receive a notification that a message has been received with an offer to pay and read it. Once receipt is confirmed, the text itself will be shown.


MegaFon loves its subscribers and is accustomed to thinking about their comfort. Therefore, he will never leave you without communication at the right time. So, summarizing all of the above, we can say that

  • By adding a short code to a friend’s number, you can send him a request to top up your account. Of course, this method is simple and convenient, but this does not mean that they will actually call you back or put money on your phone
  • If you take advantage of the credit of trust, you will have the opportunity not to be afraid that your money will suddenly run out and you will not be able to call
  • Making a call at a friend's expense makes it possible to continue communication even with a negative balance without any costs on your part
  • “Promised payment” is perfect for those who are not used to bothering their friends with requests to top up their account or pay for a call. This service is the most popular among subscribers.

Video: MegaFon. “Pay for me” service

A problem may arise when the phone runs out of funds, but you really need to make a call. Of course, when there is cash and a terminal or phone shop nearby, this is just a minor nuisance that can be easily solved. But what to do when there is no cash or there is simply nowhere to borrow money or replenish your account?

The largest Russian mobile operator Megafon offers the largest number of opportunities, compared to its competitors, to continue communication with a zero balance. In the article we will fully describe all possible services, methods of connecting them and costs. We recommend save this valuable information in “Favorites” so that it is always at hand if necessary.

So, to Megafon subscribers The following services are available:

Let's look at each of them in more detail, and tell you how under what conditions it is possible to connect them.

Promised payment

When this is activated, Megafon will transfer a credit to your mobile balance in the form of a certain amount that will need to be repaid within one to three days. The funds received can be used for whatever is needed - calls, internet, SMS, connecting options. That is, this amount is a kind of loan that you take from the operator.

How to connect?

Do one of the following:

  • Dial the command on your phone *106# or *1006#
  • Send SMS to a short number 0006 with the text 100 or 300 (depending on the required loan amount)
  • Make a call to the number 0006 and follow the answering machine prompts

Connection conditions

  • Subscription fee no usage fee
  • Credited payment written off: for a payment of 50 rubles - in 1 day, for 100 and 300 rubles - in 3 days
  • Service connection cost calculated according to the table:

To find out the amount of the promised payment available to you, dial the command *106# .

Remember that the payment must be repaid within the terms specified in the connection conditions, otherwise the balance may become negative. Reconnecting the service before repayment of the previous payment - impossible.

Call me

It happens that the balance is close to zero, or the promised payment is not available due to a large minus. In this case, you can ask the subscriber you want to contact call you back myself. After typing the command, the subscriber will receive an SMS in which your number will be indicated as the sender, with the text: “The subscriber asks you to call back”.

How to connect?

Dial request *144*subscriber numbers# and press the call key

Terms of service

  • Subscription fee and there is no connection fee
  • The service is available in and with a negative balance
  • The request can be sent to a subscriber of any operator
  • Maximum amount - up to 5 requests/day

Call at a friend's expense

You can make a call yourself even if there are no funds in your account, and the cost of the call is the interlocutor will pay. This special service makes it possible to make such calls only between Megafon subscribers. In this case, the called subscriber will first hear a voice message from the answering machine that the call will be made at his expense, and after that he can accept it or reject it.

How to connect?

To call dial 000 before the subscriber number (starting with +7 or 8)

Terms of Use

  • The cost of the conversation for the interlocutor will be 3 rub/minute and does not depend on the tariff
  • There is no subscription fee
  • The number of calls is unlimited

Any subscriber may prohibit receive calls at his expense by adding the interlocutor’s number to the blacklist. To do this, you need to send an SMS to the number 5084 with the text “+” to bar everyone, and the text “+subscriber number” to bar a call from a specific person.

Pay for me

There is no way to top up your account yourself? You can ask acquaintances or friends to top up your account, even if it is not possible to convey the request yourself. Human will receive an SMS from your number with text "Please top up my account". You can send a request to a subscriber of any mobile operator, even abroad.

How to connect?

Dial combination *143*subscriber numbers# and press the call key.

Terms of service

  • Subscription fee absent. There is no connection fee
  • The service is available both in the home network and in roaming
  • Limitation: no more than 5 requests/day, 30 requests/month

SMS at a friend's expense

A new service from Megafon, which undoubtedly became popular in a short time. Now you can not only make a call at the expense of the interlocutor, but also send SMS at his expense, even when there is a minus on the phone. The subscriber to whom you are sending the SMS will receive a message asking you to confirm the sending at his expense, which he can confirm or reject.

How to connect?

To send SMS at someone else's expense, dial 000 before the recipient number (format: 000 79…., 000 89…., 000 9….)

Terms of Use

  • Service available only between Megafon subscribers
  • Cost for the recipient - 3 rub/sms, for the sender - for free

Anyone can prohibit receiving SMS at his expense, adding a specific subscriber to the blacklist, or prohibiting reception from any numbers. To do this, you need to send an SMS to the number 5679 with the text “+7 subscriber number” or “+” to prohibit for everyone

Pay when it's convenient

The name of the service sounds like something new, but in fact, it is the popular “Credit of Trust” service, which has changed its name. It allows you to use all the operator’s services even with a negative balance. Wherein virtual limit provided, which is calculated individually, up to the limit of which you can “go into the minus”. At the beginning of the month, if there is an outstanding debt, you will receive an SMS with a report and the required amount to be repaid.

How to connect?

You must enter the command *550*1# , or send SMS to the number 5050 with text "1"

Terms of service

  • SIM card usage period more than 90 days
  • Total expenses for the last 90 days - more than 170 rubles
  • The amount is calculated depending on the total amount of expenses for the last month

The listed options are practically available to any Megafon subscriber, which of them to use is decided by each individual. It’s great that there is such a wide choice of services.

Also, any of the listed services can be activated through Megafon’s website or by phone 0500 .

Often people who use mobile communications find themselves in a situation where there is not enough money left on their balance to send a message or make an outgoing call. Similar cases are familiar to many people and similar things have happened to many. To get out of such a situation, of course, you can top up your balance using standard methods, but there are cases when such a possibility simply does not exist.

It is in such cases that the “Pay for me” service from MegaFon will come to the rescue. With this function you can send a request to any subscriber. The request will indicate a request to top up your balance. Thanks to this, you can ask friends or relatives to top up your account. Moreover, such requests can be sent even with a minus balance. The use of the service and the conditions for its provision are described in detail below.

About the service

Using the “Pay for me” service, you can ask anyone to top up their balance. This service works quite simply. A subscriber with a zero balance only needs to send a request to replenish the balance using a special combination. After this, the recipient of the notification will read the request and will be able to top up the account. In addition, in such a notification the recipient will receive a detailed description and methods of how to transfer funds to the desired number without leaving work or home.

When making a top-up, you should carefully enter the number and check that the entry is correct. MegaFon is not responsible for replenishing someone else's balance.

If we talk about the cost of providing the option, the client will not pay anything for use. Everything is completely free. You should also know that all MegaFon clients can use the service, regardless of the connected tariff plan. This availability is due to the fact that the service is basic and does not require separate activation methods.

The “Pay for me” service includes some usage features that all subscribers need to know:

  • You can send requests to top up your balance to anyone, even those who do not use MegaFon communications. The main thing is that the company has the opportunity to exchange messages with a similar operator.
  • If such a service is ordered, the subscriber must be prepared to automatically agree to the provision of advertising from MegaFon.
  • The service can work and be used both in your home region and throughout Russia and even abroad.

It should also be noted the limitations that are inherent in the option:

  • In a day, any communication client cannot make more than 5 requests to replenish the balance;
  • Throughout the month, the number of requests is limited to 30.

If you don’t have time to wait for a refill and need to call urgently, you can always use the service.

How to activate the service

Since the option is basic, it does not require additional activation, but it can still be deactivated if necessary. In order to fully use the service and be able to send a request, the network must be stable and working properly. To send a request to top up your balance, you need to dial on your phone *143*phone number of the person to whom the notification will be sent# . After entering the required information, you should make a call to complete sending the request. The subscriber who sent the notification will receive a counter message stating that the request has been delivered to the recipient.

If the service is inactive, then the client will need to connect it. You can make a connection using the following methods:

  1. If you have access to the Internet, you can activate the service in your personal account. You will need to go to the company’s website and go to your personal account. You need to register, receive a password to access and log in. Next, in the services tab, find “Pay me” and activate the service.
  2. If you cannot connect the function yourself, then you need to dial the hotline at 0500. After dialing, you need to press the number 0 and wait for the connection and the operator’s response. After the answer, you need to ask to connect the service. To do this, the operator can request the series and passport number of the SIM card owner.
  3. You can also connect to the service through the MegaFon branded salon. Specialists quickly activate the service, but to complete the connection they need documents that verify the subscriber’s identity.

Stay connected even if your balance is negative! Service.

How to disable “Pay for me” from MegaFon

If for various reasons there is a need to deactivate the service, then you can use:

  1. Personal account on the company website. The process is identical to connecting, but in the middle of the “Pay for me” option itself, you must click the “Disconnect” button.
  2. You can also call the help desk at 0500. Ask the operator to deactivate the service. Calling this number is free.
  3. Go to any MegaFon communication store with your passport and ask the employees to disable the option.
    Shutting down usually takes up to 10 minutes.

How to avoid being left with “zero” on your balance sheet? Probably everyone has asked this question at least once. And certainly everyone was left with this very “zero”. Moreover, as a rule, you find out about it at the most inopportune moment. And then the question arises: what to do? The Megafon company allows its subscribers to use some services that can be conditionally combined into the “Zero Opportunities” line. We have already talked about some services in our articles. This time we will talk about the “Call me” and “Pay for me” services.

"Call me" and "Pay for me"

“Opportunities at zero” is a rather abstract line of services. But the services “Call me” and “Pay for me” are the most used. “Call me” is a service with which you can send a call to a subscriber for free call back. “Pay for me” is a service with which you can send freeSMS message to another subscriber with a request put money on your number.

Both services are provided for free And don't require separate connections or shutdown.

Maximum number of requests – 5 pcs/day.
The maximum storage period for a USSD request is 12 hours.

You can send a request to call or deposit money into your account to subscribers of any cellular operators in Russia and other countries. Both services work in full in roaming.

How to ask to call back on Megafon

To send another subscriber a free SMS message asking to call back, use the USSD request: *144*<номер абонента>#.

The subscriber number can be entered in any format: even starting with “+7”, even starting with “8”.

Subscriber<номер абонента>asks you to call him back now»
<номер абонента>Your request to call back has been sent. 4 requests left."

How to ask to deposit money into a Megafon account

To send another subscriber a free SMS message asking them to put money on your phone, use the USSD request: *143*<номер абонента>#.

The subscriber number can also be entered in any format.

The subscriber will receive the following message: “ Subscriber<номер абонента>asks you to top up his account»
The subscriber sending a request to call back will receive a notification: “To the subscriber <номер абонента>A request has been sent to top up your balance. 4 requests left."

We remind you that you can only make 5 requests per day to call back or deposit money into your account.

How to keep track of your balance and stay with money

There are several ways to keep track of your balance. And for each of them, Megafon provides a separate service

SMS check

To receive a notification that funds have been deposited into your account, you can use the SMS check service.
It is connected automatically and does not require a separate fee for use.

The principle of operation is as follows: you deposit money into your account in any way available to you, after which you receive an SMS message indicating the amount received, as well as the current amount on the balance. Everything is more than simple.

How to disconnect and connect

In this article we tell you how to avoid the situation of being left with zero on your balance, but if for some reason you want disable SMS notifications about the receipt of funds on your device, you can do it like this:

  1. Through your Personal Account: connection is discussed in detail below.
  2. Send an SMS message with the text “ STOP» to the number 5013
  3. Using USSD request *313*2#,

If you decide again connect the service, you can also use several options:

  1. Use your Personal Account
  2. Send an SMS message with the text “ YES» to the number 5013
  3. Using USSD request *313*1#, entered from the telephone keypad

After logging into your Personal Account, find the “Services and Options” section and go there

Find the required service in the list and click “connect” or “disable” depending on the required action

If you are sure that you want to disable the service, click “disable”

Live Balance

To constantly be aware of the amount in your account, you can activate the “Live Balance” service. She automatically displays Your phone or tablet the status of your mobile account, and updated after any changes in the balance: after a call is made, an SMS message is sent, the end of an Internet session or any other paid action.

During a conversation or Internet session, you you can not track balance changes in real time, since its value changes only after they end.

The service is provided throughout Russia and in most foreign countries.

The cost of connecting to the service is free
Subscription fee – 1.5 rubles/day.

If your number is blocked, the service will be provided at no additional charge.

To check if your phone is suitable for connecting to the service, use the USSD request *134#. If the current balance is displayed on your screen, then the device is suitable for using the service.

When you turn off the device, the balance information is erased, and when you turn on the device, the balance information will not be displayed on the screen, but when you perform any paid action, the balance will be shown again.

How to connect and disconnect

You can connect and deactivate the service:

  1. Or by using your Personal Account: the connection is discussed in detail below.
  2. Or by USSD request *134*1# to connect and *134*0# - to turn off

Connecting or disconnecting through your Personal Account:

After logging into your Personal Account, find the “Services and Options” section and go into it

Find the required service in the list and click “connect” or “disable” depending on the required action

If you are sure that you want to connect the service, click “connect”

Balance of loved ones

But who can monitor your balance better than you yourself? Of course another person! The “Balance of Loved Ones” service opens up such an opportunity. If you want to be aware of the balance of your child or parent, you can activate this service and not disturb your loved ones.

When connecting to this service, subscribers become either “guardians” or “wards”. The “guardian” has the ability to check the balance of the “ward” at any time by simply entering the command *100*<номер «подопечного» без «8»>#. (For example, *100*9229119119#)

The service is provided absolutely free and without subscription fee.

The service is available on any Megafon tariff plan in Russia and in foreign roaming.

How to connect and manage the service

Connection is carried out on the number of the “ward”.

All actions can be performed either via SMS message or via USSD command.

  1. Adding a "guardian": « +<номер абонента> » to the number 000006 or *438*1*<номер абонента>#
  2. Removing a "guardian": «- <номер абонента> » to the number 000006 or *438*2*<номер абонента>#
  3. Disabling a service or deleting all “guardians”: « OFF»/« D» to the number 000006 or *438*3#
  4. Request for a list of “guardians”:« LIST»/« L» to the number 000006 or *438*4#
  5. Service information: empty message to number 000006 or *438#

The Loved Ones Balance service is automatically disabled when the last guardian is removed.

You can find detailed information about the services “Call me”, “Pay for me” and “SMS check” in one document below.


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