Read articles from hackers about computers. How to acquire hacking skills

This tutorial will cover the following two topics: introduction and hacker tools.

Hello reader. A year ago I came to HZ, and really wanted to become a hacker. No one could explain many simple things to me, I saw many experienced ones, but literally only a few helped me take the path of a hacker. And I can name them: PinkPanther, DrWeb, R_a_ID_e_R. I studied on my own, not hoping for anyone's help, trying to describe my knowledge in articles for beginners. So time passed, generations changed... I don’t want to complicate the life of newbies, I have always treated them well, and I believe that newcomers have the right to know. Anyone who says that I am wrong, that “let them figure it out themselves, that’s the only way they will grow,” is both right and wrong. Yes, the persistent will achieve their goal, but a person who does not need this will simply not read this article. For those who still torment search engines with questions like “how to become a hacker,” I decided to dedicate a series of lessons, and maybe even a book. You will go from lammer to hacker, learn programming technologies, hacking and much, much more. Follow this path according to my lessons, and everything will be OK. This is the first lesson dedicated to the basics of hacking, it is rather enticing. Remember, these are all just toys, real hacking will come later. And at this stage you must decide whether you need it or not. Gradually we will study network technologies, you will learn how the Internet works, what you can find interesting on it, what is possible and what is not. Welcome to our world!
Hacker Tools
In this section I will describe a gentleman's hacker's kit. We will sometimes use these tools in the future.

Brute force
- Port scanner
- Security scanner
- Joyner
- Mail Bomber
- Windows password cracking
- View passwords
- Trojan
- IP hider (proxy/sox)
- HTTP request spoofing

Let's start in order:

[Brute force]. Bruteforce (translated from English as “brute force”) is used to select passwords from e-mail and ftp servers. There are many types of brute force programs, but their abilities are similar. When using such programs on dial-up connections, where the speed does not exceed 56 Kbps, the selection can be long and tedious; when using high-speed Internet (ADSL, fiber optic, satellite, etc.) the selection speed increases, but then a lot of traffic is consumed. The best option is selection from a dictionary. The hacker composes a text document from the victim’s possible passwords, the program connects to the server assigned to it and takes turns searching through the passwords from the file. If passwords for a mailbox are being selected, you need to brute force indicate the server of the victim’s incoming messages, for example, if we break soap, then most often the server will be If we break not an e-mail, but a site, then we need to specify an ftp server, it will be Brute forces also have a lot of useful settings, for example, if you notice that your friend is entering a password of 5 characters, and its first character is L, then you need to use mask selection. The mask will look like this: L#### . I have given a general description, and for a closer acquaintance I advise you to download wwwHack.

[Port Scanner]
Since this lesson is an introduction, I will torment you with network technologies another time, but you still need to know this.
Port scanners check a given range of IP addresses on a given open port. If the port is open, this IP is added to the list.
Where is this applied? The creators of so-called "Trojans" sometimes include a port scanner in their creations. The point is that the server
When a Trojan lands on a machine, it opens a port in the system through which it receives client commands. For those who have not yet guessed, I will explain: Knowing,
what port our trojan opens, we "ask each computer in the range" if this port is open, and if so, then on this machine
Our troy is sitting - you can safely connect and control this computer. I recommend using Essentional Net Tools as it
good scanner with an additional set of functions. This is not just a scanner - keep that in mind. During its existence it became
legendary, and has not yet lost its relevance. It's paid. My brother bought and gave me the serial number from version 1.1:
Name: Jan Klaassen
S/N: 2957888021

[Security Scanner]
There are two types of pages on the Internet: static (HTML) and dynamic (PHP, ASP, CGI). If the page extension is htm, html, this means that the content of the page does not depend on the user and is always unchanged - “static”. Dynamic pages process data received from the user; roughly speaking, they can think. Naturally, there can be no talk of any holes in html pages; holes only happen in the scripts of dynamic pages. The most common vulnerabilities are XSS. They were well described by DrWeb in the article “XSS for Beginners,” so I won’t explain their essence. To automate the search for XSS vulnerabilities (and more), hackers use security scanners. I recommend XSpider.

[Joyner] - (English Join - connect, unite).
Joyner is a program that allows you to combine several files into one, with the ability to attach an arbitrary icon to the resulting file. Thus, using a joyner, a hacker can glue a Trojan horse with some useful utility and push it to the victim. That, in turn, when opening a file, believes that it is launching its own program, although in fact two of them are launched (three, four, etc.), the Trojan simply does not reveal itself. The disadvantage of this approach is that most joiners are detected by antiviruses.

This type of program is designed to “bomb” email, i.e. bombarding with a huge number of letters. Mail bombers are widely used by spammers. Personally, I am not a spammer, but I use Ganja Spammer to spoof the sender's address. Very convenient for phishing. I'll tell you what it is later.

[Windows Passwords]
I respect InsidePro's products and recommend downloading them. These are: PasswordsPro, MD5Inside, PWLInside, SAMInside. The purpose of the programs is already included in their name, but I will talk about each one separately.
SAMinside is a program for hacking the SAM file. In Windows 2k/XP, user passwords are stored in the windowssystem32config directory, and are called resp. SAM and SYSTEM, without extension. To copy them for decryption, you will have to use DOS or an alternative OS, such as Windows PE. So, passwords are stored in encrypted form, and in order to decrypt them, you must have copies of these files. You need to enter them into SAMinside, set the brute force method, and wait.
PWLinside - similar, only this is for the now dead Windows 95/98, where passwords (including for the Internet) are stored in the Windows directory in files with the *.PWL extension.
MD5inside - decrypts the MD5 hash used in many authorization systems. By decrypting the hash, you can get the password. By the way, in IPB forums approximately this hash is stored in cookies.
PasswordsPro is a powerful tool for working with passwords, it has all the functions of MD5inside, hash generation, and it can also show passwords hidden behind asterisks, for this you need to enable the corresponding. mode and point the mice at the password field.

[View passwords]
If you are interested in knowing what a friend is writing to your fiancee by e-mail, just go to his house and send him to make coffee, and at this time we take out a floppy disk and launch a program that shows all his passes, including soap. Magic? No! The whole point is that for convenience, to save you from the thrill every time you log in to the site, ICQ, etc. enter a password, browsers/ICQ/mail providers remember it. This is why they are punished). There are many programs that show all kinds of saved passwords. To see what IE and Outgluk Express saved there, you can use the PSPV program. For TheBat - TheBatPasswordViewer, for ICQ/Trillian/Miranda etc. - Advanced Instant Messenger Password Recovery, abbreviated as AIMPR.

[Trojan Horse]
Now we get to the most interesting part). This subspecies of animals is so called because it acts like the famous Trojan horse. Penetrating into the user's system, he gets used to it and works for the owner. What I mean? Unlike a virus, a Trojan is harmless if you are not online. It is activated when its creator sends it commands via LAN or the Internet, for example, it can send your passwords to the owner on command, and many other interesting things, it also allows an attacker to climb through your files and registry, in general, you get the point, and they have the capabilities Everyone is different. The most popular Trojans: ALB, NetBus, LamerDeath. But they’ve all been burning for a long time now. And my own is called LamerHack, you can search on my website, and it doesn’t burn, but now there is still a weak beta version available, and besides, the lack of fire is compensated by the size of the server.

Keylogger is Russian for "keylogger". It catches all your keystrokes and writes them to a file, after which it can send them to its creator, or save it to a screw. It is useful to set it with a friend - he will write down everything that she writes to on ICQ.

If you are doing something that is not entirely legal, then you are unlikely to be happy with the fact that your IP address will remain on the server you hacked, from which you can’t be identified. So what then? There is such a thing called a proxy server, or sox server. I won’t go into details and explain to you how they differ - at this stage it doesn’t matter to you. The essence is the same - your IP address is replaced with the address of the proxy server. This is used when there are some restrictions on your IP, for example, the amount of music to download, or a limited number of attempts to register ICQ. And for the very first case, you need to use anonymous or elite proxies. Their disadvantage is instability. They change every n hours. There is always a fresh list of proxies. I recommend as a program for using a proxy.

[HTTP packet spoofing]
I will also describe this in more detail in future lessons. All information on the Internet will be transferred to the so-called. "packets". Like packets of secret information in war, HTTP packets have a filling and an inscription: to whom/where, etc. , with the only difference that THIS information is not considered particularly secret, but is of interest. The packet header contains information about the browser, where we came from, and what data is transferred to which scripts. As you understand, we will talk about replacing this data. The question arises: “Why?” . And then. Let's take a better look at an example. In Dnepropetrovsk we have a very popular Internet provider “Alkar Teleport”. It contains several sites with interesting resources that are available only to its users. When entering from other provinces, they send a message. How do these sites check where I came from? By IP. If, for example, the IP is 212.15.x.x, then access is allowed. And if we replace the referer (where I came from) with the address of the server itself, then, most likely, it will not prohibit us from doing anything. The InetCrack program is used, download it.

Of course, not all programs were described in this section, but the main ones.

Vladislav Novik aka VladUha::HackZona.Ru

Many Internet users are interested in how to become a hacker from scratch and where to start. Usually connoisseurs of this hobby are young guys, whose average age is 16-20 years.

Young people are of the opinion that a hacker is a computer hacker, but this is a misconception. That’s why, before mastering this profession, I recommend understanding what a hacker is.

A hacker is a programmer of the highest class who works with ready-made software and uses programming languages ​​to realize his imagination.

For some people, work is a way of life. These kinds of inclinations are most often laid in childhood. This applies to professional hackers to a greater extent. Find out how to become one of them below.

  • Learn the basics of programming. This skill will allow you to achieve your goal. According to professionals, it is possible to study the database on your own at home, if you devote as much time as possible to studying materials, programming languages ​​and computer technology.
  • The basics of programming have a similar structure and principles. A number of programming languages ​​will have to be learned by heart. These include PHP, MySQL, Java and others.
  • In addition to programming languages, be sure to get acquainted with operating systems, which, at first glance, seem simple. We are talking about UNIX and Linux platforms. Real hackers don't work with Windows firmware.
  • Hackers strive for proper networking, which involves much more than communicating with friends. If you really want to become a real ace, you will have to gain a lot of knowledge, and only the Internet will help. Learn how the World Wide Web works and understand why the client transmits HTTP servers, how the browser interacts with the server, and so on. Without this knowledge, you can’t count on a good result.
  • Choose a software package. I’ll warn you right away that choosing the right tool programs is not easy, but a strong desire will simplify the task. First, find some compilers and assemblers. The first solutions translate program text into an equivalent program. The second option is software that converts programs into machine-type instructions.
  • You can’t do without a good text editor that allows you to create and edit text files, view, print and find text information.
  • You will need a specialized editor in which program source codes are created and modified. Such a solution can be a separate program or part of a development environment.

You've got your first idea of ​​how to become a hacker. If you intend to build a career, it won’t hurt to learn several foreign languages. Experts recommend paying special attention to the English language, since it is used very widely on the Internet.

Video instructions

To summarize, I would like to note that perseverance, along with an understanding of the goal and the ability to implement ideas, will allow you to become a successful hacker. True, it is better to work within the law, since malicious hacking is criminally punishable.

How to become a hacker from scratch

The job of a professional hacker is very interesting. Website hacking, theft of important information, theft of money, penetration, disclosure of secrets. The possibilities of a true hacker are endless. As for his name, it is carefully hidden.

Young people are attracted to active activities in stealing information and hacking websites. But they do not take into account that for such actions they often have to answer before the law.

Work does not always involve illegal activities, and this is a fact. If you want to work in the computer field, large companies will use your services. And it’s not surprising, because the hacker is a first-class IT specialist.

As practice shows, corporations and large banks want a professional hacker on their staff. Organizations protect important information using computer technology, and a specialist is able to detect security loopholes and prevent data theft.

Only self-development will help you find a profession. I will share a few tips, and with their help you will get closer to your dream, and perhaps realize it.

Step-by-step action plan

  1. Basic Skills . First of all, get acquainted with the Internet, find out the meaning of various headings, learn a lot of basic concepts and understand the interaction of browsers with servers.
  2. Programming languages . Pay special attention to learning programming languages. With the help of tutorials that abound on the Internet, learn how to write simple programs. With a little effort, you will master programming skills, and in the future you will have the opportunity to improve them.
  3. If you dream of working as a hacker, pay special attention to learning the hypertext markup language called HTML.
  4. English. You can’t do without knowing English. This language is used by all world services. Therefore, owning it is a must.

The four points outlined will help you master basic skills. Having completed the task, start studying professional issues and the intricacies of hacking. Fortunately, the Internet is full of information related to today's topic.

  • Value your time and colleagues . Be sure to share your achievements with your “brothers in arms.”
  • Respect the code. Hackers have their own code, which prohibits giving or taking in return. If you managed to hack someone else's program, inform the owner so that he can work on protecting his brainchild.
  • Eliminate stereotyped thoughts . A hacker should not think in stereotypes. He must have the ability to quickly and always find answers.
  • Ask for advice . If something is unclear, do not hesitate to ask for advice on a thematic forum. If you solved the problem yourself, share the solution algorithm with your colleagues. They will do the same in the future.
  • Keep an eye on the technology . A computer is a living organism and a close friend of an IT specialist. Therefore, computer equipment, stationary systems, laptops or netbooks need care.

Reach your goal quickly if your team of allies is replenished with perseverance and free time. Every day you will have to learn new information, which will bring experience.

Video tips

It's better to forget about computer games. Spend your free time gaining knowledge that will be useful in the future. Be sure to read the Criminal Code to avoid an unpleasant situation.

How to become a hacker where to start

Continuing the theme of today's article, we will consider the main stages of training in order to learn in detail where to start to become a hacker.

In feature films, hackers hack into payment systems, government websites, large organizations and industrial facilities. The main purpose of hacking is important information or money. In reality, everything is not so simple.

A hacker is an ordinary programmer who is able to crack software code. However, he has other goals. He does not seek to obtain important data and sell it for big money on the black market. During hacking, a specialist gets acquainted with the operating principle of a particular program, studies the code in order to find holes, create an analogue or similar program.

Many people consider hackers to be criminals who hack and destroy, so there are “specialists” who are not hackers, but try to lead a similar lifestyle. Even a beginner can harm a website or computer if he uses a malicious script that disguises itself as a program and is placed on websites.

In real life, meeting a real professional in this field is problematic. An experienced hacker will never tell you what he does. He works alone because he knows that such activity is punishable.

  1. Be patient. Realize that mastering the skills will take years.
  2. Pay special attention to the study of applied mathematics. Believe me, without mathematical knowledge you will not be able to become a hacker.
  3. Be sure to purchase books devoted to the operation of programs, software platforms, and security systems.
  4. Learn to write code and create encrypted systems without outside help. Work without these skills is impossible.
  5. Read thematic magazines, visit websites and forums dedicated to hacking activities. Sources of information will help in self-development.
  6. Keep a diary. Record statistics of successes and achievements. Over time, you will notice that your skills have become more advanced.

Be prepared for the fact that studying at home will be lengthy and require maximum effort. This is the only way to conquer the peaks and break stereotypes. Remember, you must act within the law.


Hacking is finding vulnerabilities in a network or computer in order to gain access. Becoming a hacker is not easy, and in this article we will cover the basics.

To become a hacker, you need deep knowledge of programming languages, hacking methods, searching for vulnerabilities, network design, operating systems, etc. You must also have a creative type of thinking. You must quickly adapt to the situation, find innovative solutions, and be creative.

While the skills described above can be developed over time, understanding, for example, MySQL or learning how to work with PGP encryption requires a lot of learning. And for a long time.

To become a hacker you need:

Learn and use a UNIX system, such as Ubuntu or MacOS

UNIX systems were originally intended for programmers developing software, and not for users who are not related to the IT field. UNIX systems are systems on which almost the entire Internet runs, since they are mainly used as a server (most often Debian and Ubuntu). You can't become a hacker without learning them and learning how to use a terminal.

For Windows users

If you use Windows, there is good news for you: there is no need to delete your current system and format the disk. There are several options for working with Linux:

  1. Learn VirtualBox (an operating system emulator program). Once you learn it, you will be able to run the operating system within the operating system. It sounds scary, but the program can be very useful.
  2. Install Linux next to Windows. If you do everything correctly, system bootloaders will not conflict. This is done quite simply: there are many manuals on the Internet.

Learn HTML markup language

If you are not yet familiar with programming, then I don’t even understand what you are doing on this site then you have a great opportunity to start your journey by learning Hyper Text Mark-Up Language. No matter what you see on the site, know that it is all HTML.

Let me give you an example of using HTML, even if it is a little related to PHP. At the beginning of 2015, a vulnerability was discovered in the WordPress theme, which allows derivative (executive) files to be uploaded to the server. The file in which the vulnerability was found is admin/upload-file.php. Here he is:

//Upload Security

$upload_security = md5 ($_SERVER [ "SERVER_ADDR" ] ) ;

$uploaddir = "../uploads/" ;

if ($_FILES) :

foreach ($_FILES as $file ) :

$file = $uploaddir . basename($file["name"]);

if (move_uploaded_file ($_FILES [ $upload_security ] [ "tmp_name" ] , $file ) ) (

echo "success" ;

) else (

echo "error" . $_FILES [ $upload_security ] [ "tmp_name" ] ;

endforeach ;

endif ;

To make a submission form for this file, you need to know HTML. By sending a file that, for example, retrieves all passwords or gives access to a database, you are free to do whatever you want with the web service.

So, knowledge of HTML is needed in order to:

  1. Look for web resource vulnerabilities.
  2. Exploit these vulnerabilities.

Learn several programming languages

As we all know, in order to break the rules, you first need to know them. The same principle works for programming: to break someone's code, you must know how programming languages ​​work and be able to program yourself. Some of the most recommended languages ​​for learning:

  • Python: it is perhaps the best language for web development. Two large frameworks are written on it, on which a huge number of web applications have been created, these are Flask and Django. The language is well constructed and documented. The most important thing is that it is very easy to learn. By the way, many developers use Python to create simple and complete automation.
  • C++: a language used in industrial programming. It is taught in schools and universities. Servers are written on it. I recommend starting to learn languages ​​with it, because it contains all the principles of OOP. Once you learn to work with it, you can easily master other languages.
  • JavaScript, JQuery: Basically, almost all websites use JS and JQuery. You need to know that these sites depend on JS, for example, forms for entering passwords. After all, some sites do not allow you to select and copy some information, do not allow you to download a file or view the content, however, to do this, you just need to disable JS in the browser. Well, to disable JavaScript, you need to know: a) in what situations the operation (protection) of the site depends on it; b) how JavaScript is connected and in what ways can scripts be blocked.
  • SQL: The most interesting. All passwords and personal data are stored in databases written in SQL. The most common database management system is MySQL. To understand how to use MySQL injection, you need to know what MySQL injection is. To understand the essence of MySQL injection, you need to know what MySQL queries are, what the syntax of these queries is, what the database structure is, how data is stored, what tables are, etc.

Explore network devices

You must clearly understand networking and how it works if you want to become a hacker. It is important to understand how networks are created, to understand the difference between the TCP/IP and UDP protocols, etc. Find out what network you are using. Learn how to set it up. Understand possible attack vectors.

With in-depth knowledge of various networks, you will be able to exploit their vulnerabilities. You also need to understand the design and operation of the web server and website.


This is an integral part of learning. It is necessary to understand the algorithms of various ciphers, for example, SHA-512, OpenSSL algorithm, etc. You also need to understand hashing. Cryptography is used everywhere: passwords, bank cards, cryptocurrencies, trading platforms, etc.

Kali Linux: some useful software

  • NMAP:- Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free open-source program that comes pre-installed with Kali. Written by Gordon Lyon (also known as Fyodor Vaskovich). It is needed to discover hosts and various services, thus creating a “network map”. It is used for network scanning or security auditing, to quickly scan large networks, although it works fine with single hosts. The software provides a number of features for computer network exploration, including host and operating system detection. Nmap uses raw IP packets to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) these hosts offer, what OSes they run, what types of packet filters/firewalls they use, and dozens of other characteristics.
  • Aircrack-Ng:- Aircrack is one of the most popular programs for cracking the WEP/WPA/WPA2 protocol. The Aircrack-ng suite contains tools for capturing packets and handshakes, deauthorizing connected users, traffic generation, and tools for network brute force and dictionary attacks.


In this article, we have covered the basics, without which you are unlikely to become a hacker. Speaking of employment. As a rule, people involved in information security either work as freelancers, fulfilling orders from individuals, or work for a company, ensuring the security of stored data, perform the work of a system administrator, etc.

Where should you start if you want to learn how to control program codes and cryptographic traps? How do you become a hacker? After all, they can easily break into someone else’s computer, cracking several passwords along the way. There is nothing strange in the desire to become a hacker, because everyone at least once wanted to look at someone else's mail or account.

Who are hackers?

So how do you become a hacker? First of all, you need to understand what is meant by this term. It should be noted that hackers have nothing in common with various types of attackers who steal money from bank accounts and attack a variety of resources in order to block user access to them. Naturally, modern computer experts have lost their status as highly qualified IT specialists. In connection with recent events, they began to enjoy a bad reputation among ordinary people.

But before this term hid real computer geniuses who were able to correct codes in programs based on their own non-standard algorithms. Therefore, having asked the question of how one becomes a hacker, one should realize the goals that will need to be achieved by mastering this not entirely simple and rare profession. It should be taken into account that at the present stage there are various kinds of restrictions in the laws. And you cannot ignore them, as this will entail responsibility. In addition, software fraud is already the cause of a large number of scandalous stories. And the main characters in them are precisely the hackers, who, however, can only lay claim to the laurels of thieves of other people’s money and secrets.

Learning programming languages ​​is required

Do you still want to answer the question of how one becomes a hacker? Then you should understand that without appropriate preparation nothing will be achieved. The career of a respected expert in the field of computer technology and software should begin with the process of learning programming languages. At the present stage there are quite a lot of them. It should be understood that there are languages ​​that allow you to communicate directly with personal computers. With their help, you can find solutions to various kinds of problems. In order to create stand-alone programs, modern tools are used. At the same time, network programming is a separate branch of program codes with commands that will allow you to structure documentation. With their help you can also administer a wide variety of processes on the Internet.

Trying to figure out who a hacker is, it should be noted that there is another category of languages. We are talking about mechanisms for designing various software platforms in compact devices (mobile phones). In this regard, when making a choice in favor of a certain field of activity, it is necessary to select the appropriate programming language. This is where you need to focus the most attention.

Even simple instructions require knowledge

Naturally, in order to hack email, at the present stage you can use step-by-step instructions. However, they will not allow you to understand who the hacker is. And the principles of operation of different programs, as well as the intricacies of data transfer on the Internet, will still need to be studied. In this regard, you should first try to study the terminology characteristic of the environment of hackers and programmers. It is through specific terms that you can communicate with computer specialists without fear of amateurs who do not have sufficient knowledge to understand a special “language”.

Need to learn operating systems

How to become a hacker? Lessons through which you can study this area of ​​​​activity will require a lot of time, effort and desire. What else is needed besides learning the terminology and programming language? You should learn to read operating systems. Unix/Linux is considered a hacker family. A fairly important feature of Unixes is the openness of the code. You can read how the operating system was written. There is an opportunity to study it thoroughly. You can also make attempts to change something. In addition, Unix/Linux is Internet oriented.

Requires internet and scripting knowledge

To become a hacker, you need to understand how to use the World Wide Web. You should also understand the principles of writing HTML. The Web is a serious exception, a great toy for hackers. As politicians have said, the Internet has the power to change the world. And only for this reason it is necessary to learn how to work with it.

If you have not yet learned a programming language, writing in HTML will help you acquire some useful skills. They will come in handy when mastering program codes and the principles of writing them. In this regard, you need to learn how to make at least home pages. You should also try XHTML. It is more neatly designed compared to classic HTML.

Technically, the World Wide Web is a complex of computer networks. However, at the present stage it is a fairly important communication medium that can be used to perform a variety of tasks. It should be understood that Russian hackers are required to know English. This is due to the large amount of information that is only available in this language.

There should be no monotony

Being a specialist in the field of computers, programs and the World Wide Web is a great pleasure. However, this will require maximum effort. Accordingly, motivation is necessary. To be a hacker, you need to enjoy the process of solving problems while honing your skills and training your intelligence. Specialists of this level never get bored of studying a lot of languages ​​and programs for a long time and painstakingly, and the work does not seem monotonous to them. They do what they like.

How to become a hacker? A set of programs (operating systems, programming languages, open source, etc.), knowledge of English, the desire to comprehend something new - all this will help in achieving your goals. But what else should you remember?

  1. We must not forget that in order to become one of the best in your business, you only need to solve the most difficult problems. You don't have to have too much self-esteem. You just need to set goals for yourself and develop day by day. If something was not clear today, then tomorrow you should try to understand the complex issue. If a new skill was not learned, then most likely the day was wasted. You shouldn't do yourself any favors.
  2. Not all computer specialists are the same. There are those who are only interested in making a profit. There are those who strive for knowledge and information, sometimes breaking the law. But all celebrity hackers have different goals. This is what allows them to achieve significant heights in their profession.
  3. As a beginner, you should not try to hack large corporations or government agencies. It should be understood that the people who are responsible for the security of these systems most likely understand their business much better. It should be noted that such specialists will not respond promptly even when an intrusion is detected. They will first wait until the hacker seriously attacks. In other words, a novice can feel safe after a hack by continuing to investigate systems, for example, for vulnerabilities. And at this time specialists are actively luring them into a trap.
  4. It is necessary to constantly improve by studying specialized literature.


Based on all of the above, we can draw a conclusion. We must constantly study a variety of disciplines, languages, literature, and the Internet. There aren't that many hackers. Therefore, in order to become one of them, you must initially prepare yourself for painstaking and long work, first of all, on yourself. And yet, if since childhood you have not liked solving logical problems, then you should try to find another activity for yourself that does not require brainstorming, maximum perseverance and serious patience.

Information security skills are now in high demand. As people strive to make an application out of everything and connect even the most primitive devices to the Internet, the demand will only grow. Therefore, it is not surprising that today everyone wants to learn hacking.

However, on many forums you can meet beginners who do not know where to start learning hacking or where to practice it. Especially for them, we present a selection of sites where you can acquire and improve hacking skills.

Note translation

The sites below are available in English only.


CTF365 users install and protect their own servers while simultaneously attacking other users' servers. CTF365 is suitable for security professionals who want to gain offensive skills, or system administrators interested in improving their defensive skills. If you're new to infosec, you can sign up for a free beginner account and get familiar with it using a few pre-configured vulnerable servers.


OverTheWire is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the theory of information security and apply it in practice, regardless of their experience. Beginners should start with the Bandit level problems as they are essential for further solving other problems.


Hacking-Lab provides CTF challenges for the European Cyber ​​Security Challenge, but they also host regular competitions on their platform that anyone can participate in. Just register, set up a VPN and choose a task to your liking.


The tasks are divided into 4 difficulty levels: easy - for beginners, medium, complex and hardcore, where the tasks require non-standard approaches to solution.


IO is a wargame from the creators of, a community where like-minded people share knowledge about security, artificial intelligence, VR and much more. 3 versions of the wargame were created: IO, IO64 and IOarm, of all of them IO is the most mature. Connect to IO via SSH and you can get to work.


SmashTheStack consists of 7 different wargames: Amateria, Apfel (currently offline), Blackbox, Blowfish, CTF (currently offline), Logic and Tux. Each wargame contains many tasks, ranging from standard vulnerabilities to reverse engineering tasks.


Microcorruption is a CTF where you have to "reverse" fictional Lockitall electronic locking devices. Lockitall devices protect bonds stored in warehouses owned by the fictional company Cy Yombinator. On your journey to stealing bonds, you'll become familiar with assembly language, learn how to use the debugger, step through code, set breakpoints, and explore memory.


Here you can find 26 problems to test your hacking and reverse engineering skills. The site has not been updated since late 2012, but the existing problems continue to be valuable learning resources.


Hack This Site is a free wargame site to test and improve your hacking skills. We can find a variety of hacking tasks in several categories, including basic tasks, realistic tasks, applications, programming, phreaking, JavaScript, forensics, steganography, etc. The site also boasts an active community with a large catalog of hacker articles and a forum for discussing security-related issues. It was recently announced that the site's code base will be overhauled, so we can expect big improvements in the coming months.


W3Challs is a learning platform with a variety of challenges in various categories including hacking, wargaming, forensics, cryptography, steganography and programming. The purpose of the platform is to provide realistic challenges. Depending on the complexity of the problem solved, you receive points. There is also a forum where you can discuss and solve problems with other participants.


The pwn0 site is a VPN where almost anything happens. Fight against bots or users and score points by gaining control of other systems.


Exploit Exercises offers a variety of virtual machines, documentation, and exercises to help you learn privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering, and more.


RingZer0 Team Online CTF offers over 200 challenges that will test your hacking skills in several areas - from cryptography, malware analysis to SQL injection, shellcoding and much more. Once you have found a solution to the problem, you can send it to RingZer0 Team. If your decision is accepted, you will receive RingZer0Gold, which can be exchanged for hints while solving problems.


On Hellbound Hackers you can find traditional tasks with exploits and task formats that are not available on other resources. For example, application patching and time-limited tasks. In patching tasks, you are given a vulnerable piece of code and you need to propose a fix for this vulnerability.


Try2Hack is one of the oldest hacking improvement sites still in business. It offers several challenges to keep you entertained. The tasks are varied and become more difficult as you progress.

16.HACK.ME is a large collection of vulnerable web applications for practicing hacking skills. All applications are provided by the community and each can be run on the fly in a secure, isolated sandbox.


HackThis!! consists of 50+ tasks of different levels, for solving each of which you receive a certain number of points depending on the level of difficulty. Similar to Hack This Site, HackThis!! there's also a vibrant community, numerous articles and news about hacking, and a forum where you can discuss security challenges and issues.


Enigma Group contains over 300 tasks with a focus on the top 10 OWASP exploits. The site has nearly 48,000 active members and hosts weekly CTF competitions, as well as weekly and monthly contests.


Google Gruyere shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to protect against it. You will be able to do real penetration testing and actually hack a real application using attacks like XSS and XSRF.


Game of Hacks shows you a set of code snippets in the form of a multiple choice quiz and you have to identify the correct vulnerability in the code. This site stands out a bit from this list, but it is still a good game for identifying vulnerabilities in your code.


Root Me offers over 200 challenges and over 50 virtual environments, allowing you to put your hacking skills to practice in a variety of scenarios. This is definitely one of the best sites on this list.


While CTFtime is not a hacking site like others on this list, it is a great resource to stay up to date with CTF competitions happening around the world. So if you are interested in joining a CTF team or competing in a competition, this is the place to look.


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