How to make a pie chart in Excel. Rounded Corners Adding Rows and Columns

In this article, I decided to tell you how to make a table with rounded corners. I'm sure you've probably come across tables like this while surfing the Internet.

I will tell you exactly about such tables. Of course, such a table can be made in several ways, this method, which I will tell you about, is the simplest and most “beautiful”, since if you make such a table in another way, then you will have to study JAVA and combine it with CSS, and thus your the code will become very cumbersome and complex.

This method only uses HTML, but we will have to create images, that is, the corners of the table. To create the corners, we will need Photoshop or any other graphics program that you like (even MS Point), but so that you can handle it. In this article I will tell you how to make them in Photoshop.

Let's proceed directly to creating the table. to create a table, open Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor. We create a new document or open an already created one and there we create the table itself with 3 rows and 2 columns:

Go to Photoshop, take the Rounded Rectangle Tool and draw a rounded rectangle, and set the rounding radius to the same as we want the table to have, I set it to 30 pixels.

First, connect the background layer and the layer with the rectangle image, to do this, press and hold the Ctrl key in the layers panel, select the top and bottom layer and press Ctrl + E.

Now from this rectangle we need to extract the corners themselves, for this we take the Recatangular Marquee Tool, in the top panel select Style: Fixed Size in the Width and Height fields, write down the Radius values ​​​​that you specified in step 2. Click on the images, a dotted line will appear in front of you square. Move it so that the rounded corner is completely within the square.

Press Ctrl + C (to copy what is inside the square, that is, our corner). Now we need to create a new image, in order to paste the corner we previously copied there, go: File-New...-Ok and immediately paste our corner Ctrl + V

In the created table, the second row will need to be combined into one, because text will need to be written there.
Now we insert our images (corners) into our table.

The inserted pictures (with right-bottom and right-top) must be aligned to the right.
Now the last step: you need to give the table a background color the same as the corners.

OK it's all over Now. This method is the easiest of all. I hope that this article helped you in some way, and I hope I explained everything clearly. Good luck!

Everyone has long been tired of traditional rectangular corners in website design. Rounded corners are in fashion, which are made not using images, but through styles, for which the border-radius property is used. This property can have one, two, three or four values ​​separated by a space, which determine the radius of all corners or each individually.

In table 1 shows a different number of values ​​and the type of block that is obtained in this case.

Code Description View
div ( border-radius: 10px; ) Rounding radius for all corners at once.
div ( border-radius: 0 10px; ) The first value sets the radius of the top left and bottom right corners, the second value sets the radius for the top right and bottom left.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 0; ) The first value sets the radius of the upper left corner, the second - both the upper right and lower left, and the third value - the lower right.
div ( border-radius: 20px 10px 5px 0; ) Sequentially sets the radius of the upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left corners.

Example 1 shows how to create a block with rounded corners.

Example 1. Corners of a block

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


Me is the suppletive form of the accusative case of I.

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Block with rounded corners

An interesting effect can be obtained if you set the rounding radius to be greater than half the height and width of the element. In this case, you will get a circle. Example 2 shows how to create a circular button with a picture.

Example 2: Round button

HTML5 CSS3 IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx


The result of this example is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Round button

In the Opera browser, rounding to