Personal account of a military employee by personal number. Login to a military personnel’s personal account without registration using a personal number

The official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has launched the serviceman’s personal account. Its task is to provide the opportunity to generate a payslip, which will indicate information about the salary, as well as various charges. Another task of this service, which the serviceman’s personal account helps with, is to promptly inform military personnel about issues that relate to their salaries. Now all military personnel who have entered into a contract with the state will have open access to information about cash payments in their personal account for the serviceman.

How to enter a military personnel's personal account

Serviceman's personal account - Login

To gain access to this service, you need to perform a simple operation. You can enter a soldier’s personal account by entering:

  • personal number of a person undergoing military service;
  • universal password.

Such measures make it possible to protect access to a serviceman’s personal account from unauthorized persons. Having entered his account, a person will have the opportunity not only to view information about payments, which is presented in the form of a table, but also to display this information on paper in a format convenient for him.

Registration process

Serviceman's personal account - Registration

In order to receive a password, you need to go through the registration procedure:

  1. Below there is a special link, when clicked, you will be taken to the registration section.
  2. You can log in without registration by entering the numbers from your personal number and date of birth in the field. However, to get all the benefits of this system, it is best to complete the full registration procedure.
  3. To complete the registration, a personal number, date of birth and a personal password chosen by the person are entered and then confirmed.
  4. To create a strong password, you must use at least six characters.
  5. The email address is indicated. You will receive a link to activate your account. The password code can be changed at any time.

If a person has problems related to the calculation of monetary allowances, then he can dial one of the “hotline” phone numbers or seek help through the specified email. This data is contained in the serviceman’s personal account. This section always contains all the necessary contact information.

What operations can be carried out in your personal account?

Now the serviceman’s personal account is completely ready for use. Here you can carry out the following operations:

draw up a payslip in which all information about salary calculations will be noted;
save calculation sheets to your computer, which allows you to view them at any time;
monitor payments for each month.

How to generate a payslip

Both already registered and unregistered users can start the formation procedure. The process itself occurs in the following sequence:

  • We go to the main page or you can enter the “Payment sheet”.
  • We indicate the required period for which the statement will be generated.
  • Click on the “Generate” button.
  • The next window will clearly show the payslip for the selected period.

Thus, the entire system is presented in a very simple and understandable form for the military personnel. He can log into the serviceman’s personal account at any time and check all the information. If a person has identified certain inaccuracies or errors in the calculation of wages, he only needs to contact the command of the unit where he is serving.

It has the same convenient structure, you can compare the work of this service, and also get a complete understanding of how to use it.

Official website of the serviceman, cabinet: The official website of the serviceman:

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is trying to optimize, automate and make available online the information necessary for the daily life of every military personnel, including those related to military allowances.

Every year more and more military personnel undergo military service, concluding contracts with the Ministry of Defense. After completing compulsory military service, many citizens also continue to serve under contact, receiving monetary allowance - wages for their service.

In this article, together with lawyer Efremov, let’s try to figure out how any Russian military personnel can freely use the Internet service from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

How to log into a serviceman’s online account using his personal number

So, you have become a military personnel and you have already concluded a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. How to use your personal online personal account on the website of the Ministry of Defense Mil ru?

Automatically, when concluding a contract with the Ministry of Defense, you are provided with access to your online account on the Internet by personal number. To do this, just go to the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and in the “menu” column you will see the active link “Serviceman’s personal account.”

How to enter a military personnel’s personal account without registering on the website

Many military personnel are also interested in the following question: is it possible to enter a serviceman’s personal account without registering using a personal number or not?

It is possible to log into your personal account without undergoing lengthy and tedious registration.

It is enough to use the personalized information you have - your personal number (the one that is stamped on the token) and your date of birth. In this case, when logging in, the serviceman automatically has access to his personal data on the Ministry of Defense website.

But we are talking specifically about military personnel. Login to the personal account for civil servants is carried out by entering the SNILS number and personal number.

So, to successfully log into your account, we go through the following steps:

  • We go to the site and Check the box next to the words “Log in without registering”.
  • We choose your status depending on who you are: military personnel or civil servant.
  • For military personnel enter your number (the one printed on the token), for civil servants - SNILS.
  • Indicate your date of birth.
  • We confirm by entering the highlighted information in a special form. check digits.
  • Click on the “Login” link and complete the registration and login procedure.

What can you find out in a serviceman’s personal account?

What information will be useful when a military personnel visits his personal account? Of course, first of all, this information about the crediting of funds to a serviceman’s personal account(from the time period 2012 to the date of viewing).

In information on monetary allowances you will have access to: information about the current payslip, current and previous cash accruals, and any deductions of allowances that have occurred.

Immediately after the payment of wages, the information on the pay slip is updated in the serviceman’s personal account within one day. In addition, payslips can be generated for viewing for a period of time starting from 2012.

Also in the serviceman’s personal account there are information on military mortgages. But to obtain detailed information on the issue of mortgages, you must send a request on the website for the formation military mortgage amounts, the response to which can take up to 1 month.

It is important to know that money is transferred to a personal personal account in the savings mortgage system quarterly from the date of registration of the military personnel in the NIS register (savings mortgage system). You can also view information about the status of a serviceman’s mortgage account on the Rosvoenipoteka website.

The positive thing is that the serviceman’s personal account contains information in a constantly updated and changing form. That is, the figures presented in the serviceman’s personal account are the most current. This service completely replaced the need for military personnel to make constant telephone calls to the financial divisions of the Ministry of Defense.

Military personnel receive monthly income in the form of cash allowance (analogous to the salary of civilian personnel). The amount of allowance includes all types of basic and additional payments; the amount of income is not affected by the fact that the serviceman is on vacation or sick leave. You can find out about the composition of the amount of allowance received from paper “settlements” or electronic statements.

A serviceman's pay slip: what is reflected in it

Pay slips are drawn up according to the rules inherent in “calculation sheets” for wages of civil servants. The document must reflect accruals (broken down by type of payment and the total for the selected period of time), deductions made and the amount of money to be credited to the serviceman’s bank account.

The cash allowance in the accrual data block may contain information on the following payments:

    salary according to military rank, established by order of the unit commander in accordance with the salary scale approved in Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2700 dated December 30, 2011;

    salary for a military position (the tariff schedule is fixed by Order No. 2700, the choice of a specific tariff is carried out in relation to the staffing table, with the exception of maintaining the tariff category for the previous position if the serviceman was transferred to a lower position as a result of organizational arrangements);

    bonus for length of service, calculated as a percentage of the sum of two types of salaries (by position and by rank);

    a bonus assigned monthly by order of the commander (if there was no deprivation of the bonus, then the standard amount of incentive is established - up to 25% of the salary);

    premium for class;

    allowances for special conditions of service and special achievements;

    bonus when performing tasks outside the place of permanent deployment in peacetime with a risk to life and health;

    compensation instead of an additional day of rest (if this does not apply to regular overtime, but is regulated by the norms of Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated February 14, 2010);

    bonus for working with classified documents.

In relation to allowances for special conditions of service and special achievements, a division can be made into several types of payments. This group of charges includes a wide range of additional payments, for example:

    for a high level of physical fitness;

    for command;

    for skydiving;

    for carrying out diving work;

    for awards given to a serviceman;

    for an academic degree, etc.

Additionally, the payslip may reflect amounts paid one-time in the form of an allowance for a military personnel and members of his family. Every year, the statements reflect data on accrued financial assistance (equal to the sum of the monthly salary by rank and salary by position).

All accruals are shown on the left side of the “calculation” page, the right block of the sheet is dedicated to deductions. This indicates the calculated and withheld income tax, deductions on writs of execution and on applications of the military personnel.

How to get a military pay slip

Salaries for military personnel are calculated automatically by the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Data from orders is entered into the general information base by unit personnel specialists, based on this, the income of each military man is displayed monthly. This approach was developed to minimize the risk of errors resulting from the influence of human factors and to reduce the cost of maintaining financial services in parts.

A service for creating ]]> personal accounts ]]> of military personnel has been launched on the website of the Ministry of Defense. In them you can view the allowance statement for each month separately or for the year at once. To receive a serviceman's pay slip, your personal account must be authorized. To do this, ]]> register ]]> in your Personal Account on the website. During the registration process you will need to enter the following information:

    serviceman's personal number;

    Date of Birth;

    valid email address;

After this procedure, you will have access to all services of your personal account. You will not need to register again; you will only need to enter your login and password. FULL NAME. There is no need to indicate, personal identification is carried out using an individual personal number. It is impossible to request an electronic pay slip for a military personnel without registering on the website. If you do not have access to the Internet, you can contact the ERC to receive a paper version of the payslip.

Features of service in Crimea

For those serving in military units stationed in Crimea, the personal account service on the Ministry of Defense website will be useless when requesting salary statements. In the Republic of Crimea, the calculation of monetary allowances and all types of additional payments is carried out not by the ERC, but by financial and economic services. Each FES serves several units; the distribution of areas of responsibility is carried out on the basis of the territorial affiliation of military units to the service region of a particular FES.

The work of financial services involves an accountant checking each personnel order relating to a military personnel’s salary. Accruals are not entered into the SRC database; calculations are carried out using other software. Pay slips for military personnel in Crimea and Sevastopol are available only in paper form.

Since the summer of 2012, all amounts transferred to military personnel are displayed in a special section of the official website of the Ministry of Defense. After entering in the address bar, the serviceman’s personal account becomes available. Further actions are individual.

Serviceman's personal account: instructions

Access to your personal account is provided through the official portal of the Ministry of Defense; therefore, registration on the website itself is required. It is impossible to log in without the administrator’s knowledge for the first time; you need to request a password (in the future it is recommended to change it yourself), which will be sent to the specified mobile number. If you lose your login or password, you can always get it again or restore it through the administrator. After answering the secret question, your login information will be sent via SMS to your phone.

It is recommended to create your personal account after reading the information in the “Help” section. Next, a tab opens where, after filling out a special form, you can view your personal information. You can view a serviceman's pay slip without registration, but only for informational purposes.

It should be noted that the funds that the ERC transfers every month to all employees (from a simple private to a general) are called monetary allowance, and not military wages.

Government authorities recently launched a special program for military personnel on the Internet, providing access to A serviceman’s personal account gives access to payslips that were previously only possible to obtain through a system of closed channels. The program was launched in response to persistent complaints from the military regarding discrepancies in payroll, bonuses and other allowances. Providing the employee with information about accruals is mandatory.

The document must be issued along with the monetary allowance and contain the following information:

  • Components of the salary due to an employee for a certain period of time.
  • Other cash accruals, including vacation pay, sick leave, etc.
  • Total amount of charges.
  • Amounts withheld from
  • The total amount to be issued in person.

The personal account of a military personnel without registration or registered persons is available not only to the military, but also to other employees of the institution. Thanks to the functionality of the service, each employee can order the necessary statements and certificates online, without wasting time visiting departments. All requested documentation is provided free of charge and is available for printing.

The functionality of a serviceman’s personal account is very extensive, but the section for generating pay slips is especially popular. You can use this function and create a document for any period starting from 2012. On the main page of the Ministry of Defense website, you need to go to the appropriate section and indicate the period of interest to you. A sheet will be created automatically indicating all available information. The document can be saved in Excel, Word and PDF formats.

Login to a military personnel’s personal account without registration

It is not always necessary to enter a login to enter the site. Also, users of the Ministry of Defense website can log in using their personal number. This opportunity allows you to receive a serviceman’s pay slip without registration. To view personal information you must:

  • Click on the “Login without registration” button.
  • In the window that appears, indicate your personal number and date of birth.
  • Enter the digital code.

After all the manipulations, the user will be able to enter the internal part of the portal and view the information of interest to him. The simplified system for logging into the site is completely safe, since manually entering the code, as well as specifying individual information, makes it impossible for an outsider to visit your account.

If a citizen is a civil servant and not a military man, he will need to enter his mandatory pension insurance number and date of birth. It must be borne in mind that a pay slip for a military personnel without registration provides the user with only a limited amount of information. Registration is required for full access.

How to enter a military personnel's personal account

Any military member can use the Department of Defense portal to view payroll information. To ensure that this information is not available to unauthorized persons, the site user must go through a simple registration process. Having completed this action, the serviceman will create his own personal account, in which he can easily control his own allowance. In your personal account, it is possible to generate a military pay slip in electronic form.

How does registration in a military personnel’s personal account take place? When visiting the site for the first time, there may be some difficulties, for example,

  • You will see a message stating that it is impossible to log into your personal account because the system is being tested or the certificate is invalid. This should not stop you, you need to agree with the system and continue moving to the next section.

  • To access the user's personal account, you must go to the registration section.

It is possible to enter a serviceman's personal account without registration. To do this, you need to indicate the military personnel number and date of birth in a special line.


For constant control over your monetary allowance, it is recommended to register on the site. This process is very simple. The soldier will need to provide some personal information:

  • The number assigned to him.
  • Date of birth on
  • Create a password for authorization. The access password should not be easy and simple; it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers to create it. To verify and confirm, you will need to enter this set of letters and numbers again.
  • Enter your email. In addition to providing personal information and creating a password, you are required to provide an email address for further account activation and password recovery if lost.

After completing all formalities, the user can re-enter the serviceman’s personal account to check the correctness of all actions taken.

Personal account of a Russian military serviceman

When you have successfully logged into the system, you can try to create the first pay slip displaying complete information about the movement of military pay, details of accruals, deductions, bonuses and other things. To do this, you need to enter the year and month of interest in a special form.

For convenience and control of payments, all generated payslips can be saved on your desktop in a separate folder. The system stores data for the entire current year. If errors and other dissatisfaction are identified on the part of a serviceman, he has the right to apply to the military unit in which he is serving for clarification. You can also figure out the problem with incorrectly specified user initials by calling the hotline numbers of the Central Personnel Regulation of the Ministry of Defense. For problems related to cash payments, you should contact the Unified Settlement Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. A serviceman's pay slip is the main document confirming that his service is appreciated.

What actions can be carried out in your personal account?

At the moment, the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is completely ready for use. Then you can do the following:

  • Generate a pay slip, which will indicate all the detailed information about accruals, receipts and other actions with military funds.
  • Save payslips electronically to a personal computer, which will make it possible to view documents at any time.
  • Continuously monitor payments.

How to generate a payslip

It is possible to generate a pay slip for a military serviceman without registration; registered users can also do this. Process steps:

  • Go to the main page of the site or to the “Calculation Sheet” section.
  • Indicate the period of interest for which the report will be generated.
  • Click on the “Generate” button.
  • Next, a window will appear in which a report sheet for the specified period of time will be displayed.


Thus, it is clear that the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is presented in a fairly understandable and simple form for the user. He has the opportunity to log into his page at any time and check all the information.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation not long ago created a new program on its official website intended for contract military personnel. With its help, you can view the amounts accrued for payment in the current month. Let's talk further about how to learn how to use the personal account of the ERC of the Russian Federation: features of the service and important points for the user.

Why was there a need?

The need to develop the ERC of the RF Armed Forces is explained by frequent questions from military personnel and civilian personnel of the Defense Ministry about the calculation of the amounts that are due to them for payment, as well as when this payment will be made, in what amount, and the like.

To simplify this procedure, you can create a personal account on the website of the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense. It is easy to use, practical and, most importantly, free of charge for military and civilian MoD personnel. It allows you to constantly monitor online the amounts of money due to a person in the current month accrued for payments.

The service is constantly updated and improved to ensure that relationships with consumers are as transparent and honest as possible.

Features of the service

A personal account on the official website of the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a unique opportunity for every military, contract employee, as well as civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense to control the amount of monthly cash payment.

To log into your personal account on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, you need to enter its address into the address bar of the search engine.

After registering and logging in, a serviceman can independently familiarize himself with information about the amount of money accrued to him in the Unified Center of the Russian Federation. At the same time, he does not depend on anyone, and can visit his personal account as many times as he needs.

If desired, a person can print or save information from his personal account on the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense to a removable medium. You can also send it to your email address (email). This allows you, in the absence of a computer at hand, to remember the amount of money accrued to it for payment. Please note that you can enter your personal account at the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense at any time of the day or night.

How to register

Creating a personal account on the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense and logging into it will not cause you any difficulties if you fill out the proposed forms carefully. You will spend a maximum of 10 minutes of your time on registration, but soon you will be able to appreciate the advantages that your personal account in the Unified Center of the Russian Federation has.

To gain access to the personal account of the Russian Federation ERC, you need to register on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. This can be done by any user: both military personnel and civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense. Create a username and password in advance; this will be required to register with the Russian Unified Center. You will also need to fill out a personal data form at the Russian Unified Center, namely:

  • military personal number;
  • date, month and year of birth;
  • password and its confirmation;
  • valid email.

Note that the service issues password quality requirements. It must contain at least six characters, but to increase the level of security of the personal account of the Russian Federation ERC, it is better to come up with a really complex option. For example, a combination of letters and numbers.

To complete the registration and enter the personal account of the military serviceman of the Russian Federation, you will need to confirm your decision. How to do it? A letter will be sent to the user's email address specified in the form with personal data. It will contain an active link, by clicking on which you can confirm registration with the Unified Center of the Russian Federation.

You can also create a personal account for civilian personnel of the ERC of the RF Ministry of Defense. Registration in this case is carried out according to the same principle.

Is it possible to log in without registering?

You can get acquainted with the information on the website of the Russian Federation Unified Center without registration. To do this, you need to check the checkbox next to “log in without registration” and fill in the required fields. However, it is the registered user who receives greater opportunities.

And after the first login to his personal account, the serviceman will be able to inquire about how his pay slip is generated.

What to do if your password or login is lost?

If you registered on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, but forgot your password, you can recover it. This is a very simple procedure, however, all forms must be filled out carefully. Click on the “forgot password” button and fill out the form that appears. If you have any difficulties, contact the service administration.

If a military man serving under a contract has questions about cash payments or has identified inaccuracies in the information in the tables, the website provides a hotline telephone number for the Unified Center of the Russian Federation.


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