How to view deleted messages on VK. How to recover deleted messages and correspondence on VK

Many people use social networks every day: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others. There are situations when you need to recover a deleted message. Is it possible to do this? After reading the article, you will learn how to read deleted messages on different social networks.


Deleted messages in a user account on the Odnoklassniki social network can be viewed by clicking on the “Show previous 30 messages” button. Even if messages have been deleted, they can still be read. In order for them to disappear again, you need to log out of the user using the “Exit” button. But there is a time frame - you can read deleted messages on Odnoklassniki only for the last three to five days, but no more. Other deleted messages cannot be restored.


It's worth noting that if you delete messages by clicking the Delete Conversation button, the messages will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

But if the messages were deleted by clicking on the “X” button, then all is not lost, and we will tell you how to read deleted messages in this case.

We follow the instructions:

  1. Open the Facebook page.
  2. Click the “Messages” button and select “View All.”
  3. Find the line “More” in the list “Inbox”, “Others”. Click on this item and select “Archive” from the menu.
  4. Here we can view all our messages.

The instruction works because the “X” button does not work as deleting, but as sending messages to the archive. After visiting the Archive, all messages will be shown online again.

In contact with

You can restore messages deleted on VKontakte in the following ways:

  • First of all, you can ask your interlocutor to copy and forward your correspondence to you, if it has not been deleted from him too.
  • You can restore a post on the wall using the “Restore” button, but after refreshing the page, the button disappears and the post cannot be restored.
  • Also, if you have the email notification function in your page settings, you can view these messages there, but only incoming ones.
  • Use support services.
  • Use special programs to recover messages, for example, VkBot and Vkontrole Message 1.0.

VKontakte support request form

  1. We go down to the bottom of the page and find the “Help” link. Let's move on.
  2. In the window that appears, enter the request for the problem - they say, anyway, important messages were accidentally deleted.
  3. Submit the form.
  4. We check our email from time to time, since the answer to your request will come there.

The request can be processed for about two days, since many users of the social network ask such questions. As soon as the manager sees your request, he will try to help solve the problem.

Recovering messages using VkBot

When downloading the program, be careful not to introduce a virus into your device. Unfortunately, the program does not guarantee complete restoration of dialogues, especially if the messages were deleted quite a long time ago, but you may still be lucky.

The program has a simple version and a so-called “pro” version, for which you will need to pay 400 rubles. The simple version is free. The extended version involves a greater number of functions - this is what determines the payment.

So, follow the instructions for recovering messages using this program:

  1. We install the program in any convenient place on our computer.
  2. We wait for the program to install and launch it.
  3. We are going through authorization. To do this, enter your login (email) and password from the VKontakte page.
  4. Click “Login”.
  5. A small oblong panel opens with the functions available to us.
  6. Select Profile - Recover - Recently Deleted Messages.
  7. Enter the desired interval and click “Restore”.

The program restores messages within an hour. Do not panic when immediately after the procedure it turns out that the utility did not work. It takes a little patience.

By the way, just in case, it’s better to change your VK password after this.

Recovering messages using Vkontrole Message 1.0

  1. Install the Vkontrole Message 1.0 utility on your computer.
  2. We launch it from the desktop.
  3. If the program asks you to enter a mobile number, it's not scary - it's just a verification procedure.
  4. Enter our login, password and range of messages to be restored.

Hi all! It often happens that correspondence in VK is deleted. There may be a failure on the server of the service itself, you can delete the correspondence yourself, someone else can delete it, and so on.

In a word, how to recover deleted messages on VK? You will have to use one of the methods below. If they don’t work, then, unfortunately, nothing can be restored.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - where to start?

First, you need to make sure that everything is in order on your computer or tablet (depending on where you are on the VKontakte social network). You need to check your Internet connection - often correspondence may suddenly disappear if there is a network break. For it to appear, it is often enough to simply restart the device, restore the Internet and the messages appear again.

Next, you can try disabling the web filter or antivirus software entirely. They can block some elements on the browser page, including VK messages. After disabling the above, you need to press the “F5” key and refresh the page.

In addition, take care to disable browser add-ons such as “Adblock” or “NoScript”, which can also filter the content of the Internet pages you open. It often happens that correspondence in VK is not deleted, but is hidden from you precisely because of these above-mentioned things.

Often the information itself on the browser page simply freezes, so you will need to clear its cache and log in to VKontakte using your login again.

It also happens that correspondence with a user is lost directly in your account. Then it is enough to click on the desired user in the list of dialogs and use the “Search” button to enter the desired word or phrase, then press “ENTER” and look at the result. Lost messages may well be found.

How to recover deleted messages on VK - other methods.

By default, in VK settings, sending notifications or notifications is disabled. If you once turned it on, then restoring correspondence will not be difficult. The option to send alerts by email must be enabled. All you have to do is go to your mail and look at the letters there. You will need to find a list of incoming contacts and find the desired message chain among it.

If a message was deleted from the correspondence and you, in turn, immediately realized that you want to restore it, then there is almost always a button such as “Restore” right in the message window. By clicking on it, the original dialogue will be restored, everything is very simple.

Another method is very banal - you can ask the user with whom you corresponded to send you copies of all the necessary messages. He will be able to do this either directly through VK, or send messages to you by email.

Another surefire way is to write a message to VK technical support with a request to restore the correspondence. Not necessarily right away, but they will answer you quickly enough and most likely restore all messages. It’s easy to use their help - find the appropriate item at the bottom of the page and click on it.

Deleted VK messages may not be restored - there is such a risk!

Official technical support of VK may not restore your deleted messages, especially if the period of their deletion is long enough. But it’s still worth trying.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to various third-party programs and services for restoring deleted messages on VK - do not try to use them under any circumstances. The fact is that all such offers lead either to the theft of your page, or to the theft of personal data and siphoning money from you. Installing such software on your computer in the form of separate programs or applications and browser add-ons is extremely unsafe and is not recommended.

In addition, you cannot restore deleted messages on VK via a tablet or smartphone using the “Recover” button in the usual way. This can only be done by texting from a computer, so even immediately after deletion, restoring messages from a mobile device will not work.

In addition, you will not be able to recover deleted messages even if you have disabled email notifications.

It is impossible to restore VK messages using even programs specially written for this - this information is confirmed both on the official website of the social network and when contacting technical support.

Thus, we see that it is quite difficult to recover deleted messages in VK, and in some cases it is completely impossible. Therefore, before you are about to delete another correspondence, be sure to think about the possibility of restoring it.

Another way to restore correspondence in VK

Another way to restore correspondence on VK is to retrieve your browser cache. This will not restore the correspondence in its entirety, but you can read the lost information and copy it somewhere without any problems. In order to use this method, you need to go into your browser's cache, find the necessary pages and download them.

If you have configured automatic cache clearing or if it doesn’t work at all, then this method won’t work either. Otherwise, you can find the necessary data without problems.

Cache settings work differently in different browsers, so it’s difficult to advise anything specific here - look for the instructions for your browser and try to restore the information. In some cases this works. The cache is recorded regardless of the changes made, and the last pages you visited before the changes were made can be stored on your computer in compressed form.

At the moment, there are no current methods for restoring correspondence in VK. Of course, the Internet is full of various tips and special programs, applications and utilities for this matter, but I once again do not recommend that you contact them. Because you will not only lose your personal data and page, but you may also end up with a serious amount of money. Fraudsters are developing various ways to take money from citizens, so for such a popular issue there are certainly a lot of solutions and viruses that allow you to access a user’s page or even his computer remotely.

Concluding today’s article, I would like to hear your opinion or maybe you have any additions to today’s question - how to recover deleted messages on VK.

And in general, let's try to figure out how possible this function is for users. Maybe nothing will help us anymore?

Appeal to the administration

The first option that can serve us well is contacting the site administration with a request to restore your correspondence. This is the only way you can quickly and easily read deleted messages in Contact.

To do this, log in to the social network, and then go to the "Help" section. It is located at the very bottom of the page. Next, in the window that appears, you will have to describe the current situation, and also ask to restore your correspondence. All or with a specific user. As a rule, if your request is approved, you will also have to prove your rights to own the profile. After this, they will help you and you will be able to read deleted messages in Contact. not the only option that can help solve today's issue. There are a number of other interesting and simple actions. Which ones? Let's see.

From the archive

How to read deleted messages It is worth noting that when clearing correspondence, it is removed only from the user who performed this action. This means that the second member of the conversation will retain all phrases.

So, if you want to read deleted messages, you can always contact your interlocutor with a request to find you a particular phrase and forward it. As a rule, if the conversation was with your friend, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, you can forget about this scenario.

To be honest, the method studied now is not the most popular. Especially if you suddenly need information from a long time ago. For example, which happened about six months ago when there was active correspondence with this user. In this case, finding the necessary information can be very difficult. However, deleted messages in Contact can be read in several other ways. Which ones exactly? Let's look at them.


Here is another quick and interesting development of events. It will definitely help you find out how to read deleted messages in Contact. For example, you can restore what was deleted. True, this must be done in a very short time. How? Let's figure it out.

So, if you notice that you accidentally deleted a message, you can return it to your history. The main thing is not to move from the page and do not refresh it. Leave everything as it is. After clearing the correspondence, you will receive a message about the successful operation, as well as the line “Restore”. If you click on it, all conversations and phrases will fall into place. You can read messages, sort them, and then remove unnecessary information. That's all.

To be honest, this option is not particularly popular. Probably due to the fact that you just need to turn it instantly. Indeed, in another situation, understanding how to read deleted messages in Contact will be several times more difficult. Let's see what other methods exist to solve the problem.


For example, some users may stumble upon specialized programs that offer to expand the standard functions of the social network. Among the additions you can also find the ability to read previously deleted messages. This is actually a very interesting feature. True, it must be treated with extreme caution.

The thing is that programs of this kind are often real viruses. Instead of helping people, they simply infect computers and steal user accounts. If you dare to use such applications, be prepared for not the best consequences. To be honest, it is best to avoid this method.


And now we will introduce you to another scenario. In particular, it is suitable for those who do not particularly trust programs. Such users, as a rule, resort to the help of special hosting services. They allow you to read deleted correspondence.

In order to use this option, you will have to find the appropriate site and then visit it. Register (in some cases), and then contact the main programmer. You can discuss with him all the nuances of providing the service, as well as find out the cost of the “pleasure”. Usually it is not very large, but not completely minuscule either.

Next, at the appointed time, transfer your social network login (username and password) to the programmer, and then wait for the result. To be honest, this option is not always safe either. If you do not know the person who provides you with message recovery services, then there is a huge risk of your account being hacked. This way you will be left without a profile. It will be possible to restore it, but with some effort.


Don't even try to make such a request to your telecom operator. If such information is stored in his archive, he will be able to provide it only in the event of an official request from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

Explore the Messages menu on your phone. If there is a “Deleted Items” folder in this menu, then it is likely that the most recently deleted messages can still be recovered.

Go online to one of the sites that offer assistance in recovering deleted information from computer hard drives or removable media. Download the program. Typically, such programs are provided free of charge to everyone, so if you are asked to send a paid SMS for downloading or transfer money to your account, leave this page to avoid becoming a victim of scammers.

If you haven’t turned off your phone or changed its SIM card since the message you needed, you can try to recover the information using a card reader. The fact is that in almost all phones, deleted information is stored for some time in the cache memory of the SIM card. And it finally disappears only when the phone’s RAM is completely full.

Buy a card reader by contacting one of the sites that distribute them. Remove the SIM card from the phone and insert it into the card reader. Connect it to your computer via USB port. After a moment, all the information stored in the SIM card cache will be displayed on the monitor.

Please note that you can only recover the last few messages this way, so if you want to recover a message that was deleted several months ago, you are unlikely to be able to do so.

Remember that messages can only be recovered from a SIM card. Messages deleted from the phone memory cannot be restored.

Video on the topic


Having lost the device, or if it is broken, it becomes too late to take charge. But in most cases, lost data from your phone can be recovered. To check whether your phone has such a function as returning deleted files, carefully read the instructions for the device.

Helpful advice

In such failures, the likelihood of data recovery depends on many factors. For example, on some phone models it is possible to restore contacts 100% after deleting them, since they are located in a separate memory area and are not erased when deleted, but are simply marked as deleted. Accordingly, if you do not create new contacts after a failure, the old ones can be completely restored.


  • how to recover sms messages

Unfortunately, it often happens that necessary sms or correspondence history is required. This need often arises among parents who feel that something has gone wrong in their child’s life. In this case, reading messages on your phone is a very effective way to help you understand the current situation, even if from the outside it looks immoral.

You will need

  • Full access to the phone on which you want to recover SMS, including all passwords and documentation, computer, Internet access, pre-downloaded data recovery programs, SIM card reader.


Accept that in most cases, erased SMS messages are simply impossible. But on some phones it is possible to restore erased messages, because they are not deleted immediately at the user’s command, but are stored for some time in the device’s memory. Therefore, carefully review your menu items or read the instructions. If your device has a “Trash or Deleted Items” folder, then you are in luck and you will most likely be able to recover lost messages.

Some devices, such as those from Nokia, automatically transfer all messages to a special folder on . If your mobile device does not support this feature, then connect it to the computer with a DATA cable and try to recover SMS using special recovery programs.

Download a program to recover data on hard drives and removable media. One of the most popular is Undelete. Such programs can recover data even on formatted media.

Do not contact mobile operators with a request to restore erased SMS, they do not provide such a service. You'll just be wasting your time, which could be precious in a critical situation.

You can also recover deleted SMS using a SIM card reader. Such devices are imported to Russia from the USA. They are removable memory that resembles a regular flash drive in appearance. A SIM card is placed into the hole on the card reader body, after which it is scanned and erased messages are restored.


A card reader for SIM cards can only be ordered on the Internet, because it is very difficult to find it for free sale in Russia. So this method is not suitable for those who are very limited in time.

Helpful advice

Reading other people's SMS is pure fraud and meanness. If you are not in a situation where your child or loved one has problems, then you should not rummage through someone else's dirty laundry and violate their personal space. At the very least, this will not improve your relationship.


  • Programs for recovering erased SMS
  • card reader for sim

Any equipment, including a cell phone, sooner or later becomes unusable. This happens unexpectedly, but becomes a serious problem when important data, such as an archive, is erased during a breakdown SMS. If this data is unique, the question arises: how to restore SMS?

You will need

  • - computer with USB input;
  • -Internet access;
  • -credit card or electronic wallet;
  • -data recovery program;
  • -USB reader for reading SIM cards.


Search the Internet for the software you need. The cost of the software should not exceed 50-70 USD. Make payment via credit card or e-wallet. Pay and download the necessary recovery program SMS. Install the software on your computer. During installation, act as the system administrator.

Remove the SIM card from your phone. Take a SIM reader. Insert the SIM card into the SIM reader following the manufacturer's instructions. Connect the device for reading information from the card to the computer using a USB cable. Modern operating systems will automatically detect the device and install the necessary driver for efficient operation.

If the device is not automatically detected, download the driver for the SIM reader from the installation disk included in the kit. If the purchased reader does not have an installation disk with the necessary driver, download it from the manufacturer’s website and install it on your computer.

Find the “My Computer” icon and right-click on it. From the drop-down submenu, select “Device Manager”. In the manager, find the “Other devices” item and click on it. Select "Unknown device" and run the "update" command. If the device driver was not updated automatically, repeat the driver update procedure and specify the downloaded driver directory manually.

After successfully installing the SIM reader, run the previously downloaded program to recover deleted data. SMS and follow the onscreen instructions.


Don't fall into the trap of scammers offering free SMS recovery software. Your computer may be infected with a virus or blocked.

Tip 5: How to recover a deleted message on your phone

The need to recover a deleted SMS message may arise in case of accidental deletion. It also happens that there is a desire to send SMS messages in order to control your child or husband.


In most cases, recovering a deleted SMS message is simply impossible. But there are certain models of mobile phones that do not immediately delete messages, but store them in the “Deleted Items” folder. Go to phone in the “Messages” menu, if you have a “Deleted Items” folder, then most likely there is also a message recovery function.

In almost all phones, deleted information is stored for some time in the cache memory of the SIM card. You can recover deleted SMS messages using a SIM card reader. A card reader is a small removable storage device that looks like a flash card. A SIM card is inserted into its hole, the card reader is connected to the computer, after which the deleted SMS messages are scanned and restored.

Do not try to contact your mobile operator with a request to restore deleted SMS. Telephone operators do not provide this type of service.

Video on the topic

Deleted SMS can only be recovered if you have access to the SIM card. The remaining methods do not work on any mobile device. You must also be the formal owner of the number to receive a printout from the operator.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - passport;
  • - Internet access.


View the Nokia mobile device software installed on your computer. If the devices were paired before deleting SMS messages from the mobile phone’s memory, the information you needed could be saved in the memory of this program. Select the “SMS messages” section and read the previously saved data.

If you did not back up your SMS messages, return the necessary information by contacting the employees of your cellular operator. Call technical support and wait for an answer, after which you will receive the necessary information regarding sending you a printout of all messages by e-mail. This action is not available for all operators and requires confirmation of your identity as the formal owner of the phone number.

Contact the subscriber service departments of your operator with a passport or other document confirming your identity to provide you with a printout of deleted SMS messages for a certain period of time. Please note that this service may be provided for a fee; check with your operator for details.

Create a personal account on the official website of your operator to access functions for managing additional services. There you can order a printout of messages for a certain period of time. Here you will need access to a phone to obtain your login details.

After this, order a printout of SMS messages for the period of time you are interested in using the SIM card. Next, if this function is available for your operator, a printout will be sent to your specified email address. They are usually sent in a format that can be opened through Excel.

Helpful advice

Always issue SIM cards in your name.


  • recover sms on nokia

Probably, almost every person has encountered the fact that the necessary information from a mobile phone was mistakenly deleted. Is it possible to recover deleted messages? And how to do this?

You will need

  • - mobile phone
  • - card reader
  • - USB cable


If this does happen to you, don’t be upset, pick up your phone and carefully look through the “Messages” menu. In this menu, find the “Deleted Items” folder and check, perhaps, the most recently deleted messages it is still possible to restore.

Please note that only messages from SIM card. Therefore, if you deleted them from your phone’s memory, it is impossible to restore them.

Keep in mind that it is useless to make such a request to telecom operators. Since information of this kind is in their archives, they will be able to provide it only after receiving an official request from law enforcement agencies and the FSB.

Seek help from Internet sites that provide services for recovering deleted information from computer hard drives or any other removable media. But, be careful when downloading programs so as not to become a victim of scammers. In most cases, they are provided free of charge, but if you are asked to forward a paid message or pay a payment in any other way, leave the page immediately.

The next way to recover information is to use a card reader. But, know that this method will only be effective if you have not turned off the phone or changed the SIM card in it since deleting the messages. Remember, the cache memory of the SIM card stores deleted information until the phone's RAM is full.

Purchase a card reader in retail stores or through online sites that distribute them. Open the back of the phone, remove the SIM card and insert it into the card reader. Then connect it to your computer via USB port and view everything messages, stored in the SIM card cache. But, keep in mind that you will only be able to restore the most recently deleted ones. messages.

Video on the topic

A broken cell phone is a big nuisance for some people, including the loss of important data, such as SMS, stored on it. But this problem also has a solution.


Search the Internet for SMS archive recovery software. As a rule, the cost of software should be no more than 2000-2500 rubles. If you are offered to download a free version of a program to recover deleted messages, be careful, most likely they are scammers, and you risk infecting your computer with viruses. Make payment via plastic card or e-wallet. After that, download and install this program on your computer. During installation, work as the system administration.

Remove the SIM card from your phone and insert it into the SIM reader, following the manufacturer's instructions. Connect this device to your computer using a USB cable. Modern operating systems are able to detect the device automatically and install the necessary driver for efficient operation. If the device is not detected automatically, try loading the driver for installing the sim reader from the installation disk that comes in the kit. If the purchased reader does not have an installation disk with the required driver, you can download it from the manufacturer’s website and install it on your computer, following the system prompts.

Many have encountered a situation where, wanting to delete one message on their phone, they mistakenly deleted all SMS. It’s especially offensive if the accidentally deleted messages contained any important information. In this case, it won’t hurt to know how you can recover messages that have disappeared from your phone.

What to do if important messages are deleted

Recovering deleted SMS is quite simple if your phone has a special “Deleted Messages” folder and the device has not been disconnected from the moment the information was erased. You just need to open the folder and create a request to return deleted messages. If the device does not have such a function, you can do it a little differently.

To recover lost information, you will need the following items:


Card reader or USB cable;


Special programs.

First, download a data recovery program, for example, you can use the free Recuva program. Using a cable, connect the phone to the computer or place the SIM card in the card reader and try to log into the computer through it. Now find the “Recover data” window. As soon as you open it, the information deleted from the phone will appear on the monitor.

However, it is worth remembering that you can only restore recently erased information and only if the phone has not been rebooted or turned off. If the cache memory in the device has been cleared, you will not be able to restore SMS.

Is it possible to recover messages on Android

If you need to restore SMS on Android, install SMS Backup & Restore software, which saves files and, if necessary, restores them, even if the information has already been deleted. This program protects against loss of necessary data.

How else can you recover messages?

When you choose a particular telecom operator, try to find out what list of services it offers to customers. For example, Megafon offers an SMS recovery service. Only the owner of the SIM card has access to such services. If you use a SIM card registered to another person, this method will not help you. Therefore, before deleting messages, think about whether the SMS you want to destroy. Never rush to click the “OK” button, make sure that you do everything correctly.

Quite often a situation arises when a mobile phone user accidentally deletes one or more important messages. In such cases, you should try to recover SMS on your phone using one of several available methods.

Try to recover deleted messages on your phone by selecting the “Download SMS from SIM card” function in the settings of your device. If it was active at the time of accidental deletion of the necessary information, you can easily return this data. Otherwise, turn it on so that if you lose messages in the future, you can recover them. If your phone saves data on a SIM card but does not have a data recovery function, purchase a card reader and connect it to your personal computer. Insert the SIM card with data into the card reader. Now in the “My Computer” menu you will see it as a removable storage medium from which you can copy your messages.

You can also recover deleted SMS messages using special software for your phone, which is designed to synchronize its data with a personal computer (for example, iTunes, PC Suite, etc.). If you have previously used a similar application, it could make a backup - save the current state of your phone. Connect your mobile device to your computer and use this software to roll back your data to its previous state, which will help you get back your lost SMS messages.

The social network is one of the hundred most popular Internet resources in the world. Users send thousands of offers to their interlocutors every second. All forwarded messages are stored on the site's servers. That’s why a registered visitor can look at the history of his conversation at any moment, find the necessary data and read the text information more carefully.

Often, due to inexperience or carelessness, users delete correspondence or individual offers. They immediately begin searching the World Wide Web for how to recover deleted messages on Odnoklassniki. They read various forums and hope to recover lost data using special programs.

Is it possible to recover lost information on a popular social network?

If you have deleted your correspondence on Odnoklassniki yourself, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to restore the information in your profile. On various sites on the Internet they write that there is a program that allows you to restore erased conversations for free. It is not true! The data is stored on the servers of the social network - you also erase information from dedicated computers. Third-party programs do not have access to Odnoklassniki servers. They cannot recover deleted messages. By using additional software, you risk handing over confidential information to attackers. Your profile will be hacked.

But don’t despair, because there are situations when you can return deleted texts:

You can also quickly find out which of the guests on your profile have communicated with you before. Go to the “Guests” section – you will see photos of visitors. If you hover your cursor over a photo, a small menu will appear. From it, select the “Write a message” item, click on it (No. 10.3).


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