How to write a support letter on Facebook. How does Facebook support work?

Today on Facebook, some of the difficulties that arise in the process of using the site cannot be solved on your own. In this regard, there is a need to create a request to the support service for this resource. Today we will talk about methods for sending such messages.

We will pay attention to two main ways to create a request to Facebook technical support, but they are not the only way out. In addition, before continuing to read this manual, be sure to visit and try to find a solution in the help center of this social network.

Method 1: Feedback form

In this case, the procedure for contacting support is reduced to using a special feedback form. The problem here should be described as accurately as possible. We will not focus on this aspect in the future, since there are many situations and each of them can be described in different ways.

  1. On the top panel of the site, click on the icon «?» and through the drop-down menu go to the section "Report a problem".
  2. Choose one of the options presented, whether it is a problem with the site's functions or a complaint about the content of other users.

    Depending on the type of request, the form of feedback changes.

  3. The easiest option to use is "Something isn't working". Here you must first select the product from the dropdown list "Where the problem occurred".

    In field "What's happened" enter a description of your question. Try to express your thoughts clearly and, if possible, in English.

    It is also advisable to add a screenshot of your problem, after first changing the site language to English. After that, click the button "Send".

  4. Incoming messages from technical support will be displayed on a separate page. Here, if there are active discussions, you can respond via the feedback form.

When contacting, there is no guarantee of receiving a response, even if the problem has been described as accurately as possible. Unfortunately, this does not depend on any factors.

Method 2: Community Help

Additionally, you can ask a question in the Facebook help community using the link below. The same users as you are answering here, so this option is not actually a call to support. However, sometimes such a approach can help resolve a difficulty that has arisen.

No matter how well thought out a social network is, possible lags and bugs cannot be avoided. This situation does not bypass Facebook either. And this is not surprising, because this network is billion-dollar, and a huge staff of employees works to maintain its vital functions. It is quite difficult to provide for every little detail. But if a problem arises with the account, in any of its manifestations, users have access to a feedback function. In this article we will talk about how to write to Facebook support, as well as how to contact the Help Community.

Filling out the form

If you encounter difficulties using Facebook, you can write to technical support.

We go to Facebook, click on the question mark, which is located in the upper right corner.

In the pop-up menu, select the line “Report a problem”.

A window opens in which you need to select one of the options. Select the line “Something is not working.”

In the new window, you need to indicate where the problem occurred (click on the inverted triangle, select from the proposed options), describe it, check the “attach photo” checkbox, and upload it. Click the “Submit” button.

To see the answer to a question, you need to click on the question mark, which is located in the top right corner.

A menu opens in which you need to select the line “Inbox from support”.

You can go another way. In the upper right corner, click on the question mark.

Select the “Help Center” tab.

On the new page you need to click “Rules and reports”.

In the pop-up menu, select the line “Complaints about violation”.

There are sections on the left side of the page; select the one that affects our problem.

Complain about a fake page

Let's figure out how to contact technical support if a fake page has been detected.

Select the button with a question mark, which is located on the right in the top panel of Facebook.

In the stack that appears, select the “Help Center” button.

On the page that opens, select the “Rules and Reports” tab.

A menu pops up in which we select the line “Complaints about violations”.

On the left side of the page, select the “Hacked and fake accounts” section.

We go down to the “Complaint about the page” section, click on “fill out this form”.

A new page opens on which you need to provide a link to the official page of the public person, as well as to the unofficial (fake) one. You can also check the box next to how exactly the fake page impersonates a public figure. Click the “Submit” button.

Breach of confidentiality

Select the question mark, which is located on the right side of the top panel of Facebook.

In the menu that appears, select the line “Help Center”.

Open the “Rules and Reports” tab.

Select the line “Complaints about violation”.

On the left side of the page that opens, select the section “How to complain about a violation of confidentiality.”

In the section that opens, select “I want to report photos and videos on Facebook that violate my privacy.”

The description opens, in which we select “fill out this form”.

In the window that appears, check the boxes next to what we want to report. For example, pointing to a photo, then mark “profile photo” or “other”. Then we mark the line providing a URL link to the corresponding photo and indicate that we live “Outside the USA”.

A new window automatically opens in which you need to indicate whose privacy is being violated. For example, set “My privacy”. Next, indicate the URL of the photo, your first and last name. Please check the box to confirm that the information provided on this form is accurate. Click the “Submit” button.

If the page is blocked

Many users are faced with the problem of account blocking. There can be many reasons for this. For example, on Facebook, excessive activity in correspondence, which can be regarded as spam, is not encouraged, adding a large number of friends in a short period of time.

When your account is blocked, you cannot log into your page to write to technical support. The only option is to follow the link and fill out the form.

Here you need to indicate which login you used to log in. This could be an email address or mobile phone number. Next, you indicate your name, but exactly the same as it was on the page.

Next you need to attach a scanned ID. And click the “Submit” button.

Contacting the Help Community

Additionally, you can ask questions in a special community, where answers will be given to you by other users who may have previously encountered a similar problem and found ways to solve it. Let's look at how to connect with the help community.

Click on the question mark, which is located on the right side of the top panel of the Facebook page.

In the pop-up menu, select the line “Help Center”.

Once on the new page, scroll down to the “Visit Help Community” section.

Having found the desired section, click on it.

On the new page, click the “Ask a question” button.

The first step is to select a topic and additional data regarding the problem of interest.

Next, you need to enter your question in the field provided for this. Click the “Next” button.

In the second step, we are asked to view publications that may address the issue of interest.

Select the Instagram icon and check the box. Click “Delete”.

We confirm our action by clicking the “Delete” button.

Now you know how to fill out forms with a question to technical support. Don’t get upset right away when problems arise on a social network; many users experience this. Facebook support is often necessary, but it is worth considering the possible disadvantages of its work, in particular, slowness in response cannot be ruled out. Before submitting your request, you should consider whether you have time to wait for a response or if you can resolve the issue in another way, for example, by asking other users in the help community.

Today we will tell you how you can write to the support service on Facebook and how in general you can contact technical support on Facebook from a computer and from a mobile phone.

The social network Facebook is the most advanced and most famous among other platforms on the Internet. To some extent, it can be called a “World Wide Web” corporation - Facebook has the largest audience of registered users along with colossal financial investments.

Over the 13 years of its existence - starting in 2004 - this IT resource has turned into a global network. The American website is readily used by residents of different continents of the Earth. In case of any problematic situations, Facebook technical support is available, and we will tell you how to contact it further.

The main interface of the popular social network looks something like this: at the top there is a search bar, to the right of it there is a menu - "Find friends", "Friend Requests", "Messages", "Notifications" And "Quick Help", indicated by a question mark.

In the last mentioned paragraph you can find help for your own page (the necessary information is given). In this section you can contact directly "Help Center", where answers to the necessary questions are presented by specialists of this social network.

As you can see from the table, there are a number of points that provide an informational component.

On the user's page, directly on the left you can see: news feed, quick links, games, etc. On the right in the column are displayed - friends. On the web page you can publish your statuses, look at photo albums, and conduct live broadcasts. In general, speaking - the choice is widest.

One similar action was already mentioned a little earlier, but there are other ways to contact technical support. For example, in the same “Quick Help” menu - if you click on it and scroll through the column to the very end, a section will appear - “Report a problem”.

We click on this item, and this kind of window immediately appears where you need to provide a reason indicating a specific problem.

We select one of the three lines presented, write about what we are not happy with, and click “Submit”. After this, all you have to do is wait for a response from the website assistants. To check your incoming emails, you need to go to “Inbox from support” (above the section – “Report a problem”).

As one of the options, you can ask a question to technical support by writing in the menu with the same name - “Ask a question”, to do this you need to go to “Help Center”, scroll all the way down and click on the item - “Visit Help Community”. After you navigate to the page, “Ask a question” will appear at the top right.

Some of the visitors readily believe that this program, as technical support, has an email and a hotline, alas, this is not the case; contact can only be made through Facebook settings. If we talk about that - how to write to facebook support from your phone , then everything here is similar to the actions carried out on a PC.

Facebook is an excellent resource where people spend time with pleasure. Sometimes, however, various kinds of problematic situations occur, and then you have to resort to the site’s support service. Knowing how to write to Facebook technical support, you can easily resolve a problematic situation. There are many positive reviews on this matter.

No matter how well thought out and proven the Facebook system is, various bugs and lags can still happen. And this is normal, because if one of us had a billion-dollar social network with a huge staff of employees hired solely to maintain the life of this network, we would not be able to provide for every little detail, because it is wildly difficult. And it is precisely for this case that Facebook technical support exists - a cure for possible problems with this social network.

How to contact technical support on Facebook?

If you're looking for a "Technical Support" button, I have bad news for you - there isn't one. To report something, click on the question mark and find the “Report a problem” option.

Then a window with possible problems will appear. Their description is extremely clear and does not require comment.

For example, I'll select the "Something's not working" button. In the drop-down list, you can select a specific problem, write a complaint below, and attach screenshots. Then you need to click on “Submit”. And that’s it, your request will be processed shortly.

The answer from the support service can also be found in the drop-down menu of the question icon. To do this, just click on “New messages from support service”.

Remember that such an appeal has legal force. At this stage of Internet development, the user’s only problem, of course, will be a ban on Facebook, which, undoubtedly, can be survived. But still, plagiarism in our time is already becoming one of the punishable offenses. This is especially true in the West; in most countries of the post-Soviet space, to which you most likely belong, everything is somewhat simpler with this. What can we say about the amount of rewriting that lies in the vastness of the Runet - if you read the first three articles for one request, they will most likely coincide not only in content but also in the plan of presentation.


This long story is a real journey through torment. It began on September 21 - the day when the ban on VKontakte on Facebook spread across the network. After the editor of TheRunet, as an experiment, published a link on his page, his account was blocked. In general, it was an everyday matter: to restore the page, you only needed to install a Facebook antivirus. But bad luck - it just didn’t want to start. And then another experiment began, called: “Reaching Facebook.” There were a great many ways to write to the service’s technical support. We decided to check each of them.

Help Center

Well, the answer didn’t help us much - we tried this option at the very beginning. When downloading the F-Secure or Trend Micro installation files, the computer's native antivirus detected them as malware. (It was funny to realize that Facebook, accusing the user of “sabotage,” could itself give him something similar to a virus). Disabling the “native” program did not help - the files downloaded, but did not open.

There was no more information about troubleshooting in the article. But we were smarter and clicked a link to “Related Articles” at the bottom of the text. 13 more options were drawn. It was dazzled in my eyes, but TheRunet did not back down and found a more complete article called “I think there is malware on my computer. What should I do?". It turned out that you can scan your computer with other antiviruses, and for the Google Chrome browser (which suffered from blocking) there is a special type of scanning. But when running it, a fatal error occurred.

Appeal blocking

Having wasted several hours on the “Login problems” section and not finding an effective solution, we moved on to the next option - the section called "Get information about blocked users". Also not without ordeal, but faster than in the previous case (in just three clicks), the required article was found: “Appeal blocking.” There was not just an active link, but a whole form for submission! The editor was overjoyed to the point of tears and even agreed to send a scan of the passport that Facebook asked for to verify her identity. But alas... even with all the forms filled out, Facebook refused to send the request, saying that the information was incorrect or incomplete.

Write a complaint

Never before has TheRunet editor experienced such hatred for the Internet. But it was necessary to move on and continue to surf the vastness of the Help Center. In the side menu there was an option “Complaints”, and then after a couple of clicks a section appeared “Report broken function”. The instructions in it, although without active links, were quite practical.


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