Wifi is saved but does not connect. Diagnostics of connection using the system

Nowadays, you probably won’t find users who have never heard of or never used the Wi-Fi standard wireless Internet. This is the main source of communication with the World Wide Web for mobile devices. However, sometimes it happens that an Android phone or tablet does not want to receive the Internet from a home router or any other wireless access point. Today we will try to figure out why this happens and how to fix this problem.

This kind of behavior is not typical, and most of the time occurs due to software problems: incorrect configuration of the phone (tablet) or the router itself, as well as problems with the firmware of both. There may also be hardware incompatibility - this, unfortunately, happens. Let's go in order.

Reason 1: Incorrectly entered password for the point

The most common cause of problems with Wi-Fi is simple inattention. Typically, Android devices report that they cannot connect to the hotspot if the password is entered incorrectly. It looks like this.

If you see a message like this, the action algorithm is as follows.

If the problem is still observed, proceed to the next steps.

Reason 2: Incorrectly configured protection type in the router

This is also a fairly common cause of problems with Wi-Fi connections. This is especially true for older routers, which may not support some types of secure connections. You can fix this problem like this.

  1. Look in the router user manual for the login address to the web management interface. If there is no manual, then, as a rule, there is a sticker on the router itself with the specified address. In most cases it consists of numbers, and looks, for example, like this.
    Instead of symbols «*» there will be a number from 1 to 9.
  2. Open a browser (any browser will do) and enter the address you recognize in the address bar. A page like this should load.

    The login and password for the web interface in most cases is the word "admin". If it doesn’t work, study the instructions and the router itself in more detail - the default login and password must be indicated there!
  3. Once you log in you will get something like this.
  4. Next steps: find the Wi-Fi connection setting in the menu. As a rule, it is called "Wireless LAN", "WLAN Settings", Just "WLAN" or, if the interface is Russified, "Wireless network/networks".

    Click on it once with the mouse.
  5. A window similar to this will open.

    Look for a setting in it that contains the word "Encryption" or "Encryption type". As a rule, it is combined with a drop-down menu.

    In this drop-down menu, select the type of protection "AES". Don't forget to save your changes.
  6. You may also need to reboot your router. This can be done directly from the web interface.

    Simply turning off the power to the router for 10-20 seconds will also help.

If the cause of problems with Wi-Fi was incorrect encryption, then the next attempt to connect the Android device to the point should be successful.

Wireless technologies will no longer surprise anyone. They have entered the life of modern people so deeply that it is difficult to imagine life without them. But the usual does not always turn out to be simple: from time to time everyone faces such a problem when the laptop does not connect to WiFi, but sees the network. This can happen for various reasons: we will look at the most common problems and their solutions.

Common reasons

It is worth understanding that the problem when the computer sees but does not connect to Wi-Fi can be on the side of the PC or the router. Therefore, you should always check your network first. To do this, simply try connecting other devices to the router, such as a smartphone or tablet. If other gadgets connect to the router without problems, then most likely the problem is on the PC side.

Don't forget about the technical specifications. For example, we know that Wi-Fi standards are different and are designated by a letter. There are quite a lot of them, but three main ones are used in everyday life:

  1. 802.11b – opened in 1999. The frequency used for broadcasting the signal is 2.4 GHz. The maximum data transfer speed is 11 MBytes.
  2. 802.11g – opened in 2003 and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. However, the speed has been increased to 54 MB.
  3. 802.11n is the most modern and fastest standard that operates at 5 GHz. The maximum connection speed can reach 300 MBytes

As you can see, the standards operate at different frequencies. Theoretically, 802.11n can operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, but various problems often arise. Therefore, ideally, the standards on the distributing and receiving devices should match. Nowadays, the vast majority of routers work with all three modes at once, but not all router models support this. Therefore, it is worth checking the technical specifications.

Sometimes connection problems can be caused by data encryption. That is, if you set a password for your wireless network, then the router encrypts the data according to a certain scheme. Sometimes it happens that the computer simply does not support the type of data encryption that is installed in the router and cannot decode the signal. Therefore, it is worth trying to remove the password for the wireless network in the router settings and check whether the PC will connect to an open network. To do this, go to the router settings, go to the “Wi-Fi Security” section and disable the protection here.

If the PC connects to an open network, then the problem is the data encryption or the password itself. Therefore, to protect your network, go back to the router settings and set the encryption type to WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed - almost all devices support this mode.

These were the main parameters. Now let's look at what reasons can cause the problem when a laptop sees a Wi-Fi network, but cannot connect.

Problems on the computer side

If it so happens that when you try to connect to Wi-Fi an error appears, then first of all you need to diagnose the problems. This will allow you to understand what the problem is and in which direction to dig.

How to connect Wi-Fi on a laptop using troubleshooting:

  1. Find the Wi-Fi icon in the notification area (the so-called system tray in the lower right corner of the desktop).
  2. Right-click on the icon and select “Diagnostics problems”.
  3. Next, carefully read the information on the screen and follow all recommendations. As a result, the system will try to fix the problem. But even if the problem cannot be resolved, at the end of the diagnosis a report will appear indicating the problem.

If diagnosing the problems did not help, then move on to the second method. Here it is worth paying attention to the signal level. If the signal is weak (1-2 sticks), then the PC may not connect to the network. This happens due to too much loss of data packets (the response timeout is exceeded and the connection is disconnected). Therefore, if the signal is weak, move the laptop closer to the access point.

Also, the computer may have various network malfunctions, as a result of which it sees the network, but does not connect to Wi-Fi. This may happen due to a large amount of accumulated cache or as a result of some settings, installation of programs that have access to changing adapter parameters, and so on. All this can be solved in one universal way - resetting network parameters. After the reset, you need to restart your computer.

Problems on the router side

As a rule, if the router does not connect, you need to check the settings. We have already discussed Wi-Fi standards and the type of data encryption above - check these first. It is recommended to set the Wi-Fi mode to 802.11 bgn mixed. The same goes for the encryption type. If everything is fine with these settings, but the router still does not allow devices to connect, then you should reboot it. Unplug it from the outlet for at least 5-7 minutes, and then plug it back in.

If this does not help, you should reset the router to factory settings. This can be done by pressing and holding the special “Reset” button or through the options: “System Tools”> “Factory Resets”.

This is how it would seem that a laptop (netbook, etc.) works with a Wi-Fi network and no questions asked. And one day you turn it on and an error appears: “Windows was unable to connect to Wi-Fi...”. What to do?

This is exactly what happened with my home laptop. In this article I want to tell you how you can eliminate this error (besides, as practice shows, this error is quite common).

The most common reasons:

1. Lack of drivers.

2. The router settings are lost (or changed).

3. Antivirus programs and firewalls.

4. Conflict between programs and drivers.

And now about how to eliminate them.

Resolving the error “Windows could not connect to the Wi-Fi network”

1) Setting up Windows OS (using Windows 7 as an example, similar in Windows 8).

If you still receive an error stating that it is not possible to connect to the network (as in the picture below), click on the “ troubleshooting"(I know that many people are very skeptical about it (I felt the same way until it helped restore the network a couple of times)).

If the diagnostics did not help, go to “ Network and Sharing Center"(to enter this section, just right-click on the network icon next to the clock).

Now we simply delete our wireless network, which Windows cannot connect to (by the way, you will have your own name for the network, in my case it is “Autoto”).

We try again to connect to the Wi-Fi network that we deleted in the previous step.

In my case, Windows was able to connect to the network, and without any questions. The reason turned out to be trivial: one “comrade” changed the password in the router settings, and in Windows, in the network connection settings, the old password was saved...

2) Setting up a Wi-Fi network in the router

After checking your wireless connection settings in Windows, the second thing you need to do is check your router settings. In 50% of cases, they are to blame: either they went wrong (which could happen, for example, during a power outage), or someone changed them...

Because If you were unable to access the Wi-Fi network from your laptop, then you need to set up the Wi-Fi connection from a computer that is connected to the router using a cable (twisted pair).

In order not to repeat myself, here is a good article about. If you can’t log in, I recommend checking out this:

In the router settings We are interested in the “Wireless” section (if in Russian, then setting up Wi-Fi parameters).

For example, in TP-link routers this section looks something like this:

Setting up a TP-link router.

By the way, in some cases you may need to reset your router(s). There is a special button on its body for this. Press it and hold it for 10-15 seconds.

Task: change the password and try to set up a wireless connection in Windows (see point 1 of this article).

3) Update drivers

The lack of drivers (as well as the installation of drivers that are not suitable for the equipment) can cause much more serious errors and failures. Therefore, after checking the router settings and network connection in Windows, you need to check the drivers for the network adapter.

How to do it?

4) Setting up startup and disabling antiviruses

Antiviruses and firewalls (with certain settings) can block all network connections, supposedly protecting you from dangerous threats. Therefore, the easiest option is to simply disable them or delete them during setup.

About autoloading: During setup, it is also advisable to remove all programs that automatically load with Windows. To do this, press the “Win ​​+ R” button combination (valid in Windows 7/8).

Then enter the command in the “open” line: msconfig

5) If all else fails...

If Windows still cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network, you can try opening the command line and entering the following commands in sequence (enter the first command - press Enter, then the second and Enter again, etc.):

route -f
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh int ip reset
netsh int ipv4 reset
netsh int tcp reset
netsh winsock reset

Thus, we will reset the network adapter, routes, clear DNS and Winsock. After this, you need to restart your computer and reconfigure your network connection settings.

If you have anything to add, I would be very grateful. Best wishes!

Laptops have an advantage over personal computers in the form of a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, with which users can connect to wireless Wi-Fi networks. However, PC owners can easily purchase an external Wi-Fi adapter and also enjoy the benefits of wireless technology.

However, some PC users report that sometimes their external Wi-Fi adapters, for some reason, cannot connect to the network provided by their router. The root of the problem can be many things: a faulty driver, problems with the router, operating system settings, etc.

In this article we will tell you what can be done if your Wi-Fi adapter cannot connect to the distributed network.

Checking the distributed Wi-Fi network

Let's first think about this: have you thought that perhaps the problem with connecting to the network is not in the Wi-Fi adapter, but in the router, which simply does not distribute the wireless network? Checking this is quite simple: take another device that is capable of connecting to a Wi-Fi network and try connecting to your router using it.

If there are no other devices, you need to go to the settings of your router and make sure that it is activated for wireless network distribution. There are times when the settings in such devices, for some reason, go wrong on their own. All you need to do is log into the interface and activate the Wi-Fi sharing option.

Turn off Airplane mode

As we all know, Windows 10 has a rather convenient Airplane mode, which can be used to disable all wireless modules located on your system. Of course, after activating this mode, your external Wi-Fi adapter will also be deactivated.

Airplane mode is extremely useful on mobile devices and laptops, but on desktop computers it is absolutely unnecessary. However, you could accidentally turn it on, for example, by digging through the settings or using a special combination. There are also opinions that the “Airplane” mode can be enabled by third-party software.

Deactivating Airplane mode is incredibly simple: click on the Notification Center icon and click on the button for the mode of the same name. That's all that is required of you. If you don’t find this option in the Notification Center, you can go to System Settings and disable it there.

Restarting the Wi-Fi router

Having realized that the wireless network distribution is activated and your Wi-Fi adapter is not blocked by the computer’s system settings, try restarting your router. There is a possibility that it has started to malfunction, as a result of which you cannot connect to the network using third-party devices with a Wi-Fi adapter. Restarting is extremely simple: unplug the router from the power supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, and then plug it back into the network. It is worth saying that routers can often fail, which leads to a number of unpleasant problems: reduced network connection speed, blocking of certain connections or entire access to the Internet.

Using the troubleshooter

A fairly simple way to resolve your network connection problem is to use the network troubleshooter. You don't have to go anywhere to get it, download it or search the Internet, since this tool is a system utility that is incredibly easy to access. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • go to Settings;
  • go to the “Update and Security” section;
  • go to the “Troubleshooting” tab;
  • click on “Internet Connections”;
  • click on the “Run the troubleshooter” button;
  • follow the instructions on the screen.

It is worth saying that this system tool, unfortunately, almost never solves any problems that have arisen in any element of the system. However, sometimes the stars do align in the sky - and a miracle happens. Try this troubleshooter and then check if you can connect your Wi-Fi adapter to your wireless network.

Updating Wi-Fi adapter drivers

You may not be able to use your Wi-Fi adapter normally simply because its drivers are outdated. By updating the drivers, you can get rid of any problems with your device. You can run drivers through Device Manager:

  • press Windows+X;
  • select "Device Manager";
  • find and open the “Network adapters” section;
  • right-click on the Wi-Fi adapter and select “Update driver...”;
  • select to automatically search for a driver on the Internet;

After updating the drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter, try connecting to your router's wireless network again. In most cases, users who experience a similar problem resolve it by updating the driver for the device.

Roll back to a previous driver version

However, even a new driver version can cause problems when using a Wi-Fi adapter, however, it all depends on the device manufacturer. The latest version of the Wi-Fi adapter driver may be extremely unstable or may not be compatible with your computer. In this case, you can try rolling back the installed driver to a previous version.

You can do this in the same way using Device Manager:

  • get to your Wi-Fi adapter in the list of network devices;
  • Double-click the left mouse button on the Wi-Fi adapter;
  • go to the “Driver” tab;
  • click on the “Roll Back” button;

Having rolled back to the previous version of the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter, try using it and connecting to the router’s Wi-Fi network. If the problem really was the driver, then you will immediately understand it.

Temporarily disable the firewall

If none of the above helped you resolve the problem, then your Windows Firewall may be preventing you from connecting to your wireless network and is, for some reason, blocking the network connection. One way or another, you can check this simply: you just need to temporarily disable the system’s firewall.

You can do this as follows:

  • press Windows+S;
  • enter and select the request “Windows Defender Security Center”;
  • go to the “Firewall and Network Security” tab;
  • deactivate the firewall for the domain network, private network, and public network;

Try using a Wi-Fi adapter and connect to the wireless network provided by your router. We hope that everything finally worked out for you, and that your adapter is still working properly.

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Sometimes it happens that when you connect to an available Wi-Fi, the message “saved, wpa2 protection” appears. Moreover, the connection works, but the upload does not occur. This means access is blocked.

In order to understand why the phone does not connect to wifi, it says wpa2 protection is saved, you need to start over, namely from the essence of the problem.

Often the problem is the router settings themselves. If you delve into the settings, you can find the “wireless network mode” item, which should be set to Auto. Otherwise, you will not get rid of the problem.

Sometimes it happens that the phone is connected to the network, but does not load anything. After you reboot the phone and try to connect again, it gives the same error. In this case, you need to resort to rebooting the router.

After we have found out the reasons why the phone does not connect to wifi, we should begin to correct these errors and shortcomings.

To solve this problem you need to refer to the correct settings. Namely:

Set the correct geographical data on the router.

Check that the entered network password is correct.

Configure the wireless network mode in the same settings.

Check the data encryption type.

Try changing the network channel.

Change the bus of this channel itself.

But let's talk about everything in order. First, let's go into the router settings. To do this, enter in the address bar of any browser. Afterwards, go to the wi-fi settings and set the correct data for the location where you are. Save the changes.

Try to rewrite the password itself when connecting. If you have forgotten the correct password, you can find it in the same settings as described above.

The network operating mode includes the letters b/g/n, which are located in the settings of the router itself. Try changing modes. But after each shift you need to reboot the router. The fact is that sometimes the device from which you want to connect to the network does not support the router’s network mode.

Change the password encryption type and the password itself. But it is important to remember that after these manipulations, devices that were connected earlier will no longer be on the network with this router. It will be necessary to rewrite the login data on them.

The channel width is also set in the router settings. You can experiment with this data and try a new connection.

Now you know why the phone does not connect to wifi, it says wpa2 protection is saved, and also how to fix it. After completing these steps, the problem should be fixed and the device will connect to the network.

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