Virtual reality helmet on PC. How to choose a virtual reality helmet

Virtual reality... The dream of several generations. A bright attribute of the future in science fiction books, films, and computer games.

In the perception of many, virtual reality is a mysterious technology that will allow you to travel through unprecedented worlds, go on unforgettable adventures, die and come to life again. With the help of VR, people with disabilities could see the world without leaving home. And maybe live a different life, happy, interesting, full of possibilities. The films that are fashionable today immediately come to mind - dystopias, in which such technologies have completely changed the world of the future...

Okay, enough fantasy. After all, today VR is not just an invention of writers and screenwriters. Virtual reality technology has finally come to life, and everyone has had access to it since the mid-2010s. No, no, this is not another “temptation” like it was 20 years ago, when VR helmets seemed to have appeared, but the technology was not the same, and there were not enough opportunities for full immersion in the virtual world. Today, everyone has a chance to experience the effect of deep immersion thanks to the new generation of virtual reality helmets.

What are they needed for? Of course, for watching movies with an unforgettable experience! Another important area of ​​using VR helmets is gaming. Who hasn’t dreamed of not just playing your favorite game, but immersing yourself in it, really becoming part of the gaming world? Modern technologies provide this opportunity.

However, with virtual reality helmets everything is not so simple. There are many of them, they are different, and not every helmet may suit you. And the market is developing rapidly: in terms of speed it can already be compared with the smartphone market. Therefore, it is very important to understand what characteristics virtual reality helmets have and how to choose the right one for you.

What parameters should you use to choose a virtual reality helmet?

Gaming or universal helmet

Why do you need a virtual reality headset? If you are an avid gamer or the owner of a computer club, then all you need to do is purchase a purely gaming machine. This helmet will have excellent image smoothing and response, but the pixels may be fatter.

For those who want to enjoy all the possibilities of VR: from watching movies to working with complex programs, it is better to look at a universal helmet. With such a gadget you can watch a new movie, play your favorite game, draw or work - it’s time for business and time for fun.

Helmet compatibility with working platform

There are "closed" helmets on the market that can only be used with limited content, and there are also helmets that support multiple content sources.
The first will be relevant for those who already own the necessary device from the same company: companies create such helmets for their consoles or smartphones. Top gadgets of this type are not inferior to competitors in the quality of hardware and characteristics, but the limited number of games and programs is a clear disadvantage.

“Open” models allow you to use content from many different sources, and leading companies are already joining forces to work on a software product. All this leads to standardization of technology and a huge amount of content for the user.


Yes, we choose a helmet that, first of all, transmits a good quality picture with a wide viewing angle. But how do you imagine deep immersion in virtual reality without perfect sound? Imagine stunning, cinematic 3D images and terrifying 2D sound. No, this is not virtual reality.

Manufacturers who pay special attention to sound definitely benefit. Some models have upgraded headphones, while others have innovative technological solutions. In any case, when choosing a virtual reality helmet, this parameter should not be in last place.

Picture and viewing angle

In the past, there were slot machines in shopping centers, and many people played shooting games in “virtual reality” helmets. And we remember that the image was terrible, the screen was small, the sound was artificial - there was practically no immersion there. Except that nothing interfered with peripheral vision due to the black field around the perimeter of the screen.

Modern virtual reality helmets have come a long way. Let's start with the fact that the horizontal viewing angle of the human eye is approximately 160 degrees. So, the top models of VR helmets give an indicator of 110 degrees! Quite good, considering that the entire main field of vision of the eye is involved. However, there are models with a viewing angle of 45 degrees. So pay attention to this indicator.

Most manufacturers offer helmets with full Full-HD quality and good resolution. The higher these parameters, the better.

Also, the image quality is affected by various additional features: screen refresh rate, response speed, main display format and additional image smoothing services.

Motion sensors

Where would we be without them? The accelerometer and gyroscope are the basis of any virtual reality. After all, how else will the image adapt to your movements? But top developers have gone even further.

Firstly, the vest is a controller of the operator’s body position, which reads the movements of not only the head, but also the body.

Secondly, there is a front camera that monitors the operator’s movement in real space. Thanks to it, you don’t have to be afraid of crashing into a wall – and this gives you a lot of freedom to play.

Thirdly, hand controllers with which you can interact with the virtual world. Playing with controllers will definitely be cooler than a joystick.

Fourthly, base stations, which are installed indoors and thanks to which the movement of the operator’s body in space is tracked much more accurately.

The complete set is really cool. The only thing that's cooler is its price.


And their length. Ideally, of course, without them, but not all models provide this opportunity. But the presence of wires is an automatic restriction in movements. And some manufacturers have a wire length of less than three meters. This means that you not only have to place the computer or console on the table, but also be afraid of touching this very wire. Not much fun, right?

Helmet weight

This is an important parameter: carry a kilogram gadget on your head for an hour or two - you will immediately understand everything. And this is not just a whim: such a helmet will put a noticeable load on the neck and spine, which is harmful to health. Therefore, we choose the lightest device, especially if we are buying it for a child.


Yes, this should be included in a separate parameter. During tests of VR headsets, many complain about the effect of “sea sickness”: nausea and dizziness. This is especially felt in shooters. But this effect does not happen to everyone, and for many it goes away after the second use of the device. Therefore, it would be a good idea to first test different helmets (today this is easy to do in special gaming centers), and then choose the optimal one specifically for your vestibular system. This is especially important when buying a helmet for a child.


So, you've read about the amazing capabilities of VR headsets, been inspired by the prospect of playing your favorite games in virtual reality (hardly yet, but in 5 years - most likely) or watching a movie while deeply immersed (by the way, among the latest experimental developments is the introduction of smells !), started thinking about buying. But wait, first – the final and for many a very important parameter – price.

If you ask about budget models, then we have to disappoint you: currently there are no budget models on the market. Therefore, you should decide for yourself: do you want to just watch movies and shoot monsters once a month in a helmet that costs the same as a top-end smartphone? Or are you willing to pay at least another $300 extra for improved head tracking, body controller, and joysticks?

Criterias of choice

So, there are a lot of options for choosing a virtual reality helmet. And you can choose the ideal device for you only by going through all the characteristics. After all, even with the most realistic picture, “seasickness” can occur. And amazing sound can be combined with terrible synchronization with your movements. So choosing the perfect VR headset is not so easy. But still, we will try to identify several groups of helmets based on the needs of users.

If you have a smartphone or game console, whose developers offer a special VR helmet, think carefully. On the one hand, you will be limited in content. But on the other hand, the manufacturer will most likely create unique content specifically for its helmet. In ordinary computer games, for example, this practice has long been successfully used. And another bonus will be the price/quality ratio: at a lower cost, the helmet will show no worse results than its universal competitors.

If you want to enjoy all the achievements of virtual reality with top universal helmet, then feel free to choose among the coolest models. It will be possible to purchase additional equipment such as joysticks and a vest.

If you want a good helmet to... watch movies and play games with friends on weekends, take a gadget from the middle price category. The choice is great, carefully study the characteristics that we described above.

If you are a beginner If you are a “traveler” of virtual reality and are unsure whether to buy a VR helmet, we advise you to first try a special helmet-mount for a smartphone. What if you don't like it?

Choosing virtual reality glasses is not easy. This market is young, but already segmented enough that the buyer can easily become confused about brands, models and characteristics. We will help you understand all this and decide how much and what to pay for.

To better guide you, we will divide all VR devices into three price categories: budget, mid-range and premium.

1. Budget devices: $15–$50

What are they?

The simplest VR helmets are pieces of cardboard with a pair of lenses and a connector for a smartphone. All you have to do is insert an Android or iOS device into it and you’ll get a ready-made headset. Google first showed this design, calling it Cardboard. The company also released an application of the same name for working with the helmet.

According to the developers, these helmets are affordable enough to introduce everyone to virtual reality. Subsequently, models made of plastic and other materials from many manufacturers appeared, compatible with the Cardboard platform.

The Google website sells glasses created by the company's partners. There are also instructions according to which Cardboard can be assembled independently from scrap materials. You can also easily buy a cheap helmet compatible with Cardboard, for example, in one of the Chinese hardware stores.


What makes them stand out?

The main use of this type of headset is watching 360-degree videos and simple games. Cardboard (Android, iOS), WITHIN (Android, iOS), YouTube (Android, iOS) - this is not a complete list of programs for downloading and viewing 3D videos. And it is constantly growing.

You shouldn’t expect a complete immersion effect from cardboard virtual reality glasses, and due to the impossibility of active movement with such a unit on your head, you may need a swivel chair.

On the other hand, cardboard (aluminum, plastic) VR headsets of this class are the most compact and often have a folding design. Albeit at the expense of less isolation from the outside world.

Cardboard helmets from Google partners. Source:

According to the Google standard, any craft needs to have at least one control. It doesn’t have to be a button or trackball, just a couple of magnets are enough. This control is only suitable for selecting menu options or performing other simple actions. Fortunately, many control applications use only an accelerometer.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a budget headset, make sure that it is compatible in size with the screen diagonal of your smartphone. In addition, some helmets are designed only for specific smartphone models. Check this information on the websites of stores or glasses manufacturers.

For a smartphone to become a VR display, it must support virtual reality applications. You can check this by installing the Cardboard program on it. The quality and smoothness of the video will depend on the display resolution and the power of your smartphone.

The more durable and high-quality the shell material, the more expensive the helmet will cost. Perhaps this is the main parameter on which the price of budget headsets depends.

2. Mid-price devices: $50–200

What are they?

Such headsets also most often use a smartphone as a screen, but they try to attract a different category of buyers. Unlike the simple and rather clunky Cardboard, mid-priced glasses are equipped with additional sensors, more complex control mechanisms, the ability to adjust focus, or even their own screens.

Samsung Gear VR

The most famous among such devices are Samsung Gear VR and Google Daydream View, designed for Android smartphones. Alternatives from lesser-known developers like Homido VR, Merge VR, Carl Zeiss VR One Plus are compatible with both Android and iPhone. Recently, a mid-range device was listed as the first stand-alone virtual reality headset Oculus GO, which works without any smartphones or other additional devices.

What makes them stand out?

Thanks to additional sensors, devices from this segment more accurately track head movements in space. This allows for smoother videos and greater interactivity in games. The illusion becomes more convincing. But you still shouldn’t expect the accuracy of premium models equipped with external sensors from such headsets.

Gadgets in this segment are usually sold together with a Bluetooth gamepad or remote control. This provides new control options that are especially useful for gamers. In addition, there are buttons or touch panels on the body of such glasses, with which you can control the basic functions of games and programs without additional devices.

Google Daydream View

Manufacturers of mid-priced glasses pay increased attention to content. Gear VR, Daydream and Oculus GO are entire ecosystems with various games, programs and films. Developers of other glasses are also trying to expand their range to please users.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a mid-priced VR helmet, make sure that it is equipped with additional sensors: an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a proximity sensor. Check to see if a gamepad or remote is included. Also, go to the manufacturer's website and see how many VR applications the glasses support. If you don’t need any of this, then you shouldn’t overpay - you can take a simple Cardboard.

If you are looking for a device with a built-in display, consider its resolution: the higher the better. If you choose glasses for your smartphone or computer, check compatibility with the smartphone model or computer specifications on the website of the store/glasses manufacturer.

If your device is too weak or old and does not support VR headsets, consider buying standalone Oculus GO glasses. They have a built-in 5.5-inch display with a resolution of 2,560 × 1,440 pixels and a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor with 3 GB of RAM.

Oculus GO

You will still need a smartphone (Android or iPhone) to set up Oculus GO and install new programs on them. But you can use these applications on glasses without the help of a computer or smartphone. The helmet runs Android 7.1. The version with 32 GB of internal memory costs $199, with 64 GB – $249.

If you are nearsighted or farsighted, it is better to choose a device with a focal length adjuster.

3. Major league devices: from $300

What are they?

The premium segment of the VR market is represented by headsets Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Sony PlayStation VR. Unlike previous ones, these devices are connected not to phones, but to computers and game consoles. These helmets have a sophisticated ergonomic design and are equipped with high-quality screens, audio systems and numerous sensors.

PlayStation VR

The Sony PlayStation VR costs $300. To use this headset, you must have a Sony PlayStation 4 console, or better yet, a Sony PlayStation 4 Pro, which unlocks the full graphical potential of these VR glasses.

Oculus Rift and HTC Vive cost $400 and $500, respectively. Each of them requires a powerful computer with Windows on board. In 2018, the Vive PRO was released - a new version of the helmet with improved ergonomics, optics and sound, priced at $800.

What makes them stand out?

Headsets in this class demonstrate an excellent level of graphics and surround sound. Their design features cause minimal discomfort. And thanks to external cameras and sensors, they accurately track the user’s movement in space. Together, these factors ensure maximum user immersion in games and other interactive simulations.

Oculus Rift

What to pay attention to

Buying premium VR glasses is only appropriate if you have a gaming console or a powerful PC. In the case of PlayStation VR, which is designed specifically for the Sony console, everything is clear. But if you want a Rift or Vive, be sure to read the computer system requirements on the Oculus or HTC website.

It will be useful to know the range of games available for each helmet. The PS VR catalog is being updated on the PlayStation website. Similar listings for the Rift or Vive can be found on Steam. The more games you are interested in that a particular helmet supports, the more compelling the reason to choose it.

When choosing a headset, do not forget to pay attention to its delivery package. Some accessories are sold with glasses, others must be purchased separately. For example, the basic HTC Vive is sold along with sensors and controllers, and the PRO version is sold without any additional devices at all.

If you are interested in outdoor games, make sure you have enough free space in your home. Otherwise, advanced tracking systems, which make up a significant portion of the cost of glasses, will be useless. This is especially true for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive helmets, which can track player movements within 6 and 20 square meters, respectively.

Buyer's checklist

  • If you want to buy an inexpensive helmet for movies and simple games, choose any Cardboard model whose design you like.
  • If you can spend a little more for glasses that are more durable and comfortable, look to Google Daydream and Samsung Gear VR. But make sure that the headset you choose is compatible with your smartphone model or PC specifications. If you're unlucky with compatibility, you can buy a standalone Oculus GO headset.
  • If you want complete immersion in cool games and money is not a problem for you, buy PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. The first option is the best choice for owners of PS 4. The second and third are for owners of large apartments and powerful Windows-based PCs.

The world of virtual reality opened its doors to players with the advent of powerful gaming systems and virtual ones that allow them to be completely immersed in the gameplay. The range has also expanded - there are both simple glasses for smartphones and top versions for the most powerful gaming systems on sale. They can also be successfully used for watching movies.

Conventionally, all glasses can be classified into 3 types:

  • For smartphones. These are simple and unpretentious models, the initial segment of which is even created from cardboard.
  • For PC. The most expensive segment for full use of all the capabilities of gaming computers.
  • For consoles. Special glasses with optimized software and parameters for playing via television set-top boxes.

We have selected for you the TOP 15 best virtual reality glasses for smartphones, computers and tablets.

The best inexpensive virtual reality glasses (helmets) for smartphones

Let's start with something simple - models that play the role of a display. The image in them is divided into 2 separate pictures for each eye. Since the screen is in close proximity to the eyes, the entire image passes through the optical lens to improve picture clarity.

4 Ritmix RVR-002

Budget solution
Country: China
Average price: 510 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

If you don’t have money for cool glasses, then you can try to buy this model. The large weight is compensated by good assembly and the ability to adjust the interpupillary distance. There are inserts on the front that imitate leather; nothing presses or rubs.

Focus settings can be “touched” using the circular toggle switches on the top of the body. In the center there is a gear for adjusting the lenses themselves. To install the smartphone you will have to work hard, as you need to pull the latches and try not to break them.

3 Xiaomi Mi VR Play

Lightest helmet
Country: China
Average price: 1390 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Xiaomi once again relied on minimalism, releasing a simple and relatively cheap model. The weight is 250 grams and this is one of the best indicators among competitors. With additional functionality and adjustments, everything is scarce here. VR Glasses are designed to work with phones from 4.7 to 5.7 inches.
Among the features of the model, one can highlight the emphasis on fabric elements rather than plastic. There are no flimsy locks or latches here, but there is a high-quality zip-lock. There are cutouts on the front panel for adjusting the smartphone without removing the helmet from the head, onto which it is attached using a belt. To maintain optimal functionality, it is recommended to use the official Mi VR App.


Optimal characteristics
Country: China
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the latest innovations in the field of virtual reality, this model uses a 33.5 mm lens with adjustable focal length. All elements are tightly fitted to each other, but nothing is loose, even moving elements. The position on the face is adjusted using a belt.

Among the advantages, we note the ability to connect a smartphone with any screen diagonal. There is also a headphone output with charging. With a complete set, you can immerse yourself in the gameplay, this is especially true in horror games. The optimization in terms of software is not bad; the glasses work with both the already familiar iOS/Android and Windows Phone. The disadvantages include unpleasant squeaks when setting up and half a kilogram of weight with a smartphone.

1 VR Box VR 2.0

Best price. Most popular model
Country: China
Average price: 769 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

It's not always advisable to spend a lot of money on entertainment, and when it comes to virtual reality glasses, VR Box VR 2.0 comes out ahead. The main material is matte plastic, but its rigidity is compensated by soft fabric. The face does not sweat or itch even during long gaming sessions. Before use, it must be fixed on the cradle and then placed in the slot.

We also note the remote control connected via Bluetooth, the successful connection of which shows a cursor on the screen. The adjustment straps are the main adjuster for head size, that is, the model is suitable for both adults and children. The only negative is rather weak optimization when working in operating systems.

The best virtual reality glasses (helmets) for smartphones: price - quality

In times of crisis, the issue of saving is acute, so in this part of the review we will talk about the best glasses for smartphones in terms of price and quality without unnecessary overpayment.


Minimum equipment, maximum immersion
Country: China
Average price: 1940 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

There are 2 versions of the device on the market – Standard and Mini. Their differences lie in the packaging, which is why the Mini version does not have headphones and comes in a simple cardboard box with a case and instructions for use. The tray opens by pressing the top button, and inside there is a 3.5 mm jack for connecting to the headphone port of the phone.

If desired, they can also be used with a PC; you just need to get an extension cord that will connect the computer and your glasses. There are slides inside for centering the phone. Headphones and cables are not detachable. The viewing angle is a fair 120 degrees. During a long session, the face may become foggy due to the leatherette.

2 Fibrum Pro

The lightest glasses
Country: China
Average price: 4990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the lightest glasses on the market, weighing only 120 grams. On average, they outweigh competitors by more than 2 times. The viewing angles in virtual space are also good – 110 degrees, versus Samsung’s standard 100. We also like its compactness, because in terms of width it is 25% smaller than the same Gear VR.

Despite production in China, development was carried out by Russia. This provides a higher level of comfort, since the model was created for our market. At the same time, upon purchase, the buyer will receive a flimsy design, the latches are especially alarming. There are no ports for connecting peripherals.

1 Samsung Gear VR (SM-R323)

Best functionality. Touch control panel
A country: South Korea (produced in Vietnam)
Average price: 5990 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Samsung Gear VR is a standard of quality, although the price is steep by today's standards. However, it is difficult to find a more worthy model, since the glasses are packed with the most advanced technologies. You can control navigation via the built-in touchpad, and the phone itself can be used using the keys on the glasses. We are also pleased with the optimization for people with disabilities; for example, it is perfect for people with poor eyesight.

Adjusting the diopters in the form of manually adjusting the distance of the lenses has a beneficial effect on customizing the device for yourself. A USB port is needed to connect a charger for long-term use. The soft seal improves the comfort of use by reducing pressure on the head, and the soft fabric strap will fit the helmet perfectly on your head. A primitive ventilation system will additionally save you from fogging, but the benefit of the gadget is zero if you do not have Samsung S7/Edge7/Note 5+/S6/S6+/Edge6/6+ smartphones.

The best virtual reality glasses (helmets) for PC

This group contains expensive and professional helmets. They have built-in displays, microphones and are well equipped. Connect to your PC via HDMI and allow you to look at games in a different way.

5 HTC Vive Pro 2.0

Helmet between generations
Country: China
Average price: 113,450 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A new round of virtual reality technology is marked by the release of Vive Pro 2.0. In essence, this is a pumped-up version of the first iteration with significant improvements in three main areas. The improved display consists of 2 OLED panels with a total resolution of 2880x1600, which is 80% more than its predecessor. The developers have focused on maximum clarity, so you can easily see small text or distant objects.

An innovation was the introduction of 2 cameras mounted in the front of the body, which creates the impression of robotic eyes. They are mainly needed to expand the capabilities of content developers, but can also be used by ordinary buyers. There are also 2 microphones here and both of them have a noise reduction function. Headphones are also included and optionally connect to the helmet. The issue price is about 113 thousand rubles, which justifies the new technologies, but sharply reduces the range of buyers and our rating.

4 Acer Mixed Reality Headset

Lightest helmet
Country: China
Average price: 28,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Affordable virtual reality glasses for computer. The quality is inferior to flagships in terms of graphics. But they do not require high performance from the computer. The screens are not bad - 1440x1440 for each eye. And they update at a comfortable frequency of 90 Hz. Glasses cannot be called 100% “virtual-real”. They work using mixed reality technology - that is, they combine the world of the present and the world of the game. However, this does not negate their VR capabilities - all games developed for virtual reality will work as they should.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Front cameras on glasses. Now the helmet itself tracks the user’s position and movements. There is no need to install additional sensors and controllers.
  • Wide field of view 105 degrees. A fairly good option for games. The picture does not “smear” in the corners and creates a pleasant impression. But not ideal.
  • Lightweight for a computer helmet. Weighs only 440 grams, which makes it almost invisible on the head. Convenient fastening allows you to properly distribute the weight, so playing in such glasses is quite comfortable.
  • Among the shortcomings - not the best graphics despite seemingly good resolution and characteristics. It could have been better. But the glasses work even on average computers and laptops, which is a plus.

3 HP Windows Mixed Reality Headset

Pleasant level of comfort
Country: China
Average price: 28,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A comfortable virtual reality helmet for those who like to immerse themselves in the game and forget about everything. The convenient shape increases the comfort of the game and the front part can be folded back at any time to take a break. The principle of creating mixed reality is formed using a total resolution of 2880x2880 and a viewing angle of 95 degrees. The refresh rate of 90 Hz makes the picture smooth without jerking.

The soft headband fits snugly around your head without squeezing it. Excess weight of the gadget does not cause fatigue. It also doesn’t require any settings; just connect the device to your PC and all the software will be installed automatically. The gamepad is not included, you will have to buy it separately.

2 HTC Vive

High tech
Country: China
Average price: 49,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vive is a joint product between mobile device manufacturer HTC and gaming giant Valve. Such cooperation made it possible to create a technically advanced device on the VR technology market. In some cases, the technical capabilities of the Vive either match or surpass its main competitor Oculus Rift. But the price of this helmet is on average 20% higher than that of Oculus.

Features of the device and main differences from CV1:

  • The frame refresh rate is the highest among helmets. If the Oculus display runs at 75 Hz, here it is 90 Hz. This is the main metric that plays a decisive role in the Vive's favor. The high frame rate allows you to use the helmet as a full-fledged gaming device. While Oculus uses a display with a medium flicker rate.
  • The device tracks not only the movement of the user's head, but also his movement in space. Thanks to this, you can achieve complete immersion.
  • HTC did not follow the Oculus trend and did not equip the glasses with built-in headphones. However, external headphones are included as standard.
  • The gamepad is not supplied in the box with the device. For a branded Steam Gamepad you will have to pay an additional $50.

1 Oculus Rift CV1

Best price and optimization
Country: China
Average price: 36,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Oculus Rift was one of the first models to provide players with access to the world of virtual reality and maintains a brand of quality and optimization to this day. Weak sales, dictated by the high price tag, were increased due to a more loyal pricing policy, which made these glasses one of the most affordable for the buyer. Dual 1080 x 1200 screens with a 75Hz refresh rate provide the most performance and immersion for the price.

You shouldn’t ignore the equipment either. The kit includes a gaming joystick, and the helmet itself has built-in headphones. The manufacturer did not skimp on the screen with an OLED matrix. Additionally, you can purchase sensors and manipulators to create a playroom and spatial orientation.

The best virtual reality glasses (helmets) for consoles

The fourth group is virtual reality glasses created specifically for consoles. They are slightly behind PCs and are tuned and optimized specifically to work with not very powerful hardware.

3 Royole Moon

Built-in memory
Country: China
Average price: 65,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Royole company asks fabulous money for its glasses. The most interesting thing is that there is 2 GB of RAM, 32 GB of internal memory and its own screen from which you can record videos directly into memory. There is a wide range of interpupillary distance adjustment from 58 to 70 degrees.

With a relatively low refresh rate of 60 Hz, there is a fairly high resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for each eye. You can also connect a charger, fortunately there is a special connector for this. The model was created for consoles, but can be used for PCs and phones.

2 Sony PlayStation VR

The best glasses for PlayStation. Affordable price
Country: China
Average price: 18890 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A unique product from Sony, created specifically for fans of the branded console. PS VR is accessible, comfortable and productive. Screen resolution of 960x1080 provides optimal graphics quality. A wide viewing angle (100 degrees) will allow you to immerse yourself in a new reality. The glasses can work with both the PS Move controller and a regular gamepad. Which one is more convenient?

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • High-quality interaction with games. Since these glasses were created specifically for the PlayStation, the developers of virtual reality games took into account all the features of this console. There will be no problems identifying the player's actions.
  • Excellent ergonomics - the glasses do not put pressure on the face and do not leave marks. The weight of the device is correctly distributed over the hoop that clasps the player’s head. You don't even have to take off your glasses. At the same time, no light gets inside the structure - soft blinders cover all the cracks.
  • High frame refresh rate – 120 Hz. This minimizes the negative effects of virtual reality - motion sickness, rapid onset of fatigue and nausea. Of course, the effect is far from ideal, but you can play your favorite games for a long time.
  • The disadvantage is that the graphics resolution is not the highest. When playing, sometimes there may be noticeable “soap” around the edges of the image.

1 Avegant Glyph

Breakthrough in technology. Universal option for any device
Country: USA
Average price: 35,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

AvegantGlyph is a real breakthrough in the field of virtual reality glasses. There is no longer a need for the body to fit tightly to the face. This model transmits the image directly to the user's retina and is ideal for playing on consoles. The model connects to smartphones running iOS/Android and Windows, making it a universal device. The viewing angle is modest and is only 45 degrees with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels. Initially modest characteristics are compensated by a high frame refresh rate of 120 Hz.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Built-in diopter adjustment. It is possible to adjust the glasses to each user's vision. Range – from +1 to -7 diopters. As a last resort, ordinary glasses can be placed under the case, although this is not so convenient.
  • Wireless game. The powerful battery guarantees more than 3 hours of operation in video mode. Virtual reality glasses do not limit the player's movement.
  • The disadvantage is the method of attachment. The glasses weigh 420 grams and are mounted on the head, resting on the ears and nose. This may cause discomfort. Although over time the head gets used to it.

We will help you buy a virtual reality helmet in Moscow and set up its operation. We'll tell you which model is best to choose for your project and what related equipment you'll need.

The gaming helmet is equipped with a pair of displays located opposite the eyes. Behind them is a screen divided into two equal parts. Each eye sees only half of the image: due to this, the effect of immersion in virtual reality is achieved. Numerous sensors record information about changes in the user’s position in space. The data is processed by computer. This allows you to look around the virtual world and travel around it.

A simplified model is virtual reality glasses. They work on the same principle, but they have less power and lower image resolution. Suitable if you plan to watch movies or play simple games.

HTC Vive PRO: review of the advanced model

HTC Vive PRO is an updated version that opens a fresh page in the development of virtual reality. By using the company's internal technology, the VR headset smooths out pixels and makes graphics more realistic. Two cameras create a 3D image effect and more accurately track the player's location. The tracking system supports up to four stations, and the tracking area is 100 square meters. meters (10x10).

A distinctive feature is built-in headphones that support 3D sound. The company used a wireless adapter for the first time. This made it possible to replace many cables with one wire. As a result, the immersion in virtual reality has become more complete.

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