Unlimited mobile internet on MTS. How to change to an unlimited tariff

Modern people have an urgent need for high-speed mobile Internet. Depending on their own needs, everyone determines the optimal amount of traffic for themselves. For some, a few gigabytes are enough for a month, while others cannot imagine their life without unlimited Internet. Each operator tries to please its customers, so subscribers are offered a fairly large selection of tariffs and options with different volumes of traffic. Of course, there are offers with unlimited Internet. All Russian operators have similar offers, including MTS. When talking about MTS unlimited Internet, most subscribers mean that there are no restrictions on speed and traffic, but the operator has his own opinion on this matter. Let's look at all the tariffs and options that MTS calls unlimited, and then find out which of them actually include an unlimited traffic quota.
MTS unlimited internet is available in the following offers:

  • Tariff “Smart unlimited”;
  • Option “Internet 4 Mbit/s”;
  • Option “Internet-VIP” (night unlimited only);
  • Tariff “Smart Nonstop” (night unlimited only);
  • “Transformishe” tariff (exclusive tariff, available only in the MTS online store when purchasing a new SIM).

At the moment, MTS has only three offers with 24-hour unlimited internet and two with night internet (from 01:00 to 07:00). It would seem that there is a choice and everything is wonderful, but there are some pitfalls here. You do get an unlimited traffic quota, but there are other restrictions. As part of this review, we will take a detailed look at all offers with unlimited Internet. We will tell you how to connect MTS unlimited internet so that you no longer have to think about the number of megabytes spent. As for the options that MTS calls unlimited, but in fact, after using up the traffic package, the Internet speed drops (for example, some smart line tariffs and options for the MTS Connect-4 tariff), we will not consider them, since the unlimited They have nothing to do with the Internet.

24/7 unlimited internet MTS

As you already understand, MTS has offers with round-the-clock and night unlimited. Of course, for most subscribers, unlimited mobile Internet is preferable, not tied to time, that is, with the ability not to control the amount of gigabytes spent both day and night. Therefore, we will start with the “Smart Unlimited”, “Transformische” tariffs and the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option. All of them provide Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, but they are also characterized by individual characteristics. On our website you can find a detailed overview of all these offers, and here we will consider their main conditions.

Tariff “Smart Unlimited”

MTS has secured a significant increase in its customer base thanks to the “Smart Unlimited” tariff. Initially, this tariff plan was very good and many were even ready to switch to MTS from another operator solely for the sake of this offer. First of all, the tariff is interesting for its unlimited Internet. In principle, other operators also have similar offers, but MTS was superior to them in certain parameters, for example, it was possible to distribute the Internet for free via Wi-Fi. Why do we speak in the past tense? Yes, because since the introduction of the tariff, its conditions have changed a lot.

The “Smart Unlimited” tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee—RUB 12.90. per day during the first month and 19 rubles thereafter;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS Russia numbers;
  • Unlimited mobile internet;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of other operators;
  • 200 SMS.
  • Attention
  • The data provided is relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. Depending on the region, the size of the subscription fee may vary.

Some will say that the tariff is characterized by a too small package of minutes and unnecessary SMS. This is true, but do not forget that, first of all, we are talking about MTS unlimited Internet, and here, in addition to this, they also provide unlimited calls within the network, as well as a package of minutes to other networks. There would be no complaints about the tariff if it did not have pitfalls. Unfortunately, unlimited Internet on the “Smart Unlimited” tariff provides for unpleasant restrictions. Let's look at the most important ones.

Internet restrictions on the “Smart Unlimited” tariff:

  1. The use of file-sharing networks is limited. When trying to download a file via torrent, you will encounter a significant speed limit;
  2. When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are deducted (based on the fact of using the service);
  3. The operator reserves the right to limit the Internet speed at any time, citing a significant load on the network (this condition is in the contract);
  4. As part of the “Unified Internet” service, you can provide group members with only 10 GB, instead of 50 GB.

As you can see, MTS unlimited internet at this tariff is not ideal, and it is hardly possible to find an ideal offer now. However, if you need unlimited mobile Internet for your phone, then this is a good choice. You can easily spend hundreds of gigabytes if necessary. We tested the tariff plan and in a month we were able to spend more than 200 gigabytes without any problems with speed. If the offer has aroused interest, we recommend reading the detailed one. Don’t want to read a separate article and are ready to switch to this tariff plan right now? To activate the “Smart Unlimited” tariff, dial the command * 111 * 3888 # on your phone .

Tariff "Transformishte"

Quite recently, a new “Transformishte” tariff became available to MTS subscribers. For unknown reasons, the operator did not provide the opportunity to connect the tariff. That is, to start using this tariff you will have to purchase a new SIM card from the MTS online store. It is currently impossible to connect a tariff to your current number, you can only purchase a starter kit.

The conditions of the “Transformishte” tariff strongly resemble the previously discussed “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan. The main difference is that the subscriber can choose the optimal number of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators (400, 600 or 1500 minutes). Of course, depending on the selected package of minutes, the subscription fee will differ (650, 800 and 1200 rubles). As for the Internet, the same restrictions apply.

Internet restrictions on the “Transformishte” tariff:

  • The tariff is intended for telephones only. Cannot be used in a modem/router;
  • The use of file-sharing networks is limited;
  • When distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi or USB, 30 rubles per day are debited.

If this offer interests you, we recommend that you study the terms of the “Transformishte” tariff in more detail before purchasing the starter kit. You can find an overview of the tariff plan in the “” section or on the operator’s website.

Option “Internet 4 Mbit/s”

In addition to tariff plans with unlimited Internet, which also include minutes and SMS, there is a separate option for the Internet. The “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option allows you not to overpay for unnecessary things; you only pay for MTS unlimited Internet. In addition, unlike the tariffs discussed above, This option can be used in a modem or router. One could call this option the best solution for those who need unlimited Internet, if not for one feature. As many have already guessed from the name of the option, the maximum you can count on is an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/s. This is the main drawback of the option.

Many people do not understand what an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/s is. In principle, this is a completely normal speed, which will be enough to listen to music online and watch videos in standard quality. You should pay attention to the fact that, as part of the MTS option, it promises speeds of up to 4 Mbit/s, while the actual speed may sometimes be less than the maximum.

If you do not need high-speed Internet and are willing to pay 750 rubles monthly, then you can seriously consider connecting to the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option. By the way, if you plan to use torrent clients, there is unpleasant news for you - when using this option, the provision of file-sharing network services is limited to a speed of 512 Kbps. As for connecting the option, there are also some nuances here. The “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is connected automatically when purchasing the “MTS Connect” tariff, as well as two weeks after activating the kit with a 4G modem or 4G router. You can find out more about the conditions of the option in a separate review on our website.

Night unlimited Internet from MTS

Unfortunately, gone are the days when operators provided the opportunity to use unlimited mobile Internet without any restrictions. All modern tariffs with unlimited Internet from MTS have a lot of restrictions. Subscribers have no choice but to choose from what is available on the mobile communications market. Perhaps you do not need 24/7 MTS unlimited internet, then it makes sense to consider the offers below. The “Internet-VIP” option and the “Smart Nonstop” tariff may be of interest to subscribers who actively use the Internet at night, and during the day a limited package is enough for them.

Despite the fact that we have put the “Internet-VIP” option and the “Smart Nonstop” tariff on the same page, these are completely different products. As for the “Smart Nonstop” tariff plan, conditions are almost similar to the Smart Unlimited tariff. The only difference is in the size of the subscription fee, the volume of packages and the absence of 24-hour unlimited for the first one. As for the “Internet-VIP” option, this is the best option for a modem and router. Let's consider both proposals separately.

Tariff "Smart Nonstop"

The “Smart Nonstop” tariff plan is very popular among MTS subscribers. It is hardly worth considering this tariff solely for the sake of the Internet. If you need a tariff plan that includes not only a large Internet package + night unlimited, but also equally large packages of minutes and SMS, then this is a good option.

The “Smart Nonstop” tariff includes:

  • Subscription fee - 500 rubles per day;
  • 10 GB of internet during the day + unlimited at night (from 1:00 to 7:00);
  • Unlimited calls within the network;
  • 400 minutes to all networks;
  • 400 SMS.

The tariff is quite good if you use it as the main one. It makes no sense to pay 500 rubles just for the Internet and not use minutes, because there are better offers. In addition, MTS unlimited Internet on this tariff also has pitfalls. As with all tariffs in the smart line, there are restrictions on using a SIM in a modem, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi and downloading torrents.

Internet VIP option

If we take into account the offers with unlimited Internet from MTS for a modem/router, then the “Internet-VIP” option is the most voluminous. That is, today MTS subscribers do not have the opportunity to officially activate a tariff or an option designed for a modem, which will include more Internet. We do not take into account the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option due to its features and connection complexity.

The MTS Internet-VIP option includes:

  • Monthly fee - 1200 rubles;
  • 30 GB per month during the day;
  • Unlimited internet at night (from 01:00 am to 07:00 am).

To connect the “Internet-VIP” option, dial the command *111*166*1# on your phone or in the modem control program. You can also connect the option through your MTS personal account. The optimal tariff for the option is “Connect-4”, although the option is compatible with other tariffs. However, when using a tariff plan other than Connect-4, the subscription fee will be 100 rubles more.

Mobile Internet today is no less in demand among subscribers than a package of minutes for calls or SMS messages. The vast majority of people use smartphones, which gain enormous capabilities if you connect to unlimited Internet.

On MTS.ru, like on the website of any other operator, there are descriptions and characteristics of all tariff plans, including those related to unlimited Internet. We will talk about them in this article.


Let's start by noting one condition, namely speed. The fact is that many tariff plans provide unlimited Internet. MTS does not provide information at all about any penalties in case of going beyond the limits of the provided traffic - on the company’s official website it says so: for exceeding the limits, the user pays 0 rubles. They just don’t clarify here that we are talking about different connection speeds. If, within the framework of a dedicated package, data transfer reaches the speed of a 4G connection (on which you can download a movie in 5 minutes); then if the limits are exceeded, the speed drops to 64 kbit/sec. This is the difference that will be felt quite well in practice.

As for the formal side of the issue, it turns out that, except for unlimited Internet, you cannot order anything else on MTS. You just need to clarify the speed at which information will be transmitted.

Day or night?

Another important note regarding the question of how to connect unlimited Internet to MTS is the time of day. The fact is that some tariff plans have more favorable conditions for subscribers who are interested in the Internet at night. For example, the Smart Nonstop tariff, which costs 650 rubles per month, offers the subscriber unlimited connection at night, while during the day another amount of data is activated, limited to 10 GB per month.

Another set of tariff plans is “Internet”, which can be connected as part of the “Unified Internet” service. Here, with the Maxi option, the user is given 12 GB day and night (which are counted separately); and the Internet VIP package includes unlimited MTS Internet at night (on a phone, tablet or computer - it doesn’t matter); whereas during the daytime, again, traffic is calculated according to a 30-gigabyte tariff (per month). The cost of service for this package is 1200 rubles.

Conditional unlimited

To look for a suitable tariff plan, you need to understand how the network for the MTS operator as a whole is structured. There are two categories of packages - designed for smartphones (which also include minutes for calls and message packages for communication); as well as those that are suitable for tablets with personal computers. The second category includes tariffs consisting purely of Internet traffic.

MTS makes it easy to find conditionally unlimited Internet for a month. Among the smartphone plans, this is the already mentioned Smart Nonstop. A reserve of 10 GB for a month during the day is enough for comfortable communication on social networks, online games, and browsing websites. If a person needs to download a video or movie, he would be able to download at night (from 1 am to 7 am).

Another option is Internet VIP, which provides 30 GB during the day and unlimited Internet at night. On MTS, it is impossible to disable this transition (day/night), since the operator’s policy takes into account that at night the load on the network is less, and providing the opportunity to use unlimited traffic is acceptable. And, on the contrary, during the day, when the network is much more loaded, a limited package is provided. Although let's be honest, it is problematic for a mobile phone to use 10 GB of traffic per month, if you do not download bulky files, not to mention 30 GB. Therefore, this can be called a conditionally unlimited package.

Full unlimited

According to the operator’s conditions, connecting to unlimited Internet on MTS is possible at night. You can order it either through one of the packages that we described above, or through the “Turbo button” function.

It represents the removal of the speed limit for a certain time. For example, getting unlimited at night using this scheme will cost 200 rubles per month. However, a prerequisite for ordering a “button” is to connect to one of the tariffs: “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi”, “Internet-Super” or “Internet-VIP”. Therefore, to the price of 200 rubles. you should also add the price of this package (from 350 rubles and above).

But for a total payment of 550 rubles from MTS you can get an unlimited amount of traffic at night and 3 GB per month for use during the day.

Internet for a day

Especially for those users who do not use mobile Internet services regularly, the operator can offer one-time packages for one day. The cost of one is 50 rubles, within its limits the subscriber receives 500 megabytes of traffic.

Again, if you are interested in MTS unlimited internet for a day, the maximum they can offer you is 2GB for an additional 250 rubles. If we are talking about the permissibility of working at night, then the “Turbo Nights” option allows you to activate the Internet without traffic restrictions in the period from one in the morning to seven in the morning for 200 rubles. Again, a prerequisite is the presence of one of the Internet tariffs connected.

“Unified Internet” service

An interesting service was launched by MTS for those who would like to order mobile Internet “in half” with other subscribers. The operator allows you to share traffic regardless of the distance at which users are located. It is enough to register in the one.mts.ru system, after which you will have access to managing your resources. You can distribute the Internet to no more than 5 people (besides yourself).

The benefit of being able to use such a service is obvious - now you can chip in with friends and order a more expensive tariff, receiving a sufficient amount of traffic for a lower cost. Plus, the distribution procedure itself, as stated on the company’s website, is extremely simple. You can understand what needs to be done for this by simply looking at the special instructions. It is beneficial to use this option by ordering MTS unlimited internet on your phone (at night).


In addition to tariffs that require unlimited Internet access (or almost unlimited), as well as the “Unified Internet” service, which is interesting for subscribers, MTS also has a number of promotions that can please its members. Of course, they are temporary, and it is very difficult to find a stock that will interest you at the moment. At the time of writing, for example, you can see promotions that offer everyone who buys a smartphone or tablet in an MTS store a free Internet package for 12 GB of traffic and a special tariff. Another example of a promotion is the provision of a SIM card as a gift when purchasing a tablet computer.

When you order something from an MTS store, we also advise you to take a closer look at the “Promotions” section. Sometimes you can get a nice bonus without much effort.

Mobile Internet is the main function of any modern communication device. Nowadays it is almost impossible to find a person who has not accessed the World Wide Web at least once a day. The MTS company creates special tariff plans and renewal options for active traffic consumers with large sets of gigabytes, and also provides its consumers with unlimited night unlimited from MTS, which was created for those whose day is just beginning at sunset.

Time for providing night unlimited

To take advantage of unlimited traffic, you first need to know from when and until when this opportunity exists. The validity period is limited to the interval from 00.00 to 07.00 am local time. During this period, consumers have the opportunity to spend traffic on any Internet resource without restrictions, completely free of charge. The consumer can watch movies in high quality, communicate, correspond and download voluminous documents, all this will not affect their financial situation. But the listed conditions are not implemented in all contracts. Below we will look at the most popular of them.

Tariffs with night unlimited

Previously, for such purposes, a specialized service “Unlimited Night Internet” was implemented, which was compatible with almost all tariff plans, but worked only within the registration area. To receive unlimited traffic you had to pay 450 rubles per month. Unfortunately, it has been closed for reconnection since April 2010.

At the moment, there are a significant number of options and contracts that provide complete unlimited trading, but with a number of restrictions.

Maxi tariff

An excellent example is additional traffic packages, which differ only in their volume and cost. “Maxi” is located exactly in the middle and has a number of capabilities:

  1. The consumer has a daily quota of 15 gigabytes, which can be spent on any resources.
  2. The option is compatible with all the provider’s offers, except for the “Smart” line, which already has significant kits.
  3. A single and fixed cost has been established equal to 550 rubles. If the subscriber’s balance is insufficient to cover the payment, 24 rubles will be debited from the personal account daily. The fee is charged at a strictly designated time, every month on the date of activation of the service.
  4. After exceeding the standard package size, the user can request an extension of 1 gigabyte. This can be repeated up to 15 times in one billing period. To connect, you need to pay a commission of 150 rubles.
  5. The consumer receives complete unlimited access for the night period from midnight to seven in the morning. The traffic of all available sites is not charged, but downloading resources from file-sharing networks is provided at a reduced speed.
  6. If you have free gigabytes left at the end of the term, they will automatically expire and will not be transferred.
  7. Valid throughout the country and when traveling around Russia, but when leaving your home region, a commission of 50 rubles is charged every day.
  8. The option provides a 30 percent discount on watching all famous television channels using the MTS TV application.
  9. To install the service, you need to enter the USSD code command *161#.

VIP tariff

This offer has the largest amount of traffic in its line and is perfect for listening to music, watching high-quality videos, chatting and downloading files. The option has a number of features:

  1. Valid on all tariff plans, except for items with the “Smart” prefix.
  2. During the daytime, the consumer receives 30 gigabytes of network traffic for all directions of use. The kit is renewed automatically every month on the day of installation, at 00.00.
  3. If you have exceeded the available quota, then an extension of 3 gigabytes is provided for 350 rubles by default. This procedure is allowed to be performed only 15 times during the estimated period. If necessary, the subscriber can refuse it.
  4. The application has a subscription fee of 600 rubles per month. If there are not enough funds on the balance for full payment, payment is made daily at 26 rubles.
  5. In addition to all of the above, the consumer receives unlimited Internet for the night from midnight to seven o’clock in the morning. Internet is not charged.
  6. Unspent balances are not transferred to subsequent periods.
  7. The function is active throughout the Russian Federation, but when traveling to another region, 50 rubles will be withdrawn from your personal account.
  8. The service gives the user the opportunity to watch MTS TV with a 50 percent discount.
  9. To activate the name, you need to enter the USSD encoding *166# and wait for a confirmation notification.

Tariff “For laptop”

Owners of laptops and laptops can activate this tariff plan, which has the following characteristics:

  1. Complete unlimited use of all network resources throughout the day and night, but at a limited speed of use. It is equal to 4 megabits per second. This is enough to watch videos and listen to music. If you need to download a huge file, for such purposes a temporary increase in the speed threshold has been implemented for three and six hours.
  2. A fixed fee of 160 rubles is assigned for the work of the contract. in Week.
  3. Tariffing for voice calls is per minute and has a set cost throughout the country, to the numbers of any cellular operators. It is 5 rubles per minute of negotiations.
  4. All outgoing SMS messages cost 2.5 rubles in all directions.
  5. To connect, contact the official representative of the provider in your locality or call the service support number 0890.

Compared to others, this name is an ideal solution specifically for the Internet, and not for calls and correspondence. Therefore, the contract has nothing extra.

Turbo button at 3 and 6 o'clock

Turbo button is a standard service for renewing Internet packages. There are a significant number of varieties of different sizes for the user to choose from. But the functions of providing complete unlimited for a certain period of time are also implemented:

  1. 3 hours will cost 95 rubles, monetary units are withdrawn from the balance at the time of activation of the service. During this time, traffic is not taken into account in the total price tag and is free. After the expiration of the term, the terms of the current tariff plan begin to apply. To install, dial USSD encoding *637#.
  2. 6 hours. Longer unlimited use of network resources. A standard subscription fee of 150 rubles is assigned, it is withdrawn from the account at the time of activation. Launch the application - *638#. The function is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Unlimited for social networks

At the moment, there are a huge number of social networks, dating sites and instant messengers. Most consumers of cellular communications and mobile Internet spend a significant part of their time on such pages. Therefore, the provider has prepared special TPs and services for active lovers of messaging and negotiations that allow them to use popular services for free.

Online option

This interesting offer allows subscribers to communicate for free on world-famous Internet resources. The list is quite wide:

Let's consider the conditions for providing and limitations of the option:

  1. Use costs 4 rubles per day. If there is a lack of monetary units, it suspends work. On “Zabugorische” and “Bezlimitishte” it is provided completely free of charge.
  2. Access to external links or third-party sites, downloading and uploading files are not included in the terms of provision and are charged according to the usual calculation grid of the established contract.
  3. To activate the application, enter the encoded USSD command *345#. After this, confirmation will be received in the form of an SMS notification.

Tariff "Hype"

This contract is an ideal solution for active consumers of network resources. The main feature is unlimited use of the most popular services, social networks and instant messengers. The list is huge:

Every modern subscriber uses any of the listed applications, and now you don’t have to pay for it. This proposal has a number of characteristics:

  1. Traffic is not charged for all “hype” services.
  2. The contract is provided on a package basis and includes 7 gigabytes of free Internet, 100 minutes of communication with MTS consumers throughout Russia and clients of other operators within the same region. A package of 200 messages will allow you to establish correspondence. Remaining amounts expire at the end of the billing period.
  3. There is a subscription fee of 370 rubles per month for the name.
  4. After exceeding the established norm for voice communication, the cost of an outgoing call to the numbers of other providers in the registration area is 2 rubles per minute, and across the country it will be 5 rubles per minute. To Mobile TeleSystems for free.
  5. To connect, you can dial the USSD combination in the call menu *111*1010*1# or use your personal account and the “My MTS” mobile application. And also request professional help from specialists in the service salon or by calling the support center 0890.

If you decide to cancel this tariff plan, then you will need to switch to any other offer from the provider, and to do this, use standard installation methods for a specific name. The cost of disconnection will depend on the contract to which the consumer switches.

Tariff “for tablet”

This contract allows the subscriber to independently choose the direction in which the used traffic will not be taken into account in the future. The following categories are available for activation:

  1. Using the YouTube service. Free viewing of video content.
  2. MTS TV. Watch a huge number of TV programs in excellent resolution without restrictions.
  3. Unlimited communication on social networks.
  4. Video calls via popular instant messengers.

The subscriber can select only one subcategory for free. You must pay to activate the rest. To change your direction, reconnect the contract.

The tariff plan is provided with a subscription fee, the cost of which is 350 rubles per month. This payment includes 10 GB of traffic for all other resources. Calls to MTS numbers within the registration area cost 1.5 rubles, long-distance calls cost 3 rubles, and to numbers of other operators – 3 rubles and 12 rubles, respectively. To activate the contract, you should use USSD encoding *111*845# or your personal account. To cancel an option, simply follow the transfer procedure to another offer.

Attention! Features of provision and functions correspond only to the Vladimir region. Find out the possibilities and restrictions in your city from the local MTS manager.

Unlimited night Internet is a unique opportunity to consume network traffic unlimitedly and not pay for it.

Unlimited mobile Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, which does not imply any hidden conditions, is currently not provided by any cellular operator. There are tariffs and options that include unlimited Internet only for smartphones. As for modems and routers, you should only count on night unlimited. MTS has such conditions available as part of the “Internet-VIP” option. The option provides the ability to use the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic from 01:00 at night to 07:00 in the morning. The rest of the time a limited Internet traffic package is provided.

As part of this review, we will tell you what the MTS “Internet-VIP” option is, how to connect it and what its characteristic features are. When it comes to the service of cellular operators, you always need to be prepared for the presence of pitfalls. The operator presents its products exclusively on the positive side, and shortcomings emerge some time after payment for a particular service. We tried to make an extremely honest and detailed review of the “Internet-VIP” option from MTS so that you do not have any questions while using this service.

Description of the MTS “Internet-VIP” option

Once upon a time, MTS’s “Internet-VIP” option provided absolutely unlimited Internet. That is, the subscriber could use the Internet around the clock without restrictions on speed and traffic, while the subscription fee was no higher than the current one. Unfortunately, the archived “Internet-VIP” option has long been unavailable for connection, so you have to be content with what you have. Now MTS is ready to provide only night unlimited, which applies from 01:00 at night to 07:00 in the morning. The rest of the time, the subscriber is provided with a limited Internet traffic package. Depending on the region, the volume of the package may differ, for example, 30 GB is available for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The MTS Internet-VIP option includes:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 1200 rubles (may vary depending on the region);
  • 30 GB per month during the day;
  • Unlimited Internet without restrictions at night (from 01:00 at night to 07:00 in the morning);
  • The ability to use the “Unified Internet” to add up to 5 devices to one package for 100 rubles per month.
  • Attention
  • Depending on the region, the monthly fee and daily Internet package may vary. The above information is relevant for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

These are the conditions typical for the “Internet-VIP” option. There is unlimited internet, but it is only available at night. Many people are interested in how the Internet works at night, when traffic is not taken into account. We are already accustomed to the fact that operators often do not keep their promises. If you believe the reviews about the “Internet-VIP” option, and also take into account our testing, then the Internet at night performs quite well, although sometimes there are speed drops.

There are no restrictions on the use of torrent clients and Internet distribution via Wi-Fi. The only problem we periodically encounter is a temporary drop in speed. When trying to find out the reason by calling the MTS help center, nothing concrete can be found out. The specialist claims that everything should work perfectly and, just in case, suggests leaving a request to the technical department. Oddly enough, but usually immediately after the call the speed stops. If anyone has encountered a similar problem, please write in the comments.

Features of the MTS Internet-VIP option

In general, the MTS “Internet-VIP” option performed well. You can download 20-25 GB per night when using a 3G network. Some claim that they are able to download much more, but in our experience the maximum figure was 24 GB. Sometimes the speed strangely disappears, fortunately, this does not happen often. However, before connecting the “Internet-VIP” option, you should familiarize yourself with its features. The official page describing the option provides a minimum of information, but we dug much deeper.

The “Internet VIP” option from MTS is characterized by the following features:

  1. The “Internet-VIP” option is available for connection on almost all tariffs, but the indicated subscription fee is relevant only for the “Connect-4” tariff. At other tariffs, the option will cost 100 rubles more.
  2. The description of the option states that its effect extends throughout Russia. This is true, but if the subscriber is outside the home region, an additional fee will be charged - 50 rubles per day. The fee is automatically charged the first time you access the Internet.
  3. If the daily traffic package is exhausted, the subscriber is automatically provided with an additional 3 GB, the cost of which is 350 rubles. Within a month, you can subscribe to up to 15 such additional packages. To refuse the provision of additional traffic, call the operator or use your MTS personal account.
  4. When in intranet roaming in the Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Chukotka and Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, the speed within the current quota is limited to 128 Kbps, and if the quota is exceeded, to 0 Kbps.
  5. The actual speed may differ from the declared one and depends on the technical parameters of the MTS mobile communication network and other circumstances affecting the quality of communication. This condition is stated in the document with a detailed description of the option and in essence it means that the Internet speed can drop at any time, and the reason for this is some circumstances or technical parameters of the network.

These are all features that, in our opinion, deserve attention and have official confirmation. If you believe the reviews about the “Internet-VIP” option, then a number of other disadvantages can be identified, but they are not confirmed and we will not discuss them.

How to activate the “Internet-VIP” option on MTS

Currently, MTS is available only at night as part of the “Internet-VIP” option. MTS also has a “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan, which is designed for smartphones and tablets. However, it can also be useful for a computer, for example, you can distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi. By default, this tariff is not intended for a modem and router. In addition, it provides for a number of restrictions, for example, when using file-sharing networks, the Internet speed drops to an extremely low value. It turns out that the “Internet-VIP” option is the most optimal solution for a modem. If you are completely satisfied with the conditions of this option, you can safely enable it.

You can connect the “Internet VIP” option in one of the following ways:

  • On your phone or in the modem control program, dial the command * 111 * 166 * 1 # ;
  • Use your personal account or application;
  • Call the MTS help center and ask to connect the “Internet-VIP” option.

The monthly subscription fee for the option is charged immediately upon connection. In the future, the subscription fee will be charged on the day of connection. If there is no money on the phone balance at the time of debiting, the fee will be charged immediately after the account is topped up. Please note that the fee will be charged even for the period when the number was blocked and you did not use the Internet.

If the account was negative for several months, no one will force you to pay for the entire period; the phone balance will be debited for the current month, so it is wiser to wait until the date when the service was activated. . To disable the MTS “Internet-VIP” option, dial * 111 * 166 * 2 #

You can also disable the option in your personal account. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The MTS company, as you know, is not only a cellular operator, but also a provider of home television services, as well as an Internet provider offering Internet access to apartments and houses. And if we talk about the home Internet niche, here MTS also has a lot of interesting services, one of which offers excellent conditions for using Internet traffic at night. Over time, this option migrated to mobile plans, as it was a very serious success among home users. Therefore, today we will look at the “Night Unlimited” service from MTS, its validity period and the main nuances of use.

So, first, we suggest you understand what this option is and who it is intended for.

This offer is intended for the vast majority of users of MTS mobile tariff plans, who cannot imagine life without using the Internet, and actively use its resources at night. The activated option provides subscribers with the opportunity to completely forget about existing quotas and traffic restrictions at night, and use high-speed mobile Internet completely free of charge and in unlimited mode.

It is worth understanding that “free Internet use” means that night traffic is not considered and is not charged additionally, however, in order to gain access to it, you must pay in full for the “Unlimited Night Internet” service itself. And the cost of this offer, no more or less, is 450 rubles per month.

MTS Internet night time - from what time and until what time

Tariffing for high-speed mobile traffic is disabled from 1 am to 8 am. Accordingly, the subscriber can use the network resources free of charge for the entire “reel” for 7 hours.

How to activate the “Unlimited Night Internet” service on MTS

To connect to the service discussed, subscribers can contact the company’s contact centers directly. In addition, you can perform activation in two other ways:

  • In your personal account “My MTS”;
  • When entering a request *111*353# .

Note that the procedure for disabling this is performed in similar ways, and even with an identical USSD request.

The nuances of using night unlimited on MTS

It is also worth emphasizing that the service considered is not relevant for connection in all regions of the country. In the capital, it is already in archived offers, remaining relevant for use only by those subscribers who have not yet disabled it.

In turn, in other regions this option may not only be available for connection, but also have some differences in the terms of provision. Of course, the concept of “Night Time”, as well as its time indicators from 01:00 to 08:00, remain fixed, however, the monthly subscription fee can be either more or less than 450 rubles.

And, since we are talking about the subscription fee, it is worth paying attention to the aspects of its write-off. The fact is that the service is activated for 1 month not from the moment of its activation, but directly for 1 calendar month. It also includes an automatic renewal attribute on a monthly basis. Accordingly, from the subscriber account, even if there is a shortage of funds on it, every 1st day of the month a subscription fee will be charged in the amount stipulated by the terms of the option. That is why you should not forget about timely disconnection of the service.


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