Quick registration on VK. How to register on VKontakte for free: with or without a mobile phone

For some time now, the social network has tightened its rules registering new accounts, making it mandatory to link to mobile phone .

Now you must use your phone number when registering.

Those who are interested in how to register in contact via email you will have to disappoint - such an opportunity no longer exists.

Note! The VKontakte administration eliminated the possibility of registering an account using only one mailbox in 2012. This decision was dictated by security considerations and optimization of the social network. Due to the tightening of the rules, the number of registered accounts has decreased - the level of fraud and the load on the servers have decreased.

In any case, there is still a way to register an account without using your own phone number.

To do this you will need to use a server virtual telephony to receive SMS messages.

Proovl SMS

Pinger allows you to get a virtual number to which you can receive messages.

Pinger registration process

So, how to register in contact if there is already a page? First you need to visit the service page.

We won’t need a form to log in for an existing user yet, so you need to select the “Create account” option.

Important! To fully use the service, you will need a recent version of Flash Player.

Selecting this option will direct the user to a page with a registration form.

Be afraid that all the points are not in English, even though the browser translator will not translate them. In any case, there is no Russian version of the service.

This form must be completed as follows:

  1. Username, which will subsequently become the login for logging into the service.
  2. A unique secure password, which will also be needed to log in.
  3. Password confirmation.
  4. E-mail address to receive notifications and restore access in emergency situations.
  5. Mandatory agreement with the terms of use of the service
  6. A verification code that confirms that the user is not a robot.
  7. Account creation button.

If the fields are filled in incorrectly or you do not confirm agreement with the terms of use and privacy policy of the resource, then registration will be impossible.

For this you will need:

  1. Enter your postal code (this site will help you find it out).
  2. Select your gender (Male – man, Female – woman).
  3. Indicate age (it is better to indicate age over 18 years).
  4. Click the button to search for the most suitable phone number.

After this, the system will select numbers for some time.

As a result, a list of them will appear. You need to select one from those offered and confirm your choice with the “Confirm” button.

The choice occurs once, after which it is impossible to change the number for a specific account.

After this, the system will offer to publish news about purchasing a virtual mobile number on the page Facebook. This choice is optional, so you can simply click “Cancel”.

After this, a page with a message manager will open. There will be a field in the center of the screen. In which received messages will be displayed.

There will be an update button above it (useful if the message does not arrive for a long time).

To view your own virtual phone number, gently press the “Options” button. It will be indicated at the top of the form, in the “Phone number” column.

It can be selected and copied to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

It is only important not to copy anything after this, otherwise the number will be erased from the buffer and you will have to copy it again.

Registration in VK without a phone number

Now you can proceed to registering an account on a social network. To do this, open the start page and click “Registration” in the middle of the screen or under the login form.

The first thing you need to do is choose a first and last name. They will be real or an alias - the user’s personal choice.

You just need to remember that the administration blocks frankly fictitious names.

The next step is to indicate the country and city of residence. The veracity of this information also remains at the discretion of the user who is registering.

And finally, the reason for registering with Pinger – confirmation by phone number:

  1. In the country selection field, you must indicate the country whose code the newly created virtual number begins with (in this case, it is the USA, code +1).
  2. Then enter the phone number in international format.
  3. Click the button to receive a verification code.

A line will appear under the form in which you must enter the received code. You can view it on the Pinger page created in the first part of the instructions.

Cyrillic characters are subject to transliteration. If this does not happen, then question marks are displayed instead.

VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Not only the number of active users is growing every day, but also the number of fake accounts. To solve this problem, VKontakte management decided to link it to a specific phone when creating a page, which not all users liked. How to register in VK without a phone number? Let's figure it out.

What does registration via phone give?

Not everyone understands the importance of linking a phone when creating an account on social networks. The introduction of such a function has two main goals:
  1. Improve security. When you link your cell phone, spam bots will not be able to send “unpleasant” messages to friends from your profile. In addition, this makes it more difficult to hack an account, since login sessions from other PCs are displayed on the mobile device;
  2. Support for the mobile version of VKontakte.

It should also be taken into account that the developers of the social network plan to completely abandon the use of email to link a profile in order to increase the level of security.

Is it possible to register in VK without a phone number?

There is no definite answer to the question, since in any case you will have to enter the number or use third-party resources. Of course, the field can be left empty, but then the user will be missing some of the capabilities without which VKontakte cannot be called a social network, namely:
  • A ban is imposed on sending personal messages to other users;
  • It is forbidden to add as a friend;
  • Possibility to join groups.
If a social network is needed only to listen to music or watch videos, then you can register in VK without a phone number.

Register on VKontakte without a phone number

There are three main ways to create a VK page for free without linking a number:
  1. “Fake” (unreal) phone ;
  2. Login via Facebook;
  3. Via virtual number.
Let's consider each method in order.

Fake number

The essence of the method is that when creating a profile, the user does not use his own number, but someone else’s. For example, borrow a phone from a friend or buy a second SIM card. On the confirmation page, enter the third-party number:

If you have a landline phone, you can go a different route. To do this, just enter the number in 11-digit form and click “Get code”. The robot will call and tell you the profile activation code. This method allows you to register countless pages using one phone.

The risk of this method is that if you lose data from your account, it will be difficult or even impossible to recover the password (in the case of a landline number). It is recommended to use the “Fake Phone” method only if the page is not the main one.

Login via Facebook

Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a Russian-language site, the current owners of mail.ru are trying their best to enter the foreign market by collaborating with other social networks. One of these partners is Facebook.

VKontakte provides only for foreign residents register on the resource via Facebook. But since we are in Russia, we will have to cheat the system a little. For this we will use anonymizers, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

As an example, consider one of the popular anonymizers “Chameleon”. Go to the site:

Simply enter vk.com into the search bar or select from the list of popular queries.

This is what registration looks like for residents from Russia:

And this is what the site looks like for a user logged in through an anonymizer:

Accordingly, click on “Log in with Facebook”.

Note: Do not forget that this method requires a Facebook account, for registration you only need an email.

The risks of the method are the same as those described above: the inability to recover lost user data.

Creating a VKontakte page via a virtual phone

Now let's talk about a complex but more effective way to create an account on VK without a phone.

To create a virtual number will use international servicepringer. com. You cannot make calls through it, but you can receive SMS messages that are necessary to complete registration.

If you have an account on google+, Facebook or Twitter, then to save time you can access the service through these resources.

It should also be noted that the number is issued to you on an ongoing basis. If you have forgotten your account password, you can request confirmation of the recovery request on your current phone.

You can use not only the Pringer service, but other analogues of virtual cellular (Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI).

Video instructions: how to register in VK without a number

The following video presents the main ways to register on the VKontakte social network without entering a personal phone number. All methods are valid:

Despite the large number of ways to bypass the system, do not be afraid to enter your personal phone number when creating a profile in VK. Firstly, registration is completely free - not a penny will be charged from the user. Secondly, it will increase the level of security. It is more difficult to hack an account, and you will always be aware of unauthorized actions from your page.

We will guide you through all the steps of registering on VKontakte (VK). Open up home page where registration is located- when you click on this link, the VKontakte website will open in a new window, and you can switch between it and this page, which will help you.

What will you need?

Registration is free, and all you need is a mobile phone at hand. This must be your phone, because if you need to restore access in the future, the code will be sent via SMS to it. When registering a new page, you must indicate the number. You cannot register two pages for the same number (more precisely, you can, but the first page will lose its link to this number and you will not be able to access it).

If someone has already visited the VKontakte website on this computer, then you first need to log out from there - button "Go out" there in the upper right corner.

First step: first and last name

So, let's begin: enter your first and last name under the heading “Instant registration” or, if there is no such option, press the button.

Look at the picture below: this is what the place where you need to enter your first and last name looks like. To start typing, click on the white rectangle where it says "Enter your name", and when you enter, click on the second rectangle where it says "Enter last name":

Enter carefully, with a capital letter and without errors! Then press “Register.”

Second step: your classmates

Now VKontakte will offer you to choose the school where you study or studied - this will help you immediately find classmates. The country will already be selected automatically, for example, Russia, and the city needs to be found in the list (it’s easier to do this by starting to type the name - the first two or three letters). The site will then allow you to select a specific school. But if you want, you can skip this right away - there is a button "Skip searching for classmates."

Third step: your classmates

After this there will be a similar step - searching for classmates. Everything is similar here - choosing a country, city and then choosing a university. Like searching for a school, you can skip this step. You don't have to say where you studied if you don't want to.

Fourth step: mobile phone number

Now the important step: you need to enter your mobile phone number to receive a verification code. This step is required.

Why does the VKontakte website need my phone number?

The fact is that a username and password do not provide sufficient security. Pages that are not linked to a phone number are often hacked, and it is not so easy to restore access if there is no link to a number. If your number was specified during registration, then access can be quickly restored by ordering an SMS with a code and entering it on the recovery page. Of course it's free. No paid services are connected to your number. VKontakte does not collect numbers for a secret database or some dark purposes. It just so happens that every day someone forgets their password or for other reasons cannot log into their page, and linking to a mobile phone number is an effective way to prevent all these people from becoming hysterical.

VKontakte says the number was recently used. What to do?

If during registration you indicate a mobile phone number, and VKontakte says that this number has recently been used or is already linked to another page, then the quickest solution is to use another (but not someone else’s!) number. You can, for example, buy the cheapest new SIM card. This will already allow you to register. Later you can try to link your old number to the page, this is done in the section "Settings", next - button "Change phone number." If this doesn’t work, contact VKontakte support and to speed up the process, immediately indicate your number to which the page should be linked.

What is the reason? As you know, phone numbers that are not used by their owners (for example, more than 3 months) may go on sale again. If the previous owner of the number linked it to his VKontakte page, and then after a period of inactivity the SIM card became invalid, then this number could have ended up in your hands. This is how it all could have happened.

Important: Each phone number can be linked to a VKontakte page only several times. The site remembers all numbers. In addition, always remember that if you have lost access to the number to which your page is registered, you will need to link it to a new number (in "Settings").

Fifth step: verification code

By entering the number and pressing the button "To get the code", you need to wait for an SMS with a five-digit code. You need to enter it on the site to confirm that it is you, a living person who has a mobile phone, in order to restore access if necessary.

Where should I enter the code? Here in this field:

Just enter the confirmation code and press the button "Send code."

If several minutes have passed and you have not received the code, click on the link "I didn't receive the code." They will send you another SMS.

If she doesn’t come, you can ask the robot to call you at the specified number - he will dictate the code by voice. To do this, click "Yes, let the robot call" otherwise - “No need, the SMS has arrived.”

Sixth step: password

Now all that remains is to set a password with which you will subsequently access the site. It needs to be invented. The password must be secret, and no one should know it except you.

A special place for entering the password will appear. It's good if you come up with a complex password, with large and small letters and numbers. The complexity of the password will be shown as you enter it by an indicator. If the password is good and complex, it will be underlined with a green line and next to it will be written that it is a strong password. So you're great. And pay attention to what language you enter the password in - Russian or English. Whichever one you enter it on, you will need to enter it on the same one the next time, otherwise the site will tell you that the password is incorrect.

Tip: write down the password on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place without showing it to anyone. Sometimes the password is simply forgotten.

All! Registration is complete and you can click “Login to the site.”

Last step: login to the site

It is convenient to enter the VK website through the “Login” start page, especially if among your favorite sites there are not only VKontakte, but also others - Mail.ru mail, Moi Mir, Odnoklassniki and others. You can add any sites to the “Login” (site address) and access them with one click, and at the same time you will see right on the start page whether you have new messages, letters or anything else new.

After logging into VK, your personal page will open, which you can start filling out. For example, to get started, you can put your photo - click on the empty space where it should be (there is a camera icon) or on the link “Post a photo.” Everything is very simple. An upload window will open in which you need to select the desired photo from your computer. After this, the photo can be cropped (if necessary), then click "Save".

A modern active Internet user cannot imagine his life without social networks, and there is a reason for this - these resources provide unlimited opportunities for communication and exchange of any information, be it scientific materials, news or musical compositions. If you are deciding which one to register with, the most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte, and this is what we will talk about. In this article you will learn how to register with VKontakte and start communicating with people from anywhere in the world!

Standard way to register on VKontakte

Perhaps the VKontakte registration system, when you need a new page right now, is one of the simplest on sites of this kind. All you need to create a personal account, i.e., to register correctly, is a valid mobile phone number (you can do without it, but more on that later). So, let's look at the registration procedure (via SMS to your phone) right now and step by step:

  1. Go to the address http://vk.com and pay attention to the section of the page that opens called “Instant registration”.
  2. Enter your first and last name in the appropriate fields.
  3. The next step is confirmation of registration. The site asks you to enter a mobile phone number. We write our phone number in ten-digit format, click on “get code” and wait for an SMS message with a combination of numbers.

  4. Having received the message, enter the password in the appropriate window.

  5. If the code is correct, another window appears for entering a password. Create a strong password and fill out the line. It is allowed to use numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet; Cyrillic and other symbols are prohibited.

  6. This completes registration in contact. The system prompts you to select your place of residence and educational institutions, but if you want, you can skip these steps.

Now all that remains is to fill out your profile and find friends - and you can use the functionality of the VKontakte social network to the fullest.

Register in contact without a mobile phone

Previously, it was possible to register in a contact by entering an email address, but now this option has been abolished, and the page in the contact is linked to a phone number, and only one profile in the contact can correspond to one number. This was done so that the resource would not be filled with dozens of accounts of the same person in contact. But what to do if the second page in a contact is now vitally important, but there is no free mobile phone number and there is no way to receive SMS on your phone?

In this case, you can use services that help you create a virtual phone number, even if you don’t actually have a phone, and receive messages on it. One of them is Pinger. Registration in it is not particularly difficult, despite the English-language interface. The only caveat is that the site requires a current version of Flash Player to fully operate.

So, go to the address www.pinger.com/tfw/, after which, before registering on VKontakte, we register there, for which we perform the following steps:

After the message manager opens, you can safely copy the number and go to register with a contact, the detailed algorithm of which - i.e., the way to register with a contact - is described just above.

The popular social network VKontakte tightened the rules for registering accounts several years ago. Now, in order to create a page, the user must indicate a valid mobile phone number, to which a message with a code will subsequently be sent.

Only after entering the resulting digital value will it be possible to create an account and use it. However, there are a number of effective ways how to register in contact without a phone number. I will tell you more about them in this article.

1. How to register in VK without a phone

VKontakte registration follows a specific template, with the main step being the link to the user’s mobile phone number. It is not possible to skip it, since otherwise it will not be possible to create a page.

But the system can be deceived, and there are at least two ways to do this:

  • using a virtual number;
  • indication of a current Facebook page.

Each of the listed registration options provides a specific algorithm of actions, following which you can count on quickly creating an account and access to all options of the Vkontakte social network.

1.1. Registration in VK using a virtual number

You can complete the registration procedure on social networks using a virtual number for receiving SMS. To do this, it is best to use the recognized international service Pinger (the official website address is https://wp.pinger.com).

Step-by-step registration in the service is as follows:

1. Go to the site, select “TEXTFREE” in the upper right corner of the options screen.

3. We go through a simple registration procedure for the service by first pressing the virtual “Sign Up” button. In the window that appears, indicate your login, password, age, gender, email address, and the displayed alphabetic abbreviation (“captcha”).

4. If all previous steps have been completed correctly, click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, after which a window will appear with several phone numbers. Choose the number you like.

5. After clicking the arrow, a window will appear in which received messages will be displayed.

You can always view the selected virtual phone number in the “Options” tab. When registering in VK using the method under consideration, you should enter the USA in the country selection field (the international code of this country begins with “+1”). Next, enter the virtual mobile number and receive a registration confirmation code. You may need your Pinger account later if you lose your password, so you shouldn’t lose access to the service.

At the moment, creating an account using a virtual number service is considered one of the fastest and most effective methods of registering on social networks. Its main advantage compared to other options is anonymity, because a virtual phone number cannot be tracked or proven that it is used by a specific person. However, the main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of restoring access to the page if access to Pinger is lost.

IMPORTANT! Many Internet users have difficulty completing the registration procedure in foreign virtual telephony services. This is due to the fact that many providers block such resources in order to prevent illegal activities on the World Wide Web. In order to avoid blocking, there are several options, the main one of which is changing the computer’s IP address to a foreign one. In addition, you can use anonymizers, for example, the Tor browser or the ZenMate plugin.

If you're having trouble using Pinger, there are a ton of services online that provide virtual phone numbers (e.g. Twilio, TextNow, CountryCod.org, etc.). A number of similar paid services with a simplified registration procedure are also actively developing. All this allows us to say that virtual telephony has solved the problem for many users of how to register in VK without a (real) number.

1.2. Registration in VK via Facebook

The social network “Vkontakte” is one of the most advertised Russian sites, which is in demand far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. The desire of the owners of this resource to cooperate with other world-famous social networks, in particular with Facebook, is quite justified. As a result, page owners in the mentioned service have the opportunity to simplify Vkontakte registration. For those who do not want to “share” their data, this is a unique chance to register on VK without a phone and deceive the system.

The algorithm of actions here is quite simple and the first thing you should do is use an anonymizer. It’s best to go to the “Chameleon” service, since the start page already has links to all popular social networks or dating sites in Russia. This resource allows you to access pages on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Mamba, even if they are blocked by the site administration.

Many people will naturally ask why they need to use anonymizers. The VKontakte social network automatically recognizes from which country you came to the registration page. This is roughly what the registration procedure looks like for residents of Russia and most post-Soviet countries:

And this is what the same page looks like, but if you access it outside the Russian Federation:

There is a discreet button in the lower right corner of the screen Login with Facebook. Click on it, after which a window for entering your email address and password will instantly appear:

After filling out the fields, you will be redirected to your own VKontakte page, which you can subsequently edit at your discretion. To implement the presented method, you need a page on Facebook, but the procedure for creating an account there does not require entering a mobile phone number (only an email). Facebook registration is one of the most understandable, as a result of which it will not cause any particular difficulties even for an untrained computer user.

According to the latest rumors, the foreign analogue of Vkontakte is going to tighten the rules for using the resource, so the described method may soon become obsolete. But for now, Facebook remains an accessible way to register on VK via email without a phone number. Its advantages are quite obvious - anonymity and simplicity. It also takes a minimum of time to create a page, especially if you already have an account on Facebook. The method has only one drawback: it is the impossibility of restoring data lost by the user (password to log into the account).

1.3. Registration in VK via email

Many users are concerned about the question how to register in VK via email. Previously, one email account was enough to create an account, but since 2012, the management of the social network introduced a mandatory rule for linking to a mobile phone. Now, before specifying an email address, a window pops up asking you to enter a mobile number, to which a message with a personal code will be sent within 1-2 minutes.

Previously, many users indicated an 11-digit landline number instead of a mobile phone, launched the “Let the robot call” function, and then created a page using the code suggested by the computer. The main advantage of this method was the ability to register on Vkontakte for free and an unlimited number of times. In practice, it turned out that an endless number of pages were registered on the same landline number from which spam, offensive messages or threats were sent. Due to user complaints, the administration of the social network was forced to abandon the option of creating an account through landline phones, leaving the ability to receive the code only on mobile networks.

No matter what anyone claims, Today it is impossible to register in VK via mail without a mobile phone number. At the same time, full access to the email account must be provided, since with its help there is an additional opportunity to recover a lost password or receive up-to-date news about innovations on the social network. Email may also be needed if a page is hacked. By sending a corresponding request to the technical support service, a letter will promptly be sent to your inbox with instructions on how to restore access.

To summarize, it should be noted that the topic of how to register on VKontakte for free, without a real mobile phone number and entering personal information, is rapidly gaining momentum. Increasingly, hundreds of programs are appearing on the Internet to hack or bypass established registration rules. Most of them are spam or malicious viruses that do no good in solving the problem. The VK administration is making great efforts to reduce the number of fake accounts and protect its users. As a result, only the two listed methods of creating pages without specifying a personal phone number are considered effective.

If you know other options on how to register in VK without a number, write in the comments!


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