Font in Russian word. Handwritten font for Word

The other day, our group was faced with a serious problem - for missing pairs, we had to submit handwritten essays. For two passes - 1 abstract of 15 sheets! Yes, I haven’t messed up that much paper all semester, thank the eggs. Therefore, we had to resort to tricks, namely: find normal ones (Cyrillic) and put them into Microsoft Word, and print out our abstracts.

Here is a selection of 80 Russian handwritten fonts. In the archive you will find the following (and other) copies:

Make your own Russian handwritten font

But after downloading these fonts, it became clear that no one would believe that we write like Pushkin, Boyarsky or Mozart. So we had to make the handwritten font ourselves. But how can you make your own font exactly like your regular handwriting?

First, install Font Creator 6.
Next, on a blank sheet of paper (lined or squared will not work) we write all the letters of the Russian (English, and others if necessary) alphabet, as well as numbers and special letters. symbols.
Let's scan the resulting creation. Next, we cut the scanned image into separate letters and numbers (Photoshop or plain paint will do), and name it accordingly.

Next step in Font Creator:
- Click file - new (New)
- We give a name to our handwritten font (for example Moy_shrift), put a check mark on Unicode, on Regular and on Don’t include outlines (for a blank silhouette form), in short, everything is by default.
- A panel with silhouettes of punctuation marks and English letters appears in front of you. You need to insert Cyrillic alphabet into it. We proceed as follows:
1. Click Insert in the top line, select Characters, YES.
2. A table of symbols of the first font in your database appears in front of you. Then we flip through the pages of the table with the Block→ button.
3. Find Russian letters.
5. Look at the index of the first letter A (I have $0410) in the Selected Character field.
6. Look at the index of the letter I (I have $044F)
7. In the Add these character... field, enter these numbers (like $0410-$044F).
8. Click Ok.
9. Your template has been updated with the corresponding Cyrillic silhouettes.

10. You can also separately insert the characters you are interested in (Ё, ё, etc.)
Now click on the silhouette of the letter you want to create with the right mouse button.
Then select Import image.
In the Import image section, you click on the Load button.
In the next window, you open the folder in which you saved the written letters and symbols.
An image of this letter will appear in the window; click on the Generate button.
So your letter appeared.
Double-click on the square with your letter (the square in which the silhouette of this letter used to be).
A lined window opens in front of you. Don't be scared by the large number of red dotted stripes, they will all come in handy.
For convenience, expand the window to full screen.

If your letter is too large or small, then delete the one already loaded, load a new one and, without clicking generate, click on the Glyph tab. Here we select the appropriate multiplier (this is done at random) and click “use as default”.

Next, let's look at the two main lines (this is in the lined window) - left and right - they determine how the letters of your handwritten font will touch each other. If you want the letters to touch (as in a manuscript), move the right line over the letter (so that it extends slightly beyond the line).
The lowest line (Win Descent) is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, u, shch, z, r, d). If necessary, you can omit it:
The second line from the bottom (Baseline) is the support line of each letter. If your letters stand differently on this line, then accordingly everything will dance in Word.
The third line from the bottom (x-Height) is the maximum height of small letters.
The fourth (CapHeight) is the maximum height of large letters, numbers, as well as the letter “c”, and for some it may be “d” and “b”.
And the fifth line from the bottom is the edge line of the top line. (in my opinion =)

Handwritten font for Word is necessary for many people to write books, articles, school and other works. In this article, we will find free handwritten fonts on the Internet and install it in Word for further use.

Hello, friends! Word has different fonts that can be used when creating any material. They can only change the appearance of the text to other fonts. For example, you can make it italic and so on.

There are situations when users need a unique handwritten font for Word. This font in the text differs from other fonts in that it has the appearance of a manuscript. It's as if a person wrote it by hand. Why is it needed at all, if you can write any documents in Word with a standard font?

Sometimes such a need arises. For example, in schools or institutes they assign homework that must be completed by writing it by hand. And if the teacher notices that this work was done using a computer, he may lower the grade for this reason. Or these fonts would be good for any book.

This problem can be solved by using free handwriting fonts. We will talk about this in detail.

You can find handwritten fonts for Word on the Internet and download them for free. A website with Russian fonts ( or this one ( will help you with this. In the font category of this site “”, we are looking for handwritten fonts, there are only 165 of them. Next, go to this section with handwritten fonts (Screen 1).

On the above site you can download not only handwritten fonts: but also graffiti, designer fonts, bold, curlicues, famous and others.

Then, left-click on one of them, and a window will open for downloading this font (Screen 2).

For example, we decided to choose a handwritten font – “Denistiana”. To download it to your computer, click on the font, then the “I’m not a robot” button to confirm.

Then click “Download”. The font does not take long to download, so after a few seconds it will appear in your downloads on your computer. There are also programs that will help you create a unique font for Word:

  1. FontCreator.
  2. Adobe Illustrator.
  3. Photoshop and many others.

There are other resources on the Internet that provide such non-commercial fonts for users to use.

In order to write unique and handwritten text in Word, you need to install it in Word. Right-click on the font that we just downloaded and select “Copy” from the menu. Next, go to “My Computer”, drive “C”, folder “Windows” and insert this font into the “Fonts” folder (Screen 3).

Before we start writing this font in a document, we need to decide what we need for the job:

  • you will need a text editor;
  • The sheet format of this editor is A4;
  • ready-made handwritten fonts;
  • printer for printing text with handwritten font.

Writing it is quite simple. Open a Word document, and after choosing a font, write the text in handwriting. The entire complete process of writing such fonts will be shown below.

A checkered notebook sheet in Word is very helpful when writing abstracts, and. To install it in a Word document, you need to change the size of the entire notebook sheet in Word. To do this, go to the “Page Layout” section. Next, select “Size”, and at the bottom of the size control panel “Other page sizes”.

We write the following size parameters:

  • width 16.5 cm, height 20.5 cm;
  • in the “Margins” section, set the top and bottom margins to 0.5 cm and the left to 2.5 cm, then the right to 0.8 cm. After that, click “OK”.

Now, we will make a notebook sheet. Click on the “View” tab at the top of the Word control panel (Screen 4).

And check the box next to the “Grid” function. After this, you will see an A4 sheet in the form of a notebook.

If you print such a document through a printer, the notebook sheet may not be saved during printing. To prevent this, go to the “Insert”, “Shapes” section (Screen 5).

And we draw a straight line around the entire table - horizontally and vertically. After this, the document can be saved as a notebook sheet.

Now, we will move on to the process of writing this font in the easiest way. Open the Word document and first from our “Denistiana” (Screen 6).

We write some sentence to see the result of the created handwritten text (Screen 7).

Everything works quickly, and without any programs you can create any handwritten font.


In the article we looked at the issue of handwritten text for Word. The best ways to install such a font were discussed. There is an option that will help you use ready-made fonts in Word. They are embedded in this text document and do not need to be searched on the Internet. I think this article will help you in creating and writing handwritten text. Good luck to you!

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When composing and writing any text, it is necessary to pay attention to its design, namely fonts. Don't forget that the main purpose of any text is to convey your idea to the audience, but appearance also helps and contributes to this.

I would like to give you 15 examples of handwritten fonts that have become quite widespread; today you can download them completely free of charge. They are usually used to create invitations, certificates and add special elegance and sophistication to any text.













Teddy Bear


All fonts presented to your attention are Cyrillic and can be downloaded completely free of charge. However, commercial use of fonts requires you to negotiate copyrights or purchase a license to use your chosen font for commercial purposes.

Installing fonts

And a little more about installing fonts. The process is extremely simple and allows you to use these fonts in MS Word, Photoshop and others.

Most fonts are provided as a file in .otf or .ttf format, other formats can be used, but this is extremely rare. After the font has been downloaded, you must also add it to the operating system fonts directory, which can be accessed using the path “%SystemRoot%\Fonts”.

So, in order to install the font you like on Windows 7 or a later version of this operating system, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Download the required font;
  2. Open the downloaded file;
  3. In the window that appears, click on the “Install” button.

Once the installation is complete, you can open your editor programs and start working, the fonts will already be available in them. Unfortunately, Google Docs does not allow you to work with fonts other than those from Google Fonts .

How to install multiple fonts at once on Windows 10?

It is worth saying that installation in later versions of Windows is no different and is just as easy. But let’s take the version of Windows 10 that is more current today. To install several fonts at once, you need to download them and unzip them into one folder. In the second step, we simply select several fonts needed for installation and click the “Install” button.

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Thanks in advance, Dmitry.

QR code for installation:

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