How to correctly set the time on your computer. How to set the date and time on your computer in two easy ways

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to change the time on a computer or even the date, but as practice shows, even this simple task can confuse novice computer users.
After reading this article, you will learn how to set the date and time on your computer by going into the BIOS settings, as well as in the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems.

In what situations might you need to change the time settings on your computer? For example, you flew with your laptop to another time zone and in order for your computer to work in local time, it will need to be changed.

Or, for example, after you turn off your computer, the time is constantly lost and you need to adjust it every time. In this case, you first need to figure out why this is happening, and after eliminating the problem, set the date and time.

The time may be lost due to the fact that it is discharged, then you just need to replace it. By the way, as soon as you remove the battery from the motherboard, all system settings will be lost and returned to the default settings, including the time, and after replacing the battery it will need to be configured again.

Some programs that have a license tied to a date will not work if it is not installed correctly on the computer, so you need to monitor the normal operation of the system clock.

If the clock on your computer has gone wrong because the battery has run out, when you turn on the computer you will see a message about this, where you will be asked to go into the BIOS and configure it or press F1 and continue booting the computer.
If you are not afraid to customize, then you can set the date and clock right away without loading the operating system.
Now modern motherboards are available with different types of BIOS, some with the old version, others with the new one, which is called UEFI.

If you have an old version of BIOS, then after entering it, you need to go to its very first section or tab. It can be called differently, for example “Standard Smos Features”, “Main”, “SysInfo”, but it will always be the first.

Here you will see time and calendar indicators, which you will need to change. To do this, look carefully at the prompts on the right side or bottom of the screen. The computer will always tell you which buttons you need to press to change BIOS settings.
First, select the desired indicator using one key, in this case it is TAB or ENTER, and then change it using other keys, for example F5 or F6.
For your changes to take effect, you need to exit the BIOS and save the changes by pressing F10.

If you have a UEFI BIOS, then go to additional settings by pressing the F7 key or the “Advanced” menu button at the top or bottom of the screen.

Then go to the “Basic” tab and change the clock and calendar using the prompts that you will see on the right side of the screen.
For example, by pressing the arrow keys () and (↓) you can select the desired items, and use the (+) and (-) keys to change their values.
Then click on the “Exit” button and exit the system settings, saving the changes.

How to set the date and time on a Windows 7 computer.

If you do not want to change the time settings in the BIOS, then they can be easily changed in the operating system, such as Windows 7.
The snap-in that is used to configure the calendar in Windows is called timedate.cpl, which is located in the Windows/System32 directory and can be opened in several ways.

For example, by typing the command timedate.cpl in the Windows search bar or in the window. But the disadvantage of this method is that you need to remember what this equipment is called, and since over time you simply forget about it, you can open the time editing window without knowing what it is called.

Point to the image of the clock in the lower right corner of the screen and left-click on it, and after a new window appears, click on the inscription “Change date and time settings.”

If you right-click on the clock, then another window will appear where you will need to select “Setting the date and time”.

In addition, you can open the window with calendar and clock settings from the control panel. Open Control Panel and select “Clock, Language, Region.”

This will open another window where you can open the main window with date settings or just the one you want to edit.

If you use a snap-in for work, then open it and fourth on the list you will have a section with the menu items you need.

I would also like to draw your attention to the program, with which you can open many system settings. On the second page you will see the “Date and Time” button; by clicking on it, you will immediately open a window with which you can change the clock and calendar indicators.

The main clock settings window has several tabs and buttons, let's look at what they are needed for.
Go to the very first tab and the first thing you need to do before setting the clock is to change the time zone, if it is not yours, to do this, click on the “Change time zone” button.
After this, you can change the clock readings by clicking on the “Change date and time” button.

When selecting a time zone, click on the button with the name of the zone and select the one in which you are located. If your region has two time zones, then enable the automatic transition between winter and summer time. If your region has the same time, then this feature can be disabled.
After this, you can go to the calendar and clock settings.

Changing the calendar and clock settings is very easy.
To change the calendar, enter the day and month in the special window on the left side.
In order to change the clock readings, select the indicator you need with the mouse and enter another number using the keyboard or use the buttons with triangle icons to change this indicator in any direction. Then click on the “OK” button.
If you want to change the appearance of the calendar, then click on “Change calendar settings”.

After that, in the “Format Settings” window, you can change the appearance of your calendar, which is displayed in the right corner of the screen.

In the next tab of the main window “Additional time”, you can activate two more clock faces. To do this, activate the clock, then select the time zone so that it shows the time of this time zone and give the clock a name.

This function will be useful, for example, if you have relatives living in a different time zone and in order to be aware of what time they have at the moment, you can activate additional clocks.

You can view them if you simply hover your mouse over the notification area of ​​the watch.

And if you left-click on the clock, you will see three dials at once, which will show different times.

The third tab of the main window is called “Internet Time”. Shown here are the servers with which the computer synchronizes its clock with the time on the Internet.
By and large, you don’t need to change anything; the computer works fine with the default settings.
Only if your computer has been disconnected from the Internet for a long period of time, you can synchronize its clock to be sure that it shows the correct time by clicking on the “Change settings” button.

After this, a new window will open, where you will need to click on the “Update Now” button and your watch will start showing the exact time.
In the “Server” window you can see all available servers to which you can connect your computer.

As a result of these actions, a large “Time and Language” window will open, where all the basic settings for the clock and calendar will be available.

Let's go over them briefly:

  1. To change the clock, go to the “Date and Time” tab.
  2. Then turn off automatic time setting.
  3. After that, click on the “Change” button to change the clock and calendar readings.
  4. To change the time zone, go to the section of the same name and select the one you need.
  5. If your region has the same time, disable the option to change from winter to summer time and back.
  6. By clicking on the “Change date and time format” item, you can change the appearance of the clock.
  7. As you can see, setting the date and time on a computer is very simple and any user can cope with this task.
    Good luck!

To set the date and time in Windows XP, a special utility is used. To call it, open the control panel and click on the date and time icon. An additional window will be displayed on the screen, consisting of three tabs: date and time - this is the first tab on which you can set the date and time. In order to change the date, you must select a month. Open the drop-down list and click on one of its items. Next, set the year and click on one of the days of the month. Changing the time can be done as follows. Set the rates to any position in the time entry line. And after that, click on the arrows to the right of the line to either increase or decrease the value.


On this tab you can set the time zone. Open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. At the bottom of the tab there is an icon that specifies the mode of automatic transition to summer and winter time.

Internet time

If the computer is a member of a domain, its clock is probably automatically synchronized with a network time server. If the computer is not part of a domain, the computer's clock can be synchronized with an Internet time server. In order to synchronize, select a server; to do this, open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow images on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and left-click on it. Next, click the update now button and the synchronization will take place. If synchronization is enabled, the computer clock is synchronized with an Internet time server once a week.

For some users, the simplest manipulations even seem very non-trivial. I think you were once in a situation where you spent a long time dealing with some problem, and its solution took 1-2 minutes. From time to time we have to make adjustments to the system and that is why, now I will tell you how to set the date and time on a computer in Windows 7. This can be done in several ways, but I will consider only one, the most basic and most convenient, without any unnecessary steps and in as much detail as possible.

Note: I'll use Windows 7 as an example, but after reading this article, you will be able to change the time and date on other Windows systems. Because you will understand the chain of how to do it.

First of all, move the cursor to the lower right side of the screen, find there the date, which is displayed as time and, in fact, today’s date. We left-click and a window opens in front of us.

You will not make any changes here, this window will be useful, for example, to see how many days there are in this month. To start making changes, we need to left-click on the inscription: “Change date and time settings.”

So, now another window with three tabs appears before our eyes. We are interested in “Date and Time”, which is where you should be by default. Here you can find the “Change date and time” button (an important point: the account you are currently using must have administrator rights, otherwise the computer will simply restrict access to the settings).

Click it and we see the third window “Setting the time and date”.

On the left side there is a block with a calendar. By scrolling with the help of small black triangles (I usually call them “tabs”), you can select the month and year by clicking once on the desired number - the date is obtained accordingly.

There is a dial on the right side of the window, click on the first number (hours) and change the hours, minutes and seconds to the desired value, or hold down the mouse button on the triangles on the right (the top one increases the time, and the bottom one decreases it). Once you have figured out how to set the date and time on your computer, click “OK” wherever we are prompted and enjoy the correct date!

The only thing I can add is a description of alternative ways to open the Date and Time window. Go to “Start” - “Control Panel”. Next to the “View” inscription, set the value to “Small icons” and click “Date and time”. After this, we do everything according to the instructions described above. As an option, for those who type quickly, I also suggest simply opening “Start” and typing the word “Time” in the search bar. The search results will prompt you to go to “Date and Time”.

In general, this is all that can be said on the question of how to set the date and time on a computer. If another system is installed on the computer, then the principle of changing the date and time is not much different, the main thing is to know where and how.

Important! If after a reboot your time is lost, it’s a virus or you need to replace the battery in the system unit.

In this article we will talk about how to set the time and date on a computer.

Setting the time on Windows 7

Of course, this article will seem very strange to some people, because how can you not know the basics. But alas, not everyone has learned how to use a computer, and even such little things can seem complicated.

First you need to find an indicator of that very time. It is always located in the lower right corner of the monitor, on the bottom panel. Selecting it from other icons is as easy as shelling pears - the time is always indicated there and Now you need to click on the indicator with the left mouse button. As soon as you do this, a small window with a calendar and clock will open in front of you.

However, this is just the beginning of the journey. In the window that opens, you cannot do anything, just find out the number of days in the month and the day of the week. In order to start setting up, you need to click “Change date and time settings”.

Now you see a completely different window. As you can see, it has three tabs, but you only need one - “Date and Time”. Usually it opens right away on its own. As you can see, there is a button “Change date and time”.

Important:In order to set the date and time on a computer running Windows, you must have administrator rights. Otherwise, these manipulations will lead to nothing.

So, after you click the button, a window similar to the very first one will appear in front of you, only now all the values ​​​​on it can be changed. On the left is the calendar. To change the date on your computer, simply click on the number you need. You can change the month at the top of the calendar using the arrows. To change the time, simply enter the required value in the field below the clock. Once all actions are completed, click “OK”, the settings will be saved automatically.

Now you know how to set the date and time on your computer in Windows 7. Now It's worth considering other operating systems.

Setting the time on Linux

So, almost everyone knows Windows, but with Linux Few people are familiar with it, and some are hearing about this operating system for the first time. However, its fans are not so small, and therefore it would be ridiculous to omit information on how to set the time and date on a Linux computer.

In fact, setting the time on the two operating systems is almost the same. And this time you also need to click on the time indicator, but on different Linux distributions this indicator is located differently. For example, in Ubuntu it is in the top right, but in Linux Mint it is in the bottom right corner. As soon as you find it, immediately press LMB.

Just like in Windows, a window with a calendar will appear in front of you. We won’t dwell on it for a long time, so click “Setting the date and time.”

Now a large window has opened in front of you with a map of all the continents and with a lot of sliders and drop-down lists, but don’t be afraid, it’s easy to work with.

Unlike Windows, on Linux you can change the time and date in two ways. The first involves changing the time zone. In the upper left part of the window you can just see a picture with all the earth and belts. Below it there are two drop-down lists: region and city. Select the desired values, the time on the computer will be set in accordance with them.

If after this the time is set incorrectly, then you should move on to a more flexible setting. To the right of the picture you can see the “Unblock” button - click it. You will be asked for a password. After entering it, you will be able to change the values. However, first, uncheck the “Network time” line. Now, using interface elements, change all time and date values ​​as you wish.

Setting via BIOS

There is another way to set the time and date on a computer, but it is more suitable for an advanced user. However, it is worth mentioning.

First of all, you need to get into the BIOS. Once you have done this, look in the first tab for an inscription similar to Standard CMOS Feature. When you enter it, you will see many different inscriptions, but they are not of interest to us. Look for the Time line or, if the time is already visible on the screen, change it. Here is a simple way to bypass entering a password on Linux and administrator rights on Windows. Even though you know how to set the time and date on a computer running these operating systems, something may go wrong.

Reasons for resetting settings

Know that if your PC time keeps resetting, there is an 80% chance that the reason is the battery on the motherboard. You just need to replace it, and everything will go away. These batteries are sold in almost any office supply store, but, of course, it would be better if you go to a computer store.

The second option is also related to the battery, but this time it does not run out, but oxidizes. In this case, it also needs to be replaced, just clean the contacts before installing a new battery.


To sum up, we can clearlyOI would like to say that it is very simple. Most people can do this intuitively, without any help. However, sometimes difficulties are possible. Now you know how to set the date and time on your computer.

Attention! On October 26, 2014, Russia changed its time zones. For the time synchronization service to work correctly, all users must install the update from the official Microsoft website:

What is time synchronization and how does it work

Time synchronization is a procedure for checking the system time on a computer with the reference time on a remote server, as well as subsequent adjustment of the time on the computer.

Why do you need time synchronization?

The clock on the motherboard, like any other budget clock, keeps time with an error. Some clocks may be fast, others may be slow. The situation is exactly the same with the system time on the computer. Nobody will build an exact watch from Rolex into a motherboard. Instead, Windows OS has a function for synchronizing clocks via the Internet with a time server, which always gives the correct and accurate time.

How to set up system time synchronization in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

Time synchronization is enabled by default. In order for it to work, your computer must have Internet access. By default, time synchronization occurs automatically once a week.

How to synchronize time on a computer

If you want to set the exact time manually right at this moment in time, follow these steps:

Left-click on the clock in the lower right corner of the screen:

First, check if the time zone is set correctly. If you need to change your time zone, click Change time zone :

In field Timezone select your location:

And press the button OK to save the new correct location:

Now in the window date and time go to the tab Internet time and click on the button Change settings :

A window will open Setting the time via the Internet. Select a time server (most often, the default server works fine and does not need to be changed to another one). Click the button Update now to synchronize the system clock with the selected time server:

You will first see a message Please wait, synchronizing with :

When synchronization is complete, you will see a message The time was successfully synchronized... Click OK to close the window.


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