How to find a phone by IMEI. Dispelling myths

In the modern world it is almost impossible to live without mobile phones. Losing a device can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause a bad mood. What to do if your mobile is lost?

Do not despair! Canfind phone by imei via satellite for free!

In contact with

IMEI: meaning, how to use

IMEI is translated from English as International Mobile Equipment Identifier.All cell phones have a code assigned only to one specific device.This is a numeric value that is not repeated on any cell phone.

Have devices

IMEI consists of 15 digits. The code contains information about the place of manufacture, serial number and model of the device. If you look at the first eight digits, which are called TAC (Type Approval Code), and understand this identifier, it turns out that 2 of these 8 digits are the place of origin of the phone. The serial number is recognized by the following six-digit value. There remains one more number, with the help of which, using a certain formula, you can find out the correctness of all previous numbers. This check occurs using the Luhn algorithm.

To the owner of the cellular IMEI has absolutely no meaning. It determines the number of the device from which the network is accessed. The owner can only be determined by the IMSI number. Translated from English as international subscriber identifier. The IMSI is stored on the SIM card.

Why is it needed?

IMEI identifies devices active on the network. That is whyphone check by namehelps to find a lost device.

The owner also has the opportunity to block the mobile phone. This can be done by contacting your cellular operator. After this, the phone will be blacklisted.

Now you won't be able to make calls from it. Even if the SIM card is removed from the device or another one is installed, it will still be blocked.

In 2002, representatives of foreign mobile operators provided information according to which it was possible to change the unique IMEI number using a special program.

Cell phone manufacturers nowadays are constantly trying to improve their security, so changing the IMEI identifier is very difficult. Some existing companies claim that this is fundamentally unrealistic in their models.

How can you determine your phone number?

You can find out by different methods. There are several ways, including determination by typing a code or searching in the settings. You can find it on the device itself or on the packaging.

Find out by typing the code

This method is suitable for almost all devices that have speed dialing to a number IMEI. To determine it, you need to dial the following combination of characters: *#06#.As soon as the last character is entered, a 15-digit code appears on the screen - have this phone.

Find have in cell phone settings

For cell phones based on Android OS, you can find it in the settings. To see the ID, you need to go to your phone settings, open the menu, click “About phone” and click “Status”. This is where the name is indicated.

If the device is based on iOC, you can also find it in the settings. You need to click on “Settings”, “General” and the last one “About this device”.

Where to look for it on the device itself

For many phones, a unique code can be found under a cover located on the back. To do this, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Before opening the cover, turn off the machine.
  2. Carefully open the cover of the device from the back.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. After that find IMEI in the place where the battery was.

This method is only suitable for those phones that can be disassembled. On iPhone devices IMEI located on the back cover. Also, a unique code can be written on the SIM card slot.

Unique code on the box

For this method you will need the phone packaging. Usually you can see a sticker with a barcode on the side. It is also used as a filling. If you look at this sticker, you can see the device serial number, barcode and IMEI.

How to determine the location of a cell phone by IMEI

No one likes losing their phone. Nowadays, many people can no longer imagine life without mobile devices.How to find a lost phone?

Looking for a phone by imei online with the device turned on

If you follow this action plan, you canfind phone number online:

Attention!If, after search operations, it turns out that the device was in the applicant’s house all this time, he will be issued a large fine.

How to find a device that is turned off

If the mobile phone is turned off, forsearch phone by imeiFirst, it is recommended to recall the last actions in memory.It’s good if you can remember the location of your cell phone. If this method does not bring positive results in your search, then you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to remember whether the device has a notification function when it is turned off and whether the alarm is activated.
  2. Next, they begin to independently search for the phone. It is recommended to be patient if there are animals or children in the house, as they can take the device and hide it in the most unpredictable place. If the search does not produce results, you just need to wait until the time for which the alarm is set. When the signal is triggered, a melody will play and the phone will be easy to find.
  3. There is an item that can be useful for searching for a mobile phone - a metal detector.

There is also a method that allows you to find a missing phone, even if it is turned off.How to find a phone using a SIM card? You need to contact the nearest mobile operator office, report your phone as missing and ask them to find it. You need to have a passport with you, a contract for a SIM card and know the number.

If the device is stolen

When it is known for certain that phone was stolen the question arises,how to find it by imei yourself. Finding out the location of a missing or stolen mobile phone on your own is almost impossible. The only way is to use a special tracking function. Modern devices transmit their location over the Internet. More services that allow you to find mobile phone numbers IMEI independently, does not exist.

iPhones are very popular these days. Their cost is high, which is why people most often try to steal them. If an unpleasant situation with the loss of a mobile device does happen, what should you do? Is it possiblefind iPhone by imei?

Find iPhone via iCloud

Apple is constantly improving its protection for mobile device users.

Since 2010, an option called “Find iPhone” has appeared, thanks to which users connected to iCloud can track the location of their mobile device.

The Apple mobile device system offers to activate this option immediately when you turn on the new device for the first time.

If for some reason it does not work, you can enable it as follows:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Search for "iCloud" and activate the "Find My iPhone" option.
  3. Go to the "Privacy" section.
  4. Next, in the “Location Services” item, turn on the “Find iPhone” option again.

The described steps will help you track your iPhone via iCloud.

Attention!The "Last Location" option may also be useful. Device location data is transmitted when the battery is low.

Internet Search

Thanks to the activated iCloud optionfind iPhonepossible throughcomputer. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to from your computer using your ID and password.
  2. Find the application menu and click “Find iPhone”.
  3. After this, the location of the device will be displayed on the map.

When you click on it, the following functions will be offered:

  • turn on sound:
  • activate lost mode;
  • delete data.

Playing sound allows you to find the device due to loud music playing. In lost mode, you need to enter a phone number and a message, the device itself will be blocked. The person who finds the phone will see a phone number on the screen that they need to call and report the find. The last function is necessary to delete all data from the device.

How to find a device via Google

For Android-based cell phones, there isprogram to find a phone by imei. It's called Android Device Manage.This program provides the ability to find a phone by IMEI via satellite.

Attention!This function will help you find the device if it is turned on and the Internet and GPS are working.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must first register in the program.

If your mobile phone is stolen, there is a special function that allows you to make a call to the lost device. The call is free. The call is made at the highest volume level that is possible for a particular phone model.

You can turn off the sound only by removing the battery or from the computer.

The service also provides the ability to block a cell phone or erase the data contained on it.

Looking for a lost Samsung

It will be useful for many to know thatfind Samsung phoneyou can use your accountSamsung. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Login to your Samsung account.
  2. Enter personal data.
  3. Choose the appropriate action.

The following functions will be available to the user:

  • turn on the signal at full volume,
  • phone lock;
  • determining the device's location on the map;
  • Deleting contents permanently.

You can use the service only if the device is turned on. Otherwise, you will have to submit an application and all documents to law enforcement agencies. They will send a request to the cellular operator, who canpunch phone by imeiand indicate its location.

Fast and free mobile search program

Find phone via satelliteit is not possible to do it on your own. Most likely, the coordinates will help identify special device tracking services, nothing more. There are many programs, but they are only free for a short time, after which the user will be prompted to subscribe.

It is possible to find a mobile phone, but sometimes you have to spend a lot of time searching. Instead, it is better to take care of security, register your device in accounts and try not to lose your cell phone.

Mobile phone - an indispensable attribute of modern life, which sometimes helps out in any situation. Unfortunately, sometimes trouble happens with this lifesaver. For example, some users need to find out how to find a phone if they have lost it and it is turned off, via satellite for free. And in this seemingly hopeless situation, there are several solutions.

The situation with a lost phone can happen to anyone, so first of all you need to remain calm and immediately start searching, and not panic and blame yourself for absent-mindedness and inattention. You can lose your phone under different circumstances, so the solutions in each situation will be different. For example, the phone fell out of your pocket while walking, it was forgotten at home or in a public place, or it was even stolen by intruders. In order to correctly answer the question of how to find a lost phone, you should analyze each of the listed situations.

  1. If you suddenly haven't found your favorite gadget, try to remember when was the last time you highlighted it?. In most cases, the phone ends up forgotten somewhere at home, behind the bedside table or in the bathroom.
  2. If you are sure that your phone is definitely at home, but it is turned off and you cannot call it, use the alarm clock. If this function is active, the gadget will ring at the appointed time.
  3. If you lose your phone on the street and cannot call it because the gadget is turned off, do not immediately panic. Maybe, The phone turned off when dropped and lies somewhere, waiting to be rescued. Return and calmly walk along the last route, take a good look around and ask passers-by. It happens that the phone itself returns to the hands of its owner through decent and conscientious people.
  4. If none of the above situations suits you, and you are already at your wit's end looking for your phone, use modern technologies and services, everything has already been thought out for you.

How to find a switched off phone: by number, by IMEI, by SIM card, by GPS

Modern methods of searching for lost and stolen mobile phones significantly help their owners and restore faith in God, in people and in our valiant police. In a situation where your phone is stolen or lost, you can act in different ways.

  • You can try find phone number.
  • You can track the movement of your gadget through the Internet.
  • Find phone ByIMEI.
  • Contact your mobile operator and try to find your lost or stolen gadget BySIM-map.

How to find a phone number?

This type of search requires that the phone be connected to special service for tracking mobile devices. This method will be effective if your phone is in good hands and has not been used by scammers.

How to find a lost phone by IMEI?

In order to find a phone in this way, you need to know this one IMEI. These treasured 15 digits, firstly, are unique for each gadget. And secondly, they are written on the phone packaging. If you threw away the box a long time ago (which you shouldn’t have done), make sure in advance that the IMEI is written down somewhere under “Important information”. Don't write it down on your phone because you might lose it.

How to find out the IMEI of your phone?

  • Type in your device combination *#06#, and you will receive the necessary information about IMEI. Namely, 15 unique numbers for each SIM card.
  • IMEI also located under the phone battery, next to the serial number.
  • As we have already said, you should not throw away the box; the IMEI is also there.
  • We advise keep the warranty card to your phone.
  • Further, when you have found your IMEI, the procedure is as follows:

It is worth considering that you should search for a mobile phone using this method if you are absolutely sure that the phone has disappeared outside your home or apartment. If police find a device in your home, they may be fined for false appeal.

Also do not try to search for your phone using all kinds of services and sites, who will allegedly find your phone by IMEI for a fee. Firstly, it is not effective, and secondly, it is expensive.

Remember, you can find your lost favorite gadget via Google account, for example, or using special applications that should be installed on your phone in advance. There are also special service sites that only collect information about IMEI, however, they do not perform any search. You can enter your phone code into the database and then, perhaps, someone will respond and return your cell phone friend for a reward.

How to find a mobile phone using GPS?

This function is available for iPhone brand phones. For example, if you have lost your old but beloved iPhone 5, you can reunite with your friend, if a special search program and a GPS receiver are installed on it. This way you can track the location of your mobile on the street.

If you have a phone of a different brand, for example Samsung, you can contact your mobile phone company and the operator will search for your phone using the GPS system. This will be done using a signal on the SIM card when the phone is turned on, as well as when it is turned off. Contact the office of the operator company, providing the number of the lost phone, its IMEI and an agreement to receive a SIM card.

How to find a lost Android phone through a computer?

We told you about the most popular and most effective ways to search for a mobile phone. It remains to figure out how to find a lost Android phone through a computer, because this operating system is also equipped with a convenient search service.

You will need very few conditions:

  • Google account;
  • Naturally, access to a computer and the Internet;
  • special free program Android Device Manager.

Undoubtedly you need to take care of installing the service in advance so that you have the ability to remotely access your phone if it is lost. If you are wondering whether it is possible to install this program if a child is using the phone, then our answer is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, kids often lose gadgets. Moreover, a minimum of actions must be performed.

  1. Let's go to Phone settings.
  2. We find Security section.
  3. We see the item Device Administrators.
  4. Put a tick next to the option "Remote control of Android."

If you have lost your phone with the search program installed, you must ensure that the phone itself is turned on. Also on it must have access to the Internet or working Wi-Fi. Geolocation must be active on your phone, and your Google account must be activated.
If all these conditions are met, you will be able to track the location of your phone through your Google account on the map. You can also call your phone from your computer, block it or erase all data so that it does not fall into the hands of criminals.

IMEI is a number that is unique for each device. Used in mobile phones of WCDMA, GSM and IDEN networks, as well as some satellite phones. Derived from the English International Mobile Equipment Identity, which translates as “international mobile equipment identifier.”

IMEI is a device identification number, which is also used for authorization on the network and even allows you to find and block the device if it is stolen.

It is very easy to view the IMEI of a phone, and it does not matter what brand your device is, be it Samsung, Sony, LG, Alcatel, iPhone, etc., since there is no difference in this case. There are no particular differences in the firmware, be it Android, iOS or Windows Mobile.

There are several methods to find out IMEI. Let's start with the simplest one.

First way

This is the most convenient way for the device owner, since all he needs to do is just dial the code on his smartphone or phone *#06# . As soon as the user dials the specified number, the IMEI will immediately appear in front of him. This method is supported by the vast majority of devices, including iPhone.

Go to the Phone application.

Enter a code *#06# .

Here we have two IMEIs:

Why two? The phone uses two SIM cards and needs two IMEIs to register each SIM on the network. If you have a single-SIM device, there will be one IMEI.

How to find out IMEI on iPhone? In the same way: enter the desired combination and see the result.

IMEI is in front of you.

Second way

Let's find the IMEI through the phone menu. To do this, go to settings.

We find the section “About phone” or “Phone information” - usually it is the last one in the menu, or the penultimate one.

We see IMEI.

Above is an example based on Samsung, and this is what the page looks like on a Huawei smartphone:

Third way

IMEI can be found on the phone box. This is usually a sticker that is located on the back of the box. It looks something like this:

Fourth method

The IMEI is also located on a sticker that can be found under the phone's battery. Of course, you can use this method only if it is possible to remove the battery, and many modern smartphones do not have this prerogative.

If 2 SIM cards are supported, there will also be two IMEI on the sticker.

Fifth method

The IMEI is indicated in the warranty card by the seller when selling the device. This option is suitable if, for example, the phone was stolen and there is no box. Please note that IMEI is not indicated on the warranty card in every case.

Reading time: 5 min

In this article we will look at a situation where you have lost or had your phone stolen and how to find it by IMEI, as well as what settings need to be made in the phone itself immediately after purchase.

If your phone has been lost (stolen), you can return it in several ways, including using the IMEI identification number. However, the latter is not always effective; below we will explain in detail why. We will also consider in detail how else you can calculate the location of the device and try to return it yourself.

What is IMEI, how to find a phone using it

IMEI is a unique device identification number that is assigned to it at the factory. You can find out the IMEI of your device in several ways:

Please note that on phones with two SIM codes there will also be two.

To find a device by IMEI, you need to contact the police and write a statement. Please note that you will not only need to know the identification number of the device, but also have all the documents for it, a sales receipt, and a box.

Before doing this, you should call your operator and ask to block the SIM card. Some operators, if they submit a statement to law enforcement agencies, can track the phone or block it completely, depriving the attacker of the ability to use it even if the SIM card is changed.

If you have not blocked your phone, then police officers can make appropriate inquiries to the cellular communication company. They, in turn, check if your phone is online, when and where it contacted the base station. This way, the cellular operator can calculate which stations your phone has been “lit up” on recently.

Why is it impossible to find a phone by IMEI on your own?

It is impossible to independently find a smartphone by IMEI, since only the cellular operator has access to the station switching center, i.e., to all stations. Consequently, all applications that allegedly provide a service for locating a phone by IMEI are fraudulent.

Another thing is information services that provide access to their own IMEI database of lost or stolen phones. If you register the identification number of your stolen device in one of them, there is a small chance that you will get it back for a reward. One of these services is LoSToleN.

Using the standard Android remote control feature

For modern devices running Android, it is now possible to remotely control your phone. Activating it allows you to:

  • block the device and delete all information from it,
  • determine the location of the phone.

You can use remote control if the function that allows access to geodata has been activated in advance. You also need to add a Google account to it and log in with your ID.

Setting up remote control is carried out in the following way:

You can check if the location feature is working at Once you've signed in, you should be able to detect your device.

Otherwise, check again whether the remote control function is active on the phone and whether access to location data is open.

Lost Android app

This program offers wider functionality for remote control of the device. To start using it, you need to install the utility client from Google Play, after which the Personal Notes application will be installed on your smartphone. Further:

  1. Activate the program and give it device administrator access.
  2. Sign up using your Google account.

After this, the following functions will become available to you:

  • turning on sound, display and vibration on a stolen phone;
  • search for a device on the map, and if the GPS on the phone is turned off, the user himself can activate it remotely;
  • blocking a device via the Internet;
  • sending messages demanding the return of the device;
  • viewing and saving pictures, contacts;
  • When replacing the SIM card on the device, the owner receives a corresponding notification.

Special service for Samsung phone owners

Samsung devices have their own form of location and number verification. To do this, register in the Find My Lost Phone service. You need to be prepared for the fact that checking your device during registration may take up to several days. After logging into this service, you need to enter your IMEI, after which the location of the device will be displayed on the map.

How to find a stolen iPhone or iPad

To be able to find a lost or stolen Apple device, enable the Find My iPhone service in advance. To do this, in the device settings you need to go to the “iCloud” section and activate the corresponding switch.

This time we will consider the option of how to find a phone by IMEI yourself via the Internet, because sometimes you need to quickly and urgently find a smartphone that has been lost.

The most frequently used gadget in the modern world is the mobile phone. It is always at hand, it stores a ton of information, all important numbers, as well as dates. And it is not strange that after the loss or theft of such an assistant, a person, in the literal sense of the word, remains “ like having no hands" If this happens, the person tries to find the lost gadget as soon as possible. But at such a moment, a logical question arises: what needs to be done to make the search as fruitful as possible? There is a lot of information about this on the Internet. The most widespread The way to search for a phone on Android is to search using imei, well, this is provided that you know it.

What is the IMEI of an Android phone (IMEI)

Imei is a special telephone code consisting of 15 digits. It is usually located on the device body under the battery. But, in order to watch it, it is not necessary to remove the battery. You just need to dial the combination *#06# and the number will appear on the mobile screen.

Several ways to find a phone by IMEI yourself via the Internet

Now we will look at the 4 most effective and efficient ways to find a missing pet. The very first methods are the simplest and fastest, and the latest are more complex.

The Android Remote Control service is known to few people except Google users. But with his help you can find your device. In fact, it is automatically already built into the phone's operating system. Therefore, it allows you to find your smartphone on a virtual map that shows its current location.

But such a system does not just indicate the coordinates of the device that was lost. As a rule, the owner can use the service " Call", as well as "Block and Delete data". But it is worth remembering that the device you are trying to find must have Android firmware no older than 3.2.25. In other cases this will be done impossible.

Find a lost android phone via computer using Airdroid

Airdroid is an analogue of Google. True, in this case you will have the opportunity to independently control the device from a distance at the software level. But there is one minus, and quite significant! If the SIM card is removed from the phone, or disconnect it from the Internet, it will be impossible to do all the manipulations for the search. This application can be found through the Google Play system.

How to find a phone using GPS via a computer - Lost Android program

Lost Android is quite common, in fact very powerful program, allowing you to control the device from a distance. And just like in the previous version, Google Play will help you to use it. After installation, an application called “Personal Notes” will appear on your smartphone, under which the real surveillance program will be hidden. When activating the program, give it device administrator rights. After which you have to go through a short registration using your Google account. After this, the program is completely ready for use. She can use such opportunities remotely, How:

  • Turn on vibration
  • Unmute sound
  • Turning on the display
  • Blocking and unblocking from the Internet
  • Send messages that will pop up on the screen asking you to return the device
  • Copying and viewing photos, video files, and contacts
  • Receive notification of SIM card replacement and much more.

If your device has GPS enabled, you can easily find it on the map.

Find phone through police

In the Russian Federation, only cellular operators have access to the location. But such information are announced to citizens only after they contact law enforcement agencies. That is why, in order to obtain such data, you need to contact the police, presenting ownership of the phone, indicating your details, imei, and also filling out all the necessary paperwork.

After registering the application, law enforcement officers send an official request to the cellular operator, and they confirm the authenticity of the words you said about the owner of the device. Only then is an official response provided. But as practice shows, if you are an ordinary person, there will be difficult to find the device in this manner. As a rule, the police rarely react to such statements and try to do something. As a result, the fraudster who stole or appropriated the device manages to change the card or sell the phone on the market. Then find it practically impossible.

But this method is suitable for those who have at least the slightest police communications, FSB, or cellular communication companies. Then the process will definitely give results. Then, the search can last only a few hours, and be fruitful even if the device was turned off. But on practice, only a small percentage of people contact the police after their phone goes missing. In addition, it is worth remembering that if during the search it turns out that a person just lost his phone, then you can get a hefty fine


After reading the detailed material on the topic of finding a missing smartphone, you will probably know how to find a phone by IMEI yourself via the Internet, and therefore write down your phone on a piece of paper in advance.


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