Promotion in social media networks and earnings on Soclike

04/01/15 9K

The next spring conscription into the army has recently started. Something similar is happening on the Internet, but only here they are actively recruiting not into the army, but into referrals. If you become one of them, you will also be “put on the payroll”: you will be provided with the necessary knowledge and a “web form”. Or maybe it’s better to immediately become the commander-in-chief of your army. But where can I find referrals for her?

Who are referrals?

Although there are some similarities between conscripted soldiers and referral soldiers, there are more differences. The main thing is that no one will chase the user throughout the virtual space and force him to serve in the “referral” troops. This is a voluntary matter, therefore, in order to lure referrals, the “carrot” rather than the stick is most often used.

Any referral system is based on attracting new users. For this, the referral (the person who “brings” new visitors) receives a certain monetary reward.

That is, to recruit good referrals to your team for free, you need less “ use the whip", and more gingerbread:

A referral is not an ordinary “user”. It is a key element of the referral program, which is based on the principles of honest partnership, when one participant becomes a partner upon the recommendation of another.

The referral program is one of the methods of marketing promotion. On the Internet, such an affiliate program involves registering on one of the resources that provides some services. In order for the “recruiter” to receive money for attracting referrals, the new user must go to this site using his referral link.

The concept of a referral and everything connected with it is widespread on the Internet. Referrals participate in various types of affiliate programs. Starting with CPA affiliate programs for selling watches and ending with advertising and promotion of hosting services.

A referral link is a link leading to a resource that participates in a referral program and pays the referral for attracting new users. Most often, such a link contains a unique identifier of the referral (recruiter). The identifier is used to monitor the actions of the referral and accrue rewards for attracted users.

The diagram above describes sites that pay for referrals. That is, for attracting new users to the resource. But the referral program can also be multi-level:

Multi-level referral system

The multi-level scheme is built on slightly different principles of the relationship between the “barker” and the “recruited”. In this case, the recruiter acts as an inviter, and the users he recruits are themselves referrals.

Such referral programs can have several levels:

  • At the first level there is an inviting person who, in relation to the resource where referrals are recruited, is himself a referral;
  • The second level is represented by those users who were attracted by the “recruiter” through a personal link leading to the site;
  • The remaining levels consist of the following “generations” of referrals.

Moreover, each inviter receives a certain percentage of the income of their referrals for the users they attract. In general, this whole process can be represented as a financial pyramid:

What do you pay for in a one-level referral system?

The multi-level system is the least popular. And over time, like any financial pyramid, it is doomed to failure.

  1. Registration fee – the inviter receives income for referrals who followed his personal link and completed the registration procedure on the site;
  2. For performing any actions - this could be reading mail or going to resources (surfing);
  3. Payment for download - if the referral you attracted downloads or installs certain software (content);
  4. Other actions - this can include watching videos, reading advertisements, joining a certain group on a social network and much more.

We'll talk about where to get referrals a little later. Now here is a list of proven services with which you can make money from referrals:

Where to get referrals

It's hard to be commander-in-chief without an army. Therefore, it remains to find out the geography of the locations where you need to look for referrals.

There are several ways to “extract” them:

  • Invite friends - if you have a lot of friends and acquaintances, then this fact can be used to your advantage. But since you want friends to continue to remain friends, this method is not always applicable. Although in some situations it can even be useful. For example, if your friends are avid fishermen, then it would be quite appropriate to invite them to follow a referral link leading to an online store of fishing accessories;
  • Using your social network group is a similar example of where to effectively advertise a referral link. You can place a referral link on the page of your group or public (VKontakte) and make a tempting offer to subscribers. For example, you can organize a drawing of valuable prizes among those who follow the link and register. This method is especially effective when it comes to a narrowly focused thematic group ( motorists, fishermen, sports, etc..);
  • Buy referrals – you can purchase “ready-made” referrals from others. There are even specialized exchanges for this.

Here are some of them:

  • ;

It should be borne in mind that such a purchase is not a guarantee of permanent income. After all, even the most successful referral can suddenly stop its activities and make a profit.

More than 120 thousand people a day visit social networks daily - Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and many other equally popular ones. Each social network gathers its own unique audience, which are formed into small groups and communities.

Social media is one of the powerful marketing tools, and not using it means missing out on huge opportunities. Creating groups and communities, promoting with targeted advertising, tags and advertising in communities - these are the most effective and simple tools that we can use for our business every day.

Today we will tell you how to promote a link on social networks for free and in case you have at least a minimum budget.

From the article you will learn:

We promote links on VKontakte

Promoting links using hashtags works great on Twitter and Vkontakte.

As everyone knows, hashtags have long appeared on VKontakte and Twitter. All you need to do is write small posts with a link and a hashtag. You can do this even from your page or account. But before starting work, look at which of the tags are “live” (this means that you can find a large number of posts on this topic and they constantly appear, which means the tag is popular), and which there is no point in leaving, because in the search you could find only 23 records and only for last year. To help you, a small article with links to services that will help you choose hashtags for Twitter. For Vkontakte, use its native search:

However, you shouldn’t get carried away - a large number of tags in one post will only scare you away, and it doesn’t look very nice visually.

Use thematic groups on Vkontakte, Facebook and Google +

Find relevant groups and communities in the search, publish your comments and posts with referral links there. The main thing is that your answers are relevant and informative, helping the user find the answer.

Please note that sometimes you will not be able to simply leave comments until you subscribe or join the group.

Creating a group and community on VKontakte

You can create a VKontakte group yourself and leave posts there with links and hashtags. Before creating a group, you are given the opportunity to choose the type of community. This could be a public page that people subscribe to, a group, or an event. In our case, you can select the “public page” type and start creating a community.

Design will not take you more than an hour if you are an active user of graphic editors. There are also many sites on the Internet with ready-made free templates for groups and communities.

It is better to leave several ready-made thematic messages in the group at once. An empty group causes doubts and mistrust. If you have created a public page in which you will write about new developments in IT technologies, then leave a couple of jokes on this topic, write an interesting post in which you tell us when the first domain was registered. Run a couple of promotions and competitions - our company offers assistance to all registered partners and provides all the necessary conditions for this.

This method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, because every day you can only add 40 new people to the group, and send messages to only 20. Try creating a group and advertising in the community. This method will quickly bring you new subscribers and registered users.

Targeted advertising on VKontakte

If you want to reduce promotion time and are willing to pay for it, use the capabilities of targeted advertising on VKontakte. The advantage of this method is (even though it is paid) that advertising on VKontakte is much cheaper than the same advertising on Facebook.

Especially for you, here are several principles for creating targeted advertising on VKontakte:

1. Choose a catchy title and description. Not short, use all characters. You can use the following headings: “ ”, “ ”, “where to buy”, “ “. And in the descriptions it is worth giving a little more information - what kind of hosting, what are the advantages of the affiliate program, etc.

2. Choose a bright picture to attract attention. You can configure the corresponding setting and choose the image size from three options (image and text, large image or exclusive format).

3. Fill out the target audience settings as clearly as possible, based on the portrait of a typical user. In our case, this is a man 25-35 years old, interested in IT topics. At your discretion, you can add more interests, select a city or university.

5. We advise you to choose a payment method for transitions (clicks). This means that you will pay exclusively for clicking on the link you need and not spend anything extra. If a person is not interested in the ad, he will simply pass by, and your money will remain with you.

6. Set the transition cost to be less than recommended (it can be adjusted at any time). This way you can save money and run your ads longer. Also, if you want to show your ads longer, set a limit on impressions, this will help you not spend your entire budget in one day.

Targeted advertising on Facebook

The principle of setting up a campaign is almost the same as on VKontakte. You can also configure the parameters of your target audience as clearly as possible (indicate age, location, interests, etc.).

Take advantage of advanced settings. Specify the “Clicks to Website” optimization parameter. This means that you will only pay when someone clicks on your link. In the “Pricing” column, select the second item and indicate how much you are willing to pay for one transition to the site.

In conclusion, here are a couple of successful Facebook ads:

Write in the comments which of the listed methods did you like best and which one really helped you?

Did you know that on social networks you can not only communicate with friends, but also earn money? Why did it happen? You say. It turns out everything is simple. Advertisers and website owners are willing to pay money for likes and reposts, thereby promoting their projects. Making money on social networks is very popular now and today we will look at how to do it.

Recently, in the Internet activities of people earning money online, a new concept and a whole system for attracting new clients from social networks, called SMM, have emerged. This concept represents a separate category of algorithms and tools that are worth considering in more detail.

Social Media Marketing or SMM is a whole system, or a set of actions and works aimed at attracting new customers to the business and its subsequent expansion. An additional goal is various types of advertising to detect potentially interested partners. Subsequently, having developed a base of potential clients, they can be transferred to the category of active partners. This system operates primarily within various social networks, and to increase the efficiency of work, it is recommended to involve professional and experienced specialists.

SMM has long become a generally recognized and quite serious tool for promotion, which large companies and brands do not hesitate to use. You can find a whole lot of similar examples on the Internet. In addition, it is noteworthy that many of these campaigns have separate and specially trained personnel working exclusively in the SMM system.

Earning money on social networks

Not so long ago, making money on the Internet was something distant and incomprehensible for most users. There were not many conscientious and really paying projects, but scams appeared and closed every day. However, many people are already making money online, because even young schoolchildren can do it.

Today there are many ways to make money on the Internet, which have significant differences among themselves. One of the newest and most promising ways is to make money on social networks.

Nowadays, almost every Internet user has an account on social networks or even several, and therefore online business and making money on the Internet are trying to actively occupy this promising niche. This can greatly simplify and speed up the process of recruiting leads and new customers, but for maximum success it requires promotion within social networks.

Social networks have a high online presence and traffic, which makes them especially attractive for SMMers, even despite the thematic difference. It is through this very promotion that many ordinary users can earn extra money.

What sites to earn money on

There are a whole lot of sites that pay and offer a huge number of tasks related to the promotion of individual pages or entire groups. By performing simple and familiar actions on a social network, the user contributes to the promotion of a brand, for which he receives a monetary reward. This is a fairly simple principle on which work on such sites is based.

Today we will introduce you to one interesting site, like Likesrock, and describe all the subtleties and capabilities of the site. You will learn how to register, if anyone is interested, they can promote their group or website there, gain subscribers and a huge number of likes and reposts. And of course, we’ll show you how to make money on this project.

Registration and introduction to Likesrock

To register on Likersrock click:

The website is a modern service for promotion on social networks. Registration on the site is extremely simple, since it only requires you to provide a login, password and confirmation of your email address. In the future, the user will be required to link the necessary social media accounts to their personal account, as well as establish a connection with the electronic wallet. This is necessary in order to carry out transactions with the internal balance, as well as for the administration, during checks of transactions on this account.

Your personal account is in many ways reminiscent of the familiar interface of social networks and has a number of similar basic functions. For example, internal correspondence between project users is available. In addition, the ability to operate with the balance, task list has been added, and there is also a section for operations with the referral system.

For a quicker orientation on Likersrock, watch the video review of the project:

Those who want to promote their account or group on social networks can top up their balance and create a number of tasks for other users. Users who want to earn money in this service complete these tasks and receive a monetary reward. This is the basic principle of operation of this service.

For greater convenience of both types of accounts, the system provides the opportunity to obtain VIP status, which significantly increases the comfort and efficiency of work.

How to promote a project on social networks with Likesrock

The service makes it possible to promote your brand, project, or just a personal page on various social networks. It provides for cooperation with a dozen different social networks, including the most popular ones. In addition, among all the proposed social networks, the list includes the popular and beloved video hosting YouTube.

Watch a detailed video on how to competently create your advertising campaign on Likersrock:

Promotion is carried out by creating tasks or assignments for other users for a monetary reward. Of course, the preliminary step to creating a task is replenishing your balance. Each action in any task has its own cost, which, after the user completes the task conditions, will be debited from the customer’s account and transferred to the contractor.

Almost any action performed within various social networks can be paid using this service. Often, to promote a group or page, likes, reposts, subscribers, as well as applications to join the group are ordered. In addition to accounts and pages, you can also promote YouTube channels or individual videos. In this case, it is possible to order subscribers to the channel, likes on videos, as well as increase the number of views.

How to make money on Likesrock

To quickly understand how to make money on Likesrock, watch the video:

The Likesrock service provides not only tools that provide your brand with promotion on social networks, but also the opportunity to earn money.

First of all, of course, the main income for ordinary users of this service lies in performing various types of tasks set by customers. By performing simple and familiar actions on various social networks, you can also receive a monetary reward for this. In fact, everything here is simple and clear, since most tasks are completed in a couple of simple clicks. More complex tasks involve, for example, watching videos on YouTube, but they also pay higher.

To increase profitability, you can purchase VIP status, which to a certain extent improves the comfort of work and increases income. It is important to remember that the rules of the service prohibit the creation of multiple accounts in order to obtain benefits, since then all interconnected accounts will be blocked, along with their balance. In addition, it is unacceptable to use fake pages or automated bots to complete tasks. Such manipulations will also be suppressed and blocked in the future. Only real and active accounts are accepted for work.

How much can you earn in 1 hour on LikesRock

Watch a visual video about how much you can earn on Likesrock in one hour:

In addition to completing tasks, you can also earn money through the affiliate program. It involves inviting new users to the project using your referral link. It is noteworthy that a reward can be received both for inviting a customer and for inviting an active performer.

Pros and cons of the project

Despite the fact that this service is an excellent opportunity for promotion and earning money on social networks, it has not only advantages, but also its disadvantages.

For customers, the main disadvantage is that, despite the impressive indicators of attracting customers and increasing activity, this is often an almost one-time phenomenon. It is logical to assume that a considerable part of the users who come across the customer’s brand through such a service will not be truly interested in the product or service, which means that such a person is unlikely to become a client or a potentially interested partner. However, thanks to increased activity on the page and an increase in the total number of subscribers, the site or brand will certainly receive overall development.

For performers, no shortcomings were noticed, however, some users may be disappointed in the size of their income, as well as in the strict but fair rules of cooperation with the service. This is explained by the fact that some users have rather high expectations, which often do not correspond to reality.

The main advantage is that the project pays the performers in euros and when converted to Russian rubles the amount is not small.

Opinion about the site

In our opinion, this site is an excellent service both for promotion on social networks and for earning money.

The proposed wide range of promotion tools will satisfy the needs of not only online businessmen, but even individual companies. The VIP status function will allow you to more effectively and quickly promote your brand or products.

Those who want to earn money without investing can do this at any convenient time, choosing a range of tasks to their liking. In addition, this service offers a fairly high level of payment, which distinguishes it from many analogues. Also, it’s nice to have a referral system, which, with appropriate activity, can provide passive income.

Comparison with other similar sites

When compared with other similar sites, Likesrock stands out from the crowd with a number of undoubted advantages. Among the main advantages, the following points can be highlighted:

  1. Higher pay for completing tasks
  2. Extensive range of tasks
  3. Reach many different social networks
  4. Availability of an affiliate program
  5. Possibility of obtaining VIP status to expand capabilities and increase efficiency.

Likesrock Affiliate Program

As part of the Likesrock service, there is an affiliate or referral program. Each registered user in their personal account is provided with a unique referral link, which makes it possible to invite new people to the site. For any action of a customer or performer you invite, you will receive a reward in the form of a certain percentage of the monetary transactions of your referrals.

A rather pleasant thing is that this referral system is multi-level, which means that it consists of three levels. The first level consists of people invited directly by you, and then two more rows are built according to the principle of a pyramid, already when your referrals begin to invite their own.

For each level, a share of the reward is provided in the form of a percentage of the amount of transactions of your referrals. With the right approach, you can build a large-scale referral structure and provide yourself with an impressive passive income.

You can attract people to your affiliate program not only through social networks, but also using banners and advertising videos.

Who will benefit from Likesrock?

The Likesrock website is perfect for anyone who is promoting their own business on the Internet, and is also an online businessman. A large set of tools for promotion and promotion will please many. In addition, many aspects of this service have clear advantages compared to other similar projects.

For those who want to earn extra money without investing, we would also recommend Likesrock. Many Internet users already spend their time on social networks, so why not use it usefully and make some money from it. Thus, this service gives its users the opportunity to earn cash rewards by performing simple actions on social networks that they already perform every day.


Likesrock will be a great addition for people who want to earn money without investment. The site is suitable for absolutely everyone; no experience is needed, just a computer and Internet access. For fans of social networks, the benefits will be obvious. Register and earn money!

Hello, dear friends! I am sure that many of you who decided to take my advice and plunged headlong into building referral networks were faced with the problem of finding new users for their projects. Therefore, I decided to tell you about making money from referral links, which will be truly effective. We will also learn how to involve only active followers in your programs.

Ways to attract referrals

I’ll say right away that there are a great many methods that allow you to attract new referrals. I'll tell you about the most effective and I’ll start with those that are completely free and will not require any investment from you, except temporary ones:

  1. Reach out to your friends and family. As I already said, in your environment there will certainly be a couple of people who will be interested in the possibility of additional income.
  2. Don't neglect the power of social media. If you know and can boast of a large number of virtual friends and subscribers, God himself told you to tell them about an amazing project with a very profitable affiliate program.
  3. Comb through thematic forums.
  4. Place your affiliate link on social bookmarking services.
  5. Try it in action active advertising systems. Personally, I know that ATS provide a very decent and tangible return in terms of increasing the number of referrals.
  6. If you can boast of eloquence, then your solution is conducting webinars. This activity is simple, but very effective. Once you explain to people how to become your regular partners, you will forever receive active and profitable referrals.

How to attract your first referrals

If you are already thinking about how to properly start attracting referrals, then you need to consider a few important things:

Regarding the last point, I advise you to spend a little time on creating an advertising message to your future referrals and repeat the following algorithm:

  1. Find suitable videos on the Internet about registering in the service to which you want to attract new users. To do this, simply enter the corresponding phrase into the search bar of your favorite search engine and select the video you like.
  2. Download video. You can do this using free services like Ummy Video Downloader, or anyone else.
  3. Upload your advertising message to your Youtube channel.
  4. Copy and paste into line descriptions video shortened referral link.
  5. Copy the link on the downloaded video, add a small but very attractive ad, and go surf the Internet, simultaneously advertising your service.

About affiliate links and their correct use

Since today affiliate programs are not a rarity or some kind of amazing curiosity, it is very important not to get lost in this diversity and choose the one that is suitable specifically for your resource. It is very important to take into account when choosing a program site specifics, the theme of the affiliate program itself, number of target visitors, which are an integral part of any site made for people.
Everything that I write down below will not allow you to build a huge referral network if you cannot choose the right affiliate program.

But let’s not pull the cat by the tail, but let’s get to the heart of the matter. I think it would be unnecessary to make theoretical digressions, since in previous articles I have already made a detailed excursion into the terminological world of referrals. If this article is now being read by beginners who are completely at a loss, I advise you all to go back a few lessons. There you will understand why it is needed, what it is in principle, how it works and what to do with it.

In the meantime, I want to tell you that many companies offering earnings from affiliate programs, quite often, in addition to referral links, offer webmasters to place various types of links on their resources banners and informers.

I want to warn you right away: if you are worried about how to get a lot of referrals, but you completely ignore simple links, relying on the effectiveness of ad units, your efforts are doomed to failure. If you are really thinking about how to attract as many referrals as possible for free, make using banners a taboo for yourself. Most likely, many of you are a little confused right now and don't understand why I'm talking about categorical prohibition.

Everything is very simple. The fact is that readers extremely negatively perceive any information that, even from afar, looks like advertising. Even if your banner is professionally and stylishly designed, the text for its information block will be composed competently and enticingly - this still will not force random users to use your link and go to the project page. Most likely, upon seeing an advertising picture, readers will automatically scroll through your ad without even bothering to read it.

Ad blockers

Another reason why I cannot advise you to use advertising informers is the presence of banner cutters. For example, banner advertising of referral links on VKonakte, Odnoklassniki or any other social networks will be taken by surprise by the presence of AdBlock or FlashBlock.

That is, your attractive banner will most likely simply be cut out from the overall design of the page, which will make your offer to join the project simply invisible for interested users.

Thus, you and I can come to a completely logical conclusion that you can only direct users to an affiliate project if you know where to place the link to attract new referrals. It is very important that she has exclusively text view. In order for your work to bear fruit and the link to be effective, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Never put a referral link before an ad that is inherently related to the affiliate program.
  2. Do not insert a link in blocks dedicated to introducing the user to the content.
  3. End your ads with referral links, draw a concise and organic conclusion from everything you say.

Since you already know the negative impact that overt advertising can have on attracting referrals, it is extremely important to ensure that your referral link does not give away your true intentions. Alternatively, you can describe to the reader the importance and usefulness of your proposal, tell him that following the link will not affect his earnings in any way, but in reality it will not bring any effect.

Therefore, do not forget about such an important event as hiding referral tails. This is done extremely simply, but the effectiveness of an affiliate link without a tail increases several times. To shorten links, you can use, for example, the service from Google

Paid methods for placing links and attracting referrals

Since I already talked above about free ways to attract users to projects, it would be quite appropriate to tell you about those methods that involve investing a certain amount of money in promoting a referral network. So, the most effective options for finding active referrals for money you can consider:

  • Advertising in specialized services.
  • Advertising in teaser networks;
  • Promoting your site on social networks

  1. – similar to the above, Smmka is designed for promoting pages on social networks, the only difference can be considered a wider range of platforms
  2. – an excellent service where you simply cannot help but be pleased with the presence of a three-level referral system
  3. – this is your service if you are promoting a channel on YouTube or are interested in expanding the audience on a page on a social network
  4. – encourages the activity of its users with worthwhile bonuses, strictly monitors bots, and punishes violators

Registration in the excellent service vktarget

Teaser networks

Well, in conclusion, I present to you a list of the best teaser networks, which will help you in placing your advertising message to all potential referrals:


Register in

The main advantage of these sites can be considered the penny sums for placing ads, which, however, in no way affect the effectiveness of the services as a whole. Simply put, for little money you can attract a whole armada of people here who will really work for you.

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Affiliate programs with the possibility of attracting referrals are becoming increasingly popular and many are already actively making money on them.

To search for referrals and invite them to different systems, different sources are used, from forums to individual sites, but which one is better?

Look for referrals on social networks, as statistics indicate that in the fall of 2014 there will be increase in referral traffic to sites. Social networks have already overtaken search engines in terms of traffic more than once, but their indicators also converge in terms of referral traffic.

Referrals from social networks

One of the large foreign companies conducted a study, and last week they published a report saying that in September more referral traffic came from social networks than from search engines:

Yes, several months have already passed, but it is difficult to track such data, so the report was not published immediately. Unfortunately, the indicators are only percentages; exact figures were not given.

As you can see, in June 2014, social. networks had already taken the lead, and this was the first time. Now the situation is repeating itself, which means that social networks are really suitable for finding referrals.

General statistics indicate that people are increasingly using social networks. also receive huge traffic, but on social media. networks are developing more actively. Please note that the data obtained from a foreign source, the indicators of such projects as Facebook, Pinterest, etc. were checked.

Why is social media better in terms of referral traffic? networks? Most likely, this is due to the fact that search engines first need to bring a person to your site, and also force him to read the material.

As a rule, for certain queries, search engine users see the service itself in the first place, and not articles with referral links. As for social networks, you can communicate directly with people and use communities as platforms.

How to attract referrals is up to you, but current statistics should always be taken into account. Perhaps this data will prompt you to new thoughts and actions regarding the development of your referral network.


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