Private plugins for rust experimental. Download plugins for Rust

I want to immediately decide why Magma. I choose it because other mods are not as accessible and not as easy to customize. For example, mod Oxide it is very difficult to find, and it is not very friendly to pirate servers and hosting, and is also difficult to set up if you are not familiar with all the nuances. In addition, Magma is freely distributed, constantly updated and has a large number of plugins. It installs on the unofficial version with a bang, and even a beginner can edit the settings. So, enough foreplay, let's get started!

1. Install the Magma mod itself
Download the archive: (downloads: 2795)
Unpack it and get two folders.

Save and rust_server_Data folders

We move these folders to the root folder with the installed server. Thus, after all the manipulations we should get:

Magma folder in the save folder

From the rust_server_DataManaged folder, copy 4 files to the folder of the same name

That's it, the mod itself is installed and we can start setting it up initially.

2. Management and initial setup
Management occurs by editing the Rust++.cfg file, which is located in the save/Magma/Rust++ folder (don’t be surprised by the name, Magma is made by the creators of Rust++). Open the file with Notepad and gain access to editing. All editing occurs mainly by changing the permissions of parameters (false and true), as well as changing the quantity. Let's take a closer look at some of the parameters:

  • Disable or enable decay on server

  • We change welcome message and set its appearance interval

  • Setting up starter kit

  • Setting up the interval autosaves

  • As you can see, there are a lot of parameters, you can configure a lot yourself.

    3. Additional options and Airdrops & Co plugin
    Now let's take it a step further and customize more settings using the awesome Airdrops & Co plugin. 1.5. With its help we will configure spawn points, houses and other tools.

    So, download the archive: (downloads: 638)
    Extract the contents to the save/magma folder. This completes the installation.

    Now in the game we can do the following:

    >Set up a teleport to your home.
    To do this, write to the game chat

    /sethome house name

    For example, I did this: while in the house, I entered the command /sethome porosenkadom. That's it, the teleport is installed on your home. Now, if you get lost, just enter the command

    /home house name

    And you will find yourself at home.

    >Other teams I’ll give it for brevity without explanation (and everything is clear).

    /time day - Switch to daytime.
    /time night - Switch to night time.
    /time set [value] - Freely set the time. The value is hours, from 0 to 23.
    /time say - Display the current time in the chat.

    /summon help - View a list of object and animal IDs.
    /summon [name] [quantity] - Spawn an item or beast.

    /home house name- Teleport home.
    /sethome house name- Set a teleport point to the house.
    /delhome house name- Remove the teleport point to the house.
    /delhome all- Delete all teleport home points.

    The spawn points in this plugin are not common. Each player will have their own spawn point. Spawn points are different from houses in that you will appear there after you die. So just set your spawn point in one of your houses.
    /spawn- Teleport to the spawn point.
    /setspawn- Set the spawn point.
    /delspawn- Delete spawn point.

    /clan create clan name- Create a clan.
    /clan add nickname- Invite a player to the clan.
    /clan accept- Accept the invitation to join the clan.
    /clan reject- Refuse an invitation to join a clan.
    /clan kick nickname- Kick a player from the clan.
    /clan leave- Leave the clan.
    /clan delete- Delete your clan.
    /clan message message- Write a message to your clan chat.
    /clan list- List of clans.

    The plugin is easily configured using a configuration file. You can disable one of the modules of this plugin. For example, if you do not need the clan system, then you can disable it by changing just one line in the config.
    The config file is located in the save/Magma/AirdropsCo folder. Open the file AirdropsCo.cfg and edit.

    We configure the flight time, the number of bags and the distance to the airdrop player

    As you can see, you can configure a lot just by editing cfg files with a regular notepad.

    4. Own plugins
    Well, if you want to go even further and try to create the plugins yourself, now we will look at a short lesson.

    So, let's start in order:

  • Open the save->Magma folder in the server directory.
  • Create a folder there with the name of your plugin (in English).
  • In the folder we create a file with the name of your plugin (for example: plugin.js)
  • You can edit everything using any notepad.
    Preparing the workspace for the first plugin ends here.

    Let's move on to writing code.
    Open .js and start writing:

    Player.Message("Any of your text.");

    This part of the code will display a greeting in the chat.

    Attention! A greeting is displayed to each player who logs into the server separately.
    That is, if there are already 10 people on the server, they will not see this when the 11th player enters.

    Let's take a closer look at what we wrote:
    function- function call, On_PlayerConnected- event.
    So, when the function is called, an event occurs for the player who has entered the server - (Player).
    Next, we open the executable functions (I didn’t know what else to call it).
    Opening occurs with a curly brace. ({)
    Now we can write what will happen when a player connects.
    In this case we are going to display a greeting.
    So we need a message output.
    The message is output by calling Player.Message(); with parameters.
    For example, Player.Message("Hello, world!");
    This way, any visiting player will see this message.

    Player.Name is responsible for displaying the player's nickname.
    And don’t forget that after the text "Hello, " need a space.
    Otherwise it will be like this: "Hello, Poros."
    You may also have noticed that after each line there is ";" .
    This closes the line. They are placed only after internal lines (you can see in the example).
    Now we close our function (})

    function On_PlayerConnected(Player) (
    Player.Message("Hello, " + Player.Name);

    We save our .js file (utf-8 encoding).

    Let's start the server and see what's happening in the game.
    This is the simplest example of creating a plugin, which I managed to do the first time, without delving into all the details. To create more complex plugins, use the wiki available on the Magma forum.
    (use the online translator Promt, since Google Translit refused to translate technical slang for me).

    I learned everything in this article from my own experience, as well as with the help of guys from other sites and forums who helped me understand everything, for which I thank them very much.

    That's all, I hope this article will be useful. Poros was with you

  • 23.11.2016|

    Kits plugin

    Let's start with perhaps the most popular, plugin Kits. No server can do without it. Thanks to kits, you can create specific sets that the player will use. You can also create VIP sets and auto dials.

    Stack Size Controller plugin

    Next on the list is a plugin. It helps you change the stacks on your server. On almost every modified server you will find this indispensable plugin.

    CraftingController and MagicCraft plugins

    The advantages of CraftingController are that you can change the crafting speed with one command (but you can’t do Instacraft), prohibit the crafting of certain items, and things stack normally when crafted.

    What about MagicCraft? This plugin has many more advantages than CraftingController, but it still has its drawbacks. Let's start with the positives. Here you can instacraft items, change the amount of crafted items at a time, make a notification about the completion of crafting items in the chat or in the form of a sign. And of course there are disadvantages. This plugin is very bad with item stacks. Let’s say you have a stack of 5.56 cartridges of 250 pieces. We craft 600 cartridges at a time and these same cartridges are stacked into 600 pieces. When you move cartridges through inventory cells, they will normally stack up to 250 pieces. Well, the last bug is related to the drawings. When crafting an item using a drawing, you will always have one piece of paper left over, which can be used for crafting indefinitely.

    GatherManager plugin

    The next no less popular plugin. This plugin changes the amount of extracted resources. Thanks to simple console commands, you can easily change the resource extraction ratio.

    Notifier plugin

    Why does everyone love the plugin so much? Notifier, especially include notification when a player enters and leaves the server. I think it’s very stupid to do this, because these messages not only create flooding in the chat, but also distract other players. After all, no one is interested in the fact that the player “Uncle Vanya” entered the server =) But in addition to the useless functions of the plugin, there are also useful ones.

    For example: Airplane and helicopter departure notification. Well, for those who do not know how to customize the GUI interface, you can, for example, configure the command /rules.

    LustyMap plugin

    Players of modified servers completely forgot about the map that is in the game. You can simply craft it (just one piece of paper) and go study the map. After all, it does not immediately show the entire map, but only those places where you have been. You probably understand what I'm getting at. This is a plugin. At the moment it is no longer supported by the developer for unknown reasons, so use it while it works :)

    DeathNotes plugin

    Murders. Everyone loves to shoot in Rust. Where would we be without this? The good thing about the plugin is that it provides visual information for players about who killed whom or hit whom with a stone. Thus, it shows aggressive players or losers tripping over logs.

    Clans plugin

    Everyone probably loves to play Rust with friends. After all, it’s fun and not so boring to collect resources or raid someone. Plugin Clans puts a clantag in front of the player's nickname. Now other players will be able to understand who is in which clan.

    NTeleportation plugin

    Everyone wants to get to their home as quickly as possible after long-term farming of resources, so that you are not killed and your precious resources are not taken away. Or help your friend who is in trouble as quickly as possible. The plugin will help you. Create house points and teleport to them, send teleport requests to other players and much more!

    InfoPanel plugin

    Well, I’ll finish with a plugin. Thanks to it, other players will be able to see online on your server an active icon about the departure of a helicopter or plane, game time, coordinates and a small box where you can write a link to your project or store. For example: some YouTuber came to you just to play and film, but without advertising your project. And your server, in turn, will advertise itself, thanks to this plugin.

    This category contains plugins for the game Rust. Any plugin is a special addition that expands the functionality of the game, not only in online mode, but also in single player mode. Since rust only works through multiplayer, all add-ons are developed specifically for this mode. Here we post mainly those plugins that are developed for the RustOxide mod, because this is the main platform today that supports most of the developments from users. Each plugin is developed for a specific version of the game and the RustOxide platform, so be sure to check these parameters before downloading files.

    Basic plugins for the game Rust

    A lot of add-ons have been released, and each of them is constantly being improved. This is due to the fact that a new version of the game Rust is constantly being released, in which the shortcomings of previous versions are corrected, new items, blocks, tools are added, and some of the graphics are worked out. Among the main plugins, we can highlight AirDrop Controller. For those who don’t know, AirdDrop is a special feature that allows you to drop boxes with different contents at a certain time. There may be ammunition, explosives, armor and much more. The point is that no one knows when or where the plane will fly. With this plugin you can fine-tune how to notify players about an airdrop. Among other things, you can simultaneously deploy several aircraft. It’s just better to do this on those servers where there is a lot of traffic, otherwise you will simply ruin the economy of your project. Another useful plugin is Rick Voter Reward. For any game now there are projects with voting. The more votes a server has, the higher it is in the table. This plugin allows users to vote for a selected server, giving out certain bonuses for each vote. In this case, the administrator may not monitor the process at all, since everything happens automatically. The Durability Controller add-on is used to display the durability of items. Using it, players will see how many percent are left before the item wears out. In this case, they can already draw a conclusion - repair the thing or create a new one. As you can see, the game Rust is already full of different additions, and this number is growing every day! Develop your project with the times!


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