How to clean your mouse sensor. How to clean dirt from a mouse? Wireless and wired mouse

Some time after purchasing and starting to use a computer mouse, you regret to notice that particles of dirt accumulate under the keys, which is why they begin to stick a little when clicking. Sometimes problems also affect the mouse wheel - it suddenly starts scrolling, causing a lot of inconvenience to the user.

What to do? Run to the store, spend money, buy a new mouse? No way. The most practical thing to do is to first try to get rid of the problems that have arisen by cleaning the “insides” of the mouse.

To do this, you need to take the following steps.

Step 1. Turn the mouse over and use a small square screwdriver to unscrew the screw on the bottom of the mouse. Carefully separate the top and bottom parts of the “rodent”.

Step 2. At the bottom of the mouse, carefully remove the yellow board by hooking it on the bottom edge.

Step 3. Pull out the scroll wheel, remove the accumulated hairs and dust from it (the photo shows the already cleaned wheel).

Step 4. On the top of the mouse, unscrew the two screws and carefully pull out the mouse keys without losing the two springs.

Step 5. Wipe everything possible with a damp cloth. Clean hard-to-reach places from dirt with a needle. Return the wheel back to its place, as well as the board. On the top of the mouse, first put the springs in specially made grooves, and then set the keys to their original position, securing everything with screws. Connect the upper and lower parts of the mouse, taking into account the grooves. Tighten the main screw.

Step 6. So what do we get out of this? A ready-made, clean mouse that works like it's new! And no trip to the store! It only took patience and a few minutes of free time to clean the computer mouse.

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Sooner or later, any computer user is faced with the question of how to clean the mouse from dirt.

A device for controlling a computer (manipulator) is usually called a mouse because of its external resemblance to this animal. This device is always in direct contact with the user, which means it requires periodic cleaning for hygienic purposes. Many people don't think about it. But in vain. If the device is dirty, not only is it unhygienic, it will perform significantly worse, leaving you irritated about it. In addition, according to research, the dirtiest place on a desk where there is a computer is the mouse.

Before cleaning, you need to know what kind of device you are dealing with.

Mice are:
  • optical (laser);
  • ball.

Currently, the vast majority of users use laser devices. Ball-type ones are gradually losing their position, giving way to a more convenient type.

When cleaning your computer and its parts, you can use special tools and products sold in stores. These are various napkins, sticks, liquids, balls. Many of these devices allow you to clean the mouse without disassembling it, but they are quite expensive. Their use is advisable in cases where it is necessary to clean a large number of devices in the office, classroom, etc.

To use the products effectively, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging. At home, you can do without such helpers.

Remember that it is not recommended to clean the manipulator using ordinary detergents - it may be damaged. To clean the mouse, do not use various solvents, knives, or metal brushes.

You can clean the mouse from dust without disassembling it.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Disconnect the mouse from the computer. If the manipulator is connected via USB, then this can be skipped.
  2. There is a special lens on the back of the mouse. Very carefully clean the entire surface, the lens itself, and the area around it with a cotton swab.
  3. On the same side there are plastic convex legs. It is convenient to clean them from dirt using a wooden toothpick. After completing this procedure, the mouse will move across the surface much better.
  4. Use a toothpick to clean all hard-to-reach places and on the front side of the device.
  5. Wipe the surface with a napkin or soft cloth. It may be slightly damp, but under no circumstances wet.

The use of any abrasive cleaning agent is prohibited.

It is necessary to clean the mouse from dirt in this way every month.

You can carefully monitor your work area, wipe the keyboard and mousepad, but this will not prevent dirt and dust from getting inside the mouse, so at least once every three months you need to clean the device more thoroughly.

To do this, you will have to disassemble the thing and clean it as follows:

  1. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws (they can be easily seen on the back of the device). Naturally, small parts should be placed in a small container so that they do not get lost.
  2. Remove the mouse body.
  3. We clean all parts from dirt. There is no need to use sharp objects when cleaning - they can damage the parts of the manipulator. Clean with a cotton swab. If the wheel needs cleaning, do it with a cotton pad.
  4. Wipe all surfaces and parts with a swab treated with alcohol - this will degrease the surfaces and promote better cleaning. In addition, this procedure will protect the item from exposure to dust for a long time.
  5. Assemble the manipulator. If you pulled out the microcircuit for processing, put it back in place. Close the lid and tighten the screws.

Don’t forget to wipe the computer mouse itself and the cord, if any, with alcohol at the end. Be sure to treat the mouse pad.

Both of these methods are applicable for any type of device.

If this procedure is performed periodically and carefully, then the mouse itself will work well without causing you any trouble.

In the modern world, a personal computer has become an indispensable assistant and friend to many people. Desktop computers can consist of various components, but they always include control devices, which include a keyboard and a manipulator, the so-called mouse. Most often, the user comes into contact with these devices while working, and if we wipe the keyboard at least occasionally, few people know how to clean the mouse from dirt. But it is the mouse, according to British scientists, that is considered the most contaminated item in the office and the most dangerous to the user’s health, since a lot of bacteria live on its surface. What can we say about the contamination of the “rodent” inside? Today we will tell you how to clean a mouse from a computer so as not to harm the functional characteristics of the mechanical manipulator.

When to clean your mouse?

No matter how carefully you monitor the cleanliness of your workspace, or wipe the outside of the mouse pad and mouse, dust still gets into the internal cavity of the manipulator. And there, along with fatty deposits, dust sticks to the mechanical moving parts of the mouse. In such a situation, sooner or later, the cursor will begin to “freeze” on the screen, and you will wonder how to clean the dirt from the mouse.

To prevent this situation from happening, periodically, once every three months, carry out preventive measures to clean the internal cavity of the manipulator. The process itself will take you no more than ten minutes.

Computer mouse cleaning products

Methods for cleaning dirt depend on the type of computer mouse. There are two main types of manipulators:

  • Optical (laser) mouse.
  • Ball.

Let's consider each cleaning method separately, but first, let's decide on the means and materials that are needed during the work process.

Computer mouse cleaning kit

You can clean the mouse from dirt from the inside using special kits and products sold in any computer store. These kits include:

  • Various sticks.
  • Mouse cleaning fluids.
  • Cleaning wipes.
  • Balloons.
  • Special rugs.

Important! It is very convenient to use all these tools, because to clean the inside of the manipulator you do not need to disassemble it. And this makes the cleaning process very fast, easy and simple. The sets are very effective, but there is one drawback - the price is quite high. In addition, it should be noted that no matter what set you use, even the best and most expensive one, you can only properly clean the mouse from dirt from the inside by disassembling it.

Therefore, we recommend using such sets in offices with a dozen devices or in computer classes, since the use of such tools can significantly save time. Read the instructions for use, which indicate what to do and how to do it, and act.

Handy tools

At home, it is irrational to use special kits, and they are not always at hand. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to clean a computer mouse at home.

To carry out cleaning activities you will need:

  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Alcohol.
  • Plastic or plastic scraper.
  • Tampons made of soft, lint-free fabric.
  • Textile.
  • Cotton swabs for external cleaning.
  • Soap solution.

How to clean a ball mouse?

To clean the mouse from your computer, if you are using the simplest ball model, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn off your computer. Disconnect the device from the network to avoid burning the mouse port.
  2. Disconnect the mechanical arm from the system unit.
  3. Turn the mouse over to see its underside.
  4. Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the bottom of the mouse.
  5. Carefully try to separate the housing. Do not use brute force as you may break the plastic latch. The housing should be separated into two halves without difficulty.

Important! When disassembling the device, pay attention to how the manipulator cord was positioned; later, during reassembly, this may be useful.

  1. Carefully pull out the rubber ball that is in contact with the mat.
  2. Wash the ball with warm water and soap or wipe with alcohol.
  3. Remove dust and dirt inside the mouse using a plastic or plastic scraper.
  4. Pay special attention to the dense mud rings located on the perpendicular cylindrical wheels. Dust and dirt can only be removed mechanically using a plastic scraper.

Important! Never use solvents, metal scrapers, a knife or a razor blade to clean the interior of the manipulator. All of these products can damage device parts.

  1. Clean the dirt from the pressure wheel, which presses the ball to the mouse pad when the mouse is in use. Carry out the cleaning process in the same way as in the case of cylindrical wheels.
  2. After mechanical cleaning and removal of dust deposits, thoroughly degrease all mechanical moving parts of the device. Carry out the degreasing process with alcohol or vodka, using a swab made of soft, lint-free fabric.
  3. When cleaning with alcohol, pay special attention to the pressure wheel and cylindrical elements.
  4. Carefully wipe the contacts of the manipulator buttons with alcohol.
  5. Degrease the internal cavity of the mouse with alcohol so that dust settles on the parts as little as possible.
  6. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the elastic pads (legs) of the mouse.
  7. Also clean the two halves of the body from grease with alcohol.
  8. Reassemble the mouse in reverse order. Make sure that the manipulator wire gets into the right place when twisting the two halves.
  9. Tighten a small screw and connect the two parts of the housing.
  10. Dip a dry cloth in alcohol and clean the mouse cord from the point where it connects to the mouse to the computer connector.
  11. The mouse is ready to use again, connect it to your computer.

Important! Do not use ordinary cotton wool to clean the internal parts, as it leaves behind lint, which can subsequently become an obstacle to the normal operation of the device and an additional dust collector.

How to clean an optical mouse?

If your optical mouse is not working well, it most likely needs cleaning. Let's look at two ways to remove dirt from a manipulator.

Method number 1. Without disassembling the case

To clean the device you will need:

  • Alcohol.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Lint-free fabric.
  • Cotton buds.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Disconnect your device from your computer. If the manipulator is connected to a USB port, then this can be done without even turning off the computer.
  2. Turn the mouse over to take a closer look at its underside.
  3. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the rubber feet of the device.
  4. Use a toothpick to clean the surface around the legs. Use a new toothpick for each leg. Carry out the procedure carefully, use a magnifying glass or lens if necessary to effectively remove all contaminants.
  5. Using a cotton swab, remove specks of dust and debris from the mouse's eye. Do not press the stick with force, so as not to scratch the eye and damage the device.
  1. Clean the gaps between the device buttons with a toothpick. Do not press too hard to prevent the wooden stick from breaking and damaging the device.
  2. Use a toothpick to clean the gaps on both sides of the manipulator wheel.
  3. Clean the wheel with a toothpick.
  4. Clean the surface of the mouse using wet wipes or a damp cloth. Make sure that moisture does not get inside the device, as this may damage the microcontroller.
  5. Put the mouse aside.
  6. Dip the cloth in water and wipe the mouse pad.
  7. Place the mouse on the mousepad and use a dry cloth and alcohol to wipe the mouse wire (if there is one).
  8. Connect your mouse to your computer.

Important! Clean the manipulator at least once a month. If you regularly eat in front of the screen or your children use the mouse, then you need to clean the device much more often.

Method number 2. We disassemble the case

To work you will need:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Disconnect the mouse from the computer.
  2. Wipe the device body with a damp cloth.
  3. Turn the mouse over to see the back surface.
  4. Using a Phillips screwdriver, carefully unscrew the screw at the base of the device.
  5. Carefully inspect all fasteners and unscrew them.

Important! For some models, one screw is in direct visibility, and a couple are hidden under Teflon legs or under a sticker.

  1. Place all screws in a safe place so that they do not get lost during all activities.
  2. Carefully separate the body. Pay attention to how the cord is located (if there is one), this may come in handy when assembling the device.
  3. Remove the large chip from the case and carefully remove all dust, tiny hairs and dirt using a cotton swab or soft cloth.

Important! Do not use sharp objects to clean the microcontroller board, otherwise you risk damaging the chip.

As you can see, cleaning your mouse from dirt is not at all difficult, and if you do this regularly, you will not only extend the life of the mouse, but also protect yourself from pathogenic viruses and bacteria that “live” both on the surface and inside the device. We hope that the resurrected, healthier and rejuvenated mouse will delight you with its diligent behavior for a long time. Health and good luck to you and the “rodent”!

Personal computers have long been unimaginable without a keyboard and mouse, which are the main intermediaries in the “communication” between the user and technology. Unfortunately, mice break and start acting up quite often. The computer mouse can be disassembled and cleaned.


  • Dirt and dust penetrate best into ball mice, falling under the roller. The cursor begins to twitch when moving, or may not move at all in any direction. Therefore, it is very important to use a mat and ensure that dust does not accumulate on it.
  • Disconnect the manipulator from the PC, but only when the system unit is turned off. The mouse body can be cleaned with a regular damp cloth and a small amount of liquid soap. But don’t even think about washing your mouse under running water. True, after disassembling the optical (namely optical) mouse, the case itself can be thoroughly rinsed. It’s just that mechanical mice also have a microcircuit that cannot always be removed from the case.
  • Take a small Phillips screwdriver and unscrew the small screw that is located in the recess at the bottom of the manipulator body. Typically the body consists of two parts. There may also be a small latch on the side of the screw. Gently separate the body without using much force.
  • If the mouse is optical, you need to carefully wipe the glowing red “eye” in its lower part using a match with cotton wool or an ear stick. You can also use a can of compressed air. Carefully remove the large chip from the optical mouse body and free its plastic parts from dust, dirt and hair (fur). Remove the rubber-covered ball from a ball mouse and wash it with soap or wipe with alcohol. Pay special attention to the mouse wheel and its mountings. Dirt often accumulates there too.
  • To mechanically remove dirt, it is better not to use a knife or razor, but to take a small plastic scraper. Use it to thoroughly scrape off dirt wherever possible.
  • Having dealt with dust and adhered dirt, remove grease from the rotating parts of the manipulator. This can be done with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol. Also wipe the insides of the mouse with alcohol to prevent dust from accumulating for longer.
  • Now you can assemble the mouse. Put the chip (wheel) back and close the case. Be careful not to pinch the wire. Tighten the screw and consider the mouse cleaned.
  • Tip added on July 7, 2011 Tip 2: How to clean a mouse When cleaning a mouse, it is important to know that the internal mechanism of both the optical and laser models is a fragile and complex mechanism that must be interacted with carefully and step by step. By following a few simple steps, you can thoroughly clean the mouse from grease and dust without damaging the mechanism itself.

    You will need

    • brush, vacuum cleaner, screwdriver.


  • Clean the mouse's USB cable. If the reason for carrying out these procedures was the computer ignoring the device, then it is quite possible that either the USB input on the mouse or computer is simply clogged. Bring the hose from the vacuum cleaner to the adapter or computer panel, and using a brush, carefully sweep away any accumulated dust in the adapter. If you don’t want to connect a vacuum cleaner to this procedure, you can blow out the mechanism yourself.

  • Unscrew the fasteners from the back of the mouse. If some buttons on your mouse are stuck or do not respond, then the problem is most likely in the mouse itself. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is dismantle the case and clean the “insides”. Be careful with the screws and bolts you remove from the mouse. They often get lost; it is best to put them away before the procedures in a small bag or simply away from the cleaning site.
  • Use cotton swabs to clean the mouse cavity. The main epicenters of dirt accumulation will be visible to you immediately as soon as you take it apart. These are layers between the buttons, flaps and small cracks in the case, which have accumulated dirt all this time.
  • If necessary, use a soldering iron. If one or another contact has come off due to a strong blow or for other reasons, you just need to return it to its place. A soldering machine is perfect for these needs, however, if you don’t have one, it’s not worth spending money on it. In most cases it will be cheaper to buy a new mouse.
  • Useful advice Do not sit down at your PC without making sure your hands are clean. This will not only provide comfort when working, but will also allow your equipment to live much longer. Be careful when cleaning your laser mouse. The design of the laser in it is usually fragile, and the slightest pressure can damage its functionality. Optical and older models are less demanding on the cleaning process. How to clean a mouse - printable version

    It is difficult to imagine a modern personal computer without a funny “animal” called a mouse. With its help, many operations are performed. But, as a rule, over time it begins to malfunction due to contamination. Next, you will learn how to care for your computer mouse.
    It is better to first disconnect the mouse from the computer when the system unit is turned off (if you are sure that you will connect it back :)).
    If the mouse body gets dirty, you can wipe it with a damp cloth and liquid soap to better remove fat deposits. Never wash your mouse with copious amounts of water or under running water!
    The problem with mechanical mice is that dust gets on the surface of the rollers and the ball inside, which over time leads to the so-called “cursor jerking,” or even a refusal to move in a certain direction. Therefore, it is very important to use a mouse pad and keep it clean at all times. If the mouse does get dirty, don’t be afraid to disassemble it yourself and clean it.
    You will need a small Phillips screwdriver. We unscrew the small screw located in a small recess on the bottom of the mouse body. The housing is usually made of two halves, and there may also be a plastic latch on the other side of where the screw is. We carefully separate the case into two halves without using brute force, so as not to break the plastic latch; the case should be separated into two parts without much effort.
    Let's start cleaning. It is best to wash the rubber ball with warm water and soap or simply wipe it with alcohol. Two perpendicularly located cylindrical wheels are usually covered with dirt at the points of contact with the ball.
    We carefully remove all found dirt and dust. Pay special attention here to those dense mud rings on the wheels. They can usually only be removed mechanically. You can use a small plastic or plastic scraper to do this. Carefully scrape off the wheels in those places where dense dirt has stuck. Under no circumstances should solvents be used to clean the inside of the mouse. It is also undesirable to use a knife or razor blade - there is a risk of getting scuffs and scratches on the cylindrical surface of the wheels.
    In the internal cavity of the mouse, in addition to two cylindrical rotating wheels, there is also a pressure wheel that presses the rubber ball to the mat when the mouse is in use. It is also very important to thoroughly clean this wheel from dirt. This can be done in exactly the same way as in the case of two cylindrical wheels.
    Then it is necessary to remove grease from the rotating parts with a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in alcohol. It is also advisable to wipe the inside surface of the mouse with alcohol so that dust accumulates less inside the case.
    It's time to collect the mouse. Carefully insert the latch into the grooves, making sure not to pinch the wire, then tighten the screw. All that remains is to connect the mouse to the computer, turn it on and enjoy the obedient and smooth movement of the cursor across the screen.

    Enjoy your work!


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