How to prevent Google Chrome from opening PDF files. How to view, print and download PDF files in Yandex browser Yandex browser does not open PDF files

Portable Document Format is a format for viewing text and graphic documents developed by Adobe. Intended for working with printed products in electronic form: texts, images, books, presentations, scanned copies of documents. The modern Yandex browser helps you open and save a PDF file without installing additional extensions and plugins, using only built-in browser tools. The user should not have any difficulties, since support for the PDF format is included as standard in the Yandex browser.

Opening PDF files occurs unnoticed by the user; not every person can distinguish a standard web page from a PDF file. To view a page in PDF format, just follow the link where the file is located; the Yandex browser will independently process and display the data.

Viewing algorithm:

Let's consider another case, when the file is already on the computer, you just need to open it. You can view the content if you set the event handler to Yandex browser. We should use one of 2 methods: make the Yandex browser a one-time handler or set it as the default.

Open the PDF book with a Yandex browser once:

To always open PDF files in the Yandex browser, perform the following procedure:

Important! The “AppData” folder may be invisible in the system if the “Do not show hidden files, folders...” option is active.

Let's set the visibility:

The procedure is optional; it is useful only if the “AppData” section is not visible.

How to print a PDF file in Yandex browser

Adobe Corporation has developed a virtual printer to support the PDF format - this is a device that exists exclusively in digital reality, that is, it cannot be physically seen. Yandex browser already has built-in virtual printer support.

In practice, printing a web page in PDF format via the Yandex browser is quite simple, let's do it:

If you want to convert the file to paper form, this can be done by changing the selection in the “Printer” column to the connected physical device.

How to save a page as PDF in Yandex browser

Modern versions of the Yandex browser do not have a built-in download function; you will have to use auxiliary programs or the previous method. Printing a PDF via a Yandex browser means saving any page.
The Yandex browser is built on the Chromium core; it supports installing extensions from the Google Chrome store. To quickly save web pages, you can use the extension Save as PDF. It has a simple interface and loading speed.

Download in 3 steps:

Plugins for viewing and processing PDF in Yandex browser

The Yandex browser already has plugins installed for viewing and interacting with PDF format. Due to the installation of additional programs, problems arise in this area. If you install Adobe Flash Player or other products from Adobe, 2 identical add-ons will appear on the system. Due to failures in the interaction of modules, files may not open or lead to unexpected crashes in the system.

In the correct state, the Yandex browser can have 2 plugins installed for working with PDF files:

If you have problems opening PDF files in the Yandex browser, a simple method to restore operation is to disable the duplicate module.

Disable one of the two plugins:

Why Yandex browser does not open PDF files

One of the reasons was discussed earlier - a plugin conflict. Mostly the problem lies in the area of ​​incorrect interaction of devices, driver failures, and errors during the installation process.

Reasons why it may not be possible to preview or open a PDF in the Yandex browser:

  • An error appeared during the installation of the browser; it is not always critical, but certain functions may not work. If PDF files do not open in the Yandex browser after a failure, reinstall the browser completely, and it will be able to process the files again. Complete deletion means erasing all temporary files, cookies and cache. Many programs have been developed that will remove all traces of a program being in the system: iObit Uninstaller, CCleaner;
  • Viral activity. Viruses infect Windows randomly, problems can appear from different directions. The best way to restore functionality is to remove the infected code and restore the Yandex browser settings. We remove malicious code using any antivirus (Kaspersky Lab, NOD32, etc.) or antivirus scanner (Dr. Web).

Resetting the settings in Yandex browser:

  • Driver conflict. If PDF files do not open in the Yandex browser after installing hardware or other software, this is most likely the reason. First we try to reinstall the web browser.

If it doesn't help:

  • If the PDF does not open in the Yandex browser, but the file is shown in another program, the problem is hidden in the settings.

We enable processing of the PDF format in the browser:

We looked at the main ways to open and save PDF files in the Yandex browser. The Yandex browser already provides functions for viewing and downloading PDF files, but if they fail, we use extensions. As a bonus, we described possible reasons why PDF files do not open and ways to solve problems.

The PDF file format is a universal way to store documents. That is why almost every advanced (and not so advanced) user has a corresponding reader on their computer. Such programs can be both paid and free - the choice is quite large. But what if you need to open a PDF document on someone else’s computer and you can’t or don’t want to install any software on it?

There is a solution. If you have Internet access, you can use one of the available online tools to view PDF files.

The range of web services for reading documents of this format is very wide. As with desktop solutions, there is no need to pay to use them. There are quite flexible and convenient free PDF readers on the Internet, which you will become familiar with in this article.

Method 1: PDFPro

Online tool for viewing and editing PDF documents. Working with the resource can be done free of charge and without the need to create an account. In addition, as the developers say, all content uploaded to PDFPro is automatically encrypted and thereby protected from unauthorized access.

The resource's capabilities are not limited to just viewing documents. PDFPro allows you to add your own text and graphic notes to files. There is a function for adding a printed or drawn signature.

At the same time, if you closed the service page, and then soon decided to open the document again, there is no need to import it again. Once downloaded, files remain available for reading and editing for 24 hours.

Method 2: PDF Online Reader

A simple online PDF reader with a minimal set of functions. It is possible to add internal and external links, highlights, and annotations to the document in the form of text fields. Work with bookmarks is supported.

It is worth noting that, unlike the previous service, here the file is available only while the page with the reader is open. So if you made changes to the document, do not forget to save it to your computer using the button "Download PDF" in the header of the site.

Method 3: XODO Pdf Reader & Annotator

A full-fledged web application for comfortable work with PDF documents, made in the best traditions of desktop solutions. The resource offers a wide selection of annotation tools and the ability to synchronize files using cloud services. Full-screen viewing mode is supported, as well as collaborative document editing.

The interface and capabilities of XODO are almost in no way inferior to desktop counterparts like the same Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit PDF Reader. It even has its own context menu. The service works quickly and easily copes even with very large PDF documents.

Method 4: Soda PDF Online

Well, this is the most powerful and functional tool for creating, viewing and editing PDF files online. Being a full-fledged web version of the Soda PDF program, the service offers the design and structure of the application, exactly copying the style of products from the Microsoft Office suite. And all this in your browser.

Soda PDF Online is a really great product, but if you only need to view a specific PDF file, it's better to look towards simpler solutions. This service is multi-purpose and therefore very overloaded. However, this tool is definitely worth knowing about.

Method 5: PDFescape

A convenient resource that allows you to view and annotate PDF documents. The service cannot boast of a modern design, but at the same time it is simple and intuitive to use. In free mode, the maximum size of an uploaded document is 10 megabytes, and the maximum allowed size is 100 pages.

So, if you need to open a small PDF file and do not have the appropriate programs at hand, the PDFescape service will also be an excellent solution for this case.

Method 6: Online PDF Viewer

This tool is designed exclusively for viewing PDF documents and contains only the functions necessary to navigate through the contents of the files. One of the main features that sets this service apart from others is the ability to create direct links to documents uploaded to it. This is a convenient way to share files with friends or colleagues.

You can use the button "Fullscreen" top toolbar and view document pages in full screen.

Method 7: Google Drive

To use this method, you must be logged in to your Google account.

This is a rather specific solution, but it also has its place.

The Chrome Internet browser has a rather convenient function that, by default, using the “Chrome PDF Viewer” plugin, allows you to open files in .

How is this convenient for those users who rarely encounter PDF files? And the fact that there is no need to additionally install third-party software to open and view such files.

Why is it inconvenient for another category of users? If you need to download a PDF file to your hard drive for storage or editing, it will first open in the browser and only then a pop-up Panel will become available, which will allow you to save the file.

It turns out that we download this file twice. The first is when it opens in Chrome, and the second is when we save it to disk. And you must agree, it will be easier to work with voluminous PDF files in programs specifically designed for this.

My browser often tried to open a large file and could not, it crashed. Therefore, I believe that it is better to immediately prohibit Chrome from opening PDF documents in viewing mode, and give the opportunity to offer the user to save them to the computer.

To do this we will need to make some settings. Let's get started!


Open your browser and paste into the address bar:


Find the “Chrome PDF Viewer” plugin and click on the “Disable” link.

The plugin will turn gray with a notification - disabled.

Now, before downloading PDF files, Chrome will not open them, but will immediately offer to save them to the folder you specified.


In order for the browser to prompt you to choose a location to save files, go to Browser Settings and activate the option “Ask for a location to save each file before downloading.”

Read more about activating this option for all popular Internet browsers. To return the ability for the Chrome browser to open PDF files for viewing by default, enable the “Chrome PDF Viewer” plugin.

That's all for now! Don't leave right away, there are about 510 more step-by-step computer instructions that require your attention on this blog. All of them are conveniently sorted. Also don't forget about our Google+ and Facebook pages.

Blank black page instead of a PDF document in the Apple Safari web browser
Sometimes expectations are not met. A person is looking forward to reading the user manual for the equipment he plans to buy, but instead... a blank page appears on the screen. After all, sometimes a hyperlink does not lead to the next web page, but opens a PDF document directly in the browser. In most cases, this is not a problem and everything looks so transparent to the user that he may not even think about what type of file is currently open. Modern browsers, without any third-party software add-ons, do an excellent job of opening PDF files that users typically view on mobile devices. But sometimes browsers Safari, Google Chrome And Firefox V Mac OS X behave completely differently than the user expects. Instead of the PDF file posted via the link, the distressed and annoyed reader finds himself on a black or white page that carries absolutely no information. Fortunately, this problem has a simple solution, which we will look at today.

Users experienced difficulties opening PDF documents back in June of last year. The problem has already been considered by such leading English-language messengers of the Apple community as TidBITS and Mac OS X Hints. And yet, from time to time this topic arises again. For most users, everything opens as it should. But this is the essence of any problem: when it arises, a person is of little interest in how things are going for the majority. He would like to work normally. Since manuals for household appliances and statistical information are often presented in the form of PDF documents on the Internet, the ability to open them without problems is extremely important for many users.

Just in case, let's clarify: we are talking about the version of Safari for Mac computers, and not about the mobile version of this famous Apple browser, which accounts for mobile Internet activity. In the market of web navigation tools for computer platforms, Safari occupies, although a worthy, but much more modest position. We talk about the reasons for this state of affairs.

In most cases, the problem of reading PDF documents is rooted in two plugins from Adobe, which may not “find a common language” with modern browsers. We are talking about additions: AdobePDFViewer.plugin And AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin. They were installed with Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Pro and were designed to allow browsers to open PDF documents developed by Adobe.

These plugins for versions of Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro earlier than 10.1.3 are currently incompatible with some browsers. We are talking mainly about Safari 5.1 (or later), as well as the latest versions of Firefox. The only difference in how the problem manifests itself is that Safari will show the user a black page, while Firefox will show a white page. But in both cases the page will be empty. If a user encounters a similar situation, this is a sure sign that Adobe plugins that are incompatible with this browser are installed on their system. But, of course, there is always a low probability of some other reason for this browser behavior.

Before you begin removing plugins that interfere with normal operation, be sure to close your browser. These add-ons are located in the folder "Plug-ins", which, in turn, is located in the folder "Library". We are not talking about a hidden library in your home directory, the address of which is indicated as ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins

No, in this case we are talking about a library that is accessed directly from the root directory of your hard drive, that is /Library/Internet Plug-Ins

Open this folder and find all the files whose names begin with AdobePDFViewer and move them out of this folder (for example, temporarily “drop” them on the desktop). This is just a precaution so that the plugins can be easily restored if desired and returned to their original locations. Moving these files will require you to enter your computer administrator username and password.

However, sometimes these plugins may end up in the library of your Home directory. On Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and 10.8 operating systems, this folder is hidden. To access it through the Finder, press the Option key and select the action to go to the library (in the English version of Go - Library). There is an internet add-on folder in this library "Internet Plug-Ins".

Go to it. If there are plugins there AdobePDFViewer, move them from this folder. The action will require entering the administrator login and password. In fact, everything is the same as in the entire computer level library, only with some subtleties that we considered necessary to consider separately.

Once the plugins have been moved from the library, restart the web browser in which the problem occurred. Try opening a PDF document from the link. If the problem was really in Adobe plugins, then it will open correctly using the software of the browser itself.

Based on materials from

Firefox includes a built-in PDF viewer to display PDF files inside the browser window. This article explains how to use the built-in PDF viewer, how to use another PDF viewer and how to fix the common issues you might encounter.

Table of Contents

Using the built-in PDF Viewer

Firefox includes a built-in PDF viewer that allows you to view almost all PDF files found on the web without a plugin. The built-in PDF viewer is enabled by default.

PDF Viewer toolbar functions

PDF Viewer keyboard shortcuts

Next pageN or K or →
Previous pageP or J or ←
Zoom inCtrl + +command + +
Zoom outCtrl + -command + -
Automatic ZoomCtrl + 0command + 0
Rotate the document clockwiseR
Rotate counterclockwiseShift + R

Troubleshoot problems with the PDF viewer

  • With certain types of PDF files, the PDF Viewer may have problems displaying fonts, colors or the whole document. If some PDF files don't render well or are blank, click the download button on the right side of the document header to open it with the default PDF viewer application on your computer.
  • If you can"t open any PDF files with the built-in PDF viewer, a Firefox extension could be the cause. You can disable all your extensions, to see if one of them was the problem. For details, see Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems.

Using another PDF viewer

You can use a different PDF viewer instead of the built-in PDF viewer , if you prefer. To change from using the built-in PDF viewer to another PDF viewer:

  • To use an external application to view PDF files, select the entry for the PDF application you wish to use, such as Use Preview or Use Adobe Reader.
  • To use an available plugin to view PDF files in Firefox, select Use PDF plugin name(in Firefox).

Using a PDF viewer plugin

You can use a PDF plugin, if one is available, to view PDF files in Firefox. If you have installed a PDF viewer plugin but you have problems using it in Firefox, try these solutions:

Enable the PDF plugin

Your PDF plugin may be disabled in Firefox. To enable it:

Reset download actions

Other solutions

  • Re-initialize the plugins database. Follow the instructions in Re-initializing the plugins database.
  • If the PDF plugin comes bundled with an application, check the application preferences, to see if there is an Internet setting to enable the plugin or to display PDF files in the browser.
  • If the PDF plugin comes bundled with an application, uninstall and re-install the PDF application. If the PDF application is Adobe Reader, uninstall all versions of Adobe Reader from your computer (see


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