Cleaning VKontakte messages. How to delete messages on VK

If you need to eliminate all dialogues on VKontakte, you may encounter the problem of being able to delete all messages at once. There are simply no buttons for such an action in the social network interface. It is acceptable to delete messages one at a time, but clearing the entire correspondence history this way is not very convenient, especially when the number of them is quite large. But there is still a solution to this problem.

The easiest way to delete all dialogues on VKontakte is to use a special script, the latest and current version of which can be easily found on the Internet. All actions are performed through the called console, since the script is not active in the browser line or on the site itself. So, having installed the current version of the script with the browser open, on the page with your dialogs and messages, use “F12” to call the console or select the “Examine Element” function and look for the “Console” tab. Delete everything that is written there, and copy and paste the specially created script into the resulting empty lines. Press the “Enter” key to run the script. After completing the process and completing the actions, the browser must be restarted. You can also delete all dialog data through messages. But here you will have to select a dialogue for each contact specifically. After you go from the “Messages” tab to “Dialogues”, select the contact for which you want to clear the history and select the action – “Delete”. The more contacts and, accordingly, dialogues you have, the longer it will take you to delete your entire history.

An option for possibly deleting messages in dialogs is to enter a link in the address bar After that, using the “Select all” button, select the messages and click “Delete”. Also, some people prefer to use the VKontakte bot - VKBot. Its interface is very simple, but the software itself is questionable, since the source is not very reliable.

One of these options is to clear not only all dialogs, but also messages in the “Spam” and “Sent” tabs. Which removal option you choose is up to you to decide.

Delete all VKontakte dialogs at once Without a connection, the application is impossible. The resource has not come up with an option through which you could select all conversations with users and quickly erase them. VKOpt software will help you delete all dialogs at once. You can download and add it to your browser extensions on the page at the following link: Select the resource you are using, after installing it, go to the extensions field to check. On the VK page, go to dialogues. In the corner on the right, a new option will be added - “actions”. If you expand this item, you will see an option to delete all conversations at once. For the software to work without restrictions, the button actually appears on your profile, connect the latest version of the program. If you previously had an old version of VKOpt, get rid of it. What to do if nothing is installed?

Don’t see the “action” button on your VK? In this case, you will have to delete conversations one by one. If you hover over the dialog box, a cross will appear on the right. Click on it. You will notice a window in front of you where you need to confirm your actions. After confirmation, the conversation will be deleted. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this and you do not need to connect any additional applications.

How to delete several VKontakte dialogs at once

Delete several VKontakte dialogs at once will not work. You can only delete conversations one at a time. We described the first method above. You can also erase a separate dialogue in the correspondence history itself. Open the window with the messages you are going to erase. Click on the 3 dots sign located on the right. Tap "Clear history...". All messages will be erased. You can erase individual messages in correspondence. To do this, move the cursor to the left corner, where a small photo of your interlocutor is shown. You will see an arrow; when you touch it, the message will be highlighted. At the top there will be buttons “Delete”, “Forward”, and “Spam”. Tap the desired function. If you want to get rid of an outdated conversation, you don't have to delete the dialogue. You can simply leave the conversation. We'll tell you how to do this. . To delete a dialog from a gadget, just move the dialog to the left so that a red delete button appears. Or, inside the correspondence, click on the small arrow at the top. To delete messages from history one by one, hold it for 2-3 seconds. Just like with a PC, additional functions will appear in front of you.

If you do not want to continue communicating with anyone, or decide to completely get rid of old connections, it will be easier to delete the VK page completely. In this case, however, not only the dialogues are deleted, but also the list of your friends , photos and likes for them , records, . Others will have a notification in their feed saying that you can no longer be found on VK. This cardinal step can be taken in the main VK settings. In the “General” tab, scroll down to the bottom of the section and click on the delete button. Unlike Insta, VKontakte allows you to restore your account.

How to recover deleted VKontakte dialogues

The resource does not have a basket or reserve through which you could recover deleted VKontakte dialogues. If you delete a correspondence, then the data about it will be deleted forever. Even the VK support service will not help you recover a deleted conversation. You also cannot create an archive in case your profile is hacked and any dialogs disappear. To keep your profile safe, periodically take screenshots of particularly important dialogues. Lead them through your email, and use VK for friendly communication.

Those who actively use social networks know that with their help you can communicate with people who are registered in the same social network. So, the social network “Vkontakte” also has such an opportunity. All messages you send or receive are saved in your message history. For some this is a positive feature, but for others it is not, because people often face the problem of account hacking and information theft. It happens that people write confidential information that everyone does not need to know. As for the positive side of this function, it is the ability to remember something. That is why most users of this social network are looking for all sorts of ways to delete messages. As you already understand, today we will consider the question: “how to delete correspondence in a contact?”

How to delete a message in a contact?

In order to delete correspondence you are interested in entirely, you need to click on the “My messages” button on the main page. Then you need to select the dialogue you are interested in and near the “Dialogues” and “View dialogues” tabs, click on the “Actions” button (located in the upper right corner above the dialogue text itself). Next, a kind of menu will appear in front of us, in which we need to find the inscription “Clear message history”. After clicking on this inscription, a warning message will appear on the screen stating that once the history is deleted, it cannot be restored. Having already decided, you need to click on the “Delete” or “Cancel” button. To delete, accordingly, you need to click the “Delete” button, after which the correspondence will be deleted from your account and in general.

You can also delete it without entering the dialog itself. To do this, you just need to click on the cross (on the side of the dialogue) and that’s it, as a result, the dialogue is also deleted. In order to delete one message at a time, you need to switch from the “Dialog” mode to the “Messages” mode. Next, click on the cross next to the message you need, after which it will be deleted.

In order to delete sent messages, you need to go to the “Sent” mode and, using the same methods, delete sent messages.

Please note that if the correspondence is very large, then when deleted it is not always completely deleted, that is, after updating the page you will have to delete it several more times.

VKBot program

If you have tens of thousands of dialogs and manually deleting them is unrealistic, the VKBot program will help you. Go to the developer's website and download this program. Next, install and enter your VKontakte username and password in the program. There is no need to be afraid; the program is verified and does not steal passwords.

There is nothing complicated in all the methods we have listed. Once completed, you will easily master these steps.

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Correspondence with friends is an important part of the VKontakte social network. Every day people exchange SMS messages, decorating them with stickers and emoticons. But very often there is a need to delete SMS in one fell swoop, it is inconvenient to delete one by one, so read how to delete all messages on VK.

Delete all dialogs at once

You ask how to delete all VKontakte messages at once? Fast, easy, and most importantly free. At least, this was the case until March 2014, after which the system was slightly more complicated. It has become impossible to delete correspondence with all users with the click of a button. Why the admins needed this is unclear, perhaps they want to organize surveillance?

New interface - new rules

You can find many instructions on the Internet on how to delete all messages on VK at once, but 90% of this information concerns the old interface. Let's try to figure out how to do this after updating the design.

Do you want to completely clear the history of all conversations with one click? Forget about it. The maximum that can be done:

  • clear by page from the general list;
  • or all correspondence with one user at once without the possibility of recovery.

If you don’t have a lot of dialogs, it will take about 10 minutes to delete using the two above methods.

How to delete messages in a contact page by page? It’s very simple: go to your page from any browser, enter your username and password, open “My Messages”.

A list of messages with different users will open; without opening the list, click on “Delete” in the right corner of the list of messages with a specific person. At least this is easier than opening the entire conversation and selecting one SMS at a time, then deleting it - this method is suitable if you need to delete some SMS.

Now you know how to delete all dialogs in VK, of course you need to spend time, but I’m glad that this function has not been canceled at all.

Tip: To weed out the “unnecessary” immediately, look through your dialogues - getting rid of one or two correspondences a day.

This way you won’t spend a lot of time, and the page will be in order.

You can delete correspondence with a specific person in another way: go to any of his messages, click on the link converted from the sender’s text, a window will appear in which select “Show message history”, click “Delete all”. In the window that appears, confirm your actions.

It is possible that the interface will change again while you read this article, but we think you will understand all the intricacies on your own.

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We all communicate a lot online. Sometimes we ask ourselves various questions regarding social networks: how to view, etc. And probably each of you has encountered a problem when you need to delete some messages from your correspondence history. It’s very easy to do this – select the ones you need, click “delete”, and that’s it! But here’s what to do if you need to delete all messages, and you have not only thousands, but dozens (or even hundreds!) of them. Unfortunately, the standard functionality does not allow you to delete all VKontakte messages at once, and doing it manually is simply madness. But there is a way out: web programmer Alexander Sergeev published a special script on his blog that can be used to delete all messages in a contact. Today we will tell you how to use it.

Open the console

So, open the page with your VKontakte messages and go to the “Show as messages” mode.

Now, in order to quickly delete all messages in Contact, we need to open the console.

It opens differently in different browsers:

  • Chrome: Ctrl+Shift+J;
  • Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+K;
  • Opera: Ctrl+Shift+I.

A window like this will appear in front of you. As you can see, there are several tabs here, the last one is called “Console”. As you may have guessed, we will use it.


Now, copy the following text by selecting it and pressing the key combination Ctrl+C. This is the same script that we told you about at the beginning of the article.
window.delMessages = function() (
window.nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('mail_actions');
window.alex = 0;
window.c = 0;
varm = document.body.scrollHeight;vare = function() (
var num = window.nodes
if(num) (
topError(‘Deleted ‘+ window.alex + ‘ messages. Made by Alexander Sergeev.’);
)if(window.c == 20) (
window.c = 0;

How to delete all messages

The last step is to paste it into the console line using the Ctrl+V key combination and press Enter. After this, do not touch the browser window until the process is completed completely. Messages will quickly be deleted on their own, and after some time they will all disappear (it all depends on the number of messages themselves, as well as the configuration of your PC: the fewer messages, and the more powerful your processor, the faster the deletion process will end). Thus, you can quickly delete VKontakte messages without extra effort, no matter how many of them you have.


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