Solution to the error “Windows cannot start due to a corrupted or missing \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system. Quick solution to “Windows can’t start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing” error in W

The Windowssystem32configsystem file is damaged or missing; you and I may receive such a message during the initial phase of loading the operating system. The error occurs when the Windows XP registry is seriously damaged. I’ll tell you right away there are few ways to fix this problem, but they exist.

First, let's try the simplest thing, in the menu of additional boot options, select the item Load last known good configuration and Windows XP will apply the system registry boot parameters and driver settings that were used when the system was last successfully booted.

If nothing works out for you, you will have to edit the registry manually, this method is suitable if you have the System Restore service enabled.
To perform this method, you will have to remove your hard drive with a non-working system and connect it to a working computer with a second one.

We removed the hard drive and connected the second one to a working system unit. Next, we turn on the computer, wait for the working system to load and create a text document with any name, but just so that you remember it and with the extension .txt, we write there:
md tmp
copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:windowstmpsystem.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsoftware c:windowstmpsoftware.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsam c:windowstmpsam.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configsecurity c:windowstmpsecurity.bak
copy c:windowssystem32configdefault c:windowstmpdefault.bak

delete c:windowssystem32configsystem
delete c:windowssystem32configsoftware
delete c:windowssystem32configsam
delete c:windowssystem32configsecurity
delete c:windowssystem32configdefault

copy c:windowsrepairsystem c:windowssystem32configsystem
copy c:windowsrepairsoftware c:windowssystem32configsoftware
copy c:windowsrepairsam c:windowssystem32configsam
copy c:windowsrepairsecurity c:windowssystem32configsecurity
copy c:windowsrepairdefault c:windowssystem32configdefault
Next, we place our text file in the folder: Windows of the hard drive with a non-working system and put it in place.

1.Insert the Windows XP installation CD and restart the problematic computer; you need to boot from the drive.
2.When the message “Welcome to the installation wizard” appears, press the R key to launch Recovery Console.

If you do not have experience working with the Recovery Console, read our article Windows XP Recovery Console.
3.If your computer has two or more operating systems installed, select the instance of Windows that you want to access from the Recovery Console.
4.When prompted, enter your administrator password. If you have not assigned a password for the administrator account, simply press ENTER.

In the console you need to execute the batch command (which allows you to execute a sequence of commands saved in a text file) and then the name of the text file that you had to remember or write down, with the extension .txt, by doing this we will overwrite the damaged registry files with backup copies from the folder repair.

5.After performing the registry restore, enter EXIT

There is another option, enter the command in the recovery console: CHKDSK C: /R/F, this command starts checking data on the disk, but by default, CHKDSK does not check the disk surface for bad sectors and does not correct errors.

To search for bad sectors, you must set the /R flag
To correct errors you need to set the /F flag.
Sometimes errors are found and corrected and the computer boots.

And the last option, you can try to install the operating system on top, that is, run the normal installation of Windows XP, but at the last moment choose not to install, but to restore Windows XP System Restore through the installation program.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you have the same problem and now we will solve it. If there are problems with the registry, the following errors may also appear:

— “XP cannot be started due to a corrupted or missing \\\32\\SOFTWARE file”
- "Stop: c0000218 (Registry file failure) The registry cannot load the partition family (file) \SystemRoot\\Config\SOFTWARE or its log or backup copy"

What does the error "Windows can't start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing" mean?

This error appears mainly in the following cases:

1. The computer does not turn off correctly. That is, not through “Start”, etc., but directly from the socket, some may find this funny, but believe me, many people do this.
2. The second option is a problem with the hard drive. It is possible that your hard drive has begun to crumble, that is, bad sectors have appeared on it.

How to fix the error “Windows can’t start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing”?

There are several ways you can get rid of this problem.

1. A radical method: reinstalling Windows, but this is not suitable for us as an option for system recovery.

2. Using any Live CD:

We will need a boot disk with some kind of file manager, I used a Live CD from Dr.Web, a good disk, you can check your PC for viruses, but that’s not about that now.

a) Boot from the boot disk; if booting from the disk does not work for you, then you need to set the priority for the CD/DVD drive in the BIOS.

b) Boot from the boot disk, and launch any file manager, if you have the same Live CD from Dr.Web as I do, then there is a good file manager on the desktop.

c) After launching the file manager, open in it (if it allows you to work with two windows) in one window the file \windows\system32\config\system and in the other \windows\repair\system.

d) Now copy the \windows\repair\system file to \windows\system32\config\system and agree to replace the file.

A few words about what we did. We transferred the undamaged backup file from the \windows\repair\system folder and replaced it with a non-working file in the \windows\system32\config\system folder through which Windows did not boot.

Now we restart the computer and enjoy the working system. All these actions can be performed from the command line with the following commands:

copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.old

delete c:\windows\system32\config\system

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

3. Checking and fixing bad sectors on your hard drive: Download the boot image of the Victoria or MHDD program, burn it to disk, boot from this disk and run a check for bad sectors..
In 90% of cases, when such an error occurs, it helps to correct damaged sectors, if any.

If what is written above does not help, then you can also try “Last Known Good Configuration”.
If you had System Restore enabled, you can try a rollback.

And problems that significantly complicate the operation of the PC, or even completely prevent it from starting. “Windows cannot start because the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\config\system file is corrupted or missing” is one of the most common errors encountered primarily by users of the Windows XP operating system (I haven’t encountered it on other versions yet, but anything can happen) , so this instruction is intended more for this OS.

ADVICE. sometimes the same message may have different ending words. For example, instead of “system” it will be written “software”, “default” or “security”.

First, let's figure out what it is and where it came from. In simple terms, the computer cannot boot due to a damaged system registry. Reinstalling the system is the easiest and most effective way to solve the problem, but only if you are not afraid of losing data. This could happen for all sorts of reasons, from improper shutdown of the computer to worn out hard drive. Of course, in the latter case, it may be necessary to replace the hard drive, but not always. This does not change the essence of the error, so this guide should help in any of the cases.

Fix Windows startup error.

So, you are trying to turn on your PC, and you receive a message that the \Windows\System32\config\system file is damaged. There are two ways to “fix” the system registry: force the system to restore it itself or fix the error manually. Let's start with a simpler option.

  1. Click “Restart computer”. In the process, press F8. Additional download options will appear on the monitor.
  2. Select "Load last known known configuration".
  3. Reboot the computer again and see if the problem is resolved.

This method forces the operating system to use those configuration files under which the OS launched successfully. By restarting the system again, the boot error should no longer appear.

Manual System Restore

If the previous method did not help, you should try to solve the problem manually. In general terms, your job is to copy the backup boot files into the \system folder from \repair. There are several ways to do this.

Recovering using a file manager

Not to say that this method is more difficult than simply launching the last successful configuration, but there is one caveat: this method is suitable if you have a boot disk or flash drive with any manager. But, if you have to choose, a Live CD is best. Recording it on media is not so problematic, and the program will later be useful not only for system recovery, but also for a banal virus scan. So, if you have a disk, then do the following:

  1. Insert the media.

IMPORTANT. if the boot is not performed, then go into the BIOS and set the priority for USB or CD/DVD, depending on the boot resource.

  1. After everything has loaded, launch the explorer.
  2. In the explorer itself, open two tabs (almost all explorers allow this): in one - the same folder with: \windows\system32\config\system, and in the other - the folder with backup files with: \windows\repair\system. We look carefully at the damaged file, which, according to the system, should not have an extension.

ADVICE. The folder names are usually preceded by the letter C, but it may be different if they are on a different hard drive.

There is another, safer way. Instead of deleting damaged data, you can rename it, and then copy the original files from the recovery folder.

  1. Reboot and check if the problem is resolved.

Restoring using the command line

If you don’t have any manager at hand, and the problem needs to be solved urgently, then there is another way using the command line. You can enter it in the following ways:

  • Through safe mode. To do this, as mentioned earlier, press F8 immediately after restarting the PC. However, this mode does not always start, and sometimes does not support the command line.
  • Using Windows XP media. There you can enter the console and find the same command line. To do this, after the welcome screen appears, press the R key and select the system needed to restore.
  • Using media with Windows 7 or 8. We remember very well that we need XP to “fix” it, but this option is also acceptable for calling the console. Press Shift+F10 as soon as the language selection window appears.

The next step after opening the command line is to determine the specific name of the damaged file (software, system, sam, default or security) and the exact letter of the system drive on which the OS is located. There are two commands for this:

  • wmic logicaldisk get caption (to find out the letter of the system drive);
  • dir c: (displays folders on drive C; if you don’t find folders with the desired name there, look at drive D in the same way).

Archiving existing files

copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\system32\config\system.bak

Removing problematic files

delete c:\windows\system32\config\system

Restoring from a backup

copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

IMPORTANT. the commands may vary depending on which particular drive the file is located on and which of them is damaged.

For example, they can be written like this:

copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\system32\config\software.bak

or like this (if the system folder is on drive D):

copy d:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam.bak

In the same way, the commands change in the future both when deleting and restoring a file. Exit the console (type and execute the Exit command) and restart the PC. If you entered everything correctly, the message should not appear again.

In some cases, none of the options help. This can only mean one thing - it’s time to reinstall the operating system completely, this will certainly solve the problem. We hope everything worked out for you. If something remains unclear, ask questions!

Typically, the system32/config/system error occurs when registry files are deleted or fatally damaged, which is especially true in XP. Or rather, important system files. An error in these files prevents Windows from booting. And when I try to boot, the message appears: Windows cannot start because the following file is missing or damaged: / Windows/system32/config/system To restore this file, run the installer. Sometimes, instead of this message, a blue screen appears with the STOP error code: c0000218. The solution to this problem includes the following steps. The recovery method described below saves all installed files and programs.

You will need a Windows installation CD or USB. If you don't have a floppy drive, use Rufus to create an installation USB. Next: Set your computer to boot from CD or USB. When this is done, restart your PC and...

If you are using CD

When you see a message to boot from the installation disk, press any key. If you don't have time, restart your PC again and try again.

If you are using USB

If the bootable USB was created by Rufus, a message will appear asking you to press any key to boot from the USB. Quickly press any key. Again, if you didn’t have time, restart your PC and try again. After this, the Windows installer will begin downloading files and drivers. Then a blue screen will appear, with 3 options. To open the Recovery Console, press the R key on your keyboard. Click. A little further a black window will appear. Wait for the line where it will be displayed: Which Windows settings you want to include in the session (to cancel, press ENTER).
This line displays a list of all installed Windows. Typically there is only one system in this list, written as 1: C:Windows.

Write down the number of the Windows installation you want to restore. In general, squeak the number 1 and press ENTER. (May not be needed) Enter your Windows password and press ENTER. If there is no password, just ENTER. When the line C:\Windows appears, then write the following commands. Press ENTER after each command.

Copy c:\windows\system32\config\system c:\windows\tmp\system.bak

Copy c:\windows\system32\config\software c:\windows\tmp\software.bak

Copy c:\windows\system32\config\sam c:\windows\tmp\sam.bak

Copy c:\windows\system32\config\security c:\windows\tmp\security.bak

Copy c:\windows\system32\config\default c:\windows\tmp\default.bak

Delete c:\windows\system32\config\system

Delete c:\windows\system32\config\software

Delete c:\windows\system32\config\sam

Delete c:\windows\system32\config\security

Delete c:\windows\system32\config\default

Copy c:\windows\repair\system c:\windows\system32\config\system

Copy c:\windows\repair\software c:\windows\system32\config\software

Copy c:\windows\repair\sam c:\windows\system32\config\sam

Copy c:\windows\repair\security c:\windows\system32\config\security

Copy c:\windows\repair\default c:\windows\system32\config\default

In the black window, type EXIT and press ENTER. The computer will reboot.

That's all. Then you can start Windows as usual. What to do next? You need to update your drivers. Download and update your motherboard driver. Also update device drivers (printer, webcam or others). Look for them on the manufacturer's website.
Windows update. Go to Start - Control Panel - Windows Update and install all critical and important updates. If after fixing errors in system32/config/system your computer still appears to be faulty, use Windows Easy Transfer to back up your hard drive. Then format your PC and reinstall Windows.

The problem is quite popular. If you get an error called “Application is unavailable” with the following text: “File C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is unavailable. If it is on this computer, make sure the drive is connected or inserted and try again.

If it is a network file, check that you are connected to a network or the Internet and try again. If you can't find the file, it may have been moved or deleted.

Most likely your profile has been damaged. The user profile when loading the operating system allows you to apply your personal settings. If you receive the error message above, then first of all try to simply restart your computer, as the problem may have occurred accidentally. For example, when loading the OS, the profile could be created incorrectly due to an antivirus program checking during login.

  1. You can try to create a new profile, that is, a new account, which will create a new profile when created. If you have more than one profile, then this solution would be a good option. After creating it, you will need to transfer personal data from my documents and desktop from the old profile and after that this account can be deleted.
  2. For those who prefer to correct the current situation, scanning the system for viruses can help. If you cannot log into the OS and there are no other accounts, you can use a LiveCD, a boot disk with an antivirus, or you can simply remove the hard drive and connect it to another computer.
  3. At the next stage, you can try to roll back the system back to a time when this problem was not observed. Read the article about system recovery. Recovery helps about 50/50.
  4. For more advanced users, I would also advise checking your hard drive for bad problems with the Victoria program. See. The profile is also stored on the hard drive and, accordingly, if there are defects on the hard drive, the profile file may not be readable. I would complete this step before I tried to rollback.
  5. At the last stage, I would check the memory for defects using the memtest program. Details


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