How to fix your tongue. How to restore the language bar? The language bar has disappeared - what to do?

For two decades now, the Windows OS has existed in various versions and modifications. But novice users of a personal computer still quite often have the problem of the missing language bar. Search engines and forums are teeming with screams of panicked “users” calling for help. “The language doesn’t work!” or “help turn on this thing that disappeared” are the most common requests. The XP operating system suffered greatly from this problem, but even for the “seven” this flaw remains relevant. Apparently, developers from Silicon Valley have simply given up on Russian-speaking “users,” forcing the users themselves to clean up their sins. Let's try to understand why the language bar disappeared in Windows 7.

The situation when the language selection panel disappears is very popular. How to display it? Let’s look at what to do in this unpleasant situation using several examples. Let's start with the simplest.

Option one

It happens that the user, for some reason, disabled the language layout on his own. To return this function back, you need the following:

Please note that for the language bar to appear in the system, at least two languages ​​must be active. You can check this in the “General” tab.

It was noticed that most often the language bar disappears when Russian is installed as the main language. Incorrect operation of applications and installed programs is considered the main reason for the disappearance of the language bar. If this type of misunderstanding occurs too often, use a program such as PuntoSwitcher and disable the “native” language bar permanently. So why is the Windows language disappearing?

Option two. They are not looking for the culprits or restoring the Windows 7 task scheduler

In the "seven", compared to XP, the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language layout. If this option is not activated by anyone, the language layout will not be displayed. This can be done like this:

IMPORTANT! Use only trusted sites to avoid malicious files and spyware getting onto your personal computer.

  1. After downloading and unpacking, right-click on “TextServicesFramework" and import the file we need. Having enabled the task, we reboot the computer.

Option three. Recovery using the registry

All of the above did not help and the language bar still disappears? Is something stubbornly refusing to work? Do not despair! In this case, we will edit the holy of holies of every computer - the system registry. To do this, we need to download the file from the Internet, and then enable it. You can configure the system registry by doing the following:

Option four. last hope

The last and most reliable way to solve this problem is to download a small program like PuntoSwitcher, the main goal of which is not to return the Windows language bar, but to replace it yourself. Its main feature is that when you enter such abracadabra as, for example, “zpsrjdfzgfytkm”, it automatically translates into Russian and “understands” what you entered in the “language bar”. Download and install PuntoSwitcher, and you will have a program icon, by clicking on which you can disable automatic language switching. With this option, it will be similar to the Windows language layout.


I hope that the answer to such a pressing question: why the language bar disappeared in Windows 7 and how to fix this problem has been fully disclosed. Enabling the language selection panel is very easy using the instructions above. Good luck.

Hello dear friends, I have been asked many times the question, what should I do? This article provides three possible answers - how to restore the language bar in windows 7. What is a language bar - this is a toolbar with which the user can select a language for text input using the Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift key combinations. The language bar is automatically located in the desktop tray, by clicking on which you can easily either disable or enable the language bar, but it also happens that the language bar simply disappears and not all users have an idea. how to enable language bar windows 7.

Option: No. 1

Go to the Start panel and select Control Panel. In the Control Panel, click on "Regional and Language Options"

In the window that opens, select the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab, and "Change keyboard".

The Text Input Languages ​​and Services window opens. In this window, select "Language Bar".

In this window, you need to select “Pinned to taskbar” and click “OK”.

In the "Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window, in the "Notification Area" section, click on the "Customize" button.

The "Notification Area Icons" window will appear, here you need to enable the language bar, check the box "Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar."

Option: No. 2

Go to the Start menu and search for the file "ctfmon.exe" and add it to the Startup folder. To find the "Startup" folder, you need to go to the "C" drive, then "Users" / "Here select the folder with the account name" / "AppDate" / "Roaming" / "Microsoft" / "Windows" / "Main Menu" " / "Programs" / "Startup", paste the copied file "ctfmon.exe" into the "Startup" folder. Now yours Language bar will turn on when Windows 7 boots.

Option: No. 3

1. If the language bar disappeared and the first two options did not help you, which means you need to look for the problem of the language bar disappearing in the registry settings. Go to the "Start" menu and type "regedit", click on the "regedit" line.

You will see a registry window. In this window, select the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

In this window, click on the "Microsoft" branch.

In this window, click on the "Windows" branch.

Here you need to select the "CurrentVersion" line.

All that remains is to select the last branch of the registry “Run”. Here you need to see if the window has the string parameter "CTFMon" as shown in the screenshot. If there is no current one, then it needs to be created.

1) Right-click on the “Run” registry branch.
2) Select “Create string parameter” and name it “CTFMon”.
3) Right-click on the created line “CTFMon” and select “edit”.
4) Enter the value "C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe"

Next, you need to restart your computer. After the reboot, the enabled language bar should appear at the bottom of the taskbar (tray) screen. If you have any questions about this article, write, I will try to answer everyone.

This element allows you to quickly switch between keyboard layouts. Even those users who are accustomed to switching using keys still look for it visually when they look at the monitor.

If the Windows 7 language bar disappears, this brief instruction will help. Let's start with its definition. The language bar automatically appears on the system tray taskbar when typing services are started, for example, hand input recognition, layout, etc. This panel is needed to quickly change the typing language or keyboard layout. It can be placed on the desktop in any place convenient for the user. Usually located in accordance with the default settings of Windows 7 at the bottom right, near the tray.

But sometimes she disappears. A possible reason for the non-display could be a virus program that has infected the computer, or it disappears as a result of the system cleanup wizard (therefore, you should work with optimizers carefully, with knowledge of the processes it performs). Of course, switching between languages ​​can be done by simultaneously pressing Alt/Ctrl + Shift on the keyboard. But without seeing the language settings currently in use on the screen, this is not convenient.

Restoring the language bar

Restoring in Windows 7 is performed using many methods. All of them will restore the display of the disappeared icon depending on the reason that caused its loss. There are the following methods to enable its display; we will list them here, starting with the simplest:

Using normal Windows 7 features

After completing the above steps, the disappeared icon will begin to appear.

If there is no positive result, it is recommended to activate the language bar using an alternative method.

Using the Windows 7 scheduler

The main functional difference between the language bar in Win 7 and previous versions of Windows is that it is included in the Windows system scheduler.

This scheduler is responsible for starting the ctfmon.exe process, which manages it. The icon may be missing due to problems starting this service.

To determine the correct operation of the scheduler service, do the following:

Using the Windows 7 registry

This method is already more complex. This method also requires that you include the ctfmon.exe utility in the startup system. Before starting work, determine the presence of this file. Location in Windows 7 in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. If missing, you should copy it from any other computer that has working Windows 7.

The culprit for the disappearance of the icon can be viruses, as well as various failures in the system, but sometimes the owner of the personal computer himself inadvertently removes the language indication by transferring it to the desktop. In this case, it is simply necessary to install it in its original place using the drag-drop method.

These techniques will help if the language icon has disappeared from the monitor screen in Windows 7.

In any operating system it is a universal means of switching language and keyboard layout. However, on Windows systems, the icon displaying the currently used language in the system tray quite often disappears. How to install a language icon on or return the missing panel itself will now be discussed. To carry out such operations in the system itself, you can use several simple techniques.

Default language bar settings

In general, in absolutely all versions of Windows, the language bar is active, so there is no need to apply any specific settings or change parameters.

True, sometimes some users wonder how to install an additional language bar on the taskbar. It is not clear why to do this, since it was provided for in the system itself from the very beginning. However, this can be done by installing a special program to automatically change the language. Most of these software products have their own icon built into the system.

But what to do when the standard system settings disappear? This is what we will talk about now.

How to install the language in the taskbar automatically?

Please immediately note that it is possible for the language icon and keyboard layout to disappear for a short time in the system. This situation can be observed, for example, at the time of launching some resource-intensive application. This is fine. The icon itself, like the panel, will be restored automatically once executable files and program components are loaded into RAM, the load on which at a certain point reaches its peak, and Windows is simply trying to free up system resources. But some applications or viruses can block the language bar, and sometimes users, without knowing it, simply turn it off.

So, when asked how to install a language bar on the taskbar, the easiest solution is to check its settings in the Regional and Language Options section, which is located in the Control Panel.

Here we are interested in the languages ​​and keyboards tab, in which we need to select the option to change the keyboard, then go to the parameters tab of the panel itself and make sure that there is a mark about use opposite the pin line in the “Taskbar”. You also need to enable the option to display text labels. If you apply other settings, the panel itself may turn out to be hidden or, even worse, located in an arbitrary location on the screen, so access to it may be difficult, if only because the user simply does not pay attention to where it is located at a given time. moment.

How to return the missing language bar in Windows 7: checking the scheduler service

These were the simplest settings that any user should know about. But they do not always give a positive effect.

Another solution to the problem of how to install a language bar on the taskbar if it has disappeared for some reason can be diagnosing the so-called task scheduler. You can check it in the services section by calling the corresponding editor using the services.msc command in the Run console (Win + R). You can do it differently by using the administration section for access, called up from the right-click menu on the computer icon.

In any case, you need to double-click on the service name and on the general settings tab and make sure that the startup type is set to automatic.

Autorun settings

Sometimes the problem with the panel and icon disappearing may be that the element itself is disabled in autorun. The easiest way to view all services launched at system startup is through the configuration. You can enter the settings through the msconfig command in the Run menu, and then select the appropriate tab. In Windows 10, you can also access it through the standard “Task Manager”.

Here you should pay attention to the ctfmon process, which is responsible for displaying the panel. If it is inactive, you just need to check the box, after which you will need to perform a full system reboot.

Checking system registry keys

Finally, the solution to the problem of how to install the language bar on the taskbar may be to change some registry key values.

First, we call the editor (to do this, use the regedit command in the “Run” menu), and then select the HKLM branch, in which you need to sequentially go down the directory tree and find the Run folder there. On the right side we find the ctfmon.exe key (if there is none, you need to create a string parameter String Value and give it an appropriate name). Next, we either check or write the full correct path to the file indicating its name (this is the System32 folder in the Windows directory on the system drive).

Instead of an afterword

That's it for the language bar considerations. In principle, all of the above settings essentially duplicate each other. Which one to use, everyone decides for himself (what is more convenient or simpler). On the other hand, issues related to viral exposure were not addressed here. To eliminate problems of this type, you will have to use completely different methods. But everything that was presented for users' consideration will help in any case. The ideal option is to activate the process in the system registry, since other methods may sometimes not work (for example, if there are software conflicts in the system itself.

However, through the right-click menu on the taskbar, if you select the panels section, you can create your own panel and include language layouts there.

It often happens that the icon for switching the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa disappears on the taskbar. We won’t look into why this happens now, but will look at several ways to restore the language bar.

Method 1: Toolbar.

Right-click on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. In the menu that appears, select “Toolbar” => “Language panel”. Press the left key once to check the box.

If it doesn’t help, go to method No. 2.

Method 2. Language and Regional Standards.

Click “Start” = > “Control panel”, = > “Region and Language” = > “Languages” = > “More details” = > “Language bar”. Check the box next to “Show the language bar on the desktop”.

If the checkbox is present, but the language bar is not displayed, uncheck the box and click “OK”. Then we repeat the previous steps. In some cases this helps.

If the “Language Bar” button is not active,

Then go to the “Advanced” tab and uncheck the “Enable additional text services” checkbox. Click “Apply” and “OK”.

Method 3. File ctfmon.exe

Ctfmon.exe launches the language bar on boot Windows and runs in the background constantly.

Firstly, check the presence of this file in the system: C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe.

If the specified file exists, then skip the following steps and go to point"Secondly". If the file is missing, restore it like this:

1. Insert the Windows XP installation disk

2. “Start” = > “Run” = > sfc /SCANNOW = > “OK.” This command will also check other Windows system files for removal.

2. Install.

3. We use it.

Good luck and all the best!


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