What are wmr and wmz. All about what WMZ is in WebMoney

And I'll tell you what it is payment system Webmoney (Webmoney). After reading this publication, you will learn how the WebMoney electronic payment system works, how Webmoney is registered, operations within the system, replenishment and withdrawal of funds, what a Webmoney wallet is, a Webmoney certificate, BL, WM Keeper and much more. Next, let's talk about everything in order.

Webmoney payment system.

The WebMoney payment system appeared in 1998 and today is the most popular electronic money system in RuNet. About 35% of Russian-speaking Internet users have a webmoney wallet, while just over half have any kind of electronic wallet.

The Webmoney payment system legally belongs to the company Webmoney Transfer, registered in London, but it was developed in Russia, where all technical support is provided, and the main Webmoney certification center is located. Information about individuals who are the ultimate owners of the webmoney system is classified.

The WebMoney payment system itself calls itself an electronic settlement system for maintenance and states that it does not operate with money, but with the so-called. “title units” - payment units equal in value to real currencies, as well as to gold. Thus, legally, Webmoney is not a payment system and does not have such a status in Russia; it does not act as an issuer of electronic money, which is quite legal, since title units are not classified by law as electronic money - they are simply assets that can be bought, sold and exchanged.

WebMoney title units are issued in several currencies: Russian ruble, US dollar, euro, Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian ruble, Uzbek sum, as well as in gold, bitcoins and special dollars for credit transactions. All webmoney title units are designated by three letters, the first two of which are WM, and the third characterizes the type of currency of which they are the equivalent. For example, WMR - Russian rubles, WMU - hryvnia, WMZ - American dollar, etc.

For each type of title units, the system has its own so-called. “Guarantor” is a legal entity registered in the country in which the currency of the title unit is used and which issues title units in this currency. Webmoney title units can be exchanged like regular currency at the prevailing market rate through various services, the most profitable of which, as a rule, is our own webmoney exchange - wm.exchanger.ru.

The Webmoney payment system is well protected in terms of reliability and security of payments. For this reason, a certain part of users find it inconvenient, since registration, authorization, and making payments in WebMoney is somewhat more complicated than in other similar systems, however, in my opinion, ensuring a high degree of security for payments is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

WebMoney official website – webmoney.ru, in a number of countries webmoney sites operate in their domain zones.

Webmoney registration.

Registration in the WebMoney system is carried out through the official website or its subsidiary sites in other countries. Upon registration, each participant is assigned a unique 12-digit number - WMID, to which the participant can subsequently open any number of electronic wallets in different currencies.

Webmoney registration is free.

Webmoney wallet.

A WebMoney wallet is a virtual account in which title units in a certain currency are stored, and through which all transactions with them are carried out. The WebMoney wallet is opened only to participants already registered in the payment system who have their own WMID. Registration of a webmoney wallet is also carried out through the official websites of the system, or through a special application for working with webmoney - WM Keeper. Each currency requires a separate WebMoney wallet, at the same time, one user of the system can have any number of wallets, including those in the same currency.

The webmoney wallet number consists of the third letter of the title currency identifier and 12 digits, and it does not coincide with WMID. WebMoney services allow you to find out the WMID of a system participant by the wallet number, but not vice versa.

Webmoney certificate.

Each user of the system has his own digital identity, which is called a WebMoney certificate. There are a total of 12 types of such certificates, and each of them implies certain rights of its owner. The WebMoney certificate serves as a kind of indicator of the system’s trust in its participant, and the higher the level of the certificate, the more trust in him and, therefore, the more operations he can perform.

By default, each participant registered in the system is issued a certificate of the lowest level - a pseudonym certificate. It is absolutely anonymous, that is, it does not require entering and verifying passport data, but at the same time it greatly limits the capabilities of the system user. For example, a participant with a pseudonym certificate will be able to replenish his Webmoney wallet, conduct payments with other users of the system within the minimum limits, but will not be able to convert Webmoney into cash.

WebMoney certificate of the next level - a formal certificate is issued to a participant in the system after entering passport data and verifying it by providing scanned copies of the passport. A formal certificate already makes it possible to withdraw WebMoney to a bank, increases transaction limits and provides access to a whole range of payment services of the system.

Such a webmoney certificate is necessary for those who engage in or plan to frequently transfer funds within the system.

These two entry-level certificates are issued to users free of charge, but in most cases all subsequent ones will have to be paid for, in addition, their receipt will require a mandatory personal meeting with the registrar or system personalizer. Entrepreneurs doing business on the Internet or very active users will need more serious WebMoney certificates.

You can find out more about what types of Webmoney certificates there are, what opportunities they offer, how much they cost, and what is needed to get them on the official website of the Webmoney system on the page passport.webmoney.ru.

BL in webmoney.

Among other things, each registered user of the WebMoney system is assigned a so-called. “business level” - Business Level - BL, which characterizes the level of activity in the payment system. BL WebMoney is calculated using a special algorithm that takes into account:

– period of use of the system;

– the number of system participants with whom payment transactions were made;

– number and volumes of payments in the system;

– presence of complaints or positive reviews about the participant.

BL webmoney can both rise and fall. The higher the BL, the more trust a participant in the WebMoney payment system evokes. Before making a payment to a new counterparty, it is always recommended to check its BL.

You can find out more about what BL Webmoney is on the official website of the system: wiki.webmoney.ru/projects/webmoney/wiki/Business level_(BL).

Operations in the Webmoney system.

Users of the WebMoney payment system have the opportunity to perform the following types of operations:

– Replenishing WebMoney electronic wallets with cash in various ways (electronic terminals, exchange offices, instant transfers, bank cards, etc.);

– Withdrawal of webmoney from electronic wallets into cash in different ways (withdrawal to a plastic card, bank account, exchange offices, instant transfers, etc.);

– Transfer of webmoney to other users of the system from wallet to wallet;

– Payment for goods and services in Internet services that accept WebMoney for payment;

– Exchange of one title units for others.

For each transaction with WebMoney title units, the system takes a commission of approximately 0.8% of the amount, which is charged according to the method of calculating indirect taxes (that is, it is added to the transaction amount and not subtracted from it). Thus, for example, in order to carry out a transaction in the amount of 100 title units, the WebMoney wallet must have at least 100.8 title units.

For each type of webmoney, maximum fees charged are set.

All operations in the WebMoney system can be carried out either through the official websites of the system, logging in via WMID, or using special software - WM Keeper.

WM Keeper.

The WM Keeper program is designed to manage electronic wallets and simplify transactions in the WebMoney system. Standard version of the program – WM Keeper Classic is the most common and convenient for use on a computer with the Windows operating system. There are also simplified versions - WM Keeper Mini and WM Keeper Light, which are compatible with any operating system, as well as versions of WM Keeper for different types of mobile devices.

The WM Keeper program has several reliable levels of protection, in particular, separate key files that can be placed in different places, access to authorization and payments via SMS messages, as well as through the modern E-Num service, which allows you to identify the owner by scanning a QR -codes or fingerprint.

You can download WM Keeper for free from the official website of the WebMoney payment system wiki.webmoney.ru/projects/webmoney/wiki/WM_Keeper_WinPro.

Webmoney arbitrage.

The WebMoney payment system provides its participants with the opportunity to challenge completed transactions if one of the parties has violated its obligations. There is a special service for this – WebMoney arbitration.

You can submit a claim to webmoney arbitration against any participant in the system (including even the operator), which will be considered within a specified period, after which a decision will be made and certain actions will be taken. Filing claims to WebMoney arbitration is free, but if it is a blocking claim, it requires payment of a security deposit.

Address for filing claims to WebMoney arbitration – arbitrage.webmoney.ru.

Now you have a general idea of ​​what the WebMoney payment system is and what main opportunities it opens up for its participants. In fact, there are many more possibilities, functions and services of webmoney; in the future I will gradually consider individual of them on.

In general, I want to say that registration in the WebMoney system and obtaining a formal certificate is simply necessary for all those who in any way intend to earn money on the Internet, since this is the most widespread electronic payment system, and the main turnover of electronic money on the World Wide Web passes through it.

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There are 10 types of wallets in the Webmoney financial service: WMR, WMZ, WME, WMU, WMB, WMK, WMV, WMG, WMX, WMH. They differ in the form of values ​​in which funds can be stored. So, they can hold different types of currencies, virtual money (Bitcoin, BitcoinCash), exchange gold or guarantee the right to receive EKZT. The type of currency accepted determines what WMZ is in WebMoney. In this case, we are talking about US dollars. They can be used to pay for online services, withdraw funds using available methods and exchange currencies.

What is WMZ in WebMoney and what is it for?

Having several different wallets allows you to store your savings in different forms in the Webmoney system. This can be beneficial as a certain type of personal interest-free deposit, in which there is no need to formalize an agreement with the bank. In addition, what a WMZ wallet is can be explained using the example of online purchases. A number of online stores accept WebMoney as a payment method, but only work with US dollars. These include the service’s partner – the exchange https://megastock.com/. It is convenient to use WMZ funds to pay for purchases here. The use of this service is also beneficial for sellers working with buyers from abroad.

How to create a WMZ wallet

The ability to hold funds in the WebMoney system in USD is determined by the type of certificate. It is available in the following types:

  • pseudonym;
  • formal;
  • initial;
  • personal.

It is noteworthy that with an alias certificate, creating a WMZ wallet is possible even if US dollars are not the official currency of the owner’s country of residence. Usually this is the restriction that applies, and WMG is also an exception.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties in understanding how to create a WMZ Webmoney wallet if you have WMR. You need to enter the selected Webmoney Keeper interface, select "Create wallet" and then a list of available currency options for it will be shown.

You need to confirm your choice of WMZ. Then you need to accept the terms of the storage agreement with WebMoney.

If creation is successful, a notification window appears. If an error occurs “Creating a wallet of this type is only possible after uploading a copy of an identity document or obtaining a higher level certificate”, then you need to start by uploading scanned documents to the Attestation Center on the website.

Features of working with WMZ tools

For all methods of storing funds offered in the system, WebMoney has its own limitations and features of use. Having already created a WMZ wallet, what it is, having figured it out, these are the details that are often overlooked. The differences are:

  1. The maximum commission amount for settlement transactions is $50, but not less than 0.8%.
  2. Replenishing a WMZ wallet by transfer from a bank takes 1-2 banking days. When replenishing your wallet with another currency, the system automatically carries out the conversion.
  3. Withdrawal of USD via bank transfer takes 1-2 business days. The speed of receipt through bank cards depends on the bank.
  4. The exchange of funds between WMZ and other wallets is carried out at the rate of the Webmoney exchange machine.

Withdrawing WMZ to a Privatbank card is a simple procedure.

With the help of WMchanger, withdrawing WMZ becomes a simple procedure for withdrawing WMZ to a Privatbank card. The process of withdrawing WMZ itself assumes the absence of conversions and assumes that the source and destination currencies are in the same type of currency. In other words, WMchanger allows you to withdraw WMZ to a Privatbank “dollar” card. This method is good because it saves the user money by not having to exchange WebMoney WMZ title units to WMU, and then withdraw to a Privatbank card opened in hryvnia.

Instant, automatic withdrawal of WMZ to a Privatbank card

Processing of WMZ withdrawal to a Privatbank card is implemented on the basis of automatic payment tools WebMoney and Privat24 - Internet banking of Privatbank. The use of interfaces recommended by these systems on WMchanger makes the procedure for withdrawing WMZ to a Privatbank card completely safe for the user. is carried out by the Service instantly, and direct crediting by Privatbank to the user’s card is in accordance with the rules for servicing the card in Privatbank. Funds are credited to VISA and Instant cards opened in Privatbank instantly. To clarify the rules for crediting funds to a specific user card, you need to contact the Privatbank support service and clarify this issue with them.

Immediately after payment, the Service checks the crediting of title units to your wallet and, in the absence of failures or payment errors, immediately automatically credits funds to the user’s card in Privatbank.

Due to the fact that for some time now, when registering in the WM system, WM Keeper Mini becomes the default way to manage WMID, many users confuse the concepts of ‘Creating WMID’ and ‘Creating a wallet’. Let's clarify this issue...

Only after registering in the system, users immediately receive a WebMoney Identifier (WMID), which will serve to identify a specific user in the system, but users cannot yet carry out operations in the WM system, since they do not yet have their own wallets for these purposes. So, by registering in the system, you immediately create only a WMID for yourself, and you still have to create the wallets you need for operations in the WM system, because without them it is impossible to carry out operations.

The system supports several types of title units stored on the corresponding electronic WebMoney wallets:

WMZ— equivalent of US dollars (wallet type Z),
WMR— equivalent of Russian rubles (wallet type R),
W.M.U.— equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia (U-type wallet),
WME- Euro equivalent (type E wallet),
W.M.B.— equivalent of Belarusian rubles (wallet type B),
WMG- equivalent of gold (wallet type G),
W.M.C. And WMD- equivalent to WMZ for credit transactions on C- and D-wallets (can be created by users with a certificate from basic and higher).

In 2013, a new type of title units and, accordingly, a new type of electronic wallet were introduced in the WebMoney system:
WMX— equivalent to 0.001 Bitcoin (wallet type X).

You can create any WebMoney wallets for your needs, just a piece of advice - don’t create unnecessary ones, you can’t delete them!

In the Mini keeper, wallets are created as follows - on the main tab in the keeper, click the ‘Wallets’ tab:

A page with your wallets opens, there you click the ADD MORE link:

Your attention will be presented to the page for creating a wallet, on which you should select the required equivalent, for example, WMR - Russian rubles, study the agreement for using your wallet, be sure to agree with it, if you have not changed your mind about using the WebMoney system, check the appropriate box and click the CREATE button:

After successfully completing this operation, you will have a WMR wallet created, which will immediately appear in the WALLETS tab of the Mini keeper. You need to do the same thing again with other wallets in order to create equivalents of WMZ, WMU, WME or any others that you think you will need for operations in the system. In MINI Keeper you can create only one wallet of different types! If you need more wallets of the same type, then you need to connect another method of managing wallets, for example, the Classic keeper.

For WM Keeper Classic the process is similar, but everything looks different:
go to the tab in the keeper WALLETS, there you right-click in the field and select CREATE in the menu that appears, a window opens and in it select which one WM wallet you want to create, and also enter the name for the future wallet, which can later be changed:

Or, immediately below the tabs, click the CREATE button and the same window opens for you to create a wallet:

You can also create several WebMoney wallets of the same type, for example, WMZ wallet, but for different purposes. The main thing is that you yourself do not get confused in them. To do this, any WebMoney wallet can be renamed for your convenience. WMZ wallet is the most popular in the system, so you simply need to create it - almost all services and stores work through the WMZ wallet, as one of the options.

Operations with WebMoney wallets.

To replenish WebMoney wallets with title units such as WMR and WMU through terminals, of which there are now a huge number for your convenience, you need to authorize these wallets on the website. Let us immediately note that WMR wallets, created after May 2009 do not need to be authorized, this already happens automatically when creating a wallet, and WMZ wallet cannot be topped up through terminals!

Also, immediately study the requirements and limits of Guarantors for various types of certificates and keepers, so that later there are no unpleasant situations when working with the system!

There are 3 ways to send money from your keeper:

1. Direct payment from wallet to wallet, for example, from your wallet to our... oh, sorry - another wallet. To do this, you need to first find out the number of another wallet. Next, right-click on the required wallet in the keeper, select the ‘Transfer WM’ item in the menu that opens, select ‘To WebMoney wallet’ and fill out the window that appears...

It is worth noting that for the safety of your transfers, there is a safety net option in the system - transfer with transaction protection code.

The protection code in the WebMoney system is used quite often, so let me inform you that there are even 2 types of transfers with a protection code - by time and by code.

When making your first translations, if you are afraid of something, I advise you not to be lazy and use this option.

Also, for the security of transactions, the WM system has the Escrow service, which acts as a trusted party between sellers and buyers and is integrated directly into the keeper, so you can insure any funds transfer operation using collateral:

2. The second method is implemented as a function in electronic stores - (interfaces for automated receipt of funds). You select a product or service on some website in an electronic store, and click PAY, then one by one you perform the actions that are offered to you on the monitor screen, but not by stupidly pressing all the proposed buttons in a row, but by first reading and understanding what you are doing . Of course, the keeper must first be activated.

During the process, you can also check some data, for example, his certificate or reviews about the Seller on his page in the Arbitration, so that you don’t get the impression that you paid for the service, and then looked in the reviews that 50 WM users have already written complaints that the service is of poor quality or it doesn't turn out at all.

3. The third way is to pay an invoice sent to you from someone. You can immediately click the PAY button and the money will be transferred after entering the captcha, or you can postpone this invoice and pay later, if you consider it necessary.

Here you need to be especially careful, because some scammers or beggars can send invoices from their keeper to anyone, for this they only need to know the WMID of the correspondent, so I advise you to carefully study the invoices that come to you before pressing the payment button!

Operations in the WebMoney system are carried out between wallets of the same type, i.e. you cannot send title units, for example, WMZ to a WMU wallet, but you can only, for example, WMR => WMR or WME => WME. To convert WM title units into the currency you need, there are various exchange services, for example, one of the reliable and well-proven ones is

About nonsense when dealing with money.

The Internet is simply full of swindlers and swindlers of various breeds, I think many people know this very well and I haven’t said anything new. But each of us, let’s be honest here, at least once, fell for various tricks of scammers, maybe in personal correspondence, or maybe on scammers’ websites (newbies can do a lot of stupid things due to inexperience), as a result of which they simply parted with their money , acquired through hard work.

Therefore, you should NEVER pay to ‘magic wallets’, to someone you don’t know, and also to someone from whom you cannot receive an invoice for payment. Also, you should not pay for WebMoney certificates for Yandex.Money in order to work as a “WebMoney operator,” and you should NOT make money in a day in “profitable exchangers” of electronic currencies, even using exchange rate monitoring services. All this, to put it mildly, is from the evil one. Remember that swindlers, in the desire for easy money, sometimes create miracles and their inventions are limitless, so before you make any transfer of your money in a keeper (especially a forced transfer), first analyze the situation, or, as they say, ask your elders comrades'.

If, however, you still have unanswered questions, then feel free to ask them by clicking on the link in the left panel of the site. Any question will be answered by experienced users, many of whom are registered consultants of the system.

There are currently six types of title units in circulation in the Webmoney Transfer system. This:

WMZ- funds equivalent to US dollars
WMR- funds equivalent to Russian rubles
WME- funds equivalent to euros
W.M.U.- funds equivalent to Ukrainian hryvnia.
W.M.B.- funds equivalent to Belarusian rubles.
WMG- funds equivalent to gold.

When registering in the system, you received a Web Money Identifier (WM ID). It consists of 12 digits.

In the WMKeeper Classic program you can create any wallet you need.

Each wallet has a number. It also consists of 12 digits, but wallets have a prefix in front of them, indicating what funds it is intended for. For example -
Z238479008342, R034873236762, E9282374987384, U108374384782- this is what the numbers of wallets intended for title units may look like WMZ, WMR, WME and WMU respectively.

In WMKeeper Light, you are given only the Z-wallet by default; you can create wallets for other types of title units yourself if necessary.

In general, in both WMKeeper Light and WMKeeper Classic you can create several wallets within your ID.

Attention! Created wallets cannot be deleted.

By the wallet number you can always determine the identifier to which it is attached, but you cannot find out the wallet number by the identifier. You can do the first thing by using the menu item "Find a Correspondent"

To transfer funds you need to indicate your wallet. You cannot simply transfer funds to an ID. Knowing the identifier, you can send a message to its owner via internal mail or issue him an invoice.


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