A whole day of unlimited access to attractions at the Django family recreation park. Promotional codes and discount coupons in online stores Healthy savings with Biglion and Pravda

The promotion has long ended

Dear blog visitors. This promotion has now ended. Whether Biglion is currently carrying out such actions is unknown.

Who doesn’t like freebies, or as they are called freebies on the Internet? Probably, there are only a few of them 🙂 Just today I was offered to register on Biglion and receive 50 rubles for free, which are credited to my mobile phone account. Taking advantage of this offer, literally in 10 minutes I became the owner of a gift in the form of 50 rubles.

Why, you ask, would you give so much money to someone?! If advertisers sponsor, then there is a seed of a business idea in this.

So, first, let's go to the site

1. Fill out the registration form and in the field enter promo code 300

It is advisable to enter a work email (not the main one), because an email with an activation link will be sent to it. Accept the terms and click Register.

2. Next step: Very important!

Go to your mailbox and confirm your registered email, only then proceed to the third step

3. A button will appear in front of you to receive the coveted incentive prize.

Feel free to click on it.

4. Then enter your mobile phone number, which will first receive a verification code. We enter this verification code in the required box.

These steps will take place on this page in the form of pop-up lightboxes:

In a few minutes you will receive 50 Rubles to your mobile phone account.

By the way, the promotion only works in Russia. For those who are interested in discounts, this service is just right. Biglion is expanding its capabilities, and advertisers are interested in new visitors.

See how significant discounts are provided there. In the cities where Biglion has been operating for a long time, entire user groups have been formed that recruit the required number of customers and at the same time, all those attracted receive discounts!!!

Many of us have been using promotional codes for a long time to reduce the cost of this or that item in an online store, so today you are unlikely to surprise anyone by saying that you bought an item at a good discount. Biglion suggests doing things differently - purchasing coupons to buy the necessary services at a reduced cost or even get them for free. Thanks to this strategy, you will save up to 80% on visits to beauty salons and private clinics, as well as in restaurants, exhibitions and water parks. Of course, purchasing a variety of goods is also included in this list.

Why is Biglion convenient? First of all, the positions here are updated daily, which means that even if the promotion lasts only one day, you will not miss it.

Why should you use Biglion's services? There are several reasons for this:

  • a voluminous catalog of items from trusted brands;
  • benefits up to 90%, because the company works directly with suppliers;
  • the application for mobile devices makes searching for needed offers even easier and faster;
  • some percentage of the money spent will be returned through cashback;
  • great deals from your favorite brands.

What does the coupon site offer?

Use hundreds of types of services and buy thousands of products, while maintaining your family budget.

At https://www.biglion.ru you will find offers for any goods and services:

  • Entertainment. Are you planning to ride horses or go on a river cruise? Or maybe you like active recreation and wouldn’t mind playing paintball? Biglion will provide discounts on any type of entertainment.
  • Cafes and restaurants. Allow yourself to eat in trendy places more often.
  • Body and health care. It has become more profitable to visit clinics, beauty salons and even hairdressers.
  • Sport. If you have been wanting to join a gym for a long time, but never got around to it, return to this idea and save a lot of money at the same time.
  • Trips. Save up to 80% on hotel and flight bookings.
  • Everything for the car. Now you won’t have to pay so much for any maintenance services for your four-wheeled friend.
  • Goods. Whatever you decide to purchase, you will find a discount on the product at Biglion.
  • Cashback. Return part of the money spent to your personal account so that you can then use it for new purchases.

Can you save money on a coupon site?

Many, seeing the system by which Biglion works, refuse to believe that it can be profitable. People argue this opinion by saying that buying discount coupons is stupid, because they may not be accepted. However, people forget that Biglion directly cooperates with the companies whose offers it publishes and negotiates discounts with their official representatives. Having trusted the site at least once, you will want to continue using its services, as you will understand that it is absolutely reliable.

However, not only potential buyers of coupons, but also people who do not use the site’s services can save money with Biglion. If you have the desire and opportunity to tell the world about the existence of Biglion, join the affiliate program and receive 10% from each coupon sold if the buyer found out about the site thanks to you.

This may seem strange to you, but you have a unique opportunity to get a discount on the purchase of a coupon! Like many online stores, Biglion accepts promotional codes. A promotional code will help you purchase great deals at even more attractive prices.

How to use a promotional code to get a discount?

In order for a promotional code to be guaranteed to provide a discount, it is important to avoid mistakes when selecting it. Please note that the promotional code is not valid for the entire range. In addition, the period for using the promotional code is limited and is regulated by the information in the code description. Please read it carefully, otherwise there is a chance that you will choose the wrong promotional code. Having made your choice, go to Biglion.ru and pick up the coupon for which you chose the promotional code.

By clicking on the selected offer, you will immediately begin paying for the order, but do not rush to do this. Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the words “I have a promotional code.” When you click on it, a field will open for you to insert a promotional code. Having done this, click on the green checkmark and you will see how the value of the coupon has dropped. Now proceed to payment and enjoy the purchased goods or services.

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How to use a discount coupon

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The best promotional codes for popular stores.

We present only the best free promotional codes, using which you can save on literally every purchase. If you don’t want to overpay when shopping in online stores, bookmark the site and you will always have at hand fresh and up-to-date information about discounts and sales in the store you need. Discounts from the most popular online stores are collected in a group - “TOP 20 Stores”. In the all stores section - you will find a list of all stores on our website that provide discounts, promotional codes and coupons. By clicking on the logo of the store you need, you will immediately be taken to the catalog of promotional codes for a particular merchant. Buy wisely - why pay more?


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