The role of the computer in a child’s life parent meeting. Summary of the parent meeting “Computer and children’s health”

The purpose of the meeting: to expand the information field of parents about the benefits and harms of children using the computer. Form of conduct: meeting - workshop. The purpose of the meeting: to expand the information field of parents about the benefits and harms of children using the computer. Form of conduct: meeting - workshop. 3

Questionnaire for parents 1. Do you have a computer at home? (64%) 2. Who communicates more with the computer? (60% - parents, 40% - children) 3. How much time does your child spend on the computer? (78% - 30 minutes - 1 hour, 22% - as much as they want) 4. How do you feel about your passion for computer games? (90% positive) 5. Does this make you anxious? (90% - no) 1. Do you have a computer at home? (64%) 2. Who communicates more with the computer? (60% - parents, 40% - children) 3. How much time does your child spend on the computer? (78% - 30 minutes - 1 hour, 22% - as much as they want) 4. How do you feel about your passion for computer games? (90% positive) 5. Does this make you anxious? (90% - no) 4

Let's compare two situations: A child at a computer A child at a computer Many parents, having bought a personal computer for their heir, breathe a sigh of relief... There is no computer There is no computer A child at a computer A child at a computer Many parents, having bought a personal computer for their heir, breathe a sigh of relief... There is no computer There is no computer 5

Children and computers: what is good and what is bad. 75% of respondents have a computer at home; in most families only the child uses the computer; children spend 1.5 - 2 hours at the computer daily; however, computer educational programs are not used. 75% of respondents have a computer at home; in most families only the child uses the computer; children spend 1.5 - 2 hours at the computer daily; however, computer educational programs are not used. 7

Who is responsible... “I sit at home at the computer as much as I want...” Required (at a minimum) 1. General strengthening exercises. 2. Gymnastics for the eyes Gymnastics for the eyes “I sit at home at the computer as much as I want...” Required (at a minimum) 1. General strengthening exercises. 2. Gymnastics for the eyes Gymnastics for the eyes 9

Why is a computer dangerous? 1. Diseases of the spine. 2. Respiratory diseases. 3. Carpal tunnel syndrome. 4. Stress, depression and other nervous disorders. 1. Diseases of the spine. 2. Respiratory diseases. 3. Carpal tunnel syndrome. 4. Stress, depression and other nervous disorders. Note! 10

“Pros” and “cons” of the influence of a computer on a child. “+” causes positive interest in technology; develops creative abilities; completely captures the child’s consciousness; eliminates fear of technology; forms psychological literacy for PC mastery; develops imagination by modeling the future; promotes attentiveness and concentration; helps to master reading, writing, etc. at a fast pace; trains memory, attention; develops speed of action and reaction; fosters determination. “+” causes positive interest in technology; develops creative abilities; completely captures the child’s consciousness; eliminates fear of technology; forms psychological literacy for PC mastery; develops imagination by modeling the future; promotes attentiveness and concentration; helps to master reading, writing, etc. at a fast pace; trains memory, attention; develops speed of action and reaction; fosters determination. “–” negative impact on physical development; increases the state of nervousness and fear when striving to achieve victory at any cost; the content of games provokes children's aggression and cruelty; obliges the child to act at the pace set by the program; promotes the development of physical inactivity; reduces intellectual activity; impairs vision. eleven

Factors of dependence 1. Strong attraction to the PC. 2. Impaired ability to control oneself. 3. Change in physiological state. 4. The desire to increase time. 5. Refusal of other alternatives in favor of a PC. 6. Inability to stop classes. 1. Strong attraction to PC. 2. Impaired ability to control oneself. 3. Change in physiological state. 4. The desire to increase time. 5. Refusal of other alternatives in favor of a PC. 6. Inability to stop classes. 12

How a computer can help Prepare homework View encyclopedias on CD-ROM, interactively learning about the world around you, preparing abstracts, tables, diagrams. Present your ideas Use convenient applications to create presentations, projects, and conduct research. Prepare for exams Make the computer a “tutor” that makes learning more interesting, faster and more effective Internet resources Use extensive resources, communicate with friends, distance learning, on-line testing, participate in competitions and projects. 14

Finding time to work is a condition for success. Taking time to reflect is a source of strength. Finding time to play is the secret of youth. Find time to read - this is the basis of knowledge. Finding time for friendship is a condition for happiness. Find time to dream - this is the path to the stars. Finding time for love is the true joy of life. Find time for fun - it is the muse of the soul. 16

And finally... The computer is intended, first of all, for the development of the child: his intelligence, talents and abilities! And our task is to make the computer a child’s ASSISTANT! The computer is intended, first of all, for the development of the child: his intelligence, talents and abilities! And our task is to make the computer a child’s ASSISTANT! 17 19

Tasks of the parent meeting:

1. Introduce parents to the role of the computer and the Internet in modern life.
1. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of using computers and the Internet by modern schoolchildren.
2. Reveal the possibilities of using a computer and the Internet in educational activities at home.

Issues for discussion:

1. The essence of the negative aspects of passion for computers and the Internet.
2. The role of the computer and the Internet in the development of intelligence.
3. Using a computer and the Internet at home when preparing homework.
Preparatory work for the meeting:
1. Questioning schoolchildren on the topic of the meeting.
2. Students write an essay on the topic: “Ode to the Computer.”
3. Preparation of statements, aphorisms and quotes about the computer and the Internet.
4. Preparation of instructions for parents on using the computer and the Internet at home.
5. Prepare questions for parents on the topic of the meeting.

Progress of the meeting

Opening speech by the class teacher.
We will devote our meeting today to the computer and the Internet. And not by chance. Nowadays, the Internet has thoroughly entered our lives. It attracts us with its multimedia capabilities, richness of colors, and quick search for information. And, naturally, we, modern people, cannot imagine life without the Internet. After all, its role in the life of a modern person is difficult to overestimate. Nowadays, more than 30% of the world's population uses the Internet, and this is not a lot - about 1,500,000,000 people. Back in 1992, only 100 people used it. It was planned to use the Internet only for work purposes. And now? Every student, by launching a browser, can find the information he needs in a matter of minutes.
Have you heard or perhaps read about how well-known people in various fields speak about the computer and the Internet?

Let me give some examples of them:

1. The more you delve into the computer, the more you lose touch with reality. Haruki Murakami
2. My children, of course, will have a computer. But first of all they will receive books. Bill Gates
3. Anyone who has a computer has all published knowledge. Fidel Castro

Recently, the provision of computers to modern schoolchildren has reached almost maximum levels. It is almost impossible to imagine modern life without a computer. To this day there are ongoing discussions. Is it harmful or useful, and to what extent?

Discussion with parents. Options for their answers.

Parent survey

1. For what purpose did you purchase a computer for your home?
2. Are you afraid of your child’s communication with the computer?
3. How long do you allow your child to use the computer per day?
4. Has your child’s behavior changed after he began actively communicating with the computer?
5. How do you feel about children’s passion for computer games?
6. Do you know what sites your child is registered on, what he is interested in, with whom he is friends and communicates on the Internet, what games he plays?
7. Do you consider it necessary to use a computer and the Internet when doing homework?
8. Do you allow children to use homework assignments (ready homework assignments) on the Internet?
9. Do you and your child have a common interest in using a computer and the Internet? (shared games, sites, friends)

Familiarization of parents with the results of a survey of children in the class.
Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of using the computer and the Internet by our children.

The main harmful factors affecting a person using a computer:

Wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which includes X-ray, ultraviolet and infrared regions;
- sitting for a long time;
- ergonomic parameters (flicker, glare, contrast)
- overload of the joints of the hands;
- increased load on vision;
- the impact of the computer on mental health (stress due to loss of information).
Computer addiction is an addiction to activities related to the use of a computer, leading to a sharp reduction in all other activities and limited communication with other people.

Signs of addiction:

If the child eats, drinks tea, prepares homework at the computer.
- Spent at least one night at the computer.
- I skipped school and sat at the computer.
- He comes home and goes straight to the computer.
- I forgot to eat, brush my teeth (this has never happened before).
- Is in a bad, irritable mood, and cannot do anything if the computer is broken.
- Conflicts, threatens, blackmails in response to the ban on sitting at the computer.

The first stage is interest.

Friends advised me how to take my mind off problems, “kill time,” and have fun.

The second stage is retraction.
Abstinence is accompanied by real “withdrawals”: ​​you are bored, sad, and things don’t go to your mind.

The third stage is complete dependence.

Internet - addiction

The problem of Internet addiction has emerged with the increasing popularity of the Internet. Some people have become so addicted to the virtual space that they began to prefer the Internet to reality, spending up to 18 hours a day at the computer. Abrupt refusal of the Internet causes anxiety and emotional agitation in such people. Psychiatrists see similarities between this addiction and excessive gambling.

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he or she belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

Feeling good or euphoria at the computer;
- inability to stop;
- increasing the amount of time spent at the computer; neglect of family and friends;
- feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer;
- lying to employers or family members about your activities;

Problems with work or school.

Danger signals are also:
- obsessive desire to constantly check email; anticipation of the next online session;
- increased time spent online.

The Internet is especially necessary for those who study. In it you can find many different descriptions of one or another section of the school curriculum. Every student has a favorite subject that should help them discover the possibilities of using the Internet. And these opportunities for studying school course subjects are colossal: obtaining additional information on topics; updating the data provided; virtual online testing; An excellent opportunity to deepen your knowledge and gain skills in information and communication culture.

A wealth of resources can be found on a variety of subjects. These resources contain educational and reference material; dictionaries and textbooks; literary works of Russian and foreign authors; simulators; interactive models. Thanks to them, students complete homework, independent work, and carry out project and research activities.

But the World Wide Web helps us not only in our studies. There is another plus on the Internet, which is one of the most important. Social networks are of great importance for modern schoolchildren. On social networks there are various forums, groups, communities united by a certain topic. Communication is one of the main interests. Through the Internet you can communicate with people on different parts of the Earth. You can also watch new and old films on social networks: feature films, documentaries, scientific films. There are photographs dedicated to a specific topic. You can listen to your favorite music of various genres, play interactive educational games.

Memo for parents on how their child uses a computer:

1. To control your child’s use of a computer, you yourself need to have the skills to use it at least at a basic level.
2. Remember: a child should not play computer games before bedtime.
3. Every 20-30 minutes of working on the computer you need to take a break.
4. The child should not work on the computer more than 1.5 - 2 hours a day.
5. Monitor your child’s purchase of computer discs with games so that they do not cause harm to the child’s health and psyche.
6. Talk to your children about the friends they communicate with online, find out how they spend their leisure time and what they are interested in.
7. If your child uses the computer irresponsibly, enter a password to prevent access without parental permission.
8. Place a computer with an Internet connection outside your child's room.
9. Find out what websites your children visit and who they communicate with.
10. Insist that your children never agree to meet their online friends without your knowledge.
11. Teach your children never to give personal information about themselves and their family through email and various registration forms offered by site owners.
12. Control the information your child downloads (movies, music, games, etc.)
13. Ask if children visit sites with aggressive content.
14. Teach children responsible and ethical behavior online. They should not use the Internet to spread gossip, threaten others, or engage in bullying behavior.
15. Make sure your children consult you about any financial transactions when ordering, purchasing or selling online.
16. Inform children about the potential risks when they participate in any games or activities.
17. Communicate with your child as an equal partner, demonstrating your concern for public morals.


Using these recommendations, you have the opportunity to protect children as much as possible from the negative influence of the World Wide Web. But remember, the Internet is not only a center of depravity and cruelty, but also the world's richest library of knowledge, entertainment, communication and other useful things. You must teach children how to properly use this inexhaustible source of information. And most importantly, the child must understand that you are not depriving him of free access to the computer, but, above all, protecting him. The child must trust you.

Kobets Yulia Nikolaevna, English teacher. Balakleya secondary school of І-ІІІ levels No. 2, Balakleya, Kharkov region

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Parent meeting “Child and computer. Dangerous line."

Material prepared by:

teacher - psychologist MAOU "Secondary School No. 7"



Computers have rapidly introduced themselves into the life of modern people. Today it has become common to see that a person interacts with a computer and the Internet constantly - at work, at home, in a car, on an airplane, in a minibus. Gradually, the computer and the Internet are becoming an integral part of the life of not only adults, but also children. Many parents believe that it is better for their child to sit at home at the computer in front of them than to go out with bad company. Thus, the child receives free and unlimited access to the computer.

Along with the advent of computers, computer games also appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans among children and adults. Today, computer technology has reached such a level of development that it allows you to create very realistic games with good graphics, color and sound design, which entails an increase in the number of people who are fanatically interested in computer games - gamers (from the English “game” - game).

As a rule, gamers are people with certain personal experiences and problems, such as low self-esteem, lack of personal life or failure in it, incorrect assessment of life values ​​and general disappointment in life. Therefore, the computer and everything connected with it is the only thing that becomes truly important to them. The more realistic the games and the clearer the pictures, the more details in the game that resemble the course of human life, the higher the degree of addiction will be and the more difficult it is to get rid of it. And, of course, a special role is played by this phenomenon, which is associated with the fact that the dominant number of electronic games makes its participant an “aggressive executioner,” since during the game he has to kill his opponents. Today's games are realistic in showing details such as the human body, blood - in general, everything that accompanies violence against a person.

One computer gamer who enjoys mostly 3D-Action games said, “When I get up from my computer and go outside, I miss the weapons I have in my pocket.” game. Without it, I feel defenseless, so I try to quickly come home and sit down to play again.” That is, we see that a constant escape from reality leads to an intensification of this desire, to the emergence of a stable need to escape from reality. Here we find analogies with drugs and drug addiction: with each dose taken, the strength of the addiction increases; With every hour of play, the dependence on it intensifies and soon it becomes impossible for a person to do without a computer game.

Indeed, computer games have become an exciting activity for many preschoolers, schoolchildren, students and adults. Preschoolers are sometimes no longer interested in ordinary toys as before; they strive to get home quickly, because the treasured game awaits them there. Schoolchildren skip classes only because they spent the whole night watching the screen and did not have time to prepare for lessons, which become less important than the level of the game passed.

The computer distorts the child’s thinking and teaches him to think not creatively, but technologically. There is a task, a result and a set of means by which this task can be solved. All! Thus, the child’s thinking is programmed, and creative abilities do not develop. Robotization of thinking occurs, emotions, compassion, humanity disappear - something that was always inherent in children before. The child learns to live and act according to instructions.

Cyber ​​addiction is not just a new word; it is a diagnosis that doctors today can give to a huge number of our children and adolescents.

The problem of addictive behavior is relevant and requires study.

Let's figure out together what our children's “Computer Addiction” is and how we, parents, can fight it.

Computer addiction.

Computer addictions include:

· Internet addiction;

· addiction to computer games;

· dependence on computer work.

This is everything that is in one way or another connected with spending a long time at the computer.

Experts attribute this type of addiction to a specific emotional “drug addiction” caused by technical means.

Computer addiction is one of the varieties of additive behavior and is characterized by the desire to escape from everyday life by transforming one’s own emotional and mental mood. At this moment, a person not only throws pressing concerns into the background, but also the work of his psyche is inhibited, and more often than not, individual personal development completely stops. Thus, people avoid solving various problems in their lives.

Why is the computer so attractive to children?

Why do children become addicted to computer games?

Let's remember our childhood: “We spent hours playing Indians and scouts, going to school, store and hospital, changing roles, climbing construction sites and old houses, jumping from roofs, making bows, arrowheads, wooden guns shooting metal bullets, it came sometimes even to the point of injury. However, they didn’t lose their minds! But the fact of the matter is that all yard games take place in the real world, children need to rely on their own strengths, learn to correctly assess a situation, not imaginary, but what is actually happening, to adequately respond to life, and not programmed by someone circumstances. They need to learn to live, not play. In a virtual game, everything is not like that, everything is “make-believe,” but the problem is that, having immersed themselves headlong in the virtual world, over time they begin to perceive this “make-believe” as a real event.

How menacingly this phrase “computer addiction” sounded after a number of tragic incidents.

Many were shocked by the death of a schoolboy in Yekaterinburg. He sat in the computer club for 12 hours, after which he had a stroke.

Another computer-related tragedy occurred in the Far East - a 16-year-old teenager killed his mother because she did not give him money for “shooting games.” And he conspired with his friends to remove the “interference.” Teenagers came to his home and strangled the woman. After which we went to the computer salon.

A Ufa student wounded his father with a knife because he tore out the wires from the computer late at night, not allowing him to finish playing an episode in his “favorite game,” and then jumped out of the window and fell to his death.

In Tuapse, a teenager, because his parents took away his computer keyboard so that he could not play his favorite game “Gothic” at night, killed his sleeping father, striking him six blows to the head with a hammer, and then called his mother and under pain of death forced her to return the selected keyboard, after which he calmly went to finish playing.

We can continue ad infinitum... People plunge headlong into virtual space, but leaving the real world does not remain without leaving a mark on a person’s mental health. And the crazier and more aggressive the game, the more noticeable the blows to the psyche. Not everyone can withstand such a crazy load and break.

Are these cases exceptions to the rule or harbingers of future tragedies? How serious is a problem like this? computer addiction in children and adolescents? After all, they are the ones most susceptible to computer addiction these days.

There are many reasons and factors why children tend to go into the virtual world.

1. One of the reasons is thirst for adventure, which a teenager can get in various computer games.

2. Another reason could be child neglect, that is, parents are so busy solving their problems that they have absolutely no time for the child. Such parents are not interested in their child’s success at school, their child’s feelings and experiences; they do not know how their child lives and what he wants. The child has complete freedom of action, he is left to his own devices.

3. The next reason may be constant conflicts between parents or persons replacing them. Emotional and psychological tension reigns in such families.

4. Another reason for escaping into virtual reality is physical, emotional and psychological violence from classmates or peers.

5. Parents' divorce can also serve as a reason to go to another reality, where there are no problems.

6. Lack of communication with parents, peers, classmates or simply significant others is another important reason.

7. Low or high self-esteem of a child can serve as an impetus for turning to virtual reality.

8. To relieve emotional and psychological stress, children go into the virtual world.

9. If the child is not satisfied with his family, namely the attitude of parents towards him or their lifestyle (for example, parents abuse alcohol), then in such cases the child develops a feeling of alienation towards his own family, as a result of which the virtual world compensates for the lack of attention and relationship with parents.

10. If there is child abuse in the family from parents, various severe punishments, then the best option for the child, in order not to see this violence, becomes the virtual world.

The rhythm of modern life and the need to provide the family with an acceptable level of subsistence and food force all family members to work. This is where the following pattern arises: upon returning from classes, only his devoted companion, the computer, is waiting in the apartment for the child. And when parents are completely uninterested in the computer and what exactly the child is doing with it, then the process gets completely out of control.

In the end, it must be said that all these reasons lead to the child’s withdrawal from the problems of everyday life into virtual reality.

Often, when children are immersed in the virtual world, they cannot resist it. Adolescents and children do not yet have the necessary psychological defense mechanisms, and, consequently, their mental system suffers, which is expressed in the appearance of attacks of panic, anxiety, painful irritation, nightmares, and obsessive states.

When children constantly interact with a computer, their diet is disrupted, they lose the sense of time and may not sleep for days. And sleepless nights spent at the computer contribute to constant fatigue and weakening of the human immune system, as a result of which the likelihood of illness increases sharply. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to problems with the spine, and improper lighting at night can lead to various eye diseases.

Decreased appetite up to complete loss of hunger, eating “without leaving the computer”;

A sharp increase in such “natural” communication stimulants as smoking, coffee, alcohol;

Somatovegetative disorders as a result of lack of sleep, malnutrition, mental and physical fatigue: sweating, tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure, headaches, nausea, chills, pain in the back, eyes, wrist.

§ Third stage– stage of social maladjustment.

In particular:

There is a constant need for network communication in the absence of tangible pleasure from it;

Severe depression with short-term abstinence from communicating on the Internet;

Increasing apathy, lethargy, narrowing of the circle of interests, a sharp decrease in activity;

Professional collapse, deep family problems, social isolation.

One of the important factors in the formation of computer addiction is character traits - increased sensitivity, vulnerability, anxiety, tendency to depression, low self-esteem, poor stress tolerance, inability to resolve conflicts, avoidance of problems. Young people suffering from computer addiction, as a rule, do not know how to build relationships with peers and the opposite sex, and do not adapt well to a team.

What should parents pay attention to if their child is very interested in computers?

Signs that are found in children suffering from computer addiction:

· when parents ask to take a break from playing on the computer, the child expresses a clear reluctance to do this;

· if, nevertheless, the child is distracted from the computer, then he becomes very irritable;

· if the child is not able to schedule the time when he will finish playing on the computer;

· if the child spends a lot of money to update programs on the computer and purchase more and more new games;

· if the child forgets about household chores and responsibilities, about studying;

· if he starts drinking and eating, study a lesson without leaving the computer;

· if he starts spending nights at the computer;

· if he forgets to eat, brush his teeth, comb his hair, change clothes (which was not noticed before);

· as soon as he enters the apartment, he immediately goes to the computer;

· in order to constantly keep himself awake, the child begins to abuse coffee and other psychostimulants;

· if he starts skipping school in order to sit at the computer;

· if he is in an irritated, aggressive state, does not know what to do if the computer is broken;

· if he threatens and blackmails when he is forbidden to play on the computer;

· when a child begins to play or work on a computer, he feels an emotional upsurge;

· if there is constant communication with people around you on various computer topics;

· if he anticipates and thinks through in all the details his subsequent stay in the world of computer science fiction, which helps to improve his mood and captures all his thoughts, he dreams a lot about how soon he will start playing.

I appeal to parents whose children play with virtual toys: before it’s too late, pay serious attention to their dangerous hobby. Look at exactly what games they play! And if this turns out to be some kind of “horror story” or “shooter”, take action immediately.

What measures can we talk about?

The most obvious, intuitive method of struggle for most parents is a kind of repression: - they sharply limit the time of play, set conditions for “admission” to the computer, or even excommunicate them from their favorite activity for an indefinite period.

Although they work in one case, in another they lead to the opposite result - gambling addiction and its negative consequences only intensify.

Let's look at the most common parenting decisions and what they actually lead to.

1) Often, having decided to put an end to their child’s gaming addiction, parents forcibly reduce their time at the computer. Guided more by feelings than by common sense, they reduce the “playing time” at once and several times at once, to the only “safe” value, in their opinion. But a child who is accustomed to spending, say, five to six hours a day at the computer, will naturally perceive permission to play for only an hour or even half an hour as a form of bullying and will react extremely negatively.

The most unfortunate option (which only speaks of the helplessness of parents) is complete separation from the computer, leading to the most painful and unpredictable reactions on the part of the child (there are known cases of suicide and murder of relatives).

Much, of course, depends on the child himself. In some cases, sanctions give results - not without worries, they will leave (at least temporarily) a habit hated by parents. However, this does not guarantee that they will not fill the resulting vacuum of free time with some worse and more dangerous activities than vegetating at the computer.

But with some children, especially teenagers, restrictions and restrictions only lead to worse consequences. They, while outwardly agreeing with their parents’ measures, secretly try to make up for lost play time. It’s good if the conflict takes place at home, when children play in secret at night or use every minute while parents are at work (children often start skipping school so that there is more such time). It is much worse if a child, no longer able to play at home, goes to a gaming club. Once caught in these networks, he will constantly need money, be away from home, and it is entirely possible that he will fall into bad company.

All this can lead to the most tragic consequences, not comparable with the original problem. The whole horror of such a situation lies in the fact that parents suddenly lose all mechanisms of influence - they can only monitor their child or place him under “house arrest”.

Thus, the “forceful” option, although simple (and in some cases effective), at the same time carries a considerable risk of aggravating the situation like a splinter, when awkward handling only drives it deeper.

2) Another popular approach is to enter into a kind of bargaining with children, allowing them to play for some time to fulfill certain duties.

When it comes to lessons, you shouldn’t expect any special improvements in your studies - thinking only about what awaits him afterwards, the child is unlikely to get much benefit from an automatically completed task. And even if we are just talking about help around the house, this path also leads to a dead end - nothing will change qualitatively, the child will continue to be dependent, but everything will only be aggravated by the intervention of parents who cynically exploit his weaknesses.

In terms of consequences, this option differs little from a simple restriction without conditions - the child can and, most likely, will try to play more, deceiving his parents when possible.

First of all, parents must realize that this is not a “nonsense” problem that can be solved by simply banishing the child from behind the monitor. Understand that he plays all day long not because he is bad, stupid or lazy. The reason is different: he is missing something and has problems (due to their parents’ oversight), and the computer with all its contents, being an almost perfect surrogate for everything in the world, only replaces emptiness or painful areas in the child’s life. Therefore, in order to successfully combat a child’s unhealthy hobby, parents should not shower him with a wave of negativity and repression, but, on the contrary, muster courage and take responsibility for themselves.

As a rule, the root of the evil is that they were not attentive enough and missed the moment when the child needed participation, but it was not they who were nearby, only the computer.

It is also necessary not just to deprive the child of his usual pastime, but to give something in return - something equally exciting, but from real, not virtual life. Parents will be faced with the difficult task of competing with the latest, well-made computer games. But in a sense, this is fair - they will have to atone for their guilt by returning the child from the dream world into which they once let him in. And the longer the child was there, the more difficult the task of dad and mom will be.

And finally, gradualism. If things with addiction have taken on such frightening forms that in any case it is necessary to reduce the child’s time at the computer (for example, if he plays 12 hours a day, including at night), this needs to be done gradually. Consistently cut off an hour a day every few weeks and split his playing time (without sharp reduction) into two parts to create a break.

It is easier to distract younger children from the computer - they tend to switch faster and change interests. Probably, the most effective solution will be to enroll the child in some section, if time allows (you should not overload him), even two. However, you need to choose carefully and take into account the child’s opinion - he should be really interested in where you send him. Otherwise, the section will turn into “hard labor” for him, which he will try to avoid. At the same time, classes in a drawing or dancing group do not free parents from the need to take part in the “rehabilitation” of the child themselves. Going out together, even for simple entertainment such as the circus, children's theater, visiting the beach, and indeed any time spent together, will most likely distance the child from the computer. It’s not even necessary to come up with something special every time or take a young computer game lover somewhere - you can distract him at home, sparing no time on a joint game or an interesting activity. Of course, all this will require observation, patience and time - parents must be able to really interest the child in an alternative to the computer. Otherwise, the result will be zero; after being exhausted, the child will want to return to the monitor.

The easiest and most affordable way to solve an addiction is to acquire another addiction. Love for a healthy lifestyle, communication with living nature, creative applied hobbies, as a rule, lead a person out of dependence. Overcoming addiction involves building a new system of human self-awareness, in which he learns to re-interact with the world around him. During this process, the support and help of loved ones is very important.

In the end, computer games are not the most dangerous and harmful hobby that tempts modern children. Obviously, it needs parental control, but it is pointless to fight for complete eradication - it’s okay if the child plays within reasonable limits, the main thing is that it does not interfere with his affairs and future in real life. Experience shows that many children, growing up and finding new interests, gradually move away from childhood hobbies of games or devote less time to them, which is what their parents once wanted.


Today, the World Wide Web—the Internet—is fraught with great danger.

On the Internet, anyone can find anything, including dangerous and obscene: pornography, obscene language; groups calling for illegal acts and even suicide. And this is a problem not only for parents, but also for website creators and Internet providers and the state.

The debate continues about how to protect children from the negative influences of the Internet. For example, the possibility of installing filters so that children have access only to certain content is being discussed. But you can’t put filters everywhere, and the forbidden fruit beckons... Moral guidelines that are laid down in the family and transmitted through education can come to the rescue. They allow you to set internal restrictions when deciding whether or not to use obscene language, whether to search for educational or vulgar content on the Internet. The internal filter is often the only regulator that allows one to distance oneself from obscenity and extremism.

In addition, the child must know Rules for safe Internet use:

· From the very first day a computer appears in the house, it is necessary to show the minor all the possibilities of a “new friend”: with its help it is interesting to develop intellectually, receive necessary and useful information, study, etc.

· The computer should be located where it is more convenient to control its use by minors: in the living room or other common area. But not in the nursery. This way the child will be less tempted to break the ban. If the situation gets out of control, use the access password (without knowing it, the child will not be able to turn on the computer himself).

· Establish clear requirements for the use of computers and the Internet, and always demand their strict implementation.

· Convince your child that virtual communication with strangers is no less dangerous than similar conversations on the street.

· Explain that under no circumstances should you give out phone numbers, computer passwords, or other information about your family's private life to strangers. You cannot respond to emails with requests for personal information: if such an email arrives, it is a scam.

· Warn your child that he must notify you and ask for permission if he wants to meet with someone he knows through computer correspondence.

· Explain to him that he must share computer secrets with you, as well as report anything that scared, offended or outraged him while visiting the Internet.

· Teach your child to be careful about all links sent on social networks, via ICQ or email, especially from strangers, as they may contain inappropriate information or viral software. Even if the link came from a person you know, you need to be extremely careful. It is quite possible that a friend’s account has already been hacked and spam and viruses are being sent on his behalf. You should also beware of downloading unknown files received by email or ICQ, even if the file came from a friend. It is better to check with the sender what kind of file it is.

· Explain to your child that it is useless to “follow” links and banners offering big wins and other unrealistically profitable services. This also applies to information that he was the winner of a lottery or prize draw.

· Together with your child, learn to look for interesting information on the Internet, because if the child is positive, then it is less likely that he will be interested in negative content.

· Teach your child to turn on the internal filter when he lands on a particular site or sees a call to visit it.

· Teach you to be careful about downloading paid information and receiving paid services from the Internet, especially by sending SMS messages, in order to avoid losing money.

· Make a list of useful, interesting, and safe resources that your child can use.

· Regularly monitor the resources he visits. Simple computer settings will allow you to be aware of what information your son or daughter has viewed.

· Always remember the folk wisdom: “Only the forbidden fruit is sweet!” In this regard, avoid phrases such as “You have 15 minutes a day to play computer games!” Indeed, under such conditions, the child will wait for these 15 minutes for the remaining 23 hours and 45 minutes. The requirement to turn off the computer must be motivated. For example, “Those who invented this game have provided everything so that you will not be able to stop. Try to outplay their plans! Don't let your child get stuck playing a game that they can't complete. Let him take a break and call his friends for advice on how to cope with the task.

· Limit your time at the computer.

A child under 7 years old fully identifies with the virtual image and is not ready to part with it. For a preschooler, a computer is superfluous. At this age, it is very important to develop imagination, which in turn shapes the child’s thinking. Long-term communication with a computer, especially in preschool childhood, cuts off imagination as something unnecessary. Children with a developed imagination, as a rule, do not become computer dependent. Ideally, a computer should appear in the house no earlier than the child turns 11 years old. After 12 years, a less dangerous period begins; usually the teenager develops the ability to distinguish between virtual and real images. However, it must be remembered that all children develop differently, and the individual characteristics of the child must be taken into account. The main thing is not to allow you to play on the computer 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime and especially at night.

· Communicate with your child “on the same wavelength.”

· Be sure to allow your teenager to invite friends to the house, ask about how he communicates with his peers. Share your own childhood experiences to help your child solve his problems. Remember that it is very important for a child how his closest people perceive him. This is the basis of his self-esteem, and with this style of communication it will remain adequate.

In conclusion, it should be noted that due to the development of scientific and technological progress and mastery of computer technologies, the question arises of competently constructing the process of communication between a child and a computer, minimizing its negative impact on the mental health of the child.

Speaking about the prevention of computer addiction in children, you should pay attention to the fact that raising a child should mostly boil down to the fact that a computer is only a part of life, and not the most important gift for good behavior.

The only currently proven way to prevent a child from becoming dependent on a computer is to involve him in processes not related to computer activities, so that electronic games do not become a substitute for reality. Show a growing person that there is a lot of interesting entertainment besides the computer, which not only allows you to experience thrills, but also trains the body and normalizes the psychological state.

Parent meetings in kindergarten

Parent meeting in kindergarten
"Child and Computer"

Melekhova Oksana Viktorovna, teacher-defectologist
MBDOU d/s No. 1 Lysva, Perm region

Dear parents! A distinctive feature of the time in which we live is the rapid penetration of information technology into all spheres of life. Modern children often imitate their favorite movie character or the host of a popular TV show. And there is no doubt that they are able to easily master the skills of working with various electronic computer innovations. But the main thing is that our children do not become dependent on their “computer friend,” but value live, emotional human communication and strive for it. During our meeting, we will try to figure it out together: is the computer good or evil?

Let's think about what a computer is for a child? (parents' answers)

You are absolutely right - a toy, an unusual and attractive toy.

What is special about a computer? Now I will tell you about it.

  • The computer is an interactive tool.
  • A computer is a universal toy that changes its purpose when the program is changed.
  • The computer is an additional pedagogical tool for child development.
  • The computer is a multivariate didactic material.

As we can see, the computer is indeed a very unusual toy. But the question is: does it promote the development of a preschool child or, on the contrary, hold it back? There are both supporters and opponents of the use of computers in the activities of preschool children. What do you think: is it possible and necessary for a preschooler to communicate with a computer?

(Parents' discussion)

Let's try to identify all the "pros" and "cons" of the influence of a computer on the development of a preschool child. And for this we will arrange a “computer ring”. Each of the sheets lying on the table indicates one or another property of the computer and computer games. The task of the teams is to select the ones they need and, based on them, try to convince the members of the other team that your opinion is true (Annex 1) .

(The “Computer Ring” debate is being held)

Now I will tell you what scientists have found about the positive influence of a computer on a child.

The computer performs the function of creating uncertainty, simulating a problem situation, complicating activities, but at the same time helping the child to independently overcome these difficulties during the game. All this makes computer games an effective means of activating the creative potential of a child’s personality.

Becoming a means of activity, the computer allows the child to realize such potential possibilities that cannot be manifested in traditional conditions, for example, due to the immaturity of the graphic sample or the stereotypical way of its implementation.

The computer enhances learning motivation. This is achieved due to novelty, the ability to regulate the presentation of tasks according to difficulty, and the active involvement of the child in the learning process. The computer gives the child the opportunity to test his mental strength, show originality, and propose solutions without the risk of receiving a low assessment of his activities or disapproval.

A computer can become an effective tool for a child’s development. But at the same time, it is very important what is inside your computer, what computer games our children play. But computer games are very different. Experts distinguish the following types:

  1. “Kill 'em all” games in which the main character must defeat all enemies, no matter who they are.
  2. Adventure games in which the hero seems to walk through the pages of stories and novels. They basically present situations in cartoon form.
  3. Strategic games require decisions to be made to change behavior strategies during the game.
  4. Educational games that promote the cognitive development of preschoolers and encourage independent creative play.
  5. Educational games that help children learn reading skills, basic math concepts, etc.
  6. Diagnostic, used by specialists to identify the level of development in children of mental abilities, memory, attention, etc.
  7. Graphic games related to drawing and design.

(Parents' opinions are heard)

How difficult it is to choose the right computer game for a child! There are so many of them! And every manufacturer says that their game is the best! But experts have developed the requirements for a computer game for preschool children. Here they are:

  1. The game should not contain text information about the progress and rules of the game. The clarification function is performed by special symbols or sound signals that tell the child the sequence and correctness of actions.
  2. Letters and individual words written in larger sizes than traditional computer font may be used.
  3. The images on the screen should be large enough, generalized, without small and distracting details.
  4. The pace of transformation movements on the screen should not be too fast, and the number of game tasks to be solved is regulated by the child himself.
  5. Educational games use correct answers that are accessible to preschoolers.
  6. It is not advisable to use a scoring system.
  7. It is better if the program has a logical conclusion - a house is built, a picture is drawn.

But it is important not only to choose the right game. It is also necessary to properly organize the child’s gaming activities with the computer. How much time does your child spend on computer games? Do you think this amount of time is sufficient? Or maybe there is too much of it? Or, on the contrary, not enough?

(Parents' answers)

And I want to tell you about the rules that scientists recommend following when organizing children’s gaming activities with a computer.

(A memo for parents is read out. Appendix 2)

Well, we were able to see that if used rationally, a computer can become a useful tool for a child’s development.

(Parents are given memos with the rules for working on a computer for preschool children.)

Annex 1.


  • Creates a positive interest in technology.
  • Completely captures the child's consciousness.
  • Develops the child's creative abilities and imagination.
  • Eliminates the child's fear of new technology.
  • Negatively affects the physical development of children.
  • Provokes the manifestation of child aggression and cruelty.
  • Allows you to develop your child's horizons.
  • Increases the state of anxiety, nervousness, fear.
  • Develops observation, attentiveness, and concentration.
  • Reduces the motor activity of children, promotes the development of physical inactivity.
  • Allows you to gain new knowledge.
  • Impairs the child's vision.
  • Develops elements of visual, figurative and logical thinking.

Appendix 2.

Memo for parents:

  1. A child can work at a computer no more than 15 minutes a day.
  2. It is better to play computer games in the morning.
  3. During the week, a child can work with a computer no more than three times.
  4. The room in which he works at the computer should be well lit.
  5. Furniture (table and chair) The size must correspond to the height of the child.
  6. The distance from the child’s eyes to the monitor should not exceed 60 cm.
  7. When your child plays on the computer, it is necessary to ensure that your child maintains correct posture.
  8. After playing with the computer, you need to do some exercises for your eyes.
  9. Gaming activities with a computer should be replaced by physical exercises or games.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Show the possibility of using a computer in educational activities and at home.
  2. Discuss with parents the problem of computer addiction, its causes and manifestations.
  3. Introduce parents to recommendations for the prevention of computer addiction.

Form of delivery: conversation with elements of a lecture.

Preparatory work for the meeting:

1. Preparation of material on the problem.

2. Questioning parents.

3. Design of the exhibition “Computer games that our children play” (from disks with computer games).

4. Creation of an electronic presentation. Annex 1.

5. Creation of instructions for parents. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4.


1. Opening remarks.

In the modern world it is difficult to find a child who is not interested in computers. It is probably just as difficult to find a parent who would not be bothered by the child’s excessive passion for computer games. Of course, computers are now used in a variety of branches of science, technology and even art, so the ability to use them has become necessary for the child to master what - a serious profession. At the same time, sitting for hours in front of a monitor, a child not only ruins his health, but also misses chances to communicate with friends, play sports, or simply run around in the yard in the fresh air. So what should a competent and caring parent do: allow or deny communication with a “metal friend”?

Unfortunately, just as there is no cure for all diseases, there are no universal answers to questions related to raising children. So let's try to analyze everything "pros" and "cons" of computer hobby, and also take into account the individual characteristics of the child and the situation in which he grows.

2. Results of the parent survey.

We conducted a survey among parents of students in grades 6–11, in which 105 people participated.

1 question “Do you have a computer at home? Slide number 2.

YES - 82% answered, NO - 18%, i.e. 4 out of 5 people have a computer.

Questions 2 and 3. How much time a day do your child and you spend at the computer? Slide number 3.

Compare on the slide. Compared to their parents, children spend much more time at the computer.

Question 4. The purpose of using a computer by a child. Slide number 4.

A third of children use a computer to play games.

3. Benefits of using a computer.

QUESTION to parents: Do you think there is more benefit or harm from using a computer?

Dialogue with parents. Parents talk about how a child can use a computer to his advantage.

A COMPUTER certainly brings benefits. Slide number 5.

How can computer games be useful?

Firstly, among modern game programs there are a lot developing. Thus, a variety of logic games are suitable for teenagers, developing the ability to predict and analyze, especially if in order to win they need to use their knowledge in some subjects. Even the most skeptical parent is unlikely to be able to deny the positive impact of this kind of games on the development of the child.

Secondly, even an ordinary activity on the computer is perceived by the child as a game. Therefore, something that does not interest him at all on the pages of a textbook may be attractive on the monitor screen. This can be used in teaching those children who have not formed actually educational motivation. Moreover, for students with weak memory, studying material using a computer may be more effective. The explanations for this are simple. What looks bright, dynamic, unexpected immediately attracts attention, and in order to keep his gaze on the screen, the child does not need to make any effort, i.e. his attention at this moment is involuntary. At the same time, what is seen is easily remembered, since they function involuntarily emotional and figurative Memory developed in children is usually better than mechanical and logical.

Thirdly, independent work at the computer contributes to the child’s development small muscles of the hand and hand-eye coordination. In other words, by pressing the keyboard buttons and moving the mouse cursor to the desired place on the screen, your child exercises fine motor skills and also learns to correlate the movements of his hand with the results that he observes on the screen.

Fourthly, playing games on a computer contributes to the development abstract thinking children. And children get used to the fact that sometimes in games things and creatures are depicted completely different from the original, or even indicated by icons. Thus, during such games, a person gradually develops the ability to perceive signs and symbols, which underlies abstract thinking. And this is absolutely necessary for understanding diagrams and equations; written words - when there is a need to think abstractly, without relying on a specific image of the subject in question.

Fifthly, traveling through virtual worlds can act as a way to discharge the resentment and aggression accumulated in the soul, which is not dangerous for others, and therefore can be acceptable. Many will consider it a rather dubious advantage of computer games. And they will be partially right. Recently, the topic of aggression and violence on TV screens and monitors has rightfully worried parents, psychologists and teachers. You need to be careful here.

4. Gambling addiction. Causes and symptoms.

Questions for parents

  • Are you afraid of your child's communication with the computer?
  • Has your child's behavior changed since having a computer in the house?
  • How do you feel about computer games?

ONE of the concerns is the passion for computer games.

In the game, a virtual computer world where you can become anyone, you just need to “download” the game. To do this, you don’t need to make a lot of effort, you don’t have to follow the rules of adults, you don’t have to hide your anger and aggression.

Any fat girl can become a top model, and any skinny guy can become a super hero. And all you need is a computer and a hundred rubles for a new game. And if the computer is connected to the Internet, then the possibilities become completely limitless. Unfortunately, there are also problems...

Computer addiction is a problem that people all over the world are trying to combat. Children and adults play computer and telephone games. The production of games for computers and mobile phones is a powerful industry, and, unfortunately, our children inevitably fall into its network. Let's look at the discs that are presented at our exhibition "Computer Games Our Children Play."

What is "gambling addiction"?

Gambling addiction is a person’s psychological dependence on computer games (as well as on others), which affects his physical and mental health.

Why is this happening? Let's analyze what attracts children to games? Slide No. 6, 7.

First of all, the actions unfolding on the monitor screen attract children for the same reasons as fairy tales - this invented a world that is brighter, simpler and more expressive than it actually is. There are few halftones here; you don’t need to understand the intricacies of human souls or predict the consequences of your behavior. The rules are clear: kill the bad guys, take food and weapons, and when you defeat everyone and score a certain number of points, you move on to the next level.

Accepted by the player mistakes can always be corrected, you just need to restart the game or return to the previous level. But in real life, mistakes remain mistakes and can lead to a drop in self-esteem, negative relationships with others, etc. The same applies to the finitude of our existence. From a certain age, all normally developing children begin to fear death. But in the game this does not threaten them. Generous creators of virtual entertainment offer users, even in one game, often some lives. How nice it is once again, when you have been defeated by a terrible enemy, to ask with optimism: “Well, that’s okay. How many lives do I have left?”

Games are easy change or don't play to the end if something doesn’t work out, and adults won’t attach any importance to it. If a child tries to do the same, for example, with activities in a circle (not to mention school), he will immediately become the object of attention of adults who instill in their pupil the ideas of purposefulness, willpower and constancy.

Computer games, much more than films or books, allow children identify with the main characters- to feel incredibly strong, brave, smart, etc. And in order to feel this way in the real world, you need to make a lot of effort, “remake” yourself in some way, and besides this, overcome the feeling of annoyance that you are “not the only one” smart"!

Young children, as a rule, can change little in the reality around them; their lifestyle depends entirely on adults. But not in the game! There All is happening at the request of the child, there he can choose and change roles, levels, scenery, and control destinies. It is natural that role of the ruler is very attractive for children, since so far they can say much more sentences beginning with the words “I want” than with the words “I can.”

And finally, the computer itself is wonderful. communication partner: always understands (if you press those buttons), doesn’t get capricious, doesn’t conflict, doesn’t lecture. In general, it’s easy to come to an agreement with him, not like with living people. That’s why children who have communication difficulties easily go into virtual worlds.

Lack of self-control skills in the child. Such a person does not know how to control himself, limit himself, “slow down”; he does things without thinking, cannot outline a perspective, determine the result of his action, or “calculate” the situation.

The child is not accustomed to work, to the ability to see work and do it. Such a person does not feel the need to work for the sake of loved ones, thereby expressing his love and care for them.

The child has not been taught to cooperate, he has not been taught to consult, which means to listen and, most importantly, to hear advice and recommendations. Such “deafness” begins in adolescence, and adults suddenly find themselves completely helpless, because they see in front of them as if a completely different child - disobedient, as if deaf, not perceiving their parents.

Ignorance by adults of the rules of mental hygiene for interacting with a computer, the benefits and harms of it, ignorance of adults.

A child deprived of parental attention satisfies the need for warmth and communication by interacting with a computer. The style of upbringing in the family is built on pressure, instructions, and the education of a driven person, who, as a result, still does not know how to obey and obey.

A growing teenager faces the challenges of adult life. Unable to cope with them on their own, without finding adult support, the child goes into the virtual world.

Parents, when communicating with their child, do not realize that he is growing up, do not change the style of communication, do not enter into dialogue or coordinated actions.

The child is uncomfortable in the family, since the room - his personal space - is not arranged to his liking and does not express his personal attitudes and attitude.

The child’s self-doubt, low self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, isolation.

A strong reflex of imitation, leaving into unreality after a “stuck” comrade.

Symptoms of gambling addiction Slide number 8.

  • The child spends most of his free time (6-10 hours a day) at the computer.
  • He has practically no real friends, but many virtual ones.
  • If a student reacts aggressively or becomes anxious to your ban on sitting at the computer.
  • The child is deceiving you, skips school to sit at the computer, has become worse in his studies, has lost interest in school subjects.
  • During the game, the teenager begins to talk to himself or to the characters in the game as if they were real.
  • He becomes more aggressive.
  • A child, engrossed in playing or communicating on the Internet, forgets about food and personal hygiene.
  • The student has difficulty getting up in the morning and wakes up in a depressed state. The mood improves only when the child sits down at the computer.

Why does gaming addiction develop? The first and necessary condition for the formation of any dependence is a feeling of internal anxiety and a feeling of dissatisfaction (frustration).

There are two ways to get out of a state of anxiety: a person either becomes aggressive (may, for example, break objects, take out evil on strangers, even committing crimes), or seeks to “leave.” And you can go into alcoholism, drug addiction, religious sects, and finally, into the game...

In a computer game, a person can simultaneously “throw out” his aggression on virtual characters and hide from the joyless reality for him. But where does increased anxiety and dissatisfaction come from? Often the reason is problems in the family, misunderstandings between parents and children, “abandonment” of children, and excessive demands placed on them by adults.

The second condition for the formation of gambling addiction is pleasure. No matter what a person plays, toy soldiers or shooters, adrenaline is released during the game. And if he also wins, the body produces joy hormones - endorphins. You want to experience this feeling again and again, and for this you need to repeat the game. This is how addiction arises.

We've all probably played computer games or tried to pull a soft toy out of a machine. But why do some become gambling addicts and others not?

This largely depends on the characteristics of the person’s character.

Psychologists distinguish 2 types: Extroverts and introverts (they are rare in their pure form).

Extroverts Focused on communication, responsible, failures are caused by their own mistakes, decisive, do not expect miracles, act.

Introverts - focused on internal experiences, little depends on them, blamed on the machinations of fate

What type is your child? Whom is blamed for failures? How often do you dream of a saving miracle? Can he make an effort to achieve a goal or does he give up what he started halfway?

This is the third reason for the formation of addiction

The fourth factor is the DEGREE OF Suggestibility, in other words, his willingness to submit to someone else’s will

Usually there are children who lack independence, who have difficulty making decisions, and who are ready to obey the leader.

Foster in your child independence, a critical look at what is happening, and encourage initiative. This is the best addiction prevention.

IN THE "RISK GROUP" there are children who dream of being leaders, but never become them. They are the ones who can sit at the computer for days, imagining themselves as rulers of the galaxies. They need to be helped to realize their potential: support any endeavors, develop talents and abilities.

Eliminate or remove the following games from your computer. Slide number 9.

5. Networkism. Signs of addiction.

Today, almost every home has access to the Internet. What harm can a teenager do when accessing the World Wide Web?

Watch the video. Slide 10.

People who are addicted to the Internet are called networkaholics. They need to be online again and again, and they can easily spend 12-14 hours on the clock, continuously downloading music, programs, communicating in chats and forums. They make endless virtual acquaintances without trying to bring them into reality.

Networkaholics experience self-isolation, loss of internal guidelines, imbalance, absent-mindedness, sloppiness, disregard for loved ones and, naturally, huge costs for paying for the services of a provider.

In addition to the main signs of computer addiction, network addicts exhibit additional symptoms:

Obsessive urge to constantly check email;

Anticipation of the next online session;

Increased time spent online;

Increasing the amount of money spent online. Slide 11.

According to statistics, networkaholics make up 3-5% of the total number of Internet users.

These are mostly beginners who have recently gained access to the World Wide Web, and they are eager to try out all its possibilities in practice.

Over time, such users gradually “cool down” to the network and spend less time there. But in some cases, excessive passion for the Internet develops into addiction, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

6. Prevention of computer addiction.

According to our survey, 30% of parents believe that their children are addicted to the computer, and this is a third of the respondents surveyed. Slide number 12.

What to do?

Gambling addiction, like any other, is easier to prevent than to treat.

Unfortunately, many parents often involve their child in the virtual world themselves. It seems to them that sitting in front of a new computer game is better than walking somewhere in the street. “God forbid, he ends up in bad company! No, let him play better,” some mothers and fathers believe.

But few of them think about the fact that computer addiction leads to poor health and problems in the sexual sphere due to excessive irradiation of a still-forming organism leads to slow development and deformation of personality, loss of a sense of reality.

In addition, computer addiction fosters aggression in a child: teenagers begin to perceive the real world as a threat, considering even their loved ones as enemies.

What should parents do? Slide number 13.

First: communicate with your child “on the same wavelength.”

From early childhood, make him your ally in family matters. Discuss rather than hush up family problems. When talking to your child, ask for his opinion. Tell him every day how your day went, ask him what was interesting in his life.

Be sure to allow your teenager to invite friends to the house, ask about how he communicates with his peers. Share your own childhood experiences to help him solve his problems.

Remember that for a teenager it is very important how those closest to him perceive him. This is the basis of self-esteem, and with this style of communication it will remain adequate.

Second: limit your time on the computer.

Ophthalmologists believe that a child aged 7-12 years can sit at a computer for 2-3 hours, but not at night.

After 12 years, a less dangerous period begins, since the teenager develops the ability to distinguish between virtual and real images.

However, we must not forget that all children develop differently. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each child. But the main thing is do not let your child play on the computer 1.5-2 hours before bedtime and especially at night.

Third: the computer is for good!

Teach your child to use the computer and the Internet to help with their studies. Keep track of what games your child plays. Try to keep “good” games or games that develop logical thinking on your home computer. They can be no less interesting than adventure games and shooters. If you also have aggressive games at home (fathers are often interested in them, so it’s hard to stop your child from playing them), then limit their time to 40-50 minutes a day.

If you notice that your child begins to talk to the game characters, do not let him near the monitor.

Fourth: “how beautiful this world is, look!” Try to develop interests in your child other than computer games. A section or studio can be of any direction, the main thing is that some interest appears in the child’s life, be it theatre, space, dinosaurs, whatever!

Be sure to go with the whole family to the theater, museums, cafes, and go on picnics. Visit other cities (even if only on a tour and for just a few days or even hours) to recharge yourself with new impressions and stock up on pleasant memories.

How to treat a gambling addict?

Probably, communication with a psychologist in this situation will not be enough. Contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Treatment for gambling addiction usually involves psychotherapy, hypnosis, or medications.

Gambling addicts often fall into depression, which may require antidepressants to overcome. Most likely, it will be difficult for parents to overcome an already formed addiction through their own efforts. Don't waste time and consult a doctor.

7. Conclusion.

Now that we have considered all the main pros and cons of virtual games, it will probably be easier find your “golden mean” in communicating with a computer for each child, based on his individual inclinations and needs and, thus, turning a “mechanical opponent” into a friend who helps solve various problems of the child’s development.

At the same time, of course, we should not forget about precautions in children's work at the computer in order to prevent health problems.

Dear parents, ONLY YOU are responsible for the life, health and comprehensive, harmonious development of your children. Realize this and don’t blame the mirror and computer game manufacturers.


  1. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies: schoolchild and computer. - M.: VAKO, 2007.
  2. Magazine "Schoolchildren's Health" No. 9 November 2006


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