How to connect a microphone to a computer or laptop - programs and online setup. Connecting a karaoke microphone to a computer How to connect a wireless microphone

Do you want to test your vocal abilities in karaoke or surprise the world with the height of your voice? Would you like to chat with your gaming partners or communicate via Skype? Then you need to know how to connect a microphone to your computer.

If you know how to connect a sound card, then you’ve probably already figured out its connectors.

Let us remind you: the plug of the connected device and the sound card port must be the same color. The connector may also have a graphic image (on a laptop).

There is another option - a USB microphone. It connects to the appropriate connector and does not require any additional configuration. All you have to do is install the drivers for the new device. To connect to your TV, USB hardware can be a great option. Its only drawback is a slight sound delay.

Microphone settings

We have learned how to connect a microphone to a computer, let’s move on to setting it up. It is slightly different for different versions of Windows, so we will consider this procedure for each OS.

Windows XP

Windows 7

  1. Tap the speaker icon in the notification panel.
  2. Select the speaker graphic in the window that appears.
  3. Its “Properties” will open. Go to the "Levels" tab.
  4. Find the Microphone item. If the button next to it is crossed out in red, click on it to activate the device.

You can also adjust the volume on the Levels tab. If your interlocutor seems to be speaking quietly, try moving the slider to maximum.

Windows 8

Headphones and webcam

The microphone does not have to be on its own; often the recording device is integrated into other equipment.

In this case, additional configuration is usually not required: you just need to connect the device to the appropriate connector (for a webcam this is USB) and install the drivers.

If this is not enough, perform the standard equipment setup according to the instructions above.

Connecting to a TV

Modern TVs often have built-in applications that allow you to chat via Skype or simply sing karaoke. For such applications to function fully, a microphone is also required. The process of installing it is practically no different from connecting to other devices, so you can easily use the instructions on how to connect a microphone to a computer.

Some TV models have configuration features. It is better to clarify them in the instructions for the TV.

It always describes in detail which connector to use to connect audio equipment and what parameters to adjust.

For some microphones, the plug may not fit into the standard audio connector on your sound card. Check this parameter before purchasing or arrange for the purchase of a mixer in advance.

After connecting the microphone, make some more adjustments to your system. Check if you have correctly figured out how to connect the speakers to your computer. It happens that users, rejoicing at the connected microphone, insert the wire from the speakers into the wrong port.

Don't forget to start enjoying all the features of your connected webcam with microphone. Some games in which users can communicate with each other also require additional settings. These parameters must be clarified for each specific game.

Beginner users often have questions about how to connect a microphone to a computer and set it up. At the same time, panic and fear of doing something wrong appear. As a result, after some deliberation, a decision is made to call a specialist. At the same time, you have to pay for 15 minutes of work

A tidy sum. Although, as practice shows, there is nothing complicated, and everyone can handle how to connect a microphone to a computer, regardless of their level of training. The situation is similar with its setup.

Device selection

First you need to choose a device for recording sound. Conventionally, according to the type of connection, such devices are of 2 types:

  • 3.5 mm audio jack;

The first one is the most commonly used and has become widespread. In addition to computer equipment, it is also used in acoustic systems. Externally, it is a pin assembled from cylinders and gradually tapering towards the end. The second is used only with computers and is very rare. In terms of sound quality, the first type of device is best. You can buy an inexpensive microphone for up to 15 USD. But at the same time, the quality of his work will leave much to be desired. The average price range is from 15 to 25 USD. These microphones perform much better, but there are still some complaints. And only for a price of over 25 USD can you buy a truly high-quality device that will have excellent acoustic characteristics. Before as

Connect the microphone to the computer, you need to select and buy it. Based on the previously proposed recommendations, this will not be difficult to do.


Before connecting to the system unit, you need to pay attention to the plug. If you have a 3.5 mm audio jack, then you need to find the sound card outputs. Such microphones are most often used to record high-quality sounds. The sockets can be either on the back or on the front side of the system unit. These are circles that are marked with colored rings around their perimeter. We are interested in the one that has a red, pink or peach edging (depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard or system unit). This is where the plug from this recording device is installed. It is better to connect from the back - these sockets are located on the motherboard and work in any case. If a microphone is used with a USB connector, then we connect it to any square socket on the system unit.


After installing all the necessary software, a message will appear indicating that the device has been connected. Next you need to check how the microphone is configured. Windows 7 allows you to perform this operation easily and without problems. Go to the following path: “Start\Control Panel\Sound”. In the window that opens, go to the “Recording” tab. Double-click on the icon of our microphone with the left mouse button. A window with its settings will open. It is better to select them experimentally at your own discretion. You can also test it here. When sound is applied, the green slider should react. At the end, you need to save the settings by clicking the “Ok” button.


This article described how to connect a microphone to a computer. There is nothing complicated in this procedure, and every user can handle it.

Connecting a microphone to a computer can significantly expand its capabilities. For example, using a microphone you can communicate using , communicate with teammates in online games, record sound, etc. In this material we will talk about how to connect a microphone to a computer, as well as how to set it up and check its functionality.

To connect the microphone to a computer, use a standard audio connector for Mini Jack 3.5 mm. This connector is located on the rear side of the system unit. Next to the microphone connector there are usually several more similar connectors. They are used to connect headphones and multi-channel speakers. In order not to confuse the connectors and connect the microphone where you need it, pay attention to the colors with which the connectors are highlighted. The microphone connector is always marked in pink. There may also be an image of a microphone next to it.

There is also a microphone connector on the front panel of the computer, next to the USB ports. This connector is also highlighted in pink.

To connect a microphone to your computer, just plug the microphone into one of these connectors. If drivers for a sound card are installed on your computer, the microphone will start working immediately after connection.

Checking the operation of a microphone connected to the computer

In order to check the operation of the microphone, you need to right-click on the speaker image on the taskbar and select “Recording devices”.

This will open the Sound window under the Recording tab. The microphone you just connected to your computer will be displayed here. In order to simply say something into it. If the microphone is working properly, green bars should appear to the right of the microphone. If , then the stripes will remain gray.

Setting up a microphone connected to a computer

The microphone usually does not require any special settings. As a rule, it works great as is. But, in some situations, you may need to change some settings. To access the settings, open the “Sound” window in the same way as described above. After that, select the microphone connected to the computer and click on the “Properties” button.

As a result, a window with . On the first tab, you can rename the microphone, change the microphone icon, go to the driver properties, or disable the use of the microphone.

On the next tab, called “Listen,” you can enable the “Listen from this device” feature. When you enable this feature, audio from the microphone will be output directly to your speakers (or headphones).

The next tab is called “Levels” and here are the most useful microphone settings. These are microphone volume and microphone gain. Using these two functions, you can select the microphone sensitivity you need.

The next tab is called “Enchancements” or “Improvements” and only one function is available here: “Disable all enhancements”.

The last tab is called "Advanced". Here you can select the bit depth and sampling frequency that the microphone connected to the computer will use. Also here are settings that relate to the exclusive mode of operation of the microphone.

Most modern programs require the use of voice communication. For example, in social networks, online games or when talking on Skype, Viber. This can be achieved using a microphone. Connecting it to a computer only involves placing its plug in the appropriate connector. The main obstacle may arise in the operation of the headset. Therefore, it is important to configure it correctly and check its operation.

How to connect a microphone to a computer - basic steps

  • The microphone plug looks like any other for an audio system (3.5 mm). It is connected to the appropriate connector, which is pink or red and has an image of a microphone next to it. In many cases, it is located on the back of the system unit. You can easily find it by color.
  • Sometimes the required connector is located on the front panel of the system unit. Most often it is closed with a flap and is also pink in color and round in shape.

  • Insert the plug into the connector as far as it will go. Do not shake it from side to side or press forward too much. Otherwise, you may ruin the hole and not get the desired function. If a microphone driver is installed on your computer, it will start working automatically when connected. Otherwise, you will need to configure it.

How to connect a microphone to a computer - checking operation

To make sure that the headset is working correctly, it is enough to check it with the following steps.

  • First, make sure your sound is turned on. To do this, select the speaker icon at the bottom of the screen in the right corner and set the volume indicator. This action is necessary to check the operation of the microphone if you listen to the recording through speakers.

  • In the bottom right corner, find a picture that resembles a speaker. Select it with the right mouse button.

  • A pop-up menu will open in front of you, in which find “Recording devices” and select with the left mouse button.

  • The “Record” menu should automatically open in the “Sound” tab. If this does not happen, then find this point yourself.

  • When the microphone is working, it will have green bars next to its icon during a call.

  • The presence of gray stripes on the right side of the scale during a conversation indicates a malfunction of the headset or a program failure. In this case, install the headset manually.

How to connect a microphone to a computer - checking the settings

  • Open the headset menu as described in the previous paragraph. Select the “Sound” tab, click on the microphone icon. At the bottom of the window, the “Properties” item is activated; select it with the mouse.

  • As a result of such actions, the microphone settings will appear in front of you. A tab called "General" will give you the opportunity to rename and change the microphone icon, check or change driver properties, or disable/enable the headset.

  • The second section “Listen” will allow you to immediately listen to the recorded conversation. Check the box next to “Listen from this device.” Below you can choose how to listen: through speakers or headphones.

  • In the Levels menu you can change the microphone sensitivity. This is a volume level setting to amplify the signal. To change these indicators, select the pointer and, while holding the left mouse button, move it to the desired position.

  • Another “Advanced” tab will help you configure the recording format and set the exclusive mode for using the headset.

  • After all the steps, be sure to click “Ok”. Only then will the selected headset settings take effect.

How to connect a microphone to a computer - setup via “Start”

  • You can find your headset settings in a slightly different way. To do this, through the “Start” menu, find the “Control Panel” item.

  • Or, in the lower right corner of the screen, right-click on the image of the speaker, in the “Recording devices” section, find “Recording” and then click “Configure”.

  • In the window that opens, open the “Hardware and Sound” section.

  • As a result of these actions, a menu will open where you need to click on the “Sound” item.

  • Now the headset settings window will appear, which was described in the previous paragraph of the article. Then proceed in the same way.

As you can see, connecting a microphone to your computer is not that difficult. Thanks to this article, you can not only communicate with friends on the Internet, but also record your voice.

To learn how to set up a microphone on headphones connected to a computer, watch the video:

Seems like a simple question how to connect a microphone to a computer, but in reality it turns out that not everything is so problematic. A microphone is needed to transmit voice in online games or when communicating.
The microphone can be like external,

Microphone check carried out along the path: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Sound Recording

The following utility window will appear:

in which click Start recording, say something into the microphone, save, and then listen to the resulting file.

If something doesn’t work out, then you need to configure it.

Setting up a microphone connection in Windows XP.

Start - Control Panel - Sounds and Audio Devices - go to the “Speech” tab.
In field Speech recording press the button Volume:

In the next window, check the box Choose and move the slider up:

check the microphone as described above.

If it still doesn’t work, then we strengthen it in the following way:
In the same window, click on the top menu “Options” and turn on the item “Advanced options". After this, a button should appear at the bottom of the Microphone Tune:

Click on it and in the next window check the box next to “Microphone Boost”:

Press the button Close and check the microphone again.

Setting up a microphone connection in Windows 7.
Right-click on the volume icon and select Recording devices.

A modern computer user may have different situations when it is necessary to use a microphone. Some people use it during online games, some like to communicate with friends or colleagues on Skype, and others just like to sing karaoke in their spare time. In any case, having a microphone to perform all these actions is simply necessary.

As a rule, connecting to a computer is not difficult. The main action that is required from the user is to insert the device plug into the connector provided for it. Sometimes, for a device to work properly, it also needs to be configured. Let's take a closer look at which microphone to choose and how to connect the microphone to the computer.

How to choose a microphone?

Before purchasing a microphone, you should think about what it will be used for. Let's look at how to choose a microphone for your computer so that the sound quality meets your needs.

If you want to talk with friends or colleagues on Skype, you can purchase an inexpensive device. Moreover, you can purchase a webcam in the store, which also often includes a microphone.

If you need a microphone to record your own voice, perform musical compositions, or dub a video, then you should pay attention to more expensive and high-quality models.

It is also worth mentioning that there are models of wireless microphones for computers. In addition to the microphone itself, the kit of such a device includes a signal receiver. The absence of wires makes this option optimal for those who like to sing karaoke.

Before installing a microphone on your computer, it is worth remembering that the outputs may vary between devices. The standard computer sound card connector is 3.5 jack. This is the same output as most mid-range microphones. Expensive professional and semi-professional models have a 6.3 jack output. And to connect such a device to a computer, you may need a special adapter, which must be purchased separately.

Connecting a microphone

In order to connect the device correctly, you need to figure out where the microphone jack is located on the computer. On modern computers it can be located in a variety of places. For example, on the keyboard or speakers. Also, for ease of use, on many system units the microphone jack is located on the front panel. But it’s still better not to be too lazy to move the system unit and connect the microphone directly to the sound card on the back panel of the device. The microphone hole is usually pink or red.

There are also models of microphones for computers that connect via a USB port. In this case, the connection process will be even easier. Simply plug the device cord into the appropriate USB connector on your computer or laptop.

Microphone settings

Once the microphone plug is inserted into the correct connector, you can begin checking the device. In the Windows operating system, you need to go to in “Control Panel”, then select “Hardware and Sound”, then “Sound”. In the window that appears, you need to select the “Recording” tab, which should display the connected microphone. Try saying something into the microphone. If the device is functioning correctly, the green indicator to the right of the microphone icon will begin to move. If this does not happen, then there may be more than one microphone connected to your computer, and you should set the one you want as the default.

Now that you know how to connect a microphone to your computer, you should have no problems when communicating with friends on Skype or when trying to record your voice.

Where to connect a microphone, which microphone to choose, programs for working with sound. How to connect a microphone to a computer has been discussed more than once. Both on the Internet and in all kinds of specialized literature. But such questions continue to appear on our website. This means either there is not enough information or it is not reliable. Now the situation will change. We offer you instructions on how and where to connect the microphone.

Which microphone to choose.

There may be several reasons why you need to connect a microphone to your computer or laptop. The first is the desire to communicate with friends in voice chats or Skype. The second is the need to record your own voice for a video presentation, recording a song or something similar. Depending on these needs, different requirements for sound quality arise. For the first case, a simple microphone that comes with headphones or is installed on a table on a stand is quite suitable. Its price can be from 2 dollars. For the second case, you should not spare 15...20 bucks (and this is the minimum). You need a semi-professional microphone. Even a karaoke device does not guarantee the required sound quality. We will not dwell on the appearance of the microphone. We may only be partially interested in the connector. Cheap models are usually equipped with a 3.5 jack output. More serious microphones have a 6.3 jack output. To turn on a semi-professional device, you will also need a special adapter. Typically, computers and laptops have 3.5 jack microphone inputs.

Where to connect the microphone on the computer.

Modern computers and laptops are provided with microphone connectors in abundance. They can be found on the system unit, keyboard, speakers, and nowhere else. It all depends on the imagination of the device designer. If you need high-quality sound, then you should not chase imaginary comfort, but connect the microphone directly to the sound card. This connector is located on the rear panel of the system unit. Move the system unit away, wipe the housing and all wires from dust. One of your sound card connectors is probably occupied by speakers. You need another socket. But first things first. There should be three holes. Pink (red), blue (blue) and green (salad). An icon with the purpose of a particular connector is usually stamped next to them.

Sound card connectors on a computer. We are interested in the pink connector. There is a corresponding sign next to it. The connector rod should be inserted until it stops. Otherwise, the microphone will not be connected to the computer correctly and will not work.

How to configure the operating system.

After connecting the microphone to the computer, its system connection is carried out. In some cases, you should start with a reboot. Next, by clicking the “Start” button (lower left corner of the screen), select “Control Panel”. In this section we are interested in the “Sounds and Audio Devices” tab. A small clarification should be made here. Different operating systems have different folder names. But this does not change the meaning. Just be careful. By clicking on “Sounds and audio devices”, select the “Audio” section. In the middle part we will see an image of a microphone with the inscription “Volume”. The following window with volume controls will appear. We mark the “Select” item in the “Microphone” column and set the value to the maximum. There should be a “Customize” button nearby. (If it is not there, then follow the next chain “Options” - “Additional options” and it will appear). In the window that opens, check “Microphone Gain”. Here, in fact, are all the system settings. Now you understand that connecting a microphone to a computer is absolutely not difficult. The main thing is not to get lost in open windows.

Programs for working with sound.

Inserting the microphone connector into the computer system unit is not enough to fully work with sound files. To do this, it is worth installing special programs, because the capabilities of Windows may not be enough for a fastidious user. But it is with the capabilities of the operating system that our training will continue. Moreover, one cannot even call it training. We just follow the chain. “Start” – “Programs” – “Accessories” – “Entertainment” – “Sound Recording”. The result will be a window with a “Record” button and a sound level bar. Click on this icon and say the text. We stop and listen to the result. If you are not satisfied with the result, then you should look on the Internet for special programs that allow you to work with sound more professionally. There are a lot of them. Both paid and free. The most common of them are Audacity, Free sound recorder, Sonarca sound record, Free audio recorder and Power sound editor free. We will not dwell on the capabilities of each of them. This is a topic for a separate conversation. Now there is no problem for you how to connect a microphone to a computer. With a little practice, this whole process will take about a minute. Now you can chat on Skype or record your vocals.


First, turn on your computer, wait for it to boot, and have a working microphone ready. If it works from the connectors on the back side of the system unit, then you can safely try to connect it to front panels. Usually there is a pink connector (with an icon microphone). For testing, a program that comes with the sound card drivers (for example, Realtek HD Manager) or “Sound Recorder” is suitable, which can be easily found by following the path “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “ Entertainment".

If the microphone does not turn on (this may be indicated by fixed recording scales), then first check the software activation microphone. Find the speaker icon in the system tray and double-click on it. In the main sound settings window that appears, select “Properties” -> “Mixer” -> input device. For example, this could be Realtek HD Audio Input. You should select the “Mic Volume” settings. After closing the window, you will see the recording volume control with microphone. Icon microphone must be active and set to at least half scale. An alternative way to make these settings is: “Control Panel” -> “Sounds and Audio Devices” -> “Audio” -> “Sound Recording” -> “Volume”.

If recording still does not work, check the auto-socket detection mode front panels. This is the manager window of the program responsible for your audio devices. Set the top checkbox as shown in the photo and check the entry again with microphone. Often it is precisely because of active autodetection that a conflict between audio devices occurs.

If you are not yet successful, then you should restart your computer and enter the BIOS. There, open the "Advanced Settings" menu. In the "Chipset Configuration" section there may be a "Front Panel Control" parameter. Force its value to be "Enabled" (instead of "Auto"). After rebooting, try to activate the microphone again with front panels.

Another danger may await you if an audio cable was not connected to the motherboard when assembling the computer. front panels. You can check this by opening the side cover of the system unit and inspecting the connection location. If you have instructions for the motherboard that indicate the connectors for connection, and you have determined exactly where you need to insert the audio cable, you can do it yourself. Attention - if the computer is new and its case is sealed, you should contact the sellers for help so as not to lose the warranty.

Often, having connected a microphone to the input of a sound card, the user cannot get it to work and comes to the conclusion that the device is defective. The thing is that by default, in order to reduce interference, the microphone input in Windows is usually disabled. You can turn it on in just a few movements.


Select "properties" from the drop-down menu.


  • microphone on computer

By connecting headphones with microphone to your computer, you need to configure the hardware. Setting up the equipment, in turn, is impossible without installed drivers for the sound card. Based on this, connecting the device to a computer can turn out to be a rather troublesome procedure for the user.

You will need

  • Computer, headphones equipped with a microphone.


Make sure you have the sound card software installed on your computer. If the drivers are not installed, install them by inserting a boot disk with the necessary software into the drive (the disk must be supplied with the computer/sound card). Install the drivers in the default folder and reboot the system. After you restart your computer, you will see the sound card agent icon located in the tray. Now you can start connecting your headphones and turning on the microphone on them.

If you look at the end of the device's wire, you will see its tail split in two, equipped with a pink and light green plug. The pink plug is the microphone output, and the light green plug is the headphone input.

Insert the light green plug into the corresponding colored socket located on the back of the computer. A sound card manager window will pop up on your desktop, where you need to designate the connected device as headphones. Apply the settings and check if audio is playing. Then you can proceed to connecting the microphone.

Insert the pink plug into the socket that matches its color (this socket is also located on the back of your PC). The sound card manager will again bring up a dialog box on the desktop. In this window, you need to define the connected device as a microphone.

When connecting wireless headphones with microphone It is not necessary to perform such manipulations.

Modern computers provide ample opportunity to connect various audio devices to them for comfortable and full use of modern computing technology. Such devices also include microphones various types.

You will need

  • Computer, microphone.


To connect a microphone and speakers to your computer, carefully inspect the back (most often) panel of the system unit. There are three holes to find here. sound cards, which by default are configured as follows: red (microphone input), blue (line input) and green (speaker output). The sound card can be built into the motherboard or installed separately.

After you connect the microphone (Fig. 1), you need to configure its parameters in the operating system, because it is disabled by default. To do this, you need to turn on the volume control. Go to the "Start" menu - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Entertainment" - "Volume". In the “Options” menu, select “Properties” (Fig. 2).

In the window that opens, you must select the HD Audio rear input or Realtek HD Audio Input recording mixer, or another, depending on the equipment manufacturer. After this, in the “Volume Settings” field, the “Recording” item should automatically become active. This is an indication that an external audio input device will be used. In the “Display volume controls” field, you need to check the box next to the inscription “Microphone” (Fig. 3).

Next, click “OK” to save the settings, and then, using the sliders, set the microphone sound (Fig. 4). Please note that in the “Level” settings, the “Off” option is checked. everything” should not be! Otherwise, all sound of connected devices will be software muted. Here you can adjust the overall sound volume in the operating system.

Different brands and models of sound cards use their own drivers and utilities supplied by the manufacturer, but the setup principle is basically the same between them. Examples of various microphone settings can be seen in Fig. 5.

Tip 5: How to activate the microphone in headphones with a microphone

Telephone microphone The headset (TMG) looks like regular headphones, but has a side movable element, at the end of which there is a microphone. It connects to the computer's sound card with two cables.


Check whether the telephone and microphone headset is connected to the computer correctly. On the sound card, the microphone jack is pink and the headphone jack is green. The headset's microphone plug may be pink or red, and the headphone plug may be black, green, or white. Sometimes they do not differ in colors at all, but have stylized microphone and headphone symbols. Finally, if they do not have any designations at all, they can be distinguished indirectly: on a microphone plug, the middle and common contacts are made as a single unit or are electrically connected to each other (the latter can be determined using an ohmmeter - the resistance should be close to zero). Do not plug a microphone plug into any of the card's output jacks - this will short circuit the right channel and risk damaging the amplifier.

Having properly connected the headset, turn on the computer, wait for the operating system to load, put on the headphones and say something into the microphone. If you hear your own voice, the connection is complete.

If the headphones work but the microphone does not, run a program that allows you to change the ratio between the levels of signals coming from different sources. In Windows, it is called, depending on the version, “Volume” or “Volume Control” and is located in the menu section “Standard” - “Entertainment”. In Linux it is called "KMix", "Mixer", "Sound Mixer" or similar, and is located in the "Multimedia" menu section of most distributions.

Find a virtual regulator in the program that allows you to adjust the level of the signal coming from the microphone. If there is no such control, enter the program setup mode (the method for entering this mode depends on the OS) and turn on the display of this control. Next to it there is a checkbox, which in some versions of the program turns on the microphone, and in others turns it off. Turn on the microphone input, then use the slider to set the desired signal level from it. Don't make it too big or distortion will occur. After this, check again if the microphone is working.

If your computer doesn't already have Audacity or a similar program that allows you to record audio files, install it. Record your own voice and then listen to the recording. The sound should be of high quality, almost without distortion.

Video on the topic

Microphones used in everyday life together with computers, stereo systems and karaoke systems. They only work well if connected to the device correctly.


Use only electret microphones with computers, and dynamic ones with tape recorders and karaoke systems. The exception is some Toshiba laptops, which are designed to work with dynamic microphones.

The microphone plug can be a Jack type, with a diameter of 6.3 or 3.5 mm, or a DIN type - with three or five pins. If the socket on your device does not match the plug configuration, use an adapter. It can be ready-made or homemade. A Jack type plug has two contacts, one of which is located closer to the cord outlet and is common, and the other is located at a distance from the cord and is signal. For a DIN type plug, the common contact is the middle contact, and the signal one can be the rightmost or the leftmost, depending on the year of manufacture of the device to which it is connected. Determine this experimentally when connecting.

The sound card has several connectors. You can only connect a microphone to the one that is intended for this purpose. The fact is that the headphone and speaker plugs have three contacts, and the microphone plug has two, one of which is wide. If you mistakenly connect a microphone to the headphone or speaker output, one of the amplifier's channels will be short-circuited. The amplifier may fail.

To determine which sound card connector is designed to connect a microphone, pay attention to their colors. The microphone jack is indicated in red or pink. If the sockets do not have color identification, find the one you need by a stylized image of a microphone or by the inscription MIC.

If the electret microphone does not work, pay attention to the polarity of the microphone capsule connection. Its negative terminal, which is connected to the metal case, must be connected to the common wire of the computer. If the sound does not appear even after this, launch the software mixer (it is called differently in different OS), activate its microphone input and adjust its sensitivity so that acoustic feedback does not occur.

Video on the topic


Before any resoldering, disconnect the microphone from the device. Do not touch the microphone and grounded objects at the same time.

Mixing consoles, or mixers, are used to proportionally mix multiple audio signals. Using the regulators located on the device body, you can change the relationship between the levels of these signals.


Turn off power to the mixer and all equipment connected to its inputs and outputs, as well as that which you plan to connect or disconnect. To add a new source, connect it to the designated input jack. If the source has a plug of a different design, use an adapter or replace the plug with another suitable one. In this case, take into account the pinout of the input jack of the mixing console.

Connecting a microphone to a computer can significantly expand its capabilities. For example, using a microphone you can communicate with your teammates, communicate with teammates in online games, record sound, etc. In this material we will talk about how to connect a microphone to a computer, as well as how to set it up and check its functionality.

Connecting a microphone to a computer

To connect the microphone to a computer, use a standard audio connector for Mini Jack 3.5 mm. This connector is located on the rear side of the system unit. Next to the microphone connector there are usually several more similar connectors. They are used to connect headphones and multi-channel speakers. In order not to confuse the connectors and connect the microphone where you need it, pay attention to the colors with which the connectors are highlighted. The microphone connector is always marked in pink. There may also be an image of a microphone next to it.

There is also a microphone connector on the front panel of the computer, next to the USB ports. This connector is also highlighted in pink.

To connect a microphone to your computer, just plug the microphone into one of these connectors. If drivers for a sound card are installed on your computer, the microphone will start working immediately after connection.

Checking the operation of a microphone connected to the computer

In order to check the operation of the microphone, you need to right-click on the speaker image on the taskbar and select “Recording devices”.

This will open the Sound window under the Recording tab. The microphone you just connected to your computer will be displayed here. In order to simply say something into it. If the microphone is working properly, green bars should appear to the right of the microphone. If so, the stripes will remain gray.

Setting up a microphone connected to a computer

The microphone usually does not require any special settings. As a rule, it works great as is. But, in some situations, you may need to change some settings. To access the settings, open the “Sound” window in the same way as described above. After that, select the microphone connected to the computer and click on the “Properties” button.

As a result, a window will open in front of you. On the first tab, you can rename the microphone, change the microphone icon, go to the driver properties, or disable the use of the microphone.

On the next tab, called “Listen,” you can enable the “Listen from this device” feature. When you enable this feature, audio from the microphone will be output directly to your speakers (or headphones).

The next tab is called “Levels” and this is where most of the microphone is located. These are microphone volume and microphone gain. Using these two functions, you can select the microphone sensitivity you need.

The next tab is called “Enchancements” or “Improvements” and only one function is available here: “Disable all enhancements”.

The last tab is called "Advanced". Here you can select the bit depth and sampling frequency that the microphone connected to the computer will use. Also here are settings that relate to the exclusive mode of operation of the microphone.

After making changes, do not forget to click on the “Apply” button.


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