Health information resources. Use of Internet resources by pharmacy and medicine specialists Review of medical resources on the global Internet

If there is no address (URL) for the required information (in other words, if it is not known where or on which WWW server it is stored), the following strategy is usually used for searching. The user must first contact the search server (Searching Engine), whose task is, firstly, to create a database of information resource URLs available on the Internet and its constant updating, and secondly, to ensure fast and efficient full-text search in these databases of links and pages of resources of interest to the user. Servers can be accessed in several ways.

The first method can be called direct: the specific address of the search server he needs is specified and a transition is immediately made to it.

The second method is the indirect possibility of “dumping out” all the information found on the network at the request of a search (in the well-known Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft, you need to click the Search button to do this). After downloading such a list, the user can select the server he needs.

After gaining access to the search server, the user must standardly enter into the computer certain “keywords” (i.e., words or expressions that, in his opinion, may appear in the documents of interest to him). Next, the server carries out a search procedure, as a result of which a list of found links (addresses) of resources containing the user-specified keyword is displayed on the screen.

There are quite a few similar search servers on the Internet. Below are the addresses of the most famous of them (supplemented by our brief comments). The selection, whenever possible, takes into account the access reserves of these servers to medical information. - Less than a year ago there were more than 11 million URLs on this server, now there are more than 66 million. Covers approximately 90% of all information on the WEB. Contains a number of sections - art, education, politics, business, etc., including health, medicine.

http: //www.vahoo.corn - The search system is designed on the principle of a hierarchical subject-oriented index of the main WWW and Internet resources.

http: //www.achoo.corn - It is structured similarly to yahoo and is focused on searching for information of a primarily medical nature. The system is very convenient, contains a large number of hypertext links.

http: // - Provides a convenient and very effective search for medical information. The total database is more than 16 million pages. Receives information on more than 13,000 electronic conferences.

" http: // - Allows you to search by entering up to 10 keywords, separated by a space. - Contains information on more than 15 million URLs.

http://www. hotbot.corn - Contains approximately 54 million documents. Medical topics are well represented in the database.

The most popular Russian search engines are Rambler ( Yaps1ex ( Aport ( Stars ( Weblist (, Russia on the Net (http: / / incorporating both search services and thematic search catalogs and teleconferences.

As one of the most interesting medical information resources on the Internet, we note Mmatrix (Medical matrix) - one of the largest catalogs on medical topics (one of its addresses is When working with it, the user can subscribe to a mailing list containing the most interesting addresses of information resources presented in various sections of the catalog. Operating since 1995. Those wishing to subscribe to the mailing list can send an e-mail to: [email protected]. with the message (written in one line): SUBSCRIBE MMATRDC-L YOURJMAME. After this, you will begin to regularly receive information about the most important medical sources.

To find out the contents of information already sent out, please contact:

http: //р/MML/MMS-e.html. In this case, you will receive a calendar list of medical messages for the last 2 years. Abstracts from the Medline database can be obtained from: and Addresses of electronic journals on WWW: New England Medical Journal - The Lancet Journal - "British Medical Journal" (updated weekly, has access to articles on medicine for the last year) -

“Journal of the American Medical Association” i amahome .html.

The address http://www is also very useful. allowing access to 18 leading electronic magazines on the Internet.

Addresses of official medical structures in WWW: World Health Organization - (World Health Organization) -

CNN (health news) -

American Medical Association -;

FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) -

US Health Care Efficiency and Economics Server -

Canadian Medical Association (CMA):

Endocrine Society of the USA -

Ministry of Health of Russia -

Ministry of Health of Russia, server of the main computing center, Tula - Information technologies in health care, subcommittee of the State Standard of Russia - mirror:

Russian branch of the Cochrane Collaboration - www.cochrane. ru:

Medicine for You Corporation, information center - www.

All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information -

Internet in Medicine Society - /mednet/:

Siberian Information Medical Association;

Addresses of some major educational and research institutes:

New York University Telemedicine Dictionary -

US National Institutes of Health - American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine - www. aium. or g:x

US Cancer Research Center:

Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov

Russian State Medical University - rgmu/:

State Medical University named after.

Academician I. P. Pavlov -

Russian Military Medical Academy -

St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - www, maps

Siberian Medical University -

Subject catalogues: US National Library of Medicine -

Center for Preventive Medicine (USA) -

State Central Scientific Medical Library of Russia - www,

Russian medical server - (a list of the 100 best Russian medical servers, sections on almost all areas of medicine, medical databases, mailing service news, numerous forums);

Consilium-Medicum - (links to Internet resources, electronic medical publications);

Information about medications -;

Information on oncology - http://www.cancer.

Information on psychiatry - http://www.mentalhealth. com/;

Subscription to the journal on neurology -

New books in the field of medicine (with the ability to order the book you need) -

The latest medical news -

Access to 30 medical databases - Medline, Embase, Biosys, DrugNL, etc. (by the way, the world's only commercial database of patent documents is also located here) - http: / /www. fiz -karlsr uhe .de /: Telemedicine - Telemedicine (English servers):; Addresses of mailing lists with information on medical topics:

Oncology - (supported by the National Cancer Institute, NCI). Address: [email protected]. Command: help. Available materials include PDQ State-of-the-Art Treatment Statements, PDQ Patient Information Statements.

Anesthesia and treatment of critical conditions. - Address: [email protected](Anesthesia and Critical Care Resources on the Internet);

Allergy treatment. Address: [email protected](Allergy discussion list);

General surgery. - Address: [email protected](General Surgery Discussion List);

Pathology of the oral cavity. - Access to the electronic newsletter: [email protected](Bulletin Board of Oral Pathology);

Treatment of endometriosis. - Address: [email protected] (Endometriosis Treatment and Support);

Fibromyalgia syndrome. - Address: [email protected](Chat Group Concerning Fibromyalgia Syndrome);

Treatment and diagnosis of breast tumors. - Address: [email protected](Breast Cancer Prevention Trial Staff Discussion Group) and BRCAN@ MSU.EDU (Breast Cancer Program). Discussions are held by email: [email protected]. (Breast Cancer Discussion List);

General questions of biology. - Address: [email protected] (A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources (moderat-i-);

Dermatology. - Address: [email protected] (Dermatology Discussion List (DERM-L);

Diagnosis and treatment of eczema. - Address: [email protected] (Eczema Discussion List and Support Group);

Diagnosis and correction of hydrocephalus. - Address: hvceph-l@uto-ronto .bitnet (Hydrocephalus Information & Support List).

Use of medical lasers. - [email protected] (laser medicine);

Medical education. - [email protected] (Medical Education Consortium Network). Note that everything related to medical education is called “Consortium”; with the contents of this document. A list of all registered groups and FAQs for many of them is stored on www at There is also an unofficial www address where a list of newsgroups is stored: and a fairly large list of mailing lists: http://


1. What technical devices are needed to form local networks and connect to the global network?

2. What software is needed to work on the global network?

3. Describe the Internet addressing system.

4. What is a browser? List its functions.

5. What is a server, website?

6. What is hypertext, hypertext connections?

7. Describe the worldwide information network www.

8. What functions are performed by the Telnet service, IRC - Internet Chat Relay, Gopher service, Usenet newsgroups?

9. List the main directions in telemedicine (types of telemedicine services).

10. Basic criteria for compliance of modern telemedicine systems.

11. Describe the main components and principles of organizing distance education as a telemedicine service.

12. Possibilities of medical video networks and directions for their use in the clinic.

13. What is “home telemedicine” and what are the main directions of its development?

14. Describe the operation of general purpose information retrieval systems.

15. Give a general description of Internet medical resources.

16. Describe the operation of systems for retrieving medical information.

17. Describe the possibilities of the Internet for continuing education of specialists and finding employment.


1. Gelman V.Ya. Computer communications in medicine // V.Ya. Gelman. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - 59 p.

2. Gelman VL. Medical informatics: workshop / V.Ya. Gelman. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - 480 p.

3. Duke V., Emanuel V. Information technologies in biomedical research / V. Duke, V. Emanuel. - St. Petersburg, 2003. - 528 p.

4. Internet. Encyclopedia / Ed. J.I.B. Melikhova. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - 528 p.

5. Computer Science: textbook / Ed. N.V. Makarova. - M., 2001. - 768 p.

6. Information technologies of territorial administration. Specialized issue “Telemedicine”. - M.: All-Russian Research Institute of Problems of Computer Technology and Information, 2003. - T. 40. - 335 p.

The task of increasing the structural efficiency of the industry involves strengthening requirements for resource provision healthcare. To perform the functions assigned to it, a modern health care facility has the necessary resources, the list of which has today expanded significantly and includes both traditional components - fixed assets (buildings and structures), medical devices and equipment, computer technology and communications, financial and human resources, and innovative scientific (intellectual), information and technological resources (advanced medical, organizational and management technologies), medicines, medical instruments, goods and medical products, etc.

These resources determine the quality of medical services, the work of medical specialists, as well as the efficiency of health care management. It is the “resource intensity” of healthcare facilities that ensures the quality of medical care provided to the population.

Only in the last 2 decades, with the creation of computer information databases in healthcare and the massive introduction of information systems, a new concept has emerged - informational resources industry. This is the most valuable and dynamic type of medical production resources. Today they are in the form of automated databases (DBs) - medical, pharmaceutical, economic, financial and other information, electronic analogues of medical documentation (medical histories, outpatient medical records, ambulance call cards, etc.), automated workstations (AWS) ) doctors and other medical workers, expert systems, electronic editions of medical scientific and educational literature, telemedicine and Internet technologies provide great opportunities for information support for the professional activities of a doctor and his mastery of modern achievements of evidence-based medicine.

Information resources and technologies have a dramatic impact on the work activities of specialists and meet the increased requirements for increasing the availability of highly specialized types of medical care for the general population of Russia. A number of regions of the country have developed a rich health information potential. Now more than ever it is necessary to concentrate it

Rice. 78. Information resources of territorial health care

on improving the quality and accessibility of medical care provided to the population.

A central place in medical information structures is given to databases relating to the population of the relevant territories. The most valuable information resources of territorial healthcare (Fig. 78) include:

Database of the insured population, a fragment of which is data on preferential categories of citizens for whom medical and medication provision is carried out taking into account the state benefits assigned to them;

Databases of personalized medical data on patients with socially significant diseases (registers of cancer patients, patients with tuberculosis, diabetes, HIV-infected people, etc.);

Medical and statistical databases of personalized data of medical services, including outpatient, inpatient, ambulance and emergency medical care, dental care;

Databases of financial and economic information;

DB on personnel composition and material and technical equipment

Pharmacoeconomic data bases, drug registers;

Databases of normative and reference information, etc.

Currently, in healthcare there is a large number of different personalized databases and registers for special purposes (“Chernobyl”, “Diabetes mellitus”, database of specialized medical services, clinic registers, etc.) at all levels - from the institutional level to the federal level inclusive.

Rice. 79. Structure of the automated database of health care facilities

One of the main information resources of a medical institution is its automated corporate database (Fig. 79), which includes information from the medical records of patients treated and undergoing treatment, data on the volume and nature of medical care provided to them, the costs of the medical institution for a specific patient, and invoices for payment. these services, financial flows generated when paying for medical care, a significant amount of regulatory and reference medical and economic information.

Medical-statistical and financial-economic analysis of the activities of an individual medical institution and their territorial network, quality control of the medical care they provide is based on the information from this database.

Of course, an important issue is the regulation of the procedure for accessing information resources, the procedure for providing and protecting information. Here, first of all, it should be borne in mind that these resources have the status of state information resources. They are divided into open (publicly accessible) and limited access resources (classified as state secrets and confidential) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Confidential information includes information about citizens (personal data) and commercial information. The procedure for presentation and the rights of owners of documented information are regulated by the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information” (1995) and other federal laws.

Information resources that are the property of organizations are included in their property in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 6, Clause 5 of the specified Federal Law of the Russian Federation).

Reliable data at the territorial level accumulated over several years on inpatient and outpatient care, sanitary

epidemiological services allow forecasting, planning and evaluation of various aspects of the activities of health care institutions for management purposes. However, these databases have different formats and are supported by programs developed at very different professional levels. The data analysis subsystems that exist in them are, as a rule, very limited and strictly regulated.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop (or adapt) a universal information analysis system that could be adjusted to the database structure in any format and would provide an accessible user interface for obtaining a random selection and grouping of information with the formation of specified output documents. In this case, you can significantly increase the efficiency of using personalized databases and reduce the costs of their maintenance. And today we can state with satisfaction that there are already options for similar user program interfaces that use modern client-server technology to integrate, for example, all sources of information on healthcare financing, both for health insurance and the budget. At the same time, the frequency of requesting, processing and analyzing information in them depends only on the user.

The basis of the health information infrastructure is medical information and analytical centers - MIAC(the content of the approximate Regulations on the organization of MIAC activities is disclosed in the information letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation? 2510/9138-01-32 dated 08.24.01 “On the medical information and analytical center”) - legal successors of information and computing centers and the Bureau of Medical Statistics of health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federations and coordination information centers of self-government organizations and health departments of the municipal level, which are entrusted with the functions of collecting, monitoring, processing, examination and analysis of information about the processes of medical care for the population of the relevant territories.

The main goal of these centers is to form, on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), a unified healthcare information system of the Russian Federation by creating an intersectoral system for collecting, processing, storing and providing information that provides a dynamic assessment of the health status of the population and information support for decision-making aimed at its improvement. The subject of their activity is maintaining integrated corporate databases and analyzing medical statistical information about the network, personnel, activities of healthcare organizations and the state of health of the population, managing the system of medical statistics and reporting in healthcare organizations of the relevant territories.

However, these centers alone are not able to collect together and “digest” powerful flows of medical, medical-economic, pharmacological, commercial, legal and other information, without which it is impossible to develop, provide resources and implement a territorial program of state guarantees of free medical care for citizens, harmonize relationships between territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, health departments, health insurance organizations and health care facilities.

With their direct participation, an extensive multi-level information support system is being created and a modern health care management vertical is being built.

In conclusion, we note the ever-increasing practical role of international medical information resources, accessibility to which is carried out by means of Internet technologies. Thus, every year 2 million medical articles appear in the world, and up to 20 thousand medical journals are published. In this situation, from the standpoint of competence, there is only one way out: turn to reliable information sources, carefully filter and summarize the information received.

For medical specialists, the Medline information database is convenient from the point of view of a search engine, including about 75% of the world's, mainly English-language publications, and numbering more than 4 thousand professional and specialized journals. Medline contains all the references presented in 3 leading medical bibliographic reference books: Index Medicus, Index to Dental Literature, International Nursing Index.

If you use the Medline database via the Internet, the optimal choice is Medscape and Bio Med Net (www. bmn. com).

The Cochrane library database was compiled based on Medline. Systematic reviews are its main products; they combine the results of scientific research with practical use in healthcare.

A systematic review is a scientific study with pre-planned methods, where the object of study is not the patients themselves, but the results of a series of original studies. The methodology for statistically combining the results of reliable studies is called meta-analysis. Systematic reviews are designed to answer specific, often quite narrow, clinical questions.

The advantage of the Cochrane Library is that you can subscribe to it, like a newspaper, it can be installed on a personal computer (issued on laser disks), it is easy to use, the information in it is updated quarterly and corrected if new data differs from the previous ones. That is, the library is constantly being modernized, and the authors of the review update it annually taking into account the results of new research.

The main difference between the Cochrane Library is that the information in it is carefully selected from multilingual sources. It has several computer databases:

Database of Systematic Reviews;

Database of abstracts on the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions;

Register of Controlled Clinical Trials;

Review database on medical research methodology;

Database for economic evaluation of UK National Health Service treatment interventions.

Cochrane systematic review:

Answers a clearly defined clinical question;

Analyzes the reliability of studies, assessing the reliability of the collection and processing of clinical information;

Summarizes only benign data.

It allows one to draw one conclusion: the intervention is undoubtedly effective and must be applied; the intervention is ineffective and should not be used; interference is harmful and should be prohibited; benefit or harm has not been proven and further research is required.

Thanks to communication with this kind of materials via the Internet, the transfer of knowledge using modern information and communication technologies, learning becomes accessible, remote and continuous. However, we should not forget about the considerable capabilities of medical information resources of the State Central Medical Library of the Ministry of Health of Russia (SCML, www. scsml. rssi. ru).

Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted that effective work with domestic and international medical information resources, the means of the global Internet, maximally contributes to information support for doctors in matters of consultation, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients; makes it possible to provide information support to the help desk in the field of public health, provides information about conferences and exhibitions on medical topics, and about the final documents adopted at them.

The medical information resources of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are also of great practical interest (in the form of orders, information and methodological letters, regulatory materials, industry standards and

Thus, healthcare information resources have recently been actively developing, expanding and represent important tools for healthcare management at its various levels. They serve as the basis for organizing a unified healthcare information space at the municipal, territorial, regional and federal levels. They also have a definite scientific, practical and commercial value. Therefore, the development of conceptual and methodological foundations in the field of developing the information potential of the industry seems to be a task of paramount importance.

Review questions

1. What are the health information resources of the territory?

2. What does the automated corporate database of a medical institution include?

3. Name the structure of the automated database of a medical institution.

4. Give a brief description of the activities of the medical information and analytical center.

5. Briefly describe the essence of Internet technologies.

6. Name the computer databases of the Cochrane Library.

The Internet contains information on all branches of knowledge, including medicine, and there is medical information intended both for specialists at various levels, as well as for patients and people interested in health problems.

Its search can be carried out very effectively using the universal tools described above. However, there are special medical systems. For example: Medscape (, BioMedNet (www.biomednet.com, Medbot (, MedClub (http://

Special databases can be very useful. They can be reference, bibliographic, abstract and factual. Reference databases are designed to search for reference information about a particular object. Bibliographic – contains a bibliographic description of scientific publications on issues of interest. In abstract databases, bibliographic descriptions are supplemented by abstracts that briefly reflect the contents of publications. Factual – contain general information about the characteristics and properties of the objects being studied.

There are several hundred databases on medical topics. The most famous is the medical bibliographic search system (, containing more than 7 million references from more than 3.5 thousand medical journals.

In recent years, an increasing number of full-text medical databases containing the full text of original publications have appeared.

We should not forget about the possibility of obtaining valuable information from the websites of various medical and medical educational institutions (Kuban State Medical Academy (, Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov (, Stavropol State Medical Academy (, medical journals.

More on the topic Internet Medical Resources:

  1. Basic understanding of specialized medical applications
  2. TASK 4 Check out the website of the Stavropol State Medical Academy.
  3. LESSON No. 8 Telemedicine: current state and development prospects
  4. LESSON No. 9 Medical informatics and automated healthcare management systems – final lesson

Purpose of the study: to analyze the possibilities of using the resources of the electronic medical library and information centers in the professional activities of endocrinologists. Materials and methods: scientific review of servers of medical libraries and information centers on endocrinology. Discussion. For specialists and scientists, medical library resources and scientific journals are an important source of information in their professional activities. Currently, in the era of rapid development of computer technology, doctors have the opportunity to use this information on the Internet. The block of medical resources in global networks is extensive and diverse. The systematization of servers of medical libraries and information centers on endocrinology problems allows doctors to use them in their professional activities. Conclusions: servers of medical electronic libraries and information centers contain valuable full-text and bibliographic information on endocrinology problems. The analysis of these resources will allow doctors to use them in their professional activities.

information centers

medical electronic library servers



1. Big Medical Library [Electronic resource]: non-profit. project. - Electron. Dan. – [B. m.: b. i.], cop. 2002. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

2. Doctor-graduate student [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine / programming and design: Zhdanov E. V. – Electron. Dan. – Voronezh: Scientific Book Publishing House, cop. 2005–2008. – Access mode:; - Cap. from the screen.

3. Bulletin of reproductive health [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine - Electron. magazine – Moscow: [b. i., b. G.]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

4. Gelman V. Ya. Internet in medicine [Text] / V. Ya. Gelman, O. A. Shulga, D. V. Buzanov. – . – Moscow: Medical Information Agency (MIA), 2005. – 287 p.

5. GEOTAR-Media [Electronic resource] / - Electron. Dan. – Moscow: Publishing group “GEOTAR-Media”, [b. G.]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

6. DiaNews [Electronic resource]: electronic. gas version / CJSC "Art-Business-Center". - Electron. Dan. – Moscow: [b. i.], cop. 2000–. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

7. [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. honey. reviewer magazine - Electron. magazine – [Moscow]: NP “RUSMEDICAL GROUP”, cop. 2007– . – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

8. Publishing house "Medicine" [Electronic resource] / OJSC "Publishing house "Medicine"". - Electron. Dan. – Moscow: [b. i.], 1998– . – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

9. VIDAR Publishing House [Electronic resource]: prof. honey. lit. / Publ. House Vidar-M. - Electron. Dan. – Moscow: Vidar-M Publishing House, cop. 2004. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

10. Clinical and experimental thyroidology [Electronic resource]: quarterly. scientific-practical magazine - Electron. magazine – [Moscow]: Publishing house VIDAR-M, cop. 2010–. – Access mode:; - Cap. from the screen.

11. Doctor's consultant [Electronic resource]: electronic. honey. b-ka / Publ. group "GEOTAR-Media". - Electron. Dan. – [B. m.: b. i.], cop. 2008–2014. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen (available in the article).

12. Obesity and metabolism [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine - Electron. magazine – Moscow: [b. i., b. G.]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

13. Osteoporosis and osteopathies [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine - Electron. magazine – Moscow: [b. i., b. G.]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

14. Practical medicine [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine – Kazan: Medical Publishing House “Praktika”, cop. 2003–. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

15. Problems of endocrinology [Electronic resource] = Problemy endokrinologii: scientific and practical. honey. peer-reviewed journal. - Electron. magazine – Moscow: Media Sphere Publishing House, cop. 2005–. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

16. Diabetes mellitus [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine - Electron. magazine – Moscow: [b. i., b. G.]. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

17. Pharmateka [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. honey. magazine - Electron. magazine – Moscow: Medical journal “PHARMATEKA”, cop. 2004. – Access mode: – Cap. from the screen.

18. Central Scientific Medical Library [Electronic resource] / State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov Roszdrav. - Electron. Dan. – [Moscow: b. i.], cop. 2008– . – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

19. Electronic medical literature [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – [B. m.: b. i.], cop. 2005–2009. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen. – Other title:

20. Electronic medical books [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – [B. m.: b. i.], cop. 2005–2009. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

21. Endocrine surgery [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine - Electron. magazine – [Moscow]: Publishing house VIDAR-M, cop. 2010–. – Access mode: ; - Cap. from the screen.

22. Endocrinology: news, opinions, training [Electronic resource]: scientific and practical. magazine for continuous honey. education of doctors / ch. ed. A. S. Ametov. - Electron. magazine – [Moscow]: Publishing group “GEOTAR-Media”, cop. 2012–. – Access mode: b1d1a-3724. - Cap. from the screen.

23. BooksMed [Electronic resource]: electronic. honey. b-ka. - Electron. Dan. – Moscow: [b. i.], cop. 2009–. – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

24. [Electronic resource]: medical-biol. information portal for specialists / Internet-Project LLC. - Electron. Dan. – St. Petersburg: [b. i.], cop. 2008– . – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

25. [Electronic resource]: portal of professional medicine. - Electron. Dan. – [B. m.: b. i.], cop. 2010– . – Access mode: - Cap. from the screen.

The development of the Internet has had a huge impact on periodicals, including medical ones. Servers of medical libraries and information centers provide access to their catalogs and bibliographic databases on the Internet. For specialists and scientists, scientific journals are an important source of information, an indispensable assistant in clinical work, and also a place for publishing the results of their research.

Object Research is a Russian-language electronic medical library resource containing information on endocrinology problems.


At the present stage, a doctor’s activity is determined by his ability to navigate a large amount of professional information and effectively use modern information and communication technologies.

Often, finding the necessary medical information for a specialist is difficult, takes a lot of time and does not always adequately satisfy the professional needs of the doctor. To optimize the search for necessary information on endocrinology, the publication presents servers of medical libraries and information centers related to this area of ​​medicine.


The main branch library is Central Scientific Medical Library(CNMB). Since 1988, the library has maintained an electronic catalog “Russian Medicine”. This is a bibliographic database; it does not contain full texts or links to texts, but the site provides the opportunity for subscribers to order printed or electronic copies of the necessary documents. The database should be downloaded from the main page of the Central Scientific Library website.

When searching for specialized literature, you should remember that medical publishing houses post catalogs of published books and full-text archives (or content archives) of published journals on their websites.

Yes, publishing house "Medicine" publishes 40 scientific specialized medical journals. The publishing house’s website contains an archive of the contents of such journals as “Archive of Pathology”, “Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences”, “Healthcare of the Russian Federation”, “Immunology”, “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”, “Clinical Medicine”, “Problems of Endocrinology”, “ Russian Medical Journal”, “Therapeutic Archive”, etc. There is no full text of the articles, only short summaries. In addition, the site has a thematic annotated catalog of books published by the publishing house since 1998.

On the publisher's website "VIDAR" Endocrinologists will be most interested in the scientific and practical journal “Clinical and Experimental Thyroidology” published by the publishing house. To gain access to the full-text archives of the journal, you must register. In free access, it is possible to view only the contents of all issues of the journal, a summary of each article and information about its authors. The same applies to the journals “Medical Imaging”, “Ultrasound and Functional Diagnostics”, “Radiology - Practice”, “Annals of Surgical Hepatology” posted on the website. A great advantage of the site is the ability to search the text of articles using a search bar in which the desired term should be entered. After the search, a list of journals in which articles on the topic have been published will appear.

Publishing house "GEOTAR-Media" has existed since 1993 and produces medical literature for students, doctors, scientists, as well as popular science publications. The publishing house's website contains a catalog of books published by GEOTAR-Media, with brief annotations. In addition, on the site you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the magazines “Nutrition Issues”, “Reproductive Health of Children and Adolescents”, etc.

General medical websites often contain electronic libraries, online versions of journals, virtual atlases and textbooks, and online demonstrations of clinical cases. There are also independent electronic medical libraries on the RuNet.

Professional medicine portal "" contains more than 2.5 thousand books (textbooks, reference and teaching aids, monographs, etc.) on various branches of medicine. In order to find a specific publication or select all books on endocrinology, you should use the search system available on the site. Free (without registration) access to literature is possible for informational purposes.

Electronic medical library "BooksMed" is a non-profit project and provides users with information taken from publicly available Internet resources. There is a section “Endocrinology”. Most publications can be used free of charge in pdf format for preliminary review.

Non-profit project " Great Medical Library" contains freely available reference books, encyclopedias, textbooks, monographs, abstracts and tests for doctors, patients and medical students.

Resource for Healthcare Professionals "Electronic medical literature" will help you place an order and purchase medical e-books and programs. However, this service is paid.

Another paid resource "Electronic medical books" also addressed to specialists. An extensive electronic medical library allows for free searching and paid viewing of full texts. Payment can be made by sending SMS or one of the electronic payment systems.

Both electronic magazines that have no printed counterpart, as well as electronic versions of many printed periodicals, have appeared on the Internet. As a rule, websites or pages of electronic periodicals contain general information about the publication, the composition of the editorial board, information for authors with rules for writing articles, subscription conditions, contact information and contents (that is, tables of contents) of published issues of journals. Often, these types of resources contain full texts of journal issues from recent years, which is very important for doctors who do not have the opportunity to subscribe to all the necessary journals or read them in the library.

Thus, full-text archives of industry magazines are available on the Internet "Endocrinology: news, opinions, training" , "Problems of endocrinology" , "Clinical and experimental thyroidology" , "Endocrine surgery" , "Diabetes" , "Obesity and Metabolism" , "Osteoporosis and osteopathies", "Bulletin of Reproductive Health". Electronic version of the newspaper "DiaNews""is not a copy of the printed original in design, but the information content is almost completely identical.

Online general medical journals may also be of interest to endocrinologists.

Thus, endocrinology is one of the main topics of the scientific and practical medical journal “Farmateka” . Every year, several separate issues of this journal are devoted to the problems of drug therapy for endocrine diseases. Website "Farmateka" provides free access to a full-text archive of articles published in the journal since 2000.

Scientific and practical medical journal "Postgraduate Doctor" publishes peer-reviewed articles of original medical research. The site allows you to quickly find materials on a topic by entering a keyword in the search bar. When carrying out a search, it is more advisable to compose several simple search queries. Thus, for the query “endocrinology” 15 articles were found, for the query “diabetes” - 92 full-text documents, “thyroid gland” - 50 documents. Electronic versions of all issues of the journal in PDF format are posted for free use on the website of the Scientific Book publishing house.

Another medical journal available on the Internet is "". Each issue of magazine is dedicated to one of several specializations, including endocrinology. A full-text archive of issues of the electronic version of the magazine since 2007 is available on the website.

Peer-reviewed specialized scientific and practical journal "Practical Medicine" also comes out in the form of thematic issues, among which there are always issues on endocrinology. The magazine's website has a well-thought-out system for working with content. You can simply view the full-text archive of journal issues; you can search by issue contents or nosologies, which allows you to select all materials, for example, on endocrinology.

The biomedical journal publishes the results of fundamental research and research in the field of clinical medicine, incl. in endocrinology, (archive since 2000) and the bulletin of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Advances of Gerontology”. There is access to the international search system Medline and to the popular scientific medical resource “”.

In the Doctor's Consultant portal, the electronic library contains clinical recommendations for all branches of medicine (including endocrinology), which are developed using a unique methodology that ensures their relevance, reliability, generalization of best international experience and scientific achievements, applicability in practice and convenience in use. In addition, the library has sections “Pharmacological reference book”, “National guidelines” and “Monographs”. The materials of the training modules are developed with the participation of leading professional societies in Russia.

Conclusions: servers of medical electronic libraries, information centers of book publishing houses, scientific journals contain valuable full-text and bibliographic information on endocrinology problems. The analysis of these resources will allow doctors to use them in their professional activities.


Polyarush N.F., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine of Postgraduate Education, Reaviz Medical University, Samara;

Kachkovsky M.A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine, Reaviz Medical University, Samara.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://site/ru/article/view?id=21110 (access date: 06/23/2019).

We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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In modern conditions of functioning of the healthcare system, against the backdrop of a continuing shortage of financial and material resources, there has been a significant increase in information resources.

According to the Novgorod Medical Information and Analytical Center, the number of paper-based medical information in the region’s healthcare has been increasing in arithmetic progression over the past 10 years, by approximately 10% each year. The volume of information resources in electronic form over the same period increased more than 3 times.

Information resources in healthcare are paper, electronic or other media of information about public health and the activities of healthcare organizations contained in libraries, archives, funds, files, databases and other information sources.

Information resources have some special characteristics that distinguish them from traditional concepts of economic resources. Unlike other resources, they are reproduced rather than used, and at the same time tend to spread with the limitations imposed only by time and human capabilities. Information resources received and spent through information flows primarily play the role of a means, a carrier of medical information.

Specific differences in the use of information resources in healthcare:
. large amount of data;
. repeated repetition of data acquisition cycles and the need to convert them into established time periods;
. variety of sources of information;
. a large number of logical operations when processing data.

In general, information resources in healthcare can be classified as follows:
. by sources of receipt: accounting and statistical forms, specially designed questionnaires, computer databases, printed sources, Internet resources, etc.;
. by type of ownership: state, municipal, private;
. by access category: open (public), with limited access;

According to the form of provision: paper media, micromedia (microfilms), electronic media (audio, video recording, floppy disk, HDD “hard” disk, optical disk, etc.);
. by type of information: medical, economic, statistical, regulatory, reference, educational, research;
. by user type: individual, corporate;
. by structure: factual, full-text, bibliographic, hypertext.

Information resources in healthcare can be presented in the form of the following information blocks.

Population health information resources:
— information resources of medical and demographic processes:
— information resources of morbidity;
— disability information resources;
— physical health information resources;
— information resources of social conditioning of health.

Information resources of medical and economic activities of healthcare organizations:
— information resources of the APU;
— information resources of hospital institutions;
— information resources of specialized institutions;
— information resources of pharmacy organizations;
— TFOMS information resources;
— SMO information resources.

Indicators characterizing the volume of information resources include:
. number of accounting (reporting) statistical forms (pcs.);
. number of databases (pcs.);
. database volume (bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB).

The unit of measurement for the amount of information on electronic media is the byte. The derived units are as follows:
. bit - the minimum unit of binary information volume (0; 1);
. 1 byte = 8 bits.
. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes (I KB);
. 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes (1 MB);
. 1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes (1 GB);
. 1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes (1 TB);
. 1 petabyte = 1024 terabytes (1 PB),

The unit of measurement for information on paper is 1 copy, 1 name, 1 storage unit, etc.

Indicators characterizing the efficiency of using information resources include:
. coefficient of use of accounting statistical forms;
. utilization rate of statistical reporting forms;
. coefficient of timeliness of information use.

To assess the use of information resources on the Internet [for example, Gut Internet portals ( Yandex (, Rambler (] the following absolute values ​​are used:
. average web page size;
. average number of web pages on one server;
. average volume of one server (MB);
. number of registered users of information resources;
. number of requests (accesses) to the information resource;
. number of visits to the website;
. number of documents viewed or downloaded.

An example of the use of information resources in healthcare is the information system for monitoring the health of the population and the activities of the healthcare system in the Novgorod region. The total volume of information in the databases of this information system amounts to tens of gigabytes, the number of paper accounting and reporting statistical forms is more than 400, the number of indicators calculated on their basis is more than 500. The main blocks of the information system for monitoring health, habitat and health care activities of the Novgorod region are presented on rice. 21.1.

Rice. 21.1. Block diagram of monitoring public health and healthcare activities (using the example of the Novgorod region)

Currently, information resources in healthcare are becoming a commodity that is in high demand in the market for medical goods and services.

The list of information resources and the procedure for their use as a separate medical service (hereinafter referred to as services) are determined by territorial health authorities. Tariffs for services are calculated on the basis of the standard costs of institutions and their structural divisions, and in their absence - on the basis of actual costs, taking into account the technology for performing the service.

To calculate tariffs for information resources, direct and overhead costs are taken into account. Direct costs include expenses directly related to the provision of the service:
. remuneration of key personnel;
. accruals for salaries of key personnel;
. material costs consumed in the process of providing the service in full.

Overhead costs include all types of expenses of healthcare organizations that are not directly related to the provision of services (in this case, remuneration of programmers, database administrators, purchase of licensed software, computer and office equipment, consumables, etc.), including deductions for wages. In general, the formula for calculating the tariff for an information service can be presented as follows:

T = Zt + H3 + M + N,

Where T is the tariff for the information service;
Zt - standard costs for remuneration of key personnel;
N3 - accruals for wages of key personnel;
M - technologically justified costs for software, computer equipment, consumables used in the provision of services;
N - overhead costs.

Direct and overhead costs, the calculation of which is difficult due to an insufficiently developed regulatory framework for their consumption and operational accounting, are charged to cost indirectly, i.e. through calculated coefficients.

O.P. Shchepin, V.A. Medic


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