How to eavesdrop on a mobile conversation. Listen to a mobile phone for free

There are many different ways to wiretap phone conversations, both legal and illegal. We will tell you about the most common ones.


SORM is a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities. All telecom operators are required to use it, otherwise they will not be able to obtain a license. SORM provides law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies with direct access to telephone conversations, and the operator is not even informed when his subscriber is being monitored. Formally, wiretapping requires court approval, but in reality, the suspect is often listened to without authorization, and permission can be obtained after material has been collected on him that can be used in court. Analogues of SORM exist in many countries around the world (for example, a program in the USA).


Russian operators are preparing to comply, according to which they are required to record telephone conversations of all subscribers and store them from six months to three years. Surely, the records are already saved in test mode, and you can access them through friends from among the operator’s employees.

Interception via SS7

In cellular networks there is an unavoidable . It allows you to tap any phone and intercept SMS messages using equipment costing several thousand dollars, or order wiretapping on the black market for several thousand rubles. Cellular standards were not designed to protect against such attacks because phones were expected to operate only within the operator's signal network. In practice, third-party equipment can be connected to such a network from anywhere in the world.


Android and iOS smartphones are susceptible to vulnerabilities that allow correspondence and conversations to be intercepted. The most valuable are zero-day vulnerabilities, which are unknown to operating system developers. There are hundreds of thousands of dollars for information about them, and the companies that buy them cooperate with the intelligence services of different countries. Some Trojans are developed specifically for law enforcement agencies. They are used en masse, but unofficially, without court permission, and are distributed using fake applications.


There are viruses even in official app stores (primarily Google Play). Security system hackers: they upload a normal application to the market, and the malicious code is loaded later as a small module with one of the updates. An unsuspecting user himself gives the application permission to use the microphone and access the Internet, after which his conversations are leaked to strangers.

Fake base stations and femtocells

Fake base stations and femtocells are sometimes used to intercept voice data. They work as intermediaries between cell phones and operator base stations, allowing you to record conversations and SMS messages. Hackers are also able to hack into femtocells and install spyware there.

Special equipment

The intelligence services have a huge arsenal of technical means for covert wiretapping: bugs, miniature microphones and scanners that decipher sound by the vibration of glass in the room where a person is located. The most effective way is to use a receiver, which intercepts the GSM signal over a wide range of frequencies, and a computer, which then decrypts this signal, converting it into a voice recording.

As you can see, tapping your phone is not particularly difficult, if only you had the desire or the means. Another thing is that people who have something to hide know about it and try to use more secure communication channels, for example, messengers like

Many jealous husbands want to know not only How to wiretap your wife's mobile phone, but what kind of wiretapping program will be effective and truly invisible on her phone after installation? Below are comprehensive answers to these and other similar questions.

So, wiretapping wife via mobile phone is a spy program that must satisfy the following three main requirements for this type of application:

Firstly, wiretapping wife's iPhone must be multifunctional, i.e. not only listen to outgoing and incoming calls, but also intercept messages, photos, media files, give the exact coordinates of its location and much more;

Secondly, wife wiretapping and surveillance program must be hidden, in other words, if the phone is wiretapped, the wife should under no circumstances know about it - this is practically the main criterion for a high-quality spy program;

And thirdly, spy program for wiretapping wife's phone should make sure that you can view all intercepted text messages, photos and other things at any time convenient for you, since love correspondence in instant messengers or on social networks can occur both during working hours and late at night.

The VkurSe program is a multifunctional application for wiretapping your phone. and meets all the above requirements for spyware. The functionality of the VkurSe program includes:

  • wiretapping his wife's telephone conversations and recording them;
  • listening to ambient sound (the ability to turn on the microphone remotely);
  • receiving notifications (with the exact date) of outgoing and incoming calls, also from which phone number and to which they were made;
  • interception of messages in instant messengers and social networks (Viber, WhatsApp, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte);
  • the ability to intercept and read even those messages that will be deleted by the wife (if the program is already installed and running on her phone at that time);
  • save all data to your email account or personal account on the website and view it at any time convenient for you;
  • save photos and media files received on your spouse’s phone to your email;
  • using the “list of wifi networks” command;
  • the ability to take screenshots of the screen at certain intervals;
  • 24-hour geolocation system (GPS), which will allow you to know exactly the location of your spouse, even if she does not answer your call;
  • detailed routing of the wife's movement in any time period and much more.

It is impossible to give here the entire list of actions that can be performed using the VkurSe program, since there are really a huge number of them. More details about the functionality of this program can be found in the “Features” tab.

Is there real hidden wiretapping of your wife's mobile phone?

The VkurSe program is one of the most hidden applications that cannot be seen or by any signs understand that it was installed by an ordinary user (professionals and hackers are not taken into account):

  • during installation WON'T have to hold your wife’s phone in your hands for a lot of time - a program to wiretap your wife is installed in a matter of minutes;
  • no way will NOT affect for the operation of the phone and its charging - the program has practically no weight;
  • Will not detected during an antivirus scan – the application is not malware;
  • Will not appears in the list of applications - the VkurSe program is installed directly into the system folder;
  • the name of the program will NOT cause your wife has absolutely no suspicions - upon registration you will be able to change the name of the program for wiretapping your wife’s phone once at your discretion for free;
  • Impossible identify the program by the icon - a standard robot of standard green color.

However, this also has its own “minus”: if Your wife wiretapped you, then you are now aware that you will not be able to “compute” our program and will be “hooked” by your wife until she deletes it herself.

How to wiretap your wife's phone?

Installing the VkurSe program is not difficult. In order to download program for wiretapping wife's phone you need to go to the “Registration and installation of the application” tab, there are step-by-step instructions on how to install our program. You can also download wife's phone wiretapping and through the tab. To do this, go to it and click on “Consultant”, where you will receive a download link automatically.
Wiretapping your wife's phone via the Internet for free will work seven days after registration. This free weekly use of the VkurSe program will allow you to try out all its capabilities and understand whether you really need to wiretap your wife or whether it is better to trust your significant other. And without time limit program for wiretapping your wife's phone for free will give out her location around the clock.
In order to continue to have access to all functions after a week, you will need to subscribe; for this, check out the tab

The modern world is full of people's mistrust of each other. Often, many loving couples quarrel with each other over any suspicions of infidelity, misunderstandings and many other reasons. Often such situations lead to serious quarrels, and sometimes to separation. Truly loving couples cannot just give up and go to extreme measures, sometimes even illegal.

A striking example would be listening to your partner's mobile phone.

The Internet industry does not stand in one place, technology is developing every day, so today it will not be difficult for a teenager to listen to the phone, even if he does not have large sums of money and special skills in using the phone and special programs.

Telephone tapping in modern times is actively popular among a huge number of people, because by tracking the conversations of the people you need, you can find out a lot of useful information, and most importantly, honest information. Soon you will be able to sort out all the disagreements and misunderstandings that previously led to inevitable quarrels.

It has long been no secret that your conversation can be listened to at any time, and cellular operators do this quite legally and officially. This is done so that in the event of difficult situations, law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to listen to the conversation of the suspect. And as they say: “The Internet has an eternal memory.” If desired, operators can find a recording of your conversation that is more than a week old. But you should know that no one will listen to you without a reason. This procedure requires permission; the law today is on the side of ordinary civilians. No one will listen to your conversation without a good reason to do so.

It has already been said that eavesdropping can only be superficial, and your colleagues, relatives and other people around you have the opportunity to eavesdrop, so protecting yourself from eavesdropping on your conversations comes to the fore, but this topic will be discussed in detail later.

Closer to the topic - how to record a telephone conversation of the person you need? First of all, you need to decide on the methods and possibilities.

There are only a few ways to listen and record the conversation of your “victim”

  1. The most common one is with the help of a cellular operator; this topic has already been sufficiently covered.
  2. The second method is expensive and effective, but unfortunately illegal. We are talking about wiretapping a phone by replacing the base station.
  3. The third method involves intercepting and decrypting the 64-bit encryption key.
  4. And the fourth - the easiest way - is to introduce special software into the phone that is capable of recording a telephone conversation.

Now more details. If everything is clear with the first method, then a lot can be said about the second, so - wiretapping the phone by replacing the base station.

This method is a passive method of listening to the phone. To use this method, you need to have a lot of money. The key word here is “big”. On the black market, prices for such equipment start at several hundred thousand euros. With such an installation, you will be able to listen to the phones of people around you within a radius of 500 meters. Today, this equipment has been well studied; all instructions, operating principles and other information related to the operation of the “spy” device can be found on the Internet.

The manufacturers of this listening system convince us that conversations can be monitored in real time, that is, by purchasing this device you will not have to wonder how to record the telephone conversation of your “victim”. The system listens to a telephone conversation not using a mobile phone, but using a SIM card, that is, the owner of such equipment has full access to the database of your mobile operator. But there are cases when it is impossible to gain access to the database. But there is a way out here too. The equipment is capable of similarly monitoring the conversation of the person you are listening to and giving you his conversation, but with a slight delay. This is due to the fact that the system needs to decrypt the code. The system is completely mobile and can listen while driving.

There is also active intervention. For active intervention, special mobile complexes are used. A similar complex consists of a pair of phones and laptops that are slightly modified. Their price is lower, but it is also quite expensive - a couple of hundred thousand dollars. In rare cases, the price reaches 100-200 thousand dollars. The weak point of this equipment is that only highly qualified specialists can work on it. The principle of operation of this device is that it is able to intercept the signal sent by the “victim” to the operator, that is, with the help of this device you can become an intermediary. From the moment of “capture”, specialists are able to do with the captured call everything that an operator can do.

It is impossible to determine that you are listening to someone with this equipment.

If we are talking about intercepting a conversation from a cell phone, then doing this procedure will not be a problem, because the receiver often operates at a frequency of 800 or 1900 MHz. A significant problem is revealed when listening to the conversation. Only noise will be available to you, there will be no intelligible speech. This is explained by the 64-bit encryption key. But the Internet is already replete with various tactics for bypassing this encryption or the possibility of decryption, so this incident should not arise. Based on information on the Internet regarding eavesdropping using a 64-bit encryption system, you can assemble a full-fledged listening device.

And finally, the final listening method, with which you can learn how to record a telephone conversation.

Here we will talk about installing special spy software on your victim's phone. There are a lot of different applications related to this topic on the Internet today, so downloading the applications will be very easy.

The software you need is installed on the “victim’s” phone at a time when she does not notice it, that is, the phone you need should remain unnoticed by you for 10-15 minutes. During a conversation, special programs can activate the third line. This third line will be you, that is, the conversation will be completely broadcast to your number. The only disadvantage of these programs is a number of shortcomings for a specific phone model, which you will have to fix yourself. But this is the simplest and most important - free listening method. You can listen to almost any person who has close contact with you.

Don't want to become a “victim”? Below are the basic rules that can warn you against this threat..

  1. First of all, do not allow automatic systems to download various software onto your phone, where they can also be found to be malicious.
  2. You shouldn’t trust everyone and give your phone into the wrong hands.
  3. Pay close attention to outside interference and noise during a call.
  4. Install an antivirus.
  5. Discuss serious topics not over the phone, but in person.

If you are determined to start tapping someone’s phone, then you should think about it again, because you could end up behind bars. Be vigilant and don't give people a reason to listen to you. No one will do this without a good reason.

Video about how to listen to a phone

October 2, 2014 at 10:07 am

Wiretapping of mobile phones and their protection

  • Wireless technologies

What options exist for wiretapping cell phone conversations, how can one protect against this type of attack, and how can a subscriber determine that his phone may be being tapped? Due to the recent wave of espionage scandals, these issues are becoming relevant again. Journalists turned to Ukrainian mobile operators with a request to explain how subscribers should behave in such cases.

What was striking was that almost all the operators that journalists contacted were simply unable to provide answers to the questions posed. The only company that agreed to help were representatives of MTS Ukraine. The operator Life:) did not give an answer at all to the sent request, and Kyivstar replied that they are not experts in such matters, and that such questions should be addressed to special government services (read, Ministry of Internal Affairs, SBU, etc. ) The article below also used information about wiretapping of mobile phones obtained from public sources.

How operators protect their networks
When developing GSM technology, as well as at the stage of its implementation, all requirements from the controlling government were taken into account. authorities to the level of protection. It is because of these requirements that in many countries around the world the sale and purchase of special equipment, such as powerful encryptors, crypto equipment, scramblers, as well as very secure technologies for public communications, are prohibited. But mobile operators themselves ensure the protection of their radio channels using signal encryption methods. Encryption uses very complex algorithms. Which cryptographic algorithm will be used for encryption is selected at the stage when a connection is established between the base station and the subscriber himself. The degree of probability of a leak of subscriber information from the operator’s equipment, as MTS employees assured journalists, is practically zero. Why to zero, we asked - and all because of the complexity and control of access to the operator’s facilities and equipment.
How can you “listen” to mobile phones?
There are only two methods of wiretapping subscribers - the active method and the passive method. When passively listening to a subscriber, you need to use very expensive equipment and have specially trained workers. If you have money (read - a lot of money), you can purchase special systems on the “black market”, using which you can listen to the conversations of any subscriber within a radius of up to 500 meters. Ask why you need to have a lot of money? The answer is simple - the price of one such set starts from several hundred thousand euros. What such a kit looks like can be seen in the next photo. There are many sites on the Internet where you can familiarize yourself with the description and operating principle of such kits and listening systems.

As the manufacturers of such listening systems convince, their systems can monitor GSM conversations in real time, because the operating principle of the equipment is based on access to the SIM card of the mobile subscriber, or directly to the database of the cellular operator itself. Although, if those listening to you do not have such access, they can listen to all your conversations with some delay. The amount of delay depends on the level of encryption of the communication channel that a particular operator uses. Such systems can also be mobile centers for listening and tracking the movement of objects.

The second method of wiretapping is active interference on the air with the authentication process and control protocols. For this purpose, special mobile complexes are used. Such mobile systems, which are essentially a pair of specially modified phones and a laptop, despite their apparent simplicity and small size, are also not a cheap pleasure - their price varies from a couple of tens of thousands to several hundred thousand US dollars. And again, only highly qualified specialists in the field of communications can work on such equipment.

The attack on the subscriber is carried out according to the following principle: since the complex is mobile and is located at a close distance to the subscriber - up to 500 meters - it “intercepts” signals to establish a connection and transmit data, replacing the operator’s base station. In fact, the complex itself becomes an “intermediary bridge” between the nearest base station and the subscriber himself.

After “capturing” the desired mobile subscriber in this way, this complex can actually perform any control function over the intercepted channel: for example, connect the person being listened to with any number necessary for those listening, lower the encryption algorithm or even disable this encryption for a specific communication session, etc. .d.

What such a complex looks like can be seen in the photo below.

As experts shared, it is impossible to determine 100% that the subscriber’s phone is being tapped at this very moment. But, you can get indirect evidence that may indicate that such a possibility exists. In the recent past, some mobile models (namely push-button phones) had a special symbol-icon in the form of a lock in their functionality. If the lock was closed, then the signal is encrypted, and vice versa - if the lock is open... well, you understand everything yourself.

But in phones over the last 5-6 years there is no such function... It’s a pity. Although, for some smartphone models there are special applications that will signal the phone owner about the configuration of the settings used in the current communication session. One option is to notify the user about the mode in which his conversation is transmitted - using encryption algorithms or openly. Listed below are a few of these applications:

EAGLE Security
It is one of the most powerful applications for protecting your mobile phone from wiretapping. This program prevents any connections to false base stations. To determine the reliability of a station, a check of signatures and station identifiers is used. In addition, the program independently monitors and remembers the location of all base stations, and if it is detected that a base is moving around the city, or its signal disappears from time to time from its location - such a base is marked as false and suspicious and the application will notify the owner about this phone. Another useful feature of the program is the ability to show which of the applications and programs installed on your phone have access to your phone’s video camera and microphone. There is also a function to disable (prohibit) access to any software you don’t need to the camera.
This program differs from the previous one and its main function is to monitor any suspicious activity on the network, including the use of SMS, which can be sent without the permission of the phone owner. The application evaluates in real time how secure your network is, what encryption algorithm is being used at that moment, and much more.
Android IMSI-Catcher Detector
This application also helps protect your smartphone from any connections to pseudo-bases. The only disadvantage of this program is that you will not find it on Google Play and if you still want to install it, you will have to tinker with this procedure.
The CatcherCatcher program, like its analogues above, is engaged in identifying false base stations that attackers (or special services?) use as intermediate “intermediary bridges” between the subscriber and the real base station.

And finally, experts also recommended using special applications to ensure the security of personal conversations and data, including encrypting your conversations. Similar analogues are the anonymous web browsers Orbot or Orweb, for example. There are also special programs that encrypt your telephone conversations, photos, and many already use secure instant messengers.

Articles and Lifehacks

The question is how to listen to your wife's mobile phone, and as far as possible, has probably repeatedly worried many jealous husbands around the world. And even though invading someone else's privacy is illegal, this does not become an obstacle to resuming eavesdropping attempts.

Is it possible to listen to your wife's mobile phone?

Today, cellular operators implement quite serious protection against eavesdropping by other subscribers, and they have the appropriate technical base. It doesn’t matter whether anti-virus software is used or not - theoretically, only the mobile operator itself has special equipment. This information is confidential, and wiretapping becomes possible only if there is an appropriate decision from the competent authorities - and then only if there has been a proven crime or there is a real threat to state security.

There are many sites on the Internet that offer, for a fee, to install software that will help you listen to other people's conversations. However, you should be aware that the vast majority of them are ordinary scammers.

Ways to listen to your wife's mobile phone

So, how to listen to your wife's mobile phone? The first method was mentioned above, and it is the only legal one. However, such wiretapping is possible only with a court decision.

Obviously, there is special professional equipment, or rather, a whole complex of similar equipment, with which you can listen to cellular communication devices. Not every jealous husband will be able to purchase it, since the cost of such a high-tech complex amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, even with the use of such a system, the phone can only be tapped at a certain distance, namely, no more than 500 meters from the device. The encoding can be changed at any time, and then the huge costs of purchasing equipment will be in vain.

There is also a lot of interesting information about various spyware programs. An application like this has nothing in common with others. This is not, it works secretly, but it is installed on the phone of the person they want to listen to, and therefore requires physical access to someone else’s device. And of course, a spouse will always be able to recognize that such a program is installed - both independently and with the help of anti-virus software, although this is not so easy to do.

Typically, eavesdropping using spyware is carried out as follows: a jealous spouse quietly installs it on his wife’s phone, and every time he wants to eavesdrop on her conversations, he simply calls her. There are also programs that allow you to hear not only other people's conversations, but also surrounding sounds.


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