Who are the Illuminati and Zionists? Zionist: who is he and what does he do? Why does anti-Zionism exist? Zionist: in simple words.

Every people strives to become a nation and acquire a state - an organization that will systematically protect its interests. And Jews are no exception. This simple logic is promoted by every Zionist. Who this is, however, was often very misunderstood. There was a time when they literally scared children.

Zionist: in simple words

One of the historical names of the city of Jerusalem sounds like Zion. This is where the name comes from Jewish people's movement - Zionism, or literally “longing for Jerusalem.”

This aspiration has strong historical roots:

  • The first Jewish settlements on this Middle Eastern land existed already a thousand years BC. After the death of Solomon, the state split into two parts: northern and southern. From now on, a black streak begins in the history of the people;
  • Lootings and invasions were carried out by neighbors who were more successful in the field of political construction: Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Persia. The greatest damage was caused by the Roman Empire, which was especially zealous in expelling Jews from their native land in the 2nd century BC. e.;
  • Since then, for two thousand years, the children of Israel have been forced to survive in the diaspora - within the framework of foreign states and peoples;
  • Peaceful coexistence continued until around the 19th century, when the idea of ​​the nation-state began to gain popularity in Europe. There was no place in it for unyielding national minorities who refused assimilation;
  • Under pressure from anti-Semitism in the Old World, the idea of ​​​​returning Jews to their ancestral territories was formulated;
  • The settlement of Palestine began in the early 20th century and led to the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.

Main goals of Zionism

The American scientist of Polish origin Walter Lacker outlined the aspirations of the Jews in the following theses:

  • Zionism emerged in response to discrimination, especially in Eastern and Central Europe;
  • The enemy of the sons of Abraham is assimilation pressure from the peoples around them;
  • The return of Jews to their historical homeland will inevitably lead to conflict with Muslims;
  • The opportunity for this will appear only after the end of the First World War;
  • To achieve this goal, there are only ethical arguments. There is neither a combat-ready army nor a political machine at our disposal;
  • When realizing a centuries-old dream, one will have to face both the anti-Semitism of Europeans and misunderstanding among fellow tribesmen.

After the State of Israel was founded, Zionism did not go away. As recorded at the 28th Zionist Congress, main goals of the movement today comes down to this:

  1. National Unity;
  2. Gathering of Jews from all corners of the earth to their homeland;
  3. Strengthening the nation state;
  4. Support of cultural values;
  5. Countering anti-Semitism around the world.

Main currents

Over time, Zionism split into a number of directions:

  1. Political Zionism. Its founders are Theodor Herzl and Max Nordau. They argued that it was necessary to strive for a legally guaranteed and recognized haven in Palestine;
  2. Practical. Hovevei Zion and Leib Pinsker expressed disagreement with Herzl's ideas. In their opinion, Israel must be obtained at any cost, even if this meets with misunderstanding from the world community;
  3. Synthetic. Nachum Sokolow, Chaim Weizmann, and Leo Motzkin advocated a combination of political and practical approaches;
  4. Labor. Nachman Syrkin and Berl Katznelson, admiring communist ideas, proposed abandoning the hierarchical bourgeois society in favor of an agrarian one based on equality;
  5. Cultural. Ahad Haam considered assimilation the main enemy of the Jewish people;
  6. Revolutionary. Abraham Stern and Uri Zvi Grinberg professed the ideas of revolutionary struggle to achieve national-messianic goals;
  7. Religious. According to Isaac Reines, Jewish national identity is impossible without following the ideals of the Torah (Pentateuch).


Reasons for anti-Zionism can be completely different:

  • The first thing that the settlers to Zion are accused of is aggressive colonialism and ethnic cleansing against the Arab population living here. The infamous Palestinian exodus of 1948 lies on the conscience of orthodox religious fanatics. About 700,000 peaceful Arabs were expelled from their homes, about 500 villages were destroyed;
  • Led by Zionism, modern Israel exhibits racist behavior towards Muslim states. In the name of the Star of David, a policy of national exclusivity is being pursued, which is met with fierce opposition from Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and especially Iran;
  • Some Jews are also raising spears against the Zionists. In their opinion, the entire culture and politics of modern Israel is entirely subordinated to the will of religious orthodoxies, who are actively attacking secular values;
  • The 2014 African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights harshly criticized the Israelis for apartheid and the practice of establishing foreign military bases in the Middle East.

Secret World Government: Illuminati and Zionists

All kinds of conspiracy theories, as a rule, blame Jews for all mortal sins. However, sometimes the so-called Illuminati:

  • Illuminism has its origins in ancient times. Translated from Latin, the word means “enlightened.” Participants in society are supposedly carriers of unique knowledge, unknown to others;
  • In its modern form, the organization was born thanks to the efforts of the 18th century Bavarian thinker Adam Weishaupt. According to the founder, the Order of the Illuminati sets itself the goals of cultural enlightenment and the overthrow of monarchical regimes;
  • Since almost all states of that time were monarchies, members of society had to constantly hide and hold meetings in the strictest secrecy;
  • This atmosphere of mystery played a cruel joke on the order: an aura of mysticism and mystery began to develop around it;
  • There were many prominent public and political figures among the Illuminati (for example, US President Thomas Jefferson). According to conspiracy theorists, at their meetings the Illuminati decides the fate of the world. Modern populist democracy is nothing more than a screen to lull the vigilance of the peoples of the world.

« What Happens When David Becomes Goliath?“- Russian journalist Vladimir Pozner asked this question, sadly contemplating the Arab-Israeli conflict. Just yesterday

Last night I learned that VKontakte now has the ability to delete your page. In the "My Settings" section, at the very bottom of the page there is a modest phrase "You can delete your page." When you click on the hyperlink, a page that looks like this appears:

When you select any option except the last one, the “Your message” field is automatically filled in with rather funny phrases. So, when choosing the option “VKontakte takes up too much of my time,” the message “I cannot live and work while there is a page with my name on the Internet. Stay happy, weak-willed vegetables!”, and when choosing the option “I am concerned about the safety of my data" - message "The secret world government, the Illuminati and the Zionists are hunting for my personal data. I am going underground." The most original, in my opinion, message appears when you select the option “No one is commenting on my page.” I won’t reveal all the secrets, see for yourself.

Jokes aside, but the opportunity to delete my page plunged me into serious thought about the role and meaning of social networks at the present time. I hope it will be included in the list of “7 Innovations of August”, which Mr. Durov, according to the tradition established this year, should publish in early September. Because personally, for example, I’m interested in how he will explain this possibility. Another plagiarism from Facebook? Recognition of the beginning of a decline in interest in VKontakte? Providing new opportunities to users?..

VKontakte turns five this year. I remember well the second half of 2006: how I learned about this site from a classmate with whom I studied at the Academic Gymnasium of St. Petersburg State University; like the question “Are you in contact?” became literally the issue of the year; how the server, which was still weak at that time, constantly hung up...

I admit, at first I had a negative attitude towards VKontakte - I didn’t see any particular need for it, and I believed that the peak of popularity would soon be overcome. Therefore, I had two or three attempts to create my own page. Finally, on October 24, 2008, I finally registered on VKontakte. At least the application "I am VKontakte" claims that this is so. Well, maybe.

Over the years, VKontakte has become the largest social network on the Runet, as well as the 5th and 42nd site in Russia and in the world, respectively. We are no longer talking about popularity - “VKontakte” exists and exists, everyone is accustomed to it.

But still something is wrong. I will express a snobbish judgment: I believe that VKontakte should have remained what it was at first - “a closed directory of students and graduates of elite universities in Russia.” There was some kind of elitism in this. Now, of course, there is a lot of garbage on VKontakte: pages of people with inauthentic contact information (generally speaking, a direct violation of the User Agreement), strange groups (like "WORLD OF POSITIVE:)", "Entertainment group ツ 35 VOTES FOR EACH ENTER" or " ツ We will curb happiness :)" ; these groups are among the leaders in terms of the number of participants), pirated music, pirated videos, etc. You can, of course, set your settings to the maximum possible privacy and not encounter such things, but why then do you need “VKontakte” at all?

And here we come to where the post began. Previously, interest in VKontakte could be explained by its novelty. People generally tend to strive for something new. The question is: why sit there now?

For the sake of a completed “My Page”? Pointless self-expression.

Subscriptions? No comments. I wonder if there are people whose friend feeds are not clogged with reposts of other people’s quotes?

Photos? They are only interesting when they are posted. The next day, as a rule, no one watches them anymore.

Music? There are a lot of similar services, with a more convenient interface.

Movies/TV series? There are still more of them on torrents than VKontakte.

Notes? There is already LiveJournal, with a larger audience.

Meetings? As you know, the role of social networks in “color revolutions” turned out to be exaggerated, which is not surprising: clicking “Like” and staying at home is easier than going out. So the benefit of this section of “VKontakte” is small - you can always find another way to organize a meeting. 20 years ago, rallies of tens of thousands of people gathered without social media.

Applications? There are a lot of interesting and free toys on Yandex and Rambler. Everything is simpler.

Documents and announcements? In the presence of e-mail, file hosting services and “Hand to Hand” sites, it’s ridiculous to talk about these services.

You can, of course, be in “Contact” because of communication with friends, but more convenient ICQ, Skype, GTalk etc already exist. Only groups remain, but you need to be very careful with them, because, as shown above, there is plenty of garbage among them.

And again we return to the pressing question: why register on social networks? Having registered on Facebook after watching the film “The Social Network”, I deleted my account after a while without fully understanding the numerous settings.

Why Google+ is needed in principle is still unclear to me.

"Classmates"? When two years ago I met a girl from Yekaterinburg, for her sake I went through this extortionate paid registration and joined Odnoklassniki. Along with the termination of acquaintance, I also stopped visiting this project. With those privacy parameters (or rather, lack thereof), I felt naked.

Well, talking about such dinosaurs as MySpace or “In the Circle of Friends” is no longer serious in 2011.

Conclusion: with ICQ, Skype, Twitter and LiveJournal, there is, in principle, no need for social networks.

Those reading this post may have a question: why then have I still not deleted my VKontakte page? The answer is simple: for the sake of two groups. Participation in the group of my academic group at St. Petersburg State University is necessary for me in order to keep abreast of educational news related to it; and through administration in the official group of my faculty, I perform, in my (and, damn it, nicely, not only in my) opinion, an important social function - the function of informing students and applicants about news and events related to the faculty. That's the only thing about them.

What happens next? Let's see.

Supporters of the so-called world conspiracy theory often use the names "Illuminati" or "Zionists".

What are these societies, what ideas do they spread among their supporters, and what causes such ambiguous interest in their activities?

Illuminati - what does this word mean?

The sources of the Illuminati movement originate in ancient times, but the word that denotes it today appeared not so long ago - only in the eighteenth century.

Word "Illuminati" derived from Latin "illuminatus", i.e. enlightened, illuminated. It is implied that members of society have access to the light of truth, illuminating their thinking and activities, inaccessible to other, dark people who surround them.

Most often, when speaking about Illuminism, they mean a secret society organized in 1776 by the German mystical philosopher A. Weishaupt. The goal of the society was declared to be the improvement of people to build a “new Jerusalem” - a perfect society without oppression, ignorance and poverty. But in fact, the history of the Illuminati goes deep into the past.

Historical roots of the Illuminati

The “enlightened ones” first appeared on the historical scene in Greece in the second century AD. The sect was formed by a priest of the dark goddess Cybele and practiced bloody rituals, including self-torture and self-castration.

It was believed that a person devoid of carnal desires would be more inclined to spiritual improvement. The doctrine adopted a lot from Christianity, which then began to spread in Europe, but the Christians themselves shunned the violent “enlightened ones,” and the authorities declared them outlawed.

In the fifth and sixth centuries, in areas of modern Syria, another doctrine of enlightenment gained popularity among the dervishes. Dervishes worshiped the divine light and preached their religious ideas to ordinary people. Because they contradicted the prevailing theological doctrine, the authorities soon issued an order ordering that the new “enlightened ones” be caught and executed with the utmost cruelty.

In the fifteenth century, societies of “enlightened” ones arose in two corners of the planet at once - in Muslim Afghanistan and in Catholic Spain. What is typical is that in both cases the ultimate goal of the teaching was declared to be the spread of improvement to the whole world. Of course, followers of Illuminati ideas were subjected to severe persecution.

In Spain, the Inquisition became interested in them, since the teaching contradicted the canons of Christianity. As for the Afghan “enlightened ones,” they gathered a small army and set out on a campaign to conquer India and Persia, after which they were very quickly defeated.

The heyday of the Illuminati came in the eighteenth century, when mystical secret societies were in great fashion among representatives of different classes and estates. The Illuminati appeared not only in Germany, but also in France, then migrated to England and spread to other European countries.

Often the Illuminati coexisted peacefully with the Freemasons, and the same people participated in both societies at the same time. Perhaps this is why today many people believe that the Illuminati and are different names for the same society.

What did the Illuminati want?

The main idea of ​​the Illuminati was to educate the broad masses of the people, spread high moral standards, mitigate class contradictions and ultimately replace the monarchy with a republic.

The Illuminati believed that all bad, negative traits in any person are formed and intensified due to environmental pressure. If this pressure is eliminated or reduced, people will become better people, closer to the ideal.

Who are the Zionists?

As for the Zionists, they appeared at the end of the nineteenth century among the Jewish intelligentsia. The Zionist movement took its name from the River Zion, mentioned in the Bible and Torah as a symbol of the lost land of Israel.

The main goal of the Zionists was and still is the return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this goal, but its implementation does not imply taking into account the opinions of other peoples living in the territory occupied by the Jewish state two thousand years ago.

The first Jewish settlers arrived in Israel in the eighteenth century. But the hostile environment did not contribute to the development of these settlements. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the flow of Jews moving to the Promised Land increased dramatically for two reasons.

Firstly, many Jews were forced to leave their homes by European wars and revolutions, and secondly, the immigrants were greatly supported by the Rothschild banking family, who bought land for them from the Arabs and financed the settlement of those who wanted to settle in Israel.

The Second World War and the official proclamation of the State of Israel contributed to an increase in the number of Jews wishing to return to their ancestral homeland.

What do Zionists and Illuminati have in common?

Despite the fact that supporters of the global conspiracy consider the Zionists and the Illuminati to be accomplices in the creation and functioning of the world government, in reality these organizations have practically no common ground.

The efforts of the Zionists are aimed at gathering all Jews in the promised land of Israel, and the Illuminati today can be called adherents of the so-called “universal values”.


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