How to get rid of the VKontakte virus. How to remove VKontakte viruses Protecting VK page

A characteristic sign is that when you enter the site, a page opens that says something like this:

New methods of combating spam and anonymous registrations. Due to the numerous registrations of anonymous profiles, and the active rise in the level of spam mailings, now each profile is subject to mandatory activation. Send SMS and so on. This is a scam.

What to do?

There may be several reasons.

1. C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts - check this document (open with notepad), if there is mention of VKontakte ( - delete these lines.
(WARNING: You must be a computer administrator.)

2. If you have the file vkontakte.exe or VK.exe on your hard drive, delete it.
To find these files, click Start->Find->Files and Folders, enter the file names in the search bar.

3. Check your computer for viruses.

In any case, then change the passwords for your mailbox and VKontakte.

VKontakte never requires any activation of user pages. Never install “add-ons” for your site.

Virus Win32.HLLW.AntiDurov

The real epidemic broke out in May.

Machines infected with this new plague begin to send other VKontakte users a link to a seemingly harmless jpeg image located on the attacker’s Internet resource. In fact, the server transmits via this link the executable file “deti.scr”, which, in fact, is a network virus itself.

After launching on the victim’s computer, the worm saves on disk the very image that the careless user was drawn to, and launches the standard application used on the system to view .jpeg files. Having copied itself to a folder on the hard drive of the victim’s computer under the name svc.exe, the alien installs itself on the system as a service “Durov VKontakte Service” and unceremoniously rummages through the boxes in search of a password to access the VKontakte website, and when it finds it, it sends it to the entire list The poor guy's contacts are the above link. The worm carries a dangerous destructive function. On the 25th of every month at 10 a.m. the following message will be displayed on the computer screen (spelling preserved):

Pavel Durov While working with “VKontakte.RU” you never increased your rating and therefore we did not receive any profit from you. For this your computer will be destroyed!
If you contact the police, you will greatly regret it!

At the same time, deleting all files from the C: drive will begin. If the user reads this text long enough and indulges in thoughts about its contents, he risks losing not only all system files, but also his data files - documents, photographs, emails and much more.

What to do

The original recipe is located on the VKontakte website itself, but most likely you do not have access there, so we present it here in full.

To remove the virus you can use a batch file

Save it to disk and run it.
If you are not sure about the results of the script, use the following instructions:

1. Open the console" Services". To do this, follow the following path: " Start" > "Control Panel" > "Administration" > "Services"

2. In the window that opens, find the service " Durov Vkontakte Service", and open the properties window by double-clicking on the line

3. Remember the service name ( AntiDurov) and the path to the executable file (in this example - C:Documents and SettingsalexanderApplication DataVkontakte)

4. Open Task Manager by pressing the keys simultaneously CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, and on the "tab" Processes" find processes with the name svc.exe

5. Complete these processes by highlighting them one by one and pressing the " button End the process". Close Task Manager.

6. Open the command line: to do this in the window " Start" > "Execute..."dial" cmd" and press Enter

7. In the command prompt window, type " sc delete AntiDurov" (the last word must match the service name you remember) and press Enter

8. Going to the console window " Services", make sure the service " Durov Vkontakte Service" is missing (pre-refresh the window contents by clicking F5

9. Open " My computer" and in the address bar enter the path to the executable file from step 3. ( without the name of the svc.exe file itself!) Click Enter.

10. In the window that opens, select and delete the svc.exe file by clicking SHIFT+DELETE

P.S.: if you haven’t found such a service, but it seems to you that the virus is still there, try to find it through the search:

Start> Search> "What do you want to find: files and folders", in field " Part of the file name..."enter" svc.exe", V " additional parameters"check the first three items (in system folders, in hidden folders, subfolders)
If a file with the same name is not found ( with exactly that name, files like “cisvc”, “svchost” do not count), then most likely there is no virus.
If the file is found, make sure that it is not running any processes (see steps 4 and 5), then delete the file by highlighting it in the search results window and clicking SHIFT+DELETE.


Install an antivirus, or use an online antivirus. Follow the link and click Kaspersky Online Scanner

Good afternoon, they started asking me a lot “What should I do if I downloaded something and a virus appeared in my contact: how to remove it?". I decided to continue my article, in which I talked about how you can manually get rid of a virus without resorting to the help of a specialist or purchasing an antivirus. You can read the article.

First, I still advise you to read the first article; the method described in it does not require a lot of time and special skills. But if nothing worked out for you, no one helped you, then read on. So:

How to remove a virus in Contact?

In order to remove the virus from contact and log into a social network, you can use the free program Unlike Dr.Web, CureIt! does not require installation, you just need to go through a short registration, download, scan your computer and enjoy.

You can download it by clicking the button below from the original Dr.Web website.

How to launch Dr.Web CureIt!?

Now all that remains is to launch the program, and it will immediately begin to take action. This is what her work looks like.

We are waiting for her to check the entire computer, this is a long time!

Now let's go back to the file. After scanning, the program will give you this, be sure to click “Yes”!

Your problem is solved, I hope I clearly answered the question “How to remove a virus in Contact?” :)

But I remind you that this program is only for urgent treatment, I advise you to install an antivirus!

If this article helped you or you liked it, don't forget give your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Have you ever thought about how to protect your VKontakte page from hacking? Today I will show how easy it has become in our time. There is a special scanner that the social network itself recommends.

All you have to do is install such a scanner on your computer and enjoy additional free protection against all types of attacks on your “page”.

VK page protection

So, the name of the application is Cezurity Anti-Virus Scanner. People have already nicknamed it the VKontakte antivirus. The program is downloaded for free directly from the social network site and installed within a few minutes. You don't need to buy any licenses. At the end of the article you can watch a video review on the entire topic.

VKontakte Antivirus (Cezurity Scanner)

Cloud service for checking and treating your computer. Cezurity Anti-Virus Scanner will check your computer for free for malware - viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits (hidden programs). In case of infection, the anti-virus scanner will cure your computer.

  • A quick check will only take a few minutes.
  • The scanner will help detect and neutralize threats missed by other antiviruses.
  • Compatible with other installed antiviruses.
  • It is easy and quick to install and does not require constant updates of anti-virus databases.

The download menu looks like launching a regular application on a social network:

After clicking on the “Install Scanner” button, you should see a window that will offer installation options. Where in the first case the program is installed with the recommended settings, and in the second case you can disable actions that you do not need. Made your choice and clicked the “accept and install” button

After saving, run the file and the installation of “VKontakte antivirus” begins

And at the end the main menu of the program opens in front of you

This application is not the main protection of your computer from viruses - it is only a professional tool for protecting a VK page. I repeat once again, it is not a general antivirus for the entire system.

Video review on installing and launching VKontakte antivirus

Don't forget to leave your comments if the program helped you get rid of any malicious codes or attacks that were invisible when using other security programs.

Social networks have become a part of our lives, and at the same time, more and more scammers want to make money on them. A clear example of extortion is the so-called.
Once you turn on your computer and go online, you can see the following picture:

The text may be different, the picture may be different, but the essence is the same - you are accused of sending spam and asked to go to the site to unlock your computer. Of course, you didn't send any spam. In fact, this is not a message from the antivirus program, but a trick virus in contact. When you go to a supposed social networking site, you see something like this:

Do not send SMS under any circumstances! In general, the virus in contact is not the only virus that requires you to send an SMS. While performing this task, our engineers quite often encounter situations where a malicious program not only blocks access to a social network, but also completely paralyzes the operation of the computer.

How to get in touch if it is blocked by a virus.

Very often, a virus in Contact changes the contents of the hosts file. To access sites, open the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ and find the file in it hosts(no extension). Please note that it may be hidden, in which case it will not appear in Windows Explorer. Then you will need to enable the display of hidden files in the system settings. First of all, you need to check the file attributes. If its properties have the attribute " Only for reading" - it will need to be removed. Now open it using any text editor, and feel free to delete all lines except this one: localhost

Access to the file may be blocked by a virus in Contact; in this case, it makes sense to follow the steps described above by booting from a Live-CD. Instead of editing the file, you can simply delete it.
The changes take effect without rebooting, you can immediately try to log into and to other sites.
The virus in contact can act in another way. If the file hosts was empty, it is worth checking whether the proxy is registered in the browser settings. To do this, open the menu in Internet Explorer Service Internet Options Connections Network configuration. If in the field " Address"something is written down - delete it.
If the above steps did not help, you have encountered a rarer and, most likely, smarter virus in contact. To remove it, you may need the help of specialists.

Removing a virus from contact

Even if you have gained access to the site, the virus may still remain on your system and after a while it may again block access to social networks. To remove virus in contact use healing utilities Cure IT or Kaspersky Removal Tool, which can be downloaded from the manufacturers' websites - Dr. Web and Kaspersky Lab, respectively.
Remember that it is always easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. Use antivirus software, disable autorun from flash drives, do not follow strange links from friends and do not enter your data on third-party sites!

It's no secret that many people spend most of their time on various social networks. Let’s not talk now about how harmful this is, because that is not the purpose of this material.

One of the most popular such services is VKontakte, or simply Contact. A person can post all his photos there, chat with friends, listen to music, watch videos, etc. And if Contact does not work, for some it becomes a great tragedy. So, today I want to talk about one of the problems of such “annoyance”.

So, if you can't get to your account page, it might be a virus. Its signs are an inscription on the login page that requires you to send an SMS to verify data or write your mobile number. In this case, do not rush to “shout” on the forums “my contact is not working.” The problem is quite common and has been discussed more than once.

First of all, don't believe everything that is written on this social network page. Secondly, do not under any circumstances send messages to the specified numbers, otherwise you will lose all your money from your mobile account.

Before I tell you how VKontakte works, let's figure out what its operating principle is. He is completely identical to his “relative”, who do the same on the equally popular social network Odnoklassniki. It replaces these sites with its mirror. So the interface is familiar, but it's actually a completely different site.

So, how is Vkontakte? You should open the Ect folder which is located in the drivers folder. The latter, in turn, is located in Systems32, in the Windows system folder. Open the Hostes file and delete absolutely all entries in it that are located after the line localhosts Now your task is to detect the Vkontakte.exe file, after which it must be eliminated.

It is worth noting that this software pest is constantly being improved, so it is possible that after some time this method may not work. In this case, the search engine will tell you how to remove the VKontakte virus.

There is another way to do this. You must have a reliable antivirus installed on your computer. In this case, the probability of penetration of a viral agent tends to zero. And if trouble happens while you have anti-virus software on your machine, this means that it is unreliable, or you have not updated your databases for a long time. Update them or install a more suitable option for yourself, scan the entire hard drive and RAM. Once you find third-party malware, remove it and restart your computer.

If the new antivirus does not give a positive result, choose another one and repeat the procedure until you can access your social network page in the usual way. When the virus disappears, you will see a standard login interface where you simply enter your username and password and will be taken to your account page. That's all. Now you know how to remove the VKontakte virus. I hope the article helped you solve this problem.


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