Hosts file Meaning, editing and restoration

Hosts is a text document controlled by the PC administrator that contains data about domain names. It is used to translate hosts into network addresses. When a user cannot access a website or problems arise with the login and password for a mailbox, this is evidence of an illegal change in a system file.

How to restore the hosts file

If malicious changes have been made to the hosts file, it must be restored.

Since it contains text and numeric data, we use a notepad with Administrator rights for editing.

Click “Start”, select “Accessories” from the list of programs and right-click on the “Notepad” icon, “Run as administrator”.

We delete all lines and leave only localhost

Or we restore the original content. It looks like this:

Note: the hosts file may be empty. This is normal. In this case, there is no need to change anything.

Cleaning and restoring hosts using the AVZ utility

Another way to restore data in the hosts file is to use the AVZ program.

Download the utility from this page, unpack and run avz.exe.

A program window will open. To clear hosts, select “File”, “System Restore”.

Under item 13, check “Cleaning the Hosts file” and confirm the operation.

To do this, open the “File”, “System Restore” utility and select item No. 20 “TCP/IP Settings: Removing static routes”. Then we confirm our choice.

This completes the cleaning and restoration of the Hosts file.

Hello, friends!
In some situations it is necessary to change or restore the hosts file.

In this article I will tell you what it is intended for and how to edit it correctly. I will give an example of how using the hosts file you can speed up, redirect or block access to certain sites.

The hosts file is a special system text file that is responsible for converting symbolic domain names into their corresponding IP addresses and vice versa. In addition to the usual address, an Internet site also has an IP address.

For example, the social network Odnoklassniki has an address like and IP address By the way, you can enter these numbers into the address bar of your browser and go, but you will be redirected to

It should be noted that such domain addresses ( and others) were invented solely for the sake of convenience. Agree, it is much easier to remember the symbolic name (domain) than its IP address

However, the server (dedicated computer) on which the website is located does not accept such symbolic treatment. To convert a host name to an IP address, the hosts file and a special domain name system (abbreviated as DNS) are used. Moreover, the hosts file has priority over DNS.

When you enter an address, the first thing it does is look at your hosts file, and only then contact the DNS server. Unlike DNS, the hosts file can be edited directly.

I believe that you now understand the importance of the hosts file and understand why most malware seeks to gain access to it.

Using the hosts file

By managing the hosts file, you can speed up access to certain sites or, conversely, limit access to them. You can organize redirection from some pages to other sites. For example, when accessing some prohibited resources, you will be redirected to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But the greatest danger is posed by malicious software, which, having gained access to the hosts file, will use it for its own malicious purposes. For example, block access to websites, social networks, or the sites of antivirus software companies.

Where is the hosts file located?

As a rule, if it is a Windows operating system (NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8), the hosts file is located in the system partition on drive C. The full address looks like this: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

There is a faster way to get to the host file. To do this, press the key combination: Win + R or “Start” → “Run”. A window for entering a command will open. Enter the following command:

  • notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

And here is the host file itself, which by default looks like this:

If there is no hosts file in this folder, then most likely the virus has changed its location in the registry key. Below is a registry key that specifies the path to the folder with the host file:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters \DataBasePath

In addition, the hosts file may be hidden. In this case, go to “Folder Options” → “View” and set the value to “Show hidden folders, files and drives.”

How to edit the hosts file?

The hosts file can be edited in any text editor. For example, in a standard Windows notepad.

Let's look at the editing options and get started block access to the sites mentioned above: and

The site or sites to which access needs to be blocked are written on a new line; first, the local IP address is indicated at the beginning of the line - .

In our case, the entry looks like this:

Save the changes. Now open the browser and try to go to the address or As you can see, the hosts file has done its job, and the attempt to connect to these sites failed.

You can also redirect(make a redirect) to another site. To do this, you need to know the IP address of the site where the redirection will be made, and next to it, indicate the domain from which the redirect is being made, separated by a space.

The example below shows that first I entered the IP address of the site (, and indicated the domain separated by a space.

This means that when you try to access the website, you will be redirected to (

To speed up the loading of a site, you need to know its IP address and domain. This data is written in the hosts file.

It would seem that everything is simple: you need to register the necessary changes in the hosts file and click “Save”. But the system complains and does not allow you to save the desired changes. More precisely, it suggests saving it to a separate text file.

This is due to the tightening of security rules in the latest OS versions, and this makes sense, since many viruses try to write their own strings here. In this case, the changes are made by us, and this is done purposefully.

You need to do the following. Return to the location of the hosts file and right-click to open the context menu, where you select “Properties”.

Go to the “Security” tab and select the user under whose name you are working.

Agree with the warning about the reduced security level. Go back and save changes.

There is an easier way to edit the hosts file - using the command line. You can read it.

To restore the default hosts file settings, simply copy and paste the text below:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host localhost

This is how you can easily and simply by editing the hosts file, you can block access to sites or perform a redirect. That's all for today.

In the next article I will tell you how to edit the hosts file if the Windows system is locked. In addition, I will answer popular questions: “Why can’t I log into Odnoklassniki?”, “Why can’t I log into VKontakte, email and other sites?” Subscribe and don’t miss the release of this article (the article has already been published, you can read it).

Key Features

  • creating backup copies of the hosts file;
  • system data recovery;
  • adding new entries;
  • replacing the contents of a system file;
  • commenting the desired line, as well as deleting comments;
  • deleting selected lines or block lines;
  • eliminating the consequences of viruses and malware.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • compact dimensions;
  • ample opportunities for working with system hosts files;
  • does not make changes to the system registry;
  • automatic detection of required files.
  • not found.

Analogues of the program

Baku. Multifunctional program for cleaning the system from unnecessary data. It scans for keys from deleted applications, incorrect entries, links to non-existent files, etc. At the same time, Baku does not touch important information that cannot be deleted.

Power Tools Lite. An application that cleans the registry, optimizes the system, and protects the PC from malicious web resources. It can work automatically, checking for errors in the registry and fixing problems at its discretion.

Wise Registry Cleaner. A utility that diagnoses the registry, identifies and eliminates incorrect, unnecessary and outdated data. Deleted information can be restored by first creating a backup copy.

Work principles

In order to replace damaged entries in hosts files and restore their original state (for example, after being modified by viruses), download the HostsXpert program and run it.
In the window that opens, select the “File Handling” menu item, then click on the button labeled “Restore MS Hosts file” and “Ok”.

Changing system records can lead to such common problems as, for example, blocking search engines or pages on popular social networks. HostsXpert fixes errors and changes in hosts, which in almost all cases helps solve these problems.


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