Children and youth library of Chuvashia. Promotion of books and reading is the main direction of our activities

“Reading is useful! Reading is interesting! Reading is modern! Reading is a MUST!” - says the slogan of the All-Russian gathering of young bookworms and young librarians, “Reading is a MUST!” More than a hundred book and reading lovers from all over Russia gathered in Sunny Chuvashia. Winners of prestigious reading competitions, Olympiads and librarians - developers of innovative programs aimed at promoting reading among children and youth - came to Cheboksary.

The project was implemented with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation within the framework of the federal target program “Culture of Russia (2012-2018)”.

Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library opened its doors to connoisseurs of the written word on September 27, 2016. The success of the event would have been impossible without the patronage of the Non-Profit Fund for Support of Book Publishing, Education and New Information Technologies “Pushkin Library” and the library’s partners: the publishing house “CompassGid” (Moscow), KVN of Chuvashia, the Union of Cinematographers of the Chuvash Republic, the Museum of the City of Cheboksary, the Youth Government the city of Cheboksary, Russian Radio, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Chuvashia", National Television and Radio Company of Chuvashia, TV channels "21+" and "UTV", the Center for Children's Creativity of the city of Cheboksary.

Often, librarians communicate with their readers through the barrier of the pulpit, and writers only through the pages of books. The purpose of the gathering is to remove communication barriers and build an open dialogue “writer - librarian - reader”.

“We wanted to do something innovative, unusual,”- says the project organizer, deputy director of the Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library Tatyana Mironova. “That’s why we chose the format of the meeting, the integration of young readers and young librarians. We adhere to the motto - “Young to young”. When a young man hears from a fellow young man, his peer, that such and such a book is interesting and useful, he probably gains more confidence than when someone older talks edifyingly about it.”.

The participants of the gathering had the opportunity to meet modern writers, find friends with similar interests, and learn about new products in the world of children's and teenage literature. Creators of beauty, artists and sorcerers of words - Moscow writers: Yuri Kuznetsov, Evgeny Rudashevsky and Anastasia Strokina filled the hearts of the rally participants with warmth. Literary aphorisms and quotes from books hovered within the walls of the library, leaving behind a trail of subtle notes of exciting words. Sincere words about books and reading from Natalya Eichwald, PR director of the Compass Guide publishing house, inspired young book lovers to discover new authors and search for new books.

This grandiose event was solemnly opened by the Minister of Culture of the Chuvash Republic, Konstantin Gennadievich Yakovlev, and the director of the library, Tamara Romanovna Grigorieva.

One of the first significant events was the forum “Why does a person need a book?” Participants from all regions - young readers, librarians, and writers - were able to exchange views on the importance of books for the development of humans and humanity as a whole.

Then there were master classes and creative workshops. For young bookworms, a master class “Inspired by a Book” was held based on the story “Emerald Rain” by Yuri Kuznetsov, in which the children’s writer himself, illustrator Vladimir Konovalov and teacher of the Children’s Creativity Center Natalia Petrova took part. Young book lovers drew their favorite characters from the chosen book in comic book style. Another master class, “Books and Cinema,” was held with the participation of writer Nastya Strokina and director Marat Nikitin. The guys tried themselves as actors, screenwriters, and cameramen, using a real script and scenery, which helped them understand the process of making a film. The film was based on the work of A. Strokina “The Whale Swims North”.

“I have never seen how a movie is made, but I have always been interested in this process. At the master class, I felt for myself what difficult work it is, and also how difficult the profession of an actress is. I was incredibly happy to take part in the filming of the film.", - shared her delight about the master class “Book and Cinema” by book lovers from Pskov - Karina Krylova.

On the very first day of the meeting, creative workshops “Library in Electronic Format” and “Literary Intelligence” functioned for young librarians. At the creative workshop “Library in Electronic Format,” specialists analyzed e-book formats and learned how to promote their library through social networks. Based on the book by writer Evgeny Rudashevsky “Hello, my brother Bzou!” participants conducted “Literary reconnaissance”. Who is the author of the book? To whom does he dedicate his work? Who is Bzou? War and peaceful skies overhead, love and friendship - these and other concepts were to be explored by the participants of the creative workshop.

The first day of the meeting ended with an exciting excursion on a tourist trolleybus around the city “Evening Cheboksary”.

“An amazing phenomenon - an excursion trolleybus. A great opportunity to get acquainted with the city streets, see the sights, and modern interesting places in the city. This is my first time in Cheboksary, but this city has already managed to captivate me with its purity and picturesqueness.”, - writer Yuri Kuznetsov responded about the excursion.

The next day of the rally - September 28 - gave the participants even more new knowledge and ideas, positive emotions, and the joy of meeting interesting people. Not only Moscow writers inspired with their literary words, but also masters of verbal masterpieces from Chuvashia. The visiting guests were interested in meeting local writers: Natalya Vasilyeva, Svetlana Gordeeva, Elena Svetla, Galina Belgalis. All writers spoke at the presentation of the exhibition “Reading is useful! Reading is interesting! Reading is modern! Reading is a MUST!” and shared their views with young readers about what the role of reading is now and what it will be.

A fair of library programs “Youth and reading is the best solution!” was held for young librarians. Library staff from 10 regions of Russia shared effective methods and modern programs to promote reading among children and youth.

"Dear Colleagues! Thank you very much for the high and professional level of preparation and conduct of the rally. Everything was interesting! For me personally, as a methodologist, it was very pleasant and incredibly useful to take part in the fair of library projects. This is an amazing opportunity for all of us to exchange our accumulated work experience, present our region, our very similar and so different projects.”, - a rally participant from Bryansk left such a pleasant review.

A particularly memorable event was the integrated KVN “Book + Cinema”, where each participant in the gathering was able to express themselves in a creative way. The uniqueness of the integrated KVN is that the teams are mixed, consisting of young readers and young librarians. Even the decoding of the well-known abbreviation reflected the nature of the event - the Club of the Cheerful and Well Read. None of the KVN participants knew in advance which team he was on, and this brought the guests of the event together even more. The tasks were improvisation from the participants and were dedicated to writers, literary works, and Russian cinema. The competition “Screen adaptation. A modern take on a classic." The teams presented a modern interpretation of the children's fairy tale “Aibolit” in the detective, science fiction and thriller genres.

The Meeting ended with a concert of creative groups from the city. Students of the Children's Art School No. 1 in Cheboksary, the vocal and dance studio "Baby Shlyager", the dance studio "Talent", the young performer Ksenia Petrova delighted the guests with their skills. The production of the book theater “Zurbagan” (Kirov) based on the story “Poker” by M. Zoshchenko could not leave anyone indifferent.

During the gathering, the participants became one big family, providing support and care for each other. New ideas, pleasant acquaintances, exchange of experiences, bright emotions, friendly hugs - each participant took something pleasant and memorable to their hometown.

Here is the opinion of rally participant Nikita Protasov from the Nizhny Novgorod region: “I really enjoyed the trip, I experienced great pleasure from communicating with living writers, and now, without stopping, I read Evgeny Rudashevsky’s book “Hello, my brother Bzou!” I advise everyone to definitely read this book. At a gathering of young book lovers, I met guys from different regions of our country, and now we keep in touch with them on social media. networks. My dream has come true -to take part in the KVN game, I would like this humorous trend to be revived on the basis of our school. During the two days of working at the rally, I realized that reading is really necessary, you just need to find the book that will become your friend in life.”

Romanova Marina Aleksandrovna, a participant in the gathering, director of the MBUK “Novotoryal Intersettlement Central Library” of the Republic of Mari El, also shared her impressions: “It was my first time to take part in such a large-scale professional gathering. It's a great experience. I saw how librarians from different regions work and took note of many working methods that we can use in our library today. The meeting with modern writers, whose books I purchased for myself and my children, left an unforgettable impression. By the way, they now read them with pleasure. After such an exchange of experience, I want to change a lot in my work. Today the library has gone beyond its walls: we work in virtual space. It is necessary to keep up with all modern trends in the library system, and this can only be done by the whole team. Our library has a strong team that is always ready for changes and new approaches in their work.”.

Together with you we will: -attract children and youth to more active reading; -conduct interesting library events; -participate in the search for new partners and sponsors; - promote reading in the library; - spend your free time interestingly and usefully.

We offer you free of charge: - Premises for holding parties. - Use of computers. - Use of CDs. - Assistance in developing scenarios and presentations. - Have fun and interesting ways to spend your free time. - Read and learn new things. - Stay up to date with the latest literature! - Quickly and conveniently choose and take a book home, and start reading tomorrow. - Participate in the work of interest clubs.

We have interest clubs: -English language studio "LONDON" -English language studio "LONDON" -youth club of interesting meetings "New Generation" -club for fairy tale lovers "Fairytale Academy" -club for creativity lovers "I'm not a wizard yet, I'm I’m just learning” - club for young parents “Family Faculty” - communication club for teenagers “Free Conversation” - club of little environmentalists “Ekolenok” - club “Young Informatician” - elective “Young Local Historian”

We invite you to the first gathering of volunteers on November 13 at 16:00 in the reading room of the Republican Children and Youth Library at the address: Cheboksary, I. Yakovlev Ave., 8a. Directions to the Gazoprovod stop, Doriss Park. phone: We are waiting for everyone

Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library

Address: Cheboksary, I. Yakovlev Ave., 8a

Director: Grigorieva Tamara Romanovna

Phone: 55-62-63

Opening hours: Monday-Saturday

Day off – Sunday

Total area: 1215.3 sq. m.

Chuvash Republican childish -youth library created in 1998 by merging the Republican Children's Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya and Republican Youth Library (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic No. 341 of November 27, 1998). She provides library, bibliographic and reference and information services to children and youth and is a methodological and research center on the problems of children's reading and library work with children and youth in the Chuvash Republic.

Every year the library serves more than 14.0 thousand users. The library collection is 218 thousand copies. books, musical scores, audio-video publications, CDs, 185 titles of newspapers and magazines are subscribed.

Young readers participate in various competitions and programs: “The new generation chooses a book”, “The spiritual world of a fairy tale in the process of self-realization of a child’s personality”, “Memory as an inheritance”, “If you are not like others”, “Children and rights”, etc. . From the year 2000 functioning Center for Education and Information. AND wanting to succeed in a business career, can obtain the necessary information aboutcurrent state labor market, specialties and educational institutions that interest him, and, if necessary, full set of educational and reference literature.The Center receives magazines “Career”, “Where to go to study”, “Entrant”, “Study in Russia”, “Study abroad”,"Elite education". Directories are in demandeducational institutions of Russia, the Volga region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod,Kazan, as well as manuals from the series “Home Tutor”, “To Help Applicants”,“Preparing for exams”, “Unified State Exam” for all basic school subjects.

The library has established a Consultative and Methodological Center for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and Alcoholism among Children and Adolescents. Individual and group consultations with a psychologist are held here; film lectures, events to popularize a healthy lifestyle. Individual (anonymous) advisory assistance to children and youth is organized in a special room. Every week on Tuesdays from 13.00 to 15.00 a narcologist is seen by a narcologist and individual testing is carried out. Twice a month, on even Tuesdays, there is a video lecture. More than three thousand children and adolescents use the Center’s services every year.

There are clubs and amateur associations at the library: “In Word, Sound, Brush” (a club for lovers of art and literature); "Family Faculty" (club for young parents); "Where are we from? Where are we going?" (open club-lecture for young people); "Fairytale Academy" (for fairy tale lovers). A psychological support service for children's and youth reading and young families has been created. The Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library is one of the founders of the Republican English Resource Center, opened in June 2001 at school-gymnasium No. 4.

The library's information retrieval system includes traditional and electronic catalogues; Database. Among them: “My first library. Electronic catalog for children”, “Code. Rights of your children”, “Universities of Russia”, “Educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic”, etc., the reference and legal system “Consultant Plus” is constantly updated. The library has its own Internet site.

The library conducted sociological studies “Children and youth about the Great Patriotic War”, “Modern reader in a children’s library”, as a result of which a report was prepared “The state of reading of children and youth in the Chuvash Republic: environmental influence and trends.”

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