What to do when your Lenovo tablet freezes. Tablet screen does not respond to touch

A tablet is a complex device. It is quite predictable that at the wrong moment
it may freeze. Most often this happens with devices from Chinese manufacturers, but tablets from companies such as Apple, Samsung, etc. Asus et al.

So, the tablet freezes - what to do? Before moving directly to the topic, you need to understand the very meaning of freezing, that is, the reason for this phenomenon.

P Richins freezing maybeBut divided into two groups:



In case of hardware failures, it is impossible to fix the problem without the help of specialists.

Causes of hardware failures:

    pairing, connecting incompatible or broken devices to the tablet;

    damage to the gadget's circuit board components;

    power supply failure (charger failure).

Software failure is the most common occurrence that can be fixed on your own.

Causes of software failures:

    a consequence of the activity of viruses or other malicious codes;

    incorrect operation of one of the applications;

    damage to operating system system files;

    failure of the main tablet settings.

Diagnosis of the problem

In order to answer the question - why the tablet freezes, it is necessary to establish the nature of the problem itself. To do this, you need to remember what events preceded the appearance of the problem:

    installation of applications;

    device falling;

    installing an update;

It is also necessary to clarify the moment when the problem occurs:

    in progress;

    when launching a specific application;

    when using the Internet.

It is possible that the tablet freezes and does not turn off, or vice versa. Then the cause is no longer so easy to identify. If the nature of the problem is clear, the rehabilitation process is much simpler. In many cases, a simple reboot of the device helps, but if the problem recurs, then you need to use other methods.

Method 1. For frozen applications

If you understand that all the problems are due to a specific application, then you should disable it and then remove it. In tablets running the Android operating system, this is done through the "Settings" ("Options") / "Applications" / "Running Applications" ("Running Applications") menu. Select the required application and click on the "Stop" button. In the same menu, the application can be deleted. If you don’t know which specific application is ruining your life, then you need to experiment a little, turning off applications one by one until you achieve the result.

On iOS systems, in order to turn off an application, you need to press the “HOME” button on the front panel twice, then, while holding your finger on the desired application, press the minus button.

Method 2. If the tablet is not responding

It also happens that the device may freeze completely. In this case, you cannot do without a reboot. The easiest way is to turn off the device, remove SIM cards and flash drives from it, and then turn it on again. This is the second method, often simply “uninhibiting” the tablet. Then all the cards can be inserted back.

But how to turn off the tablet if it is frozen and the shutdown button does not respond? To do this, you need to find a small hole, near which it is written in most cases - “RESET”. There is a reset button there that you need to press using a toothpick or something like that.

Method 3. "HARD RESET"

There are also more serious problems with the device. For example, the tablet is frozen so that it does not even turn off or turn on, the display does not respond. In this case, a not very good, but effective method is used. In this case, all information on the tablet will be erased. Therefore, this method should be used only as a last resort, when it is impossible to eliminate the failure by other methods. To save at least part of the information, you need to remove the memory drive from the device, which can also be accidentally damaged. For this method, each device has a special combination or sequence of keys that reboots the device or calls up a specific menu.

ANDROID devices use a combination of holding down the "POWER" button and the volume up button. Sometimes you also need to use the "HOME" button. In this case, the device will display a menu where you need to select “Settings” with the button or volume rocker, then “Format System”. There is a “Reset Android” item here, after clicking on it, the device will reboot, which is why you need to wait a little.

With the device turned on, simultaneously hold down the "HOME" and "POWER" buttons. You need to wait 5 to 10 seconds until the image of an apple appears.

As a result of this procedure, the tablet returns to factory settings. You will need to re-enter your accounts, install applications, etc.

Method 4. Repair at a service center

If these recommendations did not help you, or you do not have time to deal with the problem, you can bring it to ITSA tablet service center for repair. The advantage of performing repairs at a service center:

    professional repair equipment;

    work experience of craftsmen;

    guarantee for work performed;

    availability of branded original spare parts.

    If you want to save time and not put your device at risk, tablet repair in Odessa is carried out at an IT service outsourcing service center.


To avoid wondering what to do if your tablet turns off and won’t turn off, you need to follow a number of rules:

    avoid using modified firmware;

    never install programs from unknown sources;

    the tablet must have a high-quality antivirus;

    Protect the device from shock and water.

Along with the increasingly popular device, namely the tablet, more and more questions arise about its treatment for various types of problems. One of the frequent questions is: “The tablet is frozen and won’t turn on, what should I do? In this article we will look at available methods for rehabilitating a device at home.

Of course, most often this type of problem occurs with Chinese counterfeits of original tablets or with little-known manufacturers. However, even Samsung and Apple devices sometimes encounter these problems. Even regardless of the manufacturer, tablets on older versions of Android very often hang.

Often there is nothing catastrophic about this problem and it is enough to perform a few simple steps, which differ depending on the cause of the freeze. However, there are times when you cannot do without the help of specialists. In order to determine which category your situation belongs to, you need to analyze why the tablet freezes.

The reasons are divided into two groups according to the nature and root of the problem: hardware and system.

With hardware problems, everything is not too rosy, but some of them can be fixed. Systemic or software causes of freezing can be solved at home without the need for repairs, at least in most cases.

Hardware reasons include:

  • Damage to the tablet board contacts;
  • When the tablet freezes when turned on, the reason may be a lack of power;
  • Stuck due to connecting incompatible or broken devices.

Cause of system failures:

  • Installing an application not intended for the device;
  • You have been attacked by a virus;
  • Error in the system files of the tablet operating system;
  • The device's factory settings have failed.

Eliminating hardware causes of freezing

First of all, you need to perform initial diagnostics, determining what preceded the tablet freezing. The tablet may freeze if you dropped it, got it wet, connected a flash drive, sent it for repair, etc. However, you can only solve some of them yourself.

You may have installed equipment that malfunctions or does not work at all, or it may simply not be compatible with the operating system. If a tablet on Android or another OS freezes, you should make sure that the device is intended for your device. To fix the problem, you just need to remove the installed equipment and start the device. After this, the problem should be resolved.

Another possible reason why the tablet freezes when turned on is power problems. Perhaps the power is simply not enough to start the device, then you should check the battery. It should be smooth, there should be no swelling. Even if it appears to be in order, this does not guarantee its performance; it is better to check by connecting another battery or checking the output voltage with a tester and checking the readings with the nominal value.

Alas, of the hardware reasons, you can only solve the ones listed above; other problems require the intervention of specialists. However, there is a high probability that the reason lies not in the hardware at all, but in the system.

What to do if there are systemic reasons for the tablet freezing?

The same primary diagnostic method described above is applicable here.

Why the tablet freezes can be determined by remembering and analyzing what preceded the freezes. You probably installed a new program, changed important system settings, deleted standard services, etc.

In this case, there are several options for the development of events. In the first case, the tablet boots, but freezes from time to time, perhaps when launching some programs. In this case, you should update the application, make sure that your tablet meets the requirements of the utility, reinstall the program or, as a last resort, uninstall it. In another option, the tablet may not start at all. Then you should use the “hard restart” function or flash the tablet by updating the version of your operating system.

You should check to see if you have a small hole labeled "Reset". Quite often it is enough to simply find it and press a button. If this function is not available, read on.

Using the force restart function is not a priority action, as it will delete all information from the tablet. First, you should remove the flash and SIM cards so that they are not accidentally formatted. To use the “Hard Reset” function on iOS, you must hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons simultaneously, the device must be turned on.

For Android, the hotkey is “Power” + volume up or “Home” button.

You may have to flash your tablet by updating the operating system version. This action will help both in cases with lost device settings and in cases with a damaged operating system. You can try to perform the procedure yourself or use the services of a specialist.

Sometimes there are viruses that load the processor at 100% and as a result the tablet freezes.

You can try scanning the system with an antivirus on your tablet or connecting it to your computer and cleaning the device from viruses.

We have presented methods that allow you to solve the problem yourself, but if none of the options help, you have no choice but to take the tablet to a service center.

If you still have questions on the topic “What to do if your tablet freezes?”, you can ask them in the comments

A tablet computer is an advanced device that is extremely popular.

The popularity of the tablet is explained by the following factors:

  • The tablet can perform the functions of a telephone;
  • The compact size of the tablet makes it very convenient for travel and traveling;
  • The functionality of the tablet is extremely rich. Sometimes it even exceeds the functionality of a laptop.
  • the presence of a touch display, the dimensions of which determine the size of the portable device.

Despite all the advantages of a tablet computer, it is not a flawless device. Its imperfection is primarily manifested when it freezes. Most often this happens with tablets from Chinese manufacturers, but there are situations when devices from brands such as Apple or Samsung also freeze.

Photo: tablets from Chinese manufacturers

Identifying the cause of the freeze is very important in order to understand what to do when the tablet freezes and does not turn off.

There are a great many reasons why a tablet computer freezes, but they can all be divided into two huge classes:

  • software;
  • hardware.

A software glitch is the most common type of tablet freezing, which is quite easy to fix yourself.

If there are errors related to hardware, it will not be possible to solve the problem without the help of a service center.

The causes of errors caused by the hardware component of the device are very numerous and understandable only to a very limited circle of tablet users. Often, a hardware problem occurs due to connecting incompatible devices to the tablet.

  • Causes of errors caused by the software component of the device:
  • infection of the device’s operating system with viruses and other malicious codes;
  • damage to operating system system files;
  • incorrect functioning of a specific program;

failure of basic device parameters.

We make diagnostics

When your tablet freezes, it is very important to correctly diagnose the problem.

  • You should also clarify the time when the problem is activated:
  • turning on the tablet;
  • during operation;
  • when running a specific program;

when using the Internet.

The case when the device neither turns on nor turns off is the most critical, since it is very difficult to identify the cause of the problem. If the source of the problem is identified, then the repair process is much clearer and simpler. In most situations, a trivial reboot of the tablet helps. If the problem cannot be solved, then there are other methods for resuscitating the tablet.

Video: What to do if your tablet freezes?


First, try pressing and holding the on/off key for 15-20 seconds until the tablet turns itself off. If this does not help, then you should try one of the alternative ways to fix the tablet freezing. Let's take a closer look at them.

When programs are stuck

Often the tablet freezes due to the operation of certain low-quality software. In this case, it is recommended to disable it, followed by uninstallation.

You can uninstall the program in the same menu. In this method, it is extremely important to correctly determine which specific application is complicating the normal functioning of the tablet. To solve this problem, it is recommended to experiment a little, gradually disabling the program until an acceptable result is achieved.

On devices with IOS, to turn off the program, press the “HOME” key on the front side twice, then, while holding your finger on the program to be stopped, press the “minus” button.

With a non-responsive tablet

Sometimes the device may freeze completely. What to do in a situation where the tablet does not respond at all? The only solution to the problem is to completely reboot the device.

The most trivial way is to turn off the tablet, remove SIM cards and storage media from it, and then turn it back on “idle”. This is an alternative method, often simply “overclocking” the tablet. After the device has successfully started up, all storage media should be returned to their place.

But how to turn off a portable device if it freezes and does not respond to the power key? To do this, you need to find a small hole on the back of the tablet. This is the reset button, which must be pressed with something sharp.


More global problems with hardware often occur. For example, what should you do if your tablet freezes so much that it doesn’t even turn on or turns on but the screen doesn’t respond?

In this situation, you can use a very effective option. In this case, all data stored on the device will disappear. This is a huge disadvantage of this method. Therefore, its use is advisable only in the most difficult situations.

To save at least some information, you need to remove the memory drive from the tablet. For this option, each tablet has a specific combination or sequence of keys that reboots the tablet or calls up a special menu.


When the tablet is turned on, press the “HOME” and “POWER” key combination. Then you should wait a little (5-7 seconds) until the manufacturer’s logo appears on the screen.


In ANDROID devices, a combination of holding the “POWER” key and the volume up key is used. There are situations when you should also press the “HOME” key. In this case, the tablet will show a menu where you need to highlight the “Settings” item using the volume key, and then “Format System”.

After selecting the “Reset Android” menu item, the tablet will reboot, which will last quite a long time.

Factory reset on Android

As a result of this solution to the problem, the device returns to factory settings and becomes almost clean. Among the disadvantages of this method, it is important to note that you will need to re-enter your personal data, install programs, etc.


To avoid a situation associated with freezing and the impossibility of normal overload of the tablet, it is necessary to observe several precautions, namely:

  • use only original firmware;
  • do not use applications from unreliable sources;
  • Good antivirus software is a must;
  • Protect the electronic device from mechanical influences and moisture.

If the problem is only in the software, then the solutions described above will certainly help you. And if this is not the case, then there is a problem in the hardware, then it is recommended to go to a service center, since only experienced engineers will be able to resuscitate your tablet computer.

A tablet is a complex device. It is quite predictable that at the wrong moment
it may freeze. Most often this happens with devices from Chinese manufacturers, but tablets from companies such as Apple, Samsung, Asus, etc. can also freeze.

So, the tablet freezes - what to do? Before moving directly to the topic, you need to understand the very meaning of freezing, that is, the reason for this phenomenon.

P Richins freezing maybeBut divided into two groups:



In case of hardware failures, it is impossible to fix the problem without the help of specialists.

Causes of hardware failures:

    pairing, connecting incompatible or broken devices to the tablet;

    damage to the gadget's circuit board components;

    power supply failure (charger failure).

Software failure is the most common occurrence that can be fixed on your own.

Causes of software failures:

    a consequence of the activity of viruses or other malicious codes;

    incorrect operation of one of the applications;

Windows 10 runs smoothly on all devices, but problems can still occur occasionally. What to do if a Windows 10 tablet freezes - this is the question that worries many owners, because the first time it is not clear how to restart the tablet when it does not respond to commands.

The tablet does not respond to commands

A situation where the tablet does not respond to your commands can happen at any time. Let's say you watched the movie in, or even in standard mode. Or you just read the news in, or studied documents in. At any moment the tablet may freeze, this will be characterized by the following indicators:
  • The tablet stops responding to commands;
  • The screen backlight does not go out even after the allotted time;
  • Within 2-3 minutes the tablet does not change the picture on the screen;
And if you try to turn off the tablet, give it some other commands, but it does not react at all, this means that it is frozen.

How to reboot your tablet

In a situation where a Windows 10 tablet freezes, the first thing you need to do is give the device 2-3 minutes to solve the problem on its own. Sometimes the device just needs time to process all the data. This can happen if you work with serious and heavy programs. For example, if you run or on a tablet, you must initially be prepared for the fact that the tablet may sometimes freeze. After 2-3 minutes, the problems most often resolve themselves, and you can continue working again.

If 2-3 minutes did not help, then you need to restart the tablet. There are two ways to do this, soft and so-called Hard Reset. Of course, the first thing we do is act as gently as possible. To do this, press the power button and hold it for 20 seconds. In this case, even a frozen tablet should turn off. In 99% of cases this happens, after which you can reboot the tablet and continue working.

How to do a Hard Reset on Windows 10

If a soft reboot does not help, then there is nothing left to do but perform a Hard Reset. There are a lot of bad reviews about this method, and they are not unfounded. If you decide to perform a Hard Reset, you need to be prepared for the fact that some of your data will be lost. During a hard reboot, the system is rolled back to factory settings, so no one guarantees the safety of the data. Hard Reset is carried out in one of the following ways:
  • Press the power button and the volume down button at the same time;
  • Look for a small hole on the case with the inscription Hard Reset and press it with a toothpick;
The second Hard Reset method is not available on all devices, but is common on older devices. The first method works on all tablets. As a result, you are guaranteed to reboot a frozen tablet on Windows 10. You will learn more about the hole method in this video:

In case of a hard reset, be sure to remove all removable memory cards and disconnect any peripheral devices.

Previously, there was a third way - to remove the battery, but now most tablets are made without a removable battery, so this method has become obsolete. Alternatively, you can wait until the battery is completely discharged, but it is much easier to reboot the device.

We recommend dealing with the causes of freezing. To do this, it is worth optimizing the operation of the system; for this, use either or any other. At the same time, it is very important to install all the latest ones; this can be done through the center


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