What is a blog and how to create it using the free WordPress engine, optimization and making money on your online diary. What is a blog Why I became a blogger

Greetings, friends, Pavel Yamb is in touch. Have you ever been asked the question of how a blog differs from a website? Do you know what a blog is? How to make money with a blog and how to do it? First things first. A blog is a type of website, such as an online store or news site.

Different blogs are important

The word “blog” comes from the phrase “web log”, that is, an online diary. These are many small entries published by one or more authors in chronological order. The most recent publications are at the top. Readers can leave comments on each entry.

A blog can exist with virtually no traffic from the search engines Yandex or Google. This is its main difference from the site. There are five types of blogs:

  • private;
  • brand blog;
  • professional;
  • news;
  • non-standard.

Each species has its own creation goals.


Personal – online diary. It records personal events: “Check out my new jeans I bought yesterday,” that sort of thing. Authors of personal blogs who constantly spend time on thematic forums and social networks are part of the circle of popular bloggers. Without paying attention to either promoting their project or optimizing it, such people gather a lot of readers due to their own, ever-growing popularity.

They keep similar blogs for themselves, and are visited by the author and his friends who keep such diaries. Public people, whose magazines contain many interesting articles, attract a large number of readers who do not know them personally. An example is the blog of Evgeniy Grishkovets. There are personal blogs on LiveJournal or LiveJournal, and on other free services.


Its audience is people interested in this topic. They read publications, leave comments, and suggest new ideas. Gaining momentum, the blog begins to bring profit to the owner. Money comes from placing advertisements or information products on the blog topic.

A professional blog becomes a source of additional income, and ideally, the main activity, generating the main income.

Brand blog

Brand blogs are necessary to promote brands of companies or specific people. They post their training courses, publications of a more personal nature about important events in their lives. Such blogs are the main sources of profit for their creators. Usually what is posted here is not general recommendations, but reports on participation in an event on the topic of the blog with photos.

Brand blog materials are statements of the author’s point of view or his useful experience. The resource does an excellent job of promoting the name of its creator. Many people learn about it, and the person becomes the owner of new clients in his business.

You can use a brand blog as your main website, using the resource to promote your own name and generate additional income. To do this, you need to post useful materials on your blog. He will gather around him potential clients who know who to turn to for services.


It is impossible to do without news. News blogs are written by several authors. One niche is selected, for example “All about Apple”. On an ongoing basis, notes are written on the blog only on a chosen topic, several publications a day. With high-quality work and a considerable number of notes, the blog becomes a leader in the news niche, and the number of visitors interested in it increases.

After the stage of promotion and recruitment of the target audience, the owners begin to work on making a profit from the resource. They select advertisers, place affiliate programs and contextual advertising.

Custom blogs

There are other types of blogs. Most of them run on the free WordPress engine. With its help, they create blog portfolios, blog catalogs, photo blogs and other variations that are different from the classic ones. But any blog is a dialogue between the author and his readers. Without this connection, the existence of a blog is meaningless.

Without which a blog cannot develop

As the resource develops, its own audience is formed, with similar interests and problems. Readers will learn about the appearance of news on the blog from the RSS feed. Without it and its setup with Fitburnet, it is difficult for the resource creator to maintain constant communication with readers.

Feedburner is an objective assessment of the audience. When creating a project on the WordPress engine, there is no point in delaying using such a useful service.

It is common practice on social networks to promote blogs to attract traffic. From there, authors receive an influx of new visitors. To attract them, they use buttons like “Share this article” to popularize the publication on the Internet.

Driving force of the blog: engine

But creating a blog is not only a desire and communication on forums, it is certain actions. And they start with choosing an engine. It is better to use not a free platform, but an autonomous resource: the blog belongs only to the creator, and you will earn very good money. But this is only with hard work. Serious profits can be expected no earlier than in a year or two.

Blog engine or CMS, content management system - a program for a web server that makes it easier to create and maintain a blog. The information content of the blog will have to be updated and supplemented constantly.

Why does a blog need an engine?

Without engines, the creation task would be very complicated: a content specialist, a designer for the project layout, a developer for uploading the project to the server and setting up its work…. Yes, it would also be nice to hire a promotion professional...

This is what they do when developing large projects. But if you create your own blog, such expenses are unjustified. The services of a web designer and developer will not be superfluous, but to a much lesser extent. And all thanks to the engine.

  • It enables the user to create and edit blog content seamlessly.
  • No knowledge of CSS or Html is required. Everything is visual and clear.
  • Thanks to the engine, all texts are stored in the database.
  • When accessing the server, the requested pages are created quickly, information from the database is included in them “on the fly.”

It turns out that the main advantage of the engine is to reduce the level of necessary knowledge of the future blog owner. Using the editor and pressing a few buttons are all the requirements.

Paid and free engines

To change the theme, you don’t need to worry about the safety of the content: one click and the design is different. No knowledge of layout is needed. It is clear that such conveniences have led to the emergence of paid and free engines.

Choosing the right one is not an easy task. And the reason is not that free is worse or better. You can create a good project on a free one, but you can create a low-quality one on the most expensive one, paying a lot for it.

The only advantage is technical support in paid engines. Therefore, if there is a complete lack of time and an unwillingness to understand all the complexities on your own, there is only one solution: a paid CMS.

To create your first blog, you will have to choose based on financial and time requirements. If you have the skills to work with a free engine, then there is no point in spending money on a paid one. And it’s not always better than free.

The best free engines

Among the free ones, the leaders are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. But the latter is much more difficult to work with, and its popularity is lower. But if you have the skills to work with it, there are more opportunities. But that depends on how you look.

Ideally, it is recommended to use a well-known CMS. The reason is that the operation of the blog engine must first be studied. And it takes time to study. There are solutions that are easier to master, and there are also more complex ones.

In terms of quality and convenience, WordPress for blogs is number one. Everything is clear and simple, developers constantly update versions. Although the Joomla engine has its advantages. Read here what you need to create a blog on WordPress.

The main feature of WordPress is the speed of indexing. After publishing a new article, WordPress automatically sends an invitation to the search robot.

WP is clear and simple: everything is logical, no pitfalls, unlike Joomla. To protect against hacking, it is advisable to constantly update WP, and not display the version number you are using for public viewing. But this is in the future. First, you need to download and install WordPress on your hosting. At first, you can use free hosting to decide whether you need to start blogging.

The simplest of the paid ones is S.Builder, but only if you have experience working with any CMS. Then this is a very good option: saving time, effort and nerves. I don’t consider paid options at all, since I believe that you can make a thing with a free engine, if we are not talking about an online store or a huge portal.

"Finishing" the blog

After downloading, work begins on technical and visual settings, there are no trifles here. And, most importantly, unique content and interesting posts for readers. Only after its appearance can the blog be considered created. It will begin to attract visitors. Their number is determined using a visit counter. But without design and customization, a blog looks unfinished.

Design and setup

To design a blog, we choose a suitable template; for WordPress there are a huge number of them. But before publishing, you will have to think about human-readable URLs, CNC. What it is? Address, link to an article with a letter designation, and not in the form of a set of numbers and symbols that cannot be pronounced.

This action will help you take higher positions in search results: search engines take into account keywords in URLs. Therefore, it is important to set them up before publishing. The easiest way is to use the appropriate plugin to configure it.

Not to forget, you need to create a clear 404 error page in your online diary so that visitors don’t leave after receiving an unclear message.

Now is the time to go through the WP settings, understand the plugins and start collecting those that are necessary for the blog. There are two ways to manage blog indexing: a robots.txt file and a blog map in xml format.

Most often, the Google XML Sitemaps plugin is used to create it. We add a link to it to your Yandex webmaster account and to the Google webmaster tools panel. Search robots will learn about new publications in a timely manner. The Dagon Design Sitemap Generator plugin creates a sitemap that is visible to readers.


Here I will speak in general terms. This is a huge topic, not just one article. I’ll just bring you up to date: setting up a created blog is not enough, it needs to be optimized to appeal to search engines. This is done with the help of plugins - special extensions for WordPress that close existing holes in it and adjust your site to modern requirements.

For example:

The Yoast plugin will make internal optimization easier; all that remains is to finalize additional settings and install a plugin for automatic internal linking.

Hyper Cache to speed up the blog and reduce the load on the server.

RusToLat, WordPress Database Backup and other plugins that I will talk about in my articles

Let's summarize. You can create a good blog without any programming or layout skills. With persistence and regular filling of new useful information for the reader, the created project will become a source of profit. It’s not difficult to make money on a blog, but you shouldn’t expect instant income. It will take time.

Pavel Yamb was with you, see you again! Read articles, subscribe to updates and leave comments. And don’t forget: even beginners can create a blog and make it their main source of income. You need desire, self-confidence, perseverance and hard work, and experience will appear while working on the project.

A blog is an Internet diary or online magazine, where user entries are systematically added to serve as its main content.

Records may include text blocks, graphics, photos or multimedia. Typically blog posts are not particularly long and are grouped chronologically in reverse order.

The peculiarity of blogs is their publicity, that is, they have a certain circle of readers who can enter into controversy with the author, for which it is possible to comment on entries, or link to them from personal blogs.

Thanks to comments, users can communicate in a similar way to chats, forums and email.

In 1999, San Francisco-based Pyra Labs launched Blogger.com as the first free blogging service. Since then, blogging has only grown in popularity and gained more popularity among people.

The peculiarity of blogs is the special structure of entries, as well as the principles of their placement. The owner can only identify himself on the server, and this will be enough to add a new note.

The latest posts are automatically placed at the top of the page. A blog is a convenient tool for making a one-time statement about something so that it becomes known to many. Everyone will have the opportunity to read it when it is convenient for them, or simply skip the entry that is not interesting to them.

Goals for creating a blog

A blog is a very useful tool in the hands of the user. The tasks of the social network are partly transferred to it, since users form and constantly maintain certain social connections.

Bloggers and those who comment on their posts in this way not only attract attention to a completely new audience, but also provide great opportunities for forming a certain network of contacts and communicating with people who arouse their interest.

You can easily find a reader or friend online. A blog is a tool through which you can talk about yourself, disseminate your own thoughts, ideas and creations. To a certain extent, blogs serve as a reflection of the author’s personality.

Users often write and read blogs and comment on posted posts for entertainment. In leisure time, the blog is used as the main source of useful information; people read it to have fun.

If someone does not have enough free time to communicate in the traditional sense, then communication on blogs becomes, in a certain sense, an alternative, since it allows you to have conversations when it is convenient for each user.

Users write blogs in a similar way to how people write entries in a personal diary, where after a certain time they can re-read the notes, which allows them to analyze their thinking and make some decisions. In addition, the blogger will be able to remember the details of some event that happened in his life.

Presenting ideas in writing allows you to analyze the situation more effectively, bringing your own thoughts into some order. Blog entries allow the user to create an image of himself online, which he subsequently supports.

Blogs are also used as a tool for psychotherapy, when a person shares certain problems, and other users give him advice or support. Now we can look at the different types of blogs.

Personal or personal blog

As a rule, such blogs are created for fun. That is, they are not initially created to make money. Bloggers begin to keep their online diary, sharing their thoughts and ideas, gradually forming an audience around them.

Blog entries can have different content, from how a person went somewhere... to how he chose an item of clothing.

Such blogs are now very popular. People love to watch and follow what's new in other people's lives. Just look at the size of the audience of popular people.

Professional blog

This is a brief description of the initial steps in order to gradually begin to earn some income from your blog. At the initial stage, you will need certain monetary investments, which go towards paying for hosting and, as well as investments in your free time, which are required by default.


The process will start quite slowly, at first the profit will be a few dollars a month, but with enough patience and the desire to develop gradually you can count on a stable income.

No one can immediately start making large sums of money on a blog, and you should be prepared for this. With the right level of motivation and clear goal setting, you can achieve success, otherwise you will have a blog on your hands that could be interesting, but you will abandon it.

If you really value your time, you should think things through before creating a blog for profit. You can start simply with an analogue of a personal diary.

Who among us has not heard such a word as blog? This is one of those concepts that is known to almost all Internet users. But what is a blog, and how is it different from a website? Who is leading them, why do they need it? Let's figure it out.

What is a blog?

The most common definition is that a blog is a website or online diary intended for notes on a specific topic. Indeed, one of its distinctive features is its narrow subject matter. For example, a blog about the Czech language or a blog about winter fishing. In addition, it is often led by one author, and all notes are written in the first person.

Who is leading it?

So, we figured out what a blog is. But who is its author? Why does he need this? The owners of such sites call themselves bloggers. They are the authors of all blog entries, answer visitors’ questions, conduct various surveys and much more. But the blogger is not always a real person. Sometimes a team of authors may unite under one name. Of course, blog readers don't need to know about this.

Why blog?

There are two main reasons for blogging - self-affirmation and income. The first option is chosen by people who are insecure or who require attention. This is a special, specific way of their self-expression. Others make money on a blog by posting banner or contextual advertising, advertising articles, etc.

What types of blogs are there?

There are several types of blogs. The first is personal, they are often led by well-known personalities. It is there that they share their thoughts with fans and talk about themselves. Next, there are specialized blogs that are focused on a narrow topic. Quite often, a blog on the Internet belongs to one of these two types. In addition, we can note the so-called image blogs, owned by companies and firms and used to promote a brand, and news blogs. These two subspecies are much less common.

More options

There is also a free blog, operating on a free platform, and a paid one, hosted on a paid hosting. The first mainly serves for the entertainment of the author himself, his self-affirmation. The second one brings a stable income to its owner through various advertising.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

There are several main features that distinguish a blog from a website. First of all, this is the presence of an author. While a website can have a myriad of them, a blog usually has one. The second point: when reading the notes, you imagine the author, make up his psychological portrait. Third: blog entries are ordered, not as chaotic as on the website. The blog is known for its constant updating. Often, articles are published several times a week, while the site may be updated even after a year. In addition, the blog is thematic. It has its own narrow topic, something that most sites cannot boast of.


Well, now you know what a blog is, who runs it and why, what are its main differences from a website. We hope our article was useful to you.

Hello, do you know that your website, and an ordinary personal blog, can bring you from 150,000 rubles a month? And to my friend, his blog brought in more than $900,000, and in just 18 months! Cool isn't it? Of course, you won’t earn this amount right away, but there is technology that allows you to get the most out of your blog. Let's, in today's article, look at what a blog is and why it is needed.

Do you want to start creating such a money generator for yourself, of course, you won’t make $900,000 right away, the amounts with the right approach will be large for you? It sounds, of course, like another glopart scam, but it’s true!!! Just read this article in full and read between the lines for all the juice there)))

Let's start…

Okay, now try to think for just a few minutes, what are you pursuing when looking for a unique way to make money on the Internet? Earn money or maybe just try to prove to yourself once again that all courses and trainings are a real scam. Moreover, even when you buy another course from Glopart for 800 rubles, you still won’t use anything, even if the miracle scheme really works... Damn, I don’t like courses from Glopart... tough.

You know, I was also in the same situation... I needed a large stable flow of traffic for one resource. In principle, I understood perfectly well that there are ways to attract traffic, but I was looking for a unique one... one that no one uses and that can bring results with minimal investment. At one time I was also looking for a miracle pill so that I could get results without investing anything. Similar situation?

The only thing is that this was at the very beginning of my online business around August 2013. I bought all the globe art and it was then that I realized that there was nothing worthwhile there. After watching the 7th course, I finally realized that there are actions that bring results, and others that do not bring results.

For example, looking for a miracle way to make money or attract traffic are precisely those actions that do not bring results. And vice versa, when you work and think not about immediate benefits, but about the future, then it is these actions that bring results in the future.

Do you know who achieves immediate results and is not able to think long term? Only shoemakers, and other workers in similar professions. I polished my shoes, sewed on the soles, I got money, but I didn’t polish them, so I earned nothing. Such people will never receive money constantly from 1 polished shoe; in order to get money, they need to constantly polish their shoes. The only way!

Many people go to it in the hope of making money quickly, and 90%, oddly enough, do not earn money or earn money, but only once. Why? Because they are like shoemakers, focused on immediate profit. If you did the job, you earned money; if you didn’t do the job, you didn’t earn it; what kind of machine can we talk about with this approach?

I'm looking for automatic earnings that will bring me money constantly starting tomorrow. Yes, I agree, such a method exists, but unfortunately it is not automatic. For any income you need a flow of traffic, if you think like a shoemaker, then you will never take actions that can constantly bring results - bought traffic - earned money, didn’t buy traffic, and therefore didn’t earn money. That's the whole secret.

So what to do? Do you really need to work all the time?

As I said, there is an opportunity to take actions that are aimed not at immediate results, but at the long term. This is exactly what we will be doing today.

It turned out to be a rather long introduction, but I want you to understand the whole essence, understand the technology and get your brains in place! Instead of being under the illusion of earning a million dollars by lying on the couch and doing nothing: the lazy person’s method, the idiot’s method, the method...what other courses are there on Glopart?

So what is a blog and why is it needed?

Your website is that constant generator of traffic. Moreover, you decide for yourself how to distribute this flow. You have 2 options for working with this flow.

  • Build your subscriber base.

I have already written in detail about the benefits of collecting your own subscriber base in previous articles. You can look and learn more about compiling a subscriber database in these articles:

I will only say one thing: a constantly replenished subscriber base will allow you to earn at least 60,000 rubles, just by making 1-2 newsletters per month. Well, I’m generally silent about the advantages that automailing provides. In , we looked at how to compose an auto-series of letters in order to earn from 100,000 rubles a month completely automatically.

In addition, building your own subscription list provides the benefits of quickly connecting with your target audience, directly through e-mail or social media retargeting. By the way, few people use retargeting today, and this is a tool that, together with blogging, can bring you 2-3 times more money compared to standard ways of earning money and informing your readers.

  • Post affiliate links

Through articles on your blog - You can target your target audience who need help with a certain issue and offer solutions to their problems through affiliate products or products.

For example, your blog is dedicated to weight loss and healthy eating. On your blog, you posted an article: how to lose weight by summer at home. Your article brings value and useful content to people, and accordingly search engines display it in the top ten when searching. Every month 400 people come to your blog for this request and read your article.

How can you make money from this? For example, offer a product to these hot customers, having previously done a review and put your affiliate links in the article. How many readers do you think will purchase the paid product you recommended? With a high degree of probability, I want to say that the percentage will be much more than 1%, and can reach 3 and 7% on sale. Now calculate how much you can earn from 1 such article, even with a minimum average check of 2000 rubles. All you did was write an article once and post it on your blog.

  • But there is also a 3rd way.

This is exactly what one person used, whom I talked about at the webinar. The most interesting thing is that he not only figured out how to monetize traffic in a non-standard way, but also earned more than $900,000 in just 18 months. Having worked pure time in just 18 months, about 20 hours.

I have not yet achieved such a result, only 5 months have passed (at the time of writing this article) from the moment I started implementing this tool, but I will tell you openly - the experiment has already been a success. How and what I did, I also described on . Just to find out this approach, you should watch the recording of the master session. Already for the reason that the sooner you start acting, the faster you will receive money in the future.

Now, I hope you understand what a blog is and why it is needed? For those who are ready to act and move towards building their own business on the Internet. For those who want to launch their blog tomorrow, for the most determined and daring, I have recorded a short course: How to create a blog that will bring in money. In just 1-2 hours you will create your blog on the Internet.

This course will be completely free for you.

In fact, I don't really like giving away information for free due to the fact that few people value these free materials. Of course, you can set a symbolic price for it, about 100 - 300 rubles, and a larger percentage of people will already complete it and create their own blog, but I won’t do this.

Let's do it better as follows, as soon as you create your website/blog, according to my instructions. You yourself decide how much this course costs for you, and send this amount to a Yandex wallet or in another convenient way. I think that would be fair.

Now, take a free course on creating your own profitable blog/website from scratch.

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Hello, dear readers of the site. Today the article will begin with the fact that we will try to define the word “blog”, find out what it is and how it differs from a regular website, which blogs are most often found on the Internet and, in fact, why they are needed and why they are easier than ordinary projects .

Well, then I’ll try to summarize all the information that is available on the site about how to create your own blog for free on the WordPress engine, how to promote it and start making money on it (but of course, everything in this world has to be paid, sometimes, True, money is replaced by gratitude, stroking one’s pride, etc.).

In the article you will find many links to other materials, because this will be a distributing publication for several sections of the website project at once.

What is a blog, why is it needed and what types of diaries are there?

Actually, today I want to write an article similar to the one I already published on the topic. By the way, the main difference between a blog and a regular website is that it can exist practically no traffic from search engines(without an influx of visitors from and).

Individual blog authors who have fairly developed communication skills (they communicate on thematic forums, social networks, and manage to get in with other popular bloggers), but not promote their project, can have a readership only due to their popularity (Terekhov, Borisov ).

But if, in addition to popularizing your resource and yourself, you make an effort to carry out search engine optimization (read about this in the article about that), then the results will be much better (Devaka can serve as an example). But let's first give a definition, what is a blog and why is it needed?

The word “blog” itself comes from a combination of the words web log, i.e. Internet Log or, in other words, internet diary(event recording). In general terms, it should be a collection of short entries (by the way, the service can serve as an example of brevity) left by one or more authors, which are arranged in chronological order (new entries at the top), and each such entry in such a diary can be accessed by its readers leave your own comments.

Those. a blog is a kind of dialogue between its author and people with similar interests or problems. As an online diary develops, it usually forms its own audience of readers, who are informed about the appearance of new materials, most often with the help of.

In general, in my opinion, one of the main features of a blog is availability of RSS channel, thanks to which it can be distinguished from a site or forum. There, too, of course, you can use RSS to broadcast news, but this is still not as important as for an online diary. But it would be impossible for a blogger to create and maintain his regular readership without this powerful and convenient tool.

In this case, the resource you create (even on a free engine) will belong only to you and over time you will be able to do very well. True, if you don’t give up ahead of time, because sometimes it comes to serious earnings only after a year or two.

There is practically no particular choice on which free engine to create your project on. WordPress is the clear leader in the field of blog building (and in general, the leader among all engines) and it does not have any serious or global shortcomings (everything is mostly small and can be successfully treated with the proper approach).

It’s not enough just to create your own online diary, you also need to optimize it so that the search engines Yandex and Google like it. Do you know how easy and quick it is to do this for WordPress? That’s right, it’s enough to install and configure one single plugin (or one of its analogues, if desired).

The thing is simply amazing, which is sorely lacking in Joomla. After this, consider that everything will be fine with internal blog optimization and all that remains is to add a few touches (and a plugin for creating an automatic one).

Even if your blog is not visited very much yet, then, firstly, do not despair and read about), and, secondly, you need to think about the future and prepare for a possible increase in popularity your blog. A very valuable (despite the fact that it is free) plugin will help you here. I wouldn’t have lasted even ten minutes without it - the hoster (when I lived on “shared hosting”) blocked the site for excessive load on the server. And so, even with my current visitor numbers, I am on a completely affordable and inexpensive VPS tariff. Thanks to Hyper Cache for this.

For some reason, the default organization in WordPress is very inconvenient, in my opinion. blog page navigation(like, “next” - “previous”). But you can fix this problem in no time by installing and configuring the plugin (I spent a lot of time describing it, I hope that you will appreciate it and thank you by clicking on other social networks).

Well, you can also use it to improve and simplify blog navigation (I preferred the option without plugins, but you can use, for example,).

I also consider it mandatory to install and convenient to use on my blog a plugin that will allow your readers subscribe to new comments to certain articles. When a new comment appears on the blog, the user will receive a corresponding email.

What’s interesting is that once you create your own blog, you’ll immediately feel the joy of raking through tons of spam in comments. I advise you to use the method I have chosen to combat this ineradicable evil - the plugin.

As I mentioned just above, you need to configure it to work correctly immediately after creating a blog. It is clear that for this you will definitely have to use, but for fine-tuning RSS, the plugin may come in handy.

We can probably finish here regarding the main plugins. There are, of course, a number of nice additions, for example, the same plugin (code highlighting in articles), but if you don’t insert code into articles, then you won’t need it. You can further refine and diversify your blog comments by turning on the display and adding, for example, . By the way, I can “burn” mine. But just shh.

That’s it, now we can assume that from a technical point of view you have savvy your blog a little (just be sure to read about it, and also read about it, because this is important), but you still have to create a lot of articles for it and fill its pages with them. You can learn all the nuances of this difficult matter from the article about how, and most importantly, why, it should be used.

Optimization of an online diary, its promotion and promotion

Let's take another look at whether you have completed all the technical aspects of blog search engine optimization:

  1. Do you have ?
  2. Have you already set it up?
  3. Are you already convinced when accessing existing or non-existent pages on your blog?
  4. Have you checked the correctness of formation and absence in different Urls?
  5. Be sure to find out if search engines have chosen your blog correctly ()
  6. Have you added your online diary to and in order to promptly receive signals about problems that search engines have encountered with your resource and track the success of its promotion?
  7. ? After all, if there are a large number of them, search engines may consider your project abandoned and not worthy of taking high positions in the search.
  8. How are things going with you? Google frankly says that this factor is taken into account when .
  9. Are you implementing it? If your project is periodically unavailable for some time, search engines will take this very, very seriously. In general, in this case you will lose much more than you will save on cheap hosting.
  10. Do you know how? After all, the inability to type quickly (your personal technical shortcoming) will lead to difficulties in promotion, because unique content is typed manually, not by copy-paste. In general, believe that no decent typing speed There will be nothing for you to do in blogging.

Have you done everything? And can you even type quickly? Well, then it’s time to start writing the first materials in your diary. Let’s say that you don’t have a problem with what exactly to write about, but I think it’s fundamentally wrong to write articles just like that (counting only on your readers’ understanding of them). A website or blog for people should be flexible and condescending to the level of search engines (the author compared their intelligence to the IQ of a six-year-old child), so that your texts would be understandable by Google and Yandex, and not just by readers whose intelligence significantly exceeds the development of search engines.

But these same search engines can lead you by the hand very, very many new readers. Everything in this world is interconnected and ambiguous. Is the idea clear? Now let's talk briefly about how to follow this idea.

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will be useful to you (the author of the most popular blog on SEO in the bourgeoisie speaks):

How to make the most money from your blog

So, now all that remains is to talk about making money from your online diary. In the article about making money on the Internet, the link to which was given at the beginning of the publication, I listed the most popular ways to generate income from their network, but let's see what comes out of this best for blog.

Actually, while blog traffic is not high, I would not recommend thinking about monetization at all. Those “pennies” that you receive will only lead to frustration and “give up.” Believe that as you gain heights, your blog income will not grow straight, but rather exponentially, so be patient and just work. Yes, it’s a little difficult, but if you like blogging, then you can stand it, and if not, then you shouldn’t even try, because nothing will work out “under pressure.”

After “gaining heights”, namely, achieving stable traffic in the region of several hundred uniques per day, you can think about the main way to make money on a blog - installing a code Yandex advertising network(this is the reverse side of Yandex Direct) or code Google Adsense(reverse side).

Yes, with low traffic the income will not be large, but as the blog develops, the profit will grow and again, most likely, faster than in linear progression. I definitely advise you to read my article, because your income will depend on many different nuances that you may simply not notice or ignore at first.

And further. First things first, be sure to thoroughly understand the rules of context systems. There are a lot of things you can't do there. In the worst case, you may be “weaned off the trough”, and it will be difficult to find a worthy replacement for contextual advertising to make money on your blog. You will need to go deep into the topic, try different advertising networks, teasers, affiliate programs, etc. Therefore, “take care of your honor from a young age” and “don’t play pranks.”

How much will your blog earn on YAN or Adsense? Don't know. If the blog has a “profitable topic” (in which expensive clicks in Direct or Adwords) and high traffic, there will be sky-high income. But no, there is no trial. Over time, your income may further increase due to the fact that your blog will be specifically targeted by advertisers interested in your audience.

After you manage to create and promote your blog and increase more or less traffic, you can also earn money from , and if the topic allows, then from (be careful with the latter, because Yandex is against “shock advertising” and it should be filtered using teasers). I also don’t recommend using any pop-up windows or popunders; search engines can severely punish you for this.

In general, I don’t recommend going overboard with advertising. I understand that with a small blog visit, you want to get the most out of it, if only to prove to yourself that you are not working in vain. But there is no need to rush... An abundance of advertising in most cases will have exactly the opposite effect - you are guaranteed to kill your blog and kill all your efforts. You need everything in moderation, and the later you start active monetization, the less advertising you will need to run to satisfy your needs. Ideally, it is best to strangle the “toad” at first.

There is another option writing advertising reviews or announcements. In this case, the main condition for the advertiser is not to receive a backlink open for indexing, but to post a review of his service, service or something else on a visited blog with the audience he needs, who will be interested in this product.

Don't approve? You think that “it’s not worth selling.” Well... I’ll just say that in addition to money from advertising reviews, you can also get completely unexpected benefits. For example, when studying the link mass leading to my blog, I find a lot of links placed specifically for custom articles. These are the advertisers themselves, and those who liked these articles. Oddly enough, it all depends on the approach and how “soulfully” even “advertising” material is written. In general, it’s up to you whether to write for money or not. Personally, I accept both points of view.

Can earn money from affiliate programs, attracting referrals to them from the pages of your blog (here we talk about this in more detail, and about the terrible word). You can find a wagon and a small cart on the network for affiliate programs for different topics. Most of them are bullshit, but in every pile of manure there is a chance to find a pearl. I'm currently actively working with these:

  1. Bestchange is a popular online electronic currency exchanger that pays for the actions of attracted referrals.
  2. Vktarget- a service for making money on your accounts on social networks. Pays honestly.
  3. Rukapcha- another option for “earning money for everyone”, which can be used on blogs on topics related to earning money.
  4. WorkZilla- exchange
  5. GoGetLinks- a popular exchange of so-called “eternal links”. On a wide range of blogs, you can attract referrals to it.
  6. MiraLinks- another popular exchange, but in the field of “article promotion”
  7. RotaPost- a popular exchange of “eternal links from blogs”.
  8. Etxt- probably the best of the copywriting exchanges, at least in terms of income from referrals.
  9. MegaIndex is a popular online resource for website promotion.
  10. Popova's partner- video courses. It was better before, but still more or less so.
  11. Paid survey- an option to make money from surveys.
  12. Qcomment- comment exchange.

On some blogs that cannot be monetized in other ways, the main source of income can be selling links in the exchanges already mentioned above:

  1. GoGetLinks— read about the nuances of working with it.
  2. GetGoodLinks— description of the opportunity to sell links from pages with PR for a lot of money.
  3. RotaPost— a complete overview of the exchange’s capabilities.

You will need to add one paragraph of text to a new or old article on your blog with the link specified by the advertiser and that’s it, the money is already in your pocket. And so on until the articles in your diary run out. Exchanges and advertisers themselves, as a rule, will not allow you to sell more than one backlink from a post, which will not allow you to go beyond the bounds of decency.

This method is only relatively safe and you should not be afraid of sanctions from search engines only if you are not too arrogant. One of the secondary blogs, the monetization of which I am responsible for, ended up under Minusinsk (Tiz was reset and traffic from Yandex disappeared), but a month later it came out from under it and is still in operation. True, during the filter period, several dozen links were removed from the advertisements and, perhaps, this was the reason for removing the filter.

A slightly safer way to make money on a blog (or its paid promotion) is article exchanges:

  1. Miralinks, a detailed manual for which you will find.
  2. WebArtex is a relatively young but promising article exchange. For a detailed review of WebArtex, see.

There you don’t have to write anything yourself (not even a single paragraph). You will be provided with the entire article with a link to the advertiser’s website, and a prerequisite is that the texts be unique. Here is a way to get free unique content (albeit, burdened with links built into it), for which, by the way, you will also be paid a decent amount. In general, babble.

Yes, earned from your blog money will have to be withdrawn in the form of WebMoney (), which can be worked with in various ways through various keepers:, or through the less common one. True, to avoid this electronic money, it is better to work through it, tying all your transactions with web money to confirmations via a cell phone.

Well, or in RuNet, operations through are also common, but this does not change the essence. Then you will have to withdraw the money you earned from electronic signs into real life in one way or another. This is usually done either through exchangers, or through money transfer services, or through bank cards, or in some other way.

At first, I didn’t withdraw electronic money into real life - I spent it all on paying for various services. But after the blog began to gain momentum, most of my earnings were directly to a current account and I pay a six percent tax on them to my native state. In the same article, I described a method for withdrawing Webmoney by bank transfer through a guarantee agency.

In general, something like this. It seems like I haven't forgotten anything. Now, I think, for you to create your blog on a free engine, optimize it and start making money on it will not be a problem. Just remember that not everything will happen so quickly. Blogging takes an incredible amount of work and time - you need to live, breathe and enjoy it, otherwise you will definitely give up.

In the first year I was able to earn practically nothing, and only in the second year did I earn something somewhere and somehow little by little... In general, patience and more patience, and everything will be, in any case, this is what is needed hope and systematically move forward, even resting your forehead against the wall (what if it breaks).

Here we have not considered all the technical and organizational issues that a webmaster has to solve. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you watch the video from the Yandex webmaster, where they reveal very clearly the basics of launching a website and possible mistakes, which can ruin all your efforts:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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